Nurgle Immortal Empires Battle Guide | Total War Warhammer 3

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nurgle's battle strategy is a little different to most factions rather than rushing to take out enemies as fast as possible his armies are there to slowly outlast the enemy and sap away their life as the battle goes on this leads to him having an extremely tanky roster full of crazy high hp numbers alongside some decent damage and a whole load of poison let's first go over the pros and cons of the nurgle battle gameplay as i mentioned they are extremely tanky with some of the highest hp pulls in the game that only get higher as you move later into the game you also have a lot of poison damage on most of your units meaning anything that comes at you is only going to get weaker as they take some hits and finally you may not have a lot of options but the two laws you can use are pretty strong and can really carry a lot of your battles as for the cons of course being so tanky comes at the cost of something in the case of nurgle units that cost is speed the majority of the army is painfully slow meaning you really have to set up early on to avoid being caught out of position this also makes them unpleasant to play against ranged focused armies as you can't really do much but walk up to them and hope you survive you also have very few ranged options yourself especially in the early game this means you will almost always be the one closing the gap on the enemy rather than forcing them to come to you and finally your late game lords and powerful units are almost all large targets so it's very easy for the enemy to snipe them without too much trouble so enemy ranged is always a threat just before we get into the roster we should go over the three battle abilities that nogla has access to as your units take more damage you gain points to unlock these three abilities the first one is curse of the slug which slows enemy speed and charge speed by forty five percent it's targeted directly and can spread to up to five units the kundalini heals zero point eight percent of unit hp and one percent a vigor per second for 12 seconds is cast directly on your friendly units and again can spreads up to five units and finally rods glorious rot deals damage over time to enemies is directly cast in enemy units and can spread to up to five of them need 100 points per day and using one ability drains the full bar to the bomb meaning you have to start from the beginning unlocking each one every single time now let's get into the roster starting with the lords and of course first up we have our legendary lord kugaf plaguefather he's of course a spellcaster deals armor pacing damage and causes terror and of course his magic is all the lore of nurgle with his massive range and powerful missile strength you want to start your battles by selecting him a high value target to focus his firing preferably something with armor to make the most of his arm facing damage you don't want to leave him behind as you move your army up though as he will be able to make the most of his magic and could also get surrounded by enemy flankers he can fight on the move so keep him moving up with the rest your army whilst firing at the enemy once the lines clash he wants to use the rest of his ammo as well as providing magical sport where needed with his powerful law of knurgle once he runs out of ammo get him into the front line as he's a massively tanky dude who can do a lot of melee damage so it's just a ways to keep him out of the whole battle just make sure he stays with some friendly units so he doesn't get surrounded and focused down and he can also use three abilities blake father's aeration grants defense and leadership in an area nurgling tide summons a unit of nurglings which can be exploded on command for some decent damage and virulent contagion is a plague that spreads between up to five enemy units that massively reduces their melee defense stats the next lord is the herald of nurgle these guys are spell casters deal armor-pacing damage and have poison attacks they can either be recruited with the law of death or the law of nurgle and they're decent melee fighters with a little bit of armor-pacing damage and decent melee stats but their low armor means they shouldn't get overly involved versus anything with supply damage at least until they get some healing or buffing magic on the go you want to use their spells and keep them safe out the front lines if you can either of their laws are full of powerful spells that can deal a lot of damage or sling out some serious buffs so spec into their spells as soon as you can to get a ton of value out of these guys they also emit a cloud of flies when in combat they reduce the combat effectiveness of nearby enemies even further meaning units that get close to this guy can go from here to zero extremely quickly if you pick up their palinkin mounts they become extremely tanky lords destined for the front lines if you go for the rock fly they're instead agile spellcasters that can charge around the map at high speed to assist with magic where needed while still doing a decent chunk of damage just don't get pinned down or surrounded as they will go down very quickly both of them have their own merits but i personally prefer the raw fly for maneuverability and increased damage and of course as with all heralds of chaos the heralds of noble evolve into exalted demons in their case it is exalted great and clean ones of nurgle which are still spell casters still deal armor-piercing damage and now cause terror and they are extremely tanky boys with a ton of health alongside decent armor and brilliant melee stats they deal a big chunk of armor-piercing damage alongside poison and magical attacks and they can take a tremendous amount of punishment and deal a good amount too so don't be afraid to send them into the middle of combat of course they maintain whatever law of magic they had before so they can still provide the same spell spot albeit a bit less agile as it won't be as simple to aid units on the other side of the map if needed they also come with a few powerful abilities light swarm allows them to spread a plague amongst enemy units that reduces their melee defense they have the same cloud of flies as heralds fetid stench reduces the leadership of nearby enemies and pestilent decay deals damage to nearby enemies whilst in combat coming to the heroes now first up we have the cultists of nergal these have poison attacks and they are perhaps the biggest question mark for me since they don't have any spells but they also don't have great meal stats so i'm not exactly sure how you're supposed to use them the only real option you have is to toss them in the front lines and have them fight against anything that doesn't do too much damage otherwise they will fall very quickly the arms thundering attacks will still do some great work against armored targets and make them easier for your army to take out their ability is perhaps their only saving grace as they can be very powerful gatom nurgle allows them to summon a unit of plague bearers into battle and in campaigns can be upgraded to allow them to summon great unclean ones which is seriously powerful if used in the right time and finally making it on the single mounts of the chaos steed which provides them with some speed and a little bit of damage other than that i probably won't put them in my arms since they just don't seem to have much of a purpose our other heroes are the plague ridden these are spell casters still armor-pacing damage and are poison attacks they can be recruited with the lore of knogle or lore of death and these almost exactly the same as heralds but they are just worse than most stats they want to be used exactly the same scam into the front lines against anything without too much damage and have them spread poison and provide spell supports where needed you can choose the opposite law of magic to your lord for some variety or simply double up on your favorites of course you want to get them onto their mounts as soon as you can as they only make them better in the exact same ways they did in the lords coming to the middle infantry now first up we have the nurglings these are a tier 1 units now poison attacks and the cloud of flies aura which reduces enemy melee attack these adorable little dudes are the backbone swarm of your early game battles they have a bunch of hp but no armor meaning once enemies are dealing even moderate amounts of damage they're going to feel the burn and melt very quickly in the early game they will do surprisingly decent for you with good damage and possible melee stats and of course poison attacks which make any unit better still as soon as you can i would back them up with some larger monsters to deal the damage whilst these lads cause chaos and tank their small size makes them into a great meat shield as they can perfectly fit in the gaps between the enemy and your damage dealers next up we have the plague bearers of nurgle these are tier 2 units and have poison attacks these lads have high hp a bit of armor and decent melee stats and weapon damage alongside the poison sadly they do not come with any armor piercing some once they're going against anything with more armor than themselves they're going to stop doing any damage and require some support like most noble units they can also feel incredibly slow so moving them up to take on ranged enemies can feel like walking into the firing line to try to take out enemy range to at least keep them busy when you can once they do against combat they are a dense wall of flesh that will take less damaging enemies a very long time to hack through which gives you plenty of time to bring in other units or missiles and magic for support and of course they also come in a variation exalted plague bearers of nugel these are a tier 3 units keep the poison attacks and now have a special ranged weapon the exalted variant gain improvements to every single stat as well as the death's head's ranged weapons which deal a good chunk of armor-passing damage and a couple of volleys which make for a nice initial burst of damage to whittle down the enemy troops before you even make contact aside from that they are still lacking a ton of armor-piercing damaging melee so you want to keep them supported when you can especially if they're up against any units with armor once you get plenty of these guys in your armies you should also have access to some pretty strong monsters their lack of damage shouldn't be a worry and you can simply focus on doing some light range damage and of course being a wall of unmovable flesh our final meal infantry are the forsaken of knuckle these are a tier 2 units for armoured enough frenzy and poison attacks there's a total 180 from plague bearers forsaken are faster and come with high armor meaning they can take on more damaging enemies in the early game and get onto them much faster they come with very high armor and leadership which makes them into one of the toughest front line holders you can get for knurgle the damage output isn't too bad either with a decent weapon damage so anything without too much armor should go down fairly quickly anything better than that and you'll want to bring in some supports they pair well with some beasts of nurgle for a highly damaging and fast moving frontline especially for such a slow moving faction coming to the monsters and beasts first up we have the chaos furious of nergal these are a tier 2 units and are extremely fast and come with vanguard deployments these are your basic cheap early game flyers with some pretty terrible damage and low survivability they're decent versus the enemy backline as long as you swarm them with multiple units taking on one enemy to burst them down as quickly as possible before they take too many so i'll get surrounded do not let them get caught out by anything with actual fighting ability as their defense stats and hp will not stand up of course every branch of chaos has some furies and the nuga ones come with poison attacks and the cloud of flies ability next up we have the plague toads of nurgle these are a tier 1 unit come with anti-infantry damage and poison attacks these are the first unit you can send into the front lines for a damage boost whilst keeping them safe they have decent tankiness alongside respectable damage and speed this makes them into a great addition for the front lines as they can deal good amounts of damage to a lot of infantry at once with their high model count and splash damage you also are your best bet for having some non-flying flanking units since they have the high speed of any land-based units in the faction just make sure they are safe as their below average speed makes them easy to catch out of position basically any other faction if they do get off a flank they will work best with multiple units going in on one enemy to knock them around and burst them down as quickly as possible and of course come in another variation the pox riders of normal which are a tier 2 units and still have anti-infantry damage and poison attacks adding the riders brings improvements to most stats making them tougher and more damaging meaning they hit harder and are harder for enemies to get rid of other than these stat differences you can treat them and use them pretty much the same as the base toads get them in the front lines or around the back and let them get stuck in the beasts of nurgle are another tier 2 units and come with armor-piercing damage regeneration and poison attacks now we finally have some proper frontlines monsters these gross guys excellent for getting into your own and the enemy front lines and dealing a great chunk of damage whilst they're there they have great health and a good bit of armor alongside decent melee stats so take a lot of damage before they go down they also have a high weapon damage so you can sling out a ton of damage versus what you send them against put them in the middle of your front lines to ensure they stay alive and get them stuck into the enemy pair them with some tanky infantry to keep them safe from being surrounded and they should do just fine versus most mid game infantry rock flies are next up they are tier 2 units and deal armor pissing damage these are a much smaller unit size type of flying beast these guys are a lot tankier than furious with a ton more health alongside a decent sized helping of armor-piecing damage at the cost of not being quite as quick they're still extremely fast and deal great weapon damage very high weapon strength and halfway decent melee stats you'll want to use them to take other enemy back lines in swarms to burst them down as quickly as possible once this is done then let them charge into the backs of the front lines to sandwich the enemy between them and the front lines against most units they should survive this as long as they can take out their target quickly enough don't let them get pinned down alone in combat with anything halfway decent in melee meaning their large hp disappears before your eyes they also come in another variation the plague drones of nurgle or t3 units and come with armor pacing and poison attacks adding riders brings improvements to most stats similar to the plague toads they're essentially the same unit but now deal and take more damage use them the exact same as before and they'll perform the same job just a little bit better the spawn of nurgle is a tier 3 units and comes with poison attacks and unbreakable returning from warmer two the chaos spawn now have a place in each of the four chaos rosters the nurgle ones come with poison attacks and the cloud of flight is passive they still look mostly the same and they still perform that way too they are hulking masses with a ton of hp hardly any armor and a strong weapon strength without ton of armor piercing stick them in the middle of your front lines and they will fight until either they or the enemy is dead with their unbreakable leadership keep him surrounded by some tanky inventory to prolong their lives as long as possible and keep them safe from enemy anti-large or ranged as they can quickly go down if overwhelmed by either that final monster is the grey and clean one this is the tier 3 units comes with armor pacing damage causes terror and has poison and magical attacks this slide is essentially the exalted lord but with no skill tree and some slightly worse stats yet still massive tanks with a ton of hp as well as a boatload of armor-piercing damage and great miele stats making them into a fat lump of nil unkillable disease that can deal a massive amount of damage over the course of a battle in the campaign with research they can sling out a large number of spells from the law of nugel which pushes them even closer to the lords send these lads deep into the enemy lines to soak some damage and dish outs on two can't really go wrong with them as long as you keep them safe from enemy ranged as their large hitboxes make them into pretty easy targets to focus down and finally we come to the missile monsters and beasts first up we have the plague drones of nergal with death heads these are tier 3 units and come with armor pacing poison attacks and of course ranged weaponry these boys are pretty much the same as regular drones of noah we talked about earlier but now they have the riders and ranged weapons they deal a good bit of armor pacing damage over a short range but since they're flying you should have no problem getting into position as long as the enemy has no flies to take you out just remember to keep an eye out for enemy ranged units as there is no easier targets than a stationary flyer once they've run out of ammo feel free to send them in just like with the base unit since they have identical melee stats there really is no reason to upgrade to these guys apart from cost now final units is the soul grinder of nurgle this is a tier 3 units and is armored deals armor pacing anti-infantry damage and causes terror similar to the chaos spawn the soul grinders are a unit that each of the four branches of chaos have their own version of nurgle ones have reduced weapon strength and melee stats but gain a ton of armor-piercing missile damage from a massive range this makes them into a multi-class artillery piece that can sniper that animate from across the map as well as get deep into the front lines to tear them to pieces up close and personal i find it best to keep them at the back of your lines to use their steep firing arc to bring fire on clumps of enemy infantry until they're out of ammo once they are then feel free to send them into the front lines alongside some tanky infantry to deal some great damage in melee do you still let line get surrounded or focused down by ranged fire as like any large target they can go down very very quickly when swamped by either now we come to our army compositions in one three every unit has a tier from one to three now i'm going to be using these tiers to make you some armies for the early mid and late game so that you are ready for every single step of your campaign so starting with t1 of course we're going to go for a held of nurgle and we're picking the lore of nurgle i mean they are our only lord choice so i kind of have to go with one of these guys and it's the lore of nurgle so you can't really go wrong in the other game they are decent fighters versus less damaging units and their early spells will have some value against less armored armies and lords just keep them away from high damage and you should be golden for the front line we're going to go with 11 knurglings okay we don't really have options here since they are the only t1 infantry so this is what we have to work with with this many of them you should have just enough to engage the enemy front lines and send them around the sides to surround the enemy on all sides just make sure to support them as their damage isn't the greatest once the enemy getting a little bit of armor speaking of which gonna go with eight plague toads again i don't have a lot of choice so this is what we're gonna have to go with you'll want to send half of these into the front lines to deal some damage then they overfall into the backlines to take out the enemy as quickly as possible this comp is strong firstly because it's a very cheap army so you'll be able to get full stack online reasonably quickly it's also pretty fast for noogles so rushing up to the enemy to bog them down and sap away their life means you'll be taking less hits from ranged on the approach the toads also provide a good counter to early ranged units and the numbers advantage means you should have no issue overwhelming better units simply by surrounding them coming to tier 2 now we're of course still being led by that herald of nurgle our boy should be leveling up nicely by now and have all his spells at least unlocked as well as the mounds and be preparing for that evolution into the great unclean one if you go for the rotfly mount you should be fast enough to zip around and provide spell support where needed as well as getting into some safe melee fighting i'm going to pick up a plague ridden of death hero picking up the law of death to complement our law of nurgle but you could easily pick evil and get some value basically use them the same as you did with the lord just be more careful now you're later into the game because you don't want them getting caught out and taken down before immortality for the front line we're going to go with six playgrid and finally we have a tanki front line that will provide the foundation for the later game battle strategy of nurgle basically they just want to sit there and eat damage and wait for help speaking of help the beasts of nurgle you want to wait for the playgriden to make contact before sending these lads in to deal real damage in the front lines don't send them in first as they will get surrounded which is bad news for everybody i'm gonna go with four pox riders of nurgle keeping these lads for some backlines harassment as well as bonus damage on the front lines if you need anymore keep them on the flanks just in case they need to get into the backs of enemies but if not it's just as easy to reroute them to the front lines and closing this out we're gonna go some rock flies finally picking up these lads for some air superiority and even more backlines harassment if the toads can't get around safely have them blitz attack ranged units before pulling them to safety and eventually the backs of the enemy front lines you now have a proper front line that is going to eat any damage enemy can throat you and keep safe some very powerful damage dealers the two magical laws can get a ton of value provided you have the wins to fuel them and the enemy back lines that don't stand a chance with all the speed units you can toss at them and finally come to take three gonna be leading this army with an exalted grey unclean one and i will never not take the evolution because these lads are just too good their front lines presence is immense as they clap at enemies with huge damage and spell support and to stop it off they are nearly unkillable especially with the law of noble healing our plague ridden of death should have grabbed all their spells and amount by now to use them the same as the lords from the last comp spells were needed some safe melee fighting affront line is now being upgraded to six exalted plague bearers slight upgrade to tanki and more damaging plague bearers the lead job is still the same to be a meat shield for the front lines damage you're gonna go with two chaos spawn of nurgle and two great unclean ones gonna go with two of each of these slides to help out on the front lines and the reason i've split between two units is threefold great and clean ones are expensive so foreign army can be a little bit rough with the economy they also need winds of magic to use to the max and with six casters you'd be struggling and finally kale spawn are multiple entity units so you can hit a lot of enemies at once you couldn't pick up four plague drones of nurgle with death's heads upgrading to the best flying units in the faction with some ranged firepower as well as powerful melee fighting because why wouldn't you and closing this out we're gonna go with four soul grinders yeah these are still expensive but with four of them you can rip apart blobs of enemy infantry in a second with their powerful explosive attacks once they run out of ammo they're also powerful for lions battlers so they can really do it all now this army has massive damage outputs with a ton of high damage units and spell value and even ranged firepower which is rare for the faction it's also a super tanky army with a bunch of units having five figure hp bars it's also a great army for focusing damage to take out key targets with the powerful monsters and ranged fire and you still have something to take out those backlines so nothing is safe and that is everything you need to know about noble battles and armies hope you enjoyed this video and found it helpful if you did then be sure to leave a like we'll just help out the channel so much leave any questions you have in the comments below and i'll be more than happy to answer them you can see more videos like this showing you exactly how to play every faction in while m3 then be sure to subscribe to the channel so you never miss a video on friday we begin the slaanesh guide so be very excited for that in more ways than one i'd like to take this time to thank all sports of the channel like dominic chamas and in particular henry tucker xjs and adam t for their support adam clean on steer really can't thank you all enough if you'd like to support the channel yourself you can become a member here on youtube a subscriber on twitch or a patreon on patreon one more time thank you all so very much for watching and for now i've been colonel lamdas and i will see you next turn
Channel: Colonel Damneders
Views: 107,116
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Keywords: Colonel Damneders, total war warhammer 3, nurgle total war warhammer 3, nurgle warhammer, how to play nurgle, nurgle battle guide, nurgle roster warhammer 3, nurgle roster total war, nurgle army roster, tww3 nurgle roster, nurgle full unit roster reveal, nurgle unit roster, nurgle units, nurgle units warhammer 3, nurgle unit stats, nurgle unit roster warhammer 3, nurgle unit roster total war warhammer 3
Id: fdgqdj64KMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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