@Numberblocks- Defeating More Difficult Sums | Learn to Count

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let's look at what we know clue one the suspect had a flat head when standing two blocks wide so it can't have been three five seven and it wasn't you because you can't stand two blocks wide two four six eight ten the suspect must be an even number bingo and remember clue two the suspect was smaller than nine so it can't have been ten that still leaves two four six and eight but which was it hmm wait there's one more clue we nearly forgot the suspect can make a step shape no two or four or eight so it must have been six and who did we meet in the alley three and another three equals [Music] you've got it all wrong oh where to begin i'm not taking these things i'm moving them in moving in come up and i'll show you one two three four five nine doesn't come after five this is a department nine it's apartment six oh look number six turned upside down looks like a number nine oh no one stole your things nine you went into six's empty apartment so my things must be [Music] look right where [Music] one two three four five six seven eight [Music] [Applause] squares are strong let me try [Music] we need a bigger square nine how do we get nine [Music] four plus three plus two equals nine [Music] thanks [Music] one two three four four crowns [Music] how are we gonna get out [Music] if ten was here we could rock it out through there how do we make ten all together now four plus three plus two plus one equals ten ten nine eight seven six five four three two one blaster four three two one what an adventure we may be little numbers but when we work together we're still the kings and queens of the castle [Music] so what's missing [Music] six there so that's what's missing [Music] nine minus six equals three and six is in your tongue yum yum well done it's good to be back where are the others [Music] everybody stay close no need to panic um what's wrong friends why don't you oh they're made of snow who's in my tomb that's easy the real one two three and four no they're all together now so what do they make when they're all together one plus two plus three plus four equals yum let's try adding the snow blocks together one two three four one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten snow blocks so one plus two plus three plus four equals ten there's a ten in your tom yum yum well done it's nippy out much warmer inside [Music] can we all come in until it stops snowing please no problem and plenty of room for you too [Music] oh how many eyes has it got one two three how many arms one two three how many blocks one two three four five three blocks [Applause] no it's five what are you all doing five you haven't got three eyes or three arms whoever told you i did i counted them three do you know how to count yes of course look at a bunch of things say some numbers and then say three because three is the best number there's a little more to it than that three there are some rules you have to follow rule one coin everything once try coining those flapjacks that can help to put them in a line and to point at them one at a time to make sure you don't miss any or count the same one twice one two three four very good four three two one wait one that's not right two say the numbers in the right order if you don't say them in the right order one two three four you won't know how many there are oh one two three four three flapjacks oh we've been here before rule three the last number is how many when you reach the last thing to count the last number you say tells you how many there are try you can do one one two three four that's the last flapjack so four flapjacks that's right [Music] i'd love to be you but i come up sure i need to add something but what i'd love to be stronger what have you got if we haven't got you can count on your hands seven eight nine that's the difference three one two three you can fill in the space that's the difference one and if the difference won't pop into your head you can count number gloves [Music] so what's the difference nine minus six equals that's the difference three nine minus me equals one that's the difference one nine minus four equals five that's the difference five so make up the difference and everyone will see what the difference is between you and me [Music] i'd love to be you but i'm much too big we need to lose something but what i'd love to have some of your talents [Music] and if the numbers won't pop into your head you can count the extra blocks instead one two three four five five the difference is five so [Music] what's the difference you can count [Music] [Music] yum [Music] we need to find a way to make three apples come out look four new apples at the top i know how to make three here i go four equals [Music] yes [Music] no no no [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] i told you easy peasy lemon squeezy [Music] oh i know how to cure hiccups you stand on your head [Music] i think it's working [Music] hang on i know another one drink a glass of water backwards harder than it sounds oh [Music] we need help have no fear block is here oh he's got hiccups i know what to do octoblock [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry that usually works hiccups don't worry i've got this lucky lucky lucky lucky [Music] out of my way coming through got six hiccup cures for you let's roll six cue number six it is [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] great photo everyone oh no more hiccups so that's how you cure them [Music] if you're bigger than me you can hide me as long as you make the right shape if you're smaller than me it'll never work no matter what ship you make six won't fit into foot little bed i can lie down intense bed instead seven's bed is too small for ten my feet will stick right [Music] i'm hiding behind you if you're bigger than me no one will find you where have we gone go and give us a clue himself i'll never leave that book on the shelf it can bend down to reach the book sex can peek through [Music] no one can find you where have they gone go and give us a clue can you see me [Music] one is smaller than fewer than less than one is less than two is less than three is less than four five is less than six is less than seven and eight is less than nine is less than ten and ten is bigger than more than greater than ten is greater than nine is greater than eight is greater than seven six is greater than five is greater than four is greater than three and three is greater than two is [Music] [Music] can you see me [Music] equals [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm commentating i am me me me me me me me me yeah pull yourselves together three or three [Music] [Music] octo block coming through [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one in the lead followed by one but here's one coming up on the inside one people nine nice day for it oh well i said only one can lift the trophy and i was right [Music] one two three [Music] on us [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 4,505,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, numberblocks full episodes, numberblocks episodes, cbeebies, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, alphablocks, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five
Id: 1kiF3ZLcSK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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