NS Famous Dutch made double decker EMU
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Channel: Simply Railway
Views: 158,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VIRM, Intercity, ICR, Talbot, Roosendal, Intercity express, express, HSL, HSL Zuid, Dutch, Hogesnelheidslijn, Zuid, België, Duitsland, RAIL, railway, Simply railway, SImply aviation, railway trip, interrrail, Europe train, Trains of europe, Catenary, Bombardier, Nederlandse Spoorwegen, Iphone XS, DJI mobile, Final cut pro X, Thalys, DB, NMBS, Amsterdam, DDM, SErie 16, EETC, Pantograph, Dutch Rail, AM75, DDZ, Stadler, Sprinter, NS, Rotterdam, Eurostar, Alstom, double decker, duplex, netherlands
Id: wNOL0uAkhOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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