Offset Pit Smoker BBQ Build
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: TJMake
Views: 2,916,100
Rating: 4.860467 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ, Smoker, DIY, Build, Offset, fire, wood, pit, gas bottle, gas tank, Welding, Steel, Grinding, Grind, lathe, Weld, Metal, Metalwork, Woodturning, Drilling, Gasless Weld, Mig, make, barbecue, smoking, meat, cook, cooking, ribs, brisket, pork, propane, tank, grill, grilling, make a bbq, cut, metal, woodwork, metalwork, fabricate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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