NYC Live Walking Home from Work in Midtown Manhattan via 5th Avenue (February 5, 2020)

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hello everybody I am in midtown Manhattan the date is February 5th 2020 7:15 p.m. the temperature is 41 degrees Fahrenheit that's 5 degrees Celsius I just got off work I'm in Bryant Park right now right next to 42nd Street and I'm gonna walk home to Astoria Queens how's it going everybody a little bit of a later start than usual but better late than never right better late than never Robert it's not that cold I'm used to this already it's 41 Fahrenheit so anything above 40 I don't really consider it as cold in fact this is the well there was a statistic I read we had the warmest January on record in New York City and then in December it was actually warmer than average as well I'm a little bit disappointed because I want the snow to come mauricio I'm walking home this is 42nd streets let's look up and admire the New York City skyscrapers right there is one of my favorite skyscrapers in the skyline the Chrysler Building this design in the Art Deco style and look at this if any of you are following the headlines in the news what happened today definitely calls a start in New York City we're about to walk right past it and I'm gonna walk right up to it Donald Trump was acquitted of impeachment today by the Senate so now there is a little kind of a protest going on or rally I should say [Music] Oh Scott is just some politics that happen in Washington DC I try not to talk politics on this channel whether you like Donald Trump or you're against them or you're neutral I don't want to talk about it here that's for another channel but this is 5th Avenue sorry very busy here well nunu I mentioned it but I didn't dwell into it it's what happened I didn't say I'm for or against them it's just what happened today I just passed 43rd Street on Fifth Avenue [Applause] Jade s10 yes I am doing that I am walking to the peace walk bridge unless I may have another idea - I could take the Roosevelt Island tram I don't mind taking the tram just change it up a little bit [Applause] ya know I really hate how politics is dividing people it shouldn't really be like that you know just because you believe in something shouldn't make you an enemy of another person it's really messed up but this is the world we live in definitely a lot of traffic on Fifth Avenue [Music] EMR yes I had a great day a little bit long but it was still a great day let's look over some skyscrapers Barnes & Noble booksellers across the streets wow there's so much traffic here I haven't really seen it this bad in a while and this is the low season for tourists - it's like bumper-to-bumper traffic on Fifth Avenue it's not really cloudy out there is some chance of rain later on but that's been pushed back to about nine o'clock p.m. at least so about an hour and a half from now Scottie's Saks Fifth Avenue is not here it's across the street from Rockefeller Center which is on 49th Street here is 47th Street the diamond district many of you are looking for a diamond or some jewelry this is where you go the diamond district formerly used to be on Canal Street in Chinatown but now it's here Ford I'm going walking up Fifth Avenue and then I'm going to go to Astoria Queens I think I'm going to take the roles of Island tram today change it up a little bit Matt I didn't really calculate that on an average day I think my average steps are at least thirteen or fourteen thousand steps a day that's a good question and I don't really know why it'd be diamond district the business moved up here but my guess is that all the business was moving up to Midtown rather than lower Manhattan so that's why the diamond district moved up to 47th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues Brooklyn New York I don't have a Fitbit I just use my iPhone baking with shanz asking where I see my channel in the next five to ten years any tips for new youtubers that I'm not really sure well YouTube even be around in five years but you know I hope my channel will be more popular than and you do have to create content on a regular basis it's not easy to do it also depends on my capability as well that's why I always try to stay in good health and stay active every day and live a healthy life that way I can continue making these videos and producing them but maybe in five it's ten years I'll have you know 400,000 subscribers a million subscribers we will see who knows maybe Tesla will be the Nick next YouTube in five to ten years but the way it's going divine mother wants me to do a 360 video yeah I've been thinking about doing another 360 video in New York but until then you can check some of my other 360 videos I have a few from Times Square in Taiwan I have some from the holidays [Music] [Music] anyone want to know where Saks Fifth Avenue is it's right across the street someone asked me where it is that's right here Geoffrey torte is asking me what do I like most about New York City the people the people are so cool there's such a huge variety of people here different personality is different things always something new and you see [Music] and who can pass the Rockefeller Center without looking left Joan explores saying greetings in Taiwan all right you can check out chillin explores channel as well does also some amazing Taiwan content are Ju Jones asking you for any rain videos a made in Taipei yes I've done some live videos in the rain and I did do one towards the end of my trip which when I get to it I have to post on the black in shadow channel Oh Thank You superstar that was the st. Patrick's Cathedral designing the Gothic Revival style Anthony's asking what's the best bar to stay in in New York City let's see it's very subjective if you want convenience and stay in Midtown and if you want inexpensive then you could stay in Staten Island New Jersey if you want food I would recommend you stay in Queens because there's a lot of great food in Queens Ashley's asking what other countries I've been to I've been to Mexico and I've been to Taiwan [Music] and Montgomery and Montgomery thank you for the $20 supercharge your rule thank you appreciate it thank you Alex also to the person who asked me about the girl which burrows the best to stay in the burrows are so huge and vast as well like if you mentioned Manhattan Manhattan there's even some residential areas of Manhattan that aren't like midtown Manhattan right here where all the skyscrapers are at the very top of Manhattan you have inward there's Chinatown which Chinatown is a up-and-coming place to stay now because there's a lot of hotels in Chinatown I haven't checked the prices of hotels in Chinatown but it is something to take a look Institute look at this there's a newer taxi in New York City they probably had to drop someone off in the city also when the taxis they travel from New Jersey to New York you have to pay for their fare going back to going back over the river both ways so keep that in mind if you're hiring a taxi from Newark Airport to your min Han Oh ray you're very welcome I'm happy to be live-streaming as well max Alamo asking if I'm going to the Avengers building platform I haven't seen that movie but I do know Avengers they starred in the Hudson Yards vessel building I think raise asking when we get to see real-life bust vaporization I don't know we may get to see one there's a few buses here already hey m4 bus vaporized this SUV they're in the bus lane no it's not a bus lane it's just a travel lane Lawson the carpets asking me if there's any plans for overseas travel this year Paris Berlin London Oslo etc I'm still deciding froster Union Square is at the Union of Broadway and 4th Avenue actually a Union Square was named after the union of Broadway and the Bowery so that's why it's called Union Square people think Union Square is named after the Civil War the Union Army stuff like that but no it's much simpler than that however this time a Union Square there is no Bowery that runs through it now it's renamed fourth Avenue ray is asking any train action tonight I won't be going to any trains today but I will be taking the tram I'm going to change it a little bit I just walked past let's get social infos job 53rd and 5th that's a good question proxy asking what is a Bowery it's the name of a road in lower Manhattan but back in the day when the Dutch settled New York it was called New Amsterdam and they settled along the Bowery and they placed farms there Bowery has this reference to a Dutch word which means farm yeah B Griffin you're right Peter Cyrus indid owned a lot of property on the Bowery and Shannon's asking me what's my best memory of living in New York City hmm I may have to think about that in a while probably all the different subways all the subway incidents I've encountered you never really know what you're gonna encounter when you ride the subway yeah here comes the scaffolding although this one looks a lot nicer than the usual ones yep you can't have New York City without sirens here comes sounds like an ambulance coming here's 57th Street billionaires row Louis Vuitton across the streets on the corner why the analysts stopped the siren tbe is asking how much is a one-bedroom it depends what neighborhood depends on the location on average or one bedrooms two thousand dollars a month in New York City Adrian Tannen is asking if I prefer transportation in New York City or Taiwan definitely New York City because the subway and subway system runs 24 hours and also goes to a lot more places in Taiwan the metro system isn't even fully developed yet what I care about and the transit system is for me to be able to get places all right we got the New York City underground steam pipe policy pause asking what's the minimum wage there I think the minimum wage now is 15 bucks an hour I think Fernando's asking how many blocks until the tram well there's Madison Avenue Park Avenue 3rd Avenue and secondary so that's four blocks oh wait I forgot uh Lexington Avenue as well so five blocks but Madison Avenue and Lexington avenues they weren't part of the original New York City Street grid so those are kind of like half blocks a full Avenue would be between five minute walk those half avenues will be about three minutes walk in between two walk between two avenues is the equivalent of walking two to three city blocks between the streets yes I'm starting to go east now this is 59th Street Lawson the kerf is asking what's the street that goes onto the building or did you dream that there's so many different streets that go on the building's Rockefeller Center you have the underground passageway for the subway transfers and also the building to my left is the General Motors building formerly the Apple store was on the first floor here yes Catherine saying a lot of garbage this is how New York City does a spar bridge collection okay put the garbage curbside and then the companies will collect it at a later date or later time Portland Miami's uncle used to work for Revlon in the GM building that's awesome yes Scott Brees I remember reading about that passageway is before my time but that was a really extravagant underground system you can walk all the way from 33rd to Broadway over to Penn Station yeah baking with Shannon saying Macy's is closing a lot of storefronts I don't think it'll affect the one in New York City on 6th Avenue and 34th Street though that's their headquarters the flagship store what's the temperature here is 41 Fahrenheit four or five degrees Celsius captain is asking if we have a Nordstrom yes there are Nordstrom's here Scott Briggs is asking me if I can dig it yes I can dig it that's from the Warriors movie such an iconic quote sandé corn is asking where the Woolworth Building is that is at the intersection of Broadway and Park Place in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City is Park Avenue Cafe Lotus I have not been to the towel restaurant I'm not even familiar with it it's the first time I heard of it a lot of cars here in Park Avenue now Frog sisters asking if there's a homeless problem and you have city yes there are or I should say yes there is income inequalities a very very major issue here in New York City here we have billionaire's role on 57th Street and also we have people living below the poverty line so that just goes to show you how New York City is a wide variety of people and income levels moussah is asking how i mesh all the long videos and lashings in my everyday life well I just find time to do them a lot of times too when I make these videos I'm off to go to a certain place anyway like right now I'm gonna be going home anyway so why not make a live video going home right I'm not really like spending extra time out of my way it also helps to have a positive attitude and to just keep at the content if you love what you do then it doesn't really feel like work so that was that's what keeps me motivated San Diego is asking how much is the average one-bedroom apartment two thousand dollars a month goofy grandma is asking if I'm walking home from work every day no I don't not every day the salt writers asking if I visited the MoMA yes I saw the MoMA on Saturday it's my first time that I went to the moment ever since it renovated and they did an excellent job with that building very nice exhibits now too I just passed Lexington Avenue Michael's asking what I do a Philly video again again if I ever find the time the goal there then I will but since most of my viewers want to see New York City content so what keeps me going I've noticed it also with my Taiwan videos they're not nearly as popular as my New York City walking videos but this that's just how it is when you do a YouTube channel some videos are going to be more popular than others some settings will be but you never really know what's gonna get popular for the YouTube algorithm like over the past couple of months a random video of a truck turning now has over half a million views on my channel and that was like what how did that happen so you know I have the content up there if it gets popular in the future then I'll see what happens you know all right here's third haven't you the time right now is 748 p.m. David is asking me if I will get something to eat on the way home I'll probably get something close to where I live [Music] Catherines asking what's the number-one unspoken rule in New York City I think on the subway is don't make eye contact [Music] gianni mota is asking how my battery doesn't run out well helps that this iPhone is fully charged before I started alive and I also have a external battery pack that I'm holding it up with I mean there's other live streamers - especially on switch they have a gun and run backpack they'll do live streams for like nine hours at a time ten hours at a time what I'm doing is nothing in fact when I was in Taiwan I did a seven and a half hour livestream and that's the day when I officially reached a hundred thousand subscribers oh Shannon thank you very much by doing these videos too I'm also discovering a lot of new things about my city as well all the little hustle and bustle and little things around new places to eat Dalila there's going to be New Yorkers for Trump and New Yorkers against Trump and some people who are indifferent that's the way it is you can't say New Yorkers never for Trump [Music] oh wow the whole time I thought I was walking on 59th Street but I was walking on 58th as the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge also colloquial known as the 59th Street bridge or just the Queensboro Bridge let's see can I go to the tram this way tram entrances here if you couldn't tell it's just a piece of paper taped to the construction plywood [Music] let's see will I be able to make this fram-o it just left no oh well I gotta wait for the next one I think they come every like 5-10 minutes [Music] Michael I did not have dinner yet I got our way for the next tram to come now April for the $5 super chat any special uploads planned for Valentine's Day no I don't have any right now it's a great view here overlooking the 59th Street bridge ramp onto second Avenue chill and explore I use one phone for my lives it's definitely a very beautiful view here it's definitely a very beautiful view here very nice [Music] still waiting for a tram to come up is coming now I see it look at all of people blocking the box here comes the tram [Music] let's get ready let's get ready it's gonna be a little bit difficult for me to get my MetroCard out because my hands are cold your finger dexterity really loses balance when that happens all right the trans not free is $2.75 all right everyone just as a note I'm going to keep my volume a little bit quiet during the tram just because I want to be respectful of the other passengers as well as you have to adjust my volume level and narration depending on the setting so just keep that in mind how cool is it now is 41 degrees Fahrenheit 4 degrees Celsius [Music] all right the people are gonna disembark the tram now and we're gonna get on so one of the best views of New York City you can get on the tram so awesome it's so awesome here I'm just gonna keep the view here and I'll try to keep my volume down so I'm considerate all the other people here Roger I've been to the top of the Empire State Building but I have not live streamed it yet Catherine the usual tip is 18% [Music] all right we're taking off now doors are closing here we go [Music] yes well though I remember that scene from spider-man [Music] yeah I always love this view is awesome and there's only two dollars and 75 cents here's the other coming the other way all right the cable cars descending now [Music] this is the East River here allow me foolhardy case so I don't think it runs 24/7 here we go rise almost over Fernando I'm not sure if you could take the bike on a Ryan I will show the skyline once you get off the tram Shannon there's a couple ways I can take the ferry I could take the bus I could swim and I can walk and I can call car service and also ride a bike [Music] all right let's go can I okay now I'm on Roosevelt Island which is technically part of Manhattan a borough of Manhattan what's the weirdest thing I've seen on the metro train they've got a few someone getting cutting their toenails doing makeup homeless people doing some unruly things I've seen a rat on the subway before the actual subway car here's the skyline which I just came from alright folks this is why you may see in movies all right that's enough of the skyline now let's make our way to the Main Avenue of Roosevelt Island red white and blue it depends where I'm getting off from work I'm not in one location all the time so really depends and also depends if I walk or take the subway or get a car service so there isn't really any one answer I can give you on that baubie Griffin this is a walking video and I wouldn't do this justice if I waited for the bus and took the bus over the bridge right that'll be cheating so I'm gonna be walking over to Queens which is that side over there I've got a while to walk to get back to Queens the cameras not on my head I'm holding it at chest level so the original name of this island was called blackballs island and then I think it became a welfare island after that because there were a lot of people that were put on this island on the welfare that's why it was called welfare Island and then it got renamed to Roosevelt Island there is still a lot of a lot of income inequality on this island it has been built up in recent years though and it's turned into a trending neighborhood now especially with all these high-rises its proximity to Manhattan and also the transportation out options but one of my one of my worst experiences here was during last year's Cherry Blossom Festival the island was not prepared for the amount of visitors that will come to the festival so as a result the transportation options off and also the island got completely swamped and it was like chaos I made a video of it trying to get off this island at that time and it was crazy there was like two-hour waits for the tram people couldn't get down through the F train subway because the escalators couldn't handle the amount of people people were trying to get up people were trying to go down it was madness and since this was an island people had nowhere to go but just to wait that was it and there wasn't any way for the island to prepare for it they didn't even have restrooms for everybody so it was really bad so keep in mind if there's ever a large-scale event at Roosevelt Island you have to be prepared for the chaos that ensues because even though there's a variety of transportation options the tram the ferry the bus when it comes down to it there's only three ways off the island by water by land which is one bridge and what was the other one by tram and the tram it can only come so frequently sometimes southern is asking me if my feet ever hurt from walking so much not as much as they used to but when I really started to do these long-distance walks I definitely get sore feet but not often anymore I'm used to it but there was a day when I walked about 53,000 steps give or take in Taiwan and I was really feeling my soreness the day after I think that day I walked like 28 miles so this is Rolesville island's main street it's called main street good view of the skyline and the park behind me you always asking how cars get out of the island there's one bridge that comes on and off the island it's called the Roosevelt Island Bridge that connects 36th Avenue and Vernon Boulevard to Main Street in Roosevelt Island and ages ago there used to be an elevator from the Queensboro Bridge all the way down to this island I don't know exactly why the city decommissioned that elevator from the bridge to the island but that's what happened Jada's 10 they still do have the q102 bus Timm southern I don't wear a pedometer I only use the health app on my iPhone I think it's pretty accurate already I don't really see the need to buy a pedometer when the phone tracks all your steps anyway here's the islands grocery store Oh Bri Griffin saying the elevator was unsafe and broke down a lot yeah I can see why because that's a long descent from the bridge down to the island and it probably couldn't serve the frequency at the you know of people coming to and from the island Dave is asking if there's still the market in Bryant Park no it's all decommissioned now now it's just the ice skating rink the winter village was really only for like November and December past like the first two weeks of January or is no more and it's getting a little bit cold now I'm holding the gimbal with the phone with my hands bare hands I'm not using any gloves and I'm starting to feel it freeze up already vinyls saying if I know how that I can go to Philly cheaply by rail without taking Amtrak I didn't know that I thought Amtrak was the only option s axle saying they take the Greyhound bus from New York City to Philly it is great now I think there's also Peter Pan that's a Peter Pan last time there's also a Chinatown bus as well baking with Shannon asking if I eat out often with all these good restaurants are cooked at home I do both today I don't really feel like cooking though by the way here's the q102 bus someone was asking about it earlier Jax wick is asking how am I getting off this island I'm gonna jump in the river and start swimming across that's how I'm gonna do it and then my phone will probably stop working because it'll get water on in then you'll see me live-streaming all the way down to the bottom of the river and I'll still be trying to read these conferences I'm going down on the bottom of the river you'll be asking me like action kid how far is it to your house and I'll be like like this I'll be like and that's the last you'll see of me floating down the bottom of the river and then you'll see a newspaper headline idiot live stream it answers a question while while sinking to the bottom of the East River in New York City all right so anyway on a serious note this is the entrance to the roles of all Island Bridge yeah no I wouldn't even imagine stepping foot in that River this Maui like close to freezing in there all right here we go so this is actually the entrance to the public parking lot as well but you need to take this little area in order to get up to the bridge level so this is how you get off Roosevelt Island by walking so you buy the escalator is broken and why is there a random traffic cone and the middle of the escalator nice artwork here Ray Smith is saying Liberty City I remember playing that game gta4 all right so here we go Roosevelt Island Bridge baking or shanz asking how the dating scene is in New York City it's different for each person but I've been thinking about making a video about it but I have to collect all my thoughts on that you know bicycles on the sidewalk the bicycles need a ride on the roadway they're a vinyl fan boy I dunno about the subway system in Philly and Joe as you know to avoid areas which I know will be dangerous or potentially dangerous still got a great view here of the city Leif Eriksson is asking what about that assaults well New York City Police Department in responding on Twitter so I guess that's just all that's gonna happen even though like thousands of people saw that video it's still considered harassment and not assault [Music] feels much colder on this bridge Portland Miami saying bad luck I didn't follow my own PSA well I didn't really have a choice because when I was walking on 42nd Street I watched the video my replay of it countless times it was at an area where they were passing by immediately where the scaffolding gets narrow so I couldn't really go around them and it just happened in a split second so they just timed it perfectly so I be there and then place a CD on my arm I don't think they knew hours live streaming at the time they just did it in a split second yeah just say hire them because you don't know who they are you only see them for like a few seconds and then they just boxed me in against the scaffolding I had no room to move around they're walking four people abreast so I didn't really have enough time to go around and I didn't want any of that CD I was like no here have it back I was like no no and they refused to take it back and unfortunately the CD dropped on the ground because he wouldn't take it and what else was I gonna do I was like okay you don't want to take it back I'll just continue walking and then this guy who had his back turned well his friend I don't know he had his back to him when the CD drop I guess he assumed that I dropped the CD even though it was because this guy wouldn't take it and it fell out of the sleeve because he wouldn't take it thought that the CD dropped on the ground that I dropped it on purpose he freaking slapped me so that's my interpretation of it and it was all day on livestream for everybody to see you can review that you can review that footage as many times you want yeah that's another thing too they put the CD in between my jacket and my backpack strap so I didn't even have a choice to take it or not they just decided for me and that's not right at all there is one time where ads in a 360 video through Times Square where one of those CD hustlers I was holding the 360 camera both hands they placed it on my jacket arm and I kept walking and the fell to the ground I just continued walking like he tried to place the CD on me just like what happened on Saturday as well I already know to ignore them because most of the time I'm not interested and what the what they have to offer in fact I'm not interested in what most people hand me on the streets so anyway I just walked over into Astoria Queens this is Vernon Boulevard well Leif Eriksson people like to joke that as a playing CD but the time when I intentionally got hustled if the CD had music on it so it's not a scam it's just aggressive sellers it will be wrong to call it a scam I mean you don't know if it's a scam so you play the CD if it's blank then it's a scam if it's not then but the only thing you know you know for sure is that if you don't take the CD then you're not interested in it so that's fine so jet 2 is asking how much you're supposed to give them I think may usually want like $20 for this CD but you know you shouldn't really feel obligated to pay money for something that you're not comfortable in purchasing so I say that much Derek's asking who want to walk over here action cater wanna walk over here that's who yeah that's one other things who CDs are so outdated they should be they should be passing out thumb drives USB thumb drive say here this is the updated 2020 version well you know what you can do the next time you go over them in hand go to a vintage electronics place get a portable CD player like those Walkman CD art players or whatever and then the next time the CD guy hands you a see you say hey you want the CD I said sure but let me listen to it first I want to take out my CD player put the CD in the CD player and then oh your musics fire I'm gonna pay for the CD and then if it's blank then nope I'm not buying your CD that's all [Music] next time I should buy a CD player so next time someone asks me do you want a CD and I say yeah I got a CD player right here I'm living in the 90s wait where CDs even around in the 90s or was it like the early 2000s I don't even remember oh yeah that's right CDs were back in the 90s because I remember installing windows 98 on a CD wow that's really old I loved windows 98 also be Griffin yes this is Vernon Boulevard this Vernon Boulevard in 34th Avenue and to the left here this is Rainey Park Alex box same time the boot-up half-life one all that game was so good I remember that game cost goes right up the block yes this Costco Wholesale is amazing also if you want an inexpensive meal in New York City go to the Costco food court you can get a hot dog with a soda for a dollar fifty digit to is asking if we can get a Costco tour the last time I saw someone videoing inside Costco the management asked them to leave so I don't think they want that inside the store but I won't be going inside Costco I love Costco though I heard I heard that they never mark up their prices more than 15% above wholesale what they get it for the only thing is with Costco you have to pay for the membership I know a lot of people who live in New York City they don't have a Costco membership but they all know that one person who does and they all like tag along that members like visit they're like oh let me know the next time you're going to Costco so I can come with you and like we can split the like the 50 pack of toilet paper or you know this oversized food that I'm not going to eat that's how people do it here here's the Noguchi museum very good Museum over here I'm saying look behind me all the youtubes I've been attacked while filming well if that happens they'll be on livestream and I just checked behind me there's a New York City Police Department vehicle there so I doubt they're going to try anything with a camera here and also the New York City Police Department behind me waiting at that intersection so let them try and plus there's a reason why I don't announce my livestream locations exactly where I am so I doubt people will have enough time to get here yeah people do find me but you know it's always good to ask a live stream if it's okay to meet up or not as a live stream it's who I know there may be some instances where I'll get followed or people will just like wait ahead of me in order to like meet me but you have to understand that people have their personal space as well so just understand that this person's going through the right why how much long it's a home I still have some shopping to do what part of Queens is this this is Vernon Boulevard and Broadway David is asking if I meet new people through the live streams all the time all right let's cross the street no cars are coming Cafe logo saying I went to sing food bowl T the bowls were great and it wasn't too sweet yeah I love their bowls sing futong their bubbles the only thing is it's not that sweet it's not like Tigers sugar it's more milky that's what my my review are sing futon was vinyl saying have I download the transit app on my phone yes it's my number one app that I use for checking subway status as well as bus stops and information in New York City the transit app is awesome and the great thing too is this crowdsource also so if someone's on a bus route and they're using the transit app if you're waiting further up you can see the exact location of the bus because someone is using that app inside the bus so amazing app to use in New York City ami J the app is called transit I think it supports other cities as well I haven't tried it in any other city other than New York though our Ju Jones asked me if I ever run into anyone I used to go to school with sometimes Jack's saying is crazy to think I have a higher chance of getting messed with in Midtown and places like this well I wasn't kidding when people asked me about crime they say hey what's the safest neighborhood and I said you have to keep aware of where you are all the time but historically the most dangerous neighborhood in New York City is Midtown it it's home in hand because people expect there to be greater safety and numbers but because of the population density that's what happens in Midtown Vasko saying can I do more 360 videos they're awesome I definitely can they're not as popular as my standard format videos which is understandable because it can be quite overwhelming at times but during special occasions I do like during the holidays Times Square crowded areas the 360 videos are awesome but they also take longer to process as well 5 point 6 K 360 video takes a long time I have to transfer the files off the car then I have to use the GoPro Max exporter to export it into Sena form 5.6 K and then I have to run it through premiere again in order to stitch the files together so there's a lot of work that goes into the 360 videos Zach saying when will the second videos come back that I'm not sure yet yep Charlie Chan you're correct about that extensive walks is good for the workout also I'm making videos for YouTube and then when people watch my videos I earn some money from it that's also what it's about right leaving the New York lifestyle yo man I'm trying to cross the crosswalk and this driver is inching up his Broadway and 21st Street where is this this is the Broadway shopping center at 21st Street and Broadway I actually need a go here because I need to do some shopping I love this local grocery store the City Fresh Market it's open 24 hours I'm gonna do some shopping here in this supermarket I think I'm gonna end the livestream before I go in though because I need all my hands in order to shop it's gonna be hard to like carry around groceries with one hand holding the camera and the phone and it's not gonna be good but I'll at least let you see this market from the outside it's nice in there and let me walk around the other side too oh no there's like stuff in the way you can't really see I got a lift up good oh it's nice hopefully I could angle this down yeah a nice store anyway I'm gonna get some groceries done and I'll see you all later thanks for joining in this long walk and stay safe and good night everyone
Channel: ActionKid
Views: 65,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 03Yw3MoQSUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 50sec (5750 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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