Nuke VFX Paint Tutorial | VFX Paint | remove reflections from glasses [Hindi]
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Channel: learning lab
Views: 2,818
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Keywords: Nuke VFX Paint Tutorial, VFX Paint, Nuke VFX Paint, roto in mocha pro, track, Reflection Paintout, Film crew reflection remove, Nuke, paint in nuke, roto paint, in nuke, reflection removal, Removing Reflections, photoshop, vfx paint using nuke and photoshop, nuke vfx, paint vfx, paint tutorials, Hindi, nuke e, nuke x, Learning lab, vfx, composting, how to, nuke properties, Foundry, foundry nuke, nuke, nuke tutorial, mocha pro, mocha pro tutorials, roto, vfx paint
Id: lJcBCq8xWgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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