NYA 20 Fontana Anthony Romo

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I'm just so very blessed to be with you I've got a word from the Lord I feel like God has talked to me about what we need to share today and so if you'll go with me in your Bible the Gospel of Mark chapter eight the Gospel of Mark chapter eight and we'll begin our reading at verse 22 amazing worship leading singing musicians aren't they amazing earthly phenomenal thank God but in the Apostolic Church we have this kind of anointing and this kind of ministry we celebrate what God is doing in them as well the Gospel of Mark chapter 8 verse 22 and we're gonna read down to verse 26 I'm reading from the New King James Version and this is how it reads then he came to Bethsaida this is speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ and be brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch him so we took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town when he had spit on his eyes and put his hands on him he asked him if he saw anything and he looked up and said I see men like trees walking then he put his hands on his eyes again someone say again and made him look up and he was restored someone say restored and saw everyone clearly there's 26 then he sent him away to his house saying neither go into the town nor tell anyone in the town I want you to turn to the person next to you and we're gonna make a prophetic declaration today and we're gonna declare this over our lives I want you to find somebody look at him look at her in the eyes and tell him I can see clearly now it's not just that the title of my message I really want you to understand what the Holy Ghost wants to do in this generation at this hour and this time in your in my life God wants you and I to have a clear vision of what he wants to do in and through us that's my whole message today if you're looking for some mouths that's it God wants you to have a clear vision of what he desires to do in his church and in his people in this last hour if you would like God to give you that kind of vision when you throw up your hands one more time to heaven when she lifts up your voice with expectancy and anticipation but leaving that we're going to leave this place this a wonderful wonderful event this weekend with our clear vision father we love you we give you the glory and the praise for everything that you have done everything that you are doing and in faith for what you're going to do I thank you for every district every church every family represented in this house be glorified in everything that we say and do speak to us today we ask this in the wonderful name of Jesus amen and amen god bless you you can be seated in the wonderful presence of the Lord mark records multiple miracles of healing and this is the first time that jesus heals a blind man in mark the Gospels specifically record at least seven occasions where jesus heals the blind the other healing of a blind man and Mark's Gospel is the healing of bartimaeus in mark chapter 10 but in verse 23 of our text Jesus asks this blind man if he could see anything after ministering to him to a certain extent scriptures tell us that he responds that he sees men as trees walking and before the story is over the blind man sees everything clearly it's interesting to me that this miracle is recorded here I believe to illustrate the transforming power of Jesus that the one who fully restores physical sight can also fully restore spiritual sight and this blind man that's brought to Jesus goes through a three-step process through a progressive process towards his miracle towards his healing first you find him with no vision and then we see him with blurry vision and finally through the power of Jesus Christ he ends up with clear vision so I'd like to spend just a few moments that we have here today looking at those three different stages number one we first see a man with no vision someone say no vision verse 22 of our text says that Jesus came to beside her and they brought this blind man to him and begged him to touch him a little bit of background in the story this was the last boat trip that Jesus was going to take with his disciples and they landed in this particular area and according to Luke chapter 9 the feeding of the 5,000 took place near here but Saida was also the hometown of Andrew Peter and Philip so that lead us to believe that Jesus was well known in this area most likely many people came to him with various needs mark focuses however among all the people that show up to see Jesus he focuses on a particular group and it was this group that brought a blind man to the Lord Jesus none of them are identified no names are given no status of these individuals is revealed we are only told that they bring this man who was blind possibly because of poor hygiene or environmental issues and limited medication the blindness that this man had and others at that time was very common in the ancient world blindness left its victims in a very sad condition most of them were beggars like Bartimaeus in mark 10 blindness was considered incurable even in the Old Testament there are no stories of blind people being healed but it was believed through the prophets that the coming of the Messiah that he himself would give sight to the blind because Isaiah chapter 35 and 5 says then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped so we arrive at our story where these people bring a blind man to Jesus and they begged him to touch him we don't know the motives of these people but they are to be commended for bringing this man to Jesus Jesus was his only hope and what's amazing to me is there's no reference to the man's faith in this story it's almost we're led to believe that these people wanted the miracle for him more than he wanted it it's almost like it was an associate a friend a relative someone that these individuals knew that knew that this guy's blind and his only hope is Jesus so they grab him and almost it seems like they're forcing him maybe not so much against his will but he probably was comfortable where he was and had a life that he already got used to but thank God there are some friends that said we see something better for you but you don't have to be blind for the rest of your there's a man here his name is Jesus and it's been prophesied that he gives sight to the blind so whether you were planning on going or not we are taking you to Jesus he doesn't have the faith that Bartimaeus had because Bob the Bible says in mark 10 and 47 that bottom else cried out when he heard that Jesus was coming jesus the son of David have mercy on me the people rebuked him and he cried out the more but not this man he silently is introduced to Jesus when I come to understand this the blind man in our text he meets Jesus as the result of intercession of others somebody brought this blind man to Jesus and they begged Jesus to touch him can I tell you and I believe this is where the next step is for the messengers of peace we've got to understand that there are people in our lives that are blind they have no spiritual perception we are surrounded by a world that has no idea that there's a Jesus they've heard religious stories that were tired maybe some in Sunday school at a young age but people don't really know that they need Jesus they're comfortable where they're living they have no spiritual perception they don't see themselves in church they don't see themselves in the waters of baptism much less do they see themselves in heaven classmates neighbors co-workers and friends that are blind to this truth and the truth is that Jesus is their only hope I'm so glad that there was a group of individuals in our story said we love our friend too much to leave him the way that he is we care about his life too much I know we see him every day I know we pass him every day but we cannot leave him there we need to take him to Jesus when you realize that God designed you to bring people to Jesus this is gonna go over very different because it's time for us to take responsibility we have a Bible in our church it's because we need to take the mentality of these people here I'd like to introduce you to a group of people that every Apostolic Church needs in this last hour I'd like to introduce you to the people every pastor wishes he had in his church I call them the bringers and the beggars know when I said beggar I lost a couple of you I'm talking about a different kind of beggar because if you'll read verse 22 with me again the Bible says that's what it says it says that they brought this man to Jesus the Apostolic Church needs bringers major in English at college so forgive me it may not be appropriate but that's the best word I could come up with we need young people in our church to become bringers like 1/4 right there just nervously clapping should i clap do we clap you want your church to grow how come our churches and growing like that other church because you don't have bringers we've got Watchers and observers and critics gossipers negative people but no one wants to be a bringer no one wants to get their classmate from the life that they're in now and bring them to Jesus if we really believe that Jesus is the solution to the problems of our world we would live differently because we are missing something in the church oh I know you like music I know you like to shout I know you like a lot of other things but I'm telling you your pastor is waiting for you to become a bringer will you start bringing some folks with you in that nice car that you just bought but you don't want anybody to get into because your friends are gonna make it dirty you're gonna feel that car with people this Sunday and bring them to the house of God people are coming by themselves mom and dad come with their car in the young man the single adult young lady comes later all these empty cars come in the church they go SUVs in our apostolic parking lots half empty church vans that we use just to take young people to camp we just fill them with juniors and youth twice a year got to pay the insurance every month got some up every now and again take them around the block to keep the engine going take another car at wash once or twice a year so we can take our kids to camp and bring them home safely what are the bringers I'll tell you in my church I preach better when people bring folks to church you want to get your posture so excited be a bringer the pastor I brought my classmate today he said he doesn't believe in God but I bought the church I brought my cousin he needs the Holy Ghost someone needs to pray for him before we leave be a bringer I'm dealing a few more folks to the bringers club as I keep preaching I'm hoping that something arises inside of the national messages of peace that we realize we're the greatest asset to the Apostolic Assembly will happen here's our problem here's the challenge I can barely bring myself to church yes jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature baptized shall be saved how are the souls of our community gonna walk into our church all by themselves they're not somebody's gotta you want miracles in your church bring some sick people on Sunday you wanna see deliverance and restoration bring some hurting people and the Lord will change your pastors message to healing because when you bring to them Jesus will do a work and number two we need beggars now understand something I'm not talking about on the side of the road beggars because verse 22 says they brought the man to Jesus and then number two it says they begged they pleaded with him you've really never been in a need until you've begged Jesus some of you don't know what I'm talking about but there's so many is an owner I've sat in hospital rooms next to people that I love and I members homes when the devil had just tried to destroy that home and I've sat there in the living room and I've begged Jesus to heal and restore and put the pieces back you've never really prayed until you've got to a place Jesus I'm talking about is that bringers become Baker's because when you bring somebody to church you are hoping and praying but more hope and prayer but you're doing some praying to let the worship team is on that day I'm bringing my boss oh gosh I hope the media works today I hope if it's not the pastor he brought he has a good what good minister preaching cuz I don't know if my cousin's gonna come back I don't know if God I hope the praise team is extra anointed today because my classmate is is struggling with depression he has thoughts of suicide and so Lord I don't know where my pastors preaching but let it be the best sermon he's ever preached in his life in your church but I know I've got some folks and some beggars in my church that have been praying and they said they've taken my see message through their prayer to an a be a Holy Ghost service let this be one of those services Lord but my relatives my loved one my friend that's the Holy Ghost decides to be baptized in Jesus do you see what's happening all of a sudden you care if the restrooms are clean all of you said you care if the service is organized everything changes because I'm bringing somebody to church what would happen in the National messengers of peace and beyond that in our Apostolic Assembly if every young person became a bringer and started to intercede and say Jesus save community Jesus give us revival Jesus anoint my pastor Jesus give us creativity give us insight give us resources let us send the influential people we wanna see revival bringers are people who work to bring people to Jesus when you're a bringer you gotta work at it you gotta promise in at least lunch what's your order but come with me to church this Sunday are people who intercede and prayer for others they're worried about those that don't know Jesus it's time that every one of us myself included I include myself in this because I want to breathe I want to be a bringer and I want to be a beggar do you want to be a bringer and a beggar I'm talking about a soul winner and an intercessor at least bring one person to Jesus this year we make this so big that we do nothing so we're so overwhelmed with the task that we let another year go by and not bring anybody to Jesus but my world and your world are different there are people in your will that you can reach that no one else can you've gotta ask the Lord Lord I come to church by myself that's gonna change in 2020 I want a clearer vision I want a clearer perspective God's vision for our life is that we be bringers and better we beg Jesus in prayer to open their eyes that they see the need to be saved I'm not with no vision number two you have a man with blurry vision someone say blurry vision they brought him to Jesus they begged him to touch him and the rest of the story is what happens between Jesus and the blind man the bringers did their part and now it's in the hands of the Lord and Jesus begins to minister to this man who comes with no vision and now gets led too blurry vision verse 23 says that he takes the blind man by the hand and leads him out of the town you see when they brought this blind man to Jesus he assumed role of guy of guide he took the blind man by the hand it was more than then about grace and it was guidance really the creator of the universe held hands with this poor blind man and hand in hand Jesus led him away from the people around obstacles and out of the villager and it was now just Jesus and the blind man here he could ministered to him without distractions when Jesus is working on your vision the first thing he'll do is he'll lead you away from some things the Bible says that Jesus takes him by the hand and he pulls him out of town he pulls him away from his friends he pulls him away from what's comfortable because he wants to clarify his vision he wants him to see something differently and I've come to tell somebody in the Holy Ghost Jesus has been working overtime to pull you away from people to pull you away from things because he wants to clarify your vision it's time to allow Jesus to lead you out of relationships lead you out of friendships lead you out of places that are holding you back and distracting you from your purpose pull you away from those influences I gotta pull you away from those voices because they're working against my purpose first has to pull you away from things and so I say in 2020 let him pull on me if there are any friendships if there are any relationships if there are any associations that will stop God's work in my life pull me away Jesus because in 2020 I want to have 20/20 vision and then you notice you read in Mark's Gospel that mark uses the term immediately about 40 times in his gospel whenever Jesus worked in Mark's Gospel because mark is trying to show his audience that Jesus is the Son of God he's come to establish the kingdom power authority so mark displays the power of the Ministry of Jesus so 40 times when he ministers it says immediately the fountain of her blood dried up immediately he received his son but here there's no immediately here this miracle happens in stages and verse 23 Jesus asked the blind man a strategic question he asked him do you see anything he ministers till he spits on his eyes he puts his hands on him touches him ministers to him and then he says do you see anything now Jesus doesn't practice medicine because doctors will ask you how to how do you feel you feel better does it feel worse Jesus wasn't doing that he works miracles but this is the only time that Jesus ever asks a person to update his condition Jesus was not asking for information his question was strategic Jesus wanted to know how engaged this man was in the process of his miracle can I tell you sometimes before Jesus touches your vision he checks your hearing I'll say that again sometimes before Jesus touches your vision he checks your hearing because you will never see God's purpose in your life until you learn how to discern his voice for that day I don't get it I don't know why I can't see the things that God has for my life I want to see his blessings I want to see his power and God says you will but I want to check first if my voice is the only voice that you hear if my voice has supreme value in your life what God has been doing with some folks in this room before he ever touches your vision he wants to check your hearing till you hear the prompting of the Holy Ghost do you hear the sweet nuts of His grace he wants to see God in His sovereignty in God this power opens the door so Jesus because he's a merciful Savior says I can heal this person no I want them to make sure that they can know where I'm taking them and know it's here young man and young lady where we knew to tune when his voice so he looks up he was now able to see and Jesus was really asking a yes-or-no question here but the man explained I see men like trees because he had the two confused he saw people who look like walking trees the man could now see light shapes and colors but he did not see things as they truly were he was not completely blind he was just now legally blind no by that statement we are allowed to understand that he used to see at one time because how did he know what trees look like how did he know the shape of individuals because a blind person has never seen doesn't know that kind of detail so it leads me to believe that he saw at one time but lost I'm here to tell you that God wants to restore vision in someone's life in this room I'm talking to somebody who had one time saw clearly the purpose of God you saw clearly the things that God wanted to do in your life and I'm here to tell you there's a restorer in this place his name is Jesus and he wants to give you your vision I saw myself leading worship but now I see blurry I saw God using me but now I can't see real well I'm here to tell you he wants to restore your vision so you can see so you can work so you can serve so you could give but he was not worried out to be his vision was blurry yes there are people with no vision in our world but there are also people in the church with blurry vision been pressuring me for two years to go get glasses okay I'll go get glasses so that the doctor can see mr. bromo your eyes are amazing could we take pictures of your eyes put them on the wall so I said okay I'll go the doctors like no sir you you got stigmatism in one eye I saw colors I'd seen in years these glasses acting like everything was okay was fine the blurriness would do how many of us in the spirit have been living that way for so long limiting the work of God in our lives let me tell you it's time to let the Lord clarify your vision so you can see maybe what you've never seen before you can see the purpose of God clearly somebody lift up your hands to heaven right now we've been missing out on because we're walking with blurry vision about souls to clarify it's hard for some of us because we haven't taken an honest look at your church clerk at the grocery store when you go to school and you see your classmates what do you see it's time for us to get honest and say I'm not seeing what I should see I've been enjoying my Christian walk walking with blurry vision and yes I can see and I can decipher things and every once in a while I get a little but I want God today before we walk out of this place if we're gonna get better we must stop lying to ourselves lying about our blurry vision we must be honest and say Jesus I'm not seeing the way I should but I believe it this service [Music] number three a man with clear they brought this blind man to Jesus and begged him to touch him Jesus did not turn them away I refused to help when Jesus touched this blind man he began to see people as trees walking but Jesus did not leave him in that condition verse 25 says then he put his hands on his and made him look and he was restored someone say he was restored and saw everyone clearly unlike every other miracle of Jesus this man at first was not healed perfectly completely or immediately we must ask ourselves why it wasn't that the power of Jesus was limited it wasn't because the man's case was so difficult it wasn't because yes first attempt was failure just gonna healed that man at once if he wanted to it wasn't until Jesus touched him again that his sight was fully restored and this is important because God is more interested in the process than the result we want to get to the result as we heard so powerfully ministry to us last night through our presidents message but I need to tell you there's a process in every miracle there's a process in every supernatural work of God and maybe you're not where you wish you would be and maybe you're saying this is taking too long Jesus had all power I say he could do it in a moment he can but it's the process it's the time that you were gonna learn and observe God's work in your lives a process he becomes our only source and we learn to trust him completely God also wants to know if we'll settle for partial victory or wait on him to set us completely how's your vision how do you see yourself to go another year with blurry vision will you forget about the things that you used to see and the dreams that you used to have and the desires that were there at one time that have faded away or will you allow the Lord Jesus Christ to touch you when he touched him the first time his sight improved but when he touched him the second time his vision was clarified it's time for you and I to allow Jesus to touch us again I know he's touched you before but he wants to touch you again I know he used you before but he wants to use you again I know he blessed you before but he wants to bless you again [Music] [Applause] we need Jesus to touch our eyes it's not God's will for you to see his purpose and plan for your life hazy blurry or cloudy it's time that we see clearly it's time for every leader every man of God in this room for us to seek God's vision for our life and for His Church clearly I believe we've declared it over our church this year God wants to give his church 20/20 vision where we see our assignment we see our mission we see our purpose clearly we quit messing with things that are wasting our time that have no eternal significance and that the church would get laser focused with 20/20 vision seeing clearly matter one day not yesterday but she clearly there are too many people depending on you youth leader there are too many young people waiting for a clear vision waiting for a clear objective my dear brother our churches are waiting for leadership that has 20/20 vision and I'm telling you by the Holy Ghost if you let Jesus touch your eyes again you'll see clearly why is this important hear me there's your standing let me give this last thing checks your hearing checks your vision and then verse 26 watch and give it to me on the screen please the Bible says then he sent him away to his house neither going to the town nor tell anyone watch this after Jesus deals with this man's vision he then gives him Direction touches his eyes he sees clearly and then Jesus says don't go that way go this way don't go back the way you came go the other way you know why God can't give some of us direction because he hasn't restored our vision yet we are struggling with directions I don't know what to do with Anthony I don't know which direction to go I don't know if this relationship is God's will I don't know if this job is God's will I don't know if I'm heading in the right direction in my education I don't know if this is where I'm supposed to be serving I don't know and so we don't have direction because we don't have vision but once Jesus restores your vision and once you begin to see things clearly this is now young man now young lady now servant of mine go that way go in that direction go to that family to that ministry walk through that door embrace that situation direction always flows from fish that's okay cuz we've all been there where do I go what's the will of God what can I tell you what the Holy Ghost wants to do he wants to clarify your vision I've said all of this to get to this supernatural moment because before we leave this place you're gonna walk out of here with clear vision for you some of you it's gonna happen immediately others it's going to happen later on released you're gonna realize what has happened you're gonna go back to your job and you're saying I don't belong here you're gonna go back to situations and say this is not for me you're gonna go back to places that you were very comfortable that before and you're no longer going to fit in because why God's clarified your vision there are many of you that saw so-called friends as confidants but because today God's clarifying your vision when you leave this place you're gonna start seeing them differently your weird feelings all of us on that person I don't know about them after all some of you're gonna go back to a relationship that you thought was the will of God and because now your vision is clear you're gonna know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's not God's will for you can I tell you in the Holy Ghost we're in the Holy Ghost now can I tell you in the Holy Ghost some of you are gonna change the major' that you've been made shirring in college because you don't realize that the major that god is going to lead you to is also connected to your ministry can I tell you can I tell you in the Holy Ghost now this is the Holy Ghost that's why you've been so frustrated in that classroom that's why you've sat down with that book in front of you and you've been so frustrated and confused because that's not God's will for you and when you change your major the Holy Ghost tells you it'll connect you not only to a new direction for your career and education but it'll plug you into the ministry that the Holy Ghost has for you says the Lord and I tell others of you in this room you are going to up your spiritual game in the next several days some of your gonna walk into your church tomorrow and you're gonna start noticing vacancies in your church that you didn't see before you start realizing wait a minute we don't have anybody to help with children wait a minute we need help in the audio and the video and the sound wait a minute we need someone to take care of us Cherie wait a minute we need someone to greet at the door all of a sudden you're gonna begin to see things in your church that you didn't see before why because today the Lord is going to open your eyes and you're gonna see clearly now by the Holy Ghost I'm not telling you in boldness I'm telling you in the Holy Ghost what God is going to do so now if you want to leave this room and you want to see clearly now I want you to come and stand at this altar right now come let's fill this entire altar the aisles if we need to but come this is Holy Ghost and I feel the supernatural power of God that is gonna open our eyes so to get as close as you can please come squeeze it we got a lot of people come and squeeze in there you go thank you get in as close as you can leaders Clara clarity and our vision and I include myself in this because I want to have a clear vision for my life for my family and from my church in 2020 I want to have 20/20 vision I don't want to have 2019 over again some of us have been repeating the same year over and over it's just a number at the end is changing when you have 20/20 vision it affects your decisions it affects the direction that you're going you have clarity and this is where the messengers abuse is what we need we need clarity in our vision we are after everything and gaining nothing at the same time but the vision has been set before us it's time for us to go and make a difference in our world and that will happen when you have clear vision clarified some of you are gonna see your classmates your co-workers your neighbors differently because your vision has been clarified here's what I wants to do this is bold but I want you to take both hands and put them over both of your eyes right now we're not moving anywhere but you stay right where you are but both hands over your eyes some of us have walked in here with no vision some of us have walked in here with blurry vision but in the next several minutes there's going to be a clarity of visions gonna come to this house by the supernatural power of God for some people the scales of insecurity are gonna fall off your eyes for others the scales of condemnation are gonna fall off of your eyes from some of you the scales of mistreatment that you have suffered that it's limited your vision are gonna fall from your eyes somebody in here has been involved in things that you shouldn't be involved in has been seeing things you shouldn't be seeing from your eyes today in the name of Jesus we removed that they would have Oh God clarifies [Music]
Channel: micah james
Views: 1,511
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Keywords: messengers of peace, anthony romo, apostolic, pentecostal, preaching, national youth advance, apostolic assembly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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