OBSESSED!: You Can't Expect Shoshana Bean to Defy Gravity EVERY Time, Can You?

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Hey everybody! Two Jews. So I'm here with Shoshana Bean or ShoBean- Do you go by Sho now? What's the deal we can tell everybody I don't go by it I mean Don't go by anything I feel like it's like...it's kind of just what people call me Call her Sho I feel like the extra two syllables is too much. It takes too much time And I'm on vocal rest. So I'm here with Sho Bean, who I first saw when she was in Godspell, okay, when wilt thou save the people She was amazing um that was an all-star cast do you remember even what you were making back then? Enough that I had to also work at the gym as well and by enough you mean I mean, maybe 150 after taxes But the cast is phenomenal I remember freaking out. And by the way, so angry, I bootlegged you doing "Bless the Lord". Not that I would ever bootleg, but one of my many bootlegs And I left it at the gym so I'm glad that you lost it no you sounded ah to ma to the zing so um We're gonna discuss that in just a moment And then of course you did Hairspray where I saw her not as Tracy who she understudied But as the ripe 55 year old Velma How old were you when you were playing Velma you were like 24-25? yeah she was Velma the mother by the way she was amazing so got it. totally premenopausal but postmenopausal performance-wise um And um the thing is This is the most fun This is your life ShoBean on Broadway so um then of course she was in wicked So the exciting thing is Shoshana was the person who the crazy thing happened to that had never happened before where the "Defying Gravity" lift in that lift Shoshana In your own words. Do you remember what happened that night? You hooked yourself in you went it's me Flatline. go. nothing happened. I didn't move I didn't lift I waited it out I thought maybe it would be late cuz sometimes depending on who's calling the show sometimes You aren't exactly moving at the same time every night so I thought maybe someone different is calling the show, and it's just gonna be held a little bit and Still nothing and still nothing and then I'm starting to get mad cuz I'm like well, what am I gonna do? they had already taught us like in the unlikely event that You do not rise just unhook yourself and walk downstage and finish the song so because I not a master of subtlety I get myself out and I march downstage and I Use it as the opportunity to put every riff I've ever wanted to put in "Defying Gravity" because I thought, what is possibly going to make this.... Exciting? I'm not flying. the lights, you know, if they're happening at all, it's happening on just a black curtain up there Like nothing's...you know, these people aren't getting- so I'll at least give them alternate notes So sang my guts for blood and the people all around me who are supposed to be you know, below me well they're standing and pointing They're taller than me because I'm only a whopping 5'3" and They were all just kind of like the guards came out and they were Kind of standing there and kind of looked at each other and all kind of just started Lowering themselves slowly around me to at least "look like we're below her" get her! okay. What's the hard part about getting her? it's literally that all right, so then you do riffs Whistle tone really yeah, I know He seems to have gotten a story that the lights didn't go out and I just marched offstage No you waited, waited in character then you're like "I'm out" I don't remember that I heard from numerous sources, the subtext is "I'm out" oh, brava But I do remember like waiting and then when the lights went out I can't remember if we all looked at each other and we were like hilarious or if I was like what the f***? we'll bleep it out with a whistle tone, okay? So speaking of which, so here the things that I'm upset with, Shoshana wise. A), we did a benefit for Gay and lesbian synagogue where she sang "Cornet Man" We were rehearsing. I don't know if you know this, we were rehearsing it Shoshana sounds so amazing and my friend Andrea Burns is just backstage putting on eyeliner She heard the riff and literally she said the line went down her face cause she was like what the hell is that? So we're going to recreate a "Cornet Man" without the eyeliner retina damage Then I'm obsessed with the riff in "Bless the Lord" when she went wait it's like it's it's half Sassafras half foghorn leghorn chicken so, obsessed with that foghorn Leghorn (vocalizing) Then we did the "Hair" concert together, "Should I Believe in Love?" the crazy amazing riffing without breathing see my deconstruction See me to deconstruct the live thing, but the riffing again without breathing phenomenal, and then of course her signature whistle tone How do we get it all into one song? We're going to do it. So it's gonna be Cornet Man, Foghorn leg horn riff um "I Believe in Love" sassafras Whistle Tone Okay, play to the camera. "Cornet Man" Do I get multiple takes of this or just one shot? We're live. No we are not, are we really? We're live on the internet right now here we go no our rickety rackety oh my god he was like That would be amazing you guys "don't" here we go (sings "Cornet Man" from Funny Girl) Here's my whistle tone With vibrato! I'm out. Oh, Defying Gravity! I'm out
Channel: Playbill
Views: 287,157
Rating: 4.960824 out of 5
Keywords: Shoshana Bean, Defying Gravity, Godspell, Coronet Man, Seth Rudetsky, OBSESSED, OBSESSED!, Broadway, Musical
Id: li_Rat8ypuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 05 2014
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