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can I interest you in winning $20 all you gotta do is just this ready digs wait did you throw of the video I haven't even done the interview what am i just doing a 360 you get 360 first trial give me $20 360 first try Oh see you there good morning Fox fan welcome back to weather ball before we start today's video I want to tell you guys to order a golden egg because you only have one week left and if you get the golden egg you get three mystery items unreleased you can't get them anywhere else as well as you get entered to having a chance to spend the day anyways for today's vlog we did quite a bit of fun stuff we're actually entering today's vlog here at the Tennessee Factory but this morning my aunt's finally came from my ant farm I just snorted I'm so excited yo guys this was supposed to come in four days you see what that says you have any idea what that is do you have any idea looks like an ant to me today's vlog I announce my brand new pack but Amazon thought it would be very funny to scam me and tell me that they were gonna deliver them but in reality the ants came a day late so Tanner I know you're over there having fallen gutten it up with strangers but we got to open the empire opening it from we got to put the ant farm to light this is exciting he literally left my mom called me and she said my aunt's came so we turned around and drove all the way home oh my god oh my god oh that's actually really creepy bro they're really big ants are they all gonna fit in here use a small tube to transfer the ants to the feeding food feeding area which is right here you're buying my ants their dream house this is terrifying room the scariest thing I've ever done oh he's trying to get out it's get me out bro kill them No what's the am I gonna do with him I scooped it and put it in the little thing I'm sorry I didn't eat I didn't want to I had to there's another one still when I got loose okay here don't mom they're literally in assume it's an ant no it's an N two ants got out my mom freaked out because these look how mad they are they're pissed wow this is so exciting ro I haven't had an Airpark since I was like 11 right now I know it doesn't look like a lot these ants are probably very scared they have to get used to what's going on and then they're gonna all climb in here start building and then we're gonna see all of their little tubes see look at them they're getting all situated we got my ants inside my ant farm all these guys and then once they get healthy and happy and excited they'll start building oh my god I cannot wait to see the progress on the ant farm it's gonna be Jessica what you doing on that trembling cannot wait to see the progress on my ant farm I'm telling you I know it sounds stupid to some of you but ant farms are so dope they literally dig little tunnels and we get to see that every single day so I'm gonna be updating you guys on that also what we did today we went to old town Temecula and I had some money I don't really have any more because we gave water in a way but we were offering strangers a hundred dollars if they could land a tailwhip there was a lot of rejections and there was a lot of drunk people so um I don't think I need to say anymore we're giving strangers money join with me we have no other than coda shoots brother hello I have a girlfriend first of all but um I was wondering if you'd like to win $20 Wow all you have to do is do this on the screen so underwhelming to win $20 why right now isn't working hunter dollars change the game we're gonna be going up to strangers and if they can land a tailwhip within three tries that's it trauma two one so I was right there let's go he's hundred dollars all you got to do one cable plug it that's it that's it it's that easy what do you say it's hard out here man hey man you're gonna win 100 bucks all you gotta do is one tail with all you got you got tattoos I got tattoos we're friends basically look at that is that easy care dollars it's the easiest hundred hours of your entire life I promise you thanks scuse me would you guys like to win $100 what about you fine sir would you like to $100 no tricks no tricks it's that easy you guys like to win $100 are you curious you look curious no nope he's not get hello guys it's not a game give it away right now very lonely how you doing you wanna I don't know went on an art sounds like a scam tell you how if you're curious okay all right listen man all you have to do you have to do a 180 - you only get two tries gather round anyone you could one thing I've learned I haven't really learned anything because we haven't talked to anyone hi would you like a free hundred dollars one small task it's a am I gonna die I don't think you're gonna die I can explain YouTube's coming we got the boys at the bar I got three tries I'm more try for 21 more try for 20 that's fan all the way around laying back on the scooter hunter buck yeah you sign the waiver he said no I didn't hey guys would you like to win $100 yeah all right all you got to do is this are you up for the task no John Hawkins is my friend like blog guy that was so disrespectful excuse me would you like to win $100 she laid it all real talk you gonna hunt about yeah no it's okay you good okay you guys are playing high five excuse me would you like to win a hundred like how does that anything in tree people would you like to wash no oh I have a lover e100 oh I have a boyfriend they're like hundred others I'll give you $20 if you can do a bunny hop hey $20 thanks Brian I'd go buy some toys he said can you just really quick I want to see you do 180 fakie across 180 over the other oh don't mind me I'm just cash I wish I didn't have this fan and I could give it to someone oh that's gonna be a guys would you like to win $100 it's really easy mostly you I I think you could do it sir want to impress your lady friends you sure you were wrong Kota should impress them we come right next to the bar everyone's so nice give it a shot hey hey young man um would you like to win $100 all you gotta do is a simple scooter on it it's all yours No I'll give you that buy your friends ten Nolan Taylor some got out yeah that's what my day looks like today I think you guys are all cut up we're gonna have some fun here you guys saw that I just did a double flare I'm trying to relearn that so I've been practicing it a lot into the foam that was obviously my first one tonight but sooner or later I'm gonna be doing it in two they're a little fun fact fun little fun fact that's double the fun I actually have a new cig deck coming out in April are you okay surprisingly enough coated did it the best so guys that is gonna wrap up today's vlog thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed be sure to have a fat thumbs up also give me ideas that I could do out in public I used to do those videos like way back in 2015/16 when I first started doing YouTube and I just haven't done it in a very long time so if you guys have any ideas anything you want me to do comment down below I read you guys's comments and don't forget about the golden egg don't forget about the beanie boy line and we will see you in tomorrow's vlog what's up guys if you enjoyed this video go down and comment subscribe and go into link in description by the the sweet merchant all and yeah and let's roll the altro [Music]
Channel: Tanner Fox
Views: 1,905,389
Rating: 4.8702278 out of 5
Keywords: tanner fox, scootering, funny, music, laugh, awesome, skatepark, extreme, sports, insane, vlogging, tanner, trampolines, OFFERING PEOPLE $100 TO LAND A SCOOTER TRICK!, danny duncan, public prank, social experiment, giving people money, free money, free prize, offering money, money for free, how to win money, people falling, fail, crash, react, people react to, OFFERING PEOPLE $100 TO LAND SCOOTER TRICKS!
Id: K8UmmrDFKB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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