October 3, 2021 - Pastor Chuck Swindoll preaching, “The Integrity of a Wise Wife”

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[Music] good morning we're glad that you're here welcome to church at the end of our service we're going to have communion together hopefully on the way in you received one of these looks like a little goblet it has the juice and the wafer in it if you did not during the prelude if you would raise your hand and the ushers will come give you one of those also whenever our church observes communion we take a benevolence offering at the end of the service so on your way out if you have a normal tithe and offering that goes in one of those gray metal receptacles and then the ushers will be having a basket where you can give to the benevolence offering second announcement is would you please check your cell phones and electronic devices and make sure they're turned on and all the way up in volume i really want you to [Applause] this morning our string orchestra is a leading worship and their directors pete hazard that they have a brilliant prelude to play i think you'll enjoy this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] that was some piece of music wasn't it tell you i thought i thought pete was going to get on his horse and ride away the way he was jumping around up here something else music used to have a minister of music in a former church that said if you don't love music why would you ever want to go to heaven you see heaven will not be a great big bible study it will be a great big area of worship and praise and worship and praise are not complete without great music and we will be there to lift our voices to our heavenly father in praise of his son christ through the power of the spirit thank you for being here today and thank you for joining us if you were online with us we are hearing from a number of you from around the world literally and we thank you that's not an exaggeration we thank you for connecting with us and i would even add for you who are online with us when our time for communion comes please join in um you you will not have the same elements that we will have but you have in your home something that you can use for the juice and something you can use for uh for the pastry and please use it as the bread and the cup and and worship with us as we come before the lord around his table and if you're a visitor of ours today we hope you will make a memory that you'll not forget about being here and if you're able to return please know that you're always welcome uh we're here because we didn't want to be alone this morning in our worship so that means we want to be with one another so it's a good time to greet one another let's do that i want you to stand and find at least one other person you've not met before and say hello to that person right now [Music] good thank you thank you so good we appreciate your stepping into that and helping others feel welcome it's easy to come especially as a guest and feel a little overwhelmed in a gathering where you know no one else and have someone greet you that's that's good you're going to hear from two lovely ladies today as they share with us plans for this fall and there's a special name for it and a date for it as well or dates plural watch the screens and you'll hear their message fall is officially here and this year we're excited to introduce a new way to celebrate the season with our church family and friends you're invited to our new holiday lot party it's going to be a night of fun and fellowship for all ages with a small town community feel on friday october 29th from 6 to 8 pm we'll gather in the parking lot for trunk or tree carnival games balloon artists and bounce houses too costumes are welcome as long as they aren't scary so get dressed up bring a picnic dinner if you like and join the party part of the fun is getting to come together and make this a fantastic night for our kids so here's how you can get involved we're looking for volunteers to decorate their cars and hand out candy to trunk-or-treaters we'll even award prizes for the best trunk designs we're also looking for volunteers to help direct traffic and greet our guests another way you can help is by donating candy we need lots of candy to help restock the trunk or treat cars throughout the evening so please drop off bags of individually wrapped candy in the collection buckets around campus thank you for helping us put on an amazing first holiday lot party and if you have a family member with special needs you're also invited to our special needs fall festival night on thursday october 28th our gift ministry will host games and fun in a sensory friendly environment space is limited so be sure to register to let us know you're coming we also need volunteers to help run the games and give these families a warm welcome you can learn more and sign up for all of these opportunities today at stonebriar.org holiday first time that we'll sing this morning was written in 1527. think about that almost 500 years ago christians were singing this hymn that we'll sing this morning it's called a mighty fortress is our god the words and the music were written by martin luther we know him as the the leader of the protestant reformation he was a priest [Music] and he had an experience when he studied the word of god and he read that scripture the just shall live by faith and it changed his life he was the first one to translate the new testament into the lingua franca that is the language of the people so he he translated the new testament into the german language so people could read it this song became sort of the rallying cry for the protestant reformation i mean people would sing it in the streets they would sing it in the town square and here 500 years later we sing a mighty fortress is our god would you stand please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so oh ready ah foreign so [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] so hey me is [Music] oh so so foreign is [Music] make his space shine upon you be gracious to you the lord turns face toward you and give you peace his space shine upon be gracious then [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children may his favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and their children and their children and their children make his presence go before you and behind you and beside you all around you and within you he is with you he is with you [Music] is make his face shine upon you be gracious to you the lord turns places [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] our time together will be spent thinking about the integrity of a wise wife [Music] it's based on the story that's unique in the scriptures in the 25th chapter of the ancient book of first samuel with this very relevant message for the day in which we live i'll not read it or even excerpts from it i'll leave that for you to read during the quietness as you hear the melody of mourning has broken plead by our orchestra today the integrity of a wise wife next sunday we'll be together god willing and i want to talk about the integrity of a loyal husband the one i've chosen as an example for that may surprise you he's a man we often look past or look beyond as we easily can do with abigail the wife of nabal as the story unfolds in 1st samuel 25. always remember when the scriptures are opened [Music] the voice from heaven speaks using the print from the page of the scriptures in our lives the only book on earth that is alive cut it anywhere and it bleeds with life truth direction reproof comfort [Music] hope guidance all here waiting to be digested [Music] never take it for granted [Music] that we have this copy of the scriptures in our language for our admonition and instruction that we might gain hope to go on in this long argus journey called life please stand with me as we pray together if you do not bless o god we will not be blessed thank you for the promise the lord bless you if you do not keep us we are awash insecure uncertain about the next step the next decision thank you for the promise the lord keeps you and if you do not shine the light our lives are dark in this dark world that has lost its way thank you that your face shines upon us and it is not frowning it is gracious [Music] gracious to us thank you for your grace giving us what we don't deserve what we can never earn and what is impossible to repay [Music] thank you for [Music] the pleasure of praise as we reach up and adore you and for the blessing of grace as you stoop down and touch us and encourage us there are so many today lord who live their lives on the edge of discouragement where life is hard death and disease are all around us [Applause] and the threat of that hitting us is a very real threat some this week have lost those they loved and hoped that they would live but they are now gone from us comfort them in their grief some today fight diseases that are harsh [Music] and enduring they need patience they need the hope of your healing should that be your plan they need the resolve of what may ever be your wish and to find satisfaction in it help them as they wait and trust [Music] our country is in a mess we realize it every day of every week our leaders are not sure where they're going and the direction is often obviously the wrong direction we need you to step in we need you to guide us as a people we have proven again and again we cannot find our own way in the energy of the flesh or even in the intelligence of our own minds and education help us lord fulfill your promise that if your people will pray you will hear and you will heal we are praying you are hearing we wait upon you to heal us [Music] whatever it may take whoever you may need to change change lord we leave that decision to you morning broke early today and we were reminded that it is of your mercies that we are not consumed because your compassions fail not they're new every morning great is your faithfulness thank you for the reminder with every sun-up you're there and you've not left us through the night nor through the day seasons change they come and go but you remain the same yesterday today and forever o great god who blesses us and keeps us and causes your face to shine upon us we bow before you humbly waiting upon you in worship speak to us through your word today in direct and personal ways i ask in the name of christ our majestic savior everyone said amen please be seated [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] some marriages are so fulfilling and harmonious we refer to them as marriages made in heaven i'm certain that all who go to the altar hope that theirs will be one of those regrettably some marriages are miserable beyond description they're marked by disharmony sometime brutality often argumentation an unwholesome and unhealthy environment often those unhappy marriages are like well a hell on earth they often don't last very long sometime a couple realizes this isn't going to work and a few have found that out even on their honeymoon some a few weeks into the marriage you realize again and again that this is not the person i thought i was marrying and they're filled with regret disappointment heartache and um they've decided it's got to end a few last a few months and then it's over maybe that explains why a jewelry store owner that i saw a number of years ago in a los angeles jewelry store front window put up the sign that said we rent wedding rings seriously and then there are those miserable marriages they go on and on and on usually that's true because one of the partners is the one who makes it so miserable and the other well for lack of a better word let's just say the other is wise patient willing to ride it out to let god work in ways that they find they're unable to abigail found herself in a marriage like that she was married to nabal nabal had to have been a nickname not all the hebrew verb very descriptive it means to be foolish to be senseless no mother would have named her son at birth fool or senseless but he picked up the name along the way harris archer and walkie and their fine two-volume work the theological work word book of the old testament tells us that the verb is used only five times in the old testament wants to describe one who exalts himself as foolish so he's proud of the fact that he's a fool four times it expresses disgust or contempt all the above were true of naval his lifestyle surely surfaced throughout their marriage unfortunately he was also quite wealthy i say unfortunately because that usually adds to the arrogance i mean who does he need whatever he needs he can buy perhaps that's how he got his wife for you wonder how a lady as lovely and wise as abigail got stuck with a loser like nabal how'd that happen most likely it was an arranged marriage in that custom and in that era marriages often were brought about in that way and quite likely the money that was offered was too much for for her dad to turn down and so as it were he sold her to nabal some arranged marriages worked beautifully i'm told if this was an arranged marriage it was one that didn't but you see not one argument between the two of them you read of nothing like that thanks to abigail there they were living near carmel in the wilderness of my own nabal owns 3 000 sheep and a thousand goats that's a large flock and a large herd and they grazed in the hillside but you know nothing of abigail's life when she married she entered a dark tent owned by naval and she became what we would call a kept woman so much to offer so much she could have taught her husband but he's senseless you don't teach nabals they're stupid they're not interested in what you have to say their opinion is the opinion we see that surfacing in this story let's uh turn it into a movie for the next few moments together it it really begins with a majestic overture as the camera pans the hillside of my own and the lens tightens in on a warrior who's standing alone looking across the hills for it which have those trails that goats make when they walk the hills and yet there are no goats on the hillside and there are no sheep there but this warrior that you're looking at in the film is smiling it's a happy day for him he and his men have come to what could be called payday sheep sharing time has come all the sheep have been brought back to the camp and they're put in the pen and he hears in the distance quite likely the bleeding of the sheep as they are sheared nabal watches over it all while david in the hillside is making his plans to receive the pay he's earned you see david has been in charge of a voluntary police force if you will let's call them a hillside patrol in those days there were marauding wild tribes that would sweep down through the hillside and not only steal sheep but kill them and take them for their own meat and even go further and empty a camp leaving it with only carcasses they were wild and wicked this was a this was a place where might makes right and only the rugged survive david with hear this his 600 men patrolled these hills and protected nabal shepherds and quite likely other shepherds who kept the sheep of their masters and at sheep-shearing time it was understood that the owner of the sheep would graciously and voluntarily offer a remuneration for the service of this ramen robin hood type patrol that watched over his flocks without his hiring them [Applause] are arranging for a fee but like our custom of tipping when the waiter is has earned it for good service so these patrols were paid out of the good graces of the sheep owners [Applause] david gets 10 of his men [Music] up close to himself the camera tightens in on the scene and you read about it as he says to them [Music] go go down into carmel with this message for nabal verse 6 peace shalom shalom they've all peace and prosperity to you your family and everything you own i'm told that a sheepshearing time while your shepherds stayed among us near carmel we we never harmed them and and nothing was ever stolen from them ask your own your own men they will tell you that this is true so so would you be kind and since we have come at this time of celebration please share from your from your prosperity whatever you feel is fair the men convey the message and then they step back and wait for the answer this is a a moment of decision and abal makes it quickly who is this fellow david he says in an insulting tone verse 10 naval sneered to the young men who does this son of jesse think he is there are there are lots of servants these days who run away from their masters should i take my bread and and my water and my meat that i've slaughtered from my shearers notice all the first personal pronouns i me my mine mine mine and share it with you you who come from who knows where get out well the men listened without a word of response the young men returned according to verse 12 and they told told david what nabal had said david loses it this is one of the things about david's put together as my dad would call it david's put together included rice moments we'll see it again later and we have seen it on occasion and years past studying his life here's a moment where he throws all restraint to the wind and he looks over his shoulder and he says to his men put your swords on they all strapped on their swords including david and 400 of the 600 men began to gallop down the hillside toward the camp of nabal you can picture it in your mind 200 remain to guard their equipment from being stolen but 401 warriors with murder on their minds are on their way to nabal's camp down that hill david is thinking all the wrong kind of thoughts when i get to nabal i'll cut his throat so quick he won't know until he sneezes i am going to finish him off i'll slash him to pieces and along with him every one of the men in that camp and all of these warriors who are a little bloodthirsty anyway are right along with him and they're making their way down in the meantime the camera shifts from the hills to the tent and we suddenly meet for the first time the wise wife of nabal her name is abigail some of her servants come to her and they say uh you need to know what's happened you see abigail knew nothing of the conversation nothing of the insulting response of course knew nothing of david's plan to retaliate she's just there with her servants and and they say to her the these men have been very good to us and we never suffered any harm from them nothing was stolen from us the whole time they were with us in fact day and night they they were like a wall of protection to us and to our sheep uh you you need to know this and to figure out what to do for there's going to be trouble for our master and his whole family he's so ill-tempered that no one can can even talk to him he's history abigail if you don't do something now let me get realistic here there's many a wife who would say ah sweet mystery of life god moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform goodbye mayball [Music] not abigail [Music] i'm convinced the thought didn't enter her mind she's lived with this fool all these years and she knows he's senseless unreasonable so she has to intervene wisely and graciously she sets up a plan now she puts together the first catering service ever recorded and what a catering service it is verse 18. abigail wasted no time look at this she doesn't pray she doesn't discuss it all on her own wisdom goes into action she gathers 200 loaves of bread two wineskins full of wine five sheep were slaughtered nearly a bushel of roasted grain a hundred clusters of raisins and 200 fig cakes what makes my jaws hurt reading that before lunch sounds great i mean she packed them on donkeys and she said to her servants go on ahead i will i will follow you shortly notice the closing words of this 19th verse look for yourself she didn't tell her husband nabal what she was doing wisdom he would have never let her out of the tent you're going to do what you're going to take them what she knew that you can't reason with a fool like this by the way i appreciate a number of you not yelling out amen that's that's very good because i know some of you are in marriages that are very strained i understand your plight and i know that you admire abigail and wish you were more like her she's a remarkable woman not a sin recorded against her she's a sinner of course she is but in this in in this vignette she stands taller than anyone in the camp by the way as she is preparing the meal putting it together arranging for the donkeys packing it up she also puts together a little special gift for david himself and now the camera moves to the scene interesting uh a little bit like the david goliath scene of of of uh earlier days when david is making his way to the ravine and goliath is stomping around the hillside on the other side but the all the all the people are reversed david is not coming down to do the killing and here's this woman alone on her donkey making her way up to meet this these galloping horses and these hungry men with murder on their minds she was riding her donkey into a mountain ravine when she saw david and his men coming they've never met there's been no no acquaintance before and david has just been saying listen to him a lot of good it did to help this fellow we protected his flock in the wilderness and nothing we he owned was was lost or stole he has repaid me evil for good may god strike me and kill me if even one man of his household is still alive tomorrow morning i mean david means business he's a warrior remember he knows how to fight and so do those men is trained now when abigail saw david and those men around him watch watch she got off her donkey she quickly got off the donkey and bowed low before him imagine it she fell at david's feet and said now this is one of the great speeches preserved in scripture i'm going to read it slowly carefully i accept all blame in this matter my lord please listen to what i have to say i know nabal is a wicked and ill-tempered man in case you think she's in denial read that again she knows he's wicked she knows what she's got for her husband like every wife knows what she has and every husband knows what he has and she says he's ill-tempered don't pay any attention to him he's a fool just as his name suggests but but i i never even saw the the men you sent i wasn't even aware of that now my lord as surely as the lord lives and you yourself live since the lord has kept you from murdering and taking vengeance into your own hand let all your enemies and those who try to harm you be as cursed as naval and and here is a present that i your servant have brought to you and and your young men please forgive me if i've offended you in any way the lord will surely reward you with a lasting dynasty you you are fighting the lord's battles and you have not done wrong throughout your your entire life don't put this on your record by the way how can you be angry at a woman with a crockpot full of lambs too and and you can smell it man and she's got it right there for him but she's not true get this get the closing word she's prepared all of this while she prepared the the meal even when when you are chased by those who seek to kill you that's referring to saul and his his army david's still running from saul and saul mad man trying to kill david jealous of him and and she says you have those trying to kill you your life is safe in the care of the lord your god she believes in a sovereign god he can't touch you david you're god's anointed you're secure in the treasure pile in his treasure pouch but the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling when the lord has done all he promised and has made you leader of israel don't let this be a blemish on your record then your conscience won't have to to bear the staggering burden of needless bloodshed and vengeance and when the lord has done these great things for you please remember me wow yeah that'll get her done david puts that big old sword back in the sheet you can reason with david she's just done that and god's used her wisdom finds a way it's marvelous marvelous to see this a pause here and let the let the truth of it sink in david meltz he replied to abigail i'm in verse 32 praise the lord i love this about david of course he's a man after god's heart praise the lord the god of israel who he's he's got a sovereign god he sent you to meet me today thank god for your good sense that is the good word for wisdom bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands for i swear by the lord the god of israel who has kept me from hurting you that and if you had not hurried out to meet me not one of nepal's men's men would be alive tomorrow morning then david replied then david accepted her present and told her return home in peace shalom shalom abigail i've heard what you have said we will not kill your husband saved his life when you read your bible give your mind time to imagine scenes you're not counting verses with a wristwatch on to see how quickly you can get through it if you do you'll miss it all come to life in it stand in the sandals sit in the saddles of those in the scene go home abigail in peace now knowing that her husband would now live she returns home in in our world we reward quickly or we should one of the first things we do after someone does something great for us at least a thank you note at least a phone call sometimes we'll even send a gift to express our gratitude thank you thank you and if the gift was immense like my life not naval no not the old fool back home look at 30 36 when when abigail arrived home she found nabal was throwing a big party and he was celebrating like a king he was drunk as a skunk well that's kind of a swindle paraphrase but that's the idea he's in there soaking it up and she doesn't bother to say a word hard enough to talk to him but when he's drunk it's impossible so she sinks her head on her pillow that night alone and calls out to her god and ask for further wisdom how to break the news to her husband notice verse 37 morning breaks breakfast time she's sitting here he's sitting there it's the right moment so if i may she says to him hey neighbor saved your neck yesterday david 400 others were on their way down here to cut you to shreds and to kill everybody in the camp before they took everything we have but i met him and and uh you're they're going to let you live the guy has a stroke for ten days he lay like a stone on the bed and verse 35 says ten days later the lord struck him and he died look at that vengeance is mine i will repay you says the lord let me let me jump in here and say to you who carry grudges to you who keep your sword sharp do you who wait for your moment to get back will you please learn from this there's a great statement at the end of romans 12 that says vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord meaning stay out of it you're not sure wait the easiest thing in the world is to jump in and regret it for the rest of your life the lord struck him and he died now back in the hills the camera turns on david and the men when david heard that nabal was dead he said praise the lord who has avenged the insult i received from nabal and has kept me from doing it myself naval has received the punishment for his sin and then he sent a message back to the camp abigail marry me good choice david now she's grieving the death of her husband she gets the message from david and her servants are saying we'll pray and she says you pray while i pack okay she gets them together they become the part of her wedding party and they hot-footed up the hills and while there's a funeral durge down in the camp there are wedding bells in the hills as 600 guys try to harmonize in the songs that they sing to david and abigail as they're joined in marriage together and that a great story that is so good i want to do it again that's so good but they don't all end like that i know i know so don't write me i know but sometimes they do today since we're imagining [Music] let's pause and imagine some lingering lessons we learn from the three main characters in this film first david i suggest we learn from this man rash and angry reactions lead to regret unless i miss my guests in an audience this large and who knows how large among a few hearing me right now there are some of you eaten up with anger you've been done wrong you've been mistreated you've been hurt it's true it's not imaginary it's happened it's not fair and you've got a chance to get the upper hand and to lash back and you're not going to wait you're going to get at it and you're going to regret it how much better to apply that that great four-letter word wait wait i've never regretted a time when i waited for the lord to move i've never regretted a time when i put the brakes on my own right decision to send a letter that was ugly or to react to someone that would have been insulting [Music] and through the wisdom of my wife or perhaps a wise friend and a hand on my arm or my shoulder or sent in an email i wouldn't go there if i were you and i thank god for every one of those restraints we learn that rash and angry reactions lead to regret we learn from nabal insensitive and selfish people make miserable marital partners so let me jump in ahead before there is a wedding if you see that in the one you're dating the one you're engaged to back off people often think well when we marry things will change and the fact is they will they'll get worse if he's selfish before you marry he'll be more selfish after if she is narcissistic before you marry she's going to be all about herself after you've married her hold it insensitive and selfish people make miserable marital partners we learn from abigail wise and patient partners make the best use of timing intact her timing is superb when to tell nabal when not to see a worry how to approach david [Music] the speech carefully thought through it wasn't about her it was about david david don't go there he isn't worth it it's your reputation he's a wicked unreasonable man she knew the right word the right time and by the way no one needed to tell abigail when to do which she didn't say much as she was preparing the meal she never explained to her servants what she was planning she put it all together wisdom isn't afraid to act alone and to do something courageous she stood up to 401 angry hungry men with swords drawn and she appealed [Music] david's intrinsic values think ahead david you will become king when you do you want to be known as the murdering king of course not we respect you as the giant killing king you're the man you haven't even tried to kill saul and you had opportunities so much to learn in stories like this [Music] final word to nabals who hear me you are making life miserable for your family for your partner and just in case you happen to know christ and you're now in a carnal state you're bringing reproach to his name carrying on like you do your impatience and selfishness are detestable they're disgusting you've been warned you've been talked to you've been advised you've probably lost a job or two because of it you're still doing it this would be a good day to mark down as a data change your mate your family deserves better than that certainly your god deserves humility from you notice she bowed down when she brought her message it's a good posture to take speaking of that let's end this time together around the table as we bow before our lord close your bibles bow your heads please there's no membership required for the lord's table you don't have to be a member of this church or any church you just need to be a part of his family you need to know christ as your lord and you need to be walking and step with him so that there's nothing between you and him called sin that's broken your relationship if there is this is a perfect time to confess it if you're a naval and you're a believer and you determine i'm not changing then let the element pass don't even open it but if you're determined to make this the beginning of a whole new way it's a great time to enter into this moment together with us we all come in humility before our lord the little wafer tiny little wafer at the bottom of the goblet is a representation of his our savior's body given on our behalf when he died at the cross and the juice that you open at the top represents his blood i want you to take each in that order and i want you to stay seated i'll end the service as we finish quietly and will leave silently but let's do this before the lord as our offering of commitment to him pray with me will you hear us today our father as we come acknowledging our wrongs they have been many and yet your son jesus has beautifully cleansed us from all sins and will forgive any sin that we lay before you and we do that now hear us as we confess to you that which has come between you and us so that our hands would be clean and our hearts open thank you for the savior's death when he took our sins and carried them to the cross and nailed him there forgiving us we praise his name thank you that he's coming again and until he returns we want to remember his body and his blood and the quietness of this moment except our worship is sincere in jesus name amen [Music] good reading in a different way i often have us sing the song let's just speak the words of that first stanza isaac watts peace here we go when i survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died my richest gain i count but loss and poor contempt on all my pride thank you father for meeting with us today in a very special way may this week be different because we spent this hour with you we worship you not only in this room but in the days of this week as the week unfolds bless those who are benefiting from the benevolence gifts that your people give today encourage them use the gifts for those in need we pray dismiss us now with a reminder that you are our god and we walk with you willingly and gratefully in the name of christ we pray everyone said amen thank you for joining us this morning if you're looking for hope and belonging we invite you to connect with our church family get started today at stonebriar.org we'll see you soon [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stonebriar Community Church
Views: 7,370
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: chuck swindoll, frisco, bible, integrity, love god love others, church
Id: fqFezM_phTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 24sec (5664 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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