NYC APARTMENT HUNTING | $2,000-2,500 budget - area included

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hey guys welcome back to our Channel if you're new here my name is Anisa and I'm so excited to bring you today's video this is our New York City apartment hunting video it's like a Pinchy moment that we even have one of these now I watched these for years guys for years and I can't believe we finally have one of our own I'm doing it on my own today because I actually did the apartment hunting on my own I couldn't do it with Emilio he had work so that kind of made the process sucky but enough about that let's get into it when watching these videos I always wanted people to just get straight to the point I feel like what lacks here on YouTube is a lot of like affordable apartment hunting videos because when watching these I would watch people that had such huge budgets and we don't have that so here's a video for you with a realistic budget for a New York apartment hunting in Manhattan in the city let me just pre-warn you guys sorry you're probably hearing the city right now disclaimer we're here if you're just starting you're just down doubling your feet in it you want to see what it's like what you need if you're in it I feel you if you're done welcome and you're just looking around um but let me just tell you if you are in the thick of it I know it's hard it's really hard it's mentally exhausting it's physically exhausting this is probably one of the most tiring things I've been through like planning our wedding that's how that's how stressful this was but anyways enough of that let's get into it let's do the requirements the requirements are you have to make 40 times the rent and that's not 40 times like monthly that's four times your annual and if you don't make 40 times your annual you have to have a guarantor which could be from a business there's a few businesses that you can contact that actually have a guarantor business that you can go through you have to pay them an additional fee but that's an option if you don't have family or friend that can be a guarantor for you um and the guarantor has to make 80 times rent and some other things you have to have on hand especially especially if you're not from the same City you're moving out of state just like we were we're from California it's tough It's really tough um I just want to let you guys know I did hire a realtor because it just was way too stressful like I just couldn't do it on my own from California I needed help and I am so grateful that I had Clarence I'm gonna put his information in the description he was such a lifesaver so helpful so nice answered all our questions let us know everything we needed he was great so if you're from out of state I kind of recommend you getting a realtor it makes your life a hundred times easier it's still hard okay so what you're gonna have to have on hand is need is good credit you need anywhere from a 650 or higher I even hear some buildings don't accept if you don't have a 700 so you have to have that letter of employment or a CPA letter if you're self-employed like I was I had to get a letter from my accountant um tax returns from the last two years you have to have your last two pay stubs if you work like a regular job and and you have to have your last two bank statements uh your identification and your landlord reference if you are currently like not owning I brought everything like just in case with me like when I went apartment hunting but um another thing you can do it's called like scanner I think the app I'll put it right here because I can't remember exactly what it's called and you could just like it scans everything and turns into PDF for you so you have them on hand and ready to send out let me tell you when you like a place you want to get that application and you want to send it over fast one of the frustrating Parts about being in California was that if we hadn't seen the place in person most places won't let you apply that's why in our case we need a realtor because he actually went to go see some apartments before us before we even went to New York we've seen a place and he couldn't make it we couldn't apply for it which really sucked next is your fees you're gonna need to have a security deposit which is the first month's rent then you actually have to have your first month's rent a 20 application fee per person and then your broker which is your first month's rent up to 15 some people just do your first month's rent which thankfully where we went that's what it was but they can also do 15 of the annual rent which is crazy and then if you have a realtor then you have a separate fee with them which again it's so worth it it's expensive to move here but if you really want it it's so worth it we're here right now guys and we don't regret a second of it just let me tell you you can just skip this next part if you don't really care what our needs or wants was our budget was 2 000 we didn't want to spend more than two thousand l-o-l we ended up stretching that budget to 2500 which it's me and him so it's doable between the two of us because honestly guys it is Slim Pickens for 2000 under even anything 2000 or 2300 in that Gap it is really really hard the other things that were just like a no-go is just like obviously the building being clean they're being no rats we didn't have like a lot of things like a doorman or an elevator or things like that we just wanted to be in a safe area and a good area be walking distance to both of our jobs and that was pretty much it okay so let's just get into it okay so the first apartment we seen was in Hell's Kitchen and this was twenty four hundred dollars this was a studio apartment so it wasn't even a one bedroom and honestly I thought this one was pretty cute like I liked the big Windows it was south facing so you definitely did get a lot of light and I kind of like that it wasn't like a crazy view you got but you did get to see some nature so I know that that tree would be really pretty like when it's blossoming but other than that like you know it is what it is this one was a little bit more spacious I will say but then again like that was small that was the only closet that it had this restroom was pretty teeny tiny and all the tubs are small even when you think like oh we have like a tub like they're much smaller in person trust me um but yeah overall I did like this one it was definitely like one I kept thinking about on the rest of our trip but I just didn't love the area and one huge thing you want to check on when visiting Apartments is looking at like the staircases in the buildings especially if it doesn't have an elevator because you want to see how they maintain a building that is so so important next up we went to flatiron this area I absolutely loved but this apartment what you see is what you get it was so tiny this was the smallest apartment that we've seen I think out of all of them and honestly like I liked it because some things were like modern in there and I loved the area but I just couldn't like I knew me and Emilio could not live in here comfortably and one of the biggest things that I just could not do was that you were facing like a cement wall and I coming from the country I just couldn't do that like I just knew that would make me really depressed the girl really loved the building and she really talked it up because she had really liked the people in the area but it was just a no for me I couldn't and this one was twenty three hundred dollars yeah that's the view I just couldn't do that all day 2300 for that no this next one we went back to Hell's Kitchen I knew from the second like stepping into this building it was a no it was so tiring getting up all those stairs so just be prepared for that especially if you're bringing someone who wasn't used to like working out and exercising like that even for me it was so extremely hard going up these stairs um but yeah I just knew it gave me really bad creepy Vibes my brother said he felt like he was in a Netflix like scary movie this one was 24.50 which is so insane because it was so disgustingly dirty like I don't even feel embarrassed like saying that to ever who owns I'm sorry forever like who moved in here or owns this building I just was just like how could you show someone a place like this the floors were curving in like you could just see it the restroom was so dirty he was like oh don't worry we'll clean that before we move in we're like um no like I just felt yeah it was just bad [Music] next up we are still in Hell's Kitchen this was a one bedroom apartment and this one was 23.95 and honestly I actually really liked this place I thought it was super cute I loved that the restroom looked clean um whoever was a tenant before they had said that no one had lived there for like a little while so it was just clean and I like the place I loved that it had like the brick wall and it had a lot of Windows in there so it actually did feel brighter like I knew on a bright day like it would be really sunny in there it had like all new appliances it was cute like it actually had a good sized kitchen I thought the bedroom was cute but honestly Hell's Kitchen like I know if you're considering it um you know it's okay I I think I don't know I just didn't feel safe in the area that's why I just couldn't do it but I actually really loved this one I like kept thinking about this one as well I was just like gosh if I could just put this apartment in a different area of the city this would be it like I loved it but I just couldn't do it so I didn't love this one as much I didn't love the area as much and let me tell you guys it is so exhausting apartment hunting like you're just drained so make sure you grab lunch in between scene Apartments this is still in Hell's Kitchen this was a studio apartment and I actually really like the building like you could tell it was really well maintained and like that the owners cared about the building and um I actually liked this green wall I kind of thought I was like oh maybe I'll paint it black like if I move in here we did apply for this apartment and we were going to get it but in the end I was just like I just don't like the area that was just like the biggest thing for me I just didn't feel like I would feel safe at night but like this apartment was cute like it had a cute little kitchen the restroom was clean whoever lived here before like did a really good job like maintaining it um but yeah I like this one then that was it for day one and then now we're going into day two this is a studio in Chelsea this is twenty five hundred dollars and honestly I really liked this apartment I thought it was super cute and I did apply for it but we didn't get it um but I really liked it I thought it was cute and then next up this is another apartment in Chelsea this was 25.95 but the net was 22.70 which means like they gave like a month or two free I can't remember but this one was just like you know and it's like too good to be true it's because it is like everything was extremely brand new and like just it was nice but they were so small it was insane we checked out four apartments in this building but you don't even get an actual stove and an actual fridge and you don't even have an oven but like what they like sell you on is like everything looks so nice so I was like honestly if we don't have another option this will be and this might be it but then I was like and you say I cannot live without a stove but I was like the restroom's really nice and he's like okay we're not living in the restroom um but yeah this was 25.50 Chelsea is a really good area though like if we had found the right apartment in that area that's where we might have lived too um but if you're thinking about it especially if you're a girl moving to the City by yourself it just feels so safe there and it feels more of a neighborhood feeling and so that's exactly what you want next up we went to Chinatown and I absolutely loved these two apartments I'm about to show you these were 25.50 the net was 23.50 so they gave you like a month off and I really liked this apartment a lot everything was brand new really clean um I liked at the building it was like a such an old building and they had said they had tenants that had been there for like 50 years which is really cool so that you know it's a good sign like people don't leave because they like the building it's well maintained it has a super um but yeah I like these I had a cute little living room the bedrooms were like kind of spacious they were like um like awkward shapes I would say but I loved the views from these places like they were actually really cute and I could see us living here I applied for this place and we really wanted it but what kept killing us was that my husband so it was just like he hadn't had a job yet so they kept seeing it like he was unemployed but he was still getting we were trying to explain to the hit we were trying to explain to them that he had already had interviews and that he was about to get hired but that was one of the things they didn't feel comfortable on because they thought he was just like unemployed so that's why we didn't get this apartment which sucked but it wasn't meant to be next up oh my gosh this apartment right here literally had my heart this is in SoHo this was 23.50 we found this one like it popped up like at 7 pm I texted the broker on my own to see if we could go see it it felt like it was just like meant to be like it just popped up out of nowhere and my aunt and me just loved it we loved it so much it was quirky though like the shower was in the kitchen but you could not beat the area the area was just like so insane it was by like such a popular restaurant it was like steps away from like all the major like shopping and food gosh I just like loved this apartment so much but it wasn't meant to be [Music] this one this last one was in the East Village this was 22.50 I walked into this place and I was just like okay maybe we could do this but then again I don't know if you could tell from this video but it was Tiny my brother was like I could do this on my own if I was living by myself but with someone else no I really liked the broker and the building was well maintained but just couldn't do it again I'm so super sad I'm very anxious but it's such an exciting time in our life right now and I can't wait to move out here and I know it's going to be a lot of work but I've been prepared for it for 18 years and this is what I've always wanted to do so I will keep you guys posted and I will see you in this anyway I hate you okay so I hope you guys enjoyed seeing those apartments spoiler alert none of those are ours we actually applied for three of those places the one in SoHo the one in Chinatown and the one in Chelsea and we got denied each and every one of them two of them we just got beat out just so quick like the apartments go so insanely fast and it was like one of the last ones it was just like the thing with Emilio like them feeling like he wasn't employed um was what really killed us so if you're transitioning jobs and you're not like getting a Subway you want an apartment when you get here make sure you interview and get a job before you get here especially if you don't have a guarantor to like sign for you because you're probably not going to get the apartment um but um in the next video I will be posting I will show you guys the apartment we did get I'm still not sure if I'm gonna say the area or not I'm not sure if that's like safe to but we are so excited it's actually a two bedroom was in our budget it popped up a few days after we had left after not getting those three Apartments I was like so stressed out but I was just like praying I knew that God had a plan for us and that those just weren't our places and we have the total mindset that we were gonna move here and just rent a Airbnb apartment hunt when we got here and just figure it out but thankfully literally a day before we left apartment came up and we applied for it it probably took like two days and we got it we literally got it the day before we left like signed the lease everything and we were so excited I was just like I felt like I could breathe again it was such a weight lifted off our shoulders and to get a two bedroom like I'm so excited to reuse one of them as a bedroom and then one of them as a living room it's literally 11 minute commute for me to walk to work I think it's like a 14-minute commute for Emilio to walk to work so it's just perfect and I'm so excited to share it with you guys um so I just want to tell you if you are apartment hunting don't give up it took us two weeks to find an apartment but we did it I've heard some people say it took them up to like three months to find an apartment so do not give up just remember if you haven't found yours yet it's not that place is not meant to be for you and your apartment is waiting for you if something better is waiting for you hope you guys enjoyed this video uh give me a thumbs up if you're not subscribed to our Channel Please Subscribe I'm already posting so much on our shorts about our life here in NYC if you don't follow me already on Instagram please give me a follow I'm posting all the good New York content already and the next one you will see our empty apartment tour we right now we are in an Airbnb and this place is so small but we're grateful to be here we kind of got Bamboozled on the move-in date for our place they told us it was immediately then they told us April 1st and so we're like uh but thankfully we found an Airbnb anyways I will see you guys in the next one can't wait to show you my new York City empty apartment tour and I'll have to do that on familial um but yeah I love you guys and thank you so much if you're here stream until it's your reality because we literally manifested the disguise became real for us it can become real for you so don't give up love you guys bye
Channel: Aniessa & Emilio
Views: 66,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apartment hunting, New York, Nyc, New York City, Apartment hunting in nyc, Budget
Id: hdGlaW5viyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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