OCTANE.exe IS OP 2.0
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Twolol
Views: 1,678,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, Twolol, Twolol_Official, Twolol.exe, Twolol exe, nerf octane.exe, nerf octane, season 4.exe, apex legends .exe, .exe, apex legends.exe, apex.exe, apex season 4.exe, apex memes, apex season 4, exe, octane.exe, how 2 octane.exe, octane.exe 2.0, octane.exe is op 2.0, octane 2.0, octane op, octane is op, bloodhound exe, apex legends funny, octane exe is op, buff octane, buff octane exe, buff octane.exe, twolol apex exe, me want knife too
Id: z4-0O830A6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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