Observable Flutter: I/O FLIP

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CRAIG LABENZ: Hello, everyone. Welcome to a very exciting episode of "Observable Flutter." My name is Craig Labenz. I'm your host, as always-- so far, at least. Maybe one day someone will sit in the hot seat and host an episode. But for now, I am very excited to bring you Erick Zanardo, the TL of the I/O FLIP project at Very Good Ventures. We've got a lot to talk about today. It's going to be a little more interview style than past episodes. But I'm really looking forward to hearing all the juicy, behind the scenes stories, anecdotes, all the things. So last note before we dive into this too much. Remember, everybody, this is the Flutter community, and on "Observable Flutter," we're all here to discuss technology, learn from each other, whatnot, but we're not putting down other technologies that we don't personally use, whether that's other frameworks, other libraries, other state management solutions. OK. I don't think we're going to have to worry about too much of that today though. Today it's just very fun, talk about I/O FLIP day. All right. So I'm going to bring in Erick, and let me make sure I'm on the right setting here. Here we go. Erick, would you like to say a few words to you introduce yourself? ERICK ZANARDO: Hello, folks. Yeah. Very, very nice to be here. I'm Erick. I have worked with a great team of other engineers on the I/O FLIP team, on the I/O FLIP game. Yeah. Very, very happy to be able to share some experience here. Thank you, all. CRAIG LABENZ: Nice. So there was-- jeez, where to even start? I think one thing we were brainstorming before the episode was that we might begin by just playing one round and talking about the-- talking about the rules and whatnot just to make sure-- I doubt anyone has found their way here without having seen the game yesterday, but who knows? So, Erick, you're going to do the honors of walking us through one round of the game. ERICK ZANARDO: Awesome. Yeah. So when you landed at the page of the game, you first see the leaderboards. You can also check the rules because we have some elements in the cards that interact with each other. So like fire beats air and metal and stuff like that. Air beats other different elements and so on and so forth. Once you learn the game, you can just hit Play, accept the terms, and then you first-- you are greeted by this beautiful owl, which is the card master of the game. So the lore of the game is this owl is who creates the card and all the beautiful images that you see in the game. Then you have to just select a couple of terms. So first you select the class of your character. I'm going to pick pirates because pirates are cool. Dancing pirate seems like a good choice. I mean-- CRAIG LABENZ: What is this, "Pirates of Penzance"? ERICK ZANARDO: And then you'll get a 12 pack of cards to choose from. So you need to-- you can cycle through them, choose the ones that you like the most. I'm going to try my chance here and pick the ones that I find the stronger ones. So we have this Dancy Spark. This Dancy Android seems good too. 86. 83. Oh, this is better. So I'm going to exchange that one. CRAIG LABENZ: That's a big upgrade. ERICK ZANARDO: Oh, this is even better. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, a foil. Let's go. ERICK ZANARDO: That was lucky. Yes. Cool. So I'm happy with team. That's a great team. And then I join a match. It will take a couple seconds. Yeah. We are joining the game. So players play at the same time, so I'm going to choose. I'm going to start with Dancy Spark. My opening's going to choose their card. CRAIG LABENZ: Opening with your weak cards, I like it. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. So like I mentioned, elements interact with each other. So water is weak to metal, so my card lost 10 points and eventually lost to the other one. I'm going to go-- CRAIG LABENZ: Pressure's on. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, going to put some pressure and play my stronger one. Yeah. I think it is. So Spark is earth versus fire. I won this hand so it's tied. And my last card. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, let's go! ERICK ZANARDO: I won! CRAIG LABENZ: Also, you have water there. Fire had a rough go in that game. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad because I didn't have any. And then I can choose to go to the next match or submit my score. Yeah. That's it. That's a little flip. CRAIG LABENZ: Got a streak of one going here. So Varie asks-- she said, I've never seen a holo. I guess it's holo card, right? Holo. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, it's a holo. That's how you call it. CRAIG LABENZ: And how rare are they? It was originally going to be 1%, but, Erick, didn't get changed at the last second? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. So every time a card is generated-- so this happened 12 times per deck-- you have 5% of a card being a holo. CRAIG LABENZ: So across a whole deck a pretty good chance, but there is-- it definitely went up a lot. I've seen people get three holo cards, and then they just play nothing but hundreds the whole game. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. I got myself in that situation, but the opponent got three holos so that was not that cool. But, yeah, you can get three holos. CRAIG LABENZ: I'm playing with my audio here. Oh, no. There. That's in the right setting. Oh, I see. OK. Sorry. Missed a distraction there. OK, so yeah. That's one game. Your streak is up to one. All right. Let's talk a bit about everything that went into this. You mentioned-- and I heard a little bit this from Jay as well. And for those who don't know Jay Chang, he's a marketing wizard, honestly, on the Flutter team. He was the original brainchild behind the pinball game that was also built by Very Good Ventures and a lot of-- just a lot of the cool stuff that Flutter does. But Jay and folks at Very Good Ventures, you were all iterating and trying to figure out, what are we going to build this year? Take me through some of the early ideas and different trade offs that you were considering, and how you ended up actually settling on I/O FLIP. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, for sure. So the first couple of weeks of the project was very cool because we were just brainstorming ideas, trying to think what could be a good fit for these years even. Because the only thing that we knew was that we wanted to use AI and machine learning, generative things in the game. That was our only requirement to develop the game. Everything else were open, and we could try to think on ideas and propose the game around that. So as you can imagine, something so broad like that, many ideas came into play, so we have many sessions of brainstorming and discussing. We had awesome ideas. One that I really liked was to build that result of game where you need to find out or in a crowd and different things. So we thought that maybe, hey, we could generate these backgrounds with generative machine learning algorithms. It could be just the one that we need to find and things like that. We also thought maybe we could use generative machine learning language models to create an adventure. So imagine how cool would be that we could have kind of an RPG game where the quests are all generated by language models and the backgrounds, all the places that you travel-- CRAIG LABENZ: The scenes. Yeah. Yeah. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. Would be generated by image-generation algorithms and things like that. The card game was also present since the first ideas from the first iterations of our brainstorming. Because a card game-- usually, card games have a picture. They have a theme, and they also have descriptions, names, and things like that. So we also found it to be a good fit for this requirement that we had. So we entered throughout, then we made some prototypes, some POCs. We built a small result where there's a lot of dashers running through the screen. It was fun to see that. We started even without any machine learning, just some procedural kind of arguments just to validate the idea. So we went back and forth. We have many of the ideas, and in the end, we went up to choose the card game because in a way it's a simpler mechanic, right? In an I/O game, usually, we try to make the game simple so people can quickly get it, play, repeat it so they-- this was also one thing that we tried for a lot, which would be a repeatable experience. And also you can play one quick match, but that's so cool that they want to play another, but they never last that long. And that was something difficult with, for example, the other ideas, whereas Dash or as other games you can spot what you are looking for in the first second-- in the first minute or you can spend, like, 10, 20 minutes trying to find it. Or on an adventure like an RPG game, they are telling stories and don't want to rush through a story. So those would also take too much time, and it would not fit that well into what we were trying for. And so the card game fit very well on-- we would be able to use machine learning to generate the cards, to generate the illustrations of the cards, and it would also be something that could be designed to be a quick experience that could be repeatable. So it's kind of key to show that idea. In the beginning it wasn't really what we have right now. We run through different iterations of card games. So the base idea was a game that I used to play on my childhood a lot that is called "Supertrump" or "Toptrump" in English, I guess. Which is basically-- yeah, nobody-- it was fun because I didn't knew the game in English because I'm not a native English speaker. So I come from Brazil and the game has a different name there, so it was hard to explain to the team. And then we discovered that in the US the game is called "Toptrump." And the game is about you have a thing-- for example, cars, then you have a deck of cards that represent cars. Each card has a set of attributes like horsepower, top speed, acceleration, wave, and things like that. And each turn a player chooses one of their attributes. And whoever has the bigger attribute or the highest attribute wins that round. So that was our first-- the basis for idea, but in the end we iterate over and over and over and landed on the mechanic that I/O FLIP is now. CRAIG LABENZ: Nice. Wow, there's a lot there. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: One thought, by the way. When your hands hit the desk it's sending a bit of a thudding noise through your microphone. ERICK ZANARDO: Oh, OK. CRAIG LABENZ: I'm a hands-- yeah, I'm a hands talker as well. But OK, so you settled on this game. First of all, the RPG next year sounds really fun. I have no idea if that'll be the right thing or whatnot, but I can imagine if the Flutter scene situation is ready to go, could do some pretty fun things there. So you settled on this card game, and Very Good Ventures is an either Flutter first or exclusively Flutter development shop? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, so definitely Flutter first. CRAIG LABENZ: OK. ERICK ZANARDO: I don't really know if you have any other projects than Flutter. I don't think we do, but yeah. That is definitely our focus right now. CRAIG LABENZ: Got it. So Flutter was the obvious choice, then, for the front end. But tell me about what-- how did you make all the decisions? What did the rest of the tech stack look like? And how did you settle on those things? What constraints did you anticipate dealing with? Walk me through the non-Flutter parts as well. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, for sure. So, yeah, Flutter was a given because this was a Flutter showcase. So this was the choice for the client. We also knew that we wanted to use Firebase because as always we also want to showcase Firebase use on those projects. So we also knew that we would want Firebase for, I mean, whatever we could use from Fire. Firebase has a bunch of different features. So one that we were for sure that we would use would be Firestore to hold the data, to secure this data. All the data would be managed by Firestore. And we also knew that we would need a backend for this project because this is a game where players play against each other. So we need to do validation. So we couldn't leave all the gaming logic in the client because if we did, people could try to take a look on the servers, try to find ways to exploit the game and take advantage of their opponent. So we knew that this would need to be a server alternative game, right? So all the logic would be defined by the backend. So who won-- who wins a round, who wins the match, it would be the backend who would know that. So once we understood that, we start to think, what are we going to use for the backend? Our first idea was to use Firebase functions. This was something that we prove in the past that works great. It's easy to use. But this game, unlike the other project that we did for this kind of thing, would have way more need for it to be a bigger backend than the other. So we wouldn't need a bunch of Firebase functions. And since at VGV we are very focused on Flutter, on that, we don't have that much experience with TypeScript, for example, which is the language that is usually-- that we see more people use it on Firebase functions, right? So we were kind of worried a little bit about going through building this whole backend with a language that we are not so used to. So I started considering to use a Dart backend. On top of this thing that I mentioned, that team was not that experienced with TypeScript and using Dart could give us an edge, we would also be able to share code between the server and the client. So when we realized that, I said, OK, so that is, I think, the right choice for this project. So let's make the backend of this project using Dart. And since inside VGV we have been building Dart Frog, we went with that because we have more experience with it. We have people that can support us if we need any help. So, yeah, that's what led us to go to the Dart backend. CRAIG LABENZ: So you had a Dart backend, and I think one thing a lot of Flutter developers, especially those who use Firebase, long for is, yeah, Dart to be supported in Firebase functions and whatnot. And you had-- it sounds like you achieved a similar setup by using Dart in Dart Frog, but you didn't-- you weren't using Firebase functions. Of course, it's funny, I know you deployed Dart Frog to Cloud Run, and Firebase functions runs on Cloud Run under the hood. So the difference between what you did and Firebase functions is not-- there's only a few differences that remain. But one of those is the subscriptions. Alert me whenever a document changes in a given collection or stuff like that. So how did you handle talking to Firestore from Dart given those limitations. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, that's a great question. So one thing that we decided to do is that all the sensitive data operations involving rights and updating and deletions would be done by the backend, but the client would have full read access to the entities. So that gives us the flexibility, for example, to create an endpoint on our backend that is responsible for when the player plays a card. So this is a sensitive operation because that's exactly where players may try to exploit the game and try to take advantage. So that operation-- so the match and the card, the match state, cannot be written or updated from the client. They need to go through the backend where we have set all the validations, all the security things regarding the game and education and all that stuff. But the list should match stage updates from the client so they don't need to go to the backend to listen to those chains. So they read access to those entities in Firestore. They are available in the client so we can take advantage of the real time capabilities of the Firestore database. CRAIG LABENZ: Interesting. OK. So what I'm hearing is the flow would be the client-- when a user plays a card, the client would send that information not directly to Firestore but to Dart Frog, and Dart Frog would verify things like, yes, this card was actually in your hand, you haven't already play this card, whatever else. You are who you say you are, even though it was anonymous authentication. And then that Dart code-- you probably must just use the raw gRPC stuff to write to Cloud Firestore, and then the client had a live subscription. So how did you handle-- maybe you just had two collections, like two documents for each game? But I'm thinking another possible way to cheat-- let's say player one plays their card first, and what you want to have happen is player two sees that a card was played, but they don't know which one yet. Did you actually send the right-- did you send which card information to the other client but then simply not render it? Or did you even send more primitive information like, yes, they've played their card, but we're not going to tell you which one yet? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, we send their whole information. But we send them encrypted and only the ID. So this is interesting because when we-- that's why we have two different-- actually, not only two, have much points in the database. So when the player tries to get the full state of the match which contains all the cards of their opponent, all the cards of their own hand, we send that whole information to the client, but it's encrypted. And then when a card is played by their opponent or even by yourself, that listener is triggered by Firestore, but you only get the ID of the card that was played. So that ID is not encrypted so you can see what ID it is, but it's just a number-- or actually a string, hashstring-- CRAIG LABENZ: A big, long string? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. So it will not be able to understand what this is. CRAIG LABENZ: Got it. ERICK ZANARDO: That's how we-- CRAIG LABENZ: So you use Firestore slightly like a relational database, I'm guessing, where that was just a pointer to the card, then it lived in another collection. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. In a way, there is a relation happening there because we send IDs, and yeah. But that's how we manage to get around those things. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, and that makes sense. The Cloud Firestore, of course, lends itself to not having fully normalized data, to heavily denormalizing data, but occasionally you will have little bits of normalization on that. OK. So the next thing I was wondering about your backend is the statefulness of the 10-second countdown. If you have one thing that a rest client-- or sorry, a rest server is not very good at is statefulness because it's intentionally stateless, and something like a countdown. Once the game starts, how did you guys-- how did you have the server enforce the fact that after 10 seconds-- you know, what if both clients cheated, and they blocked any communication at 10 seconds? Did the server have something up its sleeve to force the end of the hand? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. So the backend does nothing towards the counter. This is something that the client triggers to us. But if they want to kind of miss their-- trick the backend into thinking that they did not send a match, the backend, we will then send in an error, and the match will not go on. So if a player tries to cheat, their match will be-- it will be left in an inconsistent state. And so basically they can break the match, but they will gain nothing from that. No. So if they try to do that in a way, there will be no way for them to gain from that so they will lose their streak. So yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: OK. All right. So cheating would only hurt yourself. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, basically. And we also implement a couple of measures in the client that, for example, if I don't get a play, I try to-- I call them back and say, hey, is there a result that I missed? Maybe our information has been missed or something like that. So the client does send a couple of requests to the backend to try to-- to verify if their client is in an invalid, inconsistent state to try to fix that. CRAIG LABENZ: We just got one question. I think I know the answer to this, but I'm going to let you field it, of course. Did you use Flame? And if not, what were the factors in that decision? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. So, yes, we did use Flame, but it was only for the animations, for some of the animations. So I don't know if you remember when I showed the game, when a metal card faced against a ground card? Earth card? I don't remember the relation of all the elements. There are so many relations. CRAIG LABENZ: I think it was water. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. So the animation of-- or the water one versus the fire where the water eats the card, like with a splash and that sort. The animation is done via spreadsheet animation, and for that we use Flame. For everything else we use just plain Flutter, and the decision behind that was that this is a card game so the game is kind of a turn based, right? So the turn happens at the same time, but until a player choose a card, there is nothing happening in the screen. So we are just waiting for the players to play something. So there was not really a necessity for an active game loop engine like Flame is, right? So we figured out that there wasn't much of a reason to use Flame other than this, for this for the animation ones. Which we could also just implement a special animation just using Flutter. But since Flame already have that, so why would we [INAUDIBLE]? So we just use the package. CRAIG LABENZ: Did you turn off Flame's game loop, or did you let it just spin and do nothing? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, so in Flame-- Flame is just a widget, right? So when we're building a Flame game, you have the Flame game, and you have the Flame gaming widget. The game loop will just run as long as that game is attached to the gaming widget. So the game loop is running when animations are in the screen. Once they are exposed, the games pause together, and Flame, out of the box, provides a sprite animation widget, which is that sprite animation that you handle in a Flame game but in a widget, which is just a convenient helper for you to use directly in a Flutter app if you want to show especially animation that is not inside a game but you want to show in your widget tree. CRAIG LABENZ: Gotcha. We got another question from a Flame expert. How is the foil effect applied to the cards? This could be a leading question. Was it done through a custom painter? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, so I can show the code for that if you want to, but it's-- CRAIG LABENZ: Sure. Yeah, yeah. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Let me bring my editor here. CRAIG LABENZ: I'm ready for it when you-- all right, there we are. ERICK ZANARDO: There we are. So before I go into that, I didn't work very deeply on this, but I can give a broad idea of how we implemented that. So let me bring the card widget. It is this one, but I want to show you the file shaded one. So basically this is the widget that applies the shader to our card widget. We just have some basic attributes here, the path for the shading itself. And this is done by using everything that Flutter provides to us out of the box. So we have this shader builder, which we need to return a sampler, and then we just used the animated sampler passing all the required attributes that the shader requires. And we can see those attributes if I show you the shader, which I will not try to explain because that's too complicated. And I don't really know how shaders really work under the hood. I know how to put that in a Flutter app. Where is the-- CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, I was just actually producing some shader resources earlier this week that'll come out later this month. They have a steep learning curve, let me tell you what. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. They are not that simple. You see, I don't even have syntax highlighting for shaders. I should have. That's my fault. I mean, we can try to understand it a little bit. So you see we have this rainbow effect function method, and this does a bunch of image processing code. And, yeah, by just taking this file that's written in shader language and put it with those-- CRAIG LABENZ: Wolfenrain says, shaders are easy once you sacrifice your soul to the shader god. ERICK ZANARDO: Yes, exactly, and I'm not really ready for that yet. So yeah. That's super simple to put it. Yeah? CRAIG LABENZ: There's one thing in this file that I do want to just spend a second talking about. A lot of the heavy lifting is done by-- there's two widgets here that, if you haven't seen, are going to be a little confusing and hard to parse. So the shader builder, that one's a little easier to maybe imagine. That compiles the shader and just makes it available to your app. ERICK ZANARDO: Exactly. CRAIG LABENZ: But that animated sampler is kind of a crazy one. So what the animated sampler does is first renders something in your Flutter app. And then it applies a shader to what that original widget would have rendered. And we can see the animated sampler takes two parameters. The first one is a function, and it goes from lines 4 to 15. And so that's-- this could have been called an animated sampler builder, and that would have been the builder method. But it's just a positional argument. You can absolutely think of it as a builder. And then on line 16, the very bottom line in the file right now, we can see a child is passed in. That's the widget that the animated sampler takes, renders, and then applies the shader to. So that's how a card could get passed in here and suddenly have the foil effect drawn on top of it. And it is honestly all a lot. I happen-- we just released-- the Flutter team released a bunch of talks yesterday for Google I/O. Mine happened to be about exactly this stuff, which is the only reason I even know what I'm talking about right now as I look at this file. I had to learn it to put together that talk. But, anyway, yeah, if you're interested in how the foil effect would be done in shaders in general, you can check that out. It's the next Gen UIs one. Anyway. Yeah, animated sampler-- and the code inside animated sampler is bananas. Some of the least intelligible-- I mean, it is wild. It is really, really wild stuff. But that's why the Flutter team made it because the engineer that wrote that widget was like, he's so deep in the rendering pipeline and all the things. And he just said to himself one day, no one will ever figure this out if we don't offer it, so just stapled together these kind of primitive helpers. All right, anyway. So shaders. That's how that was all done. OK, let's see here. So we know that you've got Flutter on the front end, obviously. You've got Dart Frog on the backend, but Dart Frog's only half the backend. Firebase is the other half. You're using Cloud Firestore, and presumably maybe a couple of other products as well. Probably not any functions. Maybe, though? Yeah, what-- ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, we eventually used Firebase functions in the end to make the scoreboard. So in order to also avoid the cheating and all that stuff, we made that the scoreboards are set by a Firebase function that is triggered for on write that happens on another entity that is also managed by the backend. But we end up using Firebase functions on this small piece of the whole thing of the game. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. I was just going to answer a question in the chat. Someone said Jonah is a wiz and I'm going to-- I have to type here, yes, Jonah is. That's to-- and the theme is SynthWave '84. But this is not my theme currently on screen. So what theme are we looking at right now, Erick? ERICK ZANARDO: That's it. That's exactly what that is. It's SynthWave '84. But this is not VSCode. This is VIM. So-- CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. What's the name of this color scheme? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, it's SynthWave '84. It's that. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, this is SynthWave as well? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. But for VIM. CRAIG LABENZ: Got it. OK. All right. Well, yeah, there's that purple. OK. I feel like I get more pink in mine, but yeah. I guess it's just a slightly different take. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: Cool. SynthWave developers unite. All right. So let's see here. I'm trying to think about other things. Now, I heard you also used the-- you also started with the-- ERICK ZANARDO: Oh, my god. CRAIG LABENZ: --Casual Games toolkit. Oh, we got a runaway AirPod. ERICK ZANARDO: Just a minute. My AirPods just fell off my ear. Sorry about that. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, they love to do that. They don't fit in my ears either. I don't know-- ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, that's a-- CRAIG LABENZ: I don't have the blessed ear shape, I guess. The Apple AirPods, I put them in. They're just like, see ya, and they jump right out. So I know-- well, I gather that you all used the Casual Games Toolkit. And, yeah, what was that experience like? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, it was great. So it's very easy to get it set up. You just need to get a team player to get that-- who got that from the website. Everything is super well explained. The only unfortunate thing was that the toolkit's very, very-- the idea of it to help a lot of the things that mobile developers will need. So it helps a lot if you want to have ads and integrate with the Play Store game services or the one from webs. I don't remember the name as well. So since this is a web game, unfortunately, we were not able to take advantage of those features. But it gave us a really good edge on the audio setup because audio setup on web is-- especially on web when running on mobile phones, it can be a little bit tricky, a little bit buggy. And the Casual Games Toolkit already have all of that figured out. We have an audio services class here that I can even show you since I still have my code on. Here you go. We have this great audio controller class that handle background music, handle sound effects ones, to handles-- or it integrates with assets controller that also came with the Casual Games Toolkit. So all this set up to make games-- play a music, play sound effects, and give the ability to the user to mute and to disable sounds. All of that was figured out by the toolkit. So that was a great, great headstart that the toolkit gave, which is what the toolkit's intended for, right? To not build your game but to give you a head start and don't need to worry about those setup things that all games will need to have. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. So, yeah. Nice, by the way, that you all finally got to take advantage of a headstart block of code from someone else since you have a very good start package or template that you offer for everyone else to use. So let's see. Gosh, there's so much more that went into this game. So the AI integrations, one thing-- because a lot of this was done on very, very, very early AI products that aren't fully released yet and aren't fully safety tested yet, an early decision was-- well, first of all, the earliest vision was quite a bit bolder than the game ended up being. For those who don't know, originally the original idea was that users would kind of type in free form what they wanted their character to be, so you could really get imaginative and type different just string answers for powers, and then images would be generated in real time. That was the goal. That ended up being a bit of a challenge, both because the models were so new and weren't fully safety tested, and so it was moved to having all of the AI-generated art and character descriptions that were written by Bard-- well, the PaLM API-- that was all pregenerated. So still done by an AI, but ahead of time. And then we got the dropdown. So it's like we're going to pregenerate for these specific things because you can't pregenerate for the entire universe of possibilities someone can type in. So what was it like for the team as you were moving around this-- as the goalposts, basically, were just being moved on what the AI story was going to be? Because I know that was in flux for pretty much up until the final word, until the final launch. So what was that like on your end? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, so this is an interesting story for us because at the beginning it was like you mentioned. So they would be generated in real time, so we would be given a service that, given a prompt, we would get an image. So that's quite a simple integration from an application perspective, right? We just need to call an API, get an image, probably save that image somewhere so we could-- we don't need to keep calling that to get that same image. So that was kind of given to us. On the beginning of the project, we just mock the service. We create a super simple endpoint that would return a handle on the image just to try to simulate what we'd get in real life, and we move on with the development of the game. We got very far just by using those mock surfaces. Then we decided to go through that generative stuff. And then we had to start to brainstorm on how to use that. So after a couple of talks we just realized that, OK, so we're going to give you some images that will follow a pattern on their file name. So, basically, the file names are named character, underscore, character class, underscore, their location, if I remember correctly. I think that's the pattern. Then a variation because you have multiple variations per parameter combination to give the players the-- look how many images we got from these pregenerated [INAUDIBLE].. But there's so much randomness that the idea was that the player would not even realize that. Once we figured out that that pattern that we got through the agreement of how the cards would be made, it was a simple change because we just need to get the prompts that the client side would send to the backend, assemble the URL, and then we would just fetch on the cloud storage. And we thought, OK, that's simple. We are going to go. Then we started to generate the images. And we started to realize that we had thousands of images. If I remember correctly, we had 10,000 images or something like that. And then we start-- CRAIG LABENZ: A lot. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. A lot. And then we started to get, OK, we need to put that somewhere-- to host that somewhere for the app to get or be able to access that. So this is start us to think better on another part of the project that is not even the client side, not even the backend, but all the things that we did to make the generative stuff, the pregenerative stuff available to the game. So we made a lot of scripts to try to upload the images, to upload the descriptions in Firestore, and we had to start to find smarter ways because the first script that we did to upload the images, I realized that would take, I don't know, a couple of years to upload everything because there are so much-- so much data to upload. Then we started to do some research and figure out better ways to do the upload. We did many scripts that total normalized the images because sometimes the images didn't come with the standard that we had agreed upon with in the start. So we had to make some script to make sure that the images were correct. Then eventually we started to see images, cards generated without images. This is not possible because all the images follow a pattern. They should be-- but there is network-- there are network errors, there are human errors that we don't account for. So I actually realized that we had many missing images, many missing descriptions. CRAIG LABENZ: Descriptions. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. So then we went and make more scripts to validate that. So a script that would run through our database of prompts and check if there were images there. And then that was still not enough because we started to get, hey, we can get-- some images we can get better variations. So for some prompts combinations, we have 10, 12, 20 images. But for some others we have just eight or just four. So that makes our code a little bit more complex because how can the code know-- how can our application knows which combinations has 20 or 30 or just 10? So we figure out a way to create a kind of lookup tables in Firestore that would storage how many variations per prompt combinations we had. Yeah. So in the end, the solution is quite simple. You know? We just have a script that runs through a folder, creates those lookup tables, upload them to Firestore. Than the backend simply gets the prompt, do a carry on Firestore to get those lookup tables, and return the image. But the process to get to this complete solution was an interesting one to go because we were always learning. Because the volume of the data was incredibly big. I mentioned that we had 10,000 images, which seems a lot, but for description we had 420,000. So yeah. It took me one hour, then I have to upload, then hour to production. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. I bet. There was a-- I know the folks on Google's end who were manually looking at all of those images and confirming that none of them had anything weird or just inappropriate, those people's brains turned to mashed potatoes by the end of the process. Yeah. They looked at so many pictures of Dash and Sparky standing in front of a Disney castle, basically. It's just like, ah! OK, we got some good questions in the chat. Randal asks, in the spirit of this all being an AI-themed I/O, did you use any code assists while writing this game? Copilot, Bard, ChatGPT? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. I use Copilot because I have access to it because of the open source program of Copilot. So yes, my answer would be, yes, I used Copilot. CRAIG LABENZ: Nice. Yeah, AI to write AI code. Hmm. OK, this is a million dollar question. Melanie asks, how long does it take to develop this game? And we could spend the rest of the time, I think, talking about the answer to this. I'll rephrase this first. I think this question could take a lot of forms. First I'll say, how long did you have? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. So the amount of months, we had three months for everything from ideation, to the first prototype, to the final thing. But we had many phases, you know? So we changed the-- like I mentioned, we went through many ideas. We tried many different approaches. Even when we was sure that this would be a card game, we still changed the mechanics a little bit. So I would say that for the final thing, once we were sure what we would going to do, I would say one and a half months, more or less. Maybe a little bit more. Yeah. Something like that. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, my gosh. Oh. 10 minutes if you fork it. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. That's true. CRAIG LABENZ: That's funny. Although that's a slow fork, got to say. The fork button in GitHub is faster than that. So, OK, six weeks, I'm hearing, is how long you actually had. How long would you have liked to have had? ERICK ZANARDO: That's not a fair question because now we know everything. Not know everything. That's a bold thing to say. But we learned a lot during this process, so right now we could make many things different. We could improve many things, like I mentioned, all those scripts stuff that went one week to figure out what would be the best way. So right now, if I would do this again, we would probably do this the right way right from the beginning. So I would say that three month is a good time frame to build something this size. Of course, everything that I'm saying is not taking into account all the work that Google did about the machine learning stuff, about the models and the depth area. I would not dare to give a-- CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, that's true, because folks on the ML side on Google's end were working on that pretty much nonstop, trying to meet you in the middle, essentially, to figure out how that was going to work. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, that's true. OK, so you had six weeks. And I think one of the trickiest things at the end was the matchmaking, and I remember thinking matchmaking would require, itself, weeks of load testing and probably would require its own team, honestly, to completely-- to get matchmaking totally right. And with so little ramp-up period, it's like no one knows about it. No one knows about the game. No one knows. No one knows. No one knows. No one knows. Oh, everyone knows and everyone's playing. And so just figuring out, did we engineer a system that can go from zero to light speed in seconds is-- I think it is just genuinely not possible. So I know matchmaking was one of the biggest headaches down the stretch, and I think, honestly, that probably would have needed its own six weeks, minimum, period to totally get right. But, yeah, that was-- gosh, there was a lot of complexity in this thing. Just to flip over a couple of cards and see, is my integer higher than your integer? Whew. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: A lot went into it. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. I mean, how much player games-- [COUGHS] sorry. How much player games have a complex of their own because when you think that-- when I analyze things the way you mention, it's just two integers to compare. Yeah, but those integers will come in hand on times of periods of time. So the timeline of the things are the tricky part because we need to take account about inconsistencies. One interesting bug that we had was that it seemed that your opponent played the card before you, but then it showed after, and then the game state was all messed up. That was happening because something that we didn't even know could happen. Like, a state that was triggered by Firestore first arrived after in the client. So the client would be receiving two triggers but in the wrong order. So that completely messed up with the game logic, and we had-- CRAIG LABENZ: How did you fix that? How do you account for that? ERICK ZANARDO: It was actually a quick, simple solution. The tricky part was to realize that was the bug. So once we realized that was the issue, it was simply a matter of, OK, let me check if this state is outdated. If it is, I just discard it. Don't even consider for the game, because the states are always triggered correct. So I wrote this state first, then I wrote the second one, so this second one is correct. It contains all the data from the previous one. CRAIG LABENZ: I see, ERICK ZANARDO: But they arrived in a different order. So what was happening was that the client was being-- the correct state would be overridden by the wrong one. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. ERICK ZANARDO: So it just had to discard the incorrect one. But the trick part was to realize that was the issue. CRAIG LABENZ: Right. Yeah. It's a-- oh, man. If your game state is terse enough that you're able to send the whole-- the whole universe goes out with every communication, then, yeah, that certainly makes that a lot easier. But the trick with sending the whole universe out with every communication, it sounds like, OK, well, that's easy. But I imagine you may have also had things where if the server didn't get-- if the server screwed up in any way, like you said, just like a write fails or something goes wrong, there's no way to reconstruct what should have happened. You're just lost at that point, I'm guessing. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, and that actually happened. So there was one edge case where the game would be over, but that would be no result on the document that the client received it. So we did some things to resolve that which was basically the client-- when the client gets the game state, it checks. Because when-- remember that I mentioned that one factor to use a Dart backend would be to share code between the client and the server? So that helped us-- that gave us the ability on the client to do some verifications. So the client knows when a game is over, but it cannot calculate the result of a match. So when the client realized, OK, the match is over but I don't have a result, I just call backend. I say, hey, can you give me a result? And then the state would be rebuilt and everything would work. CRAIG LABENZ: OK. OK. Yeah, it's funny. That's like the allure of nonserver authoritative logic, right? You know? It'd be so tempting to be like, well, the client can't figure out a result. Really? It can't decide if it has more points than the other player? It's like, yeah, well, if it decides then someone's going to cheat. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. And super easy. You know? It's not that complicated to cheat. CRAIG LABENZ: Right. Right. OK, let's see. I want to look at some more questions from the chat. Someone a lot earlier and then again just now-- oh, here's the one from earlier-- asked, yeah, where is this code, by the way? What's the repository? ERICK ZANARDO: It's Flutter slash I/O underscore FLIP on the Flutter organization. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, it's a Flutter repo. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: Flutter I/O underscore FLIP? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, there it is. Huh. I'd assumed it was a VGV repo. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, it was, but we transferred before the event. CRAIG LABENZ: Oh, OK. Got it, got it, got it. OK. Typing. All right. Well, that's all done. This question is I guess maybe more for Google's end of things. How much time do you estimate was saved using artificial intelligence to generate the images and descriptions? Well, infinite. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: You said it was 10,000 images and 420,000 descriptions? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, that's the final number of the collection of the game right now. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. So writing 420,000 descriptions is, I think, basically impossible. Any human beings that you assigned that task to would probably go mad and quit before they completed the job, so you'd just never-- ERICK ZANARDO: Maybe a few hundred people may be able to, but-- CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. Maybe. ERICK ZANARDO: --too much. CRAIG LABENZ: And for the images, the interesting thing was the team on Google's end that was making those images really wanted to make sure it wasn't going to generate crazy nonsense. We didn't want very, very loaded, very inappropriate images ever appearing. So it was a model-- so Google has this model that's trained only on responsible, safe, royalty-free, essentially open source images. And so it, in theory, should be incapable of rendering some of images of the worst things from human history and whatnot. You can't ask it to be Dash holding insignias from terrible governments of the past and whatnot because it just doesn't know what those are. But it doesn't know what Dash is either. They trained this image on artwork that was commissioned by this design agency that Google and Flutter work with all the time. And they produced these really just stunning images of all these characters. They had quite a few of them. And so then this pretty safe, responsible image-generating model-- which I believe is called Muse-- was tailored or was fine tuned, essentially, to learn about Dash and Sparky and the other characters, and then it started spitting all those out. So, anyway, all of this is to say the answer to this question is, however long-- 10,000 images. So how long would it take for that design firm to generate 10,000 images minus how long it took them to generate a hundred or however many they made for the training data, and then the time spent training? I think, again, just a crazy amount of time. But they got-- it's a pretty cool thing to teach this model-- basically, all it knows how to do is plop these four characters in fantastic fairy tale locations and it's pretty cool. Yeah, pretty neat. All right, let's see here. So we've talked about some of the bugs. I'm guessing there's a lot more fun bugs that are fun in hindsight or that were driving you a little mad in the moment. What are some of your other kind of just best battle stories from developing this? What bug had you most confused, actually? I'll start with that one. What one made you go, how is this possible? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, so I have one that I think is-- it is not confusing in the way that it was difficult to find or it was a tricky bug to find. But we got to one bug report that the game was not working on Pixel 7. We were in a rush, we were trying to think, so we had so many things in our heads to figure it out that we didn't even realize that Pixel 7 was not even out yet. So that was the most funny story, I think, for-- we tried to debug this bug. We didn't have a Pixel 6. So we tried to debug it on that one, but we weren't able to figure out what was not working. And then we realized that the Pixel 7 was not out yet. And then, yeah, that was the most funny. CRAIG LABENZ: Cannot reproduce, send Pixel 7-- ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, exactly. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah, that-- and that was like the owl wasn't showing up, right? Is that the-- ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. The owl and the card pack animation. So none of those were being show on Pixels. CRAIG LABENZ: Well, that is weird. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: I don't-- it's like the intersection of two very specific things. Something is going wrong. ERICK ZANARDO: We tried to figure out the-- CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. Chloe and I, who had that little game, the promo video, we were playing on Pixel 7A's brand new phones, which is-- I think the bug report you got was from us. And I hadn't played it on other phones. So I didn't know that it worked on other phones. So I thought it was a mobile issue, and-- yeah, but we were playing on that. And then for the video, the owl was just added in after the fact. It was edited in post because I don't think you ever figured out what was going on with the Pixel 7's. ERICK ZANARDO: It should be showing now, by the way. We've made a simpler version, and it should be showing for all mobiles now. CRAIG LABENZ: OK. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: Nice. Nice. All right. I'm just looking over my notes to see if there are any other thoughts that I had. I think we've pretty much gotten to everything. We talked about how the game was settled upon, the nature of building it in Flutter, having a Dart backend, integrating that with Firebase, server side authoritative aspects. I'm just running through it all out loud here and make sure we didn't miss anything. Talking to Firestore from Dart. That's always a trick. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: But a very interesting detail there about how your server doesn't need to have an open connection. One of the coolest things about Firestore is you can watch those games or you can watch documents, sorry, but the server doesn't need to do that. Certainly, unless it's a-- if it's a RESTful server, if you have something long lived, then it could. Oh, scaling things. Scaling thing. So you got to work-- maybe this can be the last thing unless we get some more questions from the chat. You got to work side by side with Firebase SREs. And I imagine how much you know about the internals of Firebase and how to profile a Firestore database has gone up an order of magnitude or two. So what's some kind of fun stuff that you learned in that regard? ERICK ZANARDO: Mm-hmm. Yeah, so I still have a lot to learn about in terms of Firestore and Firebase, but I did learn a good deal. I talk a lot with Berf. He helped me a lot trying to understand how to make the Firestore scale better. I think the thing that I really liked to learn was how Firestore collections, they scale Firestore individually. So if you-- so Firestore scale everything for you automatically, right? When it hit a certain load, it starts to scale to a new tier. So when there is a surge of excess interconnection, some users may face a little bit more of latency because Firestore is scaling the collection for you. So one thing that we can do to avoid that-- and we tried and we did that for the launch-- was to warm up our database. So even though it would not make the game unplayable for anyone, it would make everyone's experiences better if you could warm up and avoid those latencies while the Firestore is scaling your collections. So he showed me this interesting tool that is called Key Visualizer that you can access it from the Firebase Console. We will see more information in Google Cloud. It will take you to a section of Firestore in Google Cloud. And you can see this beautiful heatmap about access of your collections. And it shows how much requests per second you have on each collections. As your database is getting more and more and more requests, it starts scaling collections differently. So it starts to see what is the attire of the card descriptions collection, what is the attire of the card description. And with that, you can decide what collection to better scale. So you can identify, OK, so we know that card collection is one that will be accessed a lot. We'll have a lot of rights on that collection because people will generate cards, and that's the core thing of the game. So you can go there and decide which collections you can use to scale. CRAIG LABENZ: And when you say warm it up, I imagine you mean just spam records into the collection. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. Yeah. So there is a-- CRAIG LABENZ: Just fill it up, whatever. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, there's an interesting rule. So it's 55,000, and then you can use that operation for more. So you keep doing 50 operations for five minutes, then you go up to 500 per minute and you keep going if you need to. Then that is usually what Firestore needs to know that they need to scale up your collection to the next tier. And the cool thing is that once that collection is scaled to our upper tier, they never go back. So just need to do that once. So if you are really sure that a collection will have a lot of throughput, a lot of operations per second, you can do that beforehand. CRAIG LABENZ: OK. Interesting. Interesting. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. I loved to learn that. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. One thing I heard from one of the Firebase SREs was that you can have-- Firebase does great at logarithmic scaling, even exponential scaling, but what it will still struggle with is a cliff. So if you ramp up, Firebase can ride with you. But if you go from very little to-- [IMITATES ACCELERATION] because the keynote just dropped your link, then, like anything, it can struggle. So yeah, the warming up sounds pretty important. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: All right. Erick, you have been thinking about nothing other than I/O FLIP, I expect, for the last three months. And now you've agreed to think about it for one more morning by joining me here to chat about it, so I-- gosh, thank you. Thanks to the whole Very Good Ventures team for pulling this off. Gosh. Everyone was working around the clock long nights, weekends. I know your whole team was. We were on the images. Just like on my end, it was the video. Everyone was just kind of hitting it nonstop. Yeah. PTO, Erick, that's the-- ERICK ZANARDO: I will. I will. CRAIG LABENZ: That's what the people want is for you to get a break. Anyway, gosh, I just had the best time working on this whole thing, and I don't know. Any closing thoughts from you, Erick? ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah, just want to say thank you for the opportunity to be here. It's super great for me to-- having the opportunity to work on this project was already super great and having the opportunity to share our experience of that project for everybody to tell our learnings, our thoughts, things that we-- everything. It's a great honor to me, so thank you so much. And if anybody has any additional questions that I didn't cover-- because there's so many things to cover. I'm pretty sure I didn't went through all. Just hit me on Discord, on Twitter, on whatever network that you may find me. I'm happy to talk more about. CRAIG LABENZ: Nice. And your handle is CPTPixel, right? C-P-T. ERICK ZANARDO: Yeah. CRAIG LABENZ: Pixel, P-I-X-E-L. ERICK ZANARDO: Exactly. CRAIG LABENZ: Yeah. Well, everybody needs to follow CPTPixel for the hottest Flutter engineering competency you'll find anywhere on Twitter. OK. Erick, thank you so much for joining. Everybody who tuned in, a lot of great questions from the chat. I really appreciate that. Exhausted all the questions that we had lined up before I thought we would, so I appreciate that. And, folks, next week I hope to be here, but then "Observable Flutter" is going to go on holiday for a little bit because I'm going to be in Europe for a long time. I'll be in Paris for the Flutter Connection, then I'll be in Amsterdam for I/O Connect, and then be in Berlin for FlutterCon. I'm just staying in Europe the whole time. So next week I think might be the final "Observable Flutter" until later in the summer. So the show won't be off the air or anything. We're not pulling the plug, even though it's going to be going to be quiet for a little bit. But I hope to see you all next week. Erick, thank you so much again. Please go sleep. ERICK ZANARDO: I will. CRAIG LABENZ: Go take a nap. And, everybody, I'll see you next week. ERICK ZANARDO: Bye-bye.
Channel: Flutter
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Length: 71min 36sec (4296 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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