NWPAS Seminar 2018 - 02 - LED bulb replacement

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good afternoon and welcome to the 2018 North West pinball and arcade show we'd like to welcome in our new audience from geek gamer TV and welcome to the show I'm doc and as usual this is my partner David shoemaker and well we are partners in crime today what we're going to talk about is LED lamps lighting versus incandescent and we've chosen slugfest because we know or two of them were one was already done and the other wasn't and it was just easier than trying to muddle through something like a Twilight Zone or an Addams Family or something that had a gazillion lights in it Indiana Jones and we're gonna show you some differences we're gonna show you a whole bunch of lamps give you some places to get them one of which will be mark or excuse me pinball bulbs who will be bringing LEDs tomorrow so starting with this slugfest here this one has been LED and this one is running incandescent and if you if we can switch to the overhead shot you should be able to see a drastic difference between the two especially in the base running sections where you can actually see the base runner on the one with the LEDs where you can't so much on this and then when you get into your single double triple and out huge difference they're there they're very hard to see the one problem with LEDs in the slugfest though is that there are some under bleacher lights in this area right here and you don't see any of the lighting here because only one of them works on the one that's been led you see all of the LEDs lit up bright on the red out when it's actually on location wherever it's at whether it's in your house or whether it's out on out on route in the glasses in place you really don't see that too much and not not enough that it affects any kind of gameplay but that same lighting also lights up the characters that you're hitting these character switches that you're hitting that's that do your scoring your first base second base whatever out the other thing is in the bleachers the GI general illumination is lit in this set of bleachers you can hardly see this set of bleachers in the one that has been le vide it's very crisp and and clean white looking in the bleachers the next set of differences start to come up in the marquee this mark he probably has four maybe five lamps that are burnt out and I can tell that from looking at the difference between the color of this one and the color of that one there's something like either 12 or 16 lamps actually inside the marquee I don't remember which the marquee we're not going to show you because it's it's kind of a pain to take apart you have to pull the the top apart and it doesn't it just doesn't come out real easy but we are going to show you the quick and easy way to change out LEDs when you're doing a machine another good thing about this is these are fairly easy and we can access them you can actually see them a lot better and that's kind of the kind of the deal in the in the home run when lit these are flashers so they would be the if I'm remember correctly they are 906 flashers and none of these work those are 906 LED flash degrees and you can actually see those lighting up what we don't have with us that we're not going to be able to do for the owner of this machine today is in the buttons there is a specific size LED four buttons sometimes you can take a regular LED and snap the head off it most of the time it breaks but the button LEDs are what are they I think they're like a dollar apiece dollar 20 apiece something like that they're a little more spending it's just because they can there's no difference in the actual LED portion okay so what we're gonna do is I'm going to show you four thousand dollars worth of LEDs and $4,000 worth of LEDs fits into these four boxes and so these are both forty four and forty four forty seven and five fifty five wedge style LEDs but what what's special about these is these are flexible and so they can bend around corners and switches and vertical up kick strikers okay that's what makes these special so there's that set if you want to kind of walk around with that David the next set yeah I think me sort them again this next set is simply your forty four forty sevens and if you notice there's not that many colors in there and there's there's a reason for that so natural white is more blue and more kind of clear white incandescent light is what's referred to in the LED world as warm white it has more yellow in it so if you want it to look like an original especially in an e/m an electrical electrical mechanical machine you may want to use warm white the primary colors that you're going to use the most of are going to be natural white red green blue and orange or that some places call it amber the yellow is terrible and it looks really bad so what you do for yellow is you use warm white and it gives a better it gives a better yellow than natural white natural white will wash out the yellow and make it kind of a it's kind of funky can't really very I'm not sure what color to compare that so you got the same thing in your 550 you have the same thing in your 555 you're gonna you're going to go with the natural white the warm white red green blue and amber or orange the one difference is these switch bulbs and of course we'll pass these around so you can see them kind of hard to see from here but this switch ball the one thing they're taking away is they're taking away the little Ridge that puts the dome on the LED and that's that that's how it fits inside the switch yeah that's that's the only difference the other thing that you would use a a switch LED for is for the coin door Lance because they they're just don't quite fit when they have the dome off and then the the ones without the dome they still have that Ridge and so they don't fit and that's that's where you need the switch LED and take that box next up is the spendy ones ok these are gonna be your ninety nine oh six and eight fives okay so this this eight five LED flasher is is awesome it's just and you know what color is that oh god I forgot now if a plugin is wrong don't love it so in the in the 906 series you can see that that you have your natural white your red your green your blue and this should be orange or amber if I remember quickly open oh it's warm they don't come in orange in the flashers so and there's a lot of where you're gonna use these of a little dome things so like on Adams family Twilight Zone the little door up f-14 tomcat yeah all that kind of stuff and so instead of using orange he's warm white warm white fool to fix that yellow same thing warm white you want to be a little careful with the natural white in the flashers because they have a tendency to mess with people it doesn't doesn't cause seizures but it really bothers some people when you put them in there maybe I'm blind I just go with it so if you decide you wanted to do this at midnight and you're in a hurry you can go to Walmart and buy taillight replacements for a couple of these you'll spend huge amounts extra and there won't be quite as nice but it does work I get to point to our lady's own header oh god it worked yeah it was blue and so the big difference in in LED lighting is your is your supplier and who you're getting them from you obviously want to buy the best quality for the least amount of money and you want to stay away from the lesser quality one of the best things that you can do is not buy any pre-made kit if you want to LED your pinball machine make it your own that way you can choose your particular Reds your yellows your whites your greens you know how dark how dark you want your green how dark you want your reds Auto it in style or how or do you want your red to be kind of orange your trends enough that's kind of what it comes down to so and again that's the kid is where somebody went through and they went well I think this should be red this should be green oh this should be blue and I don't care and they threw it into a kit yeah and there is no real savings in buying a kit and nine times out of ten the kid that you will get does not exactly tell you where those lamps go and if you're doing something like an Addams Family oh my god it's proven if you're doing something like an Indiana Jones very very harsh next-gen yeah Star Trek next generation one of the fun things we did is David and I did a Star Trek next generation and we probably spent about 45 minutes on the bakbox alone in the insert we're doing Worf look better here try this one there were so there were so many there we go unique sets of lamps in the in the insert that you know we went to the trans light we got okay Worf is yellow and what's her name Troy Troy yeah Troy Troy is blue but we want to get datas eyes yellow so let's put an orange here they're using all white from the factory and they're using the translight to give you the colors but if you put the color behind it it just makes it more intense but you have to be careful because you don't want to play the blue here it's gonna make this green when it was supposed to be yellow so you there was a lot of trade-offs it was a lot of fun and it even though that's not a 3d translight it kind of it made the characters pop because well now Troy is actually blue and it you know and the enterprise lights up beautifully in the Romulan vertebrae is green and it just really works nice yeah her you have you got enough well as far as kits go pinball bulbs they do very nice kits well I was gonna try not to throw them under the bus coin taker makes the worst kits sells the worst quality bulbs and charges the highest price of anybody that is correct 99 times out of 100 if you buy a coin taker kit you're going to either be missing bulbs or you're going to have the wrong color that they sent you now the same guys and you want to refute that well we're probably willing to listen but you're gonna have to prove it they've always been very good about replacing them the the missing or wrong ones they've always been very good about that however sometimes it still takes them two or three tries to get it right and if you're you know if you're doing a job for somebody else you know if you're doing it for yourself now you're just frustrated because now it's sitting like this because I'm not gonna play it until I put it back together and can't put it back together because this one goes under this ramp and across and around and under the Habitrail [Music] they have yeah they have the industry across the board for LED lighting is on a massive upswing everything is moving to LED lighting and so the manufacturers are putting a lot of money into producing new technologies you're getting brighter stuff at lower power consumptions with lower heat now LEDs in general will use a quarter of the power of incandescent sits at eight okay so you could put in brighter stuff and have more Headroom you talk to your power supply less a lot less but the factors are pushing for more and more because now that we one wants to do more lights and when you put a thousand lights on a board it draws all current power that's it to light that much so they're trying to get the lower power and brighter and so on so the whole industry of the original manufacturers are pushing now think the guys that are selling these LED kits they are not manufacturing LED modules they are assembling them onto the frames the modules are coming from Cree or Philips or somebody like that the other people that are actually producing these things and pushing the technology they're not pushing it for pinball use they're pushing you for buildings and all again other stuff all the other uses of let's the the panel community's a very small drop in the bucket of the overall lead sales worldwide we're getting the benefit of the market of the other markets bringing things up so everything is getting better and better you're getting brighter you're getting more stable and more durable even lower power longer life longer life one thing about LEDs is they don't tend to burn out as such unless something physically just fails a solder joint fails or where they start to fail is they go they dim out the actual transistor Junction that generates the light starts to get and so it doesn't produce as much light and that is a very huge problem with with coin taker LEDs is that they go dim faster than any other LED that is out there that implies are using an off-brand or they're using seconds or something like that you know the what I've what I have found or I should say what we have found is that the the best price best selection best quality is with comet pinball and they've recently been out of I think they're now out of Denver Colorado if we're not mistaken or at least somewhere in Colorado and they they have great deals on anything twenty-five bulbs 100 bulbs packs they also you know they have every different shape size color that you can think and unless you want to a boat lights corner yes unless unless you need 12 volt but the 12 volt you can still you can find those on eBay via the or Amazon via the automotive industry because the the 12 volt the 12 volt equivalent of a 555 is a 161 or a 194 the 194 being brighter the 161 being a little bit less so I think one is 11 watts and one is 13 if I'm over correctly but I might be a little off question that's that's a physical failure there's a solder joint cracking solid-state electronics don't get intermittent they fail or they don't it's just the nature of the beast you don't get an intermittent like you can get you know in a lot of things you just can't yeah yeah no no no no not on the socket the the actual led is a little square guy that has what SiC four or six legs coming off in pinion and one of those he's going to show you but one of these little legs will we go to this camera one of these the legs will develop a cold solder joint they're they're surface mounts soldered so they're not actually through-hole they basically what they do is is they will take in have four solder pads they'll set it on the solder pad and just brush solder across it heat it would like a hairdryer thing and I'm waiting for that okay okay not quite so if it's good if it's going on and on it the lamp is bad this story nice yeah okay I get myself you look there to the bottom edge you can see thrilling three little silver spots there's three more on the top those are the six legs of the module and those are surface mount soldered to the carrier board which comes down two little wires and those solder joints do two things they conduct the power and they act as a heat sink for the actual LED module it generates the better heat if those solder joints they're the biggest failure point because as the module warms and cools you can attract an expansion and contraction and it can crack those solder joints if you get an intermittent joint you can get intermittent module and that's where we can come in and touch it now those are very small or less than a millimeter in each spot so being able to do that you're either doing the inner magnifier or Luoma they've got really young eyes which not many of us around here do anymore the average person is not is not going to do fix it a cold solder joint on one of those because it's just not worth it and if this is a dollar throw it away do not spend the time I mean we have a we David has a camera for for doing SMD SMT surface mount soldering and what it is is you it's it's a little camera that look kind of like this one up here doing like that and tidy it screen like that it's 400 times so the magnification is 400 times so that he can see that and when he looks at it at 400 he can see the hair on it that oh there's the crack you know we can't see it to the naked eye but under this magnifying but I'm still not gonna do this this is a dollar I'm gonna be doing I'm gonna spend the time for that technology when I'm replacing the CPU on a motherboard this there's no scale economy to make this worth my time no to face even when my time is free is difference between an LED that's got a solder joint problem and a socket that's got a solder joint previs a socket is not usually a solder joint problem a socket is usually corrosion yeah if you if you can put a ball in you give it a twist and it gets better we got corrosion that's replace the socket get a pencil eraser cram it in there do things but that that's just foot and if its value its corrosion if it's if it's a if it's a Bali socket electron beam 78 and 90 did he have on and it's bad yeah there's just no question they those sockets were specifically known for being bad even back then there are replacement sockets out there that are just awesome you know and a lot of work to do all those replacements I have taken a dremel with a very small wire brush and I've run it into it and it does the job it it'll crack that oxidation flake it off I did not fix the problem for the long run because in another three years it's gonna corrode again because that's just the nature of the beast one thing if you're doing that unplug it is you're taking you wire brush into a live circuit otherwise that'd be bad dragons sparks you know all joy I haven't done it I know better yes dear so or you can take you know a pink pearl eraser and cut it about the right size and shape and cram it in there and twist that works some with the eraser trick you can also you can also take a you know people like don't like to put sandpaper in there but if you if you use an automotive or metal sand grit paper that it you can actually get that on the on the back of the pencil erase your in it and that works pretty good sometimes too yeah but like I said you you've fixed it for a temporary it's still gonna oxidize if you have it out in your garage oxidize a lot faster than it's in your living room just because the nature of the heating and cooling cycles so now we got to put in a shameless plug for pinball bulbs because we haven't really said anything about them and those guys are actually going to be here tomorrow and they're they're great guys they will they will if you talk to them and they'll make you a deal and their prices are pretty fair their product is is very good and they're where their weak spot is is selection they don't have as wide a selection other than that they got some stuff shameless plug had to throw it out there you know they're good folks so one of the one of the big problems with changing over to LEDs is that in W pcs most people have problems and they and they get sucked into the you need non ghosting LED questions about ghosting okay and what the what ghosting is is where when there's no power to it you see little flicker the light is still on what causes that in a WPC is that in the GI on the big driver board the general illumination they what they did in that era was they went to Triax and those are the five big five or in some cases six large heat sinks that sit on the bottom left of the WPC driver board those are Triax for the GI the reason that they use Triax is because they were trying to control the GI in unique manners so that during gameplay they could fade in and fade out certain parts of the translight without using the flashers and so they're they're taking your smaller bulbs and they're fading them in and fading them out and it's creating an effect but part but along with that comes the problem that since the inception of pinball until the last few years where they started using LEDs that the GI circuit has been over amp since the beginning of time push it harder than it was actually shouldn't be pushed drawing way more amps and so it burns up your GI circuits it burns up the headers the pan you melt things if you open one up and there's stuff wired directly to others you GI yeah and by putting LEDs you know if you want to keep the originality and use incandescent in the feature lamps but that's good to go or the flashers keep them incandescent that's good to go at minimum you should change the the GI to LEDs because it draws 1/8 of the power and it won't burn up that $400 WPC driver board now that will not fix a intermittent GI problem you've got by just changing it two legs you've already got a burnt connector it's still a burnt connector you didn't change that you didn't fix that you drew less power but it's still bad you need to fix that also but that's another seminar we will cover that this year and I've got a couple of great examples of what to do and what not to do yes so like I said what tell them what it is yeah what caused what in the WPC is what causes the ghosting is that because they put in these Triax they also put in a power save feature okay and it's in your settings and so after about I don't know five minutes they've not being played in a track mode the lamps dim when the Lance dim there's not enough power to run the LEDs and so they ghost and so what you do is you turn off the power save feature then you then it's in three locations there's there's a GI Power Save and then there's a there's two other ones in there but they're there in the settings and all you do is you disable them it doesn't change the gameplay but it eliminates the ghosting so and so easy so buying a I hold that one once a so buying a 60 cent LED bites the dollar fifty non ghosting LED I'll let me have a bunch of the sixties because I don't need this dollar fifty I can know how to turn that off I'm not stupid LEDs require a certain voltage to be able to turn on it's got to be at that an incandescent if you put a little bit low in it can it's it's a filament of wire you just making heat that's all the incandescent bulb is you can get it to be dimmer by putting a little less power in with an LED you have to cross that threshold to get it to light properly so the Triax they're running right at the ragged edge of that threshold at the bottom settings so another thing about LEDs is that it's like a bucket brigade if you have six of them in a row this one would light this one wouldn't this one would need some or you get three over the light and this one wouldn't because each one takes out that threshold you basically subtract out from the next ones input so you eventually you can cross the point where all just not enough left to like these or in an incandescent it would have small to a certain level but it's just it's a nature of a changing technology if you turn off that dimming you can fix it now in it more expensive bulbs are like if you have a dimmer at home for your overhead lights you put a LED bulb in there if you didn't get one that has a dimming capability your dimmer it's not going to turn on because the same time to deal it's not question threshold newer technologies they're coming out with new leads that have dimming capabilities but they've got circuitry inside the module to basically take that lower power boost it up enough to cross the threshold and be able to run there but that's where you get to more expensive bolts so one of the one of the worst things you can do when you're when you're doing a light change out whether it's incandescent or LED is turn the Machine off and change lamps can't tell you how many times that you know I get this phone call I need I need help because I have none of my lamps work okay and do you have any blown fuses then finally I get the story well I just change I just renewed all my lamps oh okay and you did this with power on no I turned it off does anyone get shocked it's six volts it's six volts when we were kids we looked 9-volt batteries to make sure they were still good right this is 6 volts ok so what they've essentially done is they've touched a couple of wires together in there and it's and it's killing that circuit and that's you know it could be in a 44 it could be but you don't know where it's at because you just changed out 65 lamps the some of the older or lower quality LEDs are Direction specific so if you put them in one way they work you put them in you flip them over 180 degrees they don't work at all the newer ones all work both ways however it doesn't mean it works then put it still those freaking out anything why so so then you run into the problem that okay which one did I put in backwards that took out this entire daisy chain of 27 LEDs that I just put in so leave your leave your cut leave your powered up okay and there you know obviously where I start is all started with GI because the GI is always on and and you know GI makes it simple and then when I'm ready for feature lapse I get the future lamps going and then if I make a success to do this you're all lamp test if I make a color mistake I know it right there especially on something like a great example is Adams family because Adams family down in the little house thing there in between the two slingshots has several different oranges and a couple of reds and tell until you're putting LEDs in there you really don't know what that is and then you see it you go oh that's not right so it's it's best to do that with your with your lamps on and then of course when you have the flashers and you want to do the flasher circuits same thing you know run the flashers you know it with that little cap off it the little translucent cap whether it's green orange yellow blue white whatever clear opaque it's not gonna blind you you know I mean and then you're gonna find out whether you like that particular lamp underneath that cap now if you're running that test depending on the machine after five minutes it may turn off like wow oh my god what'd I do you didn't do anything it just timed out go back in the test and do it again now that you brought that up the other fun thing is that in some of the WPC games if you have the coin door open and you're and you're running the next the flashlight two and a half hours the flash lamp test and you don't have the high voltage active the flash lamp well it's not high voltage this is only 25 volts yeah it's part of the high voltage circuit and so you have hours doc what the hell was that I do wait what are you what I'm gonna do it I mean this and now you know it's one of those hey you know you he was mad but Cathy felt silly and we all had a good laugh about it and that's why and I didn't realize this those games used to ship a little clip you could put over the coin horse which of course you never have it anymore no because as the game gets sold it gets lost it's it's supposed to be in the coin box you know a little yellow clip and nobody sells them you can't buy them anywhere and yeah yeah and they go what's yeah that's how it goes yeah it's it's kind of like the you know we get out - we get out on the site to look at a pinball machine and it's supposed to have four balls and here we pull seven out of it and go at some time on the screen it said pinball missing didn't it and in your case it said it more than once didn't it well yeah I did and I put every time he did I put a ball in there yeah it didn't go anywhere you just kind of find it in there I said you have a hole in this machine someplace well no this thing's perfect no no you must have a hole because for a sealed system to lose a ball and yeah and then and then they tell me things like oh now it's kicking out two balls every time well why is it kicking out two balls because the trough sees that there's still six balls in there instead of four what do you do to enable that I've then well you see on this machine there's this one switch on those machines is - you can pull it out so there's there's two different versions there's there's the early in light and so on the on the later ones they actually have a two-position spring loaded cherry switch and it has a service position service position is you pull it out and it locks in place and that's to cut the high power when you open the door in the earlier versions there was that switch and one like this and the one like this is spring-loaded all the time and that's why they gave you the little clip you can take just about any kind of c-clip or you can actually take a chip clip for a bag of potato chips you know one of those little ones just put that on it just so the wrapper of electrical tape just something or you can just remember and push it in when you're looking at stuff yep two and a half hours damn reset line you guys bring that up a year and a half so another another fun fun thing why we chose this one is because it's beyond easy you'll see that when you have a any kind of game that has a lot of 555 s a lot of times they're on individual boards these carriers now if you bought one like this these twists and come out they are a pain in the ass you got ten of them on each board well it's four screws and I'm lazy I might think it screws out nine times out of ten two or three of those if you pull them out individually when you put them back in they won't work they won't work because they the the spring tensions not there and they need to be readjusted they won't work because there's corrosion they won't work because you crack the joint so if you can take this this hole bored all you're gonna do is disconnect the wiring to it which is one plug in some cases to loosen the screws and you're gonna pull that whole board out well the 555 wedges they push in pull out not that big a deal but it has I don't know eight ten and it it takes two seconds pop pop pop pop pop just plug it in make sure and before you screw it back down what do you want to know you want to know if they work right I'll plug it in oh they all work oh now I can screw it back down we go Jim fall asleep in our seminar at David 8:00 a bag a cup something keep your bulbs you never know when they can come in handy well you know you might be out looking at somebody else's game and it might be missing bulbs or you know victory besides they wouldn't know so while David's getting that ready we'll see if we can't find the that's the settings I can remember where they're at I mean I kind of figured you were so when you when you plug it in flip that around and show them folks that hope say and that's and that's why you want to do it with light and as you can see this one has not been the settings have not been changed so it is ghosting so we can't show you how to get rid of it okay yeah when it's off there's still a little bit too well is that was it Justin there we go that was little flick through the wires okay the first setting in this particular game is a one number 25 allow dim illumination and the factory default is yes and that will that will dim the or GI and all you do it you're changing it to know the the next one is a win this game is a 129 GI power saver on and you turn that few off there's one more and it's so next one a a 130 Power Save level and that goes up like 10 you want to you just want to take that Power Save level to the minimum that one shouldn't do anything because you've turned it off but in case there's any kind of leakage we just take it all the way down so you can see till you can you hear on the back you can see the difference right these are these are natural white which is it which would be considered cool white and like I say the the natural or cool white has more blue in it and is a truer whiter white the warm white has more yellow in it and it's more like as incandescent look at the difference between you know the ones we've just changed and all the others you just it's amazing on an electromechanical machine on a switched light is that analogous to what you're talking about as far as the ghosting hey you don't have diodes on them so if you put a LED in a switch like a feature light or something that switches on and off it'll sit and flicker when the game's just being played it shouldn't not at me not in an a.m. shouldn't maybe I should say mind you then you've got a problem elsewhere take a look at somewhere in the hall is my captain fantastic it has all LEDs in it there's no ghosting I'll take a look it's it's it's pretty of course I can't take credit for the restoration I got to give that credit to John Paul's ur JP wait till I read it was it was kind of a barn find that I got from guys you know hey Dave when you when you buy LEDs for the house usually there's a rating on there in room C yeah and no not lumens well yeah can't you go buy these bulbs give you an idea on whether they're 27 hundreds or you know forty five hundred free frequency and in this type of LED lighting it sits right now the industry standard doesn't measure it that way I do understand exactly what you're talking about you're talking about the you know you're buying one for the house and it says that it's sixty five hundred it's twenty seven hundred lumens and then and then you get to the color even if my it might usually if it has letters after it that usually is a que diem of the color for it for example in a fluorescent tubes fluorescent tubes were usually things like cool white warm white daylight sunlight and that that was your different numb that was that was the equivalent of the 2700 HC you know or the 65 minutes there's an indication of the total lumens which is your brightness and then there's a number that is a color spectrum position or the range of color it's gonna out play it yeah there is in the specs on these that information but it doesn't tend to trickle down through the module manufacturers the the Cree or the Philips they definitely say what it is yeah but you have to you have to find out the weight model and go to their site in there guys don't want to tell you that because that's their special sauce oh we're using these guys special LEDs and we're not to tell you who it is just three manufacturers of LED modules in the world they're all using the same stuff the most part if we did one bank 10 duty the rest any questions any more questions well I guess we'll uh we'll call that a wrap let's everybody look out closer if you want like like I say you know a selection and pricing that's where we're tend to go to them they they have almost ever they have everything except for the blowhole for coin the first you know yeah and which is what I'm doing yeah 194 is or 161 94 is a 160 once you know the 12 volt coin gar if you they've got five volt think of both of the work just fine yeah it's just the 12 oh yeah you know comment is is they just state their selection is huge and you know their quantity discounts are awesome 20 you know in 25 packs or hundred packs they ship almost next day and and they're like if you get the 300 deal it doesn't require you 300 same bulb you can get 25 to this and 25 of this and 25 of this they've actually broken it down into 12 25 packs for the 300 pack deal the 300 pack deal out the door cost you one seventy seven fifty eight or something like that no no no that's that's forty four forty seven or five 55 and they they also have similar deals in different styles of LEDs because you there are there many different styles there's one SMD - SMD three four six eight and that's the number of actual light light emitting modules on the thing so even the ones that we have the ones that have like little towers they're all wrapped around those are gonna be a multiple module if it is your prime example to the guy you can't catch bubble yeah so this has got one on top and four around the sides that's a five module now this is in the 906 format but they may know that's a that's an 85 well okay you're right yes okay fine you can get the standard bulbs in all of ours they only have one you can get them with multiple actual light emitting modules at the top in the same for effective as a one so so what he's saying is the the smaller bulbs the 555 you can get those in two SMDs it's gonna get them in for SMBs which has four of those inside that little lamp and oh my god are they bright they will blind so the twilight zone with the translucent top right I think it's got a bayonet type of base in it but I do have ones in there now that I think it has four on the side and one on the top but they're really dim they don't put out any they don't pop at you so what you have there you gotta get you got that from coin taker and I know the reason I know you got a pinpoint eckhart coin taker is because I have those hat those in my xenon in my blue translucent pop buffers yeah okay there's one there's one square LED in the center and looks like for half LEDs around the outside of it they almost look like a true LED bulb they don't know those are those are the early ones I had those too yeah those came from corn thicker so a whole heck of a lot of light yeah they if you if you go to comments website and look through their selection they have several different ones that work very well for the translucent pop bumper caps what I like to use is I like these what's called a super and a super is not more than it has no lens on it if you if you have a really really translucent it's gonna look like a red dot in the center of it so failure we have found we did a Star Trek next-gen every single light in it is LED except for the two in the guns the cannons cannons we went through half a dozen different modules trying to find something that would work the power that is that comes in from the side and with an incandescent bulb it just kind of close you get enough through this red lens every single bulb we put in there with a lead cause the shadow on the top we just and we tried them with diffuse we try them with multi lead just didn't work we could not find one then we do it was extremely opaque it's it's red opaque you know we just never found those two had to stay in knesset so one of them one of the neat things about the translucent ones is and I think that pinball bulbs has just started selling them recently or has for the last year so they for those translucent ones they now make a ring okay and so you at us fix the ring to the bottom of that cap and it plugs into your existing socket and it lights a whole ring of LEDs are out cool instead of single point you get a whole but but I know that I know that comet has been selling them for a while I believe that pinball bulbs had started selling them and you know like I say these these guys pinball bulbs they're cool and they're they're good people they're just and they're fairly local they're down in Portland different colors of them rings they do because the guys it says it's lines are red and put the color in there that is the color of the cap and it will be so much better than a white yeah it's kind of its kind of like Addams Family where you got the five different color you know you've got you've got a clear a yellow of red green orange I think of this but no red blue orange i Adam family is very similar they are they also they're very similar similar to your your post lighting your star post Lighting's yes they also they do also that's another thing that that comment selves that only the only other person that sells them is coin take and and that is the LEDs that go under the posts and they have them in Jesus 1 2 4 version I think it is it's kind of a neat feature but it's not something I'm going to do I think it's neat I thought it was neat when Great Lakes modular made them you know and they they actually were making them at our show in 2009-2010 oh my god down in Seattle [Music] Twilight Zone the upper playfield those little posts illuminated would be awesome yeah yeah and and like I say once again the best selection of every different type of pinball and/or video game LED is at common exact 12 volt lender you know and tell you that and they have the ridiculously priced bulbs as well you know you know they have the they have the two dollar and 80 cent per bulb bulbs and well I I don't buy those but I could if I wanted to is they carry on I think I got a bucket hater job I have a xenon that I'd still need to pull all the old coin taker out and you know this xenon was a ground-up restoration that we did an automotive paint it's it's gorgeous it has a CPR gold playfield CPR limited edition gold play field and it would like to say it was ground-up restoration in 2014 it was selected by the show attendees as best restoration and unfortunately I haven't had the time to pull all the coin taker bulbs out of it because half of them have gone dim another quarter of them don't work and then you have the ones that still have the original brightness and so it looks really stupid see the infinity lights in the coin taker kit they went one two three four five blue five red five blue all the way around that was another another thing that he didn't really care for because the infinity lights originally were all white I've seen a few Xenon's where the infinity lights are blue and I kind of like that alright the majority of them blue and then every wants to know I'll stick up a height one in there just for taste yeah yeah and of course I'm gonna experiment with it because it's it's you know when you're on the play field you don't have much of a choice you know where it says xenon in the circle those are blue you know the insert the inserts are blue the other ones are amber and so you know that's that's not much of a choice you need to have good looking amber you need to have a good looking blue and your reds are red etc when you get into the infinity lights and then you get to the insert on xenon the insert it's very critical because if you can get red supers behind her eyes it looks like she's got red laser eyes which is cool and then there are I want to say there's eight dots around the neck and the the color that coin taker used was purple purple is one of the hardest LED colors to maintain its brightness that there that there is I don't know why it's something in the color spectrum that it's yeah it's but it's it's a that's the only shall we say clear spot that shines through on the actual back glass is those eight dots well they put purple in there you know I could my beautiful openers on okay you can use purple if you just you can use purple it's just it's just hard to find a purple that that maintains its longevity The Devil's gonna be good they're just gonna wear out a little bit sooner yeah and now there's there's also new technologies so there's LEDs light emitting diodes and there's now people are producing what they're called Oh LEDs or organic light-emitting diodes to use a different technology in the actual generation of the light and ol Ed's are a much longer life much brighter lower power again but it's a newer technology so it's more expensive and it hasn't trickled down when we get to those starting to come into this it's going to be a whole other revolution it's evolving and it was gonna be cool forget it so a standard LED back in the day you had yellow LEDs that's all there was yellows Reds because the germanium Junction when they lighted up produced a color of this with respect oh when we get into blues and greens you could do that 20 years ago but it was a lens over the top they actually come they've developed new junctions that produce the different colors the Oh LEDs used in or it's an organic compound inside the junction that when it totally flores's it for us is a different color so it's just a technology change it's not that you can get machines not gonna get the flu Booth's organic and it doesn't it does cost extra like everything organic seems to if you look at LED TVs the high-end TVs say their OLED that's organic LEDs the big things about those is that each of those pixels produces its own light versus a standard LED TV which is used in fact light and the ledger effect are actually shutters an OLED is it's black because there's no nothing there these don't care about that although you can do something ago same thing it's just a new technology that old LEDs been around for a while but it hasn't been high enough production to get the economies of scale to get the cost down so we're gonna we're gonna call this a wrap and we want to thank every one of you for coming out and we want to thank the new audience there at geek gamer TV and everybody game on [Music]
Channel: balliswild
Views: 83
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Id: ZunTQFizvR4
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Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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