NVIDIA AI Workbench running a project on Windows in WSL and exploring the workbench WSL file system

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so I'm going to show you how to clone and this will work on a remote machine or a local machine as long as you've got the install the soft workbench server installed on the remote I'm just going to do this locally we're going to open a project that I've already got in AI workbench and just run a tiny piece of it maybe I don't know we'll find out so uh in this case what I want to do is I have this covid vaccination it tracked Co vaccinations by percentage across uh a couple years during the pandemic and um what what I'd like to be able to do is create a project from this right and or load it into AI workbench I'm going to do it locally so if we're going to do that it turns out we need to know the URL for this it works with GitHub and gitlab and you don't do the dogit thing you just put this here and um what I'm going to do is come here and say hey I'd like to create a new project and man how did I do that I think what I do is I close this one so that's I have a running container out there actually I could have left this running why did I do that that was dumb so um you know what I'm going to cancel that so that got me back to here right um and what I'd like to do is create this project so what I'm going to say is I'm going to clone this project from git and what's interesting here I'm on a Windows machine but you can see it's like slome workbench Nvidia workbench so I'm going to show you what that does in a minute um basically what hap you know what I'm going to show you right now basically what happens here is I'm using the web interface on here when you install this on Windows 11 it actually installs an Nvidia work all of Nvidia workbenches real work happens in Linux WSL instance uh I can't remember what system it's on and so anything you see me typing in that other window is actually going to happen here and it's going to be in the slome directory workbench because that's actually the user ID workbench uses when it runs remote on the WSL instance or uh I don't know what it uses on the server remote uh on the Linux I'll have to look so if we come back over here right what I'm going to do is load in this project and now it's going to ask that's weird oh and because I was already configured it knew what container to build okay so the container's already been built it's using a container I used earlier I probably should have purged that it basically would have worked the same way if I had done you know new project Fu or F and then I would have picked this so I've already done that one time we didn't have to do that again I'm going to go back to this python project so this build is done the container's already built because I already built it once and then if I open this in Jupiter left it's actually going to open a browser to that um workbench via actually what it does is it spins up a container just to run this copy so all the copies of workbench run isolated in their own container um and so we're now talking to a Docker desktop Docker container manage container on the Windows machine and all of this was actually configured using the local app that talked to the Nvidia workbench VM and uh WSL instance which is really a VM right and so I this project is set up like all of theirs it turns out I can actually load this and you see I get the normal Jupiter notebook and pretty much everything here I can suck down the data I need or run all this run the notebook that kind of thing right and I apologize for being out of bounds just a little bit there and so we can go back here so that's it right so that's I had a project I cloned it down and I'm going to do another talk a separate talk on uh on how to do the Clone how to make one of these projects um like if you already have a project you want to convert it to a workbench project or make it available in workbench you can do that anyway that's it any changes I make so this is on the Windows machine any changes that we make in this Jupiter notebook which is actually happening out on this workbench VM right so what's actually happening here is we're going to run this container it's totally isolated and with everything that's installed in it but actually it looks to me like it does a file Mount from this guy um and we can prove that so I can actually go out so this Nvidia workbench right is actually coughing up the file system for this desktop uh for this Docker image that we're actually doing the Jupiter notebook in so I really should be able to just hop into that image it's WSL and it is called Nvidia workspace so I'm going to go here and just say WSL DD Nvidia workspace okay and so so if I so now if I CD it actually came in on my home directory from the Windows machine this is actually the Nvidia workbench is the place p and workbench is the user we're in and you can see that by The Prompt and then I can go to CD Nvidia workbench and you can look and you can you oh man that was dumb you can see the two projects one was my project that I did in another video and you can see this Co and what it did is it prefaced it prefixed the directory project name with the GitHub repo owner so in my case it's Freeman soft is the owner and the project was covid vaccinations Python and if we list LS Freeman but you can see these are all the files that's in the workbench so that's really all there is to it um we went in the Nvidia workbench UI and created a new project from a clone right so if I went back here I could say clone a project that's all I did and I'm going to do a different talk that talks about what changes I needed to make I had kind of this just notebook with the requirements. text and then I wanted to make it work the other cool thing with this so if I wanted to I actually could switch I don't think my servers up nope that's the demo got a heck right there so I'll bring that up and do the remote one but basically whatever I do in here um I can do uh in on a remote server too using the exact same thing and here we are back in the same project right I restarted that I don't know what the auto z mean so that's it and that is how you clone a project from get into AI workbench and then if you need to you can hop onto the box into the WSL instance like if you wanted to do not use their git interface which I'm not super excited about sometimes uh because it doesn't let show me the files actually that are going to change if I only want to change some of the files in the repo and push it I or create a branch or do any of that I can do it from here have a great day
Channel: Joe Freeman
Views: 25
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T7GXwThmU-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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