ODESZA – “Say My Name (feat. Zyra)” – Official Video
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Channel: ODESZA
Views: 10,144,330
Rating: 4.9225435 out of 5
Keywords: ODESZA, In Return, Say My Name, Zyra, Memories That You Call, Sun Models, Ninja Tune, Counter Records, ElectronicMusic, MusicVideo, ChillMusic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 04 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Bio via Apple Music:
Genre: Electronic
Scheduled: Saturday, What Stage, 8:45-10:00p
Conflicts: The National, Jim James, John Prine, TOKiMONSTA
Most Popular Songs: Sun Models (feat. Madelyn Grant), Say My Name (feat. Zyra), Line of Sight (feat. WYNNE & Mansionair)
Live Experience: Live at Lollapalooza Chile
Latest/Next Release: A Moment Apart released in 2017.
Have you seen ODESZA live before? Please share your experience. What songs are your favorite, or which would you recommend to a friend?
Despite the fact that they've been touring A Moment Apart for what seems like 50 years, I've never seen the show. Absolutely fucking pumped to see it even though the conflicts are heartbreaking. Also, ODESZA on the What? Sign me up 10/10
This show on What is going to be so magical. I’d love everyone to be there for it. Tears will be shed, hugs will be hugged.
Besides Porter Robinson live, this show is the best live experience for any EDM artist/group by far. The production effort is insane and they are extremely creative - defs worth seeing. Especially since they announced they are ending the A Moment Apart tour this Summer...
Even though I've seen the AMA tour already, I still can't wait to see it on a Farm. The conflict with Jim James is ROUGH
Saw this show twice, cried twice. Looking forward to going 3 for 3! 😭😭😭
I'll be there having a great time... but good lord I wish they weren't touring with the SAME show. Even with all that I'm still pumped to see them again since their show is always a blast
this will be one of the moments of Roo 2019 you won’t want to miss! I promise!