O-Block Louie on Getting Shot in the Head When King Von Got Killed (Full Interview)

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all right here we go today we have o black Louie who was with King vaugh at the time of his tragic passing Louie was shot in the head with one bullet and is now recovering after 10 operations welcome to Vlad TV it's a pleasure to be here hey man I'm glad you're here right now um a very very tragic situation which you luckily survived yeah well it's your first time here I want to start in the very beginning so you grew up in Southside Chicago yeah okay so what was that like in the the 2010s I mean you know it was it just how it was it's it's self-explanatory the same stuff that's going on right now okay and you had uh seven siblings yeah right two on your dad's side and five on your mom's side yeah I got a brother too though oh okay okay so uh what was that like growing up uh were both your parents around or you grew up with just your mom I mean I grew up with just my mom but my daddy was in the mix but you know I grew up with my mom okay and you actually knew Chief Keef fairly early I mean yeah you know he was he was around okay so you were born in oblock you moved there at one point no I'm really from the C building but once the C building got tow down then that's when I came to Parkway okay and how old were you when that happened K met building went down it's it's been a little minute like like a minute okay so what year did you actually meet King Von uh I met King Von probably in like 2009 2010 okay was he rapping back then or no that's the thing he was he was never known for rapping but once he got out of jail he took a try it and he just blew up okay and we're going to get to that point you know I just want to kind of set up a timeline of what everything happened so you're living in oblock and then Chief Keefe who you knew back then in 2012 he drops don't like yeah do you remember how big that was when he dropped that that was one of the hottest ones that was definitely one of the hottest ones okay because I mean Chicago hip hop has been around forever I mean you go back to Crucial Conflict you can go back to twister you go back to Common but but the type of hip-hop you know Chicago drill really wasn't on the map until Chief Keef came out when he dropped don't like and uh love Sola and I feel like suddenly there was this big big Spotlight on Chicago yeah what do you think changed after you dropped that I mean you know he he he opened dope for a lot of [ __ ] that's that's that's one thing I can't say like all the stuff that to happen but if you look at it he still open the door for a lot of [ __ ] right and before then you've never heard of oock but he really put oock on the map hey for real now do you know OD Perry yeah okay were you guys close I mean you know he was he he was one of the ones that I was close with you know he was he was definitely one of the ones I was close with when he got killed how'd you feel I mean you know that was the first loss so it hit a little different cuz that was really one of the first losses but you know how everybody well I ain't going to say everybody but how a certain person will feel when somebody die you know can't can't really give you an explanation on it but you know the same way you would feel if somebody die that you close to and that was the first person that actually died that you were close to yeah right cuz 2011 you were like 14 at the time yeah somewhere now okay I mean I mean he made such an impact that that whole area was called oblock after him yeah yeah man I'm sorry for your loss yeah thanks man but you know we all got to go through it okay so like I said Chief Keef drops 20 thou you know don't like in 2012 he signs his major deal he blows up and then there's this big Spotlight on Chicago hip-hop and you know you start seeing a lot of different artists start to pop up and everything else like that now before then there was always beef in hip-hop but people weren't talking about smoking their their dead enemies and stuff like that like smoking Tuka and everything else like that when you were you guys already talking like that before the music I mean no we definitely wouldn't okay so when you start hearing that in the music and then it spills into social media how how' you feel about that I mean you know at a time it was a trend but as you get old then see like man this this ain't what it is that's just what it is but you know some people don't get it until it's too late and then you got something that do get it so well 2014 King vau wasn't really rapping yet but he ends up getting charged with one count of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder yeah were you were you guys hanging out when he got picked up I mean yeah we was we was hanging out okay how did he take it when he got arrested no I W I was with him the day he got arrested though right okay well you weren't with him the day but I mean did he feel like okay I'm about to get arrested like you know it's looking bad for me was it a total shock when he got picked up I mean mean I ain't going to say it was a shocking but you know at the end of the day man you know when you do something even though he got found not guilty for it I mean that's just something you got a man up to you know okay so now King Von is locked up do you know Big Mike I mean I do but I I rather not speak on him for real for real okay fair enough because Big Mike essentially testified against King Bond yeah I I rather not speak on that okay when when King Von was locked up because he was locked up from 2014 to 2017 that's three years did you guys keep a contact at all I mean a little bit a little bit I ain't going to say like all the way but you know we we Kevin KH that okay and then in December of 2017 King Von gets acquitted of all his charges yeah and he comes home were you with him when he first comes home no I wasn't okay so when when did you guys link up again I mean you know see vanon he was he was he was just different you know but we we we linked up once he came to the block cuz the thing about it he wanted to go right to the block which I ain't understand why but he wanted to go right to the block and to this day I still don't wonder why so what do you mean he he want to go straight to the block to oock yeah okay but but he's from there right I mean but you just got out huh okay so I mean if anything you should be trying to do something else right go on vacation or something or something okay so now he starts hanging out Oak again so how long before he gets out did he does he start actually taking the rapping seriously I ain't going to lie him and Zoo head made a song and he was take he he wasn't really taking the serious but he start he start taking the serious after he made like I want to say like his his uh first three songs and then everybody got to tell him like man you need to take this s and he took his s and look what he was able to accomplish before he got up out of here right so like the early songs were like beat that body with Zoo yeah right that came out in 2018 and then war with us came out yeah hit right so how long after he started like seriously rapping does l Dirk sign him you know that part I don't really know cuz that's his business so that's another thing I can't speak on CU I don't really know so I can't say okay did you know Dirk I mean yeah I know Dirk okay but you weren't really close no not not not how I was with v okay but at one point Dirk does sign vau and at that point Dirk was on fire so suddenly everything raises up see that's what I'm saying I don't know if van signs to him or not so I can't say okay I see what you mean but but they do start to click up and they start doing songs and project defin was clicking up and doing what they was doing but far S I don't know if v s okay yeah I don't know what the what the paperwork is but I'm just saying van became part of OTF and now he's doing songs projects mixtapes everything else like that with dirt make it seem like he sing to him I guess yeah I I don't know the paperwork but regardless but they're they're working together yeah okay so then in 2018 after a couple of songs Von drops crazy story now that was the one that was the one that was the one right there right it goes eventually goes three times Platinum yeah uh I think like 750 million streams among all the different platforms hey it definitely did what it's supposed to did oh yeah and then there was a crazy story remix with a little Dirk then there was a crazy story part three no I like the first one yeah now the first one was the classic but the other ones are doing big numbers too did you guys know that was going to be the big song I mean like like I said I've never known van to be a rapper so this was all just new to me like I'm not even GNA say that I knew it was going to do that cuz I'm not knowing him to be a rapper so I'm thinking he just trying something but once it did what it did [ __ ] I even telling him he need to start taking the serious right cuz that song drops goes crazy and then in 2019 Von drops the grandson volume one mixtape yeah and that that was his first real mixtape right yeah okay how was the reaction to that I mean you know it was he was just working at that time you know getting getting in where he fit in the grandson nickname what exactly did that mean cuz I've heard different stories no they I guess they was trying to tell him that he was uh King David grandson or something like that so that's where the name come from right but from what I heard he's not really King David's grandson he not yeah but it was a cool little you know a cool little thing you know I can see why he would run with it yeah right cuz King David was a big figure in Chicago yeah okay okay so he's going crazy with this mixtape and then in 2020 he drops took her to the O that was another one 800 million streams on that yeah that was I think his his biggest song at that point yeah it was by the time that dropped like what did you notice that was that was different you know more shows all type of stuff you know everything was just coming in handy how I supposed to come in handy right because then he drops the leavon James mixtape yeah then he drops welcome to the O welcome to O Block the album yeah and that's his first Like official album yeah okay and at that point that's when all you know the shows are now cranking up and everything else like that yeah and and you were always with them when he did shows out of town well you know I lived with him so oh okay it was like you know I just want to say this like he didn't he didn't did so much for me like I can't even thank him enough like during this time of of him starting to blow up and touring around and doing shows what do you think were some of your greatest experiences with him uh just being there really just being there and watching him come from the ground up it was just being uh there was a viral clip where uh he went to oblock and he had 100,000 in cash yeah and you were you were right there right yeah I was but I wasn't in the pitch okay if that makes sense okay well what what was his what was his reason for doing that I mean you know what everybody should want to do get back to the community yeah okay so here we are in 2020 he's got big songs big projects but for the longest time he had been beefing with with FBG and on July of 2020 FBG duck drops dead [ __ ] where he disses OD Perry he disses Troy who was close to V he disses a little Steve and a bunch of other people even like women that lived over there and stuff like that when that song dropped how did you feel about it I mean people gonna do what they do so I can't even feel no type of way because you dissing his people and he dissing your people so I mean at the end of the day it really need to be a stop to it but you know people going to be who they gonna be so I can't really worry about nobody but myself right cuz van had talked about FG brick in some of his songs which is Duck's brothers so yeah it was going back and forth I mean did you know duck at all I mean I knew him but we ain't never had no altercation or nothing like that but I mean like if you beef with my guys then that's what it is you know I mean when you look at that time and when you think about it do you think at some point someone could have came in and said you know something this is just this is getting out of hand this is going to potentially go really bad which eventually it did could we just have a truce and just let bygones be bygones and you know like yeah we both said what we said but let's just not keep it going I mean yeah I would love for something to happen like that but you got to think about the people that they didn't lost death they k for or something like that you can't tell them how to feel but you know I will hope it to stop at some point though yeah well because on August 4th 20 20 fpg duck gets killed yeah when you heard about that what' you feel I mean I ain't really had no feelings to that you know okay so then we fast forward to November 6th 2020 now King V and NBA young boy and Quando had some sort of friction together the the rumor was that King Von was hanging out with young boy's baby mother and then quando Rondo who signed to young boy put himself into that situation I mean from your point of view what was the problem with everybody I mean to be honest I only there be able to tell you that the people Kanan I mean uh young boy and Van they they could be the only one that could tell you that cuz I really don't know what happened with that at one point they was cool but I don't know what happen right because at one point V and quando start beefing and Van said that he GNA do something to him when he sees it yeah yeah I mean you're living with Van you're you're right there did you ever try to say listen a lot of this [ __ ] is unnecessary you making a lot of money right now for the first time ever you're you're out of jail you got fans you got shows you got streams you got more girls than you know you've ever had before did you ever try to just get them to calm down I mean I have before now I ain't going to say every time because at the end of the day van going to be his own man anyway so but I mean it done been a time while I ain't GNA say exactly everything that you said but it didn't try to been times I done told him but I mean van is just really a lot to deal with and that's really all I can say like he can harder than all that but he just a lot to deal with okay so the night of the end incident uh you guys were actually celebrating boss Top's birthday yeah well top birthday yeah shout out to boss toop I've interviewed him before good dude so correct me if I'm wrong the the crew that you guys had together it was King Von of course it was you it was 100K track who was the manager who I've interviewed [ __ ] boss top and you guys had a security guard with you yeah okay who's the security guard his name was KJ okay was this like Professional Security or just someone you guys knew no he's a professional security guy okay so you guys are all in the parking lot hanging out and then King Von sees quando Rondo describe from your point of view what happens at that point I mean you know what happened when somebody say they G to send somebody in they send them ain't nothing else to talk about right because as soon as V sees quando he runs upon him and they start fighting yeah yeah did that surprise you when you saw that I mean it ain't surprising me because we had our already talked about this so it really ain't surprised me cuz he already said what he was going to do when he catch him but I mean it it a't have to go like that but instead it did okay so you're watching the fight start to happen did you start to run towards them or try to break it up or or anything no cuz Li him Goddamn it got out the car and I guess they trying to say that's who shot him which I don't really know but you know that's just what they trying to say so the fight's happening Lil Tim gets out the car [ __ ] is right there too right I believe so and then the shots start to break out because there's also police once once that shot rang out everybody just got the shooting okay how how many shots did you hear before you got hit yourself or do you not remember this part hey I'll be lying if I told you I remember okay but do you remember any shots going off yeah I remember shots being going out but I can't sit and tell you how many it was though oh okay so you end up getting shot in the head yeah where were you in terms of your vicinity next to everybody else I can't even remember that part but I know I was on a stretcher though okay well like I said L Tim gets out the car he allegedly shoots the police starts to shoot and shots are just going all over the place yeah King V gets hit [ __ ] gets shot as well how close were you to shot to [ __ ] well you know [ __ ] was [ __ ] was like a big bro cuz you know he was he was a little older than us and his brother T Roy and HK then was that was the crowd right there so [ __ ] was a little old okay that's TR Roy's brother okay I didn't know that yeah okay so the shots are going off you end up getting shot in the head at what point do you remember anything what is the next memory you have from the shooting to to remembering anything I mean it just it just all depends cuz it could be some stuff that I remember from back in the day and then like sometimes it'll be some stuff that just happened like and I'll be like I don't remember that but so far everything going good I can't complain about nothing I'm here I'm talking I'm walking I'm doing everything so you know everybody can say what they want to say but at the end of the day I'm still here well do you remember yourself on the stretcher yeah oh okay so you're actually conscious no like no I ain't I ain't saying like like I just don't remember none okay so you remember yourself on the stretch or do you remember yourself taking to the hospital that part I I don't remember okay at what point do you remember them telling you that King vaugh had died I was I was I was uh I was in the coma but once I came out and they told me like it was you know I ain't Mak it to the funeral so it was really kind of hard right you're in a coma for two months yeah okay but at one point two months later you do come out the coma and how soon after coming out the coma do they tell you what happened to V uh I I don't even remember I don't remember okay do you would all remember how you felt when they told you that V had died I mean uh I mean it was it was it was just so much like I I just got shot in the head and you know everything then I hear people telling me stuff so I was just putting stuff together and you know it all made sense yes I mean I understand you just got shot in the head and and and things are this is the craziest time ever in your life but at some point it does hit you that here is your close friend who you were living with who it it it hit me every day it it definitely do it hit me every day cuz we supposed to be doing something else and this stuff that happen so it definitely hit me every day I can't even lie about that one did you ever cry at some point when it really did hit you I mean everybody CED before I don't know nobody can say they ain't never cried before yeah that's true that's true because not only did you lose King V but you also lost [ __ ] right so the two of them you know two of the people you came with are now gone now they said the security guard allegedly ran when the shooting started that part I don't know about you might have to get him up here though okay did you feel that van should have been better protected in a situation like that security should have snatched him up before he got to to quando or you know it's a lot of stuff that could have happened but it didn't okay so by the time you come out of the coma had they done any surgeries yeah I had two surgeries before I even came out okay so you came out the coma and you already had two surgeries when you first looked at yourself in the mirror and you see the the scars and the swelling and everything else like that how'd you feel I ain't going to lie when I first seen it I'm like man and then I had to think about it like I could have been dead so then I had to just look at it from a different point of view and you know I just took it on the chin I mean people gonna say what they want to say and feel how they want to feel but it's all about how I'm feeling hey man listen the internet's going to be the internet but you are alive getting shot in the head so so [ __ ] what anybody else is talking about you are alive right now speaking walking eating traveling like nobody can nobody can tell nothing to you right now hey that's what I be trying to say but people got their opinion how they feel so I'mma let them feel how they feel was that the first time you ever got shot no I had got shot in my hand before but that was in Chicago in your hand yeah okay well that that's more of a minor injury yeah okay so you have two surgeries before while you're still in the coma and by the way before before I ask the next question where exactly in the head did you get shot uh it was like it was like in the back some what I I really I really want to uh take my head off but it's going to cost a little more okay well cuz at one point you actually posted a picture of yourself with your hat off yeah and it shows kind of the part in your hair and that's that's the the SCAR Where they they had to operate yeah okay so you have two well and number one do you know who shot you police the police shot you yeah okay what they saying somebody else shot me I I don't know I have no idea hey you probably I have no idea no I don't actually I really don't I mean that whole situation was a mess man we were reporting on it when it happened because me and King Von were actually supposed to have an interview me and me and track had already been talking we're trying to schedule it so I was looking forward to actually interviewing for the first time so when I saw this I'm like oh no like this is this is the worst situation ever yeah man that was crazy so you have two operations you come out the coma and then over the next few months you have eight more surgeries yes it's it's just been rough but what can I say once again I'm here I'm talking evidently it ain't my time right you had posted some of the videos to to give people updates I remember once you in the hospital bed this other time you walking around and you had a helmet on yeah and the helmet was to what just keep everything in place between the surgeries no just make sure I don't hit my head the wrong way yeah because the stuff went in there but I don't wear no more so what exactly were the surgeries doing they have they have to like cut open your skull or do they just put a hole in and and put something small in there or no think they had to cut it open okay and one of the surgeries 17 hours long yeah that was that was rough right there like coming out of each of these surgeries was it just like the worst feeling in the world like every time over and over again no man after that 17 hour was like they they had the they had to almost scrap me down cuz I was study trying to see what was going on so they almost had to strap me down until I'm like I'm just going go here on okay so 10 surgeries in are you completely done uh who knows can't say okay I mean do they tell you that there might have to be some more I got to go see what was the recovery process like you know when I when I first got out like I ain't go straight home I went to some like uh place that like help you walk and stuff again but I had I already knew how to walk it's just I I just had to learn a lot of stuff over but everything got better so it is what it is so you were able to walk the whole time I mean not like actually walk walk all the way but like once they told me that I had to go to this place until I learned how to walk I learned how to walk but they still send me there okay the the talking in the speech I mean what I'm speaking to you now I mean I don't know you from before do you speak speak the same as before or is it a little bit different I mean some people say it's a little different but you know I got shot in the head but at the end of the day what could I say I'm here and that's just that so anybody else could say what they want to say and y'all know who yall is but anyways well Lil Tim he got shot also and I heard he got [ __ ] bagged I don't know that part I don't know eventually and how long ago was this this was last year Lil Tim actually had charges dropped and they cleared on the shooting I don't know whether there was enough evidence or maybe one of the police officers shot Bond do you know about this you know not really I I ain't gonna say I don't be on the internet because I'll be on the internet a lot but you know that type of stuff I try to stay away from it happened it is what it is you know when when you talk to people about this I mean of course the king Von fans are going to feel a certain type of way but when you look at the situation you know I remember I interviewed you know people like 600 Breezy and they said well if the roles were reversed same thing could have happened to quando and Tim you know that you're supposed to protect your people if they're in danger do you feel any sort of way about Lil Tim doing what he allegedly did or was it like that's just part of the game I mean of course I'mma feel some type of way but at the end of the day you you you got to do that for real though but of course I'mma feel some type of way that ain't that ain't ain't no question to ask yeah how do you feel about quando Rondo because he he tried to say that he didn't have any sort of real beef with him and I think he actually even tried to get V to like a safety at one point I don't know hey I don't I don't even want to talk about him okay fair enough well in 2021 five men get arrested for the murder of FBG Duck op who you heard V mention on a bunch of songs see thing Los Kenny Mack C murder do you know all these guys uh you can you can you you can say that yeah you can you can say that if you ask me who I rock with then yeah but what you f to say well how' you feel you know considering that you do know these guys to to a certain extent how' you feel when all five of them got arrested I mean hey that part I I I really don't know what to say they say they found them guilty but I mean anybody could just say they found some guilty I guess but once it go to them people then you'll see but right now yeah I believe they found gu well right in uh January 17th of this year the O Block 6 cuz Tey got included in that as well he got found guilty along with the other five and now although they haven't been sentenced they're all facing mandatory life sentences yeah how did you feel when you heard about the guilty Polie I mean the the guilty verdict I mean I really ain't know how to feel to be honest you know cuz when you say in life that's a hard pill to swallow knowing you ain't never coming home certain people got kids so it's just I wouldn't know how to feel you know when you look at what happened in the court case and I interviewed a couple people about this The Story Goes that Tey said told the other guys that FBG Duck had pulled a gun on him or something like that and he called everyone and then they showed up but that really didn't happen when you kind of peel away the story they're saying that tez was mad cuz duck was messing with one of his girls or something like that something stupid see what I'm saying now that type of stuff right there I wouldn't know about that cuz I don't know teasy and I don't know who he [ __ ] on so I can't really say you give me yeah I get you man I mean the the whole thing is a mess the whole thing you know you not only deduct get killed and you know I'd interviewed duck before a couple times I'd even told him to get out of Chicago both times and he wouldn't listen and then you got you know six other people who now have life sentences so they're eventually you know essentially gone as well in terms of being able to raise their families and live their lives so now you got seven people that are gone it's not a win on any you know nobody wins you know that's the thing right there at the end nobody win nobody wins I mean yeah I'm sure someone could say oh yeah we got this dude who was an OP but a life sentence a ain't worth that hey it definitely ain't I mean when you look at the life that you lived and the loss that you saw around you do you feel that a lot of this [ __ ] just ain't worth it hey it ain't worth it that's the thing it it ain't but you know I don't know man think about it everybody just got they own man how they going to think and that's just that all you can do is just worry about yourself well right because not long after van gets killed uh durk's Brother D thing gets killed yeah and I I knew D thing man he was a cool ass dude hey D cool ass dude D thing was another one like before any of this is even going on like d bought me shoes and all type of stuff like d thing was definitely a real yeah man it's sad it's sad and I've I you know I know Dirk I've interviewed him a bunch of times you know the fame is is cool the money's cool but but the loss you know especially Durk and his brother were really close I always just we always see him together you know and Van like I remember at the time V was probably the the biggest upand cominging gangster rapper yeah period you know what I'm saying like yeah there was more established dudes but he was the one that was like the one everyone was looking at in that whole genre it's like imagine in 2024 how big Von would have been hey and that's the par right there that's the stuff a [ __ ] supposed to be thinking about but instead it went a different way which I hate it went that way but well in 2022 they dropped the king V what it means to be king album yeah and V was already gone by this time this was the album they dropped after his passing what did you think that album I mean I can't I can't really say you know it just I don't want to say it ain't the same cuz he can't performing but you know it just it is what it is do you have like what are your favorite King Von songs I got a a lot of them like you know how some people say like I ain't going to say I like all this songs but it's still a lot of them that I like so just trying to pick a favorite one I won't be able to do it because it's too many that I like I mean is there one if you if I had to say okay listen you could only listen to one king Von song for the rest of your life you got to pick one what would it be uh it will probably be crazy story or it'll probably be uh I don't know oh D want to see me make it okay that right there well right I mean to add to the tragedy V had had how many kids when he passed three three kids and didn't he have a couple kids on the way not that I know about I don't know about that part okay I I had heard he had like one or two kids on the way as well so it's just it's just sad that all these kids never really got to be you know have their dad growing up yeah yeah man it's a it's a sad ass story it's a sad ass story so you yourself once you once you started to recover cuz cuz you were in Atlanta when all this happened were you in the hospital in Atlanta the whole time or they move you somewhere else no once I went to the little uh where they had me going to learn how to do what I need to do that was in Atlanta but once I got up out of that then I went back to Chicago and then all my surgeries been in Chicago okay and you talked about you wanted to just get out of Chicago hey it's coming real soon real real soon I mean do you feel that being in Chicago and and I'm not saying that you're doing anything yourself you're not active yourself but because of your affiliation with King V and all the beef that has gone on back and forth for all the years do you feel like you're potentially a Target yourself I mean I'mma put it like this everybody that call they self gang banging is a target if the right person catch you I guess or even if you got a name and get caught you a Target so being a Target you gonna always be a Target but just being here like like far just growing up there my whole life and now I want to see different stuff like that's just what I'm on I ain't on all that type of other stuff I don't blame you man I don't blame you because you said that you want to move but someone I think dju said what about Atlanta he said I don't want to move to Atlanta either because this is where all that happened hey that's how me I was on I was on live when I said that you must got a uh you must got one of them Pages don't nobody know or something or or you syn it on YouTube or something no I mean some of the lives that you talked about ended up on YouTube and I watched them yeah I mean when you start posting up the pictures they they they put their thing on YouTube though so yeah they do they do why did you decide to really put up the pictures of you know your head with the swelling and everything else like that you could have just kept that quiet or you could have just stayed off the internet hey you're not you weren't really like a big internet guy before then either right no but see the thing is that's what they wanted they they wanted to see my head so I let them see it so now what y'all see my head what y'all going to do now just talk about it y'all gonna get tired of talking about it before I do so I just gave them what they want and now I see everybody talk about my head wo wo woo and woo woo this hey man say what y'all want man that's all I can do hey man I'd rather them talk about your head than have you on a t-shirt hey they gonna talk about it either way it go so it don't even matter when you look back about you know on your relationship with Van what do you think are some of the greatest memories that you have [Music] uh good memories or bad memories I'm sure you talking about good memories right whatever you want to bring up up to you I mean it's it's it's a lot even even when he just look out for kids and stuff like that cuz van was one of the ones like you could you could be on Instagram he ain't got to know you or none of that if you say you need some he actually sent it to you and that's that's that's one thing I liked about him like he had the other side but then he had the good side too y'all can't just forget about the good side so at one point a blogger from the UK named trap Ross he drops a a documentary on YouTube called King Von raps for first serial killer I know I know about him but what what's going on I mean how do you feel when people talk about him being a serial killer and saying that he has all these bodies and everything like that first off if you don't know this man you can't say what this man got so people like that you just got to let them think what they going to think they going to think it regardless so you saying something what that's going to do none so do you think that like for example you know regardless of whether it's true or not because at this point no one's going to really know but do you think that him playing up this image and having the type of music that he had made people scared of him and made people like Lil Tim possibly overreact because they were scared of his reputation you know I really don't know but you know everybody doing their so I mean you can you can actually do a reputation without probably actually doing you know cuz they letting people say anything and do anything and get record deals and all that so hey I don't know what to say if it's true then that's what it is if it ain't then that's what it is I don't know so I can't sit and tell you yeah you yourself did you ever do music yeah a lot of people want me to start back doing music but I ain't made no music since I got shot I mean going through this you've said that you don't know if you want to really do it or not something time sometimes I say I want to do it and then sometimes I'll be like man there's other stuff out here I could do but you know who knows I might start back I might even talk about the night that happened who knows just gota wait and see yeah man well look old black Lou what you went through is really unimaginable and I know that there was probably some nights that you probably wondered if you could make it through because of all the pain and knowing that you're going to have more surgeries and not knowing if you're going to come out of a surgery you know because a lot of times you know the type of surgeries you guys are you know you had to do those weren't like broken fingers or you know a broken leg this is they're actually my your head and your brain so was there any brain damage at all no I'm surprised it wasn't but no it wasn't really no brain damage I'm kind of glad it wasn't did the bullet go into your head or did it get stuck in the skull or what what happened I I think it head just got stuck yeah it head just got stuck do they actually have to remove did they remove the bullet fragments out of your head I think it's still a little bit in there really yeah I mean was there ever a time where you felt like man I I I can't do this I I just want to check out I don't want to do any more surgeries I don't want to go on anymore this is just too much to bear I can't do that cuz I didn't came a long way God didn't got me too far to even be trying to think like that so I can't never think like that when he ready for me he gonna be ready for me but I ain't I ain't F to just be ready to check out like that when you ready for me you ready for hey man that's a lot of strength right there because a lot of people check out from with much more minor situations than yours Yeah well black Lou man I appreciate you coming in and sharing your story uh you know King Von is still a very important figure in Hip Hop and in Chicago um you know I'm I'm sorry for what you had to go through in terms of not only what happened to you but essentially your friend friend who you were living with and uh [ __ ] getting killed that same night um and then also track getting shot in the legs it it is just a worst possible situation from and over over something that honestly didn't even seem like a big deal wasn't about nothing wasn't about nothing like seriously I could imagine if like I don't know someone had stolen millions of dollars or someone had killed your mother or raped your sister or or something where it's like all right like like we really have to take care of this because cuz I can't live with myself if I don't somehow make this right but if it really was over a girl the the the the pluses so far are outweighed by the minuses that it just doesn't make any sense hey I just hope that wonder what is about e yeah absolutely man well oh black Louie man I I wish you a speedy recovery for what you're going through are they saying the swelling is going to keep going down or yeah it should it should but like I say even if it don't go down man you just got to be happy to be here and go on with your life man that's it yeah man it's inspirational honestly like like talking to you right now and hearing the way you're you're expressing yourself and and the positivity um man there's people who got everything going for them who don't seem like they're as happy as you are right now yeah man you got to you got to stay in that Spirit man cuz if you don't I don't know what to tell you so yeah man listen I wish you all the best and uh keep keep spraying that story about the positivity because I know there's someone going through you know something similar right now whether they're were shooting victim or going through like a something healthwise you know and people have brain cancer and you know kind of go through after s surgery you know they're seeing you right now and saying you know something if he could go through this and have the type of you know attitude that he's having right now I need to I need to pick myself up he for sure and that's what I'm here for that's what it is man pleasure to have you on wish you all the best all right all right man peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 34,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: qGWmzhH5d5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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