Nuke particles : How to create motes of dust in nuke

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sighs welcome back to my channel we shall be a sex please subscribe to my channel and click on the bell icon before watching this video so today in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create motes of dust with the help of new particle system just to give you a brief idea or reference how what we are talking about what I am talking about is this we want to create these particles which usually comes from the volume rays like usually you know we from a window like you can see the example over here this one the from the window though this happen this happen usually in the morning the vendor Center is hit they come inside your house and you can see the modes of photos flying here and they're very subtle with this very subtle movement and how do we create them in you so let's get started so first thing first set your project to SZ lock arrange pick particle emitter but before that we need to create a mode so like the reference for most motes of dust so what I'm going to do I'm going to make a noise okay and the size of the noise is too big like if you want to create a certain like tiny particles so it's really important for you guys to understand that if you are using even in the UV layout when we texture something so usually texture in a square size like this is not we don't have like 1920 or 1080 it's usually square so what we are supposed to do is supposed to take refer to reformat then we just gonna go square 256 so have you I have just changed it to like 128 28 the values of it so that I have like much much much smaller size of the modes now you can see we have noise over here I'm just gonna reduce the size of the nice I can see we have a beautiful texture of like we can use it for mode I'm just gonna row to this one take a rod or same thing we have to do it over here you can just take this as well the brother yeah so you have square pixels just take like make a shape randomly you're gonna make at least three or four random shapes and you're just gonna mask this one mask mask mask okay we're just gonna lower the edges slightly you have this kind of shape yeah so we have created one mode of this right now so we have to create multiple copy-paste of the base of the waste okay just gonna line them properly to make her the nuke strip look beautiful yes so we are just going to change zero two of the modes nothing is we just need to change change the shape it's nothing much lazy we're gonna connect the particle like we have for particles so right now you can see the particles are emitting but they are everything in upward direction if you are not signal previous video on swallow girls please do watch that video before starting with before coming or jumping because well because I'm like there are a few tips and tricks that I've shared with it so it's like I'm not going to repeat the same I'll over here I'm just gonna do it click make it short so what you are going to do you are supposed to take a cube so that it's inside the cube the modes flying inside the cube I'm just slightly going to increase the size of the Box display off so that I can see multi modes inside I'm gonna particle emitter to emit from to emit from the Q now you can see they are going in random directions like for the four six direction that cube behalf of down left right front back you can consider like that only so what you are suppose to it right now we need to kill the velocity so then they they don't have any o their own velocity so that the what is the logic behind are always killing this velocity the main reason behind killing this velocity is like this was just tiny bits of particle which doesn't have too much of they don't have mass its they are just totally dependent on the top you like the wind environment window around them so there did you usually move steadily according to them that's why we just you take it to zero so that they did they don't get any of their velocity so it's really simple so what you are supposed to do you are supposed to make it bounding box so that we can see the modes inside okay the camera seeing they've connected it to camera now you can see we have boats but they are easily a bigger size so what we are supposed to do we are supposed to reduce this size to make it look really really tiny like this much that's what you're supposed to do we can just change we just go change the size range so they are they have their random shapes so what we are supposed to do not the most important thing we are going to add an expression like before in the previous video to you that is like I need to like create the particle at just a single frame so that they stay for for a lifelong I'm just want to increase the nice life mm so that they don't die easily so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm just gonna tell the particle system to start until all minus 100 frame is equal to if frame is equal to minus 90 then emit thousand particles or else 0 that for what this expression means like if frame is minus 90 then the emit value would be thousand or else it would be zero so right now we have thousands of modes in your system which are like which I like you don't have to carry any any kind of forces so what we are supposed to do so we have to add opulence to them alright now you can see we have like really sudden small this is gonna scale the size of the cube so that we get rid of the bounding box which was coming previously yeah so what we are supposed to do right now it's simple we just need to have add particles of this particle turbulence give them like you can see that the size of the particles is really small so this the turbulence tend to always depends on the size of the particle a show size of a particle is really small so we have to add so you have to add a really small value or else they do they're gonna have much much much right now we have just added in X let's see what the movement is so you can see they are swirling I think so just because because some of the particles are going here and so particles are coming over here so what you are supposed to do we are supposed to have them in - as well in this head so that they go behind so now you can see we have like the random motes flying here and there but the speed is really really like too much so that's what I said that it totally depends on the size of it and the mass flow that is that the power particle is carrying so your turbulence should be like so what we are supposed to do supposed to reduce the value as much as we can in order to have like really see they are going you know like we have already added like a much less value but still they are being so what we can do what else we can do we can take particle track which is always helpful drag so we're gonna drag them so that this stay inside the box they don't go too much far away you can see they have really said that I think this is too much is the value that fall because we wanted like particles flying randomly here and there so I'm just gonna like create a quick something like this so suppose this is the window which is coming from where the lights are coming inside so what you are supposed to do right now this mode you gonna multiply this one that isn't to multiply I'll just let you know so suppose this is the mode we have so if you multiply then this value will get multiplied like if if the value is around like you can see your zero seven seven five say something over here so that from a we're gonna multiply to the value of this so that we get a result from here so if if the value over is 0 then B is like multiplying any value with zero is zero so right now you can see if I multiply than anything outside the which we're in zero is zero we don't see that so right now we have particles like this carrying the the actual intensity of the volume rain what you are supposed to do take this plus but now we can see the intensity and then mode so you so what you are supposed to do you have just gonna take a credit right now you slightly increase clearly so we can see right now the boats over here and the movement as well let me just quickly catch this dish for you so I have rendered the modes in order to just like avoid go free so you can see we have modes flying here and there and but still they are missing something like if they have a missing color / you can add and add little bit of contrast to them sorry so let's play while rendering you just need to remember that you can just change the channel to all so that we can be Kari you're mostly the information like the JPEG dozens to rest of the information you can just switch to a XR or something else right now just so you have to enter the JPEG so that we have I'm just gonna pause this one so we can carry the depth information and etcetera like the motion and everything which can be used to add motion blur and I know so we can use that as well if we want to have a depth of like that of depth of field on in the modes so we can do that according to our scene requirement so this was the basic idea right now it like if you want to have turbulence and you want to have deep here the particles flowing from here to here in this direction you can just take particles be like right now they are just flying here and there so if you want them to come from from here to here from the screen left top to screen right bottom then what we can do is take a particle beam so you can just tell it to have value in accessing access taxes which is zero then like this is gonna go over here in x-axis and then we need then them to come downwards and we're just gonna play on the value yeah you just need to look that this is the value isn't too much so right now you can see the particles are coming in this direction which is can increase the value of the by so the toes are going like much more you so let me quickly catch this one as soon so have casually new particles right now you can see that this is looking so much wonderful like this fighting the moles of particles coming from screen left top to the screen right or bottom and then giving giving the realistic sense of feeding to us we have volume rays like going in flickering we can produce a flicker if we want but that's not the mood of this video we just want to have like creative modes of particle and we can are definitely like reduce the speed it change in size we can do multiple of things by like playing with the turbulence value is a drag value even the size having much more different shape of modes and we can do multiple things the way we want or the Pacific seem so that's it for this video guys please do subscribe to my channel and click and the bell icon to get the latest certification of my video thank you guys
Channel: Vishalvfx
Views: 2,535
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: nuke, particles, nukeparticles, nuke particles, the foundry nuke, compositing, compositing in nuke, comp, vfx, visual effects, special effects
Id: s0_C6aM5rvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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