Off-Road Adventure Truck, Unimog Modified Episode 89

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pennies and railway spikes good stuff like that so yeah that's the way back and forth hence why i'm back in perth i've just noticed unimog 1700 l that's the what does that mean the wheelbase so the 1700 um just means it's got different axles to the 1300 and the l stands for the length of the tray huge beast sitting on huge wheels it's gonna be a good one yeah oh yeah but the main features in the back is that correct yeah yeah we've got features in the back and the um yeah in the camper mainly that's where most of my work's been so nice well pretty easy to get underneath it yeah oh yeah it's good for um draining the oils and that for sure yeah don't need to jack it up at all we're now the front of the truck the front of the unimog we have a pto winch that's rated to yeah six and a half tonne um end up getting a pulley block for it so now it can do double that yeah it'll pull willy out of a wonka factory yeah it's been hard to find a pulley block raider for this thing yeah it was i had to go through a few different shops and um try and find the perfect one but yeah got a pretty decent one in the end for a rigger shop then yeah from a riggers shed so this bar work that's on here that's just what the military uses that correct yeah so this is um the factory tie-down points and those retirements yeah holy crap it's got a couple in the back as well um yeah i've seen a uh uh google image of uh this unimog being well not this one in particular but lifted up by a helicopter as well i'll see your bloody big helicopter oh yeah this is something you've done then yeah yeah so this is basically the first mod i did uh i realized that uh the low hanging branches and that were gonna yeah crack the windscreen if i went down any yeah full on tracks so like the one on the way in here yeah yeah that's it yeah so that goes up to the top acts as a roof rack as well acts as a roof rack so you can hang a lot of weight off it and obviously you've got some bolts here so yeah it's quite supportive i ended up making it so uh it could hold this 50 inch light bar in as well yeah it's a nice big curve one right yeah yeah nice red beam no need for any more lights really because you only can go about 90 kilometers an hour so fair enough yeah are these pretty bad then by themselves or um yeah yeah they're not good they're not good i've replaced the globes but yeah they're not the best deal i suppose the australian army they need them had night vision that's right yeah so that light bar there puts out enough light for you for the highway then yeah absolutely yeah i like your number plate yeah yes perfect name for it i think i think the cap off the front here we'll talk about your uhf antenna that's no longer there no well that came off yeah a tree hit it um as it was scrubbing the bars so i just haven't got around to putting a new one on but yeah yeah it was a bit of a shame so i need to relocate the next one i think i might angle the next one just up there so here it doesn't get scraped off again [Music] well now to the exterior of the truck we're going to do a full rotation on it where should we start mate from here yeah let's go for the exhaust i guess so the exhaust is just a three inch tubing i just bought the bends weld it all together and then uh put a bit of a cover over the uh muffler three is pretty good it's uh pretty easy to work on eh yeah very yeah everything in this truck must be easy to work on oh absolutely yeah except when you lift it yeah yeah speaking of lifting so the tyre the tyre is actually quite heavy it's just under 250 kilo with the rim 150 kilos yeah so yeah the bead lock rims really weigh it down so i've got a winch up the top there yeah that's yeah rated for a ton and um yeah it makes it a lot easier and when it does flip over i've got a little fork up there and some poles just in the side here if it flips over horizontally i can lift it up by myself yeah very nice and that's an atv windshield it is yeah yeah it's off a quad bike that's honestly the first unimog i've seen that actually has a winch for the tyre that's that's brilliant yeah do you have a facility to carry two tyres or just just the one i haven't actually tried fitting two but um i shouldn't really need a second one hopefully yeah i'll be in trouble if i pop one of these but in saying that i have done it so yeah yeah fuel tank capacity i've got two fuel tanks uh this one's a factory unit and then i just made some brackets up for it um so it looked like a stock fuel tank bracket uh both of these 160 so 320 liters in total of diesel what does that give you in range probably about without the camper on about 23 kilometers per hundred and it's gone up to um oh 23 liters per hundred now it's gone up to probably 30 to 35 liters per hundred because this is on yeah because the weight yeah so yeah well it's the truck so yeah that's it yeah so it runs on bush okay not diesel nah nah sorry mate yeah bush took me i've uh often come out some mornings and my mates are trying to soften it with a straw it must taste the same though yeah we've got these two mate and are these these are not the military factory boxes or yeah they're the um stock standard um military boxes with uh yeah yeah open them up mate we've got the recovery gear in that one or most of it and that's just my pulley blocks i've got wheel nuts um one one socket for the bead locks and one socket for the actual lugs studs just the bow shackle just a small one you know yeah yeah 8.5 ton 8.5 yeah yeah pretty heavy duty this strap here i think it's around about the six ton mark um wll and i think this was about the four ton wl so that's the that's the pulley but yeah it's a bit more substantial than the actual yeah normal four-wheel drive ones that is huge oh yeah yep they'll be in trouble if you need that oh yeah yeah oh you've got a dyneema rope as extension right yeah yeah so i've got one of those ropes um just in case i do snap my cable it's a good cable at the moment in the front but yeah i've got that for backup and about four snap straps just for a bit of length in case i do need to find a tree somewhere so yeah so in here we have um just some more tools and the air hose which plugs into the onboard air very nice and it's a backside you don't have to bend over here yeah yeah yeah no bending down at all this camper what is the way this camper weighs about two and a half tonne when it's loaded you can carry about six tonne on the back so it's yeah just less than half of what the unimog can carry six tonne oh yeah i got some twist lock container mounts and then kind of made the steel frame around those made these and then actually built the whole entire frame underneath this kind of camper unit um and yeah kind of went went crazy with the bar work as well yeah oh you need to protect it aren't you yeah that's it yeah that's cool man around the back now and i've noticed you have a rear winch i didn't set up before yeah yeah now i've got a dual motor sure for winch um and the mount for it is actually a um 10 mil steel plate it was my old man's barbecue plate in the shed so i pinched it out of there he still doesn't know where it is a barbecue plate a barbecue plate yeah that's classic oh that is so cool oh you got a rear camera there too yeah got the rear camera you need that for this truck oh absolutely yeah have you used the rear winch much um a fair bit actually i've got a pulley for that as well if i need to and i've had it just um kind of doubling up from trees and attached to the the side of the vehicle just to keep it from rolling so yeah at some times like that and it's good you've got you know remotes in your hand trying to remember yeah getting into it yeah and how many snags is that barbecue scene um probably quite a few i'd say back in the day not for 10 years though at least but yeah oh you got in the drawer mate open her up it's a bit of a long one whoa that's a long draw yeah about three and a half meters it is three and a half meters yeah yeah so yeah fishing rods um yeah tackle box all that gear awesome yeah that's all your heavy duty gear yeah yeah i pit yeah so that's a fire pit um yeah it basically folds into each other and three and a half meters yeah yeah that's so cool so we got the um access ladder that just kind of folds down it's just a bunnings ladder cut in half and then a bunny's ladder cut in half yeah yeah bunnings that are cut in half and then uh just sprayed it with a bit of that um yeah sound deadener on it i see you use that stone guy quite a bit though yeah yeah i've used it on um yeah a fair amount of this truck there's a stone guard everywhere so yeah a bit more flexible a bit more protection for the paint so does that stone guard work quite well for you yeah it does yeah yeah it does yeah i was going to do raptor liner but stone guard it's just a bit that more flexible so okay yep and what's in here okay so i've got my my tool box um yeah basically all my cabling and stuff like that um just yeah if i want to do a cashier or whatever at someone's house when i'm traveling around i can and i've got some more straps up there snatch straps um and basic tool kit portal hub bearings seals oil filters fuel filters all the oils there um engine oil defoil portalax oil it's basically a shed it's a shed it's a shed yeah no dead sets it's shed and if the ato is watching he didn't say cashy no i didn't say cash i always pay my tax yeah there are receipts with the cash yep on there's your last switch yep that will turn on those two oh so it's like you set up camp or something yeah yeah yep i'm guessing you can't in here though yeah in the other side yeah yeah not the shed well depends how naughty i've been so around the other side now is pretty much the same going on but there's something here that keeper wants to show me yeah so i've got my petrol um and also i've got another one just for me a little jerry can i'm curious now i have a feel you might know what it is now yeah yeah a bit stuck actually it's a bit of a secret one it is it is a bit of a secret one so yeah it's a bit of a joke from my mates tough tough going in yeah tough going so yeah we got some um special greasy pirate rum in here reduce the clear eye yeah reduce to clear so we got this um this is actually not mineral water as you probably suspect it's um greasy crazy pirates from doesn't look very mineral yeah so yeah my mate um actually he runs his lawnmower off it he can actually run his lawnmower off it no kidding yeah no joking yeah he's actually done it and uh it was after we drunk it of course so oh my god and some vodka as well for the uh partner and some um yeah some cards so yeah if we ever do so it hasn't been used yet yeah no hasn't been used yet luckily so yeah mug's still going strong that's classic that's awesome yeah love it we're talking serious ties here yeah it's had a bit of an upgrade so yeah we've got the uh 20-inch bedlock hutchinson rim on uh yeah with a bit of 46 inch rubber on them that's a lot of bolts man we've got about 50 bolts all up including the hub bead lock and the actual um yeah bolts holding on the rim yeah bit of weight 200 bolts over four wheels wouldn't want to be undoing all those wow 20 inch rim like you said we had a vehicle out here stocked vehicularly over there with 20-inch rims and 32-inch tyres believe it or not yeah yep this this suits the unimog way better oh yeah absolutely a 46-inch tire for sure 46-inch which metric works out to be about 395 85 with a 20 inch rim wow yeah that is huge yeah yeah and we'll be talking 250 just through our 250 kilo yeah yep just shy just shy with the yeah room included yep what sort of mileage or case you get out of these these are done about 40 i think yeah probably about 30 40 000 i think wow so yeah they still got a bit of tread left on them did you put this size on um yeah so the originals were actually um a lot skinnier and now about 43 inch or 42 i think they were um and then obviously there was a lift kit from um ben nash from mog central put that in an extra three inch coil and the shocks were upgraded as well iron man makes those so they all popped in and then they got an aftermarket flare kit obviously for the tyres because they they pop out past the factory guarding so pop those on as well just drill drill and bolt basically custom mode yeah yeah custom made um yeah basically using the original mount so i can see yeah let's go back to the suspension again so we are on portals yep and this is the 1700 you were saying so the pools are a bit higher yeah roughly four inches i think works out to be so yeah that's a fair bit of difference yeah from the 1300 yeah yeah yeah roughly that's like 100 mil yeah yeah but i'm like for unimogs yeah yeah they do they do and they're interesting yeah yeah ben nash as well he's helped design them and uh yeah so single calls at the front and then double at the back just for the extra weight so oh double yeah double calls yeah there you go your coils can't handle your weight get two coils yeah that's it this thing's so big i can hear my echo bouncing off it's like a theater we've got a legit house on wheels here check this out this is wicked bit of space in here yeah that's awesome quite high off the uh off the ground the roof when it lifts up so this is awesome yeah oh no way you got not draw slides but they're tables yeah so this is a table press this down and the um comes out of my workshop behind it's all um dust sealed and then yeah these two are handmade red gum yeah chairs and tables that um me my old boy and my partner all made together as a collaboration that is so cool yeah yeah and that's obviously a um computer screen so that's just for my computer these switches here one turns on my inverter the other one turns on my computer which is in the back in the workshop section yeah and uh yeah that's cool yeah so bad weather good car table yeah your drinks whatever that's it yeah awesome it's a double sized bed or queen size um it's just under a queen size it was a queen size then we chopped the mattress off just from clark rubber so i think it's about a hundred and something mil thick yeah that's quite comfy here's the storage here yep is there a door on that side there is so this opens up as well so you can get the air going through quite nicely ah yeah and i'll tell you you've got storage under the bed that you need to access from that side as well yeah yeah so um you can access most of it from this side and there's a um battery box on this side here so you can check you know your current and your voltage and your on your batteries so there's two deep cycle batteries running this and then there's obviously the other two for the starting of the unimog so nice yeah do you have an awning outside no no awning just a gazebo and then um yeah we just set up chairs tables and just kind of yeah have a permanent setup outside yeah cool yeah so if you're needy we can drive off that's a 38 litre angle yeah yeah so we got one there normally there's two um but yeah we just got the the one and um yeah normally one for a freezer one for a fridge bush chook shoes i didn't even know you could get this oh yeah yeah they've been to japan actually cruising around japan and all sorts of places so yeah only for my special occasions i wear those so that's awesome yeah so what we got in here storage wise you got cooking stuff here you got your bedding bedding stuff yep yeah you got bedding um and just clothing just a lot of camping here clothing all the kind of stuff we use most of the time just little 12-volt fans and stuff we want to plug them in and play with them so what do you use for cooking um we've got a gas stove which is just plumbed off actually next to our toolboxes down below there and if we want to maybe cook inside we've just got one of those little boutain canisters and yeah we just set it up in here make sure there's a bit of an air going through yeah of course and then um then yeah just kind of cook up with yeah our plates and that and then um we've got a little fire pit as well so i can use that there's a whole switchboard over here a couple of switchboards um charge your phones and everything there yeah that's it yeah 12 volt outlets everywhere and you can tell you're sparky yeah yeah that's right you've got points there's no lack of charging here no no triple insulated walls uh we've got the mini orb on the roof all color-coded and painted by my partner herself so she and she laid it as well and then we just put um plywood over top to stop the moisture coming in so condensation yeah it's kind of um we've got like a metallic layer on the outside the aluminium so stop some moisture yep you got a solar panel there too 320 watt solar panel i think it was a 320 watt yeah so is that a house panel yeah yeah that charges up the deep cycle batteries along with the um redarc charge as well while the truck runs so yeah that charges it up too i have one question how much water where is it yeah so i've got um two 120 litre stainless steel tanks and they're just located they're bolted up onto the camper so when you slide this camper off it'll come off with the whole camper ah yeah just gravity fed nice simple setup you've got your tap here you've got your filler cap just over here and then you've got your breather just up the side here and one of the scrub bars so yep we got the power yeah a little battery box solar regulator fuse box obviously this isolator switch that's for the winch up the top there for the spare tyre this one is for my um 1000 watt projector inverter i just realised that you are the first rig on modified to have three winches true yeah there you go front rear and roof yep i'll see you got your journey here and your gas bottle there i think it's a 800 watt 1000 watt um jenny and a gas bottle and how big is the battery there's two um batteries deep cycle 130 amp hour each and then there's two um batteries for the 24 volt for starting the unimob 240 yeah something like that yeah hey how young welcome to the inside of the cab mate remote control cars yeah toy guns tele guns yep and a big toy oh yeah it's just all toys today isn't it this is definitely a big boys tourist one this thing is awesome absolutely and you've kept the gun turret yes yeah it's one of my most favorite things about this uni mob you can uh yeah flash your dreads through the breeze and it's all sunny days they're there long enough to come out here aren't they oh absolutely yeah do you drop this open yeah yeah i do yeah yeah yeah i love a bit of sun a bit of fresh breeze it's pretty much my air conditioning so you've kept it um very stock in here yeah absolutely yeah i didn't modernize it too much i've just you know popped a reverse camera screen in got the uhf and the the pioneer um headset in there with some speakers up the back here powered by an amp in here yeah yeah so inside there they're kind of just cut into the dash there and um yeah i've got my hema maps as well for out bush that's old school this one yeah yeah i think it's a few years old that one it looks like the old five one yeah i think it might be megan might be actually running it yep and then um yeah over here we've got uh well actually this is a hilux seat i just made up a little mount point for it and um yeah i think it's got gorilla skin by the looks of it that kind of yeah it's coating it so there's all your levers for your gearsy how many gears you got in this thing again um eight forward and eight in reverse yeah and then yeah you've got your front and back lever just here um that's for your pto winch and your handbrake and your trailer brake am i licensed to drive this ml ship yeah with the syncro gearbox so you don't need a crash crash box oh yeah ticket yep nice and easy then yeah and this is for your blackout isn't it pops down like that backs out all the lights all the dash lights do you want to explain our audience what that means with the blackout um yeah so any jets flying over top or probably not jets but yeah airplanes and that back in the day how they couldn't see the um the unimogs or army from the ground when they were convoying so yeah just hard to see with your eyes basically the lights yeah yeah so your night vision on yeah and you still got that function on here with the lights yeah so you can turn it one way or turn on your lights and then you can turn it the other way for all the black lights to come on but it won't let you turn on your normal headlights in case you're in a convoy and you you know accidentally go oh sorry you know next minute there's bombs dropping so don't want to be that guy no no don't be that guy that's phenomenal looks new yeah so this is a um yeah speedometer odometer as well reads the miles than i'm doing or kilometers um it's just gps driven so instead of mechanical one yeah it's uh from the gps head unit just here um yeah they're rather relatively cheap as well so yeah that's neat yep awesome this one's pretty accurate though yeah more accurate than the old one um doesn't matter no aftermarket fuel gauge just for the reserve tank or the other fuel tank when i switch it over because that's separate pumps same pump i've just used a real simple setup but it's quite reliable just yeah ball valves yep ah so pull some one or the other yeah yep it's a bit rough around the edges it's uh yeah i mean nice and hot in here as you can probably tell uh they're pretty noisy too so you might need your earplugs in but yeah it's almost like a uh i don't know it's a labor of love i guess you could call it so yeah enough it's good always love hopping in i always love driving it definitely rough around the edges but good fun yeah it's pretty easy to drive it is like a standard car just a bit bigger it's got the synchro gearbox so you can just kind of change gears without double clutching it's pretty nice and easy especially with your pool driving and on the beach and you need to change pretty quick one time i got pretty bogged i let him right down to about eight near so i made sure i drove in a straight line of course and um yeah i'll just yeah straight out popped up on the surface again and off i went so yeah that handle's real nice and bleached yeah the unimog has uh four-wheel drive and it also has diff locks front and back uh pneumatically controlled so that's another plus as well you do get a bit of repair pear-shaped situations you can uh yeah just lock your dips on and should normally get out of it the engine let's just talk about that here yep uh what size is it and you haven't done anything to it no so it's very yeah very stock engine um it's just got the factory turbo it's the inline six cylinder 5.7 litre with the yeah obviously the turbo and um yeah very easy to work on from the front um yeah you can just rip off the front grille and the bonnet and yeah just get in there get dirty yeah yeah and a snorkel but was that already on yeah that was already on too so factory snorkel uh i really hope i don't need to use that yeah because you're in big trouble if you do i reckon so because what are we now we're about a meter and a half off the ground are we yeah yes probably more actually yeah i think so yeah yeah and we're rolling this one yep yeah all right cooper are you ready for a new style q a yeah ready to go mate you're the guinea pig today mate oh yeah it wouldn't be the first time tell us what is the coolest thing about having a unimog uh probably the looks you get and people smiling just the enjoyment from the uh yeah just it's a real head turner obviously so yeah just driving it around and um obviously you can show it off the things you've done to it and yeah it's just a really good setup in there everyone enjoys it including my partner she she absolutely loves it let's um talk about what your partner loves about the vehicle and what she hates about the vehicle she really likes the interior she has actually done most of that herself all the painting and all that um all the drawers set up she drew it all out and we built it to kind of her spec and um yeah there's a few things she kind of hates about it obviously the the noise the earplugs she has to wear but then yeah she doesn't have to listen to me yeah it'll on so that's kind of an enjoyment side i guess you'd say and um yeah yeah she she enjoys most of it but yeah yeah what about the passenger seat in the cab oh yeah so that's quite uncomfortable for as well so um yeah we'll get there one day and i will upgrade it so why a unimog so i was uh it all began when i was looking at a uh i had a bigger car than a than a troopy or something so i could fit my tools in and have something to camping a two-in-one kind of thing so i looked at trucks i looked at isuzus all that kind of stuff and uh once i saw a unimog i just yeah i had to have one so yeah did you enjoy running over the remote control car uh yeah i'm not gonna lie i did it was very uh satisfying and once i had the crunch it was just yeah it was bliss sorry about that mate why you got your bush struck in your hand rate your boost jerk one to ten oh i would say this date and time definitely ten yep so you're through and through a mog lover i am i am i do love my old troopies as well but um yeah definitely on the side of a mug at the moment um but yeah one day i will have a yeah a nice nice troopy eventually as well so yeah when you first purchased the unimog was this your plan to end up where it is now um no no not at all i actually yeah once i first bought it i was just going to make it a work rig and then it kind of got a bit out of control next minute it's yeah all decked out got a big camper on it lift kit and the big tyres and everything i i went over the top really so yeah but it was yeah lots of fun doing it absolutely yeah i bet yep so we're spoken about what your partner loves and hates about your unimog but what do you love and hate about your own unimog well i do love the full drive capability and um just having so much uh i guess you'd say you can have so much tools betting whatever just just yeah the things you can do to modify these is just endless as well there's so much room um the thing i hate about it obviously it's quite slow you can get overdrive gearboxes for them but sitting at 90 it's probably you know you don't want to really go that much faster anyway but yeah that's definitely a downside just the speed and the um obviously it's uh not insulated at all in the cab so we put insulation down and uh yeah helped it a bit but yeah still gets hot good stuff keeper yeah no thank you mr dahl thanks for being the guinea pig it's been a pleasure mate yeah she's sort of booked my voice is just about gone here all right guys thank you very much for watching if you want to know more about kipper's unimog he actually has a youtube channel yep instagram yep and you can find your facebook as well that's it yeah there we go guys got all three yeah yeah if you want to watch more exclusive well early access exclusive early access episodes you can head on to track yacker link down below or patreon so this has been out for about four weeks before you saw it right here on this channel thanks for watching guys see you next time cheers cheers do i have to finish this [Laughter] mmm
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 135,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, unimog camper, expedition vehicle build, 4x4 off road extreme, off road extreme 4x4, unimog off road, unimog expedition vehicle, unimog 2020, unimog overland, unimog u1700, unimog u1700l, unimog, doomsday truck unimog, doomsday truck build, doomsday truck, off-grid, unimog 4x4 off road, unimog 4x4 australia, unimog 4x4 extreme, unimog 4x4 camper, off-road trucks, mercedes unimog, unimog camper build, unimog build
Id: nU4fPL_ct0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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