Official Dream House Tour! | Familia Diamond

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in this video we will show you our new house as some of you may already know we had to move recently because we had a break-in [Music] we did not feel safe in that house anymore so this is the entrance when you walk into our household over here we have this nice wall of all our photos they're so cute personally they do like all my favorites and all my favorites anyhow this little couch just in the corner but it's so comfortable everyone uses it it's so nice then we have just some decor and then over there is the rest which we won't be showing you just yet here we have just the Wi-Fi where we keep all the stuff you don't want to know about and then we have more decorations this is my office this is basically where all the magic happens for our YouTube this is my desk and my computer we have to get a new one because I run out of space all the time so my husband got me on one with like how much what oh like a lot terabytes okay so there we have it a bunch of space um over here we have a sofa that my husband likes to come and takes over my outfit sometimes and just uses this as his snap sofa and then we have some decorations over here you have a printer over here and then over here we have the best part of the office we have all the crochet steps who has made me this was a while ago it's coming apart I've gotten a lot better yes but yeah I really like them so I like to see them and that's why I have them in my office that is basically in my office and I think you guys should go and check out the rest of the house all right so this is one of our living rooms this is where the kids like to have now you guys can see my wife put a bunch of decorations she's really good at it I'm not so we have one of the series here um yeah that's it that's pretty basic so let's go to the next one all right you guys and we have come to our dining room you may remember this dining table from our last house I really really like it so we decided to keep it and over here we have this beautiful window space where I just put in a lot of decorations sometimes we sit on it if we're out of chairs and a lot of family members come over we typically take everything off and use it like a sitting area and it's so pretty right by the window and then coming this way we have the entrance to the kitchen but the last part of this area is home sweet home I think it's so cute and it really just fills the space and makes it feel more homely not to the kitchen on our left side we have one of our kitchens my husband makes a lot of Pancakes here as you can see a lot of natural juices a lot of fruit in the refrigerator so this is one and we're gonna be moving on to the pantry caught red-handed so this is where I live basically in the country this last couple of months we both live in here yeah this this belly needs tea so oh babe do you want to tell them what this is I know you want to tell them so this is basically a cow because we make milk out of this we make our own milk yeah we milk the almonds yeah so my husband makes almond milk we don't buy any more milk we're natural and it's very good it's very good and this is our kitchen so here we have the table where we usually eat you know decoration lights coming this way we have an island I think it's called an island some chairs over here we have fruits because my mom has really been into fruits lately she's eating like constantly fruits here we have our gas stove for my mom makes for delicious food coming this way we have a plant which I think is alive I don't know and then we have the best part of the house the sink and here we have my dad's remedy to not ever get sick it tastes like honey we've had so much that I'm kind of done with honey but this one has onion and this one has garlic I prefer the garlic one the onion one tastes like onion so you know and this is it is and here's the freezer I love this part this is the oven where I made all kinds of concoctions that typically don't work in my favor lots and lots of fruit you will find fruit everywhere in this household and then this way we have the living room this is our family room where we spent a lot of time in because we all fit as you can see it's a way bigger sofa and very comfortable we spend a lot of time watching movies shows and YouTube here and then we have a really nice place over there which we love and you'll see why very soon and if we come this way just a little bit we will see the theater room let's go in oh my God it's so dark in here oh hi guys Welcome to our theater room here we have our children enjoying their time so right here we have a huge screen I don't know how big it is but it's big and this we will have the snacks the drinks so whenever the kids feel like they want to eat something they just come here of course this is gonna be finished in like a couple hours so I have to refill all right so we spend like most of our time watching movies here yep that's our theater room and we're gonna be moving on to our coffee shop and welcome to the coffee shop are you guys open yes we are welcome so as you can see we have cafe latte and cappuccino and espresso what would you like I like to have a double shot uh espresso right now because I'm feeling down oh hi down here we have chiuffie all Starbucks coffee here you go thank you would you like anything else uh no I think this is it thank you I would take a coffee if I wasn't pregnant but since I've been pregnant I have literally zero Cravings of coffee I don't want any coffee I can smell it I like the way it smells but I can't drink it so it's been about three months coffee free if you guys know I used to love coffee so maybe when the baby's born now we're gonna be moving on to a very very very very special wall and this is a YouTuber [Music] all right so here we are at 100 000 subscribers at a million subscribers and we are so close to the 10 million subscribers guys so if you guys haven't subscribed make sure to subscribe so we can reach 10 million yep it's gonna be a diamond you guys so we have a special place all the way at the top for that so be sure to hit that subscribe button turn on post notifications and give this video a big thumbs up because we are going strong 10 million diamonds all right you guys and down here we have the bathroom very simple but I do use it a lot and then over here we have the laundry room it's clean because we just finished doing all the laundry so there's no dirty clothes and then in this hallway over here if you follow me we have another room down here which is basically where we do a lot of like self tapes for the kids for their acting so we have a lot of lights in this closet we have a lot of dresses for like movie premieres look at this it is a party in here a lot a lot of dresses and then we have another bathroom in there that we don't really use because it's very far away from everything but yeah so this is where we do all the self tapes and that's why there's so many so many lights then now we are gonna be heading upstairs where everybody's rooms are and this is the upstairs area so starting over here we have this couch which is also for our other house there's just like a big hallway here we don't really know how to fill that space so we decided to use the catch heading this way these have towels in there I guess because we used to have like this big storage where we kept our towels and you know just filling the space and then if you have yet another little seat lots of Windows though so there's very nice natural lighting now Springs this way we have even more decorations we have this I think it's so cute it's like two people dancing and I'm like I love it more decoration it's like a little bench and we like to take our shoes off on the carpet because we don't want to dirty it so we all have a girl that old benches to put our shoes we have a room here you'll see that later here we have this is what I mentioned on throwing paper towels also just like household items that you need every day and you have to keep that in here decoration decoration decorations more frames rooms rooms yet another one a mirror and that is all the decorations in the upstairs area now onto the room foreign so I think you guys have seen a lot of it but there's updated new things you want to show them around we have this new you miss 100 of the shots Cheetos cake which I really like I have two football a new Monopoly frame because we love playing Monopoly that's it and then we have this crystal-like beach like things and then we have a big TV which we didn't have that there last time it's a huge Tui putting down a bit then I have this I'm pretty sure I showed it last time yeah I I still like it and then his closet you can show it yeah I have all my collectibles my shoes my clothes and then the stickers that's new oh yeah I have that sticker and I have that sticker which I really like and then I have a bunch of books here another reader in the family and then my brush which I think we've seen before that's pretty much it so thank you for letting us see your room all right you guys so we're done with diesel now we're gonna be moving on to solash her door's closed so she's probably in here Solage can we see your room okay her fairy room Celeste do you want to give us a room tour you guys might have already seen it but she's gonna give it more detailed we're gonna be showing the closet we're gonna be showing her bathroom oh it's just like a little house like I'll show you at the end okay so all her toys are in here some of them are still in here she does a lot of arts and crafts she's just like Sue and I uh also made a puppet she made a puppet do you want to show us your puppet yeah look at this cute puppet some of her toys are in there some of her toys are in this box some of her toys are in here this is my bed I'm not sleeping in nope sometimes sometimes more no's than yes her closet closet and this is my new shirt because I like it she's obsessing over Care Bears right now and more toys more plushies I couldn't get this because it was it's too high so I had to use this but my mom bought a new one so now she does not have to step on that basket so this is her closet and then bathroom yeah if you guys want to see the details of this room I will link it down below so you guys can go watch after this I am obsessed with your bathroom oh my gosh it's very fairy and then a nest for solosh and that's your bathroom yeah so now let me show you this okay it's like a little house so you just open it and then there's little stuff but instead I opened it like this oh that is so cute there's a little cat I don't know why it came with dog food maybe there's a dog in there somewhere it didn't have anything in it so I just like put paper and Drew it and then I named the cat rainbow you know my My Little Pony right wait is her name pinky what's her name Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie is it yeah so it comes with two clothes very hard to put on then I just got shoes little cute purple shoes and a purse oh she has everything oh yeah it's basically it all right well thank you for letting us see your room yes I will go back to enjoying the beautiful birthday you will go back to enjoying your book alrighty we're gonna be moving on to turn oh hi welcome in hi so excited for 72 questions of phone yeah you're good how do you feel about your room I love it I think it's fantastic what's your favorite part of it honestly I love all of my room I think it's really pretty in the colors what's the worst part the worst part that I'm really messy so so here we have a lot of decoration if you guys want like an in-depth tour check out the link in the description where I give like in depth I'm just gonna kind of do an overview so here we have this giant mirror where I can I don't know dance dance I guess and then we have this television all these cabinets where I keep all my stuff so in here camera stuff like Chargers profits and dog food crochet stuff and things my sister has made me all my books it's a lot and all my crochet products Panic for my dog that she's terrified of Havoc for me that I'm terrified of chair more books because these are more like kind of children's books because I like to separate them my bed which looks nice today but sometimes I forget to do it in the morning she's right there right there here we have my glasses because I you know cannot see can't see that well my ukulele which I don't play as often as it used to but like every now and then if I don't have anything to do I'll play it my laptop which I think is dead because my brother took my charger pens another book ribbons Journal what's it called Sketchbook and my iPad that's super cracked then we have my restroom so here we have obviously my toothpaste my toothbrush and here it's empty it's really all just decoration two sinks um in case you were to have two kids in here I guess but it's just me my shower I love my shower it's a great shower and then we have my restroom more decoration and toilet paper who would have thought in Russian that's crazy why would there be toilet paper to restroom who does that I'm just kidding um dogs water and food um my bathtub which I don't really use honestly I'm not big on baths but it's a nice bathtub I found like three spiders in it maybe that contributes to the reason I don't use it so um oh in the cabinets it's really just shampoo conditioner my dog stuff she has a lot of stuff so I put in those cabinets and that is pretty much it other than you know my favorite part of the room come with me are you ready why closet on my closet here we have my jeans my mom is fantastic and she likes everything being organized so she helped me out because I'm so messy and every time I pick an outfit I'm like I don't like this I throw it on the ground and then you come in on like 30 pieces on the ground yeah but it's fun it's a nice bonding for us to hang stuff together and just chat big bulky jackets for the snow because we love the snow and we go a lot during the year um dresses rompers overalls I wear this like every day every day I wore it this morning Norris nuts nuts it's so soft I love it all my shoes I love my shoes these are I wear these a lot actually it's all color coordinated because it just looks better that way whites purples um blue screens Grace and all the black Browns and reds and the purses are kind of in there then I have this which we didn't really know where to put it so we kind of just put it here yeah it's just kind of there I don't know why and then oh the piece that brings the room together this doll I saw her shirt do you guys want to see watch Italy sit oh my goodness no roll over wait okay sit watch huh oh but again now you have to give her something her cheeks I feel bad now yeah well thank you for showing us your room thank you for coming goodbye everyone you guys it is Ranger's turn to do his room tour but he fell asleep bomb with my husband I don't think he's gonna be giving a room tour right now do you want to show us your room no I show it to our dining room my husband stayed with Ranger I'm going to be showing you guys his room it is very cute it's one of my favorite rooms in the house all right so this is Ranger's room look at this it has a slide are you kidding me he has this it's full of toys we used to sleep in here that would take a nap with him during the day you can see the pillow and the blanket but then it just became toys like big pieces of toys and then here's also full of toys toys more toys toys everything toys kind of books over there Toys more toys basically all of this area right here full of toys he has his own bathroom he likes the color blue right now so we using a lot of blue in here as you can tell his whole room has blue and now for his closet oh my goodness it's really cute out of clothes also color coordinated because I love how that looks so he has plenty of space to move around he had this previously but he'll use it to grab anything that's too high up because you know he can't read she's very independent so he likes to change he likes to choose his outfits choose his shoes that is Ranger's room and I'm so sorry that he couldn't show it to you guys he was so so so excited to show it to you guys and he's sleeping so we're gonna be moving on to the master bedroom which is my husband's and my broom I am very tired um I feel like I'm nine months pregnant it feels that way I'm not sure why I've been up and down maybe that side but I'm excited to show you the room so let's go hello welcome to the master bedroom first off this training was painted by Pablo not Picasso my cousin Pablo we have a big mirror right here welcome welcome to the main part of our room this is our Nest so over here we have the TV we have a hammock that only the kids use because I'm too afraid to sit on it and I don't want to break it and the bathroom is over here come in here we have like 20 lights I don't know why some turn on by themselves and it's kind of creepy because I'm like sitting down doing my makeup and then it'll just turn off oh here have it so let me show you guys this area this is the snack area slash drink area so as you guys can see we have a bunch of drinks a bunch of drinks sparkling soft drink we have snacks and we have two chairs so we brought this next year because my wife all of a sudden wants to keep snacking on things craving and then over here I just fixed it you guys and it's amazing this is where I where I go sit and check this out an organizer I've never had one and I was like Yay I'm gonna finally organize all my stuff we have a bathtub we have shower and sauna I have not used that yet I don't know how to use it well me on the other hand haven't either we don't know how to even say it don't show me I'll find out so then we have mine so hers kiss they eventually it's weird because all his stuff is here but the mat says hers so we have to switch it let's just switch the max I think that's the easiest and then this is the most interesting part of the whole house tour okay now my husband will show you his closet we have to close this and yep follow me we don't get to see each other a lot anymore because he has this closet I have my closet so his is on that side and mine is on this side and we have a really nice view you guys you guys stay tuned for the backyard because it's very interesting [Music] so we're gonna start with oh wait you use a lot of dark colors I really like the dark colors white is not really for me how long did it take you to color coordinate everything believe it or not it took me I don't know babe how long did you take you [Music] yeah it took me a couple of hours a couple hours yeah get it done we have a bunch of hats over here the shoes we have a travel bag and more sweaters and jackets that's it all right let's go all right you guys and this is my closet this is where all my shoes are Pat all right here here I have all my denim so my denim jackets denim boots over there some white ones and all my blacks are right here over here I have all my dresses more boots I have all my whites right here I have all my jackets blacks greens and then over here I just got some new stuff now that I'm pregnant and I have not worn any of it so I just kind of left this space for it because if I mix it with all the colors I'm gonna forget what's new and what's not so on you and then shoes my hat that suit crocheted for a ranger but I really like it so I I have been using it during the winter time heels which I won't be using anytime soon I have bean bags if I get tired good like right now I just come in here and rest just sit down and then over here are all my hats lotions perfumes and then over here I have my khakis and whites pants Jeans my jackets and at the very end I have all my colorful stuff and then over here I just have decorations a lot of stuff still has crochet over the past few years cute teddy bear and that is my walk-in closet you guys I think that's it for our whole room yeah I think it's time though let's go to the backyard all right all right you guys and this is our beautiful backyard we have floaties over here yeah we have two of them but they're floaties and then they race against each other inside the pool we have the other one we have two sitting area for my husband and I just yeah so then we have another floaty over there we have mint over here that my husband planted and I use that on my water it is so so good he's eating it smell it oh reindeer steel kind of dozed out I'll have to take in a nap but yeah so this is the jacuzzi this is our pool and then we have our old trampoline over there babe do you want to show them oh shut up baby what the heck wait your phone your phone don't worry don't feel bad for him because he pushed me in yesterday and I was in this really pretty dress so it was payback okay I got him back it's all good so last what are you doing doing I'm gonna show you guys something really cool my husband went to turn it on but let me show you the rest of the house tour because we got a little distracted over here so this actually has a bathroom a full-on bathroom not very clean because it's to rinse off after getting out of the pool and then this is the trampoline bam it's the same one we had before this is what I wanted to show you it has mountains yeah a ton of the leaves that are coming out oh no then the jacuzzi has one too there that is our backyard you guys we love the view like in our master bedroom we have the prettiest View and then my kitchen also faces the pool so I can keep an eye on the kids they can all swim now including Ranger so no floaties or nothing they are all very good swimmers are you done crocheting she's been crocheting all day I still have two leggies to make but I'm almost done and then she's been making a ton of stuff for the baby so it's all done and it's so cute all right you guys and that is gonna complete our house tour I hope you guys enjoyed it I know we had a ton of fun showing it to you guys so you better be careful because this one might just push you in all right well that's gonna be it make sure to subscribe turn on post notifications and give this video a big thumbs up in five four three two one we're gonna be doing a video very soon so stay tuned to see what it is thank you see you guys next time bye
Channel: Familia Diamond
Views: 2,453,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Familia Diamond, Txunamy, familia, diamond, vlog, vlogs, vlogging, family vlog, challenge, challenges, no budget, family friendly, kid friendly, funny, jordan matter, salish matter, slaylish, house tour, new home, new house, anazala family, emotional, Family Friendly, palace, official tour, official, home tour, official tour of our house, buying a new house, the official tour, familia diamond house tour, familia diamond house, txunamy house, family house, dream house tour, reaction, fun
Id: VQf5luxeG3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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