Nurse/Client Relationship, Therapeutic Communication -Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing |@LevelUpRN

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I am Cathy with Level Up RN, and  in this video, I'm going to talk   about the nurse-client relationship,  as well therapeutic communication.  And at the end of the video, I'll give  you guys a little quiz to check your   knowledge about some of the key concepts  that I'm going to cover in this video.  So let's first talk about a  nurse-client relationship.   Within that relationship, there are four phases. The first phase is Pre-orientation. This is   where you prepare for your meeting with  the patient. You will do a chart review,   and then you also want to examine your thoughts  and feelings about working with the patient.  Then, during the Orientation Phase, you would  perform introductions, establish rapport with   the patient, also establish boundaries,  and talk about patient confidentiality.  You will set mutually agreeable goals with  the patient and also establish the date,   time, place, and duration of meetings. Then, when we get to the Working Phase,   which is next, this is where we  gather data and identify and practice   problem-solving skills and coping skills. We would provide education to the patient,   and then we would evaluate progress being made  towards those goals during that Working Phase.  And then, finally, we have the Termination  Phase of the nurse-client relationship   and during this time we would summarize the  goals that were achieved during the relationship.  We can discuss incorporation of those new coping  mechanisms and problem-solving skills into their   life and discuss their discharge plans. And then we also want to allow time   for the patient to share their feelings  regarding termination of their relationship   because termination of the relationship may  elicit a sense of grief from the patient.  Now let's talk about the concepts of  transference and countertransference.  Transference is where the  patient redirects or transfers   their feelings about a person from their past onto  the nurse. So let's say a nurse reminds a patient   of their abusive mom and it causes that patient  to treat the nurse in a very negative way.   That's an example of transference. And then countertransference is where the nurse's   feelings and response towards the patient  are influenced by their past relationships.  So if a patient reminded the nurse  of somebody from their past it may   cause the nurse to treat that patient  differently. That is countertransference.  So within my wound care team, we have several  team members and sometimes one of my partners   on the team. They have a really hard time with  a certain personality or a certain person,   but it's not a really big deal for me. So I'm like, "Let me take them. That's   not a big deal," and vice versa. If  there's somebody that kind of gets under   my skin or I have a harder time with, then  sometimes my partner will take that patient.  That doesn't happen a lot, but every once in  a while it does. And it's kind of nice that we   can share that burden and help each other out  when counter-transference becomes an issue.  Alright. Next, let's talk about therapeutic  communication. So I'm going to go through   some therapeutic communication techniques,  and then we'll go through non-therapeutic   communication techniques. So therapeutic communication   is so important in the mental health setting, but  it's also important in any setting, and so you'll   need to know these techniques for all your classes  in nursing school, not just psychiatric nursing.  And then it's also going to be important to  know these techniques for your nursing practice.   So let's go through some of them. First, we have broad opening remarks. So   this could be saying something like, "What would  you like to talk about today?" And that helps to   engage the patient and get them talking, which is  really the goal with a lot of these techniques.  Then we have open-ended questions. So, "Tell me  more about the voices that you're hearing," and   that's important to get the patient talking and  telling you what those voices are saying to he or   she so that you can determine if they're at risk  for harm, or if others are at risk for harm so   that you can get the patient the help they need. Then we have sharing observations, and   an example of this would be, "You seem a little  sad to me today." And then that kind of opens   the door for the patient to share more about how  they're feeling and why they're feeling that way.  Then we have a technique called clarification,  which is also referred to as validation,   and this is where you seek understanding  for something that is vague or confusing.  So you can say something like, "Do I understand  you correctly when you say this?" Right?  So if the patient is giving you a lot of  information and you really just want to clarify   that you're understanding them correctly, then  clarification or validation are good techniques.  Reflection is a technique you would use  to refer a question back to the patient.   So if the patient's like, "Do you think I should  try that new medication?" then I might say, "Well,   what are your thoughts on that?"  And that's kind of like reflection.  So they ask me a question, and I kind of reflect  it back to them so that they can really think   about it and make that decision. Another technique is offering self,   and and this is where you make yourself available  to the patient. And an example of this would be--   I had a patient at the hospital. I had just  finished some wound care, and he was in ICU,   and he was getting ready to get an IJ vascular  access put in, and he was really scared.  And I told him-- I was like, "I will wait  here with you while you get that done,"   even though I was done with wound care. He was  really scared, and I was just there, and I held   his hand. So that was like offering of myself. Then we have restating. This is where   you repeat what the patient said to confirm  your understanding. So if the patient says,   "I'm so anxious that I can't get to sleep," you  could say something like, "So your anxiety is   keeping you up at night?" So kind of restating  what they said to confirm my understanding.  And then lastly, we have presenting reality, which  is really important in the mental health setting.   So this is where you are correcting a patient's  misconception. So if they are saying that they're   hearing voices, you want to acknowledge that  they are hearing voices, but you don't want   to validate the fact that there are voices. So you can say, "I understand that you're   hearing voices, but I do not hear any voices." So again, you want to acknowledge that their   perception of reality is real to them, but  you also want to let them know that you   don't hear those voices, right? You want to present that reality.  And then other therapeutic communication  techniques can include silence as well as eye   contact and therapeutic touch if appropriate. And this will vary across individuals,   different cultures, religions, so you really want  to not make any assumptions that these techniques   would be okay for every single patient.  But they can be helpful for many patients.  Alright. Let's now talk about  non-therapeutic communication techniques.  So you do not want to use these  techniques. These are not therapeutic.  So false reassurance. If you were to say  to your patient, "Everything is going to be   just fine in the end," that would be false  reassurance, and that is not therapeutic.  Also, passing judgement, so approving or  disapproving is not therapeutic. So if you were   to say to your patient, "Yes, you did the right  thing," that is not what we want to be doing.  Giving advice is also something we shouldn't  do. So "you should or shouldn't" should not be   something that you say to your patient.Of  course, I'm giving you advice right now,   but this is not therapeutic. But you  shouldn't use "you should or shouldn't"   when talking to your patient in a therapeutic way. Then we have close-ended questions. So these   are like yes/no questions. "Are you  feeling sad and they're like, "Yes,"   and that's the end of the conversation. That's not what we want. We really   want them to talk. So asking those  close-ended questions really shuts off   the conversation when we want to open it up. Then we have why questions. "Why are you so   angry?" It really puts the patient on the  defensive when you use these why questions. So   that is definitely not a therapeutic way  to phrase a question. No why questions.  And then we have leading or biased questions  like, "You don't smoke, do you?" And we're   kind of biased and leading the patient towards a  certain answer. And that is also non-therapeutic.  And then finally, changing the  subject is also not therapeutic. So,   "Let's talk about something else," is  not something you're going to want to do.  Alright. Quiz time. First question. During  which phase of the nurse-client relationship   do you discuss confidentiality with the patient?  If you answered... the  orientation phase, you are right.  Okay. Now we're going to do a little speed round.  I want you to give me a thumbs up if the statement   or question I give you is therapeutic and a thumbs  down if it is not therapeutic. So we're going to   do four different question statements. First one. "You seem sad to me today."   Therapeutic, because you're sharing observations. "Why are you so angry?"   Not therapeutic. The question starts with why,  which is always a warning sign, and it really   just puts the patient on the defensive. Third statement. "Everything will be okay   in the end." Not therapeutic, right.  It's false reassurance, and you don't   actually know that things will be okay in the end. And then, "Tell me more about how you're feeling."   Therapeutic, because it  encourages open communication,   encourages the patient to share more. Alright. That's it for this video. Thank   you so much for watching, and I'll see you soon. I invite you to subscribe to our channel and share   a link with your classmates and friends in nursing  school. If you found value in this video, be sure   and hit the like button, and leave a comment and  let us know what you found particularly helpful.
Channel: Level Up RN
Views: 157,694
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Keywords: ati testing, cathy parkes, hesi exam, kathy parkes, mental health nursing ati, mental health nursing review, nclex comprehensive exam, nclex rn, nursing ethical principles, nursing school, nursing school studying, nursing student, pn, practical nurse, principles of nursing, principles of nursing practice, psychiatric mental health nursing, registered nurse, rn, student nurse, studying, studying for ati, studying for nursing school, therapeutic communication psychiatric nursing
Id: t_59thyrje8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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