OFF GRID~Do not PAINT your water tanks! rainwater collection

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[Music] at a great time with you guys out there at laymen's thanks a lot for everyone who showed up and if you haven't watched that video make sure you go back and check it out it's the video we put up yesterday and you want to watch it all the way to the end there's a little some something in there for you I got my two favorite horses all fed now I'm gonna go check the water is that good you like it mmm what you think Sadie is that good will extra treat for you huh little tail Waggin I don't see any ribs yet huh good girl oh she likes her ears or she likes her ears oh yes good girl go check your water huh Oh doing pretty good on the water so we'll let that slide look at this hello duck ducks nice to see you up from the pond visiting thank you very much looks like I got a little fence repair there too sometimes those horses they step down on those lines those Bob wires I just have to put a clamp on there hello duck ducks hello love some Indian runners but what I got to do right now is today today we're gonna move the Sheep so I'm gonna throw the food up in here for the turkey mr. turkey and mrs. turkey and that will occupy them a second because I'm gonna need to leave the gate open so I can get the sheep in so I got a little system worked out oh my hello mr. turkey look at your feathers and everything oh you're just a mess you've been so busy over here protecting and watching over mrs. turkey oh my goodness hello mrs. turkey I'm gonna come in right now boy I'm mr. turkey you need to go to the barbershop or something that tail feathers thing you got going on roof you have really done a number on it oh my goodness well you do look very handsome today and I can see that you're not irritated because your neck is red so that's nice so now I'll give you guys some breakfast and we'll move the Sheep over and you can hang out with them sound good oh yeah sounds nice yeah let's see how this works out he's gonna be a nice guy or not Oh mrs. turkey singing at me morning good morning hello hello all right let's go get him some water over here thank you well bye I know bye-bye I'm leaving go over there and eat with your girlfriend I'm gonna shut the door here okay so I can do my cheap erdan make sure they got some water gravity-fed right from the hydrant still got a cover on the hole and I am keeping an eye on this I might have a leak but I'm not sure we've had a lot of rain and I can't see where it was high and now it's shrunk down so either I got a little leak in there or there was a lot of water in there and it's slowly getting away but I'm gonna keep my eye on it but everything's working great so what I'll do now show you guys how the magic happens it's probably one of the coolest transfers that I've seen on YouTube with the Sheep we have a little system down and the older you know use and mr. Rambo they're they trained in the new beasts and they all get together with it pretty good but before I go over here and set up their fencing and get all this squared away let's go check that swarm trap see if there's any activity and I'll just leave that gate open because they're gonna be running by it and you guys are watching these daily videos you know it's amazing to watch the everything green up like it is just love that even though we don't post on the weekends and you might miss the video here and there you guys are seeing real-time how we're transferring from winter into spring and then summer let's go see that box well I don't see any bee activity yet but we've had some cold rainy days and yesterday and today seem to be the warmest days Oh looks like looks like our little insurance reducer blew off I'll have to pick that up yep there it is let me go get that real quick find a little piece of what we were using reduce that entrance down so we just keep trying and you got to remember when you're off trying to catch the worms dr. leo says you're gonna run about a 50/50 chance of collecting them so we have one box up so our odds aren't that great but I'm pretty good about the area and we do see swarms around here so I am looking forward to maybe catching one so stay tuned when we catch one I'm gonna show you guys how to transfer it into the horizontal hive now we're gonna go cut the fence loose and watch these guys run on over to their new place always a lot of fun I got to shut the very front gate and then I have a little divider gate I'm going to show you guys how I manage them and that's just to keep them from going up to the road you know and getting in trouble so they usually never turn that way because they know where to go but we'll see how it goes and they are excited about it and some of you guys were asking about the sheep you know like do shear them or how does that work and our Woolworths anything what's up mr. Rambo how you doing you having a good day today well that right there hold on let's see if he does it again [Music] you're gonna do it again you show the people at home what you do right here is all of his fiber or wool or hair or whatever you want to call it and what they do is they rub up and down your fence and they peel off their hair see how he does it that's why you got to have strong fencing well yeah that's basically how they shed their coat when spring gets here they start rubbing on the fences and trees and then it'll all just piles off pretty soon in the videos you're gonna think I've been starving them because everyone's gonna look a little thinner because all the hairs on the fence all right let's go up front and shut this down now I already set them up here and you can see that they mowed this down pretty good so I like to keep them moving and that's Gregg's trailer he brought the skid steer up that we'll be using and stay tuned I'm gonna explain to you what's going on over here so once I have the top closed off I basically use this cattle panel here just to block the drive and that creates a pin in this area right here what we'll call the woodlot area right and then what I do got to have all these little systems in place I just open up this gate and then they go right into this wood light right here you know so they always have areas to go around to so we can rotate them because we'd like to move them around every 20 something in 30 days so we'll get this figured out right here except for mr. wants to itch pushing me around go on and then we'll get the gate open where they can really come blast them out and you guys are gonna love this so hold on [Music] [Music] get in that come on Oh in there haha there you go thank you well I guess that's just about that I guess they're just gonna hang out if I see anything unusual Oscar bring you back but I got to get done with some chores I got to do Oh mr. turkey look at your feathers my goodness so the first up on my list is gonna replace these screen doors we got the screens put in while we were over in laymen's now I can put the doors back up and Maggie learned her lesson I don't think she'll do that anymore plus she's maturing into a nice good girl and that she did this when she was a puppy and we had left her alone for a little bit so just some of the things you go with you having animals yep she got the backdoor - I just love her now we're gonna move on to the next thing oh she's a sweet girl ah so basically if you guys see some videos on YouTube you'll see people that have outdoor tanks maybe they paint them black and that's to help keep the algae off of them what we have found that is if you paint them black you actually caused the heat to come into the tank and really warm that water up and because we don't really want to have swarm super warm water when we take a shower we have found that if you just cover it with a tarp it doesn't transfer the heat into the tank and it also allows the tank to stay dark enough where no algae will form in it I'm gonna cut some sections off here so I can wrap the tank so they all have no light on them also I want to tuck them underneath and let them rest on the platform which I didn't do last year and a couple times we had some issues with the tarps kind of blowing around and so we're gonna correct that this year [Music] scuse me me me me also last year I wrapped both tanks at this with the same piece this year I'm going to break it into two and I'm gonna rat you wrap each tank individually and that will cut down on a lot of extra of stuff flying around and not only do these tanks provide water from shower with this year I'll be plumbing them up to the outdoor kitchen so we'll have some water running in there some running water all right so I'm all covered up now there's my shower head right here if you've never seen this thing operate it's pretty cool so right now I'm gonna do is put on my filter we've had the filter off all winter so it wouldn't crack busts break and all that stuff so I'm gonna go get that right now and connect it and then we'll be ready to start taking some showers in case you've never seen it before this is just a pleated filter that we have in here pretty large capacity because that is about 500 gallons and we just do this as a precautionary measure just to take a little bit of the junk out of though go to water that goes in there but really not necessary so there you have it there's your off-grid tip of the day I got some more stuff to do around here actually gonna do some planting of some like beautifying plants you know just a little landscaping type stuff so stay tuned for that we're going to tell you some of the plants that we're going to put in and why we actually chose them because they're not just about landscaping thanks as always for watching the video and if you guys ever if we do a giveaway or anything we're always gonna leave a link in the very first comment of the video so you guys can find it super easy and we pin it so it's all the comments on the video come after it so just look down there and we'll never leave you hanging as always thanks for watching our videos we appreciate you and we'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 171,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: Mw_6FD3ccmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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