Object 292 But Only Using HE

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[Music] the War Thunder player base has been asking for large caliber mbts for quite some time and with this gajin have finally relented this is object 292 it is basically just a tedb but with more gun as you would expect it has quite a poent apfsds round but we're not going to be using that today we're going to be using H it has a Monumental amount of pens so it should be pretty fun I think using H only might be the best way to play this honestly because like yeah having a dart that can go through anything is nice but being able to oneshot everything is nice too I just got to be careful we can't be too ambitious we do have a 10sec Reload rate 12 seconds later here I go I'm being dumb [Music] again I don't even really have to aim oh I'm being shot from behind yeah please stop doing that that is quite annoying kind of wish we had an uh HMG how did he not break our Barrel what is this Barrel made out of I mean I get it it looks like the trunk of a tree but I don't think that should make it stronger we are off to a pretty good start already we have one shot everything that we've seen ow and we just tanked a shot now is the time to strike [Music] oh I love giant high explosive Vehicles so much the gun sounds so meaty too I swear they made this gun sound like 5 DB louder than any other gun in the game but I'm here for it that is a guy we got his Barrel our first not one shot uh I think he stopped there yes he did but unfortunately that would have been the one time that having apfsds would have benefited us oh we don't have a coax do we uh I can hit his Spike launcher okay that did not do as much damage as IID hoped ow come on on breach don't fail me now you failed me oh he got an ace right off the bat that's pretty good I feel like that vilus probably should have died from that but you know it's whatever it's really unfortunate that we don't get a coax I did not know that where is this guy at got him I think that's the leopard we shot earlier you need help man you good you all right there we go he was probably fine but you never know it's better to just help out anyway the LA ad just got eaten by something why am I so cold all of a sudden I'm shivering well apparently that's where the cv90 is oh he's probably going to die in half a second I imagine oh you're really goof man yeah I was like half a second away from hitting him I'm moving to the wee ball strategy hello sir goodbye uh is there still something in the smoke here I would love to probe it with my non-existent coax but you know how it is I definitely hear like a leopard or something NOP not a leopard but pretty close not really normally I try to aim with big high explosive Vehicles like this but I'm not not even trying uh critical hit how did that not kill him another uptier which I guess makes sense everyone plays 11.0 yeah 8.6 kg of TNT equivalent smacking a tank directly oh yep and that's why everyone plays 11.0 oh I see someone let's see if we can give him a nice little surprise nope that was a Miss can you stand still for a second please I don't have that much ammo oh we can hit that the shell looked so big it's like we threw a boulder at him I really want to kill that M1 but he he's too Wy dude just does not sit still please die thank you oh my goodness right on the upper front plate oh no you don't it's really funny that all I need to make top tier bearable is a giant high explosive round there's another guy uh I didn't even hit his Lower Side I'm pretty sure we just side pinned him oh there's too many termites around here yeah I need to get away from these guys because we are a prime bomb Target I'm going to get some more ammo real quick I think I hear something approaching yep I just feel bad about that one I thought it was like a challenger or something let's see here okay I don't know how that took out his Cannon Barrel but it didn't do it anything else to him uh I'm gonna have to just get like right up in this guy's face aren't I you are making this very annoying sir I can't even really see that guy but I'm just going to send around okay yeah that was nowhere close I think someone is attempting to shoot me also there's a bad guy on C ammo replenishment is going to have to wait I guess okay that is very annoying that's for shooting my Barrel even though I don't think you were the one to do it I really hope my team doesn't throw this match but I don't have very high hopes oh no oh I missed come on reload there we go yeah I don't think you're going to Faire much better my friend no no he did not yep knew that was going to happen I love helicopters so much man they were such a good addition to the game get out of here oh I'm going to get bombed now huh MH as long as we can just hold b or a we should be all right I really wish I had any kind of machine gun right now yeah man just hide from the cast it's not hard we are 40 points off of a nuke please do not do that yep we're going to lose on tickets okay that that is a nuke though that is a nuke even if we couldn't drop it my team let me down so hard I do really appreciate that you don't even have to aim on this like it is fun aiming H at cupas and sights and all that but you can just point and click most of the time with this this is our first down tier game I hope I don't drop the ball I think it's hilarious that people thought this would be a glass Cannon no dog it tanks so many rounds I'm not going to spawn Camp I'm going to fight in the city there is something on C preventing it from being capped I see it actually no pun intended uh I feel like that that's where I was aiming but I feel like my Barrel wasn't quite there yet I feel like that should have hit his lower front plate they're just going to get eaten alive in their spawn now it's over a excuse me excuse me sir huh does he even know know where he got hit from okay hi ztz bye ztz I think that leopard definitely should have died to the first shot but what do I know there is something like over there yep just shot my friend what are oh yeah you can pretty much Road whe anything with this if you don't know where to shoot hi leopard well Puma you know how we deal with that like so apparently there's a guy over there but I can't see anything I don't see Jack Jack yeah I know you can keep pointing over there it's not going to help me see through the hill that was such a snapshot oh my goodness was that even the guy that were pointing pointing out no I don't think it was oh there was a guy right there that I just didn't notice because I'm blind oh he's behind the building I think uh yep that'll do it I am in love with this thing boys got him that that scared the absolute hell out of me what did that I told you man I always do worse in down tier matches I don't get it what the hell that's new I'm not even really noticing a difference between up tiers and down tiers in this I think I hear a guy already I see a guy actually um problem is he's going to be able to shoot me before I can shoot him unless I do that this is a less than ideal spot to be transmission track okay yeah I need to like back up or something I can't be sitting this far forward with a 10-second reload oh there's stuff off to my right though oh I that was such a small window of opportunity oh there's several things ow uh where were you there you are Abrams uh oh that was like the easiest shot in the world but I was a Split Second too late let's see if we can hit this guy nope I cannot he is too far forward oh I didn't think I could hit the machine gun let alone it would do anything oh is that no that's a turret I think what is that apparently there is a leopard too over here could probably go help with that uh I think they've probably got it handled I imagine yeah he did I was being greedy I am going to get more ammo real quick I should probably just take more to begin with because I thought maybe I would take only the ready rack to increase survivability but we are surviving for a very long time I guess I shouldn't be surprised that we're surviving so many shots to the side given that you know we are a t80 what fired that at me oh hello um yep that'll do it ah it is always Cass isn't it I think I've only died to a tank twice right oh no you don't this map should be pretty fun because people always sit in this area here so I should be able to just Bonk them there's a guy I can o no I I don't know if I want to do that okay got his engine and Cannon Barrel that's a good start pleas I bet you we have to like try and hit his sight yep that works not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be uh die I actually don't see oh wait yes I do come on no surely we can hit that no that's too high get it right this [Music] time yeah I can confidently say high explosive is the way to go on this thing ow what did that oh I didn't even really have to aim that oh I'm doing I'm doing the thing where I do the the office look to my non-existent webcam yep that guy had one ground kill and one assist and that was enough to spawn in a fully loaded cast plan you'll love to see it and by love I mean despise God I hate this map oh I already see a guy get absolutely smoked yeah he left after that one oh my goodness that's the best shot I've hit in quite a while let's see what's going on over here hello rodon Fagen oh he's being smart he's not rushing fully got him die please um excuse me oh this is so much fun as a sniping tank it's probably how I should be playing it this always happens on tanks that I like I play conservatively do really well and then I get too hyped up and play really stupidly so yeah that's object 292 it is an incredible amount of fun I don't know if it's worth the grind because the new Grind is pretty terrible but if you're just going to GE it anyway yeah it's pretty good high explosive is absolutely absolutely the way to go obviously apfsds is still going to work but high explosive is just so much more fun and you can one hit kill people while they're turet down so anyway if you guys have suggestions for video topics leave in the comments and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Spookston
Views: 280,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warthunder, war thunder, war thunder gameplay, war thunder spookston, spookston war thunder, war thunder memes, war thunder funny moments, spookton, war thunder tank gameplay, war thunder tanks funny moments, spookston, war thunder update, war thunder nuke, Object 292 But Only Using HE, spookston object 292, war thunder object 292, war thunder object 292 worth it, war thunder object 292 gameplay
Id: fYg_uEsA53k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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