Off Piste | Full Action Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so it's been a great the o'connell's a push of votes in the east no donna's in the west i'd like to introduce jimmy to the table he's just been released after six months in the maze itself and he's been working in england first ever since thank you jerry there's no need for any introductions i know who you are excuse me you're the one who handled a close friend of ours connor let's say pretty poorly caller conor mcgovern used to sit in the chair you're sitting at nigh always pushing out the same [ __ ] that i don't care to listen to the difference is he's loyal and familiar when he was inside you beat him you paid him like a dog patrick i think you got the wrong idea quiet he can talk for himself what have you got to say for yourself sorry but yeah you found it funny why don't you try doing it again [Music] what have you got to say for yourself sorry for you dead but he made an attempt on my business on his business is my business and stand when you talk to me [Music] stand [Music] charlie [Music] get done ashley get done don't be scared look after your brother nathan just look after your brother and do not compromise under this bed do you hear me [Music] [Music] no michael he's just a child [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] that's interesting sorry the sculpture it's uh it's interesting how do you find it this interesting how you diagnose your patients depending on their answer you know if they're suicidal or not are you feeling suicidal no not now anyway so why did you choose that sculpture it was a gift gift from who the passion you allowed to accept gifts from patients not really but i thought it was compelling so i accepted and there it is here it is [Music] it is hercules fighting of evil which can be seen as anything fear depression anger and it showcases his strength does that mean i'm evil no no that's not what i'm saying i should be going before you leave take this a journal why let's just call it a form of practice write down your thoughts draw them i don't care just do something before our next session i don't know just try please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Music] beautiful stanley must you always do that sorry now look at this oh here you go thank you son come on stand up oh i'm getting older i can't even stand up without getting out of breath oh you go on last tune oh i couldn't now i'm too winded tell me about your day nothing special went for a ski and then did the food shop you've been up that foolish mountain again haven't you just like your father i do it every morning it's fine yes and one of these days you'll take a fall flying down there like a lunatic off-piste is so dangerous why can't you ski in the resort like everyone else you might meet someone away from england all these years and you still have no friends i have no friends because this is the life i've chosen okay it's all right stanley it's fine is it what's on your mind son nothing tell me what's troubling you stanley i don't want you getting all upset again i just feel forget it i'll go and prepare the dinner yeah so what would you rather do talk things through like man or be a child and put innocent people in harm's way have we not all lost enough we all know what it feels like to lose something we care about or someone we love it's how we handle that and keep going not for ourselves and at least for our families my friends the era of the gun is over give us another drink welder nave logan cannot say hello to a friend hardly a friend what i do to [ __ ] you [ __ ] off logan hey what you doing here here to see reuben reuben what you want with him for not for you to know no why is that am i not worthy of such information ethan would you just leave a baby please why i thought we told each other everything this is not right am i not making sense to you any of yous reuben we need to talk calm down neve we're talking about i think we should talk now let me give us a moment lads what couldn't wait how long have you known known about what don't play stupid with me follow me [Music] what makes it right for you to storm over to me in my bar [Music] at my table like a little girl having a tantrum and throwing their toys out the pram we were talking serious business in there did you know that i'm talking about setting up an old man's club it's hardly serious oh [ __ ] sake why didn't you tell me i told you rosaline again she never knows when to keep her bang my shot tell me why i'm sorry all right [Music] fine just tell me what i came here to find out and get out of your way you tell me why and i might give it to you because i want to know that's why why else well you see that's where you're going wrong it isn't what you want in life that's important it's what you need wait here is this what you need how long have you had this for a while now now listen i had this information because i wanted to do something about it myself way back when you were too young to understand and the only reason i didn't follow through in it was because of my family that's a lot to lose so you made a difference you still have your family i want my back i like to think of you as my family you know what i mean i know when i took you in i held you in my arms and i saw that your heart was broken as time passed i got to see it mend i don't want you turning back into that wee sad girl again especially after all this progress i hope you get what you're looking for [Music] neve can you wait if you just wait up for a second you're right yeah everything's fine why what why you just looked really aggravated earlier before you wanted to speak to robin would you want to talk to him about it i told you it's none of your business and it is though what it is my business especially if you started hurting yourself again i'm the first person you need to be talking to about that sort of thing possibly makes you think that that's your business because i'm your boyfriend look ethan we go over this all the time i see you like my brother look i uh i got you something what rising dying walked around the market and i found that and thought of you you like it it's lovely but i can't accept this if you don't have it then i'm not going to give it to anybody else then am i thanks you're welcome look um you're just seemingly stressed and i really think it would do the world look good to talk to somebody about what's going on especially because i've told you all about my own foster parents in the first place so i just don't want to talk about this that's not how this works i've got it can you just finish the company please and we can talk about it fine always hiding from the truth guard that's just rubbish what is that if we make a wrong decision we shouldn't beat ourselves up about it that we should just forget it happened but what if the decisions that we make cause pain and distress to someone else have you hurt someone by a decision you've made again you answer a question by asking a question is this therapy or is this an interrogation i'm sorry you feel that why didn't you just help me so that so that i can buy you a pointless gift and live happily ever [ __ ] after i'm sorry i i i didn't mean to swear it's fine how was your week okay that's a lie it was crap have you been writing in your journal no why not i felt stupid it's confidential what you write in there no one will see it not even myself then what's the point in it it's just a way of expressing yourself releasing some tension on your mind i wouldn't know where to start just right it will come naturally expressing yourself is good for your health containing it will destroy you it's when you were in the army that's getting to you isn't it stanley stanley come sit back down i'm sorry bernadette i know you're trying but like all the previous therapists you can't help me [Music] so stanley is that you yeah how was your day good all good look i'm tired i'm i'm gonna get an early night oh okay are you sure you're all right i'm fine good night good night darling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm here yeah it's beautiful it's bigger than i thought it'd be yeah i would now's your chance let's do this reuben huh ethan what can i do you for well i was just wondering if you could help me with something say dung bye thanks what's on your mind um neve she's gone i don't know where it's just driving me mad let's just say she's somewhere now and she'll be back in a few weeks and there's nothing to worry about so you know where she is she's fine boy don't be wearing yourself when they tell me where she is it's not for me to say where she is just go home and relax okay why don't you tell me where she is now you're getting on my last nerve with all these questions will you let it be this is crap she's my girlfriend i have the right to know where she is your name will you let it go listen let me give you some friendly advice women are strange creatures it's like it's in their dna or something times will make you feel good sometimes real good sometimes they make you feel bad see let's get real you're in the friend zone a place where a woman will keep you for as long as she likes if i was you keep some dignity and let it go all right that that's it you're done now spare me the father routine reuben you don't know me no hold on no you hold on for a minute i i am sick and tired of old [ __ ] like you telling me what i can and cannot do you just have no respect and i've done more than enough to earn your respect don't you rachel shut up what the [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up she don't know what you've done i know exactly what i'm doing and i'm not playing around tell me where she is or i'll slice your [ __ ] throat you ain't gonna do [ __ ] robin just just tell him tell me where she is reuben no you don't want to tell me fine fair enough you know what maybe you're right maybe i'm not gonna stop you but logan's oh i think logan's gonna kill you barmaid you are a dead mom and you need to be really clever like all your other little [ __ ] think you are and you need to tell me where she is hey you managed to get on the slopes today no can i buy you a drink i already have a drink yeah top up maybe no you know i haven't figured you out yet but i will what are you talking about now well there isn't much else to do here apart from skiing drink i am drinking i just don't want to drink with you yeah well no harm in making friends i'm looking for someone who i don't think you know him he's not exactly the ski instructor type i'd imagine well being the ski instructor type and a taxi service for the tourists i get to meet a lot of people i'm good with names on facebook oh i don't know well if you tell me his name i might be able to help i'm a known man around these parts look let me get you a top up and i might be able to help you [Music] bye [Music] fine yeah i know everyone around these slopes the one with the information i'm the go-to guy two legged moms and tequilas please so uh what part of northern ireland did you say you were from then i didn't belfast to belfast and friendship [Music] same again so who is it you're looking for like i said you probably won't know him well how about this if you name who it is you're looking for and i don't know him scout's honor i'll buy the drinks all night fine i'll take your offer his name's stanley winters who stanley winters yeah didn't think you'd know him i don't know no it's fine i must have been misinformed i know it's stanley winters question is why do you want him he's a distant relative where would i find him i don't know where he lives but he skis down shim and durham most days no one skis down and shimmer it's avalanche country [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] the first person i've seen all morning my name's nath it's a lovely place here you're a bit away from civilization that's nice yeah you seem a bit startled here in a rush yeah got someone to me look no wait wait [Music] [Music] uh you're okay do i look okay ah oh my leg relax a moment my camera's broken can you walk i think so ah shouldn't be up here alone this mountain is dangerous it's not my fault if you hadn't ignored me in the first place and skied off i'd never fallen yeah well well i'll help you up uh uh what are you doing i'm gonna carry you and no you're not you got any better ideas my house is at the foot of the mountain come on [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] i'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] hold that in place would you like me to take my boots off no that's fine sorry in the army it was a long time ago how long exactly stan lee is that you yes mother i thought i heard you talking to someone were you talking to yourself again that'd be me oh oh yeah i'm sorry you gave me a fright there i didn't uh mean to intrude i i didn't realize you had company stanley she had a fall on the slope she'll be on the way soon a fall are you hurt just my leg is it bad it's a bit swollen well you must get her something for the swelling she has something oh that's good goodness what were you doing out this far it's quite dangerous up that mountain i know i was up there taking photos so peaceful out there well it is lovely i remember i wasn't always blind i used to ski myself how's your knee feeling would you like me to call you a taxi a taxi but but you've only just arrived surely you'll have a a tea or a coffee or i'm sure the idea of talking over a coffee sounds appealing but i'm sure you have other things you need to do nonsense stanley you must stay and have something to eat i'm sorry i didn't catch your name it's nafe i'm mary are you hungry i am a little rather then how about dinner we don't have guests very often i would love you to stay for dinner will you stay it is not too much trouble not at all that's that then [Music] [Music] he doesn't matter [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so me oh you're fighting the life out of me i have that effect on people sorry could you come with me for a second would you be a treat and help me pick a dress for dinner sorry we must dress for dinner like i said we don't have visitors very often this is a special occasion this is a gorgeous color bring it to me the red silk the red silk dress how do you know i couldn't forget this dress if i tried 1985 last time i wore it out we danced my husband and i our wedding anniversary but it wouldn't fit me now why don't you try it on i couldn't but it would look wonderful on you it's beautiful but what would i wear on my feet shoes have a look in the bottom with the water there are some shoeboxes in there there should be a little black pair somewhere cool camera my dad had one years ago oh that old thing that hasn't seen the light in years polaroid does this still work i don't know i should think so you're into photography why don't you have it it's no use to me collecting dust here thank you it's nice to have another woman to talk to it's very kind of you to let me stay it's me thank you having you here is good for stan lee too stanley you look beautiful mothers [Music] got my things [Music] and the other one is what is um green green green red green red red red red red um i don't know a frog in a blender that's horrible it's not very nice is it but those are the kind of jokes george used to tell me and i said please stop and he'd do it in company all the time [Music] so how long have you lived here almost five years now since the absent how quickly time goes by i mean it is beautiful but it's not a lot to do here it's where we came when stanley was a boy it was our second home and his father loved to ski it just seemed the right place to come back to it's all so quiet there's not many people around stanley isn't one for crowds as you can tell yeah but it's very isolated doesn't it worry you being up here all alone like why does something happen she's not alone we look after ourselves i didn't mean it like that neve was telling me she's from belfast you were stationed there weren't you stanley i've heard it's a beautiful place yeah it is and do you have a big family neve to be honest i haven't got much family left oh that's a shame what is the reason you're here um i'm having a bit of a break from my boyfriend oh we needed some time apart and the app seemed as good a place as any to clear my head well relationships can be very tricky to get right sometimes you can often feel like running away oh i'm not running i just needed some time looks like you're running stanley i know hey he has a fair point i just needed some time alone me would you pop up and fetch that camera will be found in the wardrobe yeah of course i will marry make an old lady very happy do you really have to do this stanley she's a young woman on her own in a strange country and she's obviously been through a lot yeah well we all have why are you being so hostile towards i'm just not ready to make friends yet my mind's all over the place could you at least try this is a happy night not everything has to make sense got it oh wonderful um let me show you where are you now stanley yeah ah there you are you ready hang on yeah you've got to be in this too well i can't set it to take an automatic photo it's too old no no you just hold it out and and turn it towards us okay right oh smile that's it could i have it please it'll take a minute this is where we'll put it how is it it's perfect yes will you lead son today has been special i only wish your father was here to share it so do i know how hard it's been for you looking after me when you have your own life to worry about but i want you to know there's never been a moment when i have to appreciate it come out of everything if i could choose to see anything again just once i would see your face from my son my beautiful boy and i mean rude i should let you dance with a lovely need [Music] oh no i'm not sure i wasn't asking no no no no mother this isn't a good idea stanley mother no i'm not dancing anymore bye i'll do the washing up mother if you want to be just courteous to our guest then so be it this time no don't please leave it i'm sorry about that no it's fine what nothing no really what is it your wrists i don't quite see what it is you're kidnapped if you need to talk to anyone we all have our demons it's just how we deal with them you want to be the hero is that it you want to save the damsel in distress and my wrists are like this because i tried to take my own life on more than one occasion actually sometimes the thought of death even just the word is comforting to me but i keep going because my heart wants something calm down what is it that you want that's not what i want it's what i need i mom mom what's happened oh you're right i'm tired let me take you out to bed it's been a long day no i mean i'm tired of being old i'm your bleeding let me see it i can do this i don't need your help mum look leave all this i'll finish that no i need to do it and you need to find someone to share your life with this this is where i want to be right here with you [Music] good night [Music] very gentle with her [Music] i didn't mean to it's just it's nice can you sleep here yeah that that's fine thank you it's really good to use take me in i don't know what i would have done if you hadn't been there [Music] you're welcome i'll show you the directions to the town in the morning [Music] you know it really it really was nice meeting you you were about to say something earlier what was it um it was nothing really yeah honestly it was nothing good night [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] i'm sorry for storming out the other day it's fine do you do couples therapy why do you ask this is a sofa room for two yes i do marital problems work stress sex life not many things anything interesting i can't disclose such information fair enough i wrote in the journal good how did you find it interesting it made me realize that i i really am damaged goods that is an interesting observation no really i better be going uh we will continue this tomorrow morning if you're free i know we normally meet once a week but i think it would be good to carry on with this fresh in our minds okay see see you tomorrow [Music] so [Music] [Music] um you're coming here in the first place it's none of your business everything is [ __ ] business me when you're here for another man you make me so [ __ ] angry look we could talk about this like we should have done back in belfast after all the times i've buried my sword here because that's what couples do whether we knew we're not ethan and the sooner you get that through your thick skull the better we'll both be and that's it you're just gonna [ __ ] say that i come here and you say that all right you're gonna make a decision right now is it him or me but if you come back to me if you come back to one everyone i forgive you for all that [ __ ] but if you go to him i'll never never speak to you again touch me just just tell me what you want god said that's your last word all right i want it back on the rest of that knife i'm going to face it back knife nothing knocked this you're letting that [ __ ] walking right over here but that's not what we agreed i don't care what we said leave it here let it right here i don't ever want to see you again jeremy i said you hear me hey stan how are you doing not bad thanks yourself yeah not too bad [Applause] something did my order come in yeah i got it here it cost me fortunately anyway thanks jim hey before you go did she find you your niece is it a niece yeah a pretty young thing uh dark hair she was asking after you three days ago no you must have me uh mistaken for someone else maybe not maybe it was me my mistake bye that's bloody cold there and what is wrong with you boy you come out all this way just to tell her off not even a slap on the wrist you should be ashamed of yourself [Music] are we really going home oh you want me to do logan what do you think you should kill the [ __ ] come on seriously she has disrespected you and she's disrespected our culture by going with a man like that a [ __ ] english man you don't know he's in there i do i can smell it you turn that engine off for crazy [Music] this is what we're gonna do we're gonna split up one take out the english man and the other go up to our house and bring that [ __ ] back right and one if she doesn't want to come home you're out of your mind you dragged me out here at the bloody front so i can do what you don't want her you call yourself a man you let a [ __ ] woman tread all over you like you're nothing no that's what i don't understand like when i first met her it should be really nice to me and listen you know like properly listen and so i told her about my father dying and 91 and she put her arm around me and said ethan i understand and from that moment i knew we were meant to be i thought we were meant to be together it's a dom sham but she has got the goal we've come this far so we might as well finish it if you're not going to then i am all right all right just wait all right then you had these in the boot the whole time hi what about border control could have got a card ah they don't check unless you're black or a muslim that's a little crap and you're not what you'd rather we stuck them up our [ __ ] then no i don't know you love that one yeah ma loves it though right you got the house of the hell nice this one's eyes you're gonna take the high son you sure about that yeah i'm sure uh oh oh so so [ __ ] it [Music] hmm [Music] aah what are you waiting for [Music] uh who gave you this how do you know where i live if you think i'm gonna tell you that then you're as dumb as i expected as you expected you don't even know me boy now tell me why you trying to kill me why not i do things like this because sometimes it gives me pleasure to [ __ ] with people's lives the only real reason i'm out here in this [ __ ] boxer voice [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [Music] here live new i will give you one last chance and you better hope it's the right answer at least your worries well you're here my friend is probably having fun with your mother not [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me you really need your help i swear you don't need to be hiding from me [Music] [Music] and now you're in here i've been in a really dark place for something new but there's so much him you know you embarrass me every time i see you it confuses the [ __ ] out of me i know we care about each other but you haven't been showing that lately love you oh yeah that's something to me that's something pure it's something nobody else know a word and we love each other [Music] that's why it's such a [ __ ] shame but you've been a very very dissolved girlfriend [Music] i'm sorry really sorry [Music] [Music] uh not [Music] [Music] what do you want with me tell me come on tell me stop it come on come on come on thomas help me this is what you need [Music] uh [Music] hmm what have you done [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] my ugh [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i'll leave you alone sit down thank you i can't even remember the last time i told her i loved her she knew did she one thing that gets me she died in the darkness alone but i should have taken that bullet not her tell you what i deserved for the things i've done what did you do who are you watching mean don't you fool me around you know who i am do i all this that's happened you haven't called the police or try to run which means that you're either strong-willed or you're unsurprised and if you're unsurprised then you knew this might happen therefore you were either working with them or they came here to get you i'm not listening to this jim from the bar said that you were looking for me no i wasn't why don't lie to me tell me the truth i don't know tell me have you found who you're looking for is it me how long have you been looking danny you're hurting me i don't know what you're talking oh you know you've known all along you sat at my mother's table and you lied to our faces and she took you in she took you in and in return i had to place her cold dead body in the earth why you killed my brother what i didn't mean for this to happen they were coming for me because i was coming for you you may blame me for your mother's death but you took everything from me how many innocent little boys have you killed [Music] oh my life i thought about this moment what'd i do to you oh please please shoot me the police he was a child my brother he was innocent yes so please shoot me do it do it my father made his decisions about my brother please shoot me [Music] all my life i thought killing you would make things better make me feel good and how i know what i really need is to forgive you [Music] [Music] hi there please leave a message we'll respond as soon as we can hello stanley this is bernadette speaking please call me as soon as you get this message um i don't know if you forgot but we had a session book for this morning and it's not like you to not show up i'm concerned for your well-being so please contact me as soon as you get this thank you i'm so sorry it's all wrong my rights it should be me and this hell not you i've always seen life to be cruel and unpredictable left me scared help me back now i know that is just the nature of life you are right and i will try i will live [Music] the fight of knowing when is the stage of black or white or gray [Music] all colors feel the same [Music] for you have breathed my blame and made me gasp my burden so i'm not another [Music] five [Music] [Music] i am fine [Music] i'm past the stage change of going my own way [Music] but lay before me another for you have breathed my blame and made me gasp my burden so i'm not another [Music] i am [Music] my way god knows it's not safe god is [Music] to throw me [Music] we're closer down [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mediatime Network
Views: 188,818
Rating: 4.5860567 out of 5
Keywords: off piste, full action movie, action movie, full movie, off piste movie, off piste film, action movies, action movies 2016, off-piste, free movies, full movies english, full movies, full movies free, free movies full movies, thriller movies, full action movies, full action movies english, off-piste movie, thriller movies full length english, glen kirby, nathan bevan-stewart, lily caines, antony meadley, free movie on youtube, watch movies on youtube, mediatime network
Id: h6qME6ykH48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 1sec (5461 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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