Ocarina of Time in Tears of the Kingdom - Zelda Theory

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Hello there, Commonwealth Realm here. Tears of the Kingdom's premise is Ocarina of Time retold, but on a far grander canvas for its 25th anniversary. So be sure to leave a like, subscribe and press that notification bell, and let's get this first-post release theory to 2023 likes. Ever since we first saw Gerudo Ganondorf again in 2019, I have had the suspicion that this game will be a return to Ocarina of Time. Not so much in its pacing and storytelling, but its premise, and it doesn't only limit itself to Ganondorf's grand return. Since Tears of the Kingdom is a game that had to provide some answers after Breath of the Wild was all about mysteries. Hence the major focus on Teba's son, Tulin, and the older Yunobo, Sidon, and Riju, though naturally, with some new mysteries added to the mix. One Recall in the beginning, and you have the ones who were gathered by Rauru and approached by Zelda after the former's sacrifice. The masked and unnamed sages. But why were they both masked and unnamed? I have an idea. And it revolves around Ocarina of Time and its sages. The first to oppose Ganondorf after his 7 years of tyrannical rule. You see, in that game, we had seven sages when counting Princess Zelda among them, and the color corresponding to Tears of the Kingdom's secret stones and Ocarina of Time's medallions, are evident. Light of Rauru, Wind the original intended theme of Ocarina's Forest Temple and the icon of the medallion itself. Fire, Water, Shadow, and Spirit. And behold what is the order presented in Tears of the Kingdom's Lookout Landing and the side quest of Thyphlo Ruins. Rito, Goron, Zora, and Gerudo. So Wind, Fire, and Water. Yes, there is a brand-new theme in lightning replacing shadow, as the Gerudo took over the second to last general temple, to leave spirit for the Zonai. The Rito filled in for the Kokiri, or in Tears' case, the Koroks, who were cursed by Phantom Ganon or tortured by Link. Anyway, the Sheikah sage was replaced by a Zonai, specifically through the Sage of Spirit Mineru, King Rauru's sister. The color of her stone corresponds to that of the Shadow Medallion which Impa handed over to the Hero of Time in the Chamber of Sages. It is clear that the theme of Spirit was moved from the Gerudo to the Zonai and changed color to that of shadow. In return, the Gerudo sage has a new for sages lightning theme. Though as was the case in the adult section of Ocarina’s Spirit Temple, light and mirroring it being the key puzzle, leading to the dungeon boss. In Ocarina of time, that was Koume and Kotake, who, in Tears of the Kingdom, appear to stand by Ganondorf’s side in a younger form in the past and whose names are found on the Demon King’s weapons dropped by Phantom Ganon. In other words, pretty much the same as Ocarina, but with some slight alterations here and there. That is the theme of this premise. The most crucial being realizing what wasn't done in Ocarina's first post Time Skip temple. Now, onto the possible real juicy connection to Ocarina of Time. The masks covering the faces of the sages calling to our friends. A majestic bird, an elephant, a salamander, and the mighty camel. All standing up in opposition against the newly-born Demon King. Sounds familiar, especially in the case of the Gerudo where Ganondorf was disowned by his former army, who appointed a new first in command when he joined the monsters. Much like Nabooru opposing Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time in both past and future. Speaking of time skips, how much time has passed between Breath of the Wild's ending and Tears of the Kingdom's opening? I begin to believe that it might have been exactly seven years. All serving as a callback to Ocarina of Time. And the amount of years Link slept in the Sacred Realm and the Chamber of Sages, Ganondorf was in power, and the time it took Nabooru to become a sage. Wait a minute. The divine beasts which clearly take inspiration from the masks and spirit animals of the different tribes were the Sheikah sage's replacement to counter Calamity Ganon. And when we think of it, in the case of the Gerudo, it all aligns too well. Divine Beast Vah Naboris named after the sage, Nabooru. But which one? Ocarina of Time's brave victim of Koume and Kotake, or this masked and unnamed sage? I begin to think that the latter might be the case, as Tears of the Kingdom is very much a new origin story for Ganondorf with the same beats and name-wise charaacters as Ocarina of Time. The Gerudo king who set his tribe aside for power and to take over Hyrule with his monsters. The similarities are striking, and it seems to have no end, as in both games, Rauru is the first who greets Link after Ganondorf gets into a position of power and the Master Sword cannot end it right there and then when confronted by the source of evil. A failed confrontation, followed by Rauru granting Link his first gift and making him aware of his new form. A little twist for sure, but it's like poetry - it rhymes. Or history, which doesn't repeat itself, but also, sure rhymes. Though here, there is far more of a remake of Ocarina of Time's plot and characters to the point. We have a section in the past and the future, and we know the past section is not playable, at least for now. In the past section, we see the same Oath of Fealty and the King of Hyrule not listening to Zelda's warning. Naturally, you can counter this by saying that the king in Ocarina and Tears are different, but I would argue otherwise. Since it appears that what the Zelda team did was simply split the tragedy of the king of Hyrule from Ocarina's one, into Tears of the Kingdom's two characters. King Rauru who doesn't listen to obvious warnings from Zelda, who is aware of Ganon’s danger and name, and Queen Sonia who pays the ultimate price for the king's inaction. Just like the king of Hyrule had to pay in Ocarina of Time due to not listening to his daughter and Ganondorf's trickery. A fact that is even brought up by Ganondorf following Sonia's death He didn't use the power that the stones offered him, and now, he would pay the ultimate price. It is this turning point in the story and the later acts of the Distant Past cutscenes where we see that Rauru also follows the path of the Hero of Time in the adult section of Ocarina. He challenges a Demonic Ganondorf with the help of Zelda, and seals him at a cost. Namely the Aftermath. The Hero of Time is sent back to warn about Ganondorf and to relive his childhood. On the other hand, Rauru's arm joins Link in the future to finish the job. Both serve as a tool against Ganondorf. And in both cases, Ganondorf brings new plagues to Hyrule when the plan backfires. After all of this, do we still need more showing that these two games tell more or less the same story with more or less the same characters? Yes. The Great Deku Tree, the guardian of the spirits of the forest. That being Kokiri Forest and Korok Forest. The latter this time without the Master Sword, after Link pulls it before going down into the depths. But when we get to play, we find him cursed. And are forced, to enter inside of him to clear from a cursed minion of Ganondorf. Normally, we would expect Gohma here, but the arachnid followed the fire path from the Wind Waker, leaving the father of the forest to be cursed by the other boss of the forest in Ocarina of Time. Phantom Ganon. A fight with two phases. First, Gloom spawn, and the second against a single Phantom Ganon. Even the conversation if you haven't already pulled the Master Sword, follows the same beat, minus ending with death. Though in both cases, the Great Deku Tree sends us towards Zelda. In the case of Ocarina of Time, in her castle, but in Tears, her dragon form to pull the blade she has restored as the Light Dragon. And here, we get to a reversal of the Master Sword and Link relationship. In Ocarina of Time, Link was too young and not strong enough to wield the Blade of Evil's Bane and to confront Ganondorf, hence he slept for 7 years. In Tears of the Kingdom, the blade is not ready to face Ganondorf, so Zelda turns into a dragon to transform it over the next up to 100,000 years, into a form that will not break in the confrontation with Ganondorf. And guess who is by our side in both cases when we finally wake up after failure. Rauru. The sage and the king of light. You can also bring up the castles, but here, the Zelda team made a solid job to differentiate. Ganondorf doesn't wait in person at the top, but the actual Phantom Ganon. Instead, the Demon King awaits at the bottom of the depths. And it is the opening and ending that truly differs between Ocarina and Tears. Well, until Ganondorf is faced by defeat and death, pulls the ultimate power of both games. So the Triforce of Power in Ocarina of Time and his Zonai Stone of Darkness in Tears. Both transforming him into a final animalistic beast form which requires Zelda and the Master Sword to finish off. Only difference being that Link finishes Ganondorf off properly in Tears of the Kingdom by destroying his crown as the sealing of him with the stolen power of the Royal Family had already been done in the Distant Past. And there was no way that Ganondorf was keeping it, or his new eternal life after all the crimes he was guilty of. A lot of similarities may I say, including the names of the temples, which now require that we point to Ocarina's or Tears of the Kingdom's Fire Temple, Water Temple, or Spirit Temple. Even so, it seems that all these remakes of Ocarina elements were deliberate, as this game is obviously meant to be the successor of not only Breath of the Wild, but also Ocarina in all regards. But what are your thoughts regarding this, and did you find even more Ocarina remade in Tears of the Kingdom, minus the house theme in Link's house in Akkala? Sound off in the comment section down below! If you haven't already, then be sure to leave a like, subscribe and press that notification bell, to not miss any future Tears of the Kingdom theory, secrets, and so much more videos! Last but not least, a big thanks to you for watching until the end, and to all our patreon.com/commonrealm patrons. You rock! And please enjoy one or both of these two awesome videos!
Channel: Commonwealth Realm
Views: 75,510
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Id: gPnu0aG75L8
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Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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