Ohlde Cattle Company

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] huh industry we like we so please [Music] coming good afternoon welcome to the 31st annual oldie cattle company basic blacks bull and female auction sale we welcome to every one of you here today that came to us here on site at the ranch here in palmer kansas uh we also welcome everyone in on live auctions dot tv and as well in on superior uh we we really appreciate all of you for watching in all of you participating uh it's truly an honor for me uh to be here with all of you with uh tim and trudy and jake goldie here at oldie cattle company and at this time i'd like to introduce one of the great master breeders of angus cattle and our host today mr tim oldie i'm not sure about all that but anyway my wife is somewhere doing all the work i'm sure she's involved back here my son jake uh and i can't thank all the help around here barney clyde jose gillemere he helps a lot on the other lot anyway it's a group effort uh i love this thing i get a little more old but i still love it and i appreciate all the people probably more than the cattle it's just truly enjoyable sorry sorry this was a little warmer but it ain't but we'll make it work howard back there the detail man he clips and does all the paperwork so we're we're really proud to have him and when did you come here first when he said someday i'm going to be an auctioneer and i want to do your sale and he won the world championship at 17. i'm honored to have him here is anything anyway you know why we're here uh we try to keep doing the same whole thing it gets boring maybe but we breed these cattle for one reason that's efficiency a little less input uh some one of the guys probably buys more bulls ever over the years he says i don't want to pull cats i don't want to nurse big teats and i don't want to run a feed truck and that's what we try to do in all of them i'm not a nut man on numbers as you can tell but i'm a nut man on efficiency and good udders and good feet and i think our cattle betray that so anyway the cattle have all been semen checked if anybody has any issues down the road we do stand behind our cattle the females jake and they were involved and picked the best heifers off the group and if you don't believe it come look at the ones we're keeping you got to sell the great ones to spread the word and those heifer calves are fabulous and i think you'll agree so and the bulls if you can find the best one you're smarter than me i can tell you the best 20 and after that i don't think that's probably makes a lot of difference they're going to breed the same if they're an inch or two taller or wider they're not going to vary they're they're pretty consistent so without much more let's go you get your man all right all right thank you tim moldy uh always a pleasure uh uh to hear the hear the words of tim oldie for sure uh ladies and gentlemen terms today uh please look in your book and uh take uh accordance over the trucking uh details the health details the vet will be in hand here uh the terms today we will sell cattle under the terms and conditions recommended by the american angus association uh the uh oldie cattle company is going to retain a third interest in all the bulls except for the bulls that you see in there indicated otherwise i think we're going to keep half interest in 10 11 12 47 and 53 and 54 if i'm not mistaken but take take note of that in your catalog uh insurance is available uh through sheila jensen and you'll talk to the folks there at the settlement table and they'll give you sheila's information i'm not sure if he's she's here with us but uh we'll take care of your insurance needs through sheila uh ringmen today uh gentlemen around ringside please welcome jeff mafi with the angus journal stephen russell kansas livestock association chris butler with the midwest marketer guy peverly with the stock exchange thanks to all of you guys for being here ladies and gentlemen we encourage you to bid enthusiastically today turn your bids into these gentlemen those of you watching in on live auctions d uh tv uh you're gonna be dealing uh right here uh just turn turn your bids in online as well uh these guys are gonna be here on superior so turn your bids in either calling in or click to bid we appreciate all of you being here as well ladies and gentlemen you have once again found yourself at the world-renowned preeminent seed stockholm of maternally efficient sound functional cattle that are naturally heavy naturally heavily heavy muscle they're thick and easy flushing they're good uttered they're good footed and they these folks work every day the cattle work every day to increase your profit with less inputs so i think it is without a doubt that this offering uh that to my knowledge and yes i've been coming here since 1992 to these sales this is the first time that i am honored to sit behind this microphone so it is truly an honor uh this uh set of cattle here i think is without a doubt the deepest from top to bottom uh they are the thickest most consistent most uniform set of cattle that we've seen here so it is truly an honor ladies and gentlemen i think without further ado we're ready to go uh we're going to start right off here with your uh it's going right down your sail order that you have uh that they put together for you here's lot number two that is going to be the first lot up here is the atlas sun back to unanimous here's a birth weight bull uh with an easy flesh and bull and a lot of longevity here's one outstanding lead-off bull here tim i think some people wouldn't know why he started but i tell you the atlas was a high selling bull here unfortunately floated down the missouri river with the guy that bought him one day and he's lost and there's no semen but that bull has done a great job you notice atlas's numbers are like a minus one plus seventy i'm not at numbers but that bull has spread growth and yet they're very modern beautiful other daughters you know his mother's a two-year-old so i think that's a bullet can do everything here's one to do it all for you take a look here 9. to tell me on the lot number two i gotta definitely get you here now about fifty thousand dollars to here nine dollars fifty thousand dollar will give five thousand dollars here now tan and ten thousand dollars here now fifteen thousand dollar twenty here to definitely here now twenty and twenty thousand now five and twenty five thirty here to definitely get here now thirty thousand dollars here now thirty no thirteen it doesn't get here now thirty five and thirty five thousand dollars now and 32 500. 32.85 if i were to lead off bull now and 30 000. here now 32 thousand 500.000 30 000 gets him by her number is 279 thank you and here's a lot number 10 take a look here's the emblazon back to the line bread and back to rainmaker on the bottom side take a look here retaining half interest in lot number ten uh kevin ease bull again i doubted it don't forget to hear now down to five thousand dollars get here now 10. here fifteen thousand dollars get here now seventeen five and seventeen thousand five hundred dollars here now fifteen thousand dollars here now seventeen five and seventeen thousand five hundred dollars to seventy dollars to give sixteen thousand and fifteen sixteen thousand dollars here not taking that's against sixteen so do you fifteen thousand fifteen thousand do you have him right here on the front row i'm sorry i put him in right here at 15. nope i got 10 right here give 12 5. then 10 12 5. then 10 000. don't forget to hear now 12 5. and 10. here now 125. now 15. nope you're out 15. now you got to be 13 15. they have the fiend out of the definite here now 13 15. here now get 14 you wanna do that thirteen fifteen sixteen down sixteen that i had to definitely get it here now. don't forget to sixteen thousand dollars here tonight sold him to you fifteen thousand fifteen thousand chad's got him on 793 thank you superior and here is lot 47. oh my here's a lot number 47. whoop take a look here turn in lot number 47. ah the great uh legacy son back we normally don't sell these fall bulls but this was calf out of this this unbelievable cow she was a mother of the bull that brought 115 000 and he's done everything to it all yes the guy that bought him he said it was the cheapest bull he ever bought anyway we're keeping half of him we put him in as a feature because he's a fall he ran with his mother when he's being flushed he was never fed hard so he's not as mature but there's as much potential in his bulls that he bowling sail you bet here's the legacy paxton oh my ah birth weight bullet 70 pounds weaning and yearling ratios bone take a look i thought of that don't forget to hear not out of the definition of five thousand now ten and ten thirteen dollars here now twenty and 20 to definitely five and twenty five thirty ah thirty thousand down at a definite here now five and thirty five thousand dollars to definitely here now thirty two five and thirty two thousand five hundred dollar definitely here now five and thirty five seven five dotted that definitely here 940 and forty two five dotted at w two forty two five dotted now and 42 thousand five hundred dollars forty two thousand dollars i'm over here in the ring now forty two five we're out on superior forty two five down at a deputy here now forty two five sold to you forty thousand forty thousand bought a good good bull 279 again thank you and here is lot 12. here's lot 12. turn back in here oh you're gonna like this zodiac first zodiac 655z of the day oh my cabin is both here you bet you retaining half interest on lot number 12. here's a great great bull yearling 120 fleshing ability here take a look all right don't forget to hear now get your hair done don't have your graphics now twenty seven five and twenty five thousand dollars you wanna be 27 five in the back twenty six thousand help you and twenty six thousand dollars a hand died sodium twenty five thousand twenty five thousand that number on superior is 767 on superior thank you and turn in here's lot number 11. right another zodiac brother here oh my another featured lot retaining half interest look here out of the echelon damn i doubt it don't forget to hear now.5 and 10 and 10 and 15 000. here now.we want to be 13. here 13 and 125.13. sold to you 12 fives now 14. he bit it before i said it yeah you got to be 14. you're both out 14 13 14 thirteen fourteen then fourteen dot over that definitely here now fifteen and fifteen thousand dollars don't get here now that it never getting now fifteen thousand superior out then fifteen thousand dollars here now down to the definitive sixteen then sixteen thousand dollars don't forget to hear now ticket now sixteen thousand dollars 15 000 on superior 793 793 thank you and here's lot 21. here's one that had a lot of friends now the great lot number 21 in my my zodiac again paxton back to the missing link all right here ah hey he is a full brother to the great dakota bull i gotta definitely hear 9.5 and now 700 a.m now 7 500. don't get to five thousand dollars about 10. and ten thousand dollars to here now 10. here now 11. then 11. here not 11. automatically here now eleven thousand dollars now twelve then twelve thousand dollar dedicated thirteen then thirteen thousand now 13 000 now 14 10 14 15 000. enough 15. you're out again then 15 15. 16 000. now 17 and 19. 19. 19. yes sir now 19 000 and die so dear 17 000 guys 17 000. 252. thank you and here's lot number four here's lot number four i mean looky here how about a focus son look here another featured lot here focus moderator eureka how do you like the weaning ratio on this good bull i gotta definitely get here now here now down at five down 75 now town then ten thousand dollars get here twelve five and two thousand five now fifteen thousand dollars here now that it yes sir twelve five thirteen and thirteen thousand dollars sold him to you 12-5 12-5 220 is a buyer 220 thank you here's lot 50. here's lot 50. he's a rear-end son back to durable primrose on the bottom side take a look at the ratios take a look at the flushing ability here's a little lot number 50 oh my and 575.00. here now 7 500. out of the definite here now five dancing 500. here not 75 75 7500. here now 10 now 10 and 10 000. 11. now 10 11. you're going to be eight thousand dollars here now 75 8 000. i got your 75 8 000 you're out steven eight thousand out of the way here now sunny by eight thousand dollars over the weekend here now 75 on american eight thousand dollars definitely pair now baby date now a thousand dollars y'all through here now.now nine now he's out guy now nine thousand eight thousand now nine he had him a little while eight thousand now nine thousand better than definitely here tonight so dear eight thousand eight thousand gets he uh chris who do you have oh there he is sorry steven 206. thank you all right good 25 and here comes lot 25 he's another zodiac hey how about zodiac top and bottom back to that great eureka grand am look at the ratios look at the flushing ability wow i gotta definitely hear now dotted over here definitely here now five and seventy five now town and ten thousand dollars here twelve five then twelve thousand five hundred dollars here now twelve five and a five hundred deficit here now eleven eleven thousand dollars now ten entertainment at ten now eleven twelve that'll definitely hear now twelve then twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen down at a deputy here now fifteen then fifteen dollars here now down to the definitely to fifteen thousand then fourteen fifteen thousand dollars now sixteen thousand dollars here now data chris you didn't make it i've got 17 here you only be 19 17 18 19. now you're out 20. uh 20 000. that it doesn't get here now 20. i did it here now 20. did you get 20 now 20 hit the defeat here now 20. sold to you 19 000 19 000. 793 chad i don't have your graphics up here here's 23. uh 23 is a faux paxton here's 23 of paxton back to that 816 damn and back to the grade 6 12 h take a look ratios ah huge flushing ability my my take a look a gold medal bull ah don't forget to hear now five seventy five hundred dollars don't get here now daddy definitely get there now definitely here now 75. then 7500. here now ten thousand dollars here now i'm 10 11. here now 11. and eleven thousand dollars here now nine dollars you'll be ten chris you're out i got nine now ten and nine your way stephen now ten dollars 224 good job thank you here's lot 28. here's lot number 28 here he's a big time take a look featured a lot here ah back to the dixie eric cacao family big time bull here kevin ease bull big yearling ah easy flushing bull i gotta definitely you found this lot 28 now i didn't definitely five seventy five hundred dollars here now ten thousand dollars don't forget to hear not ten into ten now eleven out of ten definitely here now today you wanna be ten now eleven now 12 and 13 15. here now 17. here. here do you want to be 16. then 15 16. definitely here not that it doesn't get a pair now 15 16 thousand dollars 16 000. if i got superior 15 you got to be 16 thousand and done here now stephen i'm gonna let you have an end here you gotta be 13 000. i got 12 5 online you got to be 13 14 superior you're out then 14. then 13 nope you're out again all right definitely get here now 14 i didn't like to get here now thirteen fourteen dotted definitely here enough fourteen thousand and died so do you 13 000 guy gets him on 252. thank you and here's lot number nine here's a lot number nine sneaky isn't he here's lot number nine the headliner oh my jet stream on the bottom side i mean here's one long-bodied big hip rascal here take a look i gotta cabinets big waning identity here 9.5 75. then 7 500. 8 000. here now bait 8009.11.11 000.13 and 13 13. fifteen thousand didn't die so dear fourteen thousand way weighing it back 14 000. two zero threes the buyer number turned a lot 52. turn to the great lot number 52 you talk about a standout bull you talk about one that's easy to see in the pen here's a double take that's exactly what you do he's out of your st out of your stout eureka dam on the bottom side i think anybody that studied the bulls will say these angus twos was as good as there is and we bred them to be that way they are good and this is the best set angus two bulls if you want females with utters flashing longevity we got some good old cows still 16 18 with those cattle don't take a lot of cross but it makes them good this little pounder and he's good big thick wide-based rascal here i'll tell you what take a look all right definitely here now 575 100. now 7500.0050 and twelve thousand better than we get here now twelve and two thousand dollars we could hear now twelve out of twelve that definitely get here about eleven thousand better to definitely hear now twelve here's the one you're kind of missing i think twelve thousands all and eleven thousand that it doesn't get here now twelve thousand dollar dollar donated here tonight so the eleven thousand eleven thousand two thirty seven stephen thank you 237 here's a lot 54. here's lot 54. he's a do it all back to paxton take a look half interest bull here i gotta definitely get to 575. instead of any 500.00 here now 7 500 over there don't get here now eight thousand dollars here now bait eight thousand dollar damn again here now down to the definite hair nine thousand dollars nine and nine thousand dollars nine thousand dollars get a hands up let's go and nine thousand dollar dollar number the w buddy definitely now nine thousand to dollars eight thousand dollars here now nine and a nine out of nine now ten then ten thousand dollars here now ten i tended to ten to ten doubted it down here and i sold him nine thousand nine thousand and put him on buyer two sixteen two sixteen here comes fifty three and he's a deal maker ah back to the prestige dam a featured lot here the great deal maker uh retaining half interest and i mean one easy flushing rascal here i gotta definitely get here now five seventy five bench any five hundred dollars 8 500 don't you 85 now nine now 95 now 95. and 9 500. don't forget 9 500. don't forget here now 9 500. definitely here now 9 500 and die soldier 9 000 9 000. 252 thank you 252. and here's 62. and i mean if you didn't find lot 62 i don't know what you were looking at here is one tank of a bull he's an anvil son uh back to the 439 y cow mitchell on the bottom side a low maintenance mama cow here one easy flesh and brick made kind of a bull right here i gotta definitely get here now five then send me 500.000 not 12 000 and 12 000. out of the definition here now 12 in the total definite here now 12 000 and i sold him to you 11 000 11 000. 7.57 chad thank you and here's 51. here's lot number 51. right here here's a good zodiac back to that homer damn another featured a lot i mean here's one going to change some mama cows won't it chris how right here i got it over there definitely here no daddy definitely here not five then 7 500. that definitely here now dotted eight thousand dollars here now bait eight thousand dollars for being dead at a difficulty here not that it doesn't get fourteen thousand online all right dedicated thirteen fourteen superior out then fourteen thousand dollars to definitely here now that it will get to thirteen thousand out of the dedicated fourteen so to your thirteen thousand thirteen thousand way back yeah turn to 66. turn to 66. in right here yeah here's a good year exact bull and take a look at the weaning figures here the yearling figures here one stout lot 66 here high performing bull take a look high five 75. then 7 500. here and here's 71. here's lot number 71 he's a deal maker back to the great miss 134t cow here's one you don't want to miss here kevin east bull and big wayne and yearling numbers easy flesh and bull ah definitely get here not that it is 8 000 now nine thousand now ten and ten thousand down to the definitely here nine ten at a ten eleven thousand dollars now 10 he's a deal maker now and ten thousand that had a difficulty here and i attended attended a ten thousand dollar to definite 11. so do you ten thousand ten thousand two twenty nine guy 229 here's a lot 80. 305. here's lot 80. he's a great dakota son here and back to the paxton dam take a look here's lot number 80 featured live i gotta definitely get here do you 9 000 9 000. 7.62 thank you and bring in a lot number 75 bring in a lot 75 he's an anvil son back to paxton uh look at the figures here i gotta definitely get here now five seventy five instead of five hundred edited here now that it'll never get here now six thousand and six thousand dollars here now taking now six thousand dollar dividend here now five thousand dollars here to six thousands all and six thousand dollars here now taking down six thousand dollars anybody hit it don't get here now seven i don't know here now four five and five down at a different here in the five thousand dollars by six thousand dollars here now seven dollars here now seven then seven thousand dollars here now seven to seven here no sixty five hundred dollar dedicated here now five and sixty five hundred dollar dividend here now five dollar dividend seven thousand dollars definitely now seven then seven thousand dollars here now seven to seven thousand dollar dollar dedicated here night soldier 6500 6500 on superior 749 thank you and here's a lot 81 here's lot number 81 all right to see brown back to zodiac take a look kevin ease bull whoop here don't get here now five six thousand dollar seven dollars seven and six thousand dollars here not seven dollars over there don't get here now take it out seven dollars don't get here now sixty five now seven now seventy five and seventy five hundred dollar dividend here not that it doesn't get here now seventy five eight thousand dollars eight 85.85 now 9.89 nine thousand better than we get here nine ninety five hundred dollars ninety five ninety five hundred dollars here ninety five hundred dollars ninety five ninety five ninety five what you gonna do now and ninety five hundred edited here now ninety five hundred and dice sold him nine thousand nine thousand seven thirty one gets him seven thirty one here's lot seventy four here's lot seventy four he's an anvil paxton i didn't definitely get here now dotted five three four and four thousand dollars here now three down over the weekend here now four five and the thousand six thousand dollars here now taking up fifty five i definitely never get a seven i don't know here now seven seventy five hundred dollars here now 75 85 85 85 85 85 now nine data definitely here now nine and ninety five hundred edited here nine ninety five ninety five dollar ten dollar deficit ten thousand ten thousand on the front row guy two zero five that's a nice job buying a good bull right there here's a lot number 30. you're turning your book to lot number 30. and here's a paxton eureka oh my kevin ease bull here in the big yearling wait i did it i'd definitely hear now that i don't get it on him all right definitely here now three four and four thousand dollars here now three four five down at that divided here now five thousand dollars six thousand dollars seven dollar eight thousand dollars here now nine and nine nine to nine ten dollars here you found a good bull go ahead and buy him 12 and 12 000. that at a definite hearing now 12 into 12.11.5 so and eleven thousand five hundred edited a dividend here not five now twelve thousand edited here now twelve and two thousand five hundred dollars here now five out of five definitely here and i sold you at 12 000. 247 good job partner good job uh here's lot 33. hey how about the great legacy sun how about the legacy sun oh my three four and four thousand. here now three thousand dollars four five better that didn't get here now six seven dollars here now bait eight thousand dollars eight thousand 9 500 to help you and 9 500. don't get here now 95 95 95 9 500. here nine thousand dollar five soldier 9 000 online 7 25 on superior thank you and here's lot 37. here's lot 37 he's a blueprint here's the first blueprint of the day ball feast your eyes on lot number 37 one good bull all right don't get it here now i got it at a three four i gotta definitely get here now wide based rascal here on a lot thirty seven three four then four thousand dollar definitely here here here here nine five five four nine eight don't get here now five thousand dollars six thousand dollars seven eight thousand dollars give 7 500 you don't do that and 7 500 over there definitely get here now that it doesn't get here and i don't know guys you guys in the same spot i'm right here at 7 000 right in the middle you want to be 7 500 and uh steven your man's out now 7 500. that didn't here now 75 now 8 000. 8 thousands all 8 000. over there 8 000. here now beat this will be a 7 500 70 500 uh superior gets him 761 chad thank you here's 32. here's lot number 32. oh my another blueprint i got lots of stars by this bull i mean one deep sound uh good good bull here here's the top shelf bull right here tim moldy i gotta definitely get here now five six thousand and six thousand dollars don't forget here now seven dollars over that definite eight thousand dollars eighty day nine down at a definite here now nine now nine now nine now ten and ten thousand dollars obtain it at a ten give ninety five hundred dollars in ninety five and he's a good bull and ninety five hundred dollars now ten thousand dollars now you're both out all right a deficit here not tainted attended a ten thousand dollar five and ten thousand five hundred dollar dividend here now ten out of ten five now eleven thousand dollars here now eleven and eleven thousand dollars here now way in the back eleven five dedicated to definitely here now eleven five and eleven thousand five hundred dollar dividend here not eleven out of five now twelve dollars definitely now twelve and twelve thousand dollar keep on coming now twelve five and twelve thousand five hundred edited difficulty here now five you found a good bull buy that bull and twelve five and twelve thousand five hundred edited here tonight so to you twelve thousand twelve thousand two sixty seven thank you here's 42. here's a lot number 42. and take a look another blueprint another blueprint zodiac paxton on the bottom side three four and four thousand dollars now five and 500.607. now 75 hundred eight thousand dollars here now five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five eighty five eighty five you're out on superior now eighty five eighty five hundred dollars 85 8 500. ww8 thousand eight thousand two six six and here's 15. whoa up here's lot number 15 take a look here and take a look take a look the great legacy sun here and back to an emblazoned dam i mean one slick heighted fescue bull right here i gotta definitely get it here now down at three four and four thousand dollars don't get here now five they have a thousand dollars five thousand edited we get here now twelve and twelve dotted a divided here now thirteen dotted definite here now thirteen only twelve five and twelve thousand five hundred edited here now twelve five better the difficulty here twelve five this will be at twelve thousand on superior seven nine three get seen seven ninety three here's 41. here's a lot number 41. and here's a zodiac back to the echelon bone take a look take a look big ratio bull here big dollar energy bull oh my i did that definitely here now.534 and 3 000. you're here now three thousand dollar dollar definitely here nine dollar four dollars five and a thousand six thousand dollars here now take it out take it at five dollars here now you want to be 7 500. nobody's out hope you got to be 7 500. all right definitely here now 7 500 and die so do you 7 000 7 000 on 3 11. thank you and here's lot 40. here's live 40. here's the wholesome bull first wholesome of the day and out of a work of art jet stream damn oh my look at that weaning ratio would you 125 on his weaning weight ratio all right easy fleshing bull here i gotta definitely get you here now that it doesn't get here now three four and four thousand dollars here now three times four down at a difficulty here now three thousand dollars here now thirty five hundred edited four thousand dollars definitely now forty five and 4 500. out of 5 000. again here now 55. here 9.5 6 000 and 6500. that didn't get you here now dotted here now 7.00 over the definite here now seven and seven thousand dollars here now seven to seven down at a definite here now now 75 snuck in on you now 75 75 75 soldiers 7 000. he did sneak in on him too didn't he two three four two thirty four thank you steven 29 is your bull 29 is your bull take a look um yes sir he's the zodiac back to you sleep in the dixie area 73-13 grand dam take a look double bread to zodiac's damn now double bread to zodiac's damn oh my i got it over there here not thick easy flesh and bull here now i'd have to definitely get a three four and four times five by five thousand dollar six thousand down at a definite here now take a nap ticket six thousand seven down the definite eight thousand dollars eight thousand seventy five and seventy five hundred dollars seven thousand dollar dollar definite now eight thousand dollars 85 9 500. 2 28 2 28's the buyer here's 27. right above him he's a dakota missing link and i mean one good rascal here and easy flesh and bull take a look long thick uh dakota sun all right that'll definitely get here 9.34 and four thousand dollar five and five thousand dollars here now six thousand dollars don't get here not taking that ticket fifty five hundred dollars here enough fifty five hundred dollars here enough eighty five fifty five six thousand dollars don't get here now take it down six thousand dollars don't forget five and sixty five hundred dollars don't forget to hear now 5.7. definitely here now seven then 7500.000 descending by going do it now 7 500 soldier 7 000 7 000 guy 241 241 and here's lot 17. here's lot 17 oh my and take a look he's a moderator and a focus paxton pollyanna 944 h cow on that bottom side i mean foundational deep soggy bull here i gotta definitely hear not that i don't pay attention now six thousand that at a definite here now 55 500. definitely here now 55.85 pay attention to a good bull now then 5 500. you won't be two and a half i'll do that fifty two and a half and two dotted but you hit it definitely here not five then 500.7 not everybody hit it don't get here 957 out of 50. the m57 not even seven thousand then seven down two and a half two dotted but you hit it down you get here now two dotted but you hit it don't forget seventy two yes sir i got chris in two and a half and seventy two double but he hit it doesn't get here not too not everybody hit it don't forget now five and seven five seventy five seventy five seventy five seventy five hundred dollars you can't do it seventy five hundred didn't die this will be a seventy two fifty jeff two sixty five thank you you changed your hat on me didn't you here's lot number eight here's lot number eight take a look here he's the zodiac back to echelon and eureka my oh my foundational bull here easy flesh and rascal and kavanese [Music] six thousand now seven out of ten here at eight thousand dollars don't get here now bait and send me five hundred edited definitely here and i've gotta definitely here now two and a half and seventy two fifty hit it doesn't get here now two fifty hit it doesn't get anybody hit it don't forget this any two down to three hit it didn't get here now two and a half so to you seven thousand seven thousand four thousand two thirty good job two thirty here's lot 18. here is lot 18 the gravity bull he's a zodiac jet stream i'll take a look here hey double bread to that 968 g cow on the bottom side now one long thick made rascal here a lot 18. all right that'd never get three four and four down five and five now six thousand dollars don't get here now seven dollars over there definitely get here now 65 7. don't get here now seven then seven thousand dollars now five n75 hundred dollar difficulty here now city vibes at 85 75 8 000. you guys in the same spot eight thousand eight thousand eighty five now you're both out eighty five hundred two and a half eighty five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five eighty five eighty five eighty five eighty five hundred dollars eighty seven out of fifty now eighty seven hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here now seven out of now nine thousand dollars again tonight nine thousand dollars don't get here now that night at a two and a half hi daddy definitely here now two dollars ninety two hundred and fifty hit it down here now two hundred and five dollars in ninety five and ninety five hundred dollars here now five dollar dollar definitely nine five seven half here now that it and keep on coming now 9 700. if you hit it with a key you found a good bull now ten thousand and ten thousand on a meter divided here now ten and a ten out of ten keep on coming now ten superior now two and a half and two that'll be hit it doesn't get here or not so do you ten thousand ten thousand gets him seven eight zero seven eight zero here's lot number ninety here's lot number ninety oh horse of a different color he says exactly right bone take a look take a look i'll tell you what here's lot number 90 our lead off red gene bull here he is the red bull you bet you by the julian 84 s bull back uh to the easy red dam hey kavanese bull here on red number 90. oh i didn't definitely hear now nine 99.99 better than the dividend now ten thousand dollars to delegate eleven and eleven thousand dollars here now twelve and two thousand dollars here now twelve and twelve for the defeat here now twelve thousand dollars here now that it is eleven five and eleven thousand five hundred dollars here now five and five that'll be that definite eleven thousand five hundred and type this will be 11 000 11 000. 242 gets him 242. yeah bring in 86 the red bull also keep that horse in the same color this time here's the great lot number 86 kind of bred the same way by that 84 s bull and back to a great zodiac dam uh kavanese bull one unique kind of a pedigree right here i doubted that definitely not that it doesn't get here now five six thousand dollars here nine tickets six thousand dollars here now five and six thousand dollars here now five and six thousand dollars over the weekend here now five and six thousand three four and four thousand dollars here now four and four thousand dollars over the weekend here now three now four dotted over to w darren high five and the thousand dollar dividend here not five out of five or to definitely get here now right along here now. here now six thousand dollars here now six three and six thousand fifty five m5 500. that didn't get here now 500. only two and a half and fifty two dollar but you hit it definitely here now two dollar but you hit it never get your hands up now two and a half here now 5200 amp so do you five thousand five thousand on buyer number three 11 311. hey turn in your book a lot number one turn in your book to lot number one here's uh no problems back to zodiac and a negative birth weight bull here take a look all right definitely here now three four a lot number one i did it definitely here now three and four thousand dollars here now three now four dollar five dedicated six thousand dollar definite here now seven dollars over there eight thousand dollars eight thousand dollars to give seventy five now eight thousand dollars right now eight thousand eighty five eighty five hundred dollars here now nine down at a definite nine ninety nine nine nine nine nine down at the definitely here now you all be eight thousand now nine now nine thousand only eighty five in the ring i got eight thousand online eighty five now nine now nine thousand dollars definitely here now no nine nine five here now 95. 9 500. here now 95 95 95 9 500. two and a half and ninety two hundred and four hit it then we get here now ninety two hundred and fifty sixty and nine thousand on superior seven nine three seven nine three and here's lot three here's lot three here's the alpha back to a great plains damn oh my three four and four thousand dollars that we did here now three dotted over the definitely here now they finally four dotted with five thousand dollars six thousand dollars seven and seven thousand that would get a 65 now seven now five and seventy five hundred dollars here now seventy five and seventy five hundred dollars eight thousand dollars eighty eighty eight now eight thousand dollars eight thousand dollar dollar definitely here now that we get a 75 eight thousand dollars to dedicate to him die 7 500 chris two one nine two one nine and here's a lot seven he's an excellent and back to the zodiac dam big dollar energy take a look at this pedigree now all right definitely here it goes back to 10 19 eight different times now here's one good bull all right daddy that's definitely here now three four and four dotted over to definitely get here now three and three four dotted definitely here now four thousand dollar dollar definitely here now five thousand dollars 6 now 8 000 8 000. give 77.58 two and a half eighty two down everybody hit the difficulty here now two dotted but you hit five dotted with eighty five eighty five eighty five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five eighty five hundred dollars to dedicate here now two and a half here now eighty five hundred edited eighty five and die salty eighty two hundred and fifty 82.50 gets him on 703. good job 703. here's lot six and here's the definition son take a look take a look whoop here back to the wholesome grand dam my my big win and good bull i got a lot of good cows in this pedigree now all right definitely get here three four all right daddy don't get here now three thousand dollars definitely here now four thousand dollar dollar dedicated here now three now three now four dollars over that dedicated here now five damn 3000.45 500. that definitely here 9. now 42 and a half and five now 45. uh 4500. here 945 and 4500. that seven dollars you hit it definitely here now that it doesn't get a five thousand now two and a half two double but you hit it definitely here now two and a half damn now five down the double get a seven-half and out of the definitive 57 out of 86 thousand dollars now six thousand and six thousand dollars now superior out and two and a half and two that i better hit it definitely here now sixty two and a half two dollars if you hit the difficulty here now two double feet this will be a six thousand six thousand seven forty seven just like a big plane here's 24. here's 24. take a look here's another definition back to the work of our jet stream look here big long rascal here all right.we got three four and three thousand dollars here now thirty five and thirty five hundred dollars here now thirty five thirty five dollars to four thousand dollars better than we get here now five and five thousand dollars you're gonna be 47 a half now five now two and a half and fifty five dotted i definitely get it here now fifty five eighty five fifty five hundred dollars fifty two and a half five seven i am then seven six thousand out of the definitely here now six thousands all and six thousand out of the divided here now take it now six down two and i have two dot out of eighty five and five down at the wbd both out in front of you now and 6 500. that's right here he's out in the second row now five seven and a half and sixty seven not everybody hit a difficulty to hear another seven seven thousand and seven thousand dollar two and a half two out of every hit of difficulty here now two and a half and seventy two dotted but you hit it then we get to here nine two don't forget to hit the divi to five down at the division here and i'll send anybody and sydney finds anybody's at anybody7 500. you gonna do it now 75 nope you're out you gotta be 7 500 and die sold you 70 250. 793 gets him 793 thank you here is lot 26. here's lot number 26 he's a blueprint uh back to the great plains damn now birth weight bow with a big yearling weight i doubted that definitely here now that i definitely get here now 3 four and thirty five hundred dollars definitely here now thirty five thirty five.4 thousand dollar not five that at the deputy here now forty five five thousand dollar deficit now fifty five and fifty five fifty five eighty by seven now six thousand dollar now five and seven thousand dollars here now seven to seven dollar five dollar dividend here now 75 85 85 8509.90 here now tonight 8 500. that don't forget to nine thousand dollars don't get here now 8700. but if you hit it down to 8700 you don't do that 8700 am 50 hitting nine thousand dollars don't get it here now nine nine thousand dollars two and a half pound two daddy buddy hit it definitely here 92 down everybody hit it definitely here now two and a half ninety two hundred dm but he hit it didn't get here now two down to fifty five dollars for getting ninety five and ninety five keep on coming down ninety five hundred dollars here now twelve thousand dollar now five and twelve five and twelve five dotted over the definite here now twelve into twelve and five dotted out thirteen dotted at five and thirteen five that had a difficulty here now thirteen thousand dollars here now five and thirteen five fourteen now five i'm fourteen five that had a difficulty here now fourteen five and fourteen thousand dollars to five out of five foreign fifteen five and now sixteen out of ten here now sixteen and fifteen five data division here now taking out sixteen thousand data to the divider here nine dot today you found a good bull now and fifteen thousand dollars now you only be fifteen five steven you're out now i got him online at fifteen thousand you gotta be fifteen five and fifteen five get it over to definitely here now fifteen five this will be fifteen thousand fifteen thousand yes you did now you got to be 15 5. now you got to be 16. now 16 5. now 16 5. now 16 5. my screen was flashing before i pulled the trigger and i just couldn't shut it down i'm sorry now you got to be 16 five now seventeen thousand keep on coming seventeen thousand you're doing a good job now seventeen now seventeen thousand on america definitely here not edited definitely here now seven to seventeen down to definitely here now just a little bit quicker saul now seventeen thousand dollar dollar meredith thank you both good race on superior 797 thank you go on to canada thank you and here's lot number 34. here's a lot number 34. ah take a look at the deliverance bull back to alpha whoop look at kavanese deluxe uh double digit calvinis now 68 pounds of birth and an easy flesh and bull and three four honda definitely five and five thousand six thousand that are seven out of ten eight thousand dollars here now 88 now eight thousand dollars we get here now 75 then 7 500. the difficulty here not that it definitely here now two and a half then sending two hundred and fifty he had to defeat down five did it they get seven half here now eight thousand dollars here now bait now two and a half five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five eighty five eighty five eighty five seven and a half here now down at the w to eighty seven hundred damn if you hit it definitely here and i have eighty seven hundred and fifty eight eighty five seven half here now dotted to definitely here knife so dear eighty five hundred eighty five hundred three two one nine two and here's 39. here's lot number 39. here's a night watch here's a night watch back to the uh take a look at the bottom side jet stream headliner oh up here ah tell me huge ribeye on this good lot 39 bull now big ratio bowl i gotta definitely get here now three four five out of five and five thousand dollars six down seven out of ten eight thousand now the eight to eight thousand dollars eight thousand seventy five eight thousand now five now nine now nine five and nine five ten and ten thousand that at a difficulty here now ten and ten thousand dollars don't get here not ten and a ten to ten now five dotted divided here now ten five and ten thousand five hundred dollars here nineteen at a ten five dollar dividend here now two and a half help you and tan two and i had two dad everybody hit it definitely here now ten thousand two hundred and fifty so do you ten thousand ten thousand seven nine three seven nine three here's 38 he's a blueprint eureka paxton uh with a double digit ced moderate heavy muscle dv easy flushing bull here lot number 38 on three four i don't know definitely here now. here now three now four dotted over to definitely get here now five thousand dollars here nine five six thousand dollars don't forget here now take it up at the 7. don't get here now five and 75 75 75 75 8 000. here number eight now five eighty five hundred dollars to definitely give two and a half eighty two hundred and five eighty five eighty five eighty seven and a half here now nine now nine thousand dollars nine dollars here now 8700 thank you doing a great job there on 206. here's uh lot number 16. here's lot number 16. uh he's a legacy take a look i didn't get a calvinist bull nice pattern smooth made all right definite three four five definitely here now 3.5 and 3 500. here now 35 4.85 and five thousand six thousand seven dotted with eight thousand eight thousand dollars seventy five hundred dollars dedicated here now 75 75 two and a half in two data but hit it definitely now five and seventy five hundred dollars here now 75 75 7 500. definitely here now 7 500 eighty two and a half here now five hundred dollars here and i sold him to you seventy two hundred and fifty two one nine two one nine here's 61. here's lot number 61. and turn back in if you find lot number 60 he's real close here's 61. here he's a dakota sun out of a rear end uh paxton anchor all in there now i gotta get that don't get here 9.34 i get it definitely here now 35 3500. here 954. definitely here now four down five data to definitely now five and five thousand dollar now 5 500. that definitely 55 two and a half then fifty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here now two dollar buddy hit it right in the middle now five fifty five dollar dividend now that about three back steven now 55 seven has seven dollar but you hit the device here now six thousand and six thousand dollars definitely get here now two and a half pound edited definitely here now sixty two and a half here now five and sixty five hundred dollars here now five now seven i have here now that it never gets sixty seven a half and seven dollar buddy hit it didn't get here now 60 700 am but if you don't do it here now 7.50 this will be a 6500 bought a good bull on 221 here is lot 56. here's lot 56. uh featured lot here by deacon back to the zodiac dam oh my i got a big ratio bowl three four all right at a definite here now three thousand now five and five thousand six thousand dollars definitely get here now 5 500. now six thousand dollars here now six thousand then six thousand dollars here now taking that six thousand dollars here now five and sixty five hundred dollar seven dollar dividend here now seventy five hundred dollars eight thousand dollars eighty five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five eighty five dollars you get eight thousand over here now five i got 75 right here you gotta be eight thousand steven you're out how about uh 77.5 you wanna do that 75 seven half 7 700 am but if you hit it don't get here tonight so do you 7 500 you wait jeff two zero seven thank you and here is 64. he's a double take and take a double take nice nice bull here you bet you i don't know that definitely here now three four i died here not five forty five five thousand now six down seven not at a difficulty here now eight thousand and now nine down nine at a nine out of ten doubted the dividend here now ninety five hundred dollars here now two and a half's all and nine thousand dollars here not two dead everybody hit it don't get here now two down everybody hit it don't get here you guys in the same spot right here yeah got 7 500 jeff your other man's out on the left side now 7 500 and you're out on superior 7 500 you'll be two and a half seventy two hundred and fifty and seventy two hundred and fifty hit the defender now two down a video now five now 75 now seven and a half you're out again seventy seven hundred and fifty hit it doesn't have to get here not doubted at definitely getting here now but he hit it wkd seventy seven hundred and fifty soldiers seventy five hundred two thirty four thirty 234 thank you here is 65. here's 65. uh great dakota whoop you bet you i mean take a look here all right definitely here now three four and thirty five hundred edited that we get here now thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred dollars four thousand dollars to forty five and forty five hundred dollar five thousand dollars fifty five and fifty five hundred dollars two and a half infinity two hundred and forty eight of the five that it doesn't get a seven half seven nine everybody here to six thousand dollars two and a half and five now seven has seven thousand dollars here now seven and seven thousand dollars sixty seven two dollar forty headed down to seven now five dollars seventy five and seventy five hundred dollars don't forget to study about seven hundred seventy seven dollars better here to never get eight thousand dollars eight two and a half now five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five eighty five yes sir here now eight now two and a half eighty two hundred and fifty hit it definite 8 250 here to five eighty five eighty five eighty five hundred dollars eighty five and now seven half eighty seven hundred and fifty hit it with eighty seven hundred and forty here to soldier 8500 on superior 7 5 5 7 5 5. 65 go to 58 you bet you uh here's uh double take back to the paxton dam hey take a look at one birth weight rascal here and look at the ratios look at the flushing ability here's lot fifty eight three four i dedicate here now three four five and five thousand dollars six down seven all right eight thousand dollars here now eight thousand dollars eight nine now nine now ninety five now ninety five hundred dollars definitely here nine ninety five ninety two and i have two data but you hit it don't get into out two data fp and ninety two dot of five data divided here now ninety five hundred dollars ninety five ninety five ninety five ninety five hundred dollars definitely here now ninety five hundred and i sold the ninety two fifty [Music] he's an excellent bull by a work of art and back to excellent once again double bread negative birth weight take a look i gotta definitely get it here now don't get a three now thirty five and four now five now five six seven dotted definite eight thousand dollars eight thousand and seventy five hundred edited a difficulty here now 75 75 7 500. two and a half and seventy two hundred amp if you hit a difficulty here's a good bull now and seventy two hundred and forty hit it definitely get here now five and seventy by superior out then city five hundred edited divided here and now sending five satyabhats at eighty five hundred here now 7 500. definitely didn't die dia7250 he's a digging here it is 271 steven here's 60. here's lot number 60. oh i'll tell you what chris here's a good zebra bull here bonnie i mean one good rascal feature lot good looking bull all right edited the three now 35 and 3500. i'm 4 000. enough four now four dotted over that definitely here now thirty five hundred edited definitely here now four and four now five and five six thousand and six thousand dollars here now fifty five fifty five minus six thousand dollar now five and seven uh 75 hundred eight thousand dollars eight now eight thousand dollars eight thousand and seventy five hundred dollars to seventy seven hundred amp if you hit the divi superior out seventy seven and a half that's any five hundred dollars to seven out of five hitting without now eight thousand dollars eight thousand dollars two and a half eighty two hundred and fifty hit it never get eighty two hundred and fifty headed definite eighty two and a half eighty two hundred and fifty hit it definitely solid eight thousand eight thousand gets him two zero six and here's 680 here's lot number 68. here's uh double bread excellent once again the kavanese bull on three four and four time five then five six seven dotted at w 8 000. don't forget me 500. don't forget to send anybody that divides eddie by two and a half and seventy two hundred and fifty five and seventy five dollars here now 7 500.75 then sending 500. definitely here now 75 7500 seven half here at eight thousand dollars eight thousand eight thousand dollar got you seven and a half you gotta be eight thousand on superior eight thousand eight thousand dollars eight now eight thousand now two and a half eighty two hundred and fifty hit the definition here now of 8200 and hit it with 8200 m5p 8200 m50 so the 8 000 8 000. 766 is the buyer here's 59. here's lot number 59 in your exact and transformation in paxton everywhere take a look here whoa up here easy flesh and rascal here now i gotta definitely get three four and four down five and five six seven dotted don't get here now down to the definitive 6 500. here now five and sixty five hundred dollar dividend here give two and a half high two dedicated definitely here now two and a half and two dotted but you did it doesn't get here now two dot everybody hit it don't forget to sixty two and a half and two out of eight you hit it down here now two dotted but you hit it difficult here and here's a good bull now sixty two and a half and two that'll be all right over here now two dollar fifty five dotted it down here now five and sixty five hundred dollars here that here now 10 now 5 sodium 60 250. 272 272 thank you here's 57. brown and uh take a look here back to that great uh 399 cow a pound maker right here and three four and four thousand dollars here now three now four down over there w get here now thirty five hundred dollars definitely four dollars 45 45 45 now five thousand dollars definitely getting out five yeah i get forty seven and a half let's go and forty seven hundred and hit it definitely here now forty seven out of five hit the delegating now five five thousand dollar dividend here now five hundred five hundred dollar anybody hit the dividend here now 5 000 and die so do you have 47.50 210's the buyer 210 thank you here's 55. here's live 55. uh zebron again gonna take a look 662j oh my i got an easy flesh in eight point eight i did that definitely here nine out of three four and thirty five hundred edit that don't get here now thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred dollars to four dotted at a definite here now five dollar number don't forget five now five five thousand dollars yes sir now forty five now five and fifty five now you're out then fifty five now six thousand dollar dividend here now taking down six thousand dollars again about fifty seven fifty seven dot everybody did it did we get here now seven out of five anybody hit it definitely here nine fifty seven out of five soldier fifty five hundred 244 244 here's 63. here's 63. he's a czar don't forget to hear that double bread homer bowl a one easy kevin rascal right here all right daddy don't forget three four and four five and five six thousand dollars seven dollars now 7 500.75 7500. don't forget to 75 and 7 500. two and a half two dollars yes sir no i doubted it definitely here now two and a half then 72 five that at a difficulty here now 75 77 half here now seven nine everybody hit it don't forget to 77 i have and seven out of 50 hit it definitely get you here now 700 a.m but if you hit it definitely nope you're out online now and eight thousand dollars don't forget two and a half and jeff you're out now two and a half hundred dollars 825 eighty-five eighty-five eighty-five hundred dollar dedicated 8500.85 8 500. out of that definitely gonna go eighty two and a half here now five soldier eighty two hundred and fifty 488's the buyer number 488 thank you and 73 is the bowl 73's the bull he's you're exact in a jet stream transformation mom and a negative birth weight easy flesh and four five four thousand dollar five and five thousand dollars it is six thousand dollars seven all right that is here now sixty five now seven and seven out of ten divided here now that it doesn't get here enough seven dollars down a thousand dollars not seven and sixty five hundred dollars seven and a half now seven thousand two and a half and two that about to hit it didn't get hearing us i need two hundred damn but if you hit it down to get to seven thousand dotted at the dividing body hit it definitely here now two and a half and seventy two dotted yes sir here now two down a bit you hit it two seventy two hundred and fifty soldiers seven thousand seven thousand seven sixties by our number thank you on superior here's 76 is the lot and a featured zebron bull here and by paxton twice i did it at the three four i didn't 45 4 500. now 5500.6 000. that is here now 5700 mbp the empty sign now six thousand two and a half now five sixty five seven and a half and seven thousand dollars two and a half here five dollar seven half pair now that it'll never get to seventy seven hundred and eight thousand now two and a half eight thousand two hundred and fifty hit the w to eighty two hundred and fifty he had to divide what about your other guy eighty two and a half c want back in amp hit it don't get here in that 8200 got your man in now 82.50 hit it definite 82 15. now dude everybody hit it don't get here and i swiped the 8 000 8 000. whoops 72.50 i got 75 right here you got to be 77.5 you want to do that online on superior 7750 go ahead and do it again come right on back nice and strong don't take too long though 77.5 so that's what i thought give 8 000. jeff 8 000. that's right back to where we were supposed to be okay now two and a half keep that auction coming 80 250 keep them coming 80 250 8250 8250 now 585 keep on coming eighty-five got lots of time eighty-five hundred dollar dedicated half 85-85-85-8585 eighty five hundred thank you both 8 500 749 749 thank you and here's 69. here's lot number 69 yeah uh here take a look here here's a certain back to the paxton dam i mean you talk about cavenese you talk about one moderate good good good bull i didn't definitely here now three four five and five six thousand seven dollars eight thousand dollars here now 75 then 7 500. eight thousand dollars eight now eight thousand dollar dividend seven half and seven dollars divided seventy five hundred dollars seven dollars but he hit it didn't get to seventy 700 mpp and 70 now eight thousand dollars two and a half eighty two hundred damn but if you hit it don't get here now dotted here now two dotted but you hit it don't forget eighty two hundred and fifty hitting the w gear out again eighty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here and i sold him eight thousand eight thousand 265. he's been whacking away at some good bulls there jeff doing a good job here's 72 here's 72 he's a zebron transformation and a jet stream easy flesh and bull i didn't definitely get here now three four i dedicate here now three four here's lot 72 now 4 000 then four five and forty five hundred dollars here now five thousand edited here nine five out of five in the definition here now if i get 47 half then 7.5 thousand dollars here now five and a five hundred definitely he keeps saying that m59 now five thousand dollars forty seven hundred damp if he hit the device five thousand and uh sold him forty seven hundred 259's the bull 259 here's lot 77. here's lot number 77 and a countdown take a look take a look he's a countdown all right definitely get anybody hit it never get at 5200 m50 and five thousand dollar now five amp five hundred dollars to five out of five foreign five hundred and uh seven hampshire seven dollar fifty hit that we get here now 5700 you're out in the back now the m5700 but he didn't get here now six thousand dollars here now six thousand and six thousand dollars here now tickets six thousand dollars definitely here not gonna do it here now doubted that definitely here tonight soldier 57.50 in the ring and you can read that 263 thank you here's uh 83. hey how about a gulf stream how about a gulf stream here featured a lot take a look here big ratio numbers big flesh and ability all right three four all right definitely here now three four five double that definitely here another hand now forty five hundred dollar dedicated forty five forty five hundred dollars to forty five and forty five hundred dollars here now two and a half damn five and forty five hundred seven and five five thousand 5000. definitely two and a half here now that it doesn't get here now that it definitely only be two out of five you wanna be five thousand i got 47. now two and a half now jeff you're out 52.50 now 55. now 57. seven everybody hit it then we get to here now hit it don't forget here 95 79 797. guys you're out here i'm online at 5 500. you got to be 57.50 5750. here now today you want to be i'm sorry he backed me up one got two and a half you wanna be 55 we'll help you now 57 half now what you're gonna do now 57.50 now 57.50 keep on coming that's all right 57. seven down everybody definitely sold him fifty five hundred fifty five hundred two fifty nine's a buyer thank you [Music] 379 thank you 79 you're exact diana paxton back to that great miss arnold e 55 62 cow take a look take a look you talk about foundation genetics here at oldie cattle company right here three four now five six thousand seven eight thousand eight to eight dolla give seventy five hundred then two and a half five seven and a half and eight thousand dollars don't forget here now two down everybody hit it definitely here now eighty two and a half eighty two hundred damn but if you hit it don't get hit eight thousand down at a definite here now two and a half here now eighty two hundred and fifty hit it definitely here now two down at the peak soldier eight thousand eight thousand 7.35 is a bear and here it is 84. here's lot number 84 he's uh gulfstream once again paxton paxton now i mean look at the bottom side look at the bull i know three four and four thousand dollars here now three now four dollars over the difficulty here in that 204 now five thousand dollars six thousand dollar dividend here now 55 and two and a half m55 seven has six thousand now two and a half and two five that at the dividend here now sixty five hundred here now five into five seven a half here you're not gonna definitely hear now seven and a half and sixty seven hundred and fifty hit it don't forget anybody hit it don't get here now sixty seven hundred and fifty hit it definitely here nine die soldier sixty five hundred five two two five steven two two five here's 82. here's lot number 82 gulf stream again and paxton paxton ah birth weight bull i did it definitely here nine dollar three four uh definite here now five and forty five now five fifty no 556 thousand now five sixty five seven dollar definitely now five and seventy five hundred out of the definition here now 75 two and a half two data but you hit it definitely here now two and a half then seventy two and a half five and seventy five dotted definitely here now 7575 75.00 here now five and seventy five hundred that got a difficulty here now two and a half here now five dollar dollar america definitely here knife salty is 70 250 on superior 760s the buyer bring in lot number 85. bring in lot number 85. he's a gulf stream uh hey back to that 134t cow and a calvinist bull long smooth mate bull here three four i doubted that definitely here now three thousand down at the definite here now thirty five hundred dollars four then four thousand dollars here now in front of four dotted definitely here nine four thousand forty five hundred dollars forty five now five thousand dollars here now five forty seven half and seven out of fifty definitely now five thousand dollars two and a half five anthony five seven half penn state now 5750 60 255. here now chris you didn't make it you got to be 65. and 5.00 sixty-five seven hand seven dollar hit superior and sixty seven hundred and fifty hit the delegate here now sixty seven hundred and forty hit it you gonna do it and sixty seven hundred damn but if you hit it don't get here now sultius sixty five hundred chris two two three's the buyer number here's 78. here's lot number 78. oh my oh my he's the blueprint oh up here i gotta definitely get here. definitely here today i'll take a look here i gotta definitely get here now three thirty five now four now forty five five thousand dollars don't get here now forty five hundred edited definitely give two and a half guys i've got forty five hundred now seven half five thousand now two and a half five fifty seven highest six thousand now six thousand that added a dividend here now two and a half five and sixty five hundred edited here now five hundred five hundred deficit here no sixty five hundred edited definitely here now two and a half five and sixty five hundred edited a difficulty all right here now two and a half here now five that it over to definitely here now sixty five so ds i got six thousand now you gotta be two and a half i wonder if we got crossed up now two and a half got six thousand online you gotta be two and a half in the ring you're out you wanna do it sixty two and a half salty is six thousand chad six thousand seven forty seven thank you here is lot seventy here's lot seventy and he's a transformation how about the transformation best yet back to that jet stream grand dam ah kevin east bull here i did that definitely here 9.3 35. now five and sixty five hundred dollar two and a half hundred two data but you hit a difficulty here now two and a half five and sixty five hundred that divided five now five down five that at a divided here now sixty five hundred and die now seven half sixty seven fifty sixty come on back now seven thousand and seven thousand dollar today you found a good bull go ahead now seven thousand automatically to sodium 6750 208 jeff thank you 208 here's lot 5. here's lot number five uh out of the great dakota bull out of a rear end damn oh my long stylish rascal here well i gotta definitely hear now three four and four thousand dollars here in that 204 now 3500 out of the definition here now thirty five four nine of that deputy here now two and a half five now fifty five i am fifty five now seven half and seven out of everybody hit the difficulty 57.50 here to six thousand dollars here now six thousand now two and a half and two data difficulty here now five and sixty five hundred edited here now sixty five and five dotted over the week here now five into five into sodium sixty two fifty i done did it 62 and a half 235 thank you 62.50 the price on 235 and here's lot 13. here's lot number 13. how about a wholesome back to a zodiac dam how much better does it get i get it i don't have to get here now that i'm going to never get here now three four and four time five and five six thousand and six thousand dollars forget 52 and a half the m5200 and 50 ah here now five now fifty five hundred dollars here now fifty five hey empty five hundred dollars here now fifty five hundred dollars seven i have now six thousand now you gotta be six thousand you didn't make it now then six thousand dollar don't forget here now to get now six thousand dollars here now six thousand two and a half and two data but you hit it didn't get here now two and a half five and sixty five hundred edited a difficulty here now five into five definitely here now sixty five hundred dollar dollar seven ham and seven out of eight hated don't get here now sixty seven hundred days seven thousand dollars seven then seven thousand dollars here now 67.50 jeff 301s buyer 301 here's lot number 19. and a definition and take a look take a look back to that zan echelon damn i gotta definitely get here now three four and four thousand dollar five dollar deficit here enough forty five forty five hundred out of five thousand now fifty five hundred dollar dividend here now two and a half and fifty two hundred and fifty five dollars fifty five fifty five now seven 7am does 6 000. now two and a half and five sixty five hundred edited with seven half and seven out of eight hit it definitely here now sixty seven hundred and fifty and sixty seven hundred and fifty hit it definitely here nine sodium sixty five hundred two three zero two thirty here's twenty two he's in dakota i did it definitely hearing that big waning ratio three five and thirty five hundred edited definitely here now thirty five hundred dollar definitely here now thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred dollar dedicated four and forty five and forty five now five five thousand dollars out two and a half the empty two five double double here 95 seven half seven out of five hit it we get 57 out of eighty six thousand now two and a half and two down everybody hit it don't get here now two and a half then sixty five hundred out of ten here now five now seven and a half i did it you get 65 now seven half and seven thousand dollars here now seven to seven thousand dollars here now seven thousand dollar number dedicated here and i sold you 67.50 three zero three three zero three here's thirty one here's lot number 31 a wholesome and back to the paxton and blaise on whoop take a look take a look at that definitely here now 335 and 3500. definitely here now 3500 over there now 4 000.45 now 5 000. now 5 55. 5 500 6 000. that didn't get here enough 57.50 then 55. i got 5 000. you'll be two and a half now five now you're both out 55 and seven and a half now 57 6 000. that had a difficult two and a half five and sixty five dollars here now five and sixty five hundred dollar seven dollars but you hit it definitely here now sixty seven hundred and fifty and seven out of five definitely here now seven out of ten hit it doesn't get seven thousand dollars out seven two and a half and two dollar but you hit it don't get here now two dollar but you hit it don't get 7 200 empathy sultius 7 000 7 000. 219 219. 35 is your lot he's a zodiac on 335 and 3500. calvinist long-made rascal here all right thirty five four and four thousand dollars here now five and five thousand dollars here now forty five hundred out of ten definitely here now two and a half and forty two hundred and fifty five and forty five hundred dollar seven out of five definitely here now five thousand dollars two and a half mp35 m5500 dedicated here nine five seven has seven down to but you hit it definitely here now six thousand dollar dedicated now six and six thousand dollars here now sticking it out to everybody hit it down here now it's two and a half and sixty five hundred edited here now five and sixty five hundred edited by seven half here now nope internet you didn't make it you gotta be 65 seven and a half then seven out of eight hit it didn't get here now steven you're out and 67 hands seven eight yes sir jeff i did it at the deputy seven out of fifty and sixty five hundred edited seven dollars don't forget y'all do it 65 seven half you want to and sixty seven hundred eight yes he did now seven and seven thousand dollars seven seven two down a bit he hit the difficulty here now 72.50 and seven he's a good bull in the 72 and a half and two down but he hit it definitely here now two and a half soldiers seven thousand seven thousand 257 i like how you're trying there 36 is your bull 36 is your bull he's a wholesome take a look here ah back to the sentinel paxton dam up here another good slick-haired fescue bull here for you three four and thirty four dotted at the delegate here not five and five thousand dollars here give forty five and forty five hundred dollar two and a half hand two down a bit headed dedicated forty two fifty and forty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here now four thousands you gotta be two and a half and two down if i hit it definitely here now two doubt if you hit it don't forget to 42 and a half and two down after hitting it wkd here now forty two hundred and fifty eight definitely what are you doing here now five and forty five hundred dollars nine forty five forty five forty five hundred dollars to forty five seven now yep where are you 47 half 45 seven half you gotta be 47595 two and a half m5200 jeff you're out again 52 and a half and two down a bit hit it down here now 50 250. i doubt it a definite now five nope stephen you're out 55. 5500. editing difficulty here now 55 797.95 now six thousand and six thousand dollars here now that i definitely get here now six thousand and uh soldier 5750 bought a good bull 235 thank you 235. here's 40 44. here's lot 44 wholesome back to the grade 872k cow i'd better never get a deep soggy made bull here a lot 44 3 4 and 4 000. that definitely get here to get out five and out of the way here now 45 now five and the thousand dollars here now forty seven fifty yeah you only be two and a half i got four thousand right here you gotta be two steven you're out forty two and a half got four thousand now five now forty five seven a half now five thousand now five thousand dollars here now five hundred five for the deficit here 259 259. here's 45 definition whoop look here super slick bulb on take a look i mean one good bull here big dollar weaning on him i didn't definitely get here here now soldier 50 250 259 sir thank you you bet you you know how you know it says it right in his name steven thank you here's 46. here's the best yet missing link back to the great 940 for hcal i did it definitely here now.definitely.335 and 3500. here now 35 35 35 35 4. definitely here now five doubted a divided here 9 45. and 42 and a half five two definitely a difficulty here now two down to five that it'll definitely get it here seven happened and seven dollar jeff now you're out here now forty seven hundred amp no beer out forty seven hundred and fifty happened quick didn't it and forty seven hundred and fifty yes sir forty five seven half did you do it and forty seven hundred dm but you hit the definitely here now better than that here now forty seven hundred and 50 now five i think so now five thousand dollars said he never did like him sold him for uh what do we have 47.50 thank you 259 thank you and here's 48. here's lot number 48 the eureka back to the paxton homer i mean look at the middle of that bull would you in three four i'd had a defeat here now 35 by 3500.4 and 4 000.45 and 4500. that doesn't get five thousand now fifty five hundred dollars here two and a half and fifty five hundred dollars to fifty five eighty five fifty five hundred dollars seven out of fifty heated divided fifty seven out of fifty and now six thousand dollar dividend here now that it definitely here now six thousand and six thousand out of the way to hear that ticket there to get there six two and a half two down a bit you hit it down here now five and sixty five hundred dollars here now look at the pedigree on this bull sixty seven and a half and seven out of five don't forget here now seven thousand and seven thousand dollar dividend here now seven to seven down five incidentally five hundred dollar dedicated seventy five five eight eight thousand edited here now eight thousand dollars yes sir two and a half now five now you gotta be 75 you're out online out on superior now seventy five two and a half now five incident five hundred edited difficulty here now 75757 000 8 000 edited here now 8 thousand dollar dollar number to dedicate 8 000. dedicated hey gionee m8 000 here we go so do you 77.50 chris 2-0-1 he got here early here's 87's bull is that right how about 49 thank you i thought something jumped uh evergreen bull paxton echelon homer take a look double bread homer oh my and look at the ratio side of the three four damn four thousand better than that definitely here now thirty five and thirty five hundred dollar four thousand now five and forty five five five thousand dollars here now five now fifty five hundred dollars wk 55 you get 57.50 now 6 000. now two and a half then 62.50. here now five sixty five hundred dollars here now five and sixty five hundred edited dedicated two and a half here now five automatically here now sixty five hundred out of ten definitely here now five your 60 is flashing way before i said it now you got to be 67.5 i mean he beat me all the way now you got to be 67 50. now 7 000. you got to do it again 7 000. you're out on superior 7 000. now 7 000. now seven thousand you gotta do it and i sold you a 67.50 quite distinctly 67.50 jeff three zero one thank you both here is 870. here's 87 and he's a blueprint and a uh hey take a look he did turn up tim moldy he turned up homozygous black now here's an update to your sheet that just came in late news homozygous black and polled homozygous black and pulled on the blueprint wholesome lot number 87. uh take a look here i had a calvinist bowl ced of 17. all right negative three all right definitely here now that definitely get a pair now three four i am four thousand dollars here now thirty four nine five and five thousand dollars gotta be 4 500 you don't do that and 4 500. don't forget it now 5 000.55 now six thousand dollar dedicated five and sixty five hundred edited a difficulty here now five out of five never get here no 65 amp another two and a half you wanna do that sixty two hundred and fifty hit it definitely here now two hundred and fifty hit if we get sixty two and a half all through now five now sixty seven and half and seven out of eight hitting don't forget here now sixty seven hundred and fifty hit w i got jeff in here sixty you've got to be 67 half online and 6700 amp in the background out of that definitely here now 6 700 amp salty is 65 hundred dollars 235 jeff and you have lot number 88 stand in the red now this bull does still have a probability of having a red gene now got got a slight probability of having a red gene slight possibility uh he's a lion bred bull back to czar all right definitely get here now three four i didn't get here four now four now five and five thousand that i did the 45 and forty five hundred dollar way back now five and five thousand dollars fifty five and fifty five hundred dollars two and a half fifty two hundred and fifty and fifty two six thousand dollars here now taking out six thousand then six thousand dollars here now taking that six thousand dollar dollar dedicated here and i slept 57 50. 7-4-1 bring in 89. bring in latin 89 once again late breaking news he's a homozygous black and pole he's an excellent wholesome kavanese bull 335 and 3 500. out of the defender here now four and forty five hundred dollars here now five and five thousand dollars here now two and a half fifty two hundred and better hit it definitely here now two dollar fifty hit it doesn't get here now anybody hit it definitely here now five fifty five seven half seven out of five to hand now seven dollar six thousand out of the way here now six thousand and six thousand dollar dividend here now take it out come on back now then six thousand dollars definitely here now that i think you know we're gonna run out of these bulls here in a little bit six thousand now two and a half now five and sixty five dollars don't get here now seven out of everybody hit it don't get here now that i don't get here now sixty five hundred dollars here now seven ham soldiers sixty five hundred jeff 301 gets him did i say we were gonna run out of bulls here after a while okay well i was right we ran out of bulls let's go to the female sale folks tim's gonna tell you just a quick message about these females these open heifers are fabulous uh my son jake they kind of went in and we got way too many cows and too much females whatever we got so i said just pick the great ones you know 10 15 of the best ones and go with it because you never get hurt selling good ones and one of the better guys judging cattle asked me can i see the ones you're keeping and i did and he said you're an idiot selling these and i said well i think the others will end up the same so i guess i'm an idiot but anyway there there's some as good if i'd have had these top 10 12 open heifers in 86 when i bought those foundation blacks i think i'd have been 20 years ahead but you know that's the way it is but you won't go wrong with these young heifers you got 20 years ahead that would have taken all the fun out of the last 20 years what are you talking about ladies and gentlemen let's tie right into these females here's one outstanding and i'll tell you what you've been through the open heifers you've been through the breads uh here's one just outstanding set of females we're going to start right off here here's lot number 120 she's a double impact goes back to paxton and jet stream and uh great big winning ratio on that heifer of 112. i mean you like one here settlement is right back behind here underneath so that might be important for it's over i said my wife so if you need to settle up go back here and i don't think we said we've mentioned much about trudy oldie today but now we can say something about trudiole she said the settlement's right back here so if you bought a bull if you're gonna buy a female it's most most important to trudy oldie that you go back here and make settlement for your purchases all right here's uh lot number 120 right into the female sale here uh i'll tell you what goes back to that great 927c uh dam here's an open heifer on the front end 120. i mean a fancy rig here give ten thousand hundred ten and ten thousand dollar definite here give five and five thousand dollars here now five hundred five hundred delegate here and i'll give three thirty five and thirty five four and four thousand forty five and forty five five five fifty five hundred dollars six thousand dollar now five and seven thousand dollars here now seven twenty five hundred dollars eight thousand dollars eight eight thousand dollars eight thousand seventy five eight thousand eight thousand dollars eight now eight thousand dollars here now seventy seven a half and now dotted definitely here now if you hit it don't forget to send any now dotted at five hundred shoulder 7 500 right on the front row 262. i think she got the one she wanted nice job here's 104. here's 104. in my my my take a look here's the heifer that stood out in the pen here's a beautiful made thick-made heifer she's a confidence back to eureka and the great 816 uh b grand dam take a look hey look at the weaning ratio 117. oh my 5 000 wire then five six thousand i haven't done a definite hearing now three four and four thousand dollars here in that point in front of four dotted definitely here now thirty five hundred dollars here now thirty five four and four thousand dollars here now five and forty five hundred out of five thousand dollars to fifty five hundred dollars here now fifty five fifty five hundred dollars here now 55 and 55 6 000. 57.50 now six thousand and that is that two and a half five edited definitely here now 6200 amp if you hit it don't get here now five seven half you're out now sixty seven hundred and forty hit it down here now that it doesn't get a 6700 700 mvp 7.7 000. give 7 000 for a good heifer and seven thousand dollars seven two and a half and two down but you hit the difficulty here now two daddy hit it did we get here now seven thousand two hundred and fifty headed divided here now two hundred and fifty sold to you seven 000 7 000 on live auctions 10 30 is the buyer number 10 30 thank you here's 110 110. we just i just elbowed him there a second ago and woke him up here's 110. ah by the great zodiac uh goes back to the jet stream the 968 g twice take a look here one stout made really really nice heifer now and three four and four five and five thousand out of the way here now six thousand dollars forget here now take it out seven out of ten definitely here now 65. and five down at the w is seven thousand dollars don't forget that seven to seven thousand dollar deficit now five and seventy five hundred edited difficulty here now that i definitely get two and a half now five and seventy five hundred edited difficulty here now two and a half by seven half now eight thousand dollars 85 85 82 and i got 82 and a half you got to be 85 seven and a half eighty seven hundred anybody hit it doesn't get here now eighty seven hundred amp now nine thousand dollars here now to nine down to the w we were all right to you asked him maybe it better just be me and you give nine thousand on her nine thousand on the heifer nine thousand you ought to be nine now nine thousand didn't die and nine thousand now two and a half i thought so now two and a half and ninety two hundred and fifty had a definite now five now ninety five hundred edited here ninety five 500. here now 9 500. sodium 90 250 9250 guy 278 thank you and here it is lot number 107. 107. hey how about an own daughter of the great focus bull back to big time and echelon how much better does it get uh definitely here 9.34 then four thousand that i didn't get here now 3 500. here now 35 35 3500. divided here now thirty five hundred edited look at the pedigree on this heifer would you uh thirty five hundred that didn't get here now three thousand edited here now two and a half and thirty two down to fifty five that it doesn't get here now thirty five thirty five hundred dollars here now thirty five and thirty five hundred over there definitely here now thirty five hundred edited here now 32 and a half five that it didn't get anybody are you looking at my heifer are you looking at my pedigree 37 half and now four and four thousand edited definitely get here now 204.00 here now four thousand dollars two and a half two out of five definitely here now forty two hundred and fifty hundred five and 4 500 edited difficulty here 945 4500 dedicated two and a half five and forty five hundred edited got a winning ratio 117. what are you doing and forty five hundred edited definitely here now forty five forty five on america definitely here now forty five hundred didn't die so do you now seven half forty seven and a half forty seven hundred and fifty and now five thousand and five thousand dollars definitely here now five hundred five hundred definitely here now five thousand dollar dividend come on derek now five and five thousand dollars here now it's your turn again and five thousand dollars definitely here now five into 47.50 on 310 47.50 on 310. and here's 105. here's 105 a dakota daughter back to line brett ah definitely here now three four i doubted that definitely here now three now two and a half five and forty five hundred i gotta definitely hear here now live auction you're out and forty five hundred edited definitely here now two and a half five that had a difficulty here now forty five yes sir here now forty seven half then seven ninety here to superior out five two and a half and two dollar live auctions now five fifty five hundred edited difficulty here now two dedicated here to five data difficulty here enough eighty five eighty five eighty five hundred dollars and i to you 5250 50 250 to your other night i had you in at 52.50 now seven and a half live auctions you're out 57.50 just between you two nobody else you wanna be 57.50 so do you 500 on superior thank you 793 thank you both ah let's go to 12. let's go to 112. here's one caught your eye now here's one that caught your eye take a look i mean take a look at the pedigree she's an echelon moderator paxton i mean take a look i gotta definitely hear 99. she stands out in the pen now three four and four thousand dollar five and five thousand better the difficulty here now forty five then forty five hundred at a difficulty here now forty five forty five hundred dollar five thousand dollar to fifty five hundred dollar dividend here now two and a half and fifty two hundred and forty hit it definitely here now two hundred and fifty here to five dollars to fifty five and fifty five dollar seven out of eight here to six thousand dollars now six thousand dollars here now six and six thousand dollar dividend two and a half two dollar hit definitely here now two hundred and fifty and sixty five hundred dollars seven and a half here now that it'll never get to sixty seven 700 and 50. everyone's out online now 6700 amp hit it that we get there now seven and a half and seven out of ten definitely here now 6700 amp soldier 6500 in the ring 279 bringing in lot 116. bring in lot 116. she's a zodiac echelon back to the headliner and a great big winning ratio i did it definitely here not that it doesn't get to hip here now down at a four and thirty five now four and four thousand degrees here now forty five and forty five hundred dollars here now five and five thousand dollars here now two and a half five and fifty five hundred dollar seven out of eight six thousand now two and a half and two down to fifty five dollar seven half seven thousand dollars here now seven and seven thousand dollars both out here now seven thousand and seven thousand dollar dividend here not that it didn't get here in a 65 bid you want to be 67 and a half i'll help you all i can 6 700 am 50. they haven't gotten a dividend here now 6 700 and 57 000. now thousand now seven thousand are you both out now and seven thousand that added a different here now seven to seven down at a difficulty here and i sold you a 67.50 10 30 buyer number 102 here comes lot number 102. here's one you found here's one that stuck out in the pen here's a paxton jet stream uh back to the 960h cow out here definitely hear now buy seven highest seven thousand dollars here now seven and seventy two and i have five and seventy five hundred edited here now five seven half eight thousand eight thousand dollars here now eight thousand two and a half five that is definitely here now five eighty five hundred dollars to eighty five eighty five eighty five eight data definitely 8 500 on superior 768 768 here's 115. here's lot number 115 and a deal maker uh back to the great focus dam and missing link whoop look here in 335 and 3500. here now 35 35 3500. definitely here now 35 now 4. definitely get it here now 3700 damn 50. and 3700 am but if you hit it definitely here now 35 79 50 hit the w here now four now two and a half and forty two hundred damn but we had to definitely get a superior out seven half hour not a definitely here now forty five seven half seven down to hit it doesn't get hearing that forty five thousand dollars here now if i keep on coming now and five thousand dollars two and a half hundred dollar nine forty two hundred and fifty hit it don't get here now five fifty-five seven dollar but you hit it didn't get you here now that it didn't get different to seven out of five six thousand now two and a half and five and sixty five hundred out of the difficulty here now five hundred five hundred dollars here now sixty-five and if i doubt it over to defeat here now dotted 62 and a half you wanna do that got six thousand bid now two and a half and two dollar but you did it definitely here now five and sixty five hundred dollar dividend here now five to five hundred dedicated here now sixty five this will be a sixty two fifty on superior seven zero five seven zero five here's 103. here's 103. going to the great state of louisiana all right here's uh 103's a dakota daughter ah right here i didn't definitely hear tonight.335. i dedicated here now 35 35 3500. definitely here now 35 4 and 4 000. and four thousand now two and a half five and forty five seven and a half five degrees forty seven hundred and fifty and now five thousand two and a half and two down about hitting it definitely here now fifty two hundred and fifty hit it will get to five thousand two hundred fifty five amp five hundred edited we did fifty five damn 5500 edited difficulty here now fifty five eighty five fifty five dotted a dick you don't do it again fifty five that it definitely here now two and a half here now forty five hundred edited fifty five so do you 52.50 793 793 and 114s a lot 114s a lot here's uh dakota hey take a look at the pedigree dakota paxton jet stream foolproof cows right here all right definitely here 9.35 and 35 4. i have four thousand dollars here now four thousand dollars here here's lot 114 now 45 and 4 500. definitely here 945 4 500. here now 5 000. that is here now two and a half two down everybody hit it definitely here now two down i haven't hit it didn't get it here 92 out of 85. damn 55.00 55.5 55. that didn't get here now 55. m52 that everybody had a difficulty here now if i think about it now seven half a minute seven out of everybody hit it definitely here and i gotta definitely get here enough eighty seven out of 86 thousand dollars here now six then six thousand dollar ask her all right there's six thousand dollars i don't like him i didn't get to six thousand did it it's all right sir no nothing personal sold to you 57.50 seven nine three chad 124 is a heifer 124 take a look a confidence paxton homer my my my big dollar weaning on a good heifer now i get it i definitely need to hear now 335 all right don't forget to hear now 3 500. definitely here now 35 35 now four dotted i don't get here now 42 and a half and two down i bet you hit it don't get here now five forty seven have five thousand now two and a half and fifty two out of eighty five data that we get here now six thousand dollars here now six thousand and six thousand dollars two and a half five two dead but you hit it didn't get you here now two and a half and two that'll be hitting the live auctions you're out now sixty two and a half and two down a bit did it definitely get here now sixty two hundred and fifty hit it didn't get here now two and a half two and a half this will do you six thousand six thousand four you see how that works sir it's really easy here's lot 100 here's lot number 100. [Music] here now 35 3500. definitely here now five four and four thousand dollars here now forty five hundred and five thousand dollars to five thousand now seven half forty seven hundred and fifty you wanna do that now five now five thousand two and a half and five time nope you're out now two and a half and five thousand dollars got him here now two and a half two that if you hit it definitely here now 3200 and 50. then 2.50 hit it doesn't get you here now 2.85 and 5500. definitely five hundred five for that definitely here not two and a half here now five and fifty five hundred dollars but you hit it definitely here 95 and die sold to your 5250 on superior thank you 7.93 101's the heifer no problems transformation 903 beat cow foundation take a look all right don't forget 335. 3 500. definitely here now 35 35 35 000. definitely here no thirty two and a half seven and a half now seven dollar buddy headed that we get here now seven half 3 700 damn but he hit it there you gonna body hit the wp here now what are you doing here paying 3700. here to four thousand out of that definitely here now 42 and a half here now down to definitely 42.50 4200 back to the 10-19 cow seven times 42 and a half what are you doing four thousand now two and a half two double fifty hitted definitely here now forty two that everybody hit it definitely here now two and a half two and a half now five forty five now you're both out forty five seven and a half and seven eight everybody hit it twenty seven hundred and fifty hit it delegated come on back uh dated at wp-47 where are you going uh forty seven hundred mvp this will be a forty five hundred live auctions 1007's buyer 106 is the lot double impact zodiac paxton my my 3 35 and 3500. here now 35 35 3500. definitely here now two and a half now five data that we get to here now 32 and a half two double digits we get to 3200 and 50. and 3200 damn 50 hit it definitely here now three thousand dollars here not two and a half and two out of five what are you doing here all right definitely here now three thousand now two and a half ain't two dead everybody hit it don't forget to hear here now get it here now twenty five seven and then seven daddy hit it definitely here now twenty five hundred dollars here now seven out of five definitely twenty seven hundred and fifty and twenty five hundred dollars now three thousand edited definitely here now three and three thousand that at a difficulty here now three now three thousand dollar anybody in it definitely here now three thousand two and a half and two that if i did it don't forget to hear now 3200 damn but if you hit it down here now five and 35 35 35. not much for a good heifer here and thirty five hundred dollars thirty two hundred and fifty two 235 235 here's lot 108 and a big time female right here take a look excellent fertility longevity weaning figures and all uh definitely here now to hear back to the missing link hunter three uh definitely here now thirty two and a half and two down if you hit a difficulty here now five down at a difficulty did you say thirty two and a half here now dotted down now thirty two dotted but you hit it definitely here now thirty two hundred and fifty and thirty two hundred and fifty eight definite five and thirty five dotted with a 108 slot now uh take a look at the pedigree 35 32 and a half deals on here we go 35 all right 3 500. definitely here now 35 35 35 seven dollar forty eight of definite now four thousand now two and a half and two that found my heifer now forty two and a half five two doubt about it definitely here now forty two out of five that definitely here now 45. yeah 4 500. definitely here now 457. that everybody hit it wkd47 that'd be hit it didn't get here 947 a.m and 47. that'd be a definite here now five thousand dollars definitely here now five amp a thousand dollars you found her go ahead and buy her five thousand honor to definitely get here keep on coming now 55.00 52.50 10 23 pecan by you ah definitely here's uh 100 or 109 discovery jet stream grand dam i did it look at the metal on this heifer i didn't definitely get here now that it doesn't get here now three i didn't have difficulty here not two and a half five two but you hit it didn't get here now thirty two dotted divided here now that it definitely two twenty five and twenty five hundred now three and three dotted w seven and three and down two and a half five thirty seven and four and four thousand dollar two and a half hand forty two dollar fifty five dollars wkd here now forty did you say two and a half and forty two dotted but you hit the defeat here now four thousand now five and forty five now seven and a half and forty seven out of five definitely here now forty seven out of eight you hit it don't get in now five thousand dollars you're out and five thousand dollars out two and a half two daddy hit it don't get here now forty two hundred and forty hit there we go fifty two and a half and two that video soldier five thousand on superior seven ninety three putting together a whale of a hurd there isn't he here's one eleven here's 111 going to north dakota here's zodiac transformation back to the great 73-13 damn on the bottom side take a look i gotta definitely get here now 225 and 2500. that definitely here now two dotted over to definitely here now three now thirty two and a half and thirty two that if you hit it definitely here now five dotted it doesn't get a seven hand thirty seven out of eight it definitely get here now four and four thousand two and a half hand two down a bit hit it doesn't get you here now dotted that definitely get your hair here here now dotted to get it here now you got now two and a half five and forty five hundred dollars forty seven half now five and five thousand dollars here nine five out of five for that w here's a good doll now she's a zodiac now five thousand and five thousand dollar now two and a half yeah two dead i already had it definitely here now two dedicated here now and 50 hit it definitely get here now you don't do it 52 and a half so do you 5 000. 7.93 and here's 113. 113 is a wholesome work of art oh take a look at that definitely here not edited here now 225 and 2500 over to definitely here now 2500. definitely here and i don't know don't forget to hear now seven dotted but you hit it definitely here now twenty seven out of fifty and that is three thousand dollars now three now three thousand now two and a half and two down a bit did it definitely get here now thirty two dollar fifty headed definitely here now three thousand dollars two and a half and two data but you hit it definitely here now thirty two hundred and fifty eight hit it down here to five and thirty five hundred dollars here now thirty five thirty nine now thirty five hundred dollars seven out of fifty here today get your hand you're out again and thirty seven hundred amp hit it doesn't get here now thirty seven hundred damp if you're headed don't get here now thirty seven nine sold to you thirty five hundred dollars 10 23 10 23 here's 117 here's 178 did you find this 117 heifer out in the pin here's the 117 zodiac echelon back to 968 g here's one hey tim just said that mother is everything now here's one out of a great great cow the 838 uh 830a echelon daughter here's a good good female now i did that definitely here not that it doesn't get three thirty two and a half now five now 37 i have four right out of the way here now two and a half five and forty five seven i have five thousand dollars here now two and a half five and the five hundred dollar dedicated here now fifty five and fifty five seven i have here now that i don't forget to 57 out of 50 he hit it let me get your hands up let's go m5700 six thousand dollars two and a half five and sixty five seven a half five seven thousand now two and a half and seventy two out of eighty eight divided here now seventy five and seven half and seventy five down at the difficulty here now seven fifty ah i didn't never get a seventy seven and a half uh now seven now eight thousand now two and a half eighty two hundred and fifty hit it don't get here now dotted at w eighty two hundred and fifty eight definite eighty five eighty five dollars to eighty five and now five dotted at w eighty five eighty five eighty five eighty five hundred that dedicated two and a half here now five sub to eighty two fifty on superior four zero here's uh lot one eighteen dakota worker art jeff stream i did that definitely here now three thirty two and a half and two dot everybody hit it down here now two twenty two and a half and two dotted dedicated two thousand twenty two and a half twenty two hundred damage hitting the victory here she's a dakota daughter what are you doing two thousand twenty five and twenty five hundred dollar seven half high definitely here now three and three thousand dollars here now two data video difficulty here not doubted at the veggie only three thousand and out of that definitely here not twenty seven hundred anybody here not uh now 32 and a half five and thirty five seven half five that is here now thirty seven hundred and fifty four thousand dollar that definitely here now.internet you're out and four thousand that it doesn't hear the live auctions you're out jamie i don't know definitely here at nine four nine four down at that depth two and a half and two that if i did a difficulty here now forty two hundred and four hit it didn't get here now dotted to definitely five now seven and a half now forty seven hundred and fifty and forty seven hundred and four hit it definitely here now data definitely here now data definitely forty five you're both out online i got jeff in forty seven now five thousand and five thousand keep on coming old buddy five thousand better definitely here now five so do you 47.50 7.93 and here's 119. uh dealmaker 220 two and a half and two but he hit a difficulty here where they going nah two and a half twenty two and a half and two that if i did it definitely get here now twenty two hundred and fifty definitely here now that it definitely here not twenty two and a half and two that i better hit it definitely here not two dotted i definitely get five dotted over the w get a seven out of eight hit it definitely here now twenty seven had three and three thousand dollars here now three now three dotted over that wkd here now three thousand and three thousand dollars you did two and a half now five thirty five seven half now four or four thousand dollars to definitely here now four and four thousand dollars here here and i have found infinity ward out of that definitely here now two and a half there ain't no doubt about to hit it down here now forty two hundred and fifty definitely here at nine forty two that'll be anybody hit it definitely here now forty two hundred mvp sold to your four thousand four thousand two thirty five and one twenty one's a lot one twenty ones a lot here's a double impact back to the grade 8 21 a damn definite here now 220 two and a half and two dotted definitely here now 2200 and five and out of the definite seven half five degrees now three and three thousand out of the definite here now three now three dot over the em but wk had a definition here now three and three thousand dollar anybody did it double here now three now three dotted out two and a half and two dotted here to five and thirty five that didn't get here now thirty five thirty five thirty five data gear out online and thirty five seven and seven dot affiliated w here now seven out of fifty eight wpdf and 750 here to 4 000. not two and a half higher two down out of a definite here now two and a half and forty two hundred and five that at the beginning that superior out forty five seven half seven out of eight years still out and forty seven hundred and fifty hidden definitely here now forty seven hundred and we're going to forty seven hundred and fifty hit wkd45 seven ham soldier forty five hundred forty five hundred on buy our number 1007. 1007 gets her here's 123. here's 123 the diego paxton jet stream back to the 968 g i gotta definitely get here now 220 two and a half you know but you hit it definitely here now twenty two hundred and fifty hit it don't get here now five dollar number two definitely seven out of five hit it down here now three thousand dollars here now two and a half thirty two that's everybody don't get here now thirty two hundred and fifty eight definitely here now two and a half and thirty two hundred and forty hit it doesn't get here now thirty two that'll be the defeating everybody hit it definitely what are you doing here did you find my heifer thirty two hundred and fifty and five and thirty five better number two definitely here now thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred dollars definitely here now thirty two hundred and fifty eight definitely here now thirty five hundred didn't die soldier thirty two hundred and fifty seven ninety three seven ninety three here's 125. uh rear end eureka back to the great c cal ah definitely not that it is not two not twenty two hundred and fifty they had two dead of eight here to five now five no seven half here and three thousand better than we get here now two and a half now five and thirty five dotted definitely here now thirty five thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred dollars to 37.50 and 3 500. here not 7.50 anybody definitely get here now seven dollar video i'll do it 37.50 sold to you 3500 247 247 here's 126. the rear end paxton headliner i mean one stout fancy heifer here i did it at the deputy here now 220 two and a half and two down if you hit it wkd5 and 2500.75 at 30 000 now two and a half and thirty two down a few hitted definitely here now and 50 to definitely get here now 32 and a half and two that if i did hit it don't forget about it definitely here now 32 that if you hit it down here not doing that five and thirty five dollars five out of five in the definitely here now thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred seven out of eight we get to thirty seven hundred and fifty and thirty seven hundred and fifty now four thousand that added a deficit in now four thousand automated wkd4 um four thousand dollar dollar dedicated thirty seven out of five we deposited it forward out of the dedicated soldier thirty seven fifty two thirty five two thirty five one twenty seven 127's of confidence paxton hey back to that anchor damn grand damn now tie into these bread stock here's a uh female here just uh young heifer thing here she's bred to have a june baby by the front range bowl bread to have a june baby by the front range all right definitely here now two 25 and 2 500. doesn't get here now 25 3 and 3 000 now buy 3 500. four dotted definitely 45 and 45 two and a half two out of five that is seven i have five five thousand dollar difficulty here now five two and a half here now five and fifty five seven half here now six thousand now two and a half and two that'll be the definition here now sixty five hundred dollars seven out of five divided here now seven out of five then sixty dollars seven out of fifty here to seven thousand dollars here now seven and seven thousand dollars now seven to seven 278 278 here's 128. here's 128 the charter paxton back to eureka oh my a lot of longevity bread for a may calf 2 long range front range front range all right definitely here 9.2 and 25 and 2 500. here now 2500 now 3. here now 3 500. here now 35 3500. four now five and forty five hundred dollars to give two and a half and forty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here now forty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here now forty two she's gonna have you baby you know forty two and a half being two down after it definitely here now four thousand out of that definitely here now two and a half two and a half now five now 45 keep on coming old buddy forty five hundred edited definitely here now forty five forty five hundred that definitely two and a half here gonna do it forty five hundred didn't die soldier forty two fifty we're going to go to 129 here in a minute take your time it's nice steady 253 thank you now keep that out so you can use it again okay here's 129 the confidence in blaze on great planes my my due in april to front range 225 and 2500. definitely here now here now four two and a half now five now forty five seven half seven half here now that it'll definitely get to 47.50 difficulty here now that it definitely now seven and a half and forty two and a half here now that it definitely 47. that'll be on me forty five hundred and now seven half now forty seven hundred and fifty definitely on five and five thousand dollars here now five hundred five for that definitely here now five thousands all right damn that down two and a half and two down there but you hit it definitely here now 3200 and 50 hit it definitely here now two and a half the m5200 and 50 hit it don't forget to hear now 3200 damage if you hit it don't get here and i'll give 5 five thousand seven ninety three seven ninety three here's 130. 130 is an extra easy zodiac wholesome due in april to front range i didn't get here now 35. now four and four thousand dollars here here now finally finally four dotted there you'll be thirty seven and a half and thirty seven dollars though now four thousand and four thousand dollars here now they find it four dollars definitely here now four thousand anybody to do you want to be four and four thousand now two and a half and two data but did it definitely get here now forty two hundred and fifty hit it down here now forty two hundred and fifty hit it definitely here now soldier four thousand four thousand superior seven thirty eight here's one thirty one right here she's a blueprint i didn't definitely get here doing made a front range all right definitely get here now 225. and 2500. definitely here now 25 3 and 35. i doubted that definitely not four identities here now four thousand now five and forty five hundred dollars they give two and a half 4200 mm but if you hit it down to 42 degrees now five and forty five hundred out of ten definitely here now forty five hundred dollars two and a half here now forty five hundred out of the way this one forty two fifty but you didn't think you were gonna get that done 242 thank you 242. here's 132. she's a deluxe oh my back to the grade 872 damn 872k damn twice double bread tour i did it definitely here. definite here now 225 and 2500. definitely here now 2500. definitely here now come on now i'm done with here enough 257.58 and 3 000. here now three now two and a half thirty two down fifty five data definitely here now thirty five and thirty five out of five in the definitely here now 35. anybody hit it definitely get your hands up let's go now 3 500. 35. so do you 32.50 242. 242. here's 133. 133. zodiac echelon back to the fantastic 907 sea cow all right doing made a front range and 2 25 and 2. definitely here now 25 3 and 3 000 now five and 3 500. now four now 45 and 4 500. now 5 000. get 47.50 we'll slow it down now 5 thousand two and a half now five fifty five hundred dollars here now five yes sir now five and fifty five dollars over the weekend here not two and a half superior you're out m55 that it doesn't hear tonight nope you gotta be hundred out of that definitely here now two and a half five fifty five hundred dollar now tie seven half five then i signed now six thousand two and a half and two down if you hit the difficulty here now two dollar budget hit it don't forget sixty two and a half yeah two data but hit it down here now sixty two hundred and fifty hit the definitive superior you're out now sixty two hundred and fifty sixty two and a half something is six thousand six thousand two seventy nine about a good female there here is uh 134 wholesome focus missing link ah how good's it gotta be gonna be bread for a november baby by your exact identity here now 225. and 2500. here now 2500. definitely here now don't forget here now 2200 employees here now 22 and a half she's a wholesome daughter 22 and a half she's young now five seven and a half now three now three thousand out of the way here now three now three dotted over that definitely here now three thousand dollars definitely here now two and a half and thirty two dollar budgeted definitely here now thirty two five that it didn't get here now thirty-five here now 35 anybody hit it definitely here now 35 and 3 500. definitely hearing not two and a half five seven hands here now that it doesn't get to 3700 and 50. yeah 3500.4 out of that definitely here and i finally found it forward out of that definitely here now four thousand seven zero five here's 135 wholesome no problems bread for september you're exact all right here now 220 two and a half and two dotted here now five and twenty five now three and three now thirty five and thirty five hundred dollars dedicated thirty two and a half and two database definitely here now thirty two dot everybody hit it definitely here now five and thirty five hundred edited here now thirty five thirty five thirty five hundred dollars 32.50 and 3500. definitely get a seven-hand seven out of five hit the wk to 3700 and 50. yeah 3700 and 50 hit it did we get to 35.7 out of 58. dedicated 37.4 and four thousand dollars here now 42 and a half now five and forty two down definitely here now five and forty five dollars here now superior you're both out forty five seven and a half now live auctions you're out forty seven and seven down every day at wcd47.50.47. jeff you're out forty seven to fifty eight wkd47 at fifty soldier forty five hundred forty five hundred seven ninety three finding the good ones isn't he here's 136 excellent uh bread for may by future i'd love to get here now that a 2 2 and a half then five and seven half five to the definite here now three i doubted it at two and a half and two down to the definite now thirty five and thirty five out of seven out of everybody hit it down to here now that it doesn't get here now thirty seven eight everybody hit it definitely here 9 37 i and 35. definitely did somebody hit it definitely here now 3700 am 50. so dia 3500 jeff still 242 isn't it 242. here's 137. hey guess what she done did it done did the deed babies on the ground bull calf born uh about three days ago born about three two two days ago done it hey first calf out of the high selling bull last year the future bull take a look right here all right first calf on the ground don't mind all right definitely here not that i don't get here now two twenty two and a half five out of five dollar seven and a half five that i didn't get here now three now two and a half thirty two dotted but you hit it definitely here now five and thirty five dollars here now thirty five thirty five thirty five dotted definitely here now thirty two and a half five and thirty five dotted over to the seven half and seven out of fifty four thousand now two and a half and forty two hundred and fifty hidden definitely here now that it is superior now forty two and a half now five and forty five dollar number definitely here now forty five hundred dollars seven out of five here to the five thousand dollars to definitely down five half a thousand dollar dividend here not five i got you at 47.5 52 and a half you're out there 3 200 damn for hitting definitely here at 5 000. they're definitely here now two and a half and two down hitting it definitely there now 5200 and 50 hitted wk 5200 and 50. salty of 5000 on superior 793 793 here's 138. uh blueprint daughter to paxton back to anchor how good's it got to be bred for october to your exact ah one long made female here and two now twenty two and a half five daddy definitely here now five and twenty five seven hey i find that it doesn't get here now seven out of eight here to three thousand dollars here now three now three now three now three thousand not anybody hit it don't forget here now three and three thousand dollars what you doing here all right daddy definitely get here now three and three thousand dollars how you like her now three thousand did it definitely here now she's a blueprint three thousands all now two and a half two dead everyday definitely get here now 3200 and 30 here to five and thirty five down to definitely get a live auction now thirty five and seth you're out thirty five dollar seven eight everybody did it don't forget to thirty seven everybody hit it don't forget to thirty seven out of fifty and thirty five hundred dollars don't forget your seven dollar fifty hit it doesn't get you here and i sold to you thirty 3 500 793 793 here's 139 here's 139 is the great plane's daughter back to paxton joker wow take a look bread for an october you're exact 220 two and a half and two that if i didn't definitely get here now twenty-five dollars here now twenty-five hundred dollars seven out of five here to three thousand and along here now that it doesn't get here now three then three thousand dollars here now two and a half here now five and thirty five dotted over that definitely here now thirty five thirty seven out of ten here to four thousand dollars here now four and four thousand dollars here now two and a half here now that it definitely forty two that if you hit it definitely here now two and a half and forty two hundred and forty hit it definitely here nine forty to 4 000. two and a half here now five and 4 500. look at the pedigree on this female would you 45 and 4 500. definitely here 945 dotted over to definitely here 9 45 45 45 superior out and 45 and die soldier 42.50 259 good job 259. here's 140. the moderator daughter back to the great uh anchor daughter 944h whoop here bread september you're exact i did a two twenty two and a half and two down if i did it doesn't get here nine twenty two down to fifty definitely here not twenty two dollar but you hit it don't get here now two now twenty two and a half day two daddy buddy hit it don't forget to twenty two hundred damn but he hit it don't forget to hear nothing now dotted that doesn't get there that she's a moderator dollar now 25. now 25 nope you got to be 25 and 2 500. definitely hearing that five out of five sign out you do it here now twenty five seven half seven down everybody definitely get here now seven out of fifty and twenty seven hundred and forty here to three thousand dollars here now three and three thousand dollars here now three now three thousand dollar anybody did it definitely here now that it definitely now two and a half and thirty two hundred and fifty hitting the red hat's at now thirty two hundred and fifty and thirty two hundred and fifty dollar nine no peace out thirty two and that you do it thirty 32 and a half so to you 3 000 3 000 going to live auctions 10 24 by our number 10 24 here's 141 hey the hunter daughter back to homer again uh sell on an open heifer to you now my my 225. and 2500. here now 22 and a half and 2200.50 definitely here now two double videos twenty two hundred and fifty headed definitely here now fifteen seventeen hundred and fifty and here and i'll give a thousand twelve and a half twelfth if you hit the dive again now fifteen down at the w to sixteen then sixteen dotted w nine dotted to definite eighteen dotted definitely eighteen 18 20. now too and 2 000 now 22 and 2200. that definitely here now two dollar forward out of that definitely here now six now that definitely here now twenty eight hundred dollars here now seven and twenty seven and six seven dollars here now bait then twenty eight hundred dollars just in the nick of time 2 900. definitely here now nine you'll be 29 2893 now you're out again three now three thousand dollar come right back now three and three thousand dollar definitely here now three now three now three data that we get here and i sold to you twenty nine hundred dollars in the ring jeff mafi 235 thank you 235. here's 142. here's a zen homer thumper open heifer my my all right we'll get to you the next one no matter what she costs all right all right two twenty two and a half thousand twelve and a half twelve defeated definitely now thousand dollars zen heifer i did that definitely here now 12 and a half thousand dollars down 15. all right that is definitely hearing that 17.50 hit it definitely get here now 16 18 18. we get here now two now 22 and a half 21 three and twenty three hundred dollars definitely here now twenty three five and twenty five hundred dollar sign now seven and twenty seven down over to definitely here now now 29 now 28 help you and 27 down over the definite here now beat that definitely here 2800 didn't die so do you 2700 on superior he's coming 731 thank you here's 143. the atlas back to the paxton dam open doll ah fancy heifer now i got that definitely here not that it doesn't get here. get a pair 9. get a thousand out of the way to here now 1200 amp hit it definitely get here now 1200 and 50. and thousands out of the way here now 1200 but you hit it definitely here not that it definitely here now 1200 hands up let's go and 1200 and 50 to hit it definitely two thousand dollars to 15. 13 15. here now 15. then 15 16. here in that ticket it is 16.17. 17 18 18. over the weekend 70. here now 18 18. 18. then 70. here and i come right back now 18 out of that definitely here now 17. 18 18 19 19. here now 19 18 out of the deficit here in 1919. 259 here's 144 accolade take a look i mean here's one you like 144 accolade back to the homer transformation the end here now that delegated 12 and a half 15. then 15. here not doubted at a definite here no 1700 employee hit the delegate here now 1700 damn 50. 17. here now if you hit the delegate here no 16. then 16. here now take it at 16.18.2 i get a deficit here now two throne two and twenty two hundred you know i'll be twenty one and twenty about that i didn't get here now twenty one twenty one that definitely here and i soldered two thousand two thousand 2202 here's 146. here's 146. he's an atlas and take a look i did it definitely here now a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty hit it doesn't get here not that it doesn't y'all looking now seventeen and a half seventeen two and two thousand not two and a half huh twenty two hundred and forty hit it w d here now twenty one's all my daddy definitely here now twenty one twenty my dad at just a little bit more and twenty one didn't definitely hear now twenty one twenty one daddy gonna do it now twenty one hundred didn't die so to you two thousand two thousand two five eight here's 147. accolade i you like these accolade daughters now take a look back to paxton and blaze on in thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty dollars here 15. nope you got to be 15. you're too slow and 15. here now 15 17 half 17.50 hit it definitely here 9. here now 2 and 2 000. uh jeff i took him right in the middle now two twenty two and a half now you're both out twenty two hundred and fifty now two hundred and forty twenty one now two now twenty two all right definitely here not twenty one that i didn't definitely hear now two dotted over the here now 20. superior now three and twenty three hundred dollars dedicated here now twenty three hundred that soldier twenty two hundred superior seven three one one forty eight's a double take no problems thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty that i didn't definitely get here now thousand dollars here now twelve hundred days but hit it definitely here you're not doubted at a deficit here now twelve hundred and fifty here's lot one forty eight thousand eleven and eleven out of the definite here now thirteen thirteen fifteen down at a definite hearing fifteen that i gotta definitely hear that fourteen 18. 18 you're out again 19 2. i did it here now 2 000 and 2 000. the difficulty here in that two no two dead it already definitely here now 2 000 then die silty in 1900 stephen two five nine two five nine here's one forty nine a zen oh up here i did it at a thousand twelve and a half twelve two feed that at a definite hearing now thousand dollars here now twelve hundred and eleven all right eleven down at the definite hearing on eleven eleven hundred out of thirteen down at the delegate here in the thirteen thirteen down at a definite here in a thirteen hundred dollar fifteen data deficit here another fifteen fifteen dollars that definitely seventeen dollars definitely here to seventeen and about sixteen i and sixteen down at the definite fifteen sixteen and sixteen down at a deficit here and i've done it at a definite here to sixteen fifteen hundred dollars i'm sorry i done did it put them on buyer number two five eight 258 here's 150. the zodiac picture perfect wow look here twelve and a half fifteen the m15 that it does she's a zodiac guy definitely 13 13 15 17. here 19. and 19.99 19 now two now two thousand dollars here now two and two thousand here now two no two dot over that definitely here now two thousand didn't die now one twenty one twenty one twenty one you sure twenty one sold to you nineteen hundred dollars two five nine one fifty ones epitome and back to the umax dam all right here in a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty down at the deputy here now twelve hundred and fifty three thousand dollars at eleven nine eleven down at a difficulty here not eleven hundred dollars twelve thirteen then thirteen down at the dedicated fifteen seventeen data definitely here 19. here in 1921. definitely hearing that 2 thousands all in 2000. editor definitely here 19. you all right here 2019 two and two thousand dollars 19. here now two thousand edited definitely here and die now one twenty one but you keep saying that 21 21. don't get here now sold to you 2 000 259 you bet here's 152 the best yet out of one of the most productive angus two cows in the oldie herd right here i did that definitely here now dotted definitely a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty dollar definitely hearing a thousand dollars enough fifteen dollars to seventeen and a half all right that it doesn't get here now two and two thousand dollars eighteen eighteen that it had done nineteen dotted dot two and twenty month out of that definitely hearing that two dotted now three now 3300 out of that deficit here now 3 300. definitely here now 3 29 your way now 3. here now you won't be 31. and 31. don't forget 2900. don't get here enough 3100 didn't die so do you 2900 on 382 chris thank you here's 153 here's 153 the deal maker paxton and she's uh bred for a made baby by style with ease i'd hear not doubted that definitely not doubted that don't get it twelve and a half fifteen fifteen down that definitely here another fifteen fifteen got seventeen half here not two thousand dollars here not two now twenty two and a half and two dotted hit it doesn't get here not twenty five that didn't get here now 25 you got to be seven half in the front row 27 half now three now three thousand now two and a half and thirty two down if you hit it definitely here now thirty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't delegate here now thirty two and a half thirty one and thirty one down to that definitely here now thirty one thirty one thirty one down at a doubt two identity here now thirty one two and two dotted over that definite here now thirty two hundred ninety nine three and thirty three hundred dollars definitely here now three now five dotted don't get here now thirty five seven that is 235 235 here's 154. a double take double take bread for an april style with ease uh 12 and a half 15. 15. does 17 have now two 2 000 22 and a half and five and twenty seven half three and three thousand that at a definite here now two data but you hit it definitely here now thirty one and thirty one dot don't get here now thirty one thirty one dot edit divided here now thirty one down at it don't get here now thirty one that i didn't definitely get here now thirty one hundred dollars to get here now thirty one sold to you three thousand three thousand 232 and here's 155 57 1 57 155 and 6 are out here's 157 the alpha back to no problems and you're stout bred for in october you're exact we'll appear identity here.we could hear it at 12 and a half 15. 15. 9. here not 15 but being down at that definitely here that's 17.00. here now 23.85 here's the bread female now and twenty five hundred edited bread uh you're exact 25 and twenty three hundred dollars before i'm fortunate to don't get here now five and twenty five seven dollars now 27.00.9929.99 2700. two five nine two five nine's a buyer 158's a lot she's an accolade double bread paxton here doing june to zodiac whoa baby look here i doubted that definitely here now twelve and a half fifteen fifteen dollars here and i don't know here no fifteen fifteen dollars here to twelve fifteen that i don't get here to fifteen then 17 half you got to be 17 15 now 2 2 2 and a half 21 that 23. i doubt it at five doubted that don't get here not 25. don't forget that 25 7. and seven out of the way here enough 2700. here 99 and 31 and thirty-three dotted with here now thirty-three five and thirty-five nine out of the way here number five she's an accolade thirty-five and they're going to like these females thirty-seven out of that don't get hearing that dotted definitely get here in a thirty-seven yeah nine and thirty-nine hundred dollars here now 39.99 235 here's 159 159 she's the atlas wholesome transformation and blaze on my oh my thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty daddy definitely get here at 12850 all right don't forget to one thousand dollars definitely here to 1200 fp 15. here to 16. then 16. here to give 1900 now 21 and 21 to 23 9 4. here enough five and twenty four dollars here no 24 now four i got 23 right here you got to be 24 stephen you to make it you got to be 24 23 now four and twenty three four dotted definitely here now twenty four hundred and nine sodium 2300 202. 160 is an exceptional blaze take a look brand new category here now and uh a date change on her birthday she is born in in 2020. she's born a year ago uh out of that great miss arnold uh f9789 foundation cow on the bottom side now i doubt it doesn't get here not that it would she's an exceptional blaze i got a 12 and a half 15 and 17 half two and two thousand dollars not two nine two dollar dot twenty two and a half two dotted hit it doesn't get here now twenty two hundred and fifty hit it doesn't get here now two and a half and twenty two hundred and fifty hit it don't get here now twenty one and two now twenty one down there two dotted at don't get here now twenty two three uh definitely here that twenty three three three hundred that definitely you don't like her now in twenty three hundred out of ten five and twenty five dollars five five nine seven down at the delegate here.27 then [Music] 2500 buyer number on superior is 731. 161's a lot she's an own daughter of homer back to the great arnold e 5562 cow pay attention here all right definitely here not that thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty dollars fifteen all right i doubted that definitely here enough fifteen fifteen down at a definite here to fifteen fifteen hundred dollars all out now 23. and three data didn't get here enough 23. definitely get here and that's up to you 20 200 259 making one good job right there here's one 162 dakota mitchell open doll i did it a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty dollars enough 15. don't forget here to seventeen half five that is here and i doubted it didn't get here to sixteen eighteen now two twenty one and down twenty three dotted definitely here to out of six help you now 2600 didn't die sold to you 2500 202 202 sorry 163 exceptional blaze back to an echelon damn 8 000 12 and a half 12 50. all right definitely get there enough fifteen dollars definitely get here fifteen fifteen down on that definitely down to that definite here in a 13 15 now seventeen nineteen thousand difficult twenty one that at a different here no three and twenty three down at a different here now three five and twenty five nine out of ten here in the final five twenty five degrees four five and twenty four five and twenty four dotted divided here enough five five five five six nine definitely get here to no 2600 yeah i don't know the difference here in that ticket at 6 90. that didn't get here enough 26. he's thinking about it now seven uh definitely hearing that twenty seven hundred dead at a deficit here in a seven to seven down at a dividend here at twenty seven hundred so twenty six hundred goes to buyer number two oh two 164 is an epitome she goes to paxton twice fancy heifer i gotta definitely hear that a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty i didn't definitely hear it after a lot of pedigree here a thousand twelve and a half here and a thousand dollar dividend here to 1200 f 15. here to 17. here dot w get here 919 21. uh 21.99 and that had a dividend here no twenty one down that it didn't work buddy hit it definitely get here nothing now twenty one dollars two he's out in the back twenty two hundred out of the way here in that two no two no two dotted definitely soldier twenty one hundred two fifty nine one sixty five is the wholesome transformation mitchell and thousand twelve at hand twelve fifteen that had a difficult thousand dollars no twelve hundred eight fifty deficit here not twelve hundred day fifty dead doubted at a definitely eleven now twelve thirteen and thirteen down at a different here to thirteen thirteen down at a definite here to fifteen uh fifteen seventeen and seventy doubted at a definite hearing nineteen twenty one and three down at the w here no twenty five in twenty five seven down the diving here no twenty nine dollars here nine nine in a nine and nope you're out twenty nine and nine down at the w here now twenty nine dollars here now twenty nine down at a here in that twenty nine and i doubted a deficit here not twenty nine down at the difficulty you owe me twenty eight hundred that help you twenty seven twenty eight twenty eight hundred out of ten here that make that a difficult here now bait you wanna be 28 now nine now three now three thousand three thousand three thousand nope you're out again just that quick three thousand all through three thousand didn't die sold to you 2900 310 166 is your lot 166 turn your page to the atlas back to the great uh miss arnold d 5562 i had a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty i did that definitely not one thousand dollars twelve hundred eight fifty eight definitely hear no thousand dollar eleven hundred dollar notification eleven now then 13. here enough 15. here that 50 17. did we get here that's 1719. did you get 17. then 17. give 16. you wanna do that fifteen sixteen seventeen then seventy dot at the w turn that down don't forget here now now seventeen in now i'm in the ring the rest of you out online on 2 000 i got you at 1900. now 2 000. you all do it two thousand two thousand sold to your 1900 he's been whacking away at him 229 doing a good job here's uh 167 to zen uh back to that miss uh 181 y cow hey a deep made kind of a heifer here thousand twelve and a half eleven then eleven edited definitely dare nine thousand down at the w two and eleven out of the dot now thirteen dotted definite here enough fifteen down at the definition of seventeen then seventeen.19.18 now 19 17 18 give 18. now 19. now two now 21 two and twenty one out of the definition here now two now two twenty one two all right here yes sir i'm telling you my dad would hear not two hundred and nine so do you 2100 2100 he's on a roll 229 it is here's 168 accolade paxton mitchell thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty all right definitely here no doubt fifteen i have fifteen that had a deficit here enough thirteen and thirteen down at a deficit hearing twelve fifty thirteen and thirteen fifteen seventeen nineteen dotted at a definite hearing at twenty one and twenty one down to three three and twenty three data deficit here now three now three dead at a different here in the twenty three and twenty three's now five and out of the definite here in the twenty five hundred dollars twenty five and 20 but i didn't definitely get here in the five five five five dollars forward out of that definitely here knife so do you 2300 202's the buyer 169's a lot zen jet stream miss arnold d 55 62 000 12 and a half twelve fifty i don't know definitely hearing twelve hundred and eleven nine eleven down at a different heirloom eleven hundred ten thousand dollars turned into eleven down to the definite here in the ten hundred eleven thirteen and thirteen fifteen dotted that would get here that fifteen thirteen down at seventeen down to nineteen data that would here number 18 18. then 17.18 now two and 22. definitely hearing that 22 and 21. and 20. here now two and 20. don't get hearing that 2200. definitely get here in that two now two and twenty one dotted it down at two three uh definitely here to 23 and 2300. four on edit that doesn't get here enough 24.99 she's a zen now 24. i'm 24.99 300. 382's the buyer 170 is a gulf stream take a look i got a thousand twelve and a half twelve four feet that it doesn't get here in a thousand dollars at twelve fifty dollars here in the twelve hundred and fifty all right we get here to fifteen down at the double here to sixteen eighteen down at the difficulty here number two i gotta get here david wins 1008's the buyer 171 is an exceptional blaze rear end paxton one nice pattern female here thousand twelve and a half twelve fifteen now fifteen and sixteen then sixteen seventeen down to nineteen and nineteen twenty one at three down at the deficit here now twenty three down at a difficulty here now three and twenty two and two data at w now three yeah i doubted that we could hear enough twenty three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three data definitely hit it didn't get here now 2300. out of the defeat here now three now 23. now four now 24.99 and 25.00 out of the way here enough five final five down at a difficulty here no twenty six hundred not a definite here no six hundred and twenty six hundred added a definite hearing ticket you're out 2600 you're out 2600 and i sold to you 2500 live auctions buyer number 10 24. 10 24 172 is a gulf stream one stout made big volume nice pattern heifer here a thousand twelve and a half twelve fifty i did that definitely hearing that twelve fifty i'd have to get another definite here in a thousand twelve and a half fifteen and fifteen sixteen eighteen dotted definitely here now two i doubt 21. definitely here no one then 21 3. here in a five and 27.99 31.3 and 3 300. definitely hearing that three now three now thirty two hundred edited definitely hearing that thirty two yes sir thirty one two and you're all the rest of you out now got jeff in at 31 the rest of you out you're all trying come on back 32 31 2 y'all through 33 and 3 300. here now three no three no three doubted at a definite hannah come on back thirty three hundred that i didn't get here no three thirty i think she said thirty three thirty three sold to you 3200 1008 is the buyer 173's the count down paxton bread to the style with ease due in may a thousand dollars here now 11 down 12. that is 13 15 1700 feet now two and two thousand dollars one that i didn't get here no twenty three hundred edited definitely here in the five and twenty seven that it doesn't get here nine dollars definitely here and a thirty one dollar three dotted at a definite here in a thirty three and thirty three hundred out of ten here now three now three now three data to get thirty 200 and 3 000. give 32. and 3200. definitely get here now 32.00 now 33. now you're both out now 33. now 32 now three and 3200. definitely hearing not three no three now three data to you 3 200 772 174 is a lot of countdown paxton gonna have you a made baby by style with these uh definitely enough 15 and now three thirty four now thirty four and thirty three four salty thirty three hundred on superior seven thirty six and 175's the gulf stream yeah i don't want to shock you here but we're going to run out of these doggone things here after a while too hang right in there here's the gulf stream 175 gulf stream picture perfect echelon bred for an april from style with ease the end here now 15 17 half 1752 and 22 and a half five and seven half three and two and a half on 32.85 and thirty five hundred dollars here not by seven ham and four thousand now two and a half and forty two daddy but you hit it definitely here now 4200 and 50 hit it definitely here 941 and 1. definitely here 941.41 out of that definite here now 2 and 3 and 44. and 44. 393 now 4 400 at 5 and 45 7. definitely here to 47. the m4 700. here 95. definitely here and i'm sold to you 5 000 5 000. 381 176 is a gulf stream paxton hey double bread paxton dam on the bottom side bread for june to style with ease all right definitely here 9. enough 15 17 half now two now 22 and half five and seven half three and three thousand two and a half five dotted definitely hearing that seven fifty dollars definitely here now thirty seven fifty and thirty seven half by six hundred and eight out of that definitely here now 38. definitely will be 37. you're awfully close 39 and 39.99 and 39. down to the definite hearing at 37 38. here in the 3800 india sold your 3700 on superior here's 178. here's 178 transformation to the rear end paxton grand dam dew and mayda your exact last female in the world right here all right that'd never get there enough fifteen seventeen half and seventeen here's one good female now two and twenty two and a half two dotted that we get here and i don't know who made the sale order now twenty seven i have three and three thousand dollars here not two and a half five and thirty five down at the definite five five final that help you thirty two and a half three now five and thirty five dollars here in a seven out of ten here in the thirty six hundred dollars don't get here don't take that out of that keep on coming sir and thirty six hundred out of that don't get here not taking it take it a six hundred dollars definitely get here no thirty six hundred didn't die 3 500. 258 buyer number 258. ladies and gentlemen i'm going to turn the microphone over to mr tim oldie for a few parting words thanks to each and every one of you yeah i can't thank everybody i'd be running for warm too uh tell my wife maybe we can build us a bigger shed it's warmer okay anyway i can't thank everybody enough the crew here this guy is a world champion for me i think all the help i didn't introduce my brother back there in the middle he retired went to michigan freezing his ass off this winter but he's retired doctor so he's here in case i pass out so anyway i forgot to introduce him but thanks everybody any questions settle up let us know we'll start putting together loads in a day or two or three anybody needs them hold but they're here they'll stay in the lots and be taken care of and any other questions call me or come up and talk to me whatever thanks a million [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SLA TV
Views: 2,655
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HQ-muV9MQFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 33sec (13293 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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