nRF24L01+ HOW TO FIX: Now sending ... failed. Failed, response timed out. RF24 nRF24

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone in this video I'd like to share my experience with messing around with this or after only four and one modules I buy them from eBay for now in these days I wanted to use them for long board application as a receiver and transmitter and I could get them to work I was giving up I tried many of them like six or seven and none of them worked so basically to get started this is a good page that gives you introduction to getting stuck with the modules talks about common problems there are two available libraries you can use for Arduino for now I'm going to stick with this original library as it gives you more details in a serial monitor when you connect the module to Arduino but maybe in later projects I'm going to be using this one which seems to be more advanced and developed and actually more updated one so to get started I open my are gonna install the library first of course and then go to examples here navigate to the library examples directory fourth and open to getting started to the sketch so well connect our Arduino Pro meaning to the RF 94 module as shown in picture and this diagram and simply upload the sketch after we check that we have crack possession all right power up the module will open the serial monitor and as you can see we'll have plenty information about the connection it's good we have successfully communicated from our being into the board down sir SBI port now we have set some and Travis like receiver transmitter track you can see that they match the ones have a problem here in the code all right so let's try to switch module into transmit mode by simply typing key into serial monitor it and as you can see the problem occurs here now sending some number which basically time and it's failed sending decider it fails with getting a response is because we still didn't connect any receiver and of course if we're not sending anything or will not getting anything back okay I picked it online a lot for this problem here the first thing of course this page it talks about a capacitor between the voltage into it Dupree and the ground being on this module the capacitor should be located at fault is possible to the module such as soldered one here and it didn't help for me it didn't work I didn't read about some wiki page here of the impression for the library by the way this library does the same thing it does not send anything out on the Chinese modules but what I found here some information about would do again it talks about using controls to hold battery is the voltage source or adding a capacitor things like that but also it mentions about setting the clock divider on FBI protocol in your library so I went ahead and found this file and modified it actually I found that this was already for in my library here didn't help a couple of things I also googled here were somewhat insightful for me they led me to my solution again as you can see here you have a good report of good communication from Arlena to the board and have a connection somewhere but what he points out there's different modules available and his key suggestion here was basically adding a capacitor here on the did magic for solving the problem which again was you know failing descent another thing on and lastly I want to talk about this page here where people discuss able to print at function in the arena code which seemed to help a little bit if you zoom in in this picture here you can see that they were sending something out and even though the program says it's failed sending the receiver and was receiving something in my case they all sending does nothing unusual and it doesn't send anything out for now I didn't disable this function kept it on but here's what I did is that in the same library examples here I found this cage which is Nordic echo be test and I just looked through and I found they have more things after they begin the radio communication so I tried each line at the time and when I found that this line helps for my communication problems the module so I just copy this line here I go back to my getting started sketch alright I don't find this line or wood between the radio module homepage this one here and let's rip load this cage once we're done uploading open serial major we've taken out here to have the addresses set in the program the our course one is pipeline but let's try D fruit which mountain and they worked look at this are now sending some numbers the fact that we're not getting response yet is because we didn't connect our receiver module yet so let's go ahead and upload the exact same sketch receivable so I open another instance of our genome here so look at access different USB ports and for this receiver I'm gonna be using same arena Pro meaning or go ahead to the same modification to catch this out of position mode of the table function or the head make sure our different comport from a nickel 16 we Nicole - Kim and let's upload catch all right opening cylinder this means I disconnect my line Martinez to the brick on board and receptive are being a game climate building support as you can see there's some smashing lines but this is because of the capacitors are not big not something break hard work we fight connect the RF modules to arena directly in moderate capacitor with hundreds my progress that solve the problem conceived which one from this module yep it's working that means immortals communicating out so let's set it back to a receiver mode delicacy were getting some numbers out will they respond to our current major one so I have just receptive arena here by opening this winter and Rolla are sending seven six for organic infeasible sometimes the round trip in response the HSN America response and how many milliseconds takes to get the data back force steps are displayed here sometimes they're not I found sometimes helpful just holding one of these antennas with my fingers helps you open it now I'm getting nowhere things I think it's all about transmitter power maybe wires I'll probably go ahead and solder them druggist I don't have any issues with that later on another thing I wanted to point out is I measured the current that goes from my you know power supply of frequency rolls into the Power Beam of the RF 24 module and it's been sitting around like twenty five milliamps which is quite long and surprising to me again I think this is all about the cheap chinese clone modules there's only not powerful enough they're not spitting out much RF power and original models will I suppose there are some good examples of good experiments with Google did was disassembling this and RF chips and looking inside in into the original chips and the Chinese copies one because of differences in shock about anything here to consider so for sure aware of this Cheney cheap RF modules another good pose I found here takes a close look at this Chinese modules and they take a close look at some missing components and records then most importantly was the highlight here and that's what matches our act here today you could solve this cheap Chinese clone and basically misconfigured their acknowledgement this that's why we need to disable that you know that might bring some other problems to discuss here so I'm going to go ahead and find his original modules from this website here and hopefully report later on how the award compared to this one but anyways that covers it up for today this is forget this tube Cheney's modules to work if you liked this video give it a like is not let me know maybe we can add something in the description so others can benefit and with that I wish you good luck with this project
Channel: Vitaliy D
Views: 38,182
Rating: 4.8323808 out of 5
Keywords: nRF24L01, nRF24L01p, nRF24L01+, How to use, cheap chinese nrf24l01, can't get to work, Now sending, failed. Failed, response timed out., Arduino, Pro, mini, Uno, Due, Mega, wifi module, RF24, library, problems, with, nrf24
Id: jfaFbjgwprI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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