Obsidian - How To Create Visual Boards Easily - Kanban Boards Plugin

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hey there this is santi and today i want to share with you one of the coolest plugins in obsidian that i've seen so far this is not only super aesthetic but extremely functional so what it allows us to do is create like trello style boards these are called kanban boards it's just like places where you can have a list and you can have individual cards usually for to-do's or for projects and you can drag them across let me just show you it makes a lot more sense if you see it so yeah i'll walk you through it how to set it up and some of the pros and cons about using this but right now let me just show you what it looks like so in obsidian if you just open the command palette which in my case is done with ctrl p or command p in mac and you search for kanban create new board you're gonna press enter and you're gonna have instant access to this amazing thing this is what is created and you can start just writing to do maybe done which is an example of a basic kanban board that you can create and now these cards you can be items that you want to do so let me just fill this up with more examples just to demonstrate and now you can drag and drop them across it's crazy you can just drag them it's so responsive so easy to use and it just works it's amazing and for instance you can customize it with different themes so if we go to appearance and browse we can check a theme like oh this one that i created for instance i think it looks pretty cool with this one this one is wasp and yeah i like how it looks with this so you can move it around and it's just super responsive so i'm super happy with the way it works you can drag this list and yeah it just simply works so the question is does this replace any other applications that you use for task management the pros and cons will be discussed at the end of the video so stick till the end right now i'm just going to show you how it works and of course how to set it up so if we just go to settings down here we can go to community plugins browse and you can just search here for kanban just like that and now you install it like any other plugin you just click on install and now you need to make sure that you turn it on so you scroll down in here and you search install plugins this is important otherwise it simply won't work so make sure you search for kanban just like that and now turn it on and it should work so now from anywhere in obsidian if you open the command palette command palette again with again with ctrl p or command p now you can search for kanban create new board and there you go by default it's going to be called untitled kanban 1 or kanban two or common three whatever how many untitled ones you have you can rename that of course and in here you just can't start writing a list so again like to do um this here may be you know like and done you can just drag and drop very easily everything that you create inside of it and again like here is like the the example now here's an interesting thing if you go to the top corner right here and you open as maritime you're going to be able to see the markdown file that creates this so it's really interesting because you open it like that and you have all of these lists you have done you have maybe and yeah you have to do it on there and you can move these ones around and it's going to change the way it looks now this is what creates at the very top now by default it's only going to say kanban plugin basic but there's also another functionality like a template which i'm gonna show you how that works because it's really interesting what it does so if we open this back we can go to the top uh you know three dots that allow us to to open the board settings and if we open this board settings right here you're gonna see that you have a place for well a couple of settings but right now we're gonna focus on note template right so let me just exit out of that and right now let's just create a new file i just press ctrl n to create a new file and we're gonna call this board template example one just to show you and i'm just gonna paste some information here like that there you go and yeah so now that is a template file that we're going to use so if we go back to board settings you can select that file so you just write the name of the file that you want to use as a template and this is going to be specific for the board that you're creating so this setting is not for every kanban board that you create in the future but rather is a setting that is going to work for this specific board you'll see what i mean in just one second so now that that has been set you can go to more options for any specific one like showering here maybe and if you just click on it you can do something like new note from card now what this is gonna do is it's gonna create a new note a new card well yeah i mean it's just a note out of that card you're gonna see how that works it's really really cool so once you click on that it's gonna create this actual you you know like this file out of the template so we're just gonna paste everything that is in the template and in here you can of course start writing and answering the questions that you might have or like filling up the information that you want to fill up and there you go so yeah that's how it works if you close this you can see that this is a link so if you click on it it's going to open that again so you can edit any of these cards and you can actually link them to other nodes that you have in obsidian so this not only is a really cool kanban board experience where you can create all these nice lists and drag them around but also it leverages a lot of obsidian's core functionalities such as links and you can even do tags which i'll show you in a second but yeah so you know you can do all types of things like that and again in board settings if you go down here you can see that there's a couple of things node folder is in case if you want these new cards that are being created to go to a specific folder or if you just you're okay with just them going to the default root folder which is like right next to all your notes so without a folder just like a note in your obsidian bolt right so it's really up to you if you want to use that i don't really see much need for it but down here you also see that there's a lane width so this one's interesting because it allows you to customize the way that the list look in this board so we just put 100 for instance you can see that everything becomes a lot more compact and if we go back to open board settings you can write a bigger number just to test and you can see that now things are a lot larger like that right so yeah that's basically it if you delete it just goes back to the default right and node folder is what i was telling you about earlier yeah that's pretty much it with this now if you create say like another one right here this is something that i might use it for let's just say for films to watch that is something that i think would be something i'd definitely use this for so right now let me just show you a bit of an example and in here let's just you know let's just write to watch and to re-watch films that i want to rewatch and films that i've already watched right i can keep track of that very easily and i'm gonna write a couple of films in here so let me just fill that up with a lot more and in here i can drag and drop and it's really really useful you know you can just move things around really easily films that you want to re-watch films that you already watch and so on and you can also edit cards just like that by pressing on that and you can tag things so for instance in here i want to tag it as saga because i know it's like a you know a lot of films to this world this story like star wars and harry potter of course and now if i click in this you know i'm gonna be able to well if i just drag it around if i click on this i'm gonna be able to see the films that have been tagged with this thing and as you can see around i have like different different like tags such as oscars from different years and so on i'm in here i'm actually using uh tags in in a way that i can just do nest attack so nest attacks are just like you have a tag in here and a tag that belongs to that so you can do things like this like oscars slash you know like 2021 for instance or whatever something like that so yeah again i can just move these things around and it just works i mean i'm super amazed that this even works in obsidian and if we open this as a markdown file just to see what's going on you can see that this is what it looks like and that's it and yeah i mean you can play with some of the other features that are here like when you click on more options and so on but that's basically it that's how it works now i mean huge shout out to the creator of this to matthew mayer's matthew mayers for doing this it's really amazing and here you can definitely see more information about it like some screenshots and so on and just how things work in general but yeah i mean i'm really really amazed that this is working it's also cool to see because you can see some information here about like what are some of the things that are still yet to be implemented and what has already been implemented so yeah this is just a roadmap which is really cool so the question that all of you are asking is can i use this for a to-do system a task management system where i have like a huge board and i just control everything from one file maybe it's really up to you if you think that's something you want to experiment with definitely go ahead now personally i'm still using a couple of other applications and a couple of other techniques that actually interact with obsidian in a really cool way i'm definitely going to be making more videos about that so definitely stay tuned if you're interested to figure out a better system that works for like your whole test management system however this plugin i'm definitely going to be using it for things like what i just showed you like uh films to watch list or like books to read it's definitely really cool to be able to just drag and drop things easily and of course because inside of obsidian is a markdown file and yeah super excited for how this plugin is gonna keep evolving hopefully so yeah those are my thoughts on that and yeah with that said i really hope you enjoyed this video if you're still new to obsidian do check out my course that is the best way you can support my work and it's gonna walk you through the fundamentals of obsidian you can check out more in here but like what videos i've already made and yeah like what are the specific lessons that might help you get a better grasp of obsidian but that's it for today i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you found it helpful and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Santi Younger
Views: 14,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vRZXT4ynKxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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