Off The BEATEN PATH Beaches Up The Nicoya Penisula In Costa Rica! 🇨🇷

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we got to find another way over to the beach so yeah there's a little river river here all the water's out there's been a lot of fires in the area so they've been having to use the water for the fires give you a little bit of a sneak peek not too much though because you want to watch the full video of where we're staying which will be next week's video and I'd just say this is one of the best sushi I've ever had I'm going to be completely honest it's amazing [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to another video if you're new to our Channel Welcome to our Channel make sure you hit the subscribe button and the little bell icon to get notified when we come out new videos So today we're going to do a little road trip up the coast we've never actually gone up the coast from here up to Tamarindo so we thought we'd bring you along and show you what it's like yeah we're excited to do some beach hopping up the coastline and show you guys some amazing beaches that we've never been to before we've been to a lot of beaches in Costa Rica but not these ones so it's still nice and uh refreshing for us to see some different spots sometimes we've never been up past paa sanano before so it's going to be really nice to see some some different spots yeah exactly and there's we're going to stop for lunch on the way as well and then we're stopping at a really cool place to stay I'm not going to tell you what it is I'll give you a little sneak peek at the end of the video so make sure you watch all the way through so you can see a little glimpse of where we're staying we're going to do a separate unique stay video on that and then we're staying up in the area for a bit we're going to do a couple other walkthrough videos and stuff so stay tuned for those videos on the channel but yeah we're going to hit the road head up to nosara now and then there's a couple River Crossings on the way so hopefully they're not too deep right now it's been dry so we'll see and uh yeah running into any Crocs yeah exactly it's gonna be a bit of a r venture [Music] follow [Music] w follow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we're at the first Beach that we haven't been to up this way which is pla aou I don't know if we can get to the beach here can't get over there we got to find another way over to the beach so yeah there's a little river river here um so yeah we'll drive up and try to get to the beach a different way all right so let's try this again we drove down a little further back towards uh samur way and we found another entrance but yeah it's uh like a lot of beaches in Costa Rica very natural so it's not the easiest to get to the water looks really blue sand yeah it's black sand so it's hot we actually stopped at a hotel out here to see if they be interested in us making a video at their hotel to show you guys so yeah hopefully the marketing manager gets back to us and we can show you that place very windy as you can tell by my hair yeah it's uh really nice I'm going to show you guys it now a [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] n [Music] all right so now we're at paa Paya this one looks a lot nicer than the last one still like rougher waves but not as bad so I think you could actually swim a little bit in here obviously be cautious but yeah it's a nice little Cove here you can see from one end to the other there so yeah get some B- roll here for you guys and then on to the next one it's really stupid how people just leave garbage on the beach like this like beer bottles and chip bags [Music] w [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we just got to well it says pla Mara but it also says paa Coco and there's another name further down for the beach down there we're actually going to go shoot some b-roll down there after we have lunch so yeah this looks like a nice surfing Beach looks like people are out surfing decent size waves but there's a place called Tiki Hut so we're going to have lunch there show you guys what it's like if you ever making this trip down here or staying in the area but yeah it's a this is a beautiful beach I mean all the beaches here are beautiful but I like this one there the the palm trees on that end which uh you'll see so we're a little disappointed unfortunately Tiki Hut is closed and we've been looking forward to going there during this trip uh they have really really great online reviews and uh yeah the menu looked really good and stuff but apparently and it's not the owner's fault obviously but uh all the water's out there's been a lot of fires in the area so they've been having to use the water for the fires so we told him next time we're in the area we'll come and he was super appreciated and upset he had to be closed but things happen yeah so now we'll go to I guess there's a soda up by the hardware store he said or something so we're going to go to the soda up there and eat there and uh yeah we're going to I'm going to get the Drone up over here first before we head up that way but uh show you show you this beach a bit more but yeah it looks really cool [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] this this so love [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all right so we ended up just driving all the way to pla Grande area and we're at Los Solas Brewing cuz they make beer sha was looking on all the maps trying to find a place to eat and there was like no service through there or anything so we're like hey let's just come here we go past it yeah like right right before we were here I got service on my phone and saw some pictures and stuff and the menu looked good so yeah we'll see what it's like let you guys know how it is if you're ever in the area IPA has arrived smooth it's good all right so we just finished eating here it's uh ideas are good but the execution isn't as good there's missing seasoning a little bit of salt on everything and the I had the spicy chicken burger it wasn't spicy at all so if uh whoever owns this place is watching this for whatever reason add some salt to your stuff and some to your chicken burger the fries were good though they're actually hand like proper homemade hand cut fries that were seasoned properly and you had the cheese curds that were like what was it it was a it it's a Costa Rican spin on cheese curds we've had actual real cheese curds before um and these weren't they were it's just like the Costa Rican cheese the traditional stuff here cut into squares and then uh lightly battered and deep fried they weren't bad but they're not a cheese curd so yeah the thing is with the Costa Rican cheese it's there's no salt in it at all either so it's like they're not there's no salt it has it does have a little bit cuz the Costa Rican cheese is kind of more dry so it has like a little bit of that like squeakiness like a cheese curd a little bit of the same texure but not quite but it was okay it was okay come here for fries and beer the deep fried pickles that Jaden ordered you guys saw in the the beer were so greasy like so oil they were just sitting in a puddle of oil and the batter like were was really dark it looked like they were overcooked but they had a lot of oil soaked into them and just really really greasy the batter was actually falling off they were so oily like oh oh well we tried it out let you guys know what it's like but we're always honest when we go places so yeah exactly we're not going to sugarcoat anything and say it was amazing and you guys come here and have a terrible experience and again it could be an off day maybe it's a different Cup today you don't know so so actually we're going to head to our accommodation now and we have to film that video and then we're going to hang out chill out and we're going to go to another place for dinner that looks really cool hopefully it's open we're finding a lot of places are closed it's a little slow this time of year for some reason so we'll try it out see if we can get there for dinner and show you guys what that place is like all right so we have arrived to where we are staying here in a grande I said I'd give you a little bit of a sneak peek not too much though because you want to watch the full video of where we're staying which will be next week's video but that's all you get it's a really cool spot you guys are going to like the video If you guys follow us on Instagram you would have saw it already cuz we post everything as we're doing it uh that day so uh it's kind of a sneak peek on Instagram so go follow us there so where we're staying is very close to the beach you can walk out where the parking lot is and the beach is right there so it's almost Sunset so we're going to go check it out at least here the sun sets into the ocean the beaches uh Tamarindo and Grande they both face West so you get that nice Sunset into the water so yeah we'll show you that s [Music] [Music] all right so pretty nice Sunset wouldn't you agree so we hung out where we're staying in the common area had a couple4 cups of wine and now we are at a food truck Park which isn't very far from where we are here in PL Grande I'm going to put the link to this location in the description below if you guys are wanting to come here so it's called l l Beach Club play Grande surf eat stay I mean if the food's good we're probably going to stay just sleep right here have breakfast so yeah we're going to go in here see what they have and show you guys uh what you can expect here all right so this place is really cool it's like nice Ambiance here with the lighting the food trucks um they have a burger place here behind us called Oasis different street food there but we're going for Asian so there's kotto which is a all Sushi and a lot of Japanese inspired dishes and then there's uh origami which has like B buns and what else there's like edamami yoas tempera bites um Poke Balls and then also Asian boxes so if you want to like create your own you can do that as well so really good menus like there's a lot of choice so I'm doing three different bows Sha's doing three different bows I'm also doing a roll sushi roll so you're getting sea seaweed salad seaweed salad yeah yeah wami salad W yeah so seawe salad and then three boughs as well this is all the different boughs that they have as far as options so there's chicken pork beef uh shrimp and then veggie as well so you can um as long as it's not busy they said they will mix and match these if it's busy then they'll just make three of whatever one or you can pick one two or three of each one so um yeah really uh really cool spot here there's also a drink truck over there as well so they have all different cocktails and cesas wine [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we just finished eating our food here it was amazing guys if you're in pla Grande definitely come here bow buns were awesome like the boughs were nice and soft the flavors were good they do have the burger place too they just opened that a couple months ago so the owner Diego who's he's actually bringing us the dessert which is nice um he said they just open that and he owns the other one as well so come in say hi to Diego tell them we sent you and um yeah enjoy some really good food here some Asian food and um yeah again it's like super easy to find in P Grande it's right on the one of the main roads so yeah we're uh getting the dessert he's bringing us a dessert we're going to have that and then we're going to go back and we're going to crash out it's been a long day it's crazy we had like 4 hours of sleep like excited for this trip and well I had 4 hours as sleep she had maybe a little bit more but 5 hours so not much more but uh so yeah super tired from a long day of hopping beaches and hope you guys enjoyed those beaches and uh check them out for sure do that trip the road wasn't as bad as we thought it was going to be and uh they're continuing to pave it so it's going to get better and better as the years go on so it'll be easy to drive down I love the uh the food at ctoi and origami and I'd just say this is one of the best sushis I've ever had I'm going to be completely honest It's amazing And thank you so much Diego for the deep fried Oreos for the dessert it was delicious yeah we'll leave the video off here if you guys like it please leave a thumbs up if you haven't yet hit the Subscribe button hit the little bell icon to get notified when we come on new videos and we'll see you in the next one ciao [Music] [Music] M we m m we m
Channel: The Dufresnes
Views: 1,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costa rica, costa rica 4k, nicoya peninsula, blue zone costa rica, playa azul, playa marbella, off the beaten path, travel, how to travel costa rica, where to travel in costa rica, costa rica travel, coastal road costa rica, travel vlog, travel video, the dufresnes, where to go in costa rica, costa rica travel vlog, playa grande costa rica, playa grande, off the beaten path costa rica, tamarindo costa rica, tamarindo, costa rica destinations, costa rica video
Id: tRSLArXN94w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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