Oakland visitors fall victim to car burglars, helpless as device tracked to SF

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Speaking with a man from Ohio who said he took the right precautions but was still targeted. Henry Julie, the victim, tells me he and his son had just landed in Oakland and stopped by a fast food restaurant. Not knowing that area is a hotspot for smash and grabs. We had not sat down yet with someone, ran into the restaurant, said there a car been broken into? Marc De is frustrated. He and his son visiting Oakland from Ohio, stopped by this in and out near the Oakland airport for some food. We had not been there 15 minutes. We went to In-N-Out restaurant there by the airport and we're told lock our valuables in the trunk of our car. Did that. But cell phone video from a witness shows what happened in the parking lot on Friday. Someone in this Ford Explorer broke into their rented Toyota Corolla and then took off. You hear the stories, but where we come from, from rural Ohio, where cattle farmers and I'm a chiropractor, we just don't see things happen that fast. And it was like, wow. The right rear window smashed by a thief who then made a beeline for the trunk. Oakland Police officer Milagro Ortega took a report from de San Marcos, who lost a suitcase with a number of items, including his iPad. All can be replaced. No one got hurt, but so is shocking. But even more shocking is that after they got an alert that the stolen iPad was pinging from Laguna and Golden Gate in San Francisco, they thought they could track it down. But Oakland police told them their hands are tied. Oakland police cannot go searching because we are not there in person with them to go search that address. And they can't get a warrant for it, even though we have a screenshot. Father and son visit ballparks across the country and were in town to visit the Oakland Coliseum for the first time. All in all, they say they had fun. It just that first 15 minutes of that in and out parking lot in that area would seem to be very dangerous. Everything else is a great visit. We had a great time . Now, police say whenever possible, valuable should never be left inside cars and if possible, take things with you or go to the hotel first to drop things off. Live in studio Henry lee, ktvu fox two news. Yeah. Henry it used to be that we could put things in the trunk and they'd be safe. That is certainly not the case anymore. Yeah, that's right. So they know that things are in the trunk, so they'll go through the back window and then pull that
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 89,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad, burglar, Oakland, San Francisco, crime, police, theft
Id: C_sY7ic3_E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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