Numbers on iPadOS, August 13, 2020

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[Music] today i'm going to be concentrating on numbers in ios um quick quick show of hands how many of you attended the numbers for mac a couple of weeks ago okay so a couple of years cool so half of you so tim if you guys want to switch on your video be really cool uh no pressure um so there are so many similarities between numbers for mac os and numbers for ios because really it's the same code base the main difference is over the last 10 years numbers has been developed as a touch first interface whereas numbers for mac has been designed around a cursor a keyboard and so on now that apple have introduced cursor and keyboard support for for ipad os um things are starting to converge and it's starting to get rather interesting so we're short for time today because of some colossal technical cock-up but let's get straight into it so um kicking straight into to numbers if i click on the icon in the dock like most ipad applications it opens up where you left off so if you're in the middle of a spreadsheet you'll be into a spreadsheet if you were on the templates it'll pick up on the templates if you're on the recents it'll pick up on the recents so what you see on the screen at the moment is the kind of browser if you like where you want where you can see all your numbers documents at the moment i'm on the recent documents so you can see that the last documents i was working with 2020 online planning pricing streaming reviews and so on if i scroll down you can see documents that i'm sharing with other people and if i tagged any documents you would have seen them here so these ones are being tagged with the color blue alternatively if i click on browse at the bottom i get the chance to browse the entire file structure of both the ipad so my icloud drive if i click on my ipad i can go to numbers and wouldn't you know it i don't have any documents locally on my ipad every numbers document i have exists on the cloud so i can go to icloud drive and i go down to numbers 268 items let's open this folder and these are most of the documents that you guys all saw earlier if i have documents in google drive box onedrive dropbox i can access them from here and if i've got any servers that i'm connected to locally see over here it's possible to connect to a server and if you working in an organization you've got a windows server a mac server you can connect your files there so let's go back to our documents and i'm going to create a new document over here so i'll click the plus button and i get access to the templates over here so there's a variety of templates they're broken down into recents basic personal finance so if i scroll down i'll be able to see all of them or if i just say let's click on education it'll jump me straight down to all the education templates so let's have a look at some of the templates if we look at education for example they've got an attendance spreadsheet if i click on that it'll open up and i can change the name of my class and put my name in there put my students in there and i can mark people as present or absent and if you have a look down at the bottom you'll see it's automatically adding up every time i click on the check box it's adding up the the attendees how many days they've been present how many times they've been checked to return back to that picker i just go back to spreadsheets and i'm once again back in my my document picker over here um so um let's you that's one template if i go back to my other templates there's some really nice ones that you can use uh recipes if you are planning meals you can put your ingredients in here and put the number of people that this this recipe serves you can say how many people you're preparing for and it'll automatically adjust your your your your calculation so it's a spreadsheet it works like a spreadsheet so i'm just going to go back to my brows and i'm going to open up a blank document here so let's just create a spreadsheet and i'm just going to choose a blank one so to start off with i'm just going to go through the structure of the interface the way numbers looks then i'm going to open up a document that i've created earlier and then i'm going to show you how i make it and if you've got more time i'll show you more stuff so you've already seen that we navigate backwards and forwards between our spreadsheet picker and our making new spreadsheets by clicking on spreadsheet that takes us back to where we were double click on that to open it up again and this is a regular spreadsheet um if you're familiar with excel you know you get this infinite grid of cells that move from cell from column a to column gazillion and if you go down in your rows it goes from row one to row gazillion um numbers has a a more finite number of rows but and and columns but it's still pretty darn big it's it's good enough for most purposes the nice part about it is is that you can build tables that don't interfere with each other and one of the examples i like to to give is if i've got three columns over here if i've got say dogs cats and mice and um i've got some information over here and now i you know i'm filling this in and now i want to put something else over here and i need to insert a column it messes with absolutely everything above it so you know if i wanted to insert a column for something down here it messes with this whereas if i want to make a separate set of tables it has different requirements i can literally resize this table to the size i want to by dragging on these double handles and then i can add a new table if i tap plus over here i can add a new table and there's my second table and it works as an independent spreadsheet but i can link cells between the spreadsheets as well so this little table could be a summary of the information on this table i'm not constrained to one infinite grid and i have to do sort of magic tricks to make sure that if i add columns to data below that it doesn't mess with the call with with the data above so that's one of the the the really nice parts about um about numbers and how it differs from something like excel so like most common or most modern spreadsheets we can have multiple worksheets so i'm on sheet 1 at the moment if i wanted to make a new sheet i just click over here i make a new sheet and now i'm on sheet 2. i can rename this i can double click just start typing and let's call this overview on the other hand if i'm not using the the the um the cursor or a pointing device if i just double tap on with my thumb and i can say master sheet so depending on whether you're using the track pad or a mouse or your fingers you'll it'll it'll behave slightly differently if i want to rename this document or give it a name i don't have to go back to the the spreadsheet and choose the rename function i just click on here and i can rename it i can save it i can move it so i'm just going to rename this and i'll call this demo and unlike a traditional computer with a menu bar that goes across which has a menu for every function most of these menus are multifunctional so this is our format button and this allows us to change the format of objects that we select it's constant contextual so if i have my table selected and i click format it will allow me it'll go automatically to my table formatting where i can choose different predefined styles i can add headers and footers at the moment you can see i've got one header i've got one one header row i've got one header column but i've got no footers if i add a footer row this is now footer row and if i resize this the footer row stays at the bottom always which is lovely so if you want to increase the number of rows in here and you've got formulae which automatically calculate the content over here it just gets pushed down you don't have to copy and paste your formulae it'll go down and it'll automatically tabulate any changes that have been done above so if i click on a cell and go back to the format painter it allows me to format that cell as opposed to when the table was selected and it chooses table formatting so it's completely contextual whatever you happen to have selected will give you the chance to format the content over there i'm not going to go too deeply into the content at the moment because when we build our spreadsheet you'll start to see these things working we have a organize button and this organize button will let me do several things so let me choose this table and click open organize again and with organize we can sort columns and rows we can create filters so that we only see certain bits of information so if i've got a a a spreadsheet that has a number of produce in there like apples oranges and pears i can say just show me the pairs hide everything else that's what your filter's about and then we've got categories which will allow me to do some really sophisticated sorting which again i'll show you as we go into the the into the workshop the plus button allows me to add new content so if i click plus and if you're familiar with keynote you're familiar with pages this should all be very very familiar to you so you can insert different types of tables this is a table with column headers with row headers this is a table that just has column headers this is a table that has no headers column table and footers this is one with check boxes and this is one for some obscure reason has stock prices so it'll automatically go online click it so you can see it so here's if you put the symbol of the stock so i think microsoft is msft if i hit return there it should look it up shortly and get me the stock price so this is msft let's see if that works there we go so if keeping track of stock is something that's important to you this particular table is going to be very useful then you can see via the dots at the bottom is that we have number of styles of exactly the same sets of tables so they're all predefined styles that look the way you might want them to look we can also add charts we've got 2d charts 3d charts interactive charts we won't be looking at charts today because we're going to have a session completely on charts we can add objects we've got a set of basic objects we've got geometric objects we've got all sorts of objects animals nature and those of you who saw some of the drawing tools that we did on the introduction to pages will be familiar with the fern we can put objects inside here so the kind of document that we can create over here is a far cry from the document that you create when you're in something like excel um we can also add um content so photos or videos if i click photos we've got access to um content that's on my drive so here's a little manta ray this is supposed to be real um we can add um i can turn on the camera and take photographs i can record audio just showing you how this all works stop it i can edit this let's just chop the intro off let's leave it there say trim and preview just showing you how this all works hopefully just showing you how this all works and if i insert that i can insert a spoken comment just showing you how this all works so lots of media that we can access a new feature over here is web video so instead of inserting a video i click the web video it'll ask me for a url i'm not going to do that right now i can paste in the url and then when the person that i'm sending this to opens it up they click the link it downloads from from the web so we can do drawings we can certainly equations lots of media types that we can add um this is a a new tool that was introduced just three or four weeks ago often when you open up a spreadsheet to open up something on your ipad it's it's easy to accidentally start editing because it's touch first so if i tap on this i'm in edit mode here i cannot change anything i can't accidentally move anything around if i want to work on it i click on here and now i'm back into edit mode so it switches off it turns me into a browse mode and finally before i start building my spreadsheet these are everything that doesn't fit in the first four so if i want to share this with somebody if you're an ipad user you're familiar with all this you can airdrop you can message you can send it to different applications you can add people to share and so on um oh sorry i missed this guy over here this is the collaboration button uh if i want to add people to collaborate on this document simultaneously with me i can invite them and we can work on the document at the same time let's go back to this here so we've got export and for those of you who are working with colleagues who might use excel you can access export your spreadsheets in excel format you can import excel documents into numbers for ios you can export it as a pdf you can save it as a comma separated value which is something that's typically used for comma separated values is a typical computer way of transferring tabular data between computers tsv is a tab separated value so instead of having commas separating your columns you have tabs and you can also save this as a template so if you've created a document that you want to reuse but not accidentally overwrite you can save it as a template let's go back to here you can print if i click print um we have the ability to preview how it's going to look when i print it so i can resize my output you can see the pages up there i can turn it into landscape view if i wanted to and then once again resize this to fit it there's an autofit and when i'm here i can go to my settings and i can add page numbers if anybody's made comments on it i can make them visible i've got table headers footers so fairly sophisticated in terms of output into pages into paper i'm not going to print that let's just run through these quickly because i really want to to build a spreadsheet for you um i click find i can set up guides i can set a password i can change the language and reason region settings for my pencil numbers help always good um best place to find information it's online it's constantly being updated so that's a very quick run through on that let me go back to my spreadsheets and i want to open up a document that i prepared for you earlier i'll go to numbers right okay so here's a spreadsheet that i made made earlier and it's a very simple spreadsheet it's a company that only buys one product a month and they want to rate the quality of the product they want to document the source of the product keep track of the price how many they bought and how much it cost very very simple spreadsheet the kind of thing that people would do quite often so here i've got all my months here i've got my products quality source price and so on so let's have a look at at this if i click on here i can start to enter so i could say this is grapes for example um and here when i click in here well i've deleted the formatting but let me show you how i set this all up so if i wanted to change the formatting of this column so instead of let's say it was a three star so i'll put the number three in here if i go to my format bar you can see the cell format i've got what you'd expect number currency percentage date time duration for times slide now these are the new ones slider stepper pop-up menu star rating so let me click star rating and you'll see that number has now been translated into three stars right which is quite useful and you'll see why this is useful for me a little later on if i click on source you see i get a pop-up menu over here so if i know exactly where my my products are coming from i can create a pop-up menu which will allow me to select this i no longer have the possibility of somebody making typographic errors spelling errors so if i want to now search and sort and find i'm guaranteed that the information that i want is there just going to undo that so grapes the grapes we got let's get them from egypt so so here's the thing so here's my pop-up menu if i select this and i want to make my pop-up menu format pop-up menu you can see there's nothing in there if i can add a new item but i've already pre-populated this with some information so let's have a look through the the spreadsheet if i wanted to select a column i can click to activate the the table let's click somewhere else and you see i get my column headers with abcde and i get my row numbers now if i click on d it selects the entire column and if i want to resize this i just drag those little double chevrons over here now if i want to make pop-up menus for everything inside here if i have this selected it'll make one for source as well and i don't want that i want my header to stay as it is so here's a little technique that works both in numbers on the mac and numbers here if you double click on the letter d which represents the column it selects the content it doesn't select the header and it doesn't select the footer now if i go to my format painter and choose pop-up menu tap on info can you see it's already pre-populated it with the content that was there i don't want false so i'm just going to delete that okay and i wanted to the initial value will always be blank i could make it the first item if i wanted it to but i want it to be blank so now if i go to my cell here and click on i now have a pop-up menu click on egypt and now it fills that in for me so let's make a price let's make this let's make it 750 and quantity okay now it's not formatting properly at the moment but that's okay i click on quantity let's say for example i purchase never purchase anything more than 500 and i always buy in increments of 25 let's say for example i go to my format painter and i can say you know what i want this to be a slider but if i select if i do exactly what i did before because i've already set these up no i haven't set them up so let's double click on this one and i want to format this so it's automatic is usually your default i'm going to make this a slider and i want to set up some values for that slider so i say the minimum value is zero the maximum is 500. it's more or less worked out from the largest number i've got there but i want this to step up in increments of 25 and i can change the format to number currency percentage but i'm happy with number over here if i click on this now i get a slider and when i move it up and down it always adjusts in increments of 25. i think it's changed the initial value to 1 so it's going from 1 to 26 to 51 and so on so let's just make that 76. so can you see how data entry is starting to become quite simple now i want this to be a calculation and these are calculations if i click on here you can see i show the keyboard format you'll see down here that this is a formula where november's price by november's quantity equals that okay very very simple calculation so it's just taking the price and multiplying it by the quantity so if i wanted to use that formula in the bottom row if i select the cell that i want you can see at the bottom there's that little yellow dot if i click on there it does a fill down and that formula is now replicated we should see december price december times quantity december so if i change my value here let's make this bigger or is it only 100 let me just check my my format here can i make a mistake slider yep that zero make this 500 return and now i'll be able to change the values the way i want to and you can see it's automatically calculating now i don't really have that much time so what i'd like to do is i'd like to run through very quickly how i put this together and you can see pretty rapidly how you can make a spreadsheet quite easily this is not a a baby spreadsheet this is a full-on spreadsheet that gives you a lot of functionality so let's go back to spreadsheets [Music] i'm just going to choose a blank spreadsheet and so let's type in month now to go from cell to cell i hit the tab key obviously if i'm using multi-touch i just tap on the screen let's say product quality quality source price quantity and cost to us okay so i want to have a year range so i'm going to type in january that's good if i hit return i go down a cell if i tap shift return i go back up a cell if i want to go to the right i hit tab if i want to go back to the left i hit shift tab so if i like working on my keyboard i can stay on the keyboard but now i don't want to have to type february march april may june july and if you were at the numbers workshop earlier this month you'll know we have this thing called autofill so if i click on cell over here you've got this option to autofill your cells if i click auto fill the cursor around or release the highlighter around the changes and i can drag this and it just autofills up to december so there's my year i've got all my months i'm fine with that now i want to have a totals row over here so i want to reduce this down to 15 cells or 15 rows so i'm just going to do a 14 row i'm just going to drag up and it's going to hide everything but the 14th row now with my table selected i'm going to my format bar click on table and i want to go to headers and footers and i want to add a footer row okay this is now footer row and it will whatever i do here will always stay in this row it won't just add extra rows below this will always be the bottom of my table okay so let's just type a few things over here i'll say apples pears oranges grapes so i want to convert this into a pop-up menu that has those values so i double click on the top here it selects that i want to format it and i want that to be a pop-up menu with apple's pears oranges and grapes and i want the first item to be blank wonderful i'm happy here so now if i go back to my oh sorry went one too low if i go back to a cell here i get a pop-up with apples pears oranges and grapes so i can now just go in and fill it in let's just save some more pairs right that's good quality i want this to be a star rating so i'll double click on this format it make this a star rating and star rating will always give you five stars that's just what you'll get you'll get five stars from one to five source again like before south africa i'm not going to do all of them or maybe i will namibia let's narrow down our and egypt once again pop-up menu overshooting my my menus there we go there's our new things that's good i'm happy with that price will leave quantities again we'll do what i did before select and choose a um a slider minimum value zero maximum value let's go big let's make it 750 oh sorry increments and let's let's make them increments of 50 this time and it's going to be numbers that's fine so for our price i i want to format that as a currency so if i double click on that i can format it choose currency now if i click on info i can choose the currency that i want so i'm going to say okay we want south african rands there we go south african rand and if i go back i can choose how my negatives look if i want them in red i want them in brackets if i choose a counting style it'll take the currency symbol and stick it right on the left hand side if i remember right and we can choose how many decimal points but currency should automatically choose two decimal points okay so uh i obviously didn't put zeros the first value so let's just um put those as zero and i'll fill them down at the moment so what happens when you do these things in a rush okay i'm just going to fill that value down to zero and let's put a price in here of these let's make this 5.99 make this 5 45 to 99 and so on and the cost to us is going to be a formula so i select this and if you see down here at the bottom i have this formula button the equal sign okay so this is going to equals the price multiplied by the quantity let me sorry i missed there by the quantity i hit return and there's nothing there at the moment but now if i change my quantity to 500 it automatically calculates for me so i want this to fill down so that this formula is the same all the way down copy that down and we're fine over here now i want this column to be the total of all the amounts that i've cost so if i click on sell we've got some quick formulae over here and if i just want that to be the sum click on sum and it's added it up so now if i take this and i make this a different value there we go so you can see it's automatically calculating let's just quickly um change that to currency format format formatting so that you can see it a little bit more um south african rand currency it's perfect perfect let's make that that and we want it south african rand is what you want why are you showing pounds it's much more round good there we go zar so i also want this to be this column to be a total of quantity why i would want to do that god knows but if i select that and i drag here to the left there we go so that's a total of the quantities that we purchased so now if i want to rate this quality all i have to do is just click right so that's pretty nice but what i want to do is i want to see what the average of the quality of the products that i'm buying so i'm going to once again click on my cell format and i'm going to choose a quick formula i'm going to choose average and there because we haven't filled everything it's a very low value um let me just add them up you can see it's going to improve and improve and improve you can set my decimal points if i want to but now here's the thing and the point that i really wanted to get to and so thank you for bearing with me on this the one thing that i wanted to show you is that because this is a mobile device sometimes if i'm using walking around with it i have to deal with each cell and i'm using my finger here it gets a little bit fiddly things are kind of small one of the things that numbers allows us to do is to create a form for my spreadsheet where each row gets its own screen so for data entry it becomes really really simple now the best thing the first thing excuse me the first thing you have to do is we may have multiple tables on the spreadsheet so i really want to name this table so that um it becomes easy to find and easy to identify so let's just call this annual produce list okay that's fine so now if i come up here typically if i wanted to make a new sheet i just click on the plus button if i press i now have the option not just to make a new sheet but a new form now let's assume i've got 15 other tables on there they would appear here depending on how i named them and you can see sheet 1 has a table called annual product list or produce list if i select that you see what it does i now have a form just for the first row there were 12 months so i'm on the first one of 12. it has all of the column headers that i had and if i want to move to the next one there's february there's march okay quantity zero tap on that slider that i made before still there but much much larger and much much easier for big heavy clumsy fingers to manage if we go back here again grapes from egypt god knows i know they're expensive so price let's make that um 7.99 and quantity lots of bunches you up there and moving along if i go to my source over here because i created this as a pop-up menu there's my pop-up menus so if i'm working in a warehouse if i'm um you know just gathering data anywhere in a mobile situation where an ipad is a better better option than a laptop this is this is my go-to place this is where i want to be if i go to some that aren't filled in yet let's just take this let's take some apples let's make them four star they come from zimbabwe and the price is 10 million zimbabwe dollars 10.99 and we're buying two minutes let's get 250 of them so this is july right it's cool if i go back to sheet one it's all filled in for me right so i can build spreadsheets that have the complexity and the depth of information that i want to see but i can also turn it into an easily selectable pop-up pop-up easy to fill in spreadsheet easy to fill in form that auto populates my my my spreadsheet so i think that's i've used up a lot of your time i know we started late i think i'll end that there if there's further interest in numbers in the spreadsheets there's a lot more that we can do with it but right now i'm going to end the screen sharing and turn it over to you guys for some questions all of these features that you show over here are there i have two questions are they available on numbers when you're working on uh on a macbook 100 different features feature for feature the same oh sorry with one exception with one exception the forms feature that i showed you is only available on the the mobile device okay okay and then the second question i wanted to ask you was in my circle most people use microsoft so often when i work i have to when i when i share i have to share it as an excel spreadsheet yeah okay so some of the add-ons such as the voice and all of those things do they work once it's been transferred as an email to become an excel or do they become null and void they become null and void i mean you know the bells and whistles that make it a mac application that's not going to translate across because excel doesn't know what to do with it but in terms of your calculations in terms of your numbers that's excel's bread and butter and that works fine look if you've got a super super super super complex excel spreadsheet and you're going to bring it in that's got all sorts of bells and whistles there may be areas that don't work um but for your common garden spreadsheet with tables and calculations and so that's going to work just fine i've had no problems with the crossing over i'll just i'm just just asking about certain of the other of the of the features that you were demonstrating right now that's all about okay when you when you you copy the format at the bottom in your footer row your currency format across to the left yeah we went to 800 but it wasn't in currency so i'm just wondering how how you how you shift i wasn't copying i wasn't copying the formatting when i did the fill left i was i was copying the the formula all right so the formula for the column that that i was copying from was the sum of the cells above and i just wanted it to add up the uh the the the content from the row to the left which was the quantities but it wasn't the format because one was currency as you say and the other one was just a standard number so it wasn't wasn't the format that i was changing was just the calculation that i was moving across so if you want to copy the format the perhaps the the box that's around it the border the whole shooting match is there a way of doing that uh look you know if if you not really because you wouldn't want the quantity to change from quantity to currency because that would make a mess of everything that was above it right sure if you've got a column that's quantities and the next column is is is uh currency you literally don't want it to it'll take the formatting of however you set the format but you may want to replicate the calculations okay that's fine now just a quick uh one one quick question you didn't do this with a with a little key pair did you you did this with your finger on the ipad am i correct or did it where you no no no no i was using the um uh my track pad i was using yeah that's what gave you that little round circle that i was moving across yeah that's great to know great to know if you've not seen that man uh if you go to the youtube channel you'll see we did one on connecting a mouse or a trackpad to your ipad yeah brilliant okay so if your ipad can can run ios 13 or ipad os 13 you can connect to trackpad okay i would imagine it's just a bluetooth connection or is it something it's exactly that it's a bluetooth connection you can also connect usb mice but you'll need a usb adapter wow thanks alan it's lovely having you guys here once again i hope you found it useful and we look forward to seeing you next week and have a great weekend thank you very much thanks helen thank you thank you [Music] you
Channel: Digicape SA
Views: 19,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GNa2wbrQbbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.