Obviously This One Diet Can Cure Everything

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hello hello thanks for tuning in once again we will be responding to a video requested by you guys it's called one diet plan to cure any disease and to my surprise it actually has a surprising amount of views Jesus and this video is actually a part two part one is even more views and it certainly has quite a highlight to dislike ratio I think videos that go viral like this are the ones that really needs two bunking I mean think about how many people have watched these and believed everything that is said in it and then chose to ignore proper medical treatment for whatever condition they have it's such a scary thought let's not think about that for too long I get depressed anyway let's begin shall we are you suffering from a health problem any chronic health problem diabetes back pain knee pain thyroid constipation acne high blood pressure pcod low energy obesity or even excess weight oh yeah I have a condition where I'm too awesome can I get a fix for that what if I tell you that changing your food can cure your disease which means that if you change your diet follow it it'll lead juicy and get your blood tests done after three months you will not have that disease anymore now you probably wouldn't believe me yeah you read my mind I don't believe you in this video I'll share one simple diet plan that was first suggested to me by my guru I followed it through literacy and I told my thyroid pcod and hair fall without medicine I've suggested the same diet to hundreds of people and they've all been able to cure diseases how convenient we just have to take your word for it huh there's no documented experiment no study nothing to prove what you're saying what if I told you that doing the for like default dance can revive people from the dead and you know you don't have any way to know if I'm telling the truth or not you just have to take my word for it your claim that a specific diet plan can cure any disease is almost as ridiculous if you think your diet can really do what you say it can then why not conduct a proper experiment that compares it to a placebo you can change the world you'll alter the future of Medicine you'll be crowned as the queen of the human race isn't that awesome then hospitals in every country would tell patients that use that diet to cure any disease Wow alright wishful thinking uh that's not happening but this I give you this one diet plan and explain your what food to put in your body you must take out the undigested food from your body the waste the toxins sitting inside meaning knowing how to detox is even more important than knowing what to eat okay so this is referring to part one of this series and since we're not debunking that I'll give a quick summary of what you guys missed there are a few ways that she claims to not only rid your body of the bad food that you've ingested but also how to detox of course seriously what alternative medicine proponent doesn't use the word detox okay she suggested some methods such as intermittent fasting which according to your theory would promote better health since you've allowed your previous food to digest before ingesting more which sounds fine in theory but your body already has mechanisms that prevent too much food from being in a single part of your digestive system at a time for example upon detection of food entering your stomach your system speeds up any ongoing processes for food that is already in your digestive organs that way can make room for the newly ingested material this is one of the reasons that restaurants are required by law to have public bathrooms so if you're doing intermittent fasting for that purpose I'd say it's not necessary whatsoever so anyway she does go through some other points in her part one video but I won't go through them all so feel free to check it out yourself just be skeptical when someone says doing what and what is the way to detox even if detox is a real thing the fact that so many people propose so many different methods of detoxing something that even contradict each other is already a reason to doubt it truth doesn't have multiple interpretations truth is truth if you have all these proposed theories on what the best way to detox is that should already raise a red flag I don't want to give you a scripted diet line and say hey this is what you have to eat for breakfast lunch do not know all right well I'm sure that's what a lot of people who clicked on this video was looking for what a disappointment first you must understand some basic principles about natural food if you want to be truly healthy you need to look for four qualities in your food your food should be four things interesting looks like we're getting a bit more specific here alright I'll let her finish her points before I respond number one it should be living see if you body something in the and model it for a few days it should grow into a plant right for example if you take a lentil seed buried in the soil after a few days you will get a sapling but if you plant any chunk like Maggie let's say do you think you'll ever get a wheat plant out of it no because unlike the lentil the Maggie doesn't contain any life doesn't contain any prana and therefore it could not produce more life it's a dead fool and how can something that's dead bring life to your body on the other hand fruits vegetables nuts green seeds sprouts there are living foods and when they enter your body they bring you life we extend your edge cure your disease flush out the toxins sitting inside your body why does that sound familiar I feel like freelee the banana girl said something similar about eating me is equivalent to eating death back when she still made vegan content yeah anyway let's just think about that for a second why does it matter if these things you eat are quote living or not at the end of the day once you eat it it's gonna be dead anyway yeah you thought eating that seed would grow a little nice plant inside your stomach well sorry to crush your pathetic dreams but it's more likely for the earth to be flattened well is that the only one that had my parents trolled me when I was a kid by telling me that swallowing watermelon seeds will cause a watermelon to grow inside of me yeah I wasn't the only one right flesh it traumatized me for years mm-hmm look what humans ultimately get from eating food are the individual components of what we eat things like carbohydrates sugars fats vitamins etc etc these are ultimately taken up by our body and used for either energy or other essential processes these are the things that matter these are the things that you should consider in food and obviously different foods are going to have different components with certain types of food being the best for you such as fruits and vegetables but that's not because there are quote living it's because they have good nutritional content plus literally everything you eat for energy was technically alive at one point where do you draw the line I'm guessing you would deem potato chips as dead food but how much do you have to cook for a story for example for it to no longer be alive and this is by no means a defense for potato chips by the way what about meat either cooked or uncooked what about milk Oh Oh what about foods that are processed but is good for you such as yogurt frozen veg canned salmon where did these fit in your list because according to your vague definition these seem pretty quote dead so yeah that just proves my earlier point it's the nutrition inside the food that matters don't use an arbitrary system like living or dead to determine what you should eat in the Bhagwad Gita chapter 17 do you know what Lord Krishna says he says that food should be eaten within three hours of being cooked because after three hours it becomes damn sick it starts to lose the life energy or the prana inside it I see so three hours of it being cooked so if I store something inside my fridge for days and days pull it out and cook it it'll be considered living ah all right let's move on second eat food that is wholesome see mother nature knows best she does not make mistakes there's a reason why she hung dates on trees and not sugar there's a reason why she gives us all lives but not olive oil put Cato's but not put it on chips all foods that come directly from plants or trees or from the earth a wholesome they've not been you know subtracted off anything Nature has done a lot of planning before making every food if we fragmented by consuming only a part of it or by stripping away its outer layer or by squeezing out only the facts from it we totally change it from nature's original design okay you sure like natural stuff don't you just because something is natural doesn't mean it's better like I mentioned previously there are plenty of processed foods that give you pretty good nutritional content I mean again your category of wholesome is pretty vague let's take potatoes for example I'm sure you'll agree that french fries are bad but what about other things like potato pancakes potato salads baked potatoes I mean these have been modified just like french fries with the difference being the cooking method perhaps it's the way things are prepared that makes them healthy or unhealthy rather than just the fact that they've been modified I think maybe you should redefine your categories here could eat food that comes from plants no meat fish or eggs all right I'm sure some of you watching this video are gonna go down to the comment section now and give your best argument on why or why not you should be vegan and I do plan on talking about this topic more in depth and my opinions on it in the future but today is not that day and I'd rather say this topic for a full video instead we're just going to keep going to our fourth point for it your food should be water rich see there's two kinds of foods what a rich and what a poor what a rich foods include fruits such as watermelon papaya grapes oranges juicy vegetables like tomatoes cucumber leafy greens bottle god what a poor foods include grains rice wheat chapati dal not seeds and starchy vegetables like potatoes did you just said earlier that nuts brown rice grains and whole potatoes are good for you what the hell avoiding these quote water poor foods what eliminate so much like what else would you eat that isn't fruit I mean yeah a few vegetables are juicy I guess I mean can I just soak some dry food and water before eating it will that work see I'm trying to find shortcuts here because I'm a little confused 70% of your body is water and 30% is you know solid bones muscles and moss so naturally 70% of it died should be composed of water rich food juices fruits vegetables and 30% of your diet should consist of what the poor food grain cereals nuts and seeds what if this is to match the water content of your body where does drinking water fit into all this surely you could afford to eat more dry food if you drink more water right I don't know anymore funnily enough most of us eat in the exact opposite ratio we eat greens thrice a day and as a result we're drying up okay your body has a pretty good way to keep the water in your blood at a good ratio if you have too much water then more it gets flushed out by the kidneys if there's not enough the kidney conserves more and this is done through some hormonal mechanisms which I won't go through today in general staying hydrated is great but your body is already pretty good at balancing your water content plus by your logic you could just drink more water to make up for the water poor foods give me a reason why you can't do that please so in summary number one eat living foods number two eat wholesome food number three eat plant-based food number four eight 70% water rich food what I want to empower you to be your own doctor all I'm here for is to connect you back with nature okay so for the rest of the video she goes over a diet plan that you can follow that supposedly can eliminate all diseases look I think that people like her do promote healthier diets it's true that many people especially people the United States are eating excess junk which can increase her risk to certain diseases however what I don't enjoy seeing is people claiming that you can cure yourself of whatever just by eating certain foods that's clearly just a lie you can't cure everything just by eating there are some illnesses that will depend on your diet but not many of the things she named at the beginning take diabetes for example sure you can mitigate some symptoms by consuming less sugar but does that cure the disease no it certainly does not instead there are medications out there that are very good at managing diabetes such as metformin I wish this girl went to more detail as to why she thinks a good die can cure everything but we don't get much from her other than the claim that a bad diet causes disease and if that were the case for all illnesses out there including cancer autoimmune disease and infections then maybe she would have a point but that's simply not true how could diet prevent you from getting an infection let's say the flu from a friend for example how can a stop your immune system from attacking itself what about genetic disorders if you just think about it for a second this claim would be debunked instantly and I wouldn't have to make videos like this anyway that's all we have for today if you enjoyed that be sure to subscribe and follow me on social media thank you to fire chard Daniel Seibel and Shere Khan for being the top supporters on patreon I'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Professor Stick
Views: 108,970
Rating: 4.9397058 out of 5
Keywords: professor, stick, professor stick, one diet cures call, one diet plan to cure all diseases, subah jain, professor stick alternative medicine, alternative medicine, natural cure, fasting, natural, allopathic medicine
Id: hkLLeZ5dOdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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