Ohio High School Mock Trial State Championship 2019

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welcome to the 2019 Ohio Center for law related education high school mock trial state championship good morning I'm Andy Chou from the Ohio Public Radio and Television Statehouse news bureau we're live from the Senate hearing room at the Ohio State House in Columbus what you'll see here today is a polished performance by high school students who will argue a fictional court case live in a real courtroom setting before a panel of judges what adds to the drama is that all season each team prepares for both sides of the case and they only found out just a moment ago who will argue for the prosecution and who will argue for the defense since last fall teams of high school students have been preparing and competing against one another and the top two teams have advanced here today for the championship round competing today our teams from Sylvania South View High School and Indian Hill High School the winning team today will represent Ohio and the national competition in Athens Georgia this year's case is titled state of Buckeye versus Quinn Wolfe the case challenges students to consider an individual's right to privacy in our increasingly technological world in September of 2018 Quinn Wolfe was arrested on charges of aggravated assault and telecommunications fraud for stealing a hundred and twenty million dollars from the state of Buckeyes pension fund the state is basing its charges on drone footage captured from 400 feet in the air the footage was enhanced to reveal Quinn Wolfe with an alphanumeric code that matched the one needed to access the state's account the defense has moved to exclude the drone footage claiming that police violated Quinn's Fourth Amendment protection against unlawful search and seizure the motion hearing will focus on whether or not the contracted drone operator qualifies as a state actor and if Quinn had a reasonable expectation of privacy arguing for the prosecution is team Everett from Sylvania South View High School in Sylvania Ohio this is Sylvania south views ninth time at the mock trial state championship for the defense is team vedoe from Indian Hill High School in Indian Hill Ohio this is Indian Hills 7th time at the mock trial state championship and this is the third time that these two schools have faced off against each other in this rivalry in the final round the mock trial should last about two hours before the judges take a break to score the teams at that time we'll be back here with more information about the trial and interviews with the students for now let's go to the main floor of the court room this is a case of state of Buckeye versus Quinn wolf I want to congratulate both teams for making it to this level of the competition before we begin and would like we'll go ahead and introduce ourselves and if we could start on the right side my name is Rob we're I'm an attorney in the Cleveland area president this year of the Ohio State Bar Foundation I'm a trial lawyer in Columbus Ohio and president elect of the Ohio State Bar Association welcome to everybody and good luck to the teams good morning my name is Jeremy young I'm a litigation partner at the law firm of Roetzel and Andres here in Columbus and I sit on the board for the Ohio Center for law related education good morning everyone my name is Anna Wachtel I am counsel for Nationwide Insurance here in Columbus this year I had the pleasure of serving on the case writing committee for Hillary for this mock trial welcome to everyone and good luck and I'm Jerry McBride I'm a judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Clermont County and a member of the competition committee and again good luck to both teams at this time the prosecution is ready you can go ahead and introduce your team members yes your honor good morning my name is Jillian sander I'll be delivering the opening on behalf of the prosecution the direct examination of Eli moss in the cross-examination of dr. Parker Monroe good morning your honors my name is Isabella courts I will be directing detective Miller Crossing Dillon Ulrich and providing the closing on behalf of the prosecution and for our witnesses you can go ahead permission to proceed your honor you may may it please the court your honor for over 50 years the Supreme Court has held that evidence is voluntarily exposed to the public view or when it is voluntarily produced by a private citizen it is not protected under the Fourth Amendment today's hearing clearly exemplifies these principles that are at the core of our law enforcement's ability to conduct a lawful investigation as the evidence will show in the summer of 2018 more than 120 million dollars of digital currency was stolen from the state pension fund after receiving a lead but the defendant Quinn wolf had access to these funds detective Miller conducted an investigation attempting to link the defendant the crime as part of her investigation she was put into contact with Eli Moss the CEO of an aerial mapping company who had previously performed a project of land directly adjacent to the wolf residence Eli moss then provided detective Miller with footage of the Wolf's residence today the defense has claimed or excuse me as you'll see in Exhibit D this footage became crucial to detective Miller's investigation the footage captured the defendant sitting in an open-air gazebo no curtains no blinds no windows and in front of her a laptop in Journal but what was written in that journal digits identical to the password necessary for accessing the funds armed with this evidence detective Miller was able to obtain a search warrant for that very laptop in journal now today the defense has claimed that this search warrant was the fruit of the poisonous tree and that a search warrant was required to even view the initial photographs but the state will prove by the preponderance of the evidence that this search warrant was lawfully obtained and by the closing of today's trial three points will become clear first under the Katz decision when that journal was left open and exposed to the public view there was no reasonable expectation of privacy second under the Dow Chemical decision the filming of the wolf residence did not even constitute a search and third under the bordello decision when evidence is freely and voluntarily produced by a private citizen it is not protected under the Fourth Amendment now in order to prove these points we'll be calling to witnesses first you will hear from detective Jordan Miller she will walk you through her investigation she'll explain that a password is necessary to access these funds and she'll go on to state how she received evidence proving the defendant had access to that password but where did she get that evidence from a private citizen next you'll hear from that private citizen eli moss eli moss who explained the aerial mapping contract that was negotiated between the city of harmony and her company omniscient she'll explain that in that very contract she got to choose a flight path Sojin chosen and shavonne to explain how she voluntarily pretty some of the footage from that project to the police your honors by the closing of today's trial it will become clear that the production and enhancement of these photographs were not in violation of either the United States Constitution nor was it in violation of the provisions set forth in the Buckeye State cost tution it's for these reasons that we ask this court to deny the defendants motion to suppress thank you your honors this time defense you can make your opening statement and if you'd introduce your team members first yes your honors before my time begins I'd like to briefly introduce myself and my team my name is Albert Kwan and I'll be representing Quinn Wolfe I'd like to take a moment for my co-counsel and our lovely timekeeper to introduce themselves again my name is sarah kaplan also for the defense will be calling two witnesses today and of course we'd like to let them introduce themselves as well good morning your honors my name is Cooper Pierce and I'll be portraying dr. Parker Monroe may proceed judge we're touched Ricardo's Judge MacBride George mock tell judge young opposing counsel and may it please the court the hand of the state was a mission today you're gonna hear about a high school student her name's Quinn Wolfe and she goes to trillium high just a couple blocks from this courthouse but no matter what the prosecution wants to tell you today today's hearing is not about miss Wolf's guilt or innocence no yarnís today's hearing is about the drone that hovered hundreds of feet above her recording her without her knowledge today's hearing is about the company that operated that drone a mission technologies and today's hearing is not about miss wolf but about the state and how they held a hand in everything omniscient did from the recording of the footage to its enhancement today yarder it's the prosecution's burden to show that there is no violation of miss walls Fourth Amendment rights and what that means is that today they have the burden to show that one Eli moss and ammunition were not actors of the state and to that Miss Woolf did not possess a reasonable expectation of privacy under Katz for us it's up to the prosecution to prove both of these two things today otherwise we must presume the opposite to be true now firstly the honors you're going to hear about the nexus between a mission and the state firstly you'll hear from Dylan Ulrich he's a whistleblower at a mission who was forced to leave after the events of August 24th he'll testify about the hands-on approach employed by the police how a police officer directly requested a mission to enhance footage and after the direct instruction of an officer hobb mission was left with no choice which honors that won't be the only instance of control that you hear about today in her opening statement miss miss sander told you that all of miss mosses actions her productions were voluntary but you want to hear from their own witness and you'll see that the evidence shows otherwise in fact miss Moss will sit right there and she'll tell you that despite working with countless contracts in the past she had never seen a contract like the one between a mission and the state that she was concerned with how specific it was now dr. Parker Monroe an expert in the field and the founder of a drone consulting firm will walk us through that contract but before he does first he'll testify about the technology employed in today's case he'll tell you about the highly sophisticated drone used to record miss wolf here one through its wide array of capabilities and show how it's not in public use and then your honors he'll tell us about the contract he'll tell you that in his 13 years working in the field he had never seen a contract with such oversight such control exerted by the state your honors witnessed by witness step-by-step today's hearing will reveal how something like this was a to happen how the secret recording of a high school teenager excuse me wasn't just allowed but was encouraged motivated and predicated on the state the artist the hand of the state was a mission and the proof is right here in my hands that's why at the end of today's hearing by co-counsel miss Kaplan will respectfully requests then your honors grant miss Wolf's motion to suppress thank you thank you this time if the witnesses would step forward I'll ask the bailiff to go ahead and swear in the witnesses state may call your first witness the prosecution calls detective Miller to the stand permission to proceed you may do so please introduce yourself to the court my name is Jordan Miller and I work as a detective for the Harmony Police Department how long have you been with HPD about 19 years now ma'am what sort of positions have you held throughout your career well ma'am after I completed my Academy training I began work as a patrolman in 1999 and then about six years later I actually was promoted to the position of detective and I've held that position ever since do you have any training for your position as a detective of course ma'am besides my academy training and besides my on-the-job experience I actually went through three months of State and best training in 2006 and then about ten years later from there I went to the FBI Academy in Quantico for two months where I have received advanced criminology training in forensic science did you cover any areas at Quantico that are relevant to today's case yes ma'am we did we actually studied and trained in the applications of drone technology to law enforcement but specifically for this case we trained in how images are taken from drones and enhanced do you have any additional training that's relevant to today's case yes ma'am I'm additionally trained in the basics of forensic accounting now detective what's your involvement in today's case well ma'am I'm actually here today because I conducted an investigation as to who stole 120 million dollars from the Buckeye State pension fund and it was part of that investigation that included obtaining a warrant for Quinn Wolf's laptop a notepad how did you first get involved in this case it was early to mid-september when I was actually at a football game with my friend Sam stone and he happens to be the director of the Buckeye State pension fund and it was there that he was relating to me some concerns over some theft that had occurred a few weeks earlier with the pension fund what information did he provide you with Sam had indicated that someone was able to hack into the account and that's how they were able to steal 120 million dollars but he said that in order to access that account one would actually need a certain code in this case a 24 digit alphanumeric key to access that money and to his knowledge it was Quinn wolf that possibly had access to this code lack of foundation as to how officer Miller knew that Quinn wolf would had access to this code response Your Honor I believe Foundation has been laid as Detective Miller is simply testifying that that's the information that mr. Sam stone provided to detective Miller and given that she went on to investigate that led to her subsequent actions in the investigation permission to respond your honor yes officer Miller just testified that Sam stone told me that Quinn wolf had access to that code there's been no foundation laid as to how mr. stone would know this and thus it's a lack of foundation within a statement of hearsay may I respond Your Honor may I lay some foundation as to how mr. Sam stone came to that conclusion before her conclusion you may do so thank you your honor detective Miller did mr. stone provide any testimony as to how Quinn could have gotten ahold of the code yes ma'am he did and what was that testimony well actually every stone Sam stone son is actually friends with Quinn wolf Avery stone had a picture of a lap of the computer in their house where there's a sticky note where Sam had a picture of the code and because Avery had this picture Quinn was also able to access this code eventually so upon receiving this information how did you proceed well I actually reported my conversation with Sam to the chief of police and after Sam had officially filed a report the Chief of Police actually assigned me to investigate Quinn wolf how did you begin your investigation well ma'am based on my prior training typically when a theft occurs through digital means such as in this case we tried to trace it through a digital IP address and that's how we find the theft but when I began doing that for this case I learned it was not that simple that it would not work for this case and why not well that's because this case actually deals with cryptocurrency it's a bit different from the average digital theft you see cryptocurrency essentially links a series of transactions to a single code in this case the alphanumeric key but it doesn't link to an individual's IP address so what did this mean for your investigation well it meant that I had to shift my focus from trying to trace a digital footprint based on an individual's IP address to actually trying to determine whether or not Quinn wolf had access to the code or not how did you attempt to link Quinn to the pass code ma'am I was aware that Quinn Wolf's property was directly adjacent to a stretch of city-owned property in which commercial development was taking place so knowing that I attempted to pursue some kind of photographic evidence in this case it turned out to be drone footage of anything that could possibly link Quinn wolf to the theft just there in plain sight and you know as a detective you're always looking to try to find any possible angle you can were you able to obtain such drone footage yes ma'am I was how did you go about obtaining it I actually contact a Campbell Bolt who was the director of the commercial development project and he explained to me that there was in fact drone surveillance going on for aerial mapping in the region where development was to take place so he offered to connect me to the CEO of the company who had performed that surveillance for them did you get in contact with that CEO yes ma'am I did her name is actually eli moss and she's a CEO of omniscient technologies she called me over and invited me to her office to look at some drone footage that she had for me what happened upon your arrival at the office well ma'am when I got there miss moss actually had a couple of stills from the drone footage pulled up for me already to inspect would you recognize a copy of these stills if presented to you today I would ma'am Your Honor permission to approach the witness with a copy of what's been stipulated as Exhibit D you may do so but the record reflect I'm showing opposing counsel a clean and unmarked copy detective can you identify this exhibit for the court yes ma'am these look like these stills from the drone footage that Miss Moss provided to me the first two she provided to me at that meeting and actually the third image she sent to me in an email later that day can you describe what's depicted on the first two images you were presented with of course ma'am in these first two images that I was provided with they're the two on the left the first one shows a gazebo in the side yard of Quinn Wells property it's open air and you can see that there is a person in it and they're working at a table and in the second one it was magnified before I got to the meeting and in that one you can clearly see that they're working on a notepad and a laptop and there's writing there although you can't exactly make out what it is yet so given that you can't make out what's written on the journal how did you respond to these images well ma'am I simply made an observational comment I mentioned that it was unfortunate that it was blurry and actually miss Moss explained that she would go and see what she could do about it so when did you receive the third image depicted on the exhibit the third image depicted here on the right I actually received from her an email that same day was that image significant for your investigation yes ma'am it was it was actually enhance miss Moss had taken the image and I don't know what she did to it but it removed the blur so I could clearly see what was written on the notepad at that point so I compared it to the code that Sam had provided me with and I was able to determine that the first seven digits were completely identical to the ones at the elephants under 402 any testimony to guilt or innocence of miss Wolfe is not relevant to our proceeding today rather under both bloom via wretzky and rendell-baker B cone our read now our relevant inquiry today as whether or not state action has occurred and whether or not miss Wolfe maintained a reasonable expectation of privacy the guilt or innocence inquiry is simply not relevant to our proceeding today response respond your honor I believe detectives Miller's testimony doesn't go as to guilt or innocence for actually an issue in today's case is the fact that we're trying to suppress the evidence obtained by the search warrant the detective Miller acquired after verifying this information therefore learning of the basis of securing that search warrant is absolutely relevant in today's case your honor any subsequent action after that enhancement has no relevant or relevance or bearing on our case today officer Miller testifying that the code matched the one that mr. stone provided her with that directly goes to guilt or innocence it is not relevant to our proceeding today may I respond your honor yes actually subsequent action after drone footage was was already obtained is relevant in today's case for in the case of bloom versus Uretsky four factors were laid out one include including public function and symbiotic relationship through this testimony were going to show the detective Miller and the contract didn't act as a public function of law enforcement but rather the contract was to surveil and in subsequent action can't be attributed to state action objection will be overruled yes your honors detective Miller upon verifying this information what did you do next well based upon the photographic evidence I presented it to the court and they granted me a search warrant for Quinn Wolf's laptop a notepad no further questions your honor a cross-examination nowproceed you may good morning detective morning you'd agree it's important as an officer on investigation to investigate every lead right every lead that I can possibly find yes ma'am of course it's important to clear every suspect yes ma'am it is and that's all so you can reach your final suspect in an investigation right that is correct ma'am it's also important to be objective in an investigation right absolutely ma'am and that's also you can run an accurate thorough investigation you'd agree with that right I would agree ma'am with that in mind let's discuss how you came to be involved with this case now in early September of last year you are aware that the pension fund had been hacked into right yes ma'am Sam stone related this information to me but at that time before your conversation with mr. stone you weren't involved with the case right I was not aware of the case ma'am you weren't involved in the investigation right no I was not in fact the investigation had been going on for several weeks before you became involved right yes ma'am it's normal for there to be different levels investigation occurring at the same time and you didn't become involved until your conversation with mr. stone isn't that right yes ma'am that is correct and mr. stone runs the pension fund that is correct ma'am and ma'am he also happens to be one of your very good friends right yes he's one of my best and most credible friends to be honest and when he as he was your friend he told you some information that his son had taken a picture of the pension fund password isn't that right yes ma'am in averted Lee but he had taken that picture yes it wasn't the picture but nonetheless he told you that his son was innocent right yes he believed his son was innocent ma'am and you believed him right yes ma'am but as I always say trust but verify right well then let's talk about how you verified that information you don't mention looking into Avery - looking into Avery stone your response Your Honor this is relevant under 402 this testimony goes directly to whether detective Miller investigated every lead before reaching miss wolf this directly goes to the competency of the officer and thus goes to her competency to testify here today may I respond your honor as opposing counsel mentioned earlier this case is not about guilt or innocence it's a motion to suppress evidence therefore any line of questioning as to what detective Miller did or did not do in her investigation does not apply here today your honor on cross-examination I'm permitted to ask the detective any questions going to her competency or lack thereof in this investigation this investigation is at issue today and thus any question in how she reached miss wolf as her final suspect would be relevant I think the threshold for relevancy has been met so I'm gonna overrule the objection thank you your honor so you didn't you didn't mention investigating Avery right no ma'am I was not assigned to investigate Avery you didn't mention calling her and air your office right no ma'am I again was not assigned to investigate her you didn't run a background check no ma'am I didn't fingerprint her no ma'am you didn't investigate her right no ma'am I was not assigned to investigate her and even then I know the stone family personally so sir that's a yes ma'am yes yes let's talk about the state's hand in this case on direct you mentioned that the only way to catch the suspect would be to catch them with that password right yes ma'am to catch them in one fell swoop otherwise I would have had to follow lead after lead and even then I'm not sure what I would have found that's a yes that is yes ma'am so you contacted mr. Campbell bolt the city's director of commerce right yes ma'am I did in hopes of finding evidence to further your investigation yes ma'am and Miss bolt and mr. bolt offered to reach out to miss Moss right yes ma'am he did offer you didn't have to wait long to get a response from Miss Moss no ma'am I didn't have to wait very long because shortly after Miss Moss invited you to her office right yes ma'am she did invite me and she had the evidence that you were looking for right yes ma'am she did let's talk about that evidence at this time I'll be referring to Exhibit D I believe you already have a copy with you I do no ma'am just to be clear when you arrived at the office it was this image that you saw the zoomed in image right actually ma'am I had these first two images that she showed me but so you saw this background image in the first zoomed in image just to be clear right yes and at that time you mentioned that it was too blurry to make out details right yes ma'am I did mention it was unfortunate it was blurry well on direct examination you said I mentioned it was unfortunate it was blurry as you just said right yes that's correct ma'am but you also said something else too miss Moss right ma'am I mentioned it was unfortunate was blurry so but you also mentioned that you would have liked a clearer idea of exactly what miss wolf was working on didn't you miss ma'am in my statement I said that but personally I knew that for myself but at the moment I'd only said it was unfortunate that it was blurry so detective you said that to Miss Moss right yes ma'am I did you said that you would have liked a clearer idea of exactly what miss wolf was working on isn't that right that is correct I said it because of that that is why I said it was unfortunate so that's a yes yes ma'am just to be clear miss Moss or detective miss Moss did enhance that image right yes ma'am she did offer to enhance it for me she did enhance that image yes she did offer she made it so you could see exactly what miss wolf was working on right yes ma'am she did let's discuss how you used that evidence as you stated on direct you used that to obtain a warrant for miss Wolf's arrest right yes ma'am I did you believe that without that evidence you wouldn't have been able to get that warrant right yes ma'am it was very good piece of evidence very convincing detective you believe this was the best evidence you could have hoped for right yes ma'am it clearly showed the first seven digits of the code thank you I no further questions any redirect briefly your honor permission to proceed you make detective opposing counsel asked about your meeting with Miss Moss at omniscient especially pertaining to the footage who selected the footage you viewed miss moss dead ma'am who zoomed in to the footage you reviewed again it was miss Moss who had done all that who enhanced the image you reviewed ma'am miss Moss had offered to enhance it for me no further questions your honor any recross it's your testimony here today that you didn't tell miss Moss to go ahead and enhance right ma'am I mentioned that it was unfortunate was blurry and she offered but it's not your testimony that you told miss Moss to go ahead and enhance right it is not my testimony yes so any statement to the contrary would be false right that depends it's not really that much of a simple answer well just to be clear if someone were to testify that you did tell miss Moss to go ahead and enhance that statement would be false right not necessarily no foundation has been laid for this hypothetical question pursuant to rule 705 your honor this isn't a hypothetical that calls for any technical expertise this is a hypothetical based on detective Miller's rationally based perceptions under 701 this is simply saying that any statement to the contrary of what she just testified would be false may I respond your honor yes a witness cannot testify to statements that are made outside the scope of her prior sworn testimony I believe opposing counsel is referencing to another witness's testimony none of that foundation has been laid in today's trial therefore it has now been admitted into the record therefore detective Miller cannot testify as to a hypothetical about a witness about another witness said that hasn't been called yet today your honor I'm not asking detective Miller to testify based on another witness's statement I understand that witnesses are instructed Li sequestered today my question to detective Miller was simply whether or not a statement contrary to what she just testified would be false under her rationally based perceptions of 7:01 objection we overruled thank you your honor so detective if someone were to testify that you didn't tell miss Moss that you did tell miss Moss to go ahead and enhance that statement would be false right not necessarily ma'am it could have been their own perception but I do not remember or recall saying go ahead so it's your testimony you didn't make that statement right it is my testimony yes ma'am well then I just like to clarify the timeline of events for the court miss Moss didn't enhance that image before your meeting with her right no ma'am she did not in fact she enhanced that image after your meeting with her right yes ma'am she offered to enhance it for me and she sent you that enhanced image after your meeting with her isn't that right yes ma'am I was surprised that anything came out of it thank you I've no further questions this prosecution have any additional evidence yes your honor the prosecution would like to call Eli Moss to the stand a you can step down thank you permission to proceed you may proceed please introduce yourself for the court good morning my name is Eli moss and I'm currently the CEO and owner of my company omniscient technologies and mrs. Moss exactly what type of company is omniscient well we actually use drone technology for aerial mapping and land surveying purposes for our clients and the public as well as the private sector now you mentioned drone technology could you be a little more specific as to what this is of course a drone also called a UAV or an unmanned aerial vehicle it is typically remotely controlled and has the ability of having a camera attached to it for filming purposes of a designated area how long have you been involved in the aerial mapping industry well the industry itself has been around for a long time decades actually but I myself have been involved in this industry since 2013 now as the CEO of your company where some of your responsibilities well actually I would say I'm involved in all aspects of my company I mean from contract negotiation to creating and executing flight paths as well as flying the drone itself footage review footage editing I mean I guess you could say I'm a jack of all trades now do you have any certifications or licenses that actually allow you to operate the drones themselves yes actually I have a pilot certification that allows me to operate as a commercial drone pilot now miss Moss we previously heard that there was a contract signed between your company omniscience and city of Army did you have any involvement in this I did actually I was the one who negotiated the contract as well as I flew the drone to film the footage required for the contract and I also reviewed the footage and was a part of producing it to the police Your Honor commissioned approach the witness with a copy of Exhibit B you may do so let the record reflect I'm showing opposing counsel clean and unmarked copies of Exhibit B thank you mrs. Moss what is it what what is Exhibit B well I would say this is an excerpt of a multi-page contract that I negotiated with the city of harmony and this is a fair and accurate copy yes I would say so and what date was this contract signed on it was signed on August 2nd now what areas of the contract are specifically laid out in Exhibit B well its first of all is purchasing the aerial mapping services of my company omniscient but it also tends to get in detail in some areas as well now you mentioned that it got in detail in some areas were you able to negotiate this with a city I actually was I ended up contacting the city's Director of Development can't fill both and I inquired as to why these were so specific and he actually ended up telling me there's been no foundation laid to show that this contract is unintegrated or ambiguous your honor anything outside the four corners of the contract is not relevant Your Honor I believe this is relevant as it's going to show why miss the negotiations that were found between mrs. Moss and Kimball bolt which is entirely or l which is entirely relevant may be heard yes any conversations outside this contract don't go to show level of control the contract speaks for itself the terms speak for themselves any antecedent negotiations they're not relevant may respond sure ask mrs. Campbell or mr. Campbell bolt was involved in the negotiating and drafting this contract I believe is entirely relevant and it isn't and that her testimony regarding the contract and her intentions within the contract are relevant and not if I may be heard to that point sure once again opposing counsel hasn't laid foundation to show that this contract is unintegrated your honor the term speak for themselves any negotiations any intentions aren't relevant to the actual control of the contract objection is overruled yes thank you I wish you like me ask the question yes please now mrs. Moss you mentioned that the contract got a little detailed I believe and were you able to negotiate this with the city I actually was after realizing that some aspects of this was detailed I contacted the city's Director of Development Kapil bolt and I acquired as to why these were so specific and after asking he ended up telling me that these weren't going to be strictly enforced by the city and did the contract mention employment purposes in any way yes actually in 210 specifically it talks about how omniscient is an independent contractor because we can hire assistance if needed and we pay our own taxes state as well as federal and within this contract were you able to use the drone or aerial vehicle youth for the project I was and were you able to use the camera attached to that drone correct I chose which camera to use no you previously mentioned that one of your responsibilities as a CEO is creating flight paths how did the contract address this well the contract itself suggested multiple different kinds of flight paths but it's not shown on this excerpt right here and ultimately who got to make the final choice on the flight path we used for this specific project that would have been me the drone operator because while flying the drone in a real-life situation you the drone operator has to keep in mind the weather conditions of that day what time of day it is the position of the Sun and so on and so forth now in conducting this project did you abide by all FAA regulations of course your honor freshmen approach the witness with a copy of Exhibit C you may do so let the record reflect I'm showing opposing counsel clean and unmarked copies of Exhibit C thank you mrs. Moss do you recognize this document I actually do yes this is a map of my executed flight path that I took that day and what exactly is depicted on the map and Exhibit C well you can see on the left hand side there is a light grey shaded area this would be the wolf residence and the white Panhandle shaped area that would be the city's property that was supposed to be filmed there is the Godfrey property at the bottom of the map and a road at the top and the lines that are Criss crossing across the map that would be the executed flight path that I took now using exhibit C could you please describe for us the flight path you chose for this project of course I started at the northwest corner of the Panhandle shape and I moved down to the southeast corner then it made a series of zigzag motions throughout the property now miss moss we previously heard that some of the footage from this project was handed over to the police what was your involvement this well actually kemple volt contacted us and asked us to whether or not we had any footage of the wolf residence because the police were inquiring if we had any so after reviewing all of the footage it turns out we actually did have some footage of the wolf residence and what steps did you take in order to identify this footage I actually zoomed in to the images that just so I could make sure I was looking at the correct frame of the footage and I believe you have a copy of Exhibit D in front of you I do now using a Zippity could you please identify these photographs of course the image on the left hand side or the biggest one there it is a frame from the raw footage itself the second image shown towards the middle it is the magnified or the zoomed in version and the third one is the enhanced image and what exactly were the circumstances that led to the enhancement of the third photograph well after inviting detective Miller to my office to review the footage after looking through all the footage she made a comment as to how the image was blurry so I offered to clean it up for her as the hearsay to officer Miller statement they respond Your Honor this testimony is admissible as it's not being offered for the truth it's only being offered to show the subsequent actions Eli mas took and enhancing the photographs if I may respond your honor yes if it's being used to show subsequent action Your Honor there's no need to lay out an explicit statement she can say that officer Miller made a statement or some sort of sequential line of questioning there's no need to elicit a specific statement if it's being used for subsequent action your honor I stand by my response this is not being offered with the truth only to show the actions and intentions of mrs. Moss yes your honor thank you your honor would you like me to repeat the question yes please could you describe the circumstances that led to the enhancement of the third photograph of course after coming to the office detective Miller was reviewing all the footage and made a comment as to how the image was blurry so I told her you know I could clean it up first you did and how did you go about doing so I actually found a free Adobe Photoshop plug-in online and I ran the footage through it and then emailed it to her miss Moss I just have the final few questions for you was there any police involvement in the creation of the flight path no not at all was there any police involvement in the selection of those photographs no and was there any police involvement in the actual enhancement of that photograph no I did that myself Your Honor I have no further questions samih nation ABC you make good morning miss moss good morning how many years have you worked in the field of drone mapping I've been in the field ever since 2013 so that's about six years wouldn't you say yes and in those six years you've dealt with numerous contracts haven't you correct our companies actually the go-to company so many people and many clients have come to our company so that's a yes that is a yes and isn't it true that in your six years you've never seen a contract like the one between a mission in the city of harmony right I suppose so I mean the contract was vague as well as detail that sometimes well ma'am actually you're concerned with how specific it was weren't you yes that is why I contacted campo bolt and he ended up telling me that these weren't going to be strictly enforced yes mas I'm not asking about any conversations with Miss bolt I'm simply asking that you were concerned with how specific it was right yes it was extremely specific on-camera resolution right that is correct recording length yes storage capacity that is correct retention of footage that is correct and the recording had to be continuous right yes that is what it says it had to be time-stamped yes and files couldn't be separated good thing that is correct on direct examination you said that you got to make the final choice with what path to apply but let's be clear the city of Harmony suggested flight paths for you didn't they yes they suggested multiple different kinds of flight paths but as the true an operator myself and based on the conditions that day I chose they played flight path to use well miss moss let's provide some context into that you actually had to submit fight pass to the city right that is correct and then from then the city approved certain flight paths right yes miss moss you couldn't fly a path but the city didn't approve could you that is correct but it was approved in the end and it met the qualifications and as to what I asked was to fly so first thing that's a yes you couldn't fly a path the city didn't approve right that is correct the path that you ended up flying was the one that the city approved right of course it's the path that I chose and the city approved it so that's a yes that is yes and you actually thought it was unusual that the police was interested in your footage right well of course and there's a section in that contract I believe you have a copy up there with you I do there's a section in there that says footage may be kept for criminal prosecution purposes right that is correct I wasn't aware of what they were gonna use it for the at that time but yes and you don't mention ever seeing a section like that in your affidavit do you I don't I didn't feel as I need it to miss Moss now let's talk about your relationship with your clients you to read that as a business you want to keep your customers happy right of course we're the go-to company in the industry you want to deliver the highest level of customer service that is correct and you want to keep customers happy even after you've completed projects with them right well of course I mean they should be happy with the footage I provided them of course well with that in mind let's talk about what happened with the footage in this case on direct examination you said Campbell ball contacted us let's be clear miss bolt instructed you to contact the police right yes but that was only if we had any footage of the wolf residence so if we hadn't done I wouldn't have contacted mrs. bolt so miss moss that's a yes Campbell bolt instructed you to contact the police right yes only if we had footage of the wolf residence and that's a yes you say that in your sworn Africa objection asked and answered my witness has answered yes to this question twice already if I may be heard your honor you know the question asked was yes you say that in your affidavit she provide an unnecessary elaboration I'm simply trying to narrow down her answer to a simple yes-or-no may respond sure in no way jus I believe this is an unnecessary elaboration as mrs. Moss was simply explaining the yes to her answer as well as any as anything related within that answer and your honor they have the chance to necessitate that on redirect examination for cross the question asked for a simple yes or no I agree with you go ahead thank you your honor so man that's a yes you say Campbell bolt instructed me to contact officer Miller in your affidavit that is correct and after mr. bolts instruction you did call the police right yes I found some footage of the wolf residence so I contacted her now let's talk about that meeting officer mentioned what a shame it was that the image was blurred right that is correct so I offer to enhance it for her it's a man that's a yes that is a yes and you explained you might be able to make the image clearer right correct I offered you don't typically enhance videos do you not typically but since she made him comment as to how it was blurry I offered to clean up for her so miss Moss that's a no you don't typically enhance videos no and even so officer Miller told you to go ahead and enhance didn't she yes but I was going to do it anyway so ma'am that's a yes she told you to go ahead and enhance correct he was after my decision I did so and ma'am you just said that you're going to enhance the image anyway you don't mention that in your sworn affidavit do you well no but I offer to enhance it for her and I was going to keep my client happy miss Moss that's an ode you don't mention that in your sworn affidavit I do not I didn't feel like I needed to I meant after officer Miller told you to go ahead and enhance you took that to mean that you should enhance the image if you could right well yes I mean I offered to enhance it in the first place why wouldn't I so that's a yes that is a correct now I ought to clarify the timeline of events for the court today ma'am you don't mention zooming in on the footage before you were contacted by mr. bull no you don't mention enhancing the footage before you were contacted by mr. bolt no you don't mention talking to officer Miller before you were contacted by mr. bolt no we just kept the footage that we were supposed to for ten years so that's a no-no and you don't mention sending that footage to the police before being contacted by mr. bull do you know we didn't need to we were supposed to keep the footage to ourselves so that's a no that is a no and that contract never require you to send that footage to the police did it it did not and that's be clear mr. bolt he's a government official isn't he I suppose that is correct I've no further questions your honor any redirect briefly your honor now mrs. Moss I'd like to talk about the contract within the contract who got to choose the camera used that would have been me who got to choose the drone used I did who got to choose the flight path used I was able to choose it who got to choose the date the project was conducted on I did who got to fly the drone itself that would have been me now did the contract actually require you in any way to enhance these photographs absolutely not right sorry I chose to enhance it because I felt like I should did the police require you to enhance these photographs no I have no further questions your honor any recross yes your honor ma'am the contract required you to use a camera with 4k or higher resolution right of course so I chose the zenmuse x5 R so that's a yes that is a yes drone required an image stabilizing Gibb right correct so the I chose the DJI matrices under bro so that's a yes that is a yes and you needed hard drive capacity sufficient for at least one continuous hour of recording right yes that's what the contract States ma'am the contract will hire you to film all your entire flight path right of course I mean some clients need some specifics that I will follow and ma'am those specifics you did follow them right yes to an extent as to how which I determined as to which technology was capable enough for these requirements that's a yes you followed their specifics I did I have no further questions your honor you may step down thank you this prosecution have any additional evidence no your honor at this time the prosecution rests defense the defense calls mr. Dylan Ulrich to the stand you may good morning good morning could you please introduce yourself to the court absolutely I'd be happy to my name is Dylan Ulrich it's a pleasure to be here what do you do for a living mr. Orrick well currently I'm the vice president of operations for omnipotent technologies just to be clear that's not to be confused with omniscient technologies were two different companies so could you tell us what omnipotent technologies is absolutely so we're a drone tech company in particular we specialize in aerial mapping and drone survey I'm sure miss quartz will ask about this on cross so let's just get this straight now our omniscient and omnipotent competitors yes we are and as a matter of fact I used to work at omniscient and given that I understand I might come off as biased but I want to make it as clear as I can our competition is not the reason why I'm here today we'll get to why you left omniscient a little later but now what do you do as the VP of Operations at omnipotent well we deal a lot with government agencies so that means a lot of contracts in particular I draft and review those contracts how do you get interested in this line of work I took a lot of inspiration from my parents my mom was a NASA scientist my dad was a pilot before his eyes went bad I figured I'd follow in their footsteps in some capacity so back in high school I got my pilot's license and since then things have really taken off what was your first job in this industry sir well back in the day I was pilot during that time I met my wife we got married we ended up having our first daughter it was great unfortunately we were both very busy with work at the time and so ultimately I decided to take a job that was closer to home so that I could be there for my kid where'd you go I went to the Federal Aviation Administration and there I worked as a safety inspector are you up-to-date on current FAA regulations absolutely you know my wife and I just before bed every night just to keep things interesting we recite regulations to each other and what did you do after your time at the FAA well after that I was approached by an old colleague of mine Eli moss and together we founded omniscient technologies let's talk more about your relationship with miss Moss how did you two first meet we actually met back in college we were good friends back then she was the one who initially introduced me to drone tech what was your latest job when you worked at omniscient it was back in August of last year we were hired for a land survey by the city of Harmony it was a pretty simple job basically we just put our drone up in the air got some footage of land and sent it back to the city let's lay out exactly where that land survey was could you tell us where the city's development was sure it was all the way in the outskirts of the city basically it helps us aviators to think of the map of harmony as concentric circles you've got your central city hub a surrounding area and all the way out is your city outskirts is there usually air traffic around that central city hub absolutely that's your large commercial airports big aircrafts there's a lot what about the surrounding area is there usually air traffic around there it's mostly suburban so you have private aircrafts or even small airports but that's it and finally sir this will become important later what about the outskirts where the development actually was well the outskirts are actually barely part of the city they're very distant at that point it's almost all farmland really all you'll see up there is maybe a crop duster once a year in planting season so what was done with footage taken in the outskirts well last fall we were contacted by Campbell bull from the city immediately after that we were put in touch with officer Miller and she came down to our office to review the footage why did Officer Miller want to review the footage well apparently there was a commercial actually excuse me it was a criminal investigation going on at the time surrounding the wolf property which was near where we filmed and did you review the footage we did you see under this contract we were really in the hands of the state improper opinion your honor under 701 this is a lay witness opinion he's testifying as to the contract he was involved in that he was involved in the in the meeting with officer Miller and miss Moss he was involved in this project after the footage was collected he was involved on this project he's simply testifying as to his opinion of that relationship under 701 may I respond your honor yes the foundation that has actually been laid in today's case is that mr. Ulrich was not involved in developing the flight plan negotiating the contract or drafting the contract the only involvement mr. Orrick had was in reviewing the footage and by stating that he was an arm of the state qualifies as a legal opinion something that mr. Orrick has not been tendered as or has given any expertise as therefore it is in fact an improper opinion as to mr. Ulrich may I be heard your honor sure those are items that miss quartz can set up an address on cross-examination on direct examination mr. Ulrich is simply testifying as to what he thought the relationship was under 701 he's not offering that as a legal opinion under 702 it is an improperly opinion objection is sustained yes your honor well then let's talk about what happened after that mr. Ulrich at this time I'll be referring to Exhibit D what has been previously stipulated as Exhibit D let the record reflect I'm showing opposing counsel and I believe the witness already has a copy on the stand mr. Ulrich why did I okay why did Officer Miller want to review this footage well again it had to do with the criminal investigation that was going on at the time surrounding the wolf property and when you reviewed this footage were you able to see anything specific sort of we thought we might have seen a person in the initial image we weren't entirely sure eventually it was confirmed that Quinn wolf was in the picture mr. Orrick with these two smaller images where these are part of the initial footage no ma'am these two images only got here once we zoomed in and enhance the footage we'll get back to that enhancement in a minute mr. Orrick but let's be clear as to where miss wolf lives based on that model you laid out earlier where is the wolf property miss wolf is all the way in the outskirts of the city she's way out there and sir let's be clear as to where she was on her property then was she near her pool she was not what about near her patio no she wasn't there either was she even anywhere in her open backyard I know in all of our footage she was never in the open sir where was Miss wolf in the entirety of the footage we reviewed miss wolf was just under the roof of her gazebo the entire time and she never moved let's get back to that enhancement sir how did that enhancement happen well when officer Miller came to our office she said she was unhappy with how blurry the images were so as a result she asked Eli to enhance them if someone were to say miss Moss voluntarily offered to enhance the footage would that be correct no absolutely not and I remember this very specifically because when officer Miller came she directly requested that Eli enhanced the footage and she was very hands-on about it too she made sure to let Eli know that she wanted to know exactly who was under that gazebo and precisely what they were doing - how did miss moss react believe it or not without asking any questions Eli followed the instructions in their entirety and these were the resulting images mr. Orrick how did you react look omniscient had issues to begin with don't get me wrong but enhancing footage of a private citizen and their private property was just going too far it was because of that that I left a mission thank you sir I have no further questions at this time yes your honor permission to proceed you may mr. Ulrich I first like to start off by talking about the technology that was available back in 2013 sure now as you explained you entered omniscient in 2013 that's right you've been involved in aviation that's correct and you've been involved in drone companies right since 2013 sure yes I worked at omniscient and omnipotent when you entered omniscient in 2013 they were using drones six years ago weren't they apologies do you mean six years before 2013 or in 2013 in 2013 so six years ago they were using drones weren't they that's correct in fact back in 2013 they were relatively easy to fly weren't they not necessarily they've become much easier back then they were a little difficult well however they could be pre-programmed couldn't they some could and they could be controlled by a simple phone app isn't that right a very small minority but yes okay now you're also familiar with in in today's case on the drone was also a camera right that's correct now in today's case that camera had 4k resolution didn't it yes that's very high that's true but back in 2013 camera quality was already great wasn't it it's certainly it's always improving and by no means omniscient isn't the only company that uses 4k resolution right exactly it's specifically companies that use it it's hard to get your hands on but nonetheless omniscient is not the only person that can use 4k resolution right right most companies do okay now since you've been in both omniscient and omnipotent you understand that drone services are marketed to the private sector right could you repeat your question please drone services are marketed to the private sector aren't they drone services in terms of what aerial mapping yes that's right but they can also be targeted to the public sector right that's correct now in today's case an effort that paid off was the city of Harmony's aerial mapping project so let's talk about that you weren't involved in drafting the contract were you that's right you weren't involved in flying the drone were you that's right you weren't involved in picking the flight plan right right and all of these cases Eli was the closest link to the city he decided that with them right but one area that you are familiar it with is what was being surveyed right well I want to be clear that's not just what I'm familiar with I became involved with the entire project after we reviewed the footage that included the contract ok well let's talk right now specifically about the area that was being surveyed is it on direct you talked about air traffic now in harmony specifically in the area that was being surveyed fly lower private aircraft no well crop-dusting planes fly overhead in that in the outskirts of town right well that's specifically you're correct that's the only example well in the neighboring town fly hot air balloons correct yes and in a harmony there are local airports where aircraft fly to and from correct I just want to be clear those are only in the city hub they don't reach the outskirts but nonetheless you would agree with me that the outskirts are a part of harmony aren't they yes that's right now as you mentioned you were involved in the reviewing of the footage as we clarified the camera in today's case that took that footage was a 4k resolution but to the best of your knowledge it wasn't a thermal imaging camera right I don't know one way or the other man so to your knowledge it didn't have infrared capabilities I don't know so given that to your knowledge what was picked up from the camera was in the field of view of the lens again I don't know it certainly could have had thermal imaging I don't know but according to your testimony you don't know if there was you're not saying that there was thermal imaging right exactly I'm sorry I can't help you I don't know one way or the other okay so now let's actually talk about the footage that was picked up by that drone I believe you have Exhibit D in front of you yes I do now this is ultimately the footage that you provided to Detective Miller right not all of it no this is just a still frame well the image on the left is the raw uncut footage right it's from that just to be clear again this is only one still frame from all of the footage that was sent right and the second one is a zoomed in version of the first correct that's correct now the footage had already been selected and zoomed into before detective Miller arrived right yes just to be clear that was only after we were instructed by Campbell bolt to do that but nonetheless detective Miller played no role in selecting the footage or zooming in correct that's correct so now I'd like to talk actually about this footage depicts now all this on the left that's the Quinn Wolf gazebo right yes there's also a little bit of a patio now you actually mentioned that she was under a covered structure right I just said she was under her roof of the gazebo right but more specifically you were referencing that she wasn't out in the open like the patio or the pool right that's right you'd agree with me this gazebo has a roof yes it does but it has openings doesn't it it does in fact there's a large opening in the front of the photo correct no I wouldn't call it large in fact I think it's relatively small well regardless of size you can see a person's arm no that's what I was saying earlier we weren't sure we saw we couldn't see anything with the initial footage but with the initial footage can't you see a white rectangle exactly a white rectangle we had no idea what that was but nonetheless when looking at that initial footage there's nothing blocking your line of sight to that white rectangle is there no there's not no further questions your honor any redirect mr. Orrick miss quartz just asked you some questions about this initial footage let's be clear were you able to see anything specific in this first image well that's what I was trying to say we didn't know if anything was in that initial footage aside from the gazebo so how did you come to know that something was under there the only way we found out was after the instruction from the city and officer Miller to zoom in and then further enhance the footage Thank You mr. Orrick and she also asked you some questions about how that collection and enhancement of the footage happened let's focus on the hand of the state in that footage were you collecting that footage before or after being contacted by the city it was only after did omniscient enhance that footage before or after being contacted by officer Miller we only enhanced the footage after being contacted by officer Miller and did omniscient send officer Miller that enhanced image before or after that conversation again it was only after thank you mr. Orrick I have no further questions any recross yes your honor Trishna proceed mr. Orrick opposing counsel asks you about what you can specifically see in this initial footage let's talk about what you specifically can't see you can't see any doors on the gazebo right but not from that picture I don't know if there are any but from this picture that's a no right that's right you can't see any windows well it depends on what you classify as a window I mean if these openings are windows I would say they are you can't see any windows that you can open and shut oh no I don't know you can't see a fence surrounding the gazebo well I'm not entirely sure it seems like there's bars covering the bottom I think that's a fence but mr. Orrick you don't see any gate separating the gazebo from the rest of the property oh well in that case I know now opposing counsel also asks you about the enhancement of the image now I just like to be clear here you actually didn't partake in the enhancement correct that's correct I abstained I was uncomfortable with it and before that enhancement took place you were in the room with detective Miller and Eli Moss weren't you exactly I heard everything that went down between them right and you were in that room and you held the ability to say no to the enhancement didn't you absolutely not that was in the hands of Eli that wasn't my question mr. Orrick my question is you have the ability to say no did it you know I didn't it wasn't my choice ma'am but mr. Orrick you opted to not enhance the image correct that's because it was up to Eli and it was her burden but mr. Orrick yes or no you held the ability to say no since you refused to enhance the image I certainly had the ability to that wouldn't affect anything but given that Eli Moss was seated right next to you just like you she held the ability to say no didn't she under rule 602 mr. Olver can't step into the mind of Miss Moss at that moment miss Moss was the one who was under the hands of the state in that moment she was the one who was directly asked by officer Miller mr. Orrick can't testify to what she could or could not have done in that moment may I respond your honor given that this is a lay witness pursuant to rule 701 mr. Orrick can testify to his rationally based observations given that he was seated in the room directly next to Eli moss and given that mr. Orrick held the ability to say no he can absolutely testify to the to the ability of what miss what mrs. Moss had the ability to do I'm not asking mr. Orrick to step into her mind just give his rationally based perceptions of the event may I be heard your honor sure the question miss quartz asked specifically asked if Miss miss Moss could have said no that question calls for mr. Ulrich to step into miss Moses shoes as to whether or not she felt like she could have said no and whether or not she could have said no in that moment after being directly asked by the officer the objection is overruled yes your honor so yes or no mr. Orrick miss Moss held the ability to say no no we were still contracted by the state they had the ability to do anything they wanted with the footage including forcing us to enhance it nonetheless mr. Orrick since you didn't partake in the enhancement you have no idea how it was done correct oh well I would I'm actually informally trained in how to enhance I could walk you through it if you'd like but my question is mr. Orrick in this particular case since you did not personally enhance the image you don't know how miss Moss did that correct specifically enhance the footage yes mr. Ulrich all I know is that she did it at the request of the state no further questions your honor step down thank you thank you sir fetch you may call your next witness yes your honor at this time the defense calls dr. Parker Monroe to the stand morning am i blocking your view and proceed you may good morning doctor good morning could you please introduce yourself for the court of course my name is dr. Parker Monroe what do you do for a living doctor well I moonlight as the founder of a consulting firm for UAV what might otherwise be called drones but my day job is at a company called aerovironment how'd you end up in that line of work it might be hard to believe but growing up I didn't really have many any friends I kind of turned to robotics as a way to make my own and sir what education have you received I graduated from MIT in 2007 with my seedy and I would really just not talk about undergrad sir was your consulting firm your first job coming out of college no my first job out of grad school was at a company called RP a robotics process automation I worked there as a customer liaison going over things like Bill of Materials in handling customer concerns you mentioned you're familiar with robotics and mechanics do you know much about drones doctor I do I work extensively with drones UAVs and UAS is at my current job at Aero vironment what do you do at AeroVironment well I'm a mechanical engineering lean and what that means is that I oversee teams of engineers while they do end-to-end development on the drone technology coming out of our pipeline and stay up to date with all of the fields best practices would it be safe to say that you've worked with the commercial side of drones absolutely through my consulting practice I routinely provide businesses with technical support on how to integrate drones into their business model and I've reviewed numerous contracts do stay up-to-date with information regarding drone technology I do in engineering we actually have this thing called CES I don't know if they make you suffer through anything similar in the legal field but basically we just have to go to a bunch of seminars publish research and generally stay up to date sir have you read contracts relating drones I have in I excuse me in my 13 years of experience I have seen contracts before have you negotiated contracts regarding drone use yes your honor at this time the defense moves to tender document role as an expert in unmanned aerial vehicle use with an emphasis and technology and contractual relations prosecution position Your Honor I object to the expert being recognized as an area as an expert in the area of contractual relationships there has been no foundation lead as to how many contracts he has negotiated as well as the depth of these contracts if I may be heard your honor yes rule 702 requires that an expert have sufficient specialized education skill training or experience he testified that he's worked with drone related contracts in a commercial field and at air environment and in his consulting firm the number of contracts reviewed as a matter of wait not admissible 'ti and will be addressed on cross-examination may respond your honor yes there's also been no foundation plead as to whether arm what they're dr. parker Monroe has any education relating to him as he has not been as as there has been no foundation lead as to his educational background in contracts he's not a lawyer therefore he cannot he cannot testify as to the contracts in this case and if I may be heard to that your honor seven or two doesn't just require specialized education an aspect of that can be specialized training skill or experience he testified that he works with drone related commercial contracts daily at both air vironment and his consulting firm this satisfies the 702 requirement a specialized experience may respond if you want to have Emma KITT testify as an expert on the contract issue you're going to have to have additional foundation yes allow you to ask additional questions if you wish to do so yes your honor thank you your honor sir have you dealt with contracts relating commercial use of drones in your field I have and where have you looked at those contracts just through my years of experience throughout my business experience and have you read those contracts I have have you negotiated those contracts yes are you required to stay up-to-date on what those sort of contracts require just all the best practices in the field sir at this time we move dr. Monroe as an expert in contractual relations in unmanned air vehicles along with his technology prosecution position I stand by my objection there has been no foundation lead how many contracts the depth of these contracts as well as he has no educational background in the area of contracts he also previously stated that her opposing counsel stated that this is something he does daily but this does not mentioned anywhere in his prior sworn testimony if I may be heard your honor yes he testifies in his sworn testimony that he works at air vironment and Atkinson his consulting firm reviewing Bills of material reviewing contracts and in fact in a statement he says compared to the contracts that I forget read and negotiated in the past it's in the statement opposing counsel objection is to wait not admissible 'ti i agree with that overrule the objection thank you your honor now doctor are you familiar with the details of today's case I am and I suspect miss ander will ask you this on cross so let's just clear this up now did you review the flight path that was flown on August 24th I did not and to your point I want to be clear about the scope of my analysis I focused on the technology employed during the relationship of omniscient and the city and the specifics of that relationship so let's start with the technology employed could you explain to us what is a UAV well a UAV or unmanned aerial vehicle you might also see it called an unmanned aerial system that's generally when it has a camera attached as well is what we might commonly think of as a drone it's any sort of aircraft mounting platform or other sort of system that doesn't have a physical pilot in it to operate and are all drones the same quality no there's a wide variety of different drones we could call it a spectrum of sorts if you will ranging from small RC type aircraft that you might see your kids playing with all the way up to military-grade technology and are you familiar with the drone used in today's case I am it's my understanding it was the DJI matrice 600 pro could you tell us a little bit about the m600 it's certainly this is a drone with an operating radius of 5 kilometers that's 3.1 miles for anyone that prefers Imperial and it has a flight time of 30 minutes are those the only capabilities of this drone no this drone also comes with a mounting system for a variety of different cameras specifically those in the Zen moost line a likely companion one that was actually used in this case is the zenmuse x5 R and sir where would you say this unmanned aerial system ranks in that spectrum of drone quality well we look at that spectrum it's about smack dab in the middle it's what we would call a commercial grade drum would you say the m600 is widely available to the public no this is a drone that with that camera costs seven and a half thousand dollars it's just something that the average consumer doesn't really need the technical capabilities of thank you doctor now let's talk about the relationship between a mission and the city I believe you have a copy of Exhibit B up there with you just give me one second here of course the excerpts from the contract sir yes I do have you reviewed that document I have now before we get into any of your opinions could you tell us what's the difference between a contract for an independent contractor and a contract for an employee what's the difference calls for legal opinion if I may be heard your honor yes the testimony that he's about to elicit will rely on any law he'll talk about specific terms within the contracts and specifications as a regard to drone use technology and retention of footage we won't be offering any legal opinions may respond yes Your Honor I believe the question asking the difference between a employment contract an independent contract specifically calls for an improper legal opinion once again Your Honor I assure the court I won't be asking him to make any legal opinions based off case law or or rendell-baker V Cohn he's simply talking about terms that are common with Dana's field he's already been qualified as an expert I'll overrule the objection it's not thank your honor doctor would you like for me to reassess my question about that of course so when we look at a contract the difference between those two types of employees and independent contractors is to sum it up in one phrase the level of control in this contract I want to highlight three specific things from these excerpts alone that stood out to me about that level of control and what are those three things well the first was the flight paths how those were created and submitted to the city the second point was the requirements placed upon that technology used in the course of that relationship the third point was the requirements regarding the retention of that footage and how it had to be turned over to the city doctor I'd like to walk through each of the three points you mentioned step by step let's start with the flight paths what stood out to you regarding flight paths if you look at exhibit B in section 2.04 it says prior to collection of footage Omni will submit to client for approval proposed flight plans basically they had to submit all of the excuse me all of the paths they were thinking about beforehand so could a mission fly a path that wasn't approved by the city no sir that would not be allowed under this contract and sir a mission had the final choice in which flight path was taken is that an accurate statement under that contract it would be very misleading sir ultimately the city did have a veto power over which path could be flown let's talk about the second thing you mentioned what stood out to you regarding the specifications of the drone in the camera well it's the extent to which those were specified normally that sort of thing has generally left up to the independent contractor but here was a very exacting standard and what were some of those exacting standards the camera used had to be a 4k or higher resolution so a very high resolution and the drone itself had to be capable of storing up to one hour of continuous video footage and have an image stabilizing give and finally sir let's talk about that third thing you mentioned what concerns you regarding the retention of the footage sir it was odd the length of that time it was upwards of 10 years that omniscient was required to store a copy in full of that 4k resolution footage and they had to turn it over to the city within 5 days of any request and doctor was that the extent of the retention no the reasons for that request included but weren't limited to criminal prosecution and investigation dr. Howe long have you worked in the field of unmanned robotics been 13 years since I graduated grad school and in your 13 years have you ever seen any contract that requires footage to be kept for criminal investigations or prosecutions no so say that something like that is an abnormality and be an understatement and let's be clear who is that contract even for sir this was for a land servant doctor do you have an opinion to a reasonably agree of certainty as to the level of autonomy offered to ignition under that contract compared to other contracts I've read and reviewed in the past I do and upon what do you base that opinion like I said the other contracts that I've read negotiated and reviewed in the past as well as my years of experience and seminars that I've attended and doctor what is your opinion compared to contracts I've seen in the past this one provides an excessive amount of oversight and the relationship is much more akin to that of a supervisor and a supervisee than any sort of independent contractor I've seen previously thank you I've no further questions your honor cross-examination yes your honor sorry man I'd drop some of these documents take your time permission to proceed you may proceed now dr. Munro from what you've stated you have a number of years of experience in the area of unmanned aerial systems correct that's right so you'd agree that there are two basic components to this the drone itself in the camera attached correct I very simplistic viewpoint that's right yes so let's actually start by talking about the aerial vehicle attached now roughly thirty years ago aerial mapping plans for being used to conduct aerial mapping correct yes in the eighties you'd see sort of like the YouTube planes flying over Russia that sort of thing now looking into 90s drones were being more commonly used correct that's right when we first entered the Gulf War the Second Gulf War that is it became a lot more common for that to be used no but drones have actually been evolving for over a hundred years correct in some capacity not really drones as we think of them today so that's a yes to my question in some capacity yes ma'am now looking into the 90s this is also when drones became popular among the commercial market correct that's more into the latter 2000s ma'am the I mean excuse me know the commercial market not the consumer market correct in about that timeframe now looking into actually you work for one of those commercial entities correct in a sense ma'am I work for a company that manufactures drones I've consulted with companies that are more in that commercial sector you've talked about but Aero environment your company has actually been utilizing drone technology since the 90s correct you give me a little bit too much credit ma'am it's not my company but yes we have been working with the company you work for yes yes now looking to the latter half of the 2000s drone technology actually became popular on the consumer market correct in a relative sense to how it was before that's right and this is because drones are becoming more easily available to be used correct that's right ma'am they were becoming more easily available they certainly still aren't easily available but they were easily to use point correct I mean you could control one from a smartphone app correct some models not drones as advanced as the one in this case man now in fact the DJI meters Pro the drone use in this case can actually be controlled from a smartphone app correct that's not right man there is an application that's used its proprietary to the company you need additional technology to be able to actually implement that application it's not just a mobile phone app but this still is an application is able to use on this specific drone correct yes you have to operate it through this proprietary application it's not like a mobile phone app that you just download and hit play on right now it's actually look at the DJ matrix Pro now this drone isn't military grade grade correct you said isn't mam isn't military grade correct that's right it's a commercial grade girl this drone isn't cut off from the public eye in some senses yes mam but in fact if anyone has sufficient funds they could buy this drone themselves correct they'd be able to purchase it there's additional barriers to actually be able to use that drone but so that's a yes my question anyone could buy this drone if you had seven and a half thousand dollars that you were willing to spend yes actually I believe the seven and a half thousand dollars you're referring to is the drone itself and the gjm Atrus and the Zen news combined correct that's right ma'am the the drones only a meager 5k okay thank you now let's actually look at the camera component of aerial mapping systems now cameras have actually been developing since before drones correct that's right you started with the old-timey sepia type photos but we've come a long way since then yes we come a long way we've actually come to 4k resolution correct that's correct ma'am and 4k resolution is actually available to the public correct I wouldn't totally agree with that statement but bringing you back to my question anyone can buy 4k resolution correct if you have sufficient funding to buy a a movie camera you're right now thank you now let's take a specific look at the Zen mousse x5r the camera used in today's case this camera isn't military-grade drone no it's a camera ma'am it's not a drone I'm sorry a military-grade camera man there's not really a such thing but anyone can buy this camera correct that's right it's available to the public if you have 2.5 thousand dollars so with the funds anyone could buy this camera that's right now other than being able to zoom in this camera has no special functions such as infrared technology correct it doesn't see in other bands if that's what you mean ma'am but you can have it mounted on a drone it does have a variety of advanced features in that sense so bringing you back to my question this camera does not have infrared technology correct not infrared specifically ma'am right it can't amass something that's hidden correct what do you mean by hidden ma'am this camera can only shown what's already visible to the naked eye correct I know ma'am this camera sees a whole lot better than my eyes but I'm saying that it's already being shown what's visible to the eye it's only being shown what's beneath the lens correct it's in the sense that it shows what's being picked up by the optical sensor you're right but to compare this to a naked eye it's misleading them so mr. Monroe this camera can't unmask something that's behind something else or hidden correct by a physical object that's opaque you're right so this camera is only being shown what is already visible from the lens correct in that sense yes now another area of your involvement in today's case was revealing the contract correct reviewing the contract you said yes that's correct now let's be clear mr. Monroe you're not an attorney that's right my experience with contracts just comes from my 13 years of experience in the field and you're not a lawyer yes I'm neither a lawyer nor an attorney ma'am you have no education in law I took one seminar class once but other than that no no in fact you didn't speak with Eli Moss the CEO of omniscient I did not you didn't speak with Campbell Bolt the city director no I focused on the contract that they had actually agreed to so you didn't speak with anyone involved in the negotiation of the negotiation of this contract correct no ma'am in my experience what's relevant with contracts is actually what's written down you were actually involved in the negotiations shishun of his contract were you that's right I was not you were involved into drafting that's right so your testimony is simply limited to what is written within the contract correct that's right now you previously stated that this contract has an excessive amount of oversight correct absolutely so let's actually look at what is what's in this contract certainly now within the contract it mentions 4k resolution but it doesn't actually specify what camera omniscient had to use correct only that it also had to be able to be mounted on that drone that's right all right now as well as an article 2.05 it also doesn't specify what drone on mission had to use correct no but the excuse me the requirements placed upon that are pretty high ma'am let's know to my question not a specific model now it also doesn't state that the that omniscient had to specifically fly over the wolf residence correct no that would have been in one of the flight paths that the city approved it doesn't say that omniscient had to in that image omniscient had to it involve themselves in the enhancement of the photographs correct not in these excerpts now let's actually take a look at what the contract does state the contract does state in article 2.09 the contractor may add contractors own expense employ any assistance that contractor deems necessary correct that's right they could hire people on behalf of the city right now as well as that in article 2.0 10 it states that the contract that omniscient is responsible for paying the federal and state taxes of its employees correct that's right it specifically says Federal Insurance contribution Act Social Security Act federal unemployment tax now dr. Monroe I have one final question for you isn't it in fact true in article 2.0 10 this agreement does not constitute a hiring by either party correct ma'am I can write something down it doesn't make it true objection not responsive sustained oh go ahead your honor he simply wasn't even finished with this answer he was clarifying I asked that yes at least be able to finish his answer opposing counsel may respond yes your honor I simply asked dr. Monroe if the if that was within the contract I wasn't asking for an elaboration on this I was asking if what I read to him was true Jo sustained yes in fact true than an article 2.10 it specifically states this agreement does not constitute a hiring by either party that's right no questions your honor I think you have a matter of seconds left on time I'll try to make this quick Your Honor may proceed you may proceed sir on cross you made the distinction between a drone being able to purchase versus being able to use what is that distinction to be able to actually use a drone you need additional clearance from the FAA called a certificate of authorization and that proprietary application I mentioned and could you finish reading section 2.10 yes this agreement does not constitute a hiring by either party it's the parties intention the contractor will be an independent contractor just because I write something down sir it doesn't make it true thank you your honor I have no further questions and there is no further time for cross-examination so you can step down there's a defense rest at this time at this time the defense rests this case in chief this time we'll take two minutes in which you can prepare your closing arguments team attorneys may communicate with each other none of the Performing team members may communicate in any way with the teachers legal advisors team members not performing in this round they're in it and we're with any other observers so you can start with the two minutes Thanks right now the students have a couple of minutes to prepare their closing arguments in the fictional case state of Buckeye versus Quinn wolf after the team's deliver their closing arguments the judges will adjourn for a short while to deliberate during which we'll have a chance to talk with some of the students participating today and get some of their perspectives when the judges are finished deliberating they'll come back in the room give comments then announce the winning team but first we'll go back to the floor to hear the closing arguments both sides are ready to proceed that prosecution then you make your closing argument permission to proceed you may proceed may it please the court well the Fourth Amendment is designed to protect personal liberties what it's not designed to do is prevent law enforcement from conducting an investigation in cases such as Katz Dow Chemical and Goudreau the Supreme Court has held that when there's no reasonable expectation of privacy no illegal search and seizure and when evidence is given voluntarily by a private citizen there has been no Fourth Amendment violation at the starting point in today's hearing is determining if a right of privacy exists for if there is no expectation of privacy there can be no Fourth Amendment violation in the Katz decision the Supreme Court put forth a two prong test there must be a subjective expectation and it must be one that society recognizes as reasonable here today we've heard no evidence of a subjective expectation of privacy so let's look at the objective prong in the case of California versus ciraolo the Supreme Court held that if no effort is made to block the direct line of sight into one's curtilage thus giving the public a vantage point into that curtilage there can be no expectation of privacy and what we heard is that in the area surrounding the gazebo there's no fences no gates no doors no windows nothing blocking the line of sight into that gazebo but furthermore your honor in the case of Florida versus Riley the Supreme Court held that there can be no expectation of privacy in an area where there's routine air traffic what we heard is that in harmony including the outskirts there are crop dusting planes lower flying aircraft air balloons and local airports but secondly your honor let's look at the Gazebo itself it has openings it has hundreds of yards of open space in fact in this image you can see that white rectangle in the biggest opening possible therefore the expectation of privacy fails but another issue why a violation has not occurred is because aerial mapping has been happening for the last thirty years we know that because Dow Chemical specifically addressed it in its 1980s court case the only difference being back then it dealt with a drone but today or back then it dealt with a plane today it deals with the drone but that's not the only thing Dow Chemical provides and we must learn of the fact pattern Dow Chemical dealt with a chemical plant that refused the inspection of the police so the police hired a plane with aerial mapping capabilities to go overhead and take pictures of what was happening down below and what the Supreme Court held is that the viewpoint from the sky is no different than the viewpoint from the road meaning that what could be seen from that camera four hundred feet in the air did not rise to the level of a search in fact that's not the only parallel in today's case back then the Supreme Court held that the use of a conventional albeit precise camera still does not rise to the level of a search and that the mere enhancement of human vision does not give rise to constitutional problems but the third and separate reason why no violation has occurred in today's case deals in what the Supreme Court discussed in the case of rudra and what they discussed was that if evidence is handed over by a private individual there has been no Fourth Amendment violation what we've heard here today we heard the testimony from that private individual herself Eli moss Eli Moss is the owner of the private company omniscient that was recognized as an independent contractor by the very city of harmony in fact what we heard here today is the person that selected the footage zoomed in on the footage enhance the footage and took the footage was no one else than that private individual sitting in that same room as mr. Dylan Ulrich who held the ability to say no so as the prosecution we have held our burden of proof to establish three things today there was no expectation of privacy there was no illegal search and seizure and the evidence handed over to the police to secure the search warrant was done by a private individual and it is for these reasons that we ask you to denied the defendants motion to suppress the evidence thank you the defense may make your closing argument now proceed judge MacBride judge where judge Ricardo's judge wha tell judge young miss sander his courts may it please the court every day we take for granted the power that rests in our hands whether it's to express ourselves to hold up an exhibit to write down specific witness testimony but today you heard that the state didn't just take for granted they took advantage of the power resting in their hands today you heard that the hand of the state was omniscient in her closing argument miss quartz just told you that Dow Chemical Eagle standards for our case today but your honors those cases couldn't be more different from the fact patterns of our case today because in Dow can that involved a chemical manufacturing plant there was no cartilage found and even the Supreme Court held that there was a lower standard for commercial plants than there is private property and furthermore in brodo V McDowell the Supreme Court held and found that the police were not involved until several months after the evidence was collected today you heard that the hand of the state was omniscient before during and after that collection of the evidence so instead the burden rests in the prosecution's hands under Katz V US and rendell-baker become to prove that one miss wolf did not maintain a reasonable expectation of privacy and two there was no state action so first expectation of privacy were you heard that the hand of the state reached out into the privacy of a high-school girls home and as Miss Court cited in her close in Florida B Riley there was a Fourth Amendment violation when the observing aircraft flew where members of the public did not fly with sufficient regularity as much as miss courts wants to tell you that there was no evidence of subjective expectation today you heard mr. over get up on that stand and tell you that the only air traffic that flies around miss wolves property are crop dusting planes during the planting season and further in Kyllo the US the Supreme Court held that when the government uses technology not in the general public use that constitutes a search and is unreasonable without a warrant it's just a few minutes ago you heard from dr. Monroe when he told you that the drone used in this case was not widely available to the consumer not in the general public use and a typical so next we turn to the issue of state action where there was the prosecution's burden to prove that the hand of Miss Moss was not an extension of that of the state and they couldn't even get their story straight on cross-examination you heard officer Miller tell you I did not tell miss Moss to go ahead and enhance the footage then on cross miss Moss told you officer Miller told me to go ahead and enhance the image your honor they're trying to hide their hand behind a curtain of inconsistencies but you heard the truth from mr. Orrick when he told you about the tipping point that caused him to leave working at a mission when Officer Miller directly requested that Miss Moss enhanced the image and she did as much as the state wants to tell you that this image was in plain sight and was handed over to the to the police voluntarily your honors you heard from their own witness that office Miller told me to go ahead and enhance because it's simple your honors but for the state miss mas wouldn't have collected that footage but for the state she wouldn't have Hance that footage and but for the state she wouldn't have adhered to specific requirements of that footage wherever you look from that footage to the enhancement to the drone itself the hand of the state was omniscient and no state has the right to be omniscient therefore we respectfully request that you rule in favor of miss wolf and grant her motion to suppress thank you any rebuttal argument may I proceed may it please the court opposing counsel touched on state action so let's discuss that in the case of bloom versus Uretsky the Supreme Court put forth four factors to determine state action funds regulation public function and a symbiotic relationship we've heard no evidence here today that our mission was completely reliant on the funding of the government to continue their business when it comes to regulation we've heard no testimony as to the controlling nature of FAA regulations when it comes to a public function a public function is when a private entity performs a function that's typically the prerogative of the state your honor you heard from the defense's own witnesses the purpose of this project was to serve a land surveying land is by no means a governmental responsibility when it comes to a symbiotic relationship while there were more details than most in that contract discretion was left to omniscient in fact let's look at the very hand that held that discretion the hand that shows the drone the hand that shows the camera the hand that shows the flight path the hand that shows the day it was to be done was the hand of the private individual eli mas that private individual wasn't an extension of the state she was the CEO of her own private company which was recognized by the city of harmony as an independent contractor and it is for these reasons that we ask you to denied the defendants motion to suppress the evidence thank you thank you very much at this time the scoring judges will retire to the jury room to deliberate once again you're watching the Ohio channel in the 2019 Ohio High School Mock Trial Championship we're coming to you live from the Ohio State House in downtown Columbus the sponsoring organization for the Ohio mock trial competition is the Ohio Center for law related education or OC LRE which has been educating students about their constitutional rights and responsibilities through this program since 1983 the Supreme Court of Ohio along with the Ohio State Bar Association the Ohio Attorney General and the ACLU of Ohio are ocl re sponsors after growing steadily over the past 36 years ocl areas Ohio mock trial program is the largest non athletic competition in the state with about 3,000 students participating and more than a thousand legal professionals volunteering as legal advisors case committee members and judges mock trial offers high school students an opportunity to participate in some of the serious legal scenarios that lawyers and judges deal with every day in courthouses across the state let's take a look at an episode of Ohio County courthouses seats of justice this is a documentary series exploring the history architecture and unique purpose of each county courthouse in Ohio [Music] whether you live in one of Ohio's bustling cities or one of its quaint county seats one building seems to attract attention my name is Jessica Daniels I live in Dover Ohio and I'm a high school Spanish teacher Patrick Shepard I was born and raised in Wellington Ohio and Lorraine County and I currently live in Cleveland my name is Hannah Tucker I am from Tiffin and I am the pastor of st. Paul's United Methodist Church Harrington what do a teacher amateur photographer and a pastor have in common a love of history travel and Ohio's county courthouses the summer my sister and I went on a trip and we visited all 88 counties and their courthouses something we wanted to do since we were kids so we drove around the state of Ohio in seven days we kind of divided it into quadrants and basically was printed off of mathas Ohio and kind of took a pencil and sketch it in a map that we think would work the first day we started out we visited fifteen or sixteen counties in the first day and we were exhausted worn out you know it was too much and so then after that the remaining six days we ended up usually between nine and thirteen counties a day we were able to get to you and it was usually a full day 10 to 12 hour day in the car I used to travel across Ohio quite a bit and I often noticed that the most beautiful building in the whole county was typically the County Courthouse and I always wanted to go back and visit some of them it wasn't until about 2012 when I saw an article in the Toledo Blade about endangered port houses in the state of Ohio and then it occurred to me that my home port house in Lorain County had really fallen into disrepair I think the the purpose overall was to not only revisit a lot of these county seats and see these port houses but also to bring some attention to the fact that there are some endangered courthouses I really feel that these buildings are of such significant historical and architectural importance that for me as an amateur photographer I just thought it would be an interesting project to try to grab images of all eighty-eight [Music] we don't build courthouses like we did in the 19th century and early 20th century this is a time period when there's a lot of attention given to the architectural details that go into the buildings [Music] these were intended to be buildings that stood out were monumental in many cases probably the most architectural a distinct building in the counties in the respective counties especially and often the more rural counties mostly after we saw all the courthouses I was amazed just how different many of them were they were filled at different times when you go into the bigger cities they look more like just normal city buildings and in some of the smaller towns they're clearly the most majestic the biggest building in the town my favorite courthouse was located in the town of Pomeroy which is Miggs County down on the Ohio River it's a tiny little town and the way the geography is down there you have the river and then pretty much you have hills directly after that so the courthouse was actually built into the hill there were levels of the courthouse and each level had a ground entrance because you could work your way up the hill and enter in different places so it just had some really unique features to it my favorite courthouses were those where it really was the focal point of the city or town that there'd be a good amount of green space around it and then a commercial district you know there might be an old theater there there you know barber shop my favorite courthouse wasn't hardened coming in the town of Kenyon I really liked it because kitten is a pretty small town and you drive into the downtown and then you see this courthouse and it's kind of up on a little hill in the center of town and you can see it from far away and it's just this beautiful big building in the midst of this tiny town Ohio's historic courthouses to me really reflect the breadth and diversity of Ohio's history these were meant to be symbols of County government symbols of our rule of law places where people came to make very important decisions that shape their lives now that I've been to every courthouse I realized that they they belong to us and Ohioans they belong to us as members of each County it's worth checking out your local courthouse I think because of the history the architecture you may learn things about your county or your community that you didn't know from before I got to spend seven days in a car with my sister we have to learn a little bit more about each other [Music] I know a lot of people don't get to have close relationships with their siblings and I'm happy that I do have one and that we got to spend this time together cuz it's not a common thing [Music] Ohio reflects this checkerboard pattern of roads and farms and fields they were all very orderly put together in a very rational rectilinear play some of my favorite days each year is when I've just kind of meandering across Ohio and picking up these photographs of court houses and what I love about it is it's one of those things that it's not specifically the destination it's the journey so it's it's going on all these old Ohio roads and then you know learning and discovering about the history of these various cities and towns along the way [Music] find the entire Ohio County courthouses seats of Justice Series at Ohio channel org slash courthouses as the judges are deliberating and scoring let's hear from some of the students who participated in the mock trial today so you can come on up you tell us your name my name is Cooper Pierce and what grade you in I'm a senior so how does it feel you know you took all the butterflies off and everything how does it feel to compete today really good you know we had a really great opponent we saw so manias other team day one and it was really great just kind of bring it full circle how did it feel to not really know what side was gonna come up until the last minute it was a little tense for sure we have a really different case theory than they do on prosecution and I know their other team saw it so it was kind of unique having doing the side that they hadn't seen previously okay so yeah like so for people who don't know you get to practice against your own team and you get to kind of see if you're the defense and the prosecution you see what your team would do prosecution wise so was this do they throw things at you that were kind of some curveballs it's a little different than what we do but nothing we haven't really seen before the Miller Moss combo is pretty popular it's just not something we do what's your favorite part about mock trial I think objections are the best especially when it's the case law stuff you just you get to sit there during the objections too so yeah you get to them do you I feel like when it comes to being a witness do you do you feel like you get to mess with the other side's attorney that just like sort of just obfuscating a little bit do you feel like you can kind of mess with them oh for sure that's a lot of it on across is if they miss state like even just like one kind of renewed fact you can just say no to the whole thing and then they'll just you know panic and shutdown mode and you know what did I say wrong and just try and have to go back and reevaluate so what got you into mock trial in the first place what elements are there that you really like about it I think it was just the fact that our school didn't really have a speech in debate club or anything like that so this was kind of the alternative great thanks a lot Thanks what up what's your name I'm summoner cool hair you can step up a little bit more in what grade are you in I'm a senior so how do you feel now that the competition's all over and done with how do you feel like you did I feel good I mean obviously I can't say anything for certain until the judges come back to us but right now no nerves what did it feel like to be up there well it's always tense obviously you never know what your attorneys gonna throw out you you know there's excellent attorneys in this competition especially at this level but you know you never know so you've been and and who what role were you playing today again I was a witness I was playing Dylan Ulrich and you've been working on that I guess you could say character you've been working on that character for a couple of months now right yeah maybe even longer than that it's been a while what was the motivation behind because he sort of had sort of this cocky attitude coming into it was that part of your strategy you know I've been told that I'm arrogant I was trying to I was trying to actually tone that down a little bit I guess if it still came off the way yeah that wasn't intentional like Elon Musk I mean we have like an Eli moss so which sounds like Elon Musk I'm guessing that's where they were going for so was it sort of that attitude going into it actually I was trying to I guess it wasn't really perceived but I was trying to sort of counter Eli Moss as being the more conservative of the two and more approachable so what what about mock trial do you like what what are the elements that you like when going into it well I love being witness that's what I tried out for initially it's always really nice you just had it goes back actually you know the battle between the attorney in the witness it's great to not know because then you got to figure it out on the stand you know that's the best part so I always feel like watching mock trial there's an element of law and studying law and then there's an element of theater what what draws you more to be honest with you I just tried out sophomore year and I happen to make a team so here I am I'm not really here for any particular reason you sort of seem like you have some sort of like actor drama [Music] [Laughter] and is there anything in particular that that you hope to go on to do and maybe higher education that that deals with mock trial maybe computer science alright oh yeah there you go all right well thank you very much thank you come on hi what's your name Sarah Kaplan and what grade are you I'm a senior with Indian Hill right yeah so how do you feel today I feel like we did really well like Cooper said we faced subbing news B team on Thursday and it was a really good team to play against definitely we kind of like looking to play them the whole time and I mean Indian Hill and Silvia we kind of have like a rivalry of sorts they won last year we won the year before yeah it was really awesome just playing such a good team what kind of what was your strategy going into what we what are you hoping that you got across to the judges we were just kind of trying to come across as more relaxed I guess we kind of we actually sang in the courtroom before we started with saying Bohemian Rhapsody and yeah I don't know I think we were just trying to be relaxed you know we've all worked like for years getting to this point just wanted to really enjoy the moment what's your favorite thing about Mock Trial it's definitely the people we we have a pretty cultish huddle every time before we testify and go into this room and every time we always just say we're doing it for each other and the people that I've met in this program were just exactly why I keep doing it so you got to deliver the closing argument and so what we see is that the judges give you about two minutes to just kind of get everything together what what in that two minutes did you sort of change in the last minute right before you went up so in those two minutes it's pretty critical to talk to mr. Quon over there he's my co-counsel and we just kind of game plan based on what they presented especially the case law that she kind of cited in her open I was maybe thinking that she would sight in her clothes kind of trying to distinguish that from our case today and just kind of trying to incorporate the fact that we had heard you know it's different every time we go through this so I just kind of wanted to take the specific words that we heard today you have any thoughts on on what you want to go on to do after high school I'm really not sure I think this program has definitely kind of kilter to me to more towards law but I'm still not sure thanks a lot thank you coming up what's your name Albert Kwan and what grade are you I'm a senior so have you been here before have you been in the finals before not myself we had a junior team get here when we were sophomores and we watched them play okay I heard a little bit of the history of that too because that sophomore team apparently was really good we played each other and we knocked each other out in semifinals but and the tiebreaker went to the to the upperclassmen yeah but they want so I guess it all worked out so how's it feel to be here today then it feels full circle honestly um obviously every team wants to come to the state finals but especially after a strong sophomore year and then junior year things didn't really work out the way we wanted but I know it feels right especially in our senior years so you've been doing this for several years now what does it feel like to to put so much time and effort over the years over the months working towards this case to all culminate into this moment it's I mean it's honestly it's cliche but it's rewarding there's nothing more satisfying than washing something you've worked so hard to do over countless months years come to fruition come to life right in front of your eyes and every trial we've played in that's happened so I'm just blessed what elements of mock-trial what's your favorite part of Mock Trial is it the law side do you like the sort of the theatre side of it yeah like my co-counsel said it's definitely the people I mean the law and the theater like it's all so much fun finding that out but at the end of the day it's not really who wins the trial who loses a trial that defines us it's not really about what objection we make what speech we give it's what we gain from when we talk to each other we we grow up with each other and I've just met people that I know I probably wouldn't ever have talked to in high school and it's it's just it's the people the people any any thoughts on what you want to do after high school if all things work out law but we'll see we'll see knock on wood I want to knock on wood well congratulations and thanks a lot thank you coming up hey what's your name I'm Sidney poppin burger and what grade are you in I'm a sophomore and you know so I'm guessing you were on the side that didn't get the coin flip today is that right actually I was Quinn wolf when we used to call Quinn wolf until Cooper advocated for Monroe and kind of switch things up for us what is it I mean you know until the last minute you don't know what's gonna happen is that nerve wracking at all I think that's what makes mock trial so exciting because it's not something you can prepare all the way for and it's kind of a combination of preparation and just the heat of the moment so can you give us a little glimpse into what you would have done what the angle would have been Quinn well if the defendant was the one in the gazebo the one who went through everything and originally the way that we played it was emotionally which is what I love to do because I did theater before mock trial and that's just what I think thanks the most fun so you are so you are more of the theater side of it I'm guessing yes I did theater in middle school and - the beginning of high school but then I just thought this was more interesting and even academic approach to theater which I think it's cool so this is something that I always wonder because I know when they give you the materials to create this case was was Quinn wolf always a high school student or did you did your team get to decide that no Quinn wolf was always a high school student trillium High School which is kind of the whole mock trial universe but yeah so how do you feel that your team did today and what did you think of the other team and sort of the decide they were spinning to it I think it was a cool opportunity especially playing such a great team and just the whole like Indian Hill sylvania rivalry I think we did great today I always feel good about how we do just the way that we work as a team but it was just a great experience today and I mean the state finals it's just great any thoughts on what you want to do after high school I have no idea thank you all right and I think we're gonna get Sylvania now Sylvania South you hi what's your name my name is Gillian sander and what grade are you in I'm a junior and you're with Sylvania correct yes so how did it feel being up there today today it felt really great I was watching our team won here exactly a year ago and I specifically remember saying my coach that watching our team won made me feel so inspired so to be here today being that team won just felt incredible what was it like to not know what side was gonna go up until the last minute it was nerve-wracking because we had to prepare for both sides you gotta take us through your mindset when you found out that you were the team that was gonna go up my heart song I was so excited I immediately went through everything in my head of what I need to do wanted me to remember what what did you what do you hope you know as the judges are deliberating right now what do you hope that they're taking to account what sort of point do you hope got across during the whole trial I think the most important point that got across through the trial was our preparation and effort and how we were able to communicate that through the trial what's your favorite part about this program I think my favorite part is probably the thrill I mean you walk into every competition you never know what's gonna happen you don't know what objections are gonna be raised you don't know the themes that are gonna be raised so it's all about thinking on your feet essentially any thoughts on what you want to do after high school yet I definitely want to practice law okay thanks a lot coming up and what's your name Isabella courts and what grade are you in I'm a senior this year and so how do you feel about what your team just did today I'm very proud of what we've accomplished you know it's been a long season we went to Empire over the summer so we've done mock trial for quite a bit and it's great to see us finally in the state finals tell us a little bit I heard about Empire earlier tell me a little bit more about what Empire is right so Empire is essentially another mock trial competition however it's more worldwide so there's teams from South Korea Australia there's multiple teams from every state and it's more you're more at Liberty at creating new facts rather than in Ohio you stick to the facts that you're given and then back here today how do you feel like your team did I think we did incredible especially considering that we didn't know what side we were going I'm a doubler which means I actually perform on both sides so the anticipation was a little bit nerve-wracking for me because I have two completely different theories after balance I closed on both sides so I really had to gear up and prepare for both but I'm very proud of what we did today and any plans on what you want to do after high school well I thought I wanted to go into medicine but after doing mock trial for a couple years I'm geared a little bit towards law but we'll see what I do maybe medical law maybe defending doctors I don't know well thank you very much come on up what's your name my name is Ashley Lee and what grade are you in it doesn't look like it but I'm actually a senior this year so how do you feel about what just happened today the the finals over but you were able to make a strong case so how do you feel like your team did I feel like we did pretty well especially considering the strength of the other team I mean both teams I feel that made it this far just incredible and I'm I'm really proud of all of us and you play detective Miller so you need to be prepared for what the other team is going to ask you any sort of curveballs that you saw today anything that sort of caught you off-guard not really um actually I've seen some of these same questions before from both our own team and we're practicing crossing me and just from other teams in general so I kind of expected can you kind of put us in the mindset of what it feels like to be in the witness chair to to you know your team's relying on you to to sort of be able to answer any question that's thrown at you sure it's it's kind of it makes me kind of nervous because you're sitting and there's everyone's like standing and there's these judges on the panel right there but I feel like once you get the first couple questions out you know that you've prepared for this and you just kind of roll with it what's your favorite part about mock trial I definitely say it's the team aspect I actually compete in speech in debate too and it's in an individual event but my sister who was here last year actually she convinced me that the team aspect of Mahal was much better and I honestly think she was right any thoughts on what you wanted to do after high school yeah I actually want to go into medicine when I going to college thanks a lot what up hello what's your name my name is Daniel dunker and what grade are you in I'm actually a senior this year and how do you feel about what just happened today how do you feel how your team did honestly like overall I'm just proud of them because I I'm a senior and I've been I said that already but I've been doing this for four years and I've seen so I've been on so many teams and we're on this is just just such a big family and I'm proud of everyone at how well they did were you here last year I was actually I was on the other side of the team that was in finals I just forgot to come up and do my interview so again like I've been asking the witnesses to any anything that the other team asked you that sort of caught you off guard any sort of surprise questions well not really I mean as in mock trial we have to prepare our cases and of course like memorize or affidavits and everything so I mean I've also been asked one of these questions before like in competition so I wasn't really caught off guard but you know you have to present your case to the best of your ability so you played Eli Moss I was just talking to the person from omnipotent you know their former partner in this story so what I mean did you feel like you had what kind of preparation did you do to get into character who are you trying to sort of convey Tony Stark not not to be like oh just the extent of just the Tony Stark but kind of just you know the CEO I was just kind of just feeling as and you know I'm just I own this company you know I just I'm just here that's great did you watch any Ironman to get prepared I wish I could like I mean I got home from competition at like 9:00 so not really you know I did like a face mask I reviewed math David fell asleep good any any thoughts on what you want to do after high school I actually want to do medicine but I mean like what by doing mock trial maybe I want to be a part of a program that also incorporates law but mostly medicine probably thanks a lot no problem hey what's your name I'm Jillian Pross I'm the other Jill okay and so what role so you were gonna play a role today is that writer I time cap today but I'm normally an attorney for the other side okay and so since you're the attorney on the other side how did you think that your opposing team did representing that side I think they did a great job their theories are very similar to ours so it's interesting to see how they presented it and what their style was but overall is just such a great performance if you were up there if you were arguing on behalf of the defense right is that what what would you have wanted to convey what did you what would you want the judges to get out of your case the biggest thing for me since I direct Dylan Ulrich what we really emphasize in that direct it's just privacy in that how what I'm what omniscient did typically isn't what other companies do so it's just unusual and really an invasion of privacy what's your favorite part about mock trial oh definitely the team like we've all bonded so much this year just like what in dunya comes up and says that she forgot to do her interview last year like we just know like that's a nun yeah we can all laugh about it any thoughts on what you want to do after high school I'm dead set on computer science is that because of this I mean I've just I just really like programming I mean my dad said I should go into like technology and like patent law but I just I really more like the programming aspect great thanks a lot thank you all right so we're still waiting for the judges to finish their deliberation but first let's take a look at some of the details of this trial [Music] [Applause] [Music] in terms of the debriefing I just want to say first of all commend both teams just for an outstanding trial and I think everybody will have comments to make this is the one rule that we are going to intentionally break is the 12 minute rule so we will we will probably take longer than 12 minutes so bear with us you know go ahead we'll go to the same order if you would go ahead and you all did a great job I mean I was I was just blown away by the talent that we saw here today so really excellent excellent work I'm just going to make a brief comment about everyone and my notes are a little bit jumbled so not surprisingly I won't be as smooth as the students we saw here today first of all in the prosecution's side Jordan Miller MS Li I thought you did a great job in terms of understanding the facts and being very deft about your responses I've really you did you did an excellent job miss Hogan car pretty much the same comments I think you you added some detail in places where I thought they were the facts were a little bit obscure in the case adding things about not being strictly enforced by the city the the making that who made the decision to to deploy the drones and so Nathan I think you you I like the level of detail in your presentation for the attorneys on the prosecution side misses courts sorry my notes are hard to read but miss courts I just wanted to mention I thought your your closing argument really was masterful was was was outstanding and I'll just there's a lot of things I could talk about but I noted in your rebuttal you first of all you you talk directly about the four factors in bloom I thought that was persuasive but then you use the hand metaphor which was something that the defense had used as their theme and I thought it was it's an effective thing to actually take something they did and put it put it in your closing so that was that was excellent Miz sander I would I noted I liked your direct of Miz or yeah Miz moss and I the way that it was laid out you got all the details in and then at the end it was a very good wrap-up I thought you know kind of laying out the details and then a nice set of wrap-up questions at the end was really very effective so excellent job on the defense side starting with the witnesses mr. Callahan a very good very good presentation I thought you sounded very confident I think on cross you did a really good job of asking for clarification sometimes where the questions might have been a little bit misleading and I think you were very perceptive in finding those those points to do that Mr Pearce really good presentation I'm you're very believable playing the witness that you played and I thought you did a very good job of that I also liked on cross how you shaded things frequently so you you know you were very you you always noted well it was relatively something or in some sense it was and and I thought those shadings were were a good thing for a witness in your in your position with respect to the attorneys see here mr. Quon I I thought your opening was very good you stated a theme the state is omniscient which i think is a that's a nice double entendre that you know you you want to make the point that both the state is omniscient from the you know all-seeing point-of-view an invasive point of view but also you're identifying the state with with the company omniscient and that's you know I thought that was a nice theme to keep repeating I liked your I also liked your cross of moss and I thought you were very tenacious sorry one one other point I'm but I'm switching to your direct because I circled this I thought you did a good job when this is when the objection was sustained and then you went back and did some some redirect that's you know thinking on your feet and having to ask some more questions to lay foundation was was very good and very effective and miss Caplan see here there it is I'm Kryon your closing really good starting off distinguishing the dow and bordeaux cases i liked how you did that i liked how you you started off with with those points and kind of pointed us in a direction on the standard that we needed to apply and i thought that i thought that was very effective so that was a good way to start and then i thought the rest of your closing was also excellent i mean i think you had a nice balance between giving us what the what the cases said and then weaving in the facts and it was really very very well done so again i would congratulate everyone very very good job I would extremely impressed and I know it was a lot of work over a long period of time so thank you very much congratulations again for me I thought you both teams did an excellent job I'll try not to be repetitive so I'm just gonna pick on a couple of the comments that Rob may not have addressed Gillian and your opening I really liked the three points like you mentioned what the three points are it's always really nice and opening statement to set up a roadmap of what your evidence is going to show most of the times you're trying your cases in front of juries and laypeople so that is a really good way to start your opening statements and just kind of laying what your evidence is going to show what you're gonna prove in your case so I think you did a really nice job Isabella you did a great job handling the objections and handling I think it was Albert's objection on laying the foundation that was a that was really good how you did that in your redirect of Ashley right yes was very good and very short I liked that short is good so the no and I'm sorry that was Sara's objection Sara that the setting the biases on cross-examination of the prosecution's witness that was very very good let's see here Gillian I thought you did a really good job in handling the hearsay objections that Albert put forth that's a good one and a good good also redirect I don't know if I agreed with the judge on the on the contract clause and the scope but I thought you guys really handled that really well with Albert's cross-examination of Eli Moss um let's see here I don't want to be repetitive mr. Callaghan very nice touch with the wedding ring I did notice and your closing arguments were both were both excellent so congratulations to you and those that care for you your parents your coaches you that that helped you come this far this is a great honor so best of luck first of all I'd echo the comment the general comments that were made by my fellow judges about all the work that went into this and the fact that it showed I'm so kudos to all of you I do have some specific comments and I'll start with the prosecution Isabella I thought you made a good use of objections pretty much throughout the trial I liked your closing arguments I particularly liked how you summarized the case law and the conclusion that you had in your closing was very effective asking for the specific rulings that you wanted the judge to make a lot of times that gets forgotten and I thought that you are just generally great at holding our attention during the closing argument in particular Gillian on your opening I thought it was nice the way you used your exhibit the photograph exhibit that sort of get that right in front in the beginning you are on direct you authenticated a document which I appreciate it I don't always see that you did a good job on direct letting the witness be the focus of attention sort of fading into the background which is what I think counsel should do in that circumstance and you also are very good with your objections Ashley I thought you did a nice job with the mam kind of making it sound like you were a police officer you did a good job addressing the panel with your your answers the one the one question that asked whether Sam stone was a friend of yours and you answer that yes you find him to be one of your most credible friends I thought was it was very clever and good job sticking to your answer on cross that that the other witness on Anya volunteered to perform the enhancement of the photograph anon Yin I thought that you I have remarkably few comments written down about you I thought that you were believable I thought that you were polished you commanded our attention and you were cool under pressure on cross exam and and sort of kept with that same theme from Ashley that you volunteered to enhance the photo and you stuck to your guns to which I thought was good on the defense side albert's I thought you had a wonderful control of your witness on cross-examination I thought you did a good job impeaching a witness with their affidavit testimony you did a great job with the expert not just in qualifying the expert and responding to the objection but also in how you went mechanically about eliciting the testimony or the expert opinion and I thought just overall both in your opening and your questioning that organization was very good and you did a lot you had a lot of cues in there to help the listener follow that organizational scheme which was very helpful Sarah I thought you had some really good questions one was mentioned a moment ago about exposing bias I think it's about the thoroughness of the investigation and well you got this information from your friend that kind of thing and then the question about the fact that Quinn stayed under the roof of the gazebo the whole time during the footage was was good I thought it was very effective the way you took on the potential bias of your witness on Direct right out of the gate you also had good cues for the listener I remember one point I think it was in your direct when you said this will be important for later and then you asked the question that was helpful and helped me pay attention in your closing argument I thought you did a great job distinguishing the cases that the prosecution cited your tone in closing was very good sort of a sober delivery that really you know used silence as much as speech and and was compelling and then I liked how you kind of went witnessed by witness and test and summarized their testimony sumner I thought you did a good job giving an answer giving the answer they were looking for and then getting your explanation in in a really a seamless way a lot of witnesses struggle with that it did not come off as combative at one point this was on the questioning about the what was visible in the unenhanced photo of looking in the gazebo I thought you did a good job sore twisting the question to your advantage about the the white rectangle you know I just a white rectangle I can't tell what that is I thought that was good Cooper I like that you're funny I made me laugh and got me to pay more attention I thought you did a good job with a very difficult task of walking the line between providing an expert opinion as a practitioner in this area dealing with contracts and and not giving legal opinions I'm not I think it might have been you that said the supervisor or supervisee comment instead of employer-employee which I think have definitely drawn an objection that was smart and I also liked how you focused on sort of the the practical barriers to the public use of a droning camera like this yeah if you have $7,500 you can go get this the system and that that was very effective but on the whole once again excellent job by everyone it was my pleasure to watch you all I think there's really not much in terms of details that I can offer that that have been shared already in terms of the individuals and become the last judge standing well between you and the the results I inclined to be brief but it was interesting to be on on the case writing committee and then to see it all in action and you all had a really you know significant amount of subject matter to work with that's actually I think pretty technical and can be pretty detailed and in terms of just marshalling that information and selecting what pieces to focus on and kind of how to weave it and hear your stories was just really really remarkable and you should all be very proud and I think just generally speaking the level of you know professionalism and decorum and just the composure really that was on display here was was was really remarkable I know that there are many instances where you'll be faced with maybe in a line of questioning and you get a little flustered or maybe the response wasn't quite what you expected and being able to get back on track is really you know always key and then for the witnesses you were all quite believable in terms of just your your comfort level with the subject matter and your ability to just engage with the court as well as with the attorneys and just be very believable and comfortable in your presentation so wonderful job to all of you as the last person between the awards and the trial I'm going to be absolutely the briefest so I'm my comments will be more general nature I think the comments that have been made by each of the judges are very good and I'm not going to to try to to add to those what I will say as the teams were outstanding it's worth noting in every championship round that we started out with about 350 teams and you are the last two teams and it is about 3,500 students roughly I'm estimating and and we're down now to the handful of students that were involved here it just shows and the the team that wins will be nine and no I believe and the team that doesn't win will be eight em1 and those are just outstanding records and and in terms of getting here it's worth noting being involved in mock trial from the district on up that nobody sneaks in to the championship round you have to be really good and I'm not going to san umber of years I've been involved in mock trial a number of years been fortunate enough to be a member of the the panel on the the championship around for a number of years and I won't compare but I will will say the the level of competition here between both teams the level is I I don't remember any trial where you have been where it's been exceeded so you I mean I think that like it's a good year for mock trial like the case the case I think was in my opinion as good as any case that we've had and it really gave you a lot to work with and we saw during the course of this round just how well you can work with cases and and develop the facts and use the facts and and present your cases so you're to be commended for being here and getting to this level and and certainly for your performances today I can't imagine how you could have done li I always try to recognize the people who are here as parents and teachers parents and friends and family members who are here you should be very proud of your of the students here your your children your grandchildren whatever the case may be because they did a fantastic job and I and your support obviously is key to the success of mock trial so certainly appreciate all that you have done legal advisors and teachers I had a chance a long time ago to ask a legal adviser of a team that had come to this level several times how much time he's spent and and and the answer that I got was just incredible in terms of the number of hours so I know how much you put into the program and I know the team's appreciate all the work that you've done with them and and it's the if it's obviously a volunteer activity on your part and it's but it's a fantastic volunteer activity as far as I'm concerned so those will be my comments again both teams just great an honor to be able to judge here and in terms of me making a ruling that may have been wrong I'm gonna say as a judge for this is my 25th year I'm used to the fact that we make rulings we do the best job we can do and they're gonna be people that disagree with us and so you did a good job of when you when you did disagree going ahead and not showing your disagreement and and handling it with really professionalism so I'm here to be commended again so we will get to the words portion now congratulations again to all of our teams for making it to this level of competition to echo what the judges have said to all of the teams the students the legal advisors the parents the friends congratulations for all of your hard work and for making it here today so to begin with I would like to invite Judge MacBride and Anna down to present our outstanding witness and our James E Phillips outstanding attorney award and we will announce the outstanding attorney award first so Judge MacBride if you would present to the outstanding attorney for this round is Sarah Caplan [Applause] congratulations and our outstanding witness award goes to Cooper Pierce congratulations and the moment that everybody has been waiting for we will now announce our first place and our runner-up congratulations to our first-place team Indian Hill attorneys make on the Knicks up there trophy if the attorneys would like to come up and accept their trophy Cooper when the judge said you were funny looks aren't everything you're tired congratulation and at this time we would like to say congratulations to our runner-up Sylvania south vo if you'd like to come and accept our trophy congratulations Antonia if you would like to stay up and introduce each member of your team and present them with their gavels oh sure okay which side we want me on here you got them right there okay to my far right is Ashley Lee you might recall her sister was in the finals last year at Kaelyn Lee their next is an Anya Halden car jyllian sander isabella courts Aaron bond and Gillian crust and and of course I would be one if I didn't mention my wife Vicki Donovan Lyle who is also the assistant coach the other students as well this is the whole team okay congratulation thank you congratulations everybody and we would like to invite an advisor from Indian Hill to introduce the Indian Hill team and present the gavels for Indian Hill as well before any of these guys just shout out to Sylvania South - you guys are great we have played each other the programs that played each other a number of times as you know and you are current referred to as Transylvania from time to time just to distinguish you but it was a great match fine to you a great team all right are you guys in no particular order Sydney possum Berger who played wolf earlier but did not play today our cruise director our cruise director Rina Lynch it's our comedian Cooper Pierce our yellow tie some Ricola hands Albert Kwan and the state final best attorney Sarah Kaplan [Applause] congratulations again to all of our teams and all of our students for all of your hard work and that concludes our 2019 Ohio mock trial state final thank you all very much high school mock trial state championship congratulations again to Indian Hill High School team vedoe they will now head to the national championship in Athens Georgia and also congratulations again till Sylvania for making it all the way to the finals to view this program online please visit Ohio channel org where you can also view live and past video coverage of your Ohio government including the Supreme Court of Ohio thanks again for watching and we'll see you next year
Channel: oclre
Views: 11,736
Rating: 4.7983193 out of 5
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Length: 177min 20sec (10640 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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