Nugent: "Are you kidding me" about IL gun ruling

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and now ladies and gentlemen our highlight for the evening the moment you've been waiting for the time when I introduce our main speaker with over 40 million albums sold and more media face time than most active politicians Ted Nugent has earned his status as an American icon acclaim for his bold insightful commentary on issues ranging from the American dream to biodiversity nugent is a regional guest on top-rated radio and television programs nationwide Nugent's own spirit of the wild television show is a six-time and Counting winner of the golden moose award for programming excellence on the Outdoor Channel where he serves as ambassador for the network ted has also been inducted into the National bowhunters Hall of Fame marking the pinnacle of recognition recognition for Nugent as a bona fide bowhunting legend of the 21st century and Nugent was recently named favorite hunting personality by the readers of Outdoor Magazine a recipient of numerous commendations from State Police sheriff department's FBI and police agencies nationwide Nugent has been lauded for his Ted Nugent camp for kids and freedoms angels along with work as a national spokesman for dare and as an ambassador for Big Brothers Big Sisters and the passing on outdoor mentors program those are things you don't hear about do you he continues to fight for personal freedoms on the lecture circuit and as an author ted nugent is an award-winning writer for over 40 publications and author of The New York Times bestseller Ted white and blue the Nugent manifesto and guides guns and rock and roll along with kiloton Grillet blood trails and blood trails to Ted Nugent has been reelected for his sixth term on the board of directors of the NRA recognized as America's number one proponent of the Second Amendment Ted has served continuously since his initial election to the board in 1995 ladies and gentlemen can I ask for a warm Sangamon County Republican welcome for mr. Ted Nugent are you kidding me you know they don't leave home for just anything but for the SAG among Republicans you people deserve me thank you very much for inviting me here and I want to thank the segment County Sheriff's Department and the Springfield Police Department all the heroes of law enforcement and certainly Rick and Christie Brandt for flying me here because if they didn't fly me here I wouldn't be here I have Labrador Retrievers at home that need me but I have priorities the whole world sucks but America still sucks less but with this administration we are catching up and tonight in Springfield Illinois surrounded by real Americans we don't suck at all you know I mean but I'm really honored to be here and stop and think about it for a minute Ted Nugent the author of Wang dang sweet poontang is your featured speaker are you kidding me it's perfect and I'll tell you why it's perfect because I am defiant times 63 years old and when the punks tried to make fun of me for not smoking dope and not being a criminal I'm not only laughed in their face but I cold-cocked him and I did the right thing I stood up against the lie of peer pressure the absurdity of this subhuman subculture in America that has incrementally destroyed the greatest nation in the world and now they have a president and I'm going to give it all I got to get these Punk's out of the White House so we can take this country back a lot of people go well I don't know you shouldn't be calling them names oh there are appropriate names somebody had a complaint recently that I use the B word to describe Hillary Clinton well I asked you if you would side with the gangsters of the United Nations if you would side with America hating gangsters around the world instead of the United States of America when it comes to constitutional rights is there a better word to describe that person and I'm here to celebrate that the reason my family is so happy we are so fulfilled we go to bed at night gratified and satisfied that we put our heart and soul into being the absolute best that we can be my son Toby is here tonight and everybody who's met Toby says that's a great young man you're done right is a great young man or I throw them out I got nine kids they all have alarm clocks they know how to set them everybody in my band everybody in my management everybody in my hunting operation everybody involved with anything that I do is the absolute best that they can possibly be or you're not invited and I'm here not to condemn as much the America haters that have infested our government we all know that people would have attempted to argue that point with me have made complete idiots of themselves Piers Morgan ad nauseam have you ever seen me on TV do I kill or what I reek of truth self-evident truth I bleed logic and what the Nugent family and think about I'm I am the Motor City Madman I really am when I get on age I scare people because the music is so intense because my band is so dedicated because my crew is so professional because everybody around me has to be the best that they can be and if they were punks it wouldn't be the Punk's fault it would be my fault for letting the punks in so the real curse in America today is not Barack Obama and Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and Richard Daley and Rahm Emanuel they're not the real punks we have got exactly what we deserve the real curse in America is apathetic disconnected uncaring unconscious conscionable Americans who who dare not engage in this unique sacred experiment and self-government the experiment and self-government screams your name and I know I'm preaching to people who are here tonight because you're responding to your absolute spiritual obligation to participate in the greatest quality of life called the United States of America and experiment and self-government so god bless you all but I bet you got people in your family I bet you got people that you hang out with I bet you got people at the workplace I bet you got people in the Republican Party that are idiots and you let them be idiots each and every one of you what do we got a couple hundred people here tonight big deal I'm not excited what would excite me is if each and every one of you fixed 500 people each you to ram at home every day I I'm it been an inundated by idiots my whole life because if you're not pissing off the idiots you're an idiot and they condemn me because I don't get high I get high and venison and bull's-eyes they condemn me for carrying a gun are you kidding me and by the way I don't have a FOID card and I'm not getting a FOID card what is that see that's what I'm talking about Illinois you are the epicenter of what's wrong with America let me say that again in case you didn't hear it clearly Illinois is the poster child for what's wrong with America you gave us the damn president I got Al Capone Frank Nitti Blagojevich John Wayne Gacy Richard Speck Richard Daley you got Ryan are you kidding me you like plant the seeds of idiots and they just blow up and control your life god bless you Harvin who are engaged god bless you all who are active god bless you all who are fighting the good fight but there ain't enough of you so a Supreme Court think of the words a supreme whoa that's pretty high out there a Supreme Court justice in Illinois concluded you haven't got the I can keep bear squat are you kidding me are you kidding me so individual creatures created in the design of God himself whose precious gift of life is the ultimate gift and the obligation to defend that precious gift is in irrefutable so a man in a black robe has determined that you will be unarmed and helpless he decided are you kidding me can it get any worse than a tyrant a man of such power abusing that power and voiding the Second Amendment and saying you have no right to defend yourself because if you're not armed you're not going to defend yourself and I can't think of a more defining condition then forced unarmed helplessness to identify slavery I got up this morning in Texas I it is precious I got up this morning got my new job of going to have my own coffee father got my new Java going got to catch some grits and set him outside checked out saw the Antelope in the field Suns coming up about 40 degrees drink my coffee I got a little grits and fried egg and my grits I grab my black bag with an m4 for you people in Illinois and I'm for is a machine gun I just fondled it for a minute just fondling it threw it in the seat of my truck is legal I have a class-3 license which is absurd but I do that one it's almost like a FOID card but not that stupid and I Drive down because we had a flood in her house so I'm up at the bunkhouse I go down to my main house there under construction I got my Labradors out and I got them retrieving the duct dummies and they're the happiest dog in the world gave him some spare venison Slavoj we don't buy biscuits for our dogs we just shoot stuff for him and I went out back and I trained with my machine gun anybody here trained with their machine gun this morning and you wonder why I'm like this I get up every day and drink my own coffee and shoot machine guns it's perfect and in Texas you can have that gun rifle shotguns if you have the right license you got that machine gun the front seat drive around put down Starbucks I've got my machine gun lady and start bicycles weight machine gun you got today Ted it's adorable I don't even have to order coffee they see my truck come and they just get what I want ready for me when was the last time you heard of a carjacking in Texas doesn't happen so I propose to you that the most fundamental self-evident truth god-given individual right known to man is the right to self-defense the right to keep and bear arms and four-mile annoy friends keep means it's mine you can't have it there means I've got some on me right now bear ain't in the safe bear ain't in a case bear ain't locked in the closet can you believe that there's still interpreting bear are you kidding me so Illinois when you get your second amendment that will be the indicator that you mean business that will be the indicator that you're real Republicans carrying on a hundred and eight anniversary of Abraham Lincoln celebration and if you are not allowed to defend yourself and your family you haven't got any freedoms so thank you for being here thank you for being involved with the Republican Party thank you for being an activist thank you for participating the experiment self-government is participatory it's not a spectator sport you're not supposed to sit back and watch it and I could go on with a million examples the the fraud the soullessness of our government the refusal to be accountable they're not just not accountable they refuse to be accountable spending money that will never exist helping people that don't need any help training them to be slaves there's a million issues the Attorney General I've been a cop for 36 years I revere those dedicated warriors of law enforcement so the number one cop in America is running guns to the Mexican drug gangs are you kidding me can it get more insane than that can it get more insane than the President of the United States trampling on religious freedom it can't get crazier than it is right now so those of you who are engaged turn up the heat those of you see the horrors of losses of individual freedoms and the entrenchment of tyrants in our government that's what Richard Daley was that's what Barack Obama is that's what Eric Holder is they think you work for them turn up the heat with everybody you know everybody you hang out with at church at the workplace at the barbecue at the bowling alley at the gun range in deer camp wherever you go don't let your friends be rotten Americans and they're everywhere if you know friends that think gun control works fix them fix them if you think if you have friends that think the redistribution of income is a good thing fix them don't give up till you fix them I fix everybody around me you can't be in my band you can't be in my crew you can't be in my family you can't hang out with me you can't go hunting with me unless you remember the NRA you care not welcome get up throw you out I have basics and let me tell you why I dedicate this night to the heroes of law enforcement and people who are engaged in making a difference in fighting the good fight but more important than those great Americans the Nugent family is is blessed and inspired and reminded every day why the whole world sucks but America sucks less since I was a teenager I had a band called the Amboy Dukes started up in Chicago and because I've always done radio and television interviews and I was always the right-wing guy you know I beat up more hippies than all the narcs in America hey it's just beautiful and I've always been a pro Second Amendment guy and a pro law enforcement guy militantly anti-criminal militantly anti corruption and I've always been contacted by people who really really appreciate it and the ultimate American who appreciates it more than most of us can imagine and there's some in this room right here are the heroes of the United States military in fact let's have a hand for everybody out there who has served this country is serving this country and your families for the amazing sacrifice and that's nice we can applaud and it's nice I can reference them but with me it's much more emotional than that because since the 1960s these heroes of the military have reached out to me when they've lost a member of the family on the battlefield and at first I didn't really understand my dad was a hero of World War two in Korea but they never talked about it so I didn't really understand but I knew that war is the answer everybody with a brain knows that war is the answer because when there is evil you wage war against it plan B is for idiots so they would contact me and they'd want me to say something that their son's funeral so I did they would contact me and they got a son coming home with no legs they want me to take him fishing so I did so I don't know a hundred times a year for many years now we have an open-door policy he mentioned my freedoms Angels charity is for the military and we never say no to a military family to help in any way that we can and we have barbecues and we shoot machine guns with Marines with no arms soldiers with no legs Navy heroes of no eyeballs Air Force warriors with no skin and remember these are the smartest people there are statistically they're just better educated than the rest of us so they examined the war on terror they examine war they saw how ugly it was they saw their buddies coming home in a box that's terrorizing that's dramatic fear they still volunteered and they charge into that raging inferno of the war on terror because they know that the whole world sucks but America still sucks less and they want to fight until it doesn't suck at all so when I spend time at the fishin hole with these destroyed physically ruined warriors don't tell them the ruined they got a better attitude than anybody I know and they figure out a way to throw that fish in line with no arms or the prosthetic they figure a way to draw that bow back or shoot that rifle and when I see what they are so eager they're not just willing to sacrifice their Iger they're trying to find a way where they can take their fake legs and their fake arms and go back to Fallujah and when I see the sacrifices that these men and women make and they do it to defend and uphold the US Constitution how dare any American not participate in the freedom is so provided through such dramatic sacrifices as they fight the clear and present danger of easily and conclusively identified evil around the world how dare any American not demand their second Amendment rights how dare an American being born in this great country and not participate when the pain when the road to freedom is paved in blood and guts by these incredible Americans who know no boundaries to their dedication and their sacrifice so I would leave you with an image if I may that when you wake up every day from now on you go I'm gonna I want to sign up a new NRA member for some blown-up Marine I'm going to contact my Center my congressman today and demand some accountability I'm going to give my elected official three priorities that my family by name to the elected official demand an update in an upgrade from and I'm going to do it for a flag draped coffin I'm going to do it so these heroes of the military didn't go over there to fight pure evil and get blown to smithereens for nothing yes that's what drives me every day that's what gets me up and I set that alarm clock and I got right let's get it on let's go 22 year-old marine Josh from Grand Rapids Michigan went to Fallujah right after I was there took seven six two three nine collision took off around spine only round fired and take over that village drop Josh in his tracks sent him home 100% paralyzed he lives through a tube sips and puffs his daily breath hadn't done anything in three years since the tragedy turns out he loved the song stranglehold who doesn't and he wanted to meet uncle Ted so I said hell yeah I don't know what I was doing but I dropped it and I said where can we meet I got a cabin up by there bring him over well josh was a US Marine Corps sniper and I went yeah all right sniper I started thinking right away we'll get some rifles set up some targets but he said no no Josh was paralyzed you can't do nothing I go hang on a second I got some pretty smart friends some of my smart friends put together this unit it's a platform with flexible railings and a motor-driven arm where we mounted a 270 and because josh can't move his head we put a screen up with a camera on the crosshairs and we and this guy is so smart he put a tube where Josh could sip and puff and move that arm Josh hadn't burped in three years Josh hadn't blinked in three years he's coming up with Ted's cabin coming down the driveway in his van he's bouncing I immediately got on the phone with my buddy I go I got a Vans late-model Ford Econoline I need a new suspension that's more flexible for a guy in a wheelchair I mean I'm on it maybe before Josh even arrived I got that I got guys all set up to put a whole new suspension and tires and shocks and an elevator door on it Josh comes out his girlfriend introduces him but Josh can't do nothing kind of sipping puffing I said so Josh you were a sniper huh cool man I'm a sniper all my kids are snipers we're proud to have you here man how'd you like to snipe girlfriend said that means yes so we will Josh over opened up that platforms called The Liberator Josh wheeled himself on that platform got that rifle in his eyes all of a sudden got the sniper I going and he sipped and puff and bumped into the railings sip-and-puff and got that little four-wheel drive wheelchair on that platform locked into the Liberator locked the railings in on Josh's wheelchair and Pete said I Josh what you do is one sip moves it up two sips moves it down three sips moves it left four sips moves it right blow up those milk jugs over there and about 20 minutes later can you imagine you know any marksman out there you know how tough it is get them crosshairs to settle down can you imagine sip-and-puff people Josh was all over the place I think I saw him laugh well he sipped and he puffed and we are trying to have fun and laugh but there wasn't a dry eye on the property and he finally got them crosshairs where he wanted him and he did his last sip and hit that milk jug at a hundred yards the sniper was reborn that's what we do I ended up having to manhandle him out of there because he wouldn't leave that's why I'm like I am that's why I don't take any crap because I know the price that we have paid the price that much superior human beings have paid so that we can be Republicans so that we can stand up for the US Constitution so that we can demand accountability from our employees in the US government so that we can demand they don't continue to rape and pillage our paychecks they can demand they quit redistribute in our wealth I'm going to leave you with these words I usually don't use notes but my buddy who was part of that sniper day sent me the following and I think this will resonate and this is nothing new to any of you but this is what we should leave here telling every elected official and everybody that we need to fix you cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift you cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong you cannot help little men by tearing down big men you cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage payer Barack you cannot help the poor by destroying the rich Hillary you cannot establish sound security on borrowed money Tim Geithner you cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred Obama you cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn the Fed Zillah you cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence America and you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do themselves there's one line missing here but I remember it 108 celebration of Lincoln day huh home of the Republican Party huh I lived in Jackson Michigan they claim Jackson Michigan was the birthplace of the Republican Party so from Jackson Michigan the birthplace of the Republican Party to Springfield Illinois the home of the Republican Party I leave you with the words of Abraham Lincoln America will never be destroyed by outside forces but I'll paraphrase it in context of 2012 but we are being destroyed from within when we give up the basis of self-evident truth u.s. constitutionally guaranteed god-given individual rights and freedoms and liberties it's happening right now we have some great men running for the Republican kandacy they're great men all of them would be a giant upgrade a monstrous upgrade over the current America hating administration fight like you've never fought before when the Republican candidate is determined fight like you've never fought before not occasionally not to some people all the time to everybody polite positive but forceful because if we don't fix the United States government this November we will get exactly what we asked for and it won't be the rabid coyotes fault for getting into our living room it'll be our fault for not shooting him so thank you once again for inviting me here today ultimately I'm just here to remind you we the people can do this but not a but not a bunch of little bita people not some we the people we the people I bet you I'm praying to God the majority of Illinois residents are productive are driven to be the best that they can be god bless the the Republican Membership Union that's here tonight you guys are cool I love unions who are Republican that's defiant that's beautiful so think of Josh sipping and puffin think of those heroes that came home in flag-draped coffins I flew home from Fallujah in 2004 and I came home with a flag draped coffin and on the banks of a big river I wish I could remember the name of the river over by Ottawa Illinois Murr say it's a French name merci yeah that French city there's a memorial to the heroes who have given up their lives for freedom in the war on terror and I was deer hunting there a couple years ago and a great hero of the United States Marine Corps took me there and I found the name of that warrior who gave up his life for us and was next to me in that c-130 in a flag draped coffin his name was lieutenant Eric McCray and Illinois farm boy who was blown to smithereens fighting terror for those heroes don't do it because you think it might be the right thing we owe them we absolutely have to pay off that debt we want accountability we should be accountable and for those heroes we need to get back the freedom that they gave up their lives for so god bless the Sangamon County Republican Party god bless all of you and three bears archery that donated the bow and what my buddies named Sid let's who donated a rifle by the way we have a rifle and I don't have a FOID card but give me that rifle anyway I don't need a damn void guard I don't like Boyd cards you have to have a FOID card in Illinois and Cuba especially some firepower would you so I'm going to take part in the auction off remember these donations for this rifle and for the things they're auctioning off tonight obviously go into the war chest to take this country back so everybody dig deep and we'll figure out some way you know what I'd like to do our auction I'll go ahead and bring that right okay I have a second amendment that's a nice looking rifle maybe I'll buy that now I can't tell what caliber it is but I'm sure it's a good 22-250 well that's a good varmint rifle you got a lot of barman's in Illinois I mean are you kidding me a savage 22-250 model 110 rifle got a scope on it a variable scope and remember there's only one gun law necessary for thoughtful intelligent human beings never pointed towards anything you're not willing to destroy that's the only gun law we need so I would like to start this bidding off and let me tell you we will sweeten the pot a little bit whoever buys this rifle I'm going on the road this year because America needs my music I am the soundtrack to defiance and freedom and my band is so good it's insane we're going to go on the road all summer and I'm sure Illinois is in my crosshairs but whoever buys this rifle will get what we call a Ted Nugent danger zone package which means if you are brave enough you can come early and hang out with the band and eat that crappy food we eat before the show and meet the band and hang out come sit close to my amplifiers if you're overweight I will knock off 20% of your fat just by being next to my amplifiers so let's buy this rifle folks so this with this rifle you get this beautiful savage out 22-250 and you get two tickets and two passes to any concert anywhere you want to go in 2012 and we'll get the logistics organized you can't bring the rifle with you but I'll have some for you and there but you won't need a FOID card just need to be an American okay so what do you think I think this wafer should start off with a Ted Nugent dangerzone two tickets and two passes to the most intense rock and roll rhythm and blues party on earth I think we ought to start with about 2,000 bucks hey buddy 2,000 bucks come on Illinois what's that alright we are in a recession but it'll all go away when you start dusting coyotes with your 2250 all right what do you got for this rifle and two tickets and two passes anybody spit out a number 500 bucks 500 bucks that's a good cause beautiful rifle out in fact you know what starting next month I'm going to have my own Ted youjin ammo I have my own Ted Nugent ammo so whoever buys this rifle can get a I don't know a half dozen boxes of Ted Nugent 22-250 ammo and I'll sign the boxes 4,000 bucks god bless you thank you very much I will make it worth your while this has become a collector's item is the OP is the generous donator right or left-handed right-handed okay that would you like me to sign it absolutely all right then I'm going to sign it on this side I'm not going to point it towards anything I'm not wanting to destroy sir another rifle no they got to fill out it all guy yeah go to fill out your paperwork well god bless you thank you very much here for that generous donation beautiful well my friends in Illinois thank you very much thanks for all the years of hospitality thanks for thinking of me I'm glad I came here tonight thanks Rick and Christy for flying me here and God bless you all but really turn up the heat take back America by taking back Illinois because good as goes Illinois goes America I promise you that god bless you all
Channel: WMAY News
Views: 370,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Illinois Chicago Gun
Id: wUwtpOhBRAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2012
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