Nuke Tutorial - Camera Projection

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[Music] hey guys what's up my name is ratchet welcome back to my channel VFX world so guys today I will show you one more exciting tutorial in this tutorial I will show you how you can make a cool 2d to 3d image by using nuke projection in process this will lot of fun so without wasting any time let's get started [Music] okay so now we're in my system and this is nuke version X 11 I mean 11x is the most released updated version so now what I have to do we have to import our base image which I already captured so just I import those vectors like this okay guys I have one more monitor so don't be confused at where I'm importing this kind of photos from like suddenly so those moon that monitor is not recording right now so just now select this one and just connect with this and you can see this image so this is our main image where I already have some work in Photoshop that exactly what I did I will tell you that thing is this is some windows over there only three windows I am doing this thing in PNG so right now this white area is it's almost like PNG if you will add promote here it will automatically say true from there okay so our basic policy is we have to convert this 2d image from a 2d to 3d by using nuke projection system so let's start it first of all you have to change these settings like press s on keyboard and this is our project settings panel now select from 10:00 to 1:00 okay someone okay now change the full size format from 2k to this 1 2 5 0 0 into 1 6 6 9 which is the photo resolution okay now we are all done to go okay now I just change this view to workspace and sorry not workspace yeah workspace and let's large viewer so now you can see the viewer is enlarged then press f to fit to screen there's a large view now just save this first let's save it here is like desktop and project 3d now press save okay now what I have to do I have to take something which is like by pressing tab you can directly search from here okay first of all you have to search like SC is called scenes the next is scanline renderer otherwise you can't render this kind of thing because this will convert a 3d scene from 2d next the most important which is a camera just like camera now connect this one to scanline renderer and the camera to camera and the scene should go here okay the basic thing is done you can see if you convert it from 2d to 3d the shortcut is V this is our 3d environment is already set this camera is actually this camera and the scene is obviously that's really seen so now you have our own 3d scene so now get back to the 2d scene press F on keyboard for a fit to screen next you wanna have to do you have to take some 3d cards here by aligning all this in a very similar way then you can convert it from 2d to 3d so now just go okay now I'll take by pressing tab on keyboard CA rd card here it should look like this then just connect it to the scene here and connect this image to here then you can see if you go to 3d view you can exactly see the curled is like image is applying on this card as a texture but in this process and method you can't achieve that much output so now by using this image I am adding a checkerboard ch-check a boat as a texture and connect it over here now double click on that card double click and you have your own z-axis and just drag it to the Z depth when you go to this 2d view you can see the card is a now Z depth you should push it more in Z depth slightly is like this now if you go to the studio you can see your very own 2d to 3d I'm sorry this 3d card now you have to align this card so on rotation panel I just randomly typing this like 90 so if when you press 90 see the z-axis is down so you have to press minus 90 on keyboards so now it's flip it up then select the z-axis and drag it down so now you have your flow is already it's like this fill it here so what I have to do as you see the floor is not aligned properly the main major part in this myth tutorial you have to align this floor to this floor by a proper perspective so now I'll just change these values rotation values for adjusting this perspective in proper way so just rotate it randomly okay this is 0 Y axis rotation I have to rotate it in Z depth okay I think it should go into yl soil so just rotate it in X direction see now it's coming a little little bit proper and I think yes ok yeah this one is pretty good now just scale this one on to fit this much values on this thing now when you scale this slightly and you should fill this properly see the whole floor is now set properly little more scale slightly like yes now it's fine just pull a little bit down yeah yeah cool now we already align this floor here properly but see this area is not aligned see so now I have to align this area as well so just drag it slightly here ok then just go to this rotation panel and rotate it slightly up and now it's properly so guys now you aligned here properly next thing you have to add the floor the floor adding process is very easy because you already aligned this thing here so now next thing what you have to do is just select this card and press ctrl C on keyboard and control V here so now then connect it to the scene and image it just press ctrl s by safety purpose then double click on this card and you will get your second axis here and drag it to the top so now it's going up to the top and same thing you have to do here you have to press plus 93 point 53 so then you have to flip it up but the major part is you already scale and rotate it from here so don't do this just drag it like here it's very nice okay then just aligned it actually what happened when you align this floor properly you don't have to align that top part properly because it's already almost aligned if the perspective is not changed alike in image so now it's already yeah it's perfectly aligned so now go to the 3d scene and let's see once that how it's look like so guys it to look like this which is pretty nice okay so next go to again the 2d view and just select this card and control-c control-v and connect it sorry connect it here and connect it to the hip and then double click on it and drag it a little up and what I have to do I just press all this in 0 0 0 scale is also 0 so now we have our default card so then double-click on that card and just move it off sorry go to this 3d view I just want to say the scale is in 0 so just press 1 sorry yeah now it's coming perfect so now it's in 2d view the card is properly visible so now in rotation press 90 on keyboard and now it's rotated properly then select the z-axis and drag it to the z diamines ein Z D dizzy depth on this left part and the same thing here you have to do as well like you have to align it in this position properly otherwise the projection will not happen correctly so now let's go to the studio and aligning properly so now I have to again rotation mode properly for aligning this thing so just start align it okay and yes okay when it will align I will get back to you it will take some time because it's a little trickier part so you guys have to align it properly in this mode so I'll get back to you when it will complete okay so what I did I just fast forward all this thing and I already aligned this wall and this wall altogether because it will take some time and you guys will board then and I don't want that my subscribers and my friends and my colleagues with Bowl after watching this kind of tutorial so you know what I have to do the last part is like to fill this area by selecting in this same card copy and just go and paste it over there and just connect it here connect it and connect it to him the same thing you have to do is like zero and the scale value is also like one but in this case you have to do one more thing which is the most interesting part ever in my this tutorial what you have to do first of all is obviously have to push this to this end here like this which is good now after applying the projection process then I will show the most interesting part we is what now the our 3d I mean like almost a checkerboard box room is completed next thing is just deselect this one by pressing D on keyboard and disconnect all these lines here because our card is already aligned press ctrl s for save and next you have to do select it d-o-t and connect all these things here because you can control these dots and sorry this dot from to the projects we denote next you have to select a take a project 3d node for projection in purpose now select this camera to this camera and select this one - this BG and now this one will connect to this so when you connect this to here you can see the if whole image is projection in a pair in this card which is the really interesting part see the whole image is projecting here cool right now go to this camera one and you can see this your whole image is looking exactly same like original if you go to this 2d view you can see the exactly image is look like this and when you go to this 3d view you will see your whole output so now it's scam review and if you wish you can select this one because this will render it out when you done this thing the next part is that one which I already loved now go to the 3d view and select here now I will add here something sorry and it's like okay now this windows as I told in before that these windows are in PNG so now take a pre-mauled pre re free sorry pre compare not is pre mult PRI free mult and when you connect it here see the whole image is distorted and the whole card is applying is here so you have to adjust it which is a very trickier part so I just showing little bit and you have to adjust it by you you want so it's actually what you have to do you have to connect this all corners in this image corner and it looking like little bit in a trickier but when you start doing this it will become very easy so guys when it will complete I'll get back to you still then just jump ok so I already align this thing here and the next thing is you have to take a new camera for projecting a sorry for moving part because this camera is fixed for projection if you turn this camera off the projection will distort it see okay so next thing what you have to do is collect this camera and ctrl-c and ctrl-v so what happened is this new camera is make is already made a new position sorry in a new scene and in the same position so knock select this camera button and connect it to the scene and now you have your new camera which will move in this animation so now go to this 2d I'm sorry in 3d camera Bert and select this camera double click and you can see your second camera is here so now when you move this camera you can see exactly the 3d view ok so now go to the Strongs light and search key rotation set key scale is also set key I think don't know need to this scale but I just turn this on so your first frame sorry just kinda little to it first frame is one say like this set key and just like safety and the last frame is hundred frame and move this camera here go to this camera to view select this one and see this is your last movement so when you play this you can see your whole image is projecting like this which is a pretty interesting part so in your last frame you can position it more by adding here or you can I think this is really nice the project actually what happened guys I really love this projection process because it's it's really cool I don't know you already love this or not but if you say me yes I just definitely definitely like this thing because this is pretty pretty pretty cool thing whatever I have learned in my whole career this thing is really nice so now I have already done my animation which is this one so when you play it will be look like this which is the coolest part ever so now you have your own 3d projection I mean room already you have done so in this part like 50 frames I think this should go zero because I don't want the animations here so I want like after this the camera will go down like this see it's pretty good cool right okay the next thing is the funniest part I have already done this before in Photoshop here is actually one character was there I just cleaned this up and I clean whole area so now I add this character here and I'll show you how to do this thing just go to this default view and just see it's done and just drag that character here see the new character is just press ctrl s for save and this BG of projection sorry big mistake just arrange it properly otherwise you can't find that where is your things are okay so now this is my main character I just turn this little bit bigger for faint purpose delete this checkerboard and select this and take a new card and card and one more pre mult so when you take all this together and when you connect this card to the scene I think not I think I am pretty sure that just it will be double click here and just second so sorry it's my mistake yeah so now my character is here so just I'm dragging this on the Z position and go to this camera view because I would just want to sure that how my character will look like when it's in 3d space just drag it here slow it down it will go more more 3d space just go to this default view if you wish you can position it here but I don't think this is perfect because actually what you are doing that should be like original then your main magic will happen see it's here now I'll reposition it and rescale it select this card and scale it like uniform scale position it here think it's a little bit bigger nope it's perfect just we'll share it yeah it's perfectly aligned so now when you play this thing you can see the whole animation okay the next the last part just to go to the studio you can see your when output is actually looking like this now go to this again the 3d view and default camera view and I just add like a environment here because otherwise the whole pionship part will not work so I just have one picture with me and what I have to do you can choose any kind of environment but make sure that should that should obviously I mean positioning properly and that will be proper for that picture otherwise your whole thing will become really really fake so I just drag my new photo here which is this one I just showing you this thing this is a new photo it's like BG just select this and just press one here and go to the 3d view and what I have to do and just select a card cre card and connect it to here and connect this to this image and see this is visible here and drag it to the z-depth far and far far like this and scale it a little more bigger just scale it like this very cool now go to this 2d view and position it properly it slowly pick a little slower okay no just yeah this is almost aligned playlet little big slightly and align it okay now it's aligned properly now take a great node here connect it to here and just change something a little bit like multiplied lower black spot just like a good fit okay multiply should go high brighter and more green white point okay next add some blur because it's far from here so now take the blur value still like to know too little more then yes 10 is very big five I think oh yeah five is very nice okay press F on keyboard and go to this 3d view camera - and when you see that your output will be looking like this okay this is for the today guys hope you really enjoyed this tutorial and have fun [Applause] [Music]
Channel: vfx world
Views: 45,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx world, vfx, vfx breakdown, nuke tutorial, nuke projection tutorial, nuke compositing tutorial, nuke roto tutorial, 3D Camera Projection, nuke multipass tutorial, nukex, camera projection, how to make a 2d image to 3d
Id: U8vkbYPV1ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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