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Actors Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok from 'Lovely Runner', welcome! - Hello. - Hello. Hello, this is Byeon Woo Seok. I play Ryu Seon Jae in 'Lovely Runner'. - Hello. - Piggyback and run! Hello, this is Kim Hye Yoon. I play Im Sol in 'Lovely Runner'. Hello. I heard that it's Woo Seok's first time on the radio. Congratulations! It is your first time! No wonder you're all cute and shy. So awkward! - It's a process of getting used to it. - Yes. Hye Yoon, you were selected for the 'Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia'. Thank you. How did you become so influential worldwide? I actually didn't know. Yeah... Since we are here, I would like to say that I am so thankful to have been selected as one of 'Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia'. If you get to be in another Forbes' lists in the future, which would you want to be in? The brightest smile list. My smile. Bright? Pretty or bright? - Yes, bright. - Bright. - Maybe 'Forbes 30 Brightest Smiles Under 30'? - Bright smile, yes. - Okay. - I'll try my best. What about you, Woo Seok? - Me? I'd need to think about it. - Okay. How about an okay smile? - An alright smile. - Alright. Over 30. - Alright. - I'm over. - Over 30. - Yes. 'Forbes 30 Alright Smiles - Over 30' - An alright smile - although now in the 30s. - What's up with the "although"? - Not bad for being in the 30s. - A lot of modifiers. - Yeah, really long. - Good. Better than expected despite being in the 30s. - Can I add one more? - "Better than expected," okay. It's even longer now. 'Forbes 30 Better than Expected Alright Smiles Despite Over 30'. - Yes, that's right. - Okay, got it. - I hope you both get selected. - Thank you. I heard that you guys have a height difference of 29cm. Is that true? - It is true. - Right. - I always look up, and he looks down. - Right. - A bit displeasing. - Yes. - We get a lot of questions about our heights. - Right, a lot. And I'd like to say something since we're here. - There's something you'd like to reveal? - Yes. - What is it? - For the first time. - What? - What is it? - What is it? - I don't even know. Is it actually 28cm? - They always ask us if we have any episodes. - Okay. - And I say this for the first time. - Okay. We actually don't have any episodes. What a surprise. I was actually so surprised right now. She made us focus real hard and said something that doesn't even mean anything. - Yeah. - Said something that's not surprising as if it was... I always tried to say something. But really there's wasn't anything episode-worthy. There are no episodes so you hope to not get any more questions about it. - No, it's not that. - You want them to stop. - No. - You're tired. - Actually there was a very small... - No. - Small? - We have trivial episodes, but - to frame it as an episode... - It's really not much. - Being asked a question, it feels like there needs to be more. - No, it doesn't have to be. - I think that was why. - No, I wasn't going to ask you about any episodes. - Right, it wasn't even in the questions. - No. We would just like to ask for one thing since we have cameras here. With you guys standing up, one camera will focus on Hye Yoon and the other camera will focus on Woo Seok for a photo time. First, on Hye Yoon. Zoom in! Three, two, one, click! - Please strike a pose. Three, two, one, - Okay. click! - You don't see his face at all. - What should I do? And next to Woo Seok. Zoom in to Woo Seok! Three, two, one, click! We actually have Hye Yoon in this one. - Really? - Yes. To say that we got her is a bit... How is it? - Just right here. - You are in the frame. - There is someone present. - Here, but... Great. Three, two, one, - click! - Click! Perfect. Do you actually swim? - I can just dog paddle. - Dog paddle. - But - Dog paddle. - because my character swims professionally, - Since you had to. I took swimming lessons before we started shooting. I heard Hye Yoon swam for about 20 years. It was just a hobby since elementary school. I was only in hobby classes. - My speed wasn't getting better at all. - I see. I was always the last one. You can jump in professionally like a pro, but - you can't speed up. - Right. After some strokes, I'm still at the same spot. So there are some people who misunderstand. - How? - They think I'm drowning. I'm actually swimming very hard. - How can you be like that after 20 years? - I know right? My swimming doesn't improve. But you've kept at it for 20 years. - Consistently. - Your consistency is amazing. - Here's an applause for you. - Right, thank you. - Your character is Im Sol, who is a huge fan of Ryu Sun Jae - Yes. But you've never fangirled someone when you went to school. Since I was never a fangirl, I tried to use my fans as a reference. The smiles on their faces when they meet me, the letters they give, - or what they tell me when they meet me... - Oh really? Fans' emotions? I took note of that and used it in my acting. Could you feel it when you were acting together? Like she's really fangirling Sun Jae? She actually was a fangirl of Sun Jae. Yes. - Bam. - I see! - Yeah. - What a surprise! - What a surprise! - What a surprise! - What a real surprise. - A real surprise! - She was a fangirl. - She actually fangirled. I could really feel it as we were acting together. - It seemed genuine. - I could feel the sincerity. That's what I think. Bam! Bam! Good. - Hello. I'm Kim Hye Yoon, and I got an early acceptance to Konkuk University as a Film Arts major. - So cute. - First, - Listen to her voice! I'm so thankful for my instructor and my parents who've helped me to get accepted. I heard this news after taking the university entrance exams - so I was really happy. - Really happy. - If later on someone asks me about my high school days, - About the school time. - this surely will be one of my most memorable days. - Most memorable day. Your voice is so clear and cute. - I only listened to her voice, but I can imagine her expressions and gestures. - Right. Do you remember this? Of course I do. I do very well. It's not that you had a script, right? No, there wasn't. - I can hear that I was trembling. - Right. - Until now. - So cute. If you could timeslip into the Harry Potter universe, which house do you want to be in? We have Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor. - Usually the classic would be Gryffindor, but... - Right. I discovered one I want to go to. Which one? Hufflepuff. - Hufflepuff, why? - Hufflepuff. The word looks cute. - You for sure are the 'Sensing' type in MBTI. - Hufflepuff. Yeah, isn't it really cute? Right, Hufflepuff. - Yeah. - Right. It feels like I'll need to say it quickly. I thought of Hufflepuff for a different reason. - To be in Gryffindor, one needs to have a lot of courage. - Courageous and righteous. But when imagining me in such situations that require courage, I don't think I can physically bring out such valor. For Slytherin, I think one needs to be cunning, but I'm not sure if I'm am. I think people with extraordinary wits would go into Slytherin. For Ravenclaw, one needs to be really smart, but I think I'm far from that. - The remaining Hufflepuff. - To Hufflepuff. - So detailed. - Right? - She seems like a big fan of Harry Potter. - Exactly. - We have Sol here. - We do. I checked. Only between the two of them, if my partner and my friend prepare a one year anniversary party for me and my partner secretly for an entire month, - will you be angry or not? - It really was a debate at the time, but what I had in mind was that - they had prepared it for me. - Yes. - So I spoke while thing that it was alright. - Yes. - But others began sharing their opinions. - Other people were angry, right? While preparing the event together, - they might gesture "You should kiss them this" - Exactly. and such is what they argued. That's what was discussed - and after hearing those stories, - Yes? - my thoughts changed to an unaccepting stance. - Right, no. - My thoughts changed. - No. What about you, Hye Yoon? - It's an absolute no no for me. - No no. Never. But you can think like this. - How? - If someone will leave me just like that, maybe that's just how it was supposed to be. No, that's trying to be cool for something not cool. - Don't act cool. - It will hurt though. Then how about pouring water and bringing over side dishes at a dinner table? Pouring drinks for other people, do you guys think that's flirting or not? The text asking that came just now. Do you guys take this as flirting? - But! - But! - Us both. - Both of you. - But! - Go on. If you finished your own drink and happened to see the other person's while pouring yours, you can fill it if it's empty. That's possible. But if yours is full and you're constantly paying attention to their cup to fill it when its empty... But what if they are like this. They are like this, and they keep staring. - It's too far away. - I am so thirsty. In that case, wouldn't this person be a little weird? Honestly, looking at the water like this. That's weird. But, the person continues looking at it like this. Muttering "Water jug..." So, you are fond of them? - So, you are doing that because you are interested in that person? - No. The water... - Why would you be doing that? - Because I would like to drink water but the water is too far away. How far? A bit too far. - It is in front of that person. - Within reach. - Then, I can hand over the jug. - Right. - But pouring... - But not pouring. So, it is flirting. - This is flirting. - In that case. - If the person is watching. - It's flirting. From now on, everyone please carry around a 500mL water bottle. Princess of Namhae, Hye Yoon! Having been a member of a K-pop dance club, you danced to 'DDU-DU DDU-DU', 'Ditto', 'Tell Me', and a bunch of other songs during the fan meeting. How much did you practice? For me who couldn't make it to your fan meeting, could you show me your 'DDU-DU DDU-DU' dance again? Is what we've received. Yes. - For fan meetings - I am curious. you usually prepare - one or two songs. - I am so curious. - But you have 'DDU-DU DDU-DU', 'Ditto', 'Tell Me' and something more. - Three songs. 'Tell me' and 'One More Time' were not done during the fan meeting. They were just aired on TV. For 'DDU-DU DDU-DU' and 'Ditto', I just pushed through with a lack of time and skill. It was just that. - No. In this case, you wanted it at least a little, right? - Honestly, right. Because no one will ask me to! It was your desire. Honestly, when I was in the K-pop dance club, I am spilling the tea now. I think I am too close to the microphone. - No, it's fine. - My voice is too big. Show us. So, let me say this. I was in the K-pop dance club. That's the truth. - It's true. - It is true. - For real. - Because you really were. Yes, but no one put me on the stage... - You were a bench member. - Teachers always do things like this when selecting who to put on the stage. I was never selected... Not even as a candidate? No, never. Filling in for a sick member wasn't even a thing for me. So, for my talent show stage no one could stop me. You've had a lot of passion for the stage. I have passion, but I was - lacking skills. - Lacking skills. For fan meetings, the stage is mine, right? Right. - It's a stage just for me. - My stage. Do you have one that comes to mind? Yes, 'DDU-DU DDU-DU'... 'DDU-DU DDU-DU'? Do we have the track for 'DDU-DU DDU-DU'? I can also do 'Ditto'. We have 'Ditto' as well. Everything is prepared. I think she is always practicing at home with the door closed. After all, the room is my stage. No one - can stop me. - The fact that you joined the K-pop dance group - Right. - is so funny. - The song is coming out. - It's coming out. What should I do? Should I get up? What should I do? I don't remember too well. - The latter part. - The chorus, please. There's a part she wants. That's not prepared. Really? - No! - That's too bad. You should do it. Yeah. What should I do? I am so embarrassed. I will just keep it in my room. No, you were great just now. - Yeah? - Yeah. - You know, there is that type of person. - What type? People who say they couldn't eat much due to lack of appetite after finishing everything. - After dancing all she wants - Right. she goes "I am so embarrassed". I was really embarrassed, for real. I am so embarrassed. The body. - The body... - She is so good. I am so embarrassed. Hye Yoon's staff members please let her dance. She loves dancing so much. No. I am filled with passion, but I lack - the skills. - No, we've checked that you have skills. 4026 Doo-Shik asks "Woo Seok, what will you perform at your fan meeting?" Could we wait for 'Get A Guitar'? I actually tried to, but it was too difficult. - Do you also practice in your room? - I don't think I can. I - also do it in my room. - Is 'Get A Guitar' ready? I can't. I really can't. I suck at dancing. - I will try it later. - 'Get A Guitar'. The nutritional supplements. You have Vitamin C, Propolis... Why do you carry around Theraflu? You are the type who feels comfortable carrying around emergency medicines all the time. Catching a cold while acting, - I feel that I am breaking down. - Right. I can't focus or use my voice well. So if I feel like I am going to get a cold I must take one before bed and continued to carry it around. The emergency medicines and the nutritional supplements. - Do you always carry them around with you? - Yes. I always take them. Which ones? Well, I have Omega 3, milk thistle, vitamin, multivitamin, and red ginseng. The fact that you are taking milk thistle. - Propolis. - It means... Seems like you drink a bit? No, I've looked into it and the liver... No, that's not... I mean, I love alcohol, so I also take milk thistle myself. No comment on that. - My liver is always tired. - Right. The liver is always the problem. It's that, the liver is so important. And milk thistle is good for the liver. You have a lot of excuses. Yeah. Your ears are red. It's a little hot. Hot. - It's fine. - It's very hot. This place is hot. - The weather actually is a bit hot. - Today is hot, right? Today is a little hot. Yes, it is a hot day. While you calm down, while you calm down... - Yes. - So hot. Yes, it's hot. Wow. Why is the weather so hot? - Honestly, what is up with today? - It's absurd. - What is up? - It's too much. - Too hot. - Summer really is here. Now, we are going to listen to Woo Seok's song recommendation. What do you have for us? 'Feel Alright' by Zitten. When I was in the editing room for the after record, our editor used this song for my favorite scene. And I really loved what I felt back then. Since then, I continued to listen to this song. So I thought it would be nice for you guys to listen to a nice and relaxing song. - That is why I recommended this song. - Okay. - Seems like Woo Seok is a good singer. - Wow. - According to 9731 Doo-Shik. - Really? No. Then, you can hum 'Feel Alright'? No, I don't hum. - I just listen. - Just listen. So you are just a listener? I never. - Never bouncing to the beat. - Never hum. - Never get into the rhythm. Just listening. - Just listening. I never get into the rhythm. Have confidence, Woo Seok. No. Although our stage is just our rooms. I wonder who has made Hye Yoon - so passionate about the stage. - Exactly. Alright. 'Feel Alright' by Zitten. Yes, how was it? Wow, it was really fun and it would be great to join you again sometime. Please love 'Lovely Runner' and the actress Kim Hye Yoon. It was my first time being on the radio and you made it feel so comfortable. I really had much fun. Two of you, the special DJ seats are always open, so we will always be waiting for you guys. You did well, are doing well, and will do well. - Bye! - Bye!
Channel: Mhz λ―€νμ¦ˆ
Views: 677,952
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Id: ZYhZhdjzvuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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