Ohio Police Pull Taser, Arrest Teens for Refusing to Follow Traffic Laws

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oh now you gotta run okay yeah that's probably good for you too all right all right take that water bottle if y'all want to sell water bottles that's fine stay out of the streets though because you got it it's every all over when we're walking you guys are y'all just stay on the streets just stay out of the streets that's all i'm asking i'm telling you right now they're calling us i don't want to do something about it right i mean do you need me to do you want me to write you a ticket for impeding traffic you're probably right you're probably i probably should not oh now you gotta run okay yeah that's probably good for you too keep it up okay okay have a good day have a good day okay well you're the one that said write you a ticket now you don't want now you're going to walk away i can't even get it i'm a miner you wanna you wanna do you really wanna have a bet on that i guarantee you stay out of the roadway stay out of the roadway all right right now you want to deal with it out of the road you two you're in the road come here put your hands up stop resisting you're gonna get tired oh get back stop resisting [Applause] [Music] get in the car get in the door [Applause] [Applause] get out of the road [Applause] get out of the roadway get moving go out of the roadway let's go [Music] [Applause] oh put your hands behind your back [Laughter] containing [Applause] [Applause] more investigation [Applause] what on your back [Music] [Music] hold on to her we got a full car here stupid who rolls around with it how are you this is why would you roll around with that why it was in the back we just selling water crazy okay we got two that refused to get out of the road it's gonna be obstruction it's a bb gun over there [Music] huh yeah figure out her information spread your legs what's your first name never been involved with the police at all you're not going to pop them in my system at all okay you got a did you ever get issue like a state id or anything like that id card no okay i can't get that job but i'm gonna go get it okay no i'm just asking because it's just gonna be easier to pull up the picture in the system this one no you can go over there we're not dealing with it big [Music] slide up a little bit and get these cars in the line so we can get traffic moving through here okay we'll slide forward so we can get the cars pulled into line we're gonna slide forward so we get these cars in the line [Music] yes for obstruction obstruction yep follow along i don't know if it's between you and the judge i told you guys multiple times stop and listen god gave you two ears and one mouth so you need to use no i cannot talk to you absolutely once i'm done explaining this i told you multiple times stay out of the roadway as soon as i got out of the roadway to detain you to get your information which i'm allowed to do all right so look you did so i'm not i'm not done talking i'm not done talking so once i tried to get your information you continuously tried to remove your arms from my hands that is obstruction you are trying to because why is you touching me for it because i told you guys multiple times stay on the street i can't get a hold of you because you're a reminder right that's what i said then i hop out on you now all of a sudden i'm not in female she said the glock was hurt or the bag was hers i didn't realize it was a bb gun at first because it looks legit so okay it's going to go with you all right that's my money my phone my charging my everything in there we got it right here hey free me y'all other side other windows open he's got the ac game [Music] your other windows up and the ac is rolling i'm not rolling this down so you can yell back and forth no you are and i'm not playing the games okay i told you it's pretty simple stay out of the roadway and instead of doing so instead of doing so look man there's no there's no talking to you because you're just going to keep talking over me so that's fine so in doing so all you had to do was say my bad i'll stay off the roadway you guys could have stayed out here and did you a little hustle but you don't want to do that you want to be disrespectful you want to keep getting in the streets you want to throw water bottles at people so no i ain't playing the game no more 266
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 4,145,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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