Official Catnap plush VS Custom Catnap plush!

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hello everyone toos catnap here uh make sure you click the Subscribe button and like this video also comment down below who your favorite poppy playtime character is uh mine is obviously catnap um yeah just uh subscribe like the video and uh uh enjoy the rest of the video oh click the notification bell too [Music] okay yo what's going on guys slypie here and today we're going to be reviewing or comparing my custom catnap plushy to the official poppy playtime monster catnap plushy that I just received in the mail all right let's do this so first things first we got to take this dude out of the bag all right now we're going to take him out of the bag and it looks like he's got wires so here he is just straight out of the bag he's looking a little crazy a little psycho um I'm definitely going to have to mess with him a little bit all right after getting him out of the bag and messing around with the uh joints for a minute I I was having a lot of fun I'm genuinely very impressed with the joints um they use uh I don't know if you guys know what I'm talking about but they're like these kind of transparently like white joints um it's just like a series of like little kind of like triangle looking pieces I know what kind of skeleton it is but I never thought about using it in a plushy and it poses very very well better than wires better than anything I've used so I think I'm actually going to start using these types of the skeletons in the future because the posability you have on this guy is insane and it's like everything stays firm but it's also not too hard to move and so you you have some great posability without things being loose and falling around all over the place which is very very impressive and I'm not sure how they were really able to pull this off comparing it to my catnap plushy which has no poseability uh and he's literally just a floppy sack of stuffing um it that's it's definitely a plus and and to be honest I kind of wish I put some posability in my catnap because this is really cool and it can make for some really cool scenes and poses let me let me make a cool pose for you guys real quick all right ladies and gentlemen you've seen it first but this is the very first ever dabbing cat monster catnap the Yep this is a dabbing monster catnap I think he looks absolutely fantastic um 10 out of 10 yes this is this is amazing he's literally just I love this but you know obviously with my Monster catnap uh even though he's more accurate looking when you when you make them stand up it's kind of hard to get them to stand without just flopping which is very unfortunate now if we're looking at the feet of these guys this is actually the original design that I was going to use uh for the feet of my catnap but uh I I took the easy route and just used glue uh to make a bunch of toes which worked really well but these are fully sewn uh toes which do look good but um I commend them because this is a lot of pieces of fabric um that I just didn't want to deal with inside the mouth here it seems to be some sort of hard foam like I used in my catnap um obviously a little less tacky than I did but it's definitely some hard foam inside the mouth um which is really cool and the eyes are a lot more accurate than mine obviously being embroidery but um they don't have that indented look which uh does make it kind of look Sil from the side um this ear here I'm really trying to get to straighten out but it's it keeps going back to a more bent crooked form which is is bothering me a little bit but no worries um it's really cool how they were able to actually get the mouth to stay inwards unlike the uh catnap Toy plushy that they have on their website which is really cool because my toy catnap plushy always has this mouthpiece like pop out and the fact that they were able to get that to stay is genuinely really impressive um the nose is also embroidered and so are these seams around the eyes um they actually put in the different uh color like the darker color for the ears which I decided not to do on my catnap mainly because in the game he actually doesn't have that it's more it just kind of gets darker here so he doesn't I just just didn't decide to do it I'm I'm not sure why but I think it looks better uh without it but obviously they the the official designers uh went went ahead and did that so maybe I should do the same in the future and just edit my catnap but yeah for the uh this is really interesting so for the Stitch ing around his joints here instead of uh actual thread they used a like kind of like a stick and paste like sticker ordeal going on here which is really cool I I I I I know a lot of Japanese companies use this technique but I've never really seen American companies use this which is really impressive on on playtime CO's part because this is this is just a it's a NIC looking um detail and uh it you know it it takes a lot less time um but these do depending on how much you play with these things uh they will peel off uh over time so definitely you know be careful when you're touching these joints and stuff because these will peel off if your plushy gets wet or you know you got to put it through the the washer or dryer that's just inevitable and on the legs here uh he's got the uh kind of like elbow joints um for me I just edited that into my pattern so I just added a larger part here to the pattern which I actually think looks better I don't think these elbow pieces I think this is just too distracting um and also just too much work there's just no reason to do all this but it looks good on this plushy nonetheless um I'm just I'm glad I just stuck with the two pieces for the legs because it just it's unnecessary to do anything else this looks completely fine this also looks good but it's very unnecessary let's be honest guys and now one thing I did notice is they got the protrusion on the back of the head uh correct I I I that's one thing I didn't get accurate on my catnap plush is the back of the head is very flat uh when it's supposed to come out significantly more about to where my finger is here um so that was one thing I wasn't able to actually do on my custom catnap plushy uh so that is unfortunate also at some point in the future I want to replace the eyes on my catnap I'm not a fan of the felt eyes and I would like to just rip them out of his skull now moving on to the stomach here it's really interesting um I think this is this might be 3D printed I'm not sure it could just be a mold I can't it's it's plastic thought it was rubber for a second but when you open this up there is actually nothing in here uh they didn't build a pocket in here so it's just literally black fabric sewn in so you can't put anything in here um but one thing I did notice um other than just these being a different color than my zipper these little you know zipper pieces my zipper I made go down a lot further so their zipper the official zipper kind of stops right here and you know I continue the zipper down a lot more which which they didn't do I didn't notice that was the detailing catnap which I probably should have paid better attention to however one thing that I do want to change on my catnap in the future is uh the zipper the the moon I want to 3D print out a different Moon because the problem with this one is well it's cheap foam and it's you know it it's very easily folded which makes it look really weird so I constantly have to be straighting straightening this out and it also just it doesn't look super great let's be honest guys it's not going to last a long time at some point in the future I'm going to take this off and replace it with a 3D printed painted Moon which I think would look 10 times better 100% all right now moving on to the body here uh so this is the body pattern it looks like they just used a three-piece pattern which is One Piece One Piece and then another piece underneath making it three pieces which actually turned out really well it got the shape correct uh and and it looks really good I went for a way more complicated pattern uh because I was trying to make mine hyper realistic obviously this is a plushy this is hyper realism so my pattern is a lot more complicated it's got 1 2 3 4 um five and six it's got six different pieces which was very complicated to make and I genuinely probably could have made an easier pattern but I made it very complicated for myself and I wanted to make the pattern uh look as close to his body in the game as I could giving it that really nasty malnourished skeleton look that I was going for now obviously um on my catnap plushy I just use shreds of felt for the little thread pieces here which I am starting to regret because as you can see I knew this was going to happen but I didn't realize it was going to happen you know this soon but the thread P or the uh felt pieces are starting to kind of fall off um because you know know felt is just very weak and is very easily pulled apart and so when you have thin pieces like this they're even more weak and so I'm going to have to do a lot of spot treatment to this over time and go back and and uh reglue a lot of these that that fall off as I use him in my videos in the future now moving on to the tail here um I'm actually surprised I I I could have sworn Monster catnaps Tail is a lot longer uh but the designers here didn't make his tail super long in that probably is just because it's a plushy and they want to save on fabric and you know making it 4 Ines longer isn't going to do much and that you know it's going to just add more expensed for them but um yeah they the tail barely even really touches the ground and I'm also having a hard time kind of getting him to stand up it it it looks like his back legs are just as long as his front legs which is a problem because if you can see they are lower on the body pattern than the top legs which means he always just kind of has a top heavy stance which I guess is accurate to catnap but it's very weird with the poseability let me fix it real quick before we move onto the tail and and I'll I'll correct myself yeah so I tried to fix it still not really working um like I said the back legs are the same length as the front legs but since they're further down it makes them longer which is kind of hard for the stance this is the best I could get the stance which looks fine um and I know he's got kind of a hunched ordeal going on where his front legs are kind of like you know where his head's further down whatever it's it's not important um but I do wish the back legs were just a tiny bit shorter to you know not make him topple over as easy because you genuinely have to have it in like this specific pose or it just Falls over very easily but moving on to the tail so as you can see my catnaps tail is significantly longer what's interesting too is they put the tail further up on the waist than I did I kind of made the tail further down making it look like he's pooping his tail out um but that they did the tail more up here which I probably should have done now that I think about it um I I really I really did wasn't paying attention to that detail um but yeah no it looks a lot better to have the tail up here looks a lot more like a cat as opposed to you know this dude just pooping his tail out right now now with the spines it looks like they did four just as well I didn't do four I actually did 1 two three four five and then there was a sixth one here but it's like way too small to even uh blend um and I also this is also where I closed up the uh body where I where I did my ghost Stitch so the sick spine just isn't really there um I don't know actually how many spines are on the model it's been too long since I've checked oh and here speak of the devil here's the the moon just being stupid again always have to fix that um yeah I definitely want to replace that with a 3D printed piece in the future and then I also wanted to show you guys here is the tag um get it to focus 2024 um let's see what fabric they okay so they just use polyester stuffing and and mink fabric you know the the the usual um but yeah no this looks really good um the the top down look looks really funny with this indent on the on the mouth I think that looks really interesting um but yeah no this dude looks super cool um I like how he's kind of got like a double chin like he's just gained 500 lb catnap can you stop eating people oh my gosh you you just you got to stop gaining weight Brody so now you can look at them looking at each other obviously there's a significant size difference now what am I going to rate this guy um I genuinely think other than the size I think the size is what really holds it back I think they should have made this guy just a little bit bigger at least compared to their other plushies um but I man it's really hard to say I I'd say this guy is a solid I'd give him an 8.5 out of 10 and the only reason why I say that is because I'm I'm knocking off some points because um of the back leg issue uh the tail being shorter and him also just not being as big um even 8.5 is I I I would maybe say nine I mean this dude is I I'm I'm not I'm I'm very surprised I thought I was going to uh dislike this guy a lot more than than I did and and I'm genuinely really impressed like he looks really freaking cool this isn't even a sponsored video but yeah know if you guys are looking for a monster catnap plushy this this is the one guys trust me this is the one it looks really cool like genuinely if I didn't make this I would be completely fine with just having this guy for videos because no this plushy looks really cool and I think this is probably mob's best plushy they've made I I and that and that's that's saying something cuz they made some pretty cool plushies this is absolutely their best plushy that they have made um it's very impressive it's outstanding this isn't a sponsored video by the way guys so don't expect a link in the description for this you can go on the website and find it yourself um but I I think this is this is great this is a really really nice plushy and I highly recommend it it's just 10 out of 10 it's very well stuffed very high quality and uh maybe I just got a really good one because mine just looks really really nice now obviously if you had to compare my catnap plushy to it and who I would rather pick I obviously it would be my catnet plushy because this thing just obviously has a more effort put into it not that this doesn't I mean but it this has to be mass-produced so this is just a lot more of an expensive plushy and you know it looks significantly more accurate to the character so I I think my custom is still better but that's only because this is a mass-produced product if they released something that was less mass-produced uh and didn't had to be made on a on a product line I genuinely think they would knock me out of the park because this looks really cool if they just made it bigger and did a foam face and everything like like that it would absolutely beat mine now one thing I want to do before I wrap up the video is I wanted to compare the Fabrics because I knew I got the fabric wrong this is something they can't be wrong about they they like I I the the colors they can't like it's not that's the most accurate part about this plushy is they got the colors right I could not find a purple like this I I really tried like if you look if you look at the plushies mine is a lot more of a purple like a Grimace purple this is more of a bloody kind of fleshy pomegranate color um I really maybe in the future I'll make another catnap just for fun um to you know now that I understand how to make this guy I can make him even more accurate um but man I really do wish I used this sort of color because I just I love it so much more um and you know I always I constantly have to like correct the colors um when I upload videos and make videos with this guy just to make it look a little bit closer to this but man they knock the colors out of the park and if you compare um the feet color they're really freaking close I mean my feet are just slightly more saturated these are a little bit more gray toned um but the feet color is super super close I just like I mean look at the purple difference guys it's it's not even close like look at that it's not even close fun fact I actually used two different um colors for the body and and the legs cuz I ran out of fabric it's just a slightly different shade um you shouldn't really be able to tell on camera but if you were in person you could tell the slightest bit but yeah no I think this is an absolutely fantastic plus plush I'm extremely impressed with him and um I'm going to have to come up with some ideas on what to do with him in the future um but yeah before we wrap up the video though one thing I did notice is you can kind of use since the tail has a skeleton in it as well you can use it as a kickstand so my boy can actually just stand up and he looks like he's going ham he's like it's like a Dark Souls boss he's just it's the Elden ring deal see he's he's fighting against the giant catnap like this is so cool how you can literally just make him stand like this hold on I'm going to do another post all right boys we got too's catnap all right so now we got too's catnap versus mega catnap I'm not going to lie I'm going to have to give my money to too's catnap he's he's absolutely going to wipe the floor with this dude there just no like you can't it doesn't matter how big you are you just can't you can't fight this how how do you how do you beat this like like you just like straight up like he's just going to go helicopter mode all right everyone hope you enjoyed this video if if you did please make sure you smash the like button hit the Subscribe button click the notification Bell and comment down below who your favorite poppy playtime character is that could be a monster a smiling Critter any of the poppy playtime characters comment down below who your favorite who your favorite character is and uh let me know if you guys want to see more videos like this all right I will see you guys next week for uh the upload next week and I'll catch you later enjoy the rest of your days goodbye most these moments fall back into place all I want to do is to make you stop and love me how can I beue when you catch me in I want to do is arm around you and most these moments fall back into place all I want to do is to make you stop and me how can I be blue when you catch me in the night [Music]
Channel: SLYP1E
Views: 114,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf plush, plush, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddys plush, funko fnaf plush, funko plush, funko fnaf, gabes world, mario muffet adventures, fnaf flix, sml, five nights at froakies, plush review, fnaf plush episode, slyp1e, slypie, plushies, plush video, fnaf ar, fnaf ar plush, fnaf security breach plush, custom plush, custom fnaf plush, scary plush video, super mario logan, fnaf plush tutorial, fnaf plush diy, crazymariobros
Id: ek3GMcRl4Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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