NPTEL Awareness workshop in association with CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY, MOHALI, PUNJAB

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah one second i'll uh okay we are live now okay uh very good morning to all the learners and uh team from iit kanpur and iit madras in fact a very uh big day for chandigarh university that we are organizing uh this awareness program wherein the student community at large as well as faculty will be benefiting although we are a local chapter uh since uh november 2019 and gradually we have incorporated nectar as part of our life in virtual learning the last year has been a tremendous change in the higher education sector wherein the focus has entirely changed uh we are now uh adaptive to a virtual way of uh you know uh learning and neptel has turned out to be a uh you know very uh you know a solution uh among the student community where the concept of blended learning approach has been widely accepted by the students so if i go by the statistics at chandigarh university for the current july december semester we have somewhere around 5293 students who universities has identified courses for each branch and have given the student option to go for blended learning a wide awareness was done among the student community about the benefit of this blended learning approach and with this you know uh acceptability among the student was overwhelming they have understood that uh you know self learning uh is the next uh level wherein uh they have to align themselves with the you know courses which are available on the nptel apart from that uh other platforms which are quite popular among the student community therein also students are learning so uh in current semester commencing from 16th of august we have somewhere around 5000 plus students who will be undergoing first set of courses and uh i'm quite happy that this workshop has come at the right time which will actually build the momentum for the next semester commencing from january onwards and i'll make it uh this thing on sustainable so that you know we also move towards the domain specialization so that will be more beneficial so i on behalf of chandigarh university welcome all my virtual learners team from iit kanpur and iit madras thank you thank you for joining us over to team iit kanpur yeah thank you so much sir for uh inviting us to host a workshop in collaboration with you so this workshop is done virtually uh this is streamed on youtube so all the learners who are having any query please post your queries in the chat window my colleagues from iit madras divia and vinita are there to answer your questions and also throughout this workshop you will be we will be discuss discussing about how nptel works what is nptel certification what are the ftp programs that has and what are the other initiatives taken by the nptel so along with my slides you'll be able to see or what we have to offer to you and i shall begin my presentation without taking much time and i'm just sharing my screen for that and i'm bashari a login from iit kanpur site and we'll just start with today's session [Music] device my screen visible yes by charlie yeah okay the first firstly uh what is nptel it's national program of technology enhanced learning so this nptel was formed with the mission ambition to provide a good technical content to the masses add an affordable education to a large scale videos earlier it was developed in the form of a web and video lectures this initiative started in back 2003 with three web courses and slowly slowly in 2014 they introduced the certification the thing was to reach what is taught in the iits and iis bangalore to the students who could not take admission into the iit so with this mission this nptel program it was a program of mhrd now ministry of education it's a it's a project of mhrd so with this colleges start adopting this nptel they started learning through this platform and with the pandemic that hit online education has taken an exponential growth and it's it has given a chance that yes online education is there to stay so it has given an option for the learners to learn apart from the classroom teaching there are also other alternatives that can be explored so going ahead so dotted this is a typical website of nptel and this is one of the largest repository of engineering courses this nptel program began with the collaboration of seven iits and is bangalore uh which i would like to name as i bangalore i i t bombay iit delhi iit kanpur so these eight parent institutions seven iits and is in bangalore from this program and uh the impact of this is today it has more than one billion views and 44 000 plus hours of video content is present on the youtube 3.5 million subscribers are there and more than 2 900 plus courses are there this course is much higher from this semester so this is the impact and it's an educational website it's nothing entertaining so purely education is taught in this the quality content the quality technical content is present so this is how this typically impedance started the photographs that are inserted in this slide you can see how earlier this used to happen in the classroom teaching and it later on began with the studio teaching so this is how it grew so now the question comes oh what is swamp so you might have heard in your universities they swam that ugc aic has given the guidelines to take moocs courses from swim swim is a study web of active learning for young aspiring pints this is a bigger coordinator under this nine coordinators come you can see on your screen all the nine coordinators are the logos of all the national coordinators are listed over here if they are aicte cec ignore iimb ncrt nios ni triple tr nptel and ugc so nptel is the coordinator that is responsible for the engineering management and humanities courses for ug and pg level we do the technical maintenance of the swam website so swam website is our national portal for moocs and it has nine coordinators and nptel is one of them so whenever you go to the swem website you can click on the entitle logo it will redirect to the entire website and you can see the things there so now the question is what are moves mooc is massive open online courses why it is important and what are the gaps that it fills that arises through your conventional teaching or the classroom teaching see the thing is nothing can replace classroom teaching we totally agree with that but there are certain gaps that these these courses definitely fills like you get to know from the subject matter experts every course is thoroughly designed and the syllabus is completely designed by a highly competent academic authority along with the ministry of education in for the and especially and you've got get to learn from the those experts who teach those subjects you can learn at your own pace what i mean by that see nptel courses are definitely time bound we run our courses two times in a year the or the examination happens twice a year and each uh semester has its own set of courses so there are four weeks courses eight weeks courses 12 weeks courses so now you can select which course which which course length you want to opt for so you can definitely learn as per your convenience but the assignments and all are time bound for the nptel as compared to your other global providers of the books now any mooc take it any more it provides you the opportunity to cross learn into cross discipline for example if you have opted a computer engineering and you want to understand some concepts of mechanical or vice versa you are a mechanical engineering student and you want to learn a programming so that you can make some automated thing you can make automatic uh your automobile or you want to insert some particular electronic chip into your automobile so you want to understand what are control system dynamics that work in the electronics domain so it helps you to learn interdisciplinary subjects which are generally not provided in the universities and colleges so this offers you that opportunity that you can learn beyond your curriculum you can learn beyond your discipline that is taught in your colleges and universities next it provides the networking opportunity what i mean by that is take at any mooc there are learners which are in india which are across nations so you get to build a network around it there are discussion forums you post your questions some questions are answered by the peer learners as well so in this way the networking starts getting built you you you build you get into the community that is learning alike in the field that you are interested in and it definitely takes a person ahead then uh improvement in the employability definitely see there was a time when when you attain a particular degree and you can continue your education with you can continue your a complete the tenure of your job with that till you're retired but the phase has changed with the updation in the technologies you need to reskill yourself you need to up skill yourself you need to keep yourself updated with the fast making a fast pace of today's uh employment scenario so you need to continuously upskill and reskill and these moves provide that opportunity since you cannot leave your job and study and go back to the college or study gifts separately you you come from your job you enroll for a mooc you take a time in the evening and you continuously do that so that is why this nptel is definitely not just popular amongst the students but this is popular amongst the other employed people too because it helps them to get themselves upgraded with what they have learned earlier and what updations that has happened in today's scenario so similarly in the spain the industry gets skilled recruits they definitely look for the people who are having good skill sets so skill set building is required for every student i i definitely hope uh the all the universities work for that at chandigarh university also work towards that skill set building so build your skill set see what what is what is the field of your interest and try to do uh the the try to attain those skills that are required for you to attain the dream job of a company that you are aspiring to go in okay now what are the components of so how mooc is built these are the five components that are in front of your stream first of all the course content video lectures if i talk about the nptel we divide our complete content into week fives like i said every week on monday the course content comprising of the complete week's lectures get released so these weekly lectures videos are released it can be five it can be four along with that under the bottom you can see the description is mentioned even the assignment the activity questions are mentioned which which helps you to recall what you have learned in that particular video then based upon that week's uh course content that has been released there are assignments now assignments are time bound if a week or content is released on monday from that monday till next wednesday 10 days time uh is given to fill up the assignments these assignments are time bound what i mean by time bound i'll i'll show you a screen in the coming uh slides there is a timeline uh that you have to adhere to uh like by the night 23 59 by night 11 59 the server gets closed so you won't be able to fill up your assignment after that and these are auto graded you will get your scores immediately so our assignments can be objective can be subjective can be programming based based upon the courses that you choose so our portal supports programming assignments as well as the subjective and objective assignments too then there are text transcripts and lab demonstrations what i mean by text transcripts most of the lectures are already text transcripted and also translated in regional languages there are certain courses which are already been translated for example if i take an example of joy of computing using python this course is offered by iit roofers per officer so this has already been translated into various languages for say if i say about hindi it's there the book is in the form of uh it's in a downloadable format if you want to read uh accept english if you want to read a hindi book you can definitely download that so all the english transcripts are present lab demonstrations are there for those courses that require some a professor to perform that experiment in the laboratory so this uh the students get to see how the experiment is performed what what the setup is required for performing that experiment what are the prerequisites needed and what are the precautions taken to be taken by noting the readings and all so everything is demonstrated by the professor in that particular course and it also depends if the course requires it then there are live interaction sessions by the faculty members uh see um this is a virtual learning so professor is teaching recording a lecture putting it up up on the platform and you learn it weekly so there are definitely there will be doubts that you will be having so keep noting those doubts what you are having within the session or or after the completion of the course a faculty takes live session it completely depends upon them how many live sessions they want to take so you can interact with the faculty member that has provided that course and you can ask your query so this is a very good opportunity for you to interact with the iit professors then there are discussion forums and we are very uh unhappy about this that people don't take benefit of this discussion forum there is a tab called ask a question in your course of any course that you opt for there is a tab called ask a question you click on that tab you enter into discussion forum you post your question nobody is there to judge what type of question you have asked is whether whether it is relevant uh i mean whether your english is correct or it's having some grammatical mistakes or not so please ask your questions don't hesitate so it's a very good opportunity for you to interact with your peers and to interact with the teaching assistants that are there with your professor so professor takes courses along with the phd scholars so the phd scholars are there to answer your query so oh by the time if you if you want an immediate solution of your questions you please post your question in the discussion forum and it will be answered within 24 hours so how this is how active our discussion forums are so this is a very good way to interact to see if you were having any doubt uh if some some concept is not clear or some some part of the video is not clear you can immediately post in the discussion forum so these are the components in which a mooc is uh divided as from the provider's side now if i talk about the learner's engagement that is your engagement with this when you watch a lecture it typically takes three to four hours a week so when you say the videos are quite long uh we we cannot give so much sitting while watching the video it's it gets monotonous uh you need to understand in the classroom teaching a teacher is in front of you uh he or she is able to see whether you have got exhausted so they stop uh giving you more teaching and they continue in the coming lectures but when the online teaching happens a professor teaches in front of a studio there's a camera in front of him so he will get delivered the lecture asked for the content that is to be provided in that particular week you can pause that lecture you can take a break you can recall what you have earlier seen and then when you are relaxed you come back then what's it so this is how typically you can manage that content of a video lecture then for testing yourself whether you have uh understood right or wrong there is a weekly assignment that typically takes two hours a week so our assignments are multiple submission assignments you can see when you open a page at the bottom there is written uh whether this assignment can be submitted multiple times or whether it is a single submission assignment you can definitely uh start doing your if it's a multiple submission assignments you can start doing as per if you are able to understand from the five lectures okay i can oh i can do these six questions the other four questions require some other uh calculations or not you can start doing it you can start filling it don't wait for the last day to come because at that time the server might get a lot of busy because we have a lot of people who just fill their time at the last moment and then they say before 59 the s we were not able to submit at 59 we were able to trying to sum it so the server gets closed so please send her to the deadlines and uh do the assignments on then we divide for take you're taking notes and texture on reading text transcripts and it typically takes one hour a week you uh you you just know the timeline over on this topic this timeline i'm having a doubt you can read the text transcript of that timing and the live sessions also it typically takes one hour a week and then on a discussion forum a student is engaged for one hour a week so this is how a typical learner engagement is there for the mooc so this this this is helpful for uh the colleges who were looking for the ltp like they have in the off uh screen all i mean the classroom teachings so now uh how to enter into the nptel uh like i told you swim the swam website is when you enter into this website you will see the screen that is in front of you then all the nine coordinators that are present are mentioned over here you click on the npdl now when you click on the nptel and you open the view course catalog such type of catalog opens so the alphabetical alphabetical wise all the courses that will be open for enrollment at that time so presently our enrollments have closed for uh around 400 courses uh for set one so set two courses are still up so you can definitely explore if if there is any course that of that is of your interest and it's it's open for enrollment until 23rd of august so one set has been closed so the other one is there you can see alpha alphabetical wise the list of courses are mentioned also if you see on your left hand side there is a segregation there is a filter for a national coordinator so whatever coordinators courses you want to view you can select from this drop down if you click on any course such course introduction page opens in front of you on this course introduction page the course name uh it's given by which professor like this aircraft that is this advanced aircraft maintenance course is provided by professor a.k.a ghosh and professor vipper martha from iit kharagpur their names are the there will also be an introduction video by the professor telling about what is the course uh content and uh how it will be built what what it will be contained and um if if there is any prerequisite and all so this is a typical uh introduction video that is present by the professor so this will also contain uh what is the intended audience i mean which which branches or which uh degrees can opt for this course is there any prerequisite since you are seeing from the name itself it's advanced aircraft maintenance so there must be some aircraft maintenance course so that's the prerequisite for doing this course and which industry support this course like all the most big names of aerospace industries the drdohl boeing airbus they support this course so this is uh the introduction and then there is a join button that you click and you fill a enrollment form very carefully and you enroll for this course if you if you on this page itself you can see the complete course layout since it's an eight weeks course the syllabus is divided into eight weeks so it's it's mentioned on the course introduction page itself on your right hand side in the summary you can see the duration you can see the start date the end date the enrollment date count the category in which it falls like it's an aerospace handling course and at the bottom there is written aicte approved ftp course i will come at this clause later but i'll tell you this course uh if a faculty member enrolled for this course and if while enrolling their form if they fill their profession as a faculty and they can uh along by giving the examination they can also attain an aicte approved ftp course for this course along with passing certificate so this is for the faculty but even if it's written as a ict approved ftp course it's open for every learner be it a student be it a faculty member be other employed or be a non-working person it's open for everyone so this is how a typical course introduction page looks like now when i click on week one this is a demo page uh when i click on the week one all the lecture videos are present in front of me in the tabular format you can see when you click on first lecture a youtube video will be there and there will also be a link to download that video so here you can see all the weeks are listed uh the lectures are divided and also a quiz is mentioned quiz is the assignment so it's released along with the lectures so uh this is how a course page when you enter a week one and the first lecture now about the assignment uh like i told you our assignments can be mcq these mcq assignments and all the assignments are auto graded auto grid means when the timeline is finished your marks will be there in the progress trap you can see what you have obtained and also on the page that you can see so for example the deadline for this was a third feb 2021 2359 so what i mean by this by this time the server gets closed and you will get your result so this is how it's auto graded if you have filled you will get marks over here along with the right answers are mentioned so this is how auto grading of assignments work then there are programming assignments like uh for the courses like cc plus plus python java very long so we have programming assignments uh there is a window you can type your program you can compile it you can debug it so programming assignments are there along with their deadlines you can edit it if it's a multiple submission and you can submit before the deadline is over so this is how a programming assignment is supported by the nptel program this nptel port now for the subjective assignments uh there are certain courses of humanities and social sciences or some languages that require you to write an essay type answer so for that you can either type it in the window provided or you can type in a word and upload that file so that option is also present in our portal to upload a document or to write an essay advance so these are for the subjective assignments and it depends upon the course that you are choosing now what i was telling about oh ask the question so ask the question tab like you can see on your header it's a discussion forum you when you enter when you press this ask a question or discussion forum opens you you type your query and it will be answered it can be answered by the tas it can even be answered by the peers if they have asked the question earlier you can even scroll and see if other people have asked a similar question or you can even scroll and see what type of questions they have asked so sometimes the concept clarity comes when some other person asks a question which does not come in our mind because every perspective is different so this is a discussion forum that you can take a benefit of and it's a very healthy practice post questions over there now if i talk about the live session by the course instructor see if if uh if a course is archived what i mean by archive it has already uh it's in a re-run like there are certain courses which are run yearly or after or even after every semester so every link of the rerun will be mentioned so whatever live sessions that have happened previously for that course will be mentioned in that link also so you can see what what live session has already taken place so a lot of your questions might be answered in the previous live sessions too so you need not to wait till the live session happens for the current course running if you if you have a doubt similar to what was asked earlier you can definitely view the video of the previous live session and understand that so this is how the live session uh used to used to take place in the earlier semesters so a professor is there and the google forms get released where you can post your question and by that when the professor is interacting with the students they will be answering the questions and also it's it's live streamed on youtube so you can type your questions in the chat window and it's answered by the professor at that time too so they are more than happy to answer your queries so please uh start learning and start taking advantage of this indigenous project of the nptel so now when i come to uh what are the steps involved in the certification like i told uh the the certifications started typically uh this idea came up in 2013 and with the three courses in 2014 they started with this now what are the steps that are involved in getting a certification there is a difference between enrollment and registration i would first like to highlight that enrollment you enroll for a course it's free of cost you can enroll for n number of courses as per your liking for giving the examination we have typically two set of exams like one for example if i talk about this session that is going on for the july december 2021 semester we have one examination date on 26 september and the other two dates on 23 and 24 october each day we have two sessions that means you can give in one semester you can give six examinations uh two on each day so for one set uh the exam dates are for september 26 and for the other set it's october 23 24. when your course introduction page opens over there itself that's mentioned which date this examination will fall it's completely pre-decided nothing is decided on the spot until unless some pandemic situation like it was last year we got to we had to peep on we had to postpone our examinations so every examination date is mentioned on the course portal itself so you can select whether the examinations that are coming on whether you have opted for three courses whose examination of falling on a single date so you can see about that because two session exams happen and you can carefully choose this thing while enrolling your a course you need to keep in mind you enroll from one night your email id you keep a separate email id for your educational purposes totally agree you when you enroll for a course fill that email id and after enrolling start giving your assignments from the same email id what we queries we get around the year is i enrolled from one email id while still enrollment was open i forgot that i have enrolled for earlier i start doing from the other evil line half of the assignments are done from the one email id and half of the assignments that are from the other either right because they have enrolled for from the two email ids see email ids identifier for us while enrolling for the courses keep one email id you can enroll for n number of courses while filling up your examination you will be able to see the list on the of that email id itself that whatever courses you have enrolled so it helps you to uh get the same center for your both examination morning and evening so it won't create a chaos for you and any won't put you in any delmar that you have to drop a particular course so enrollment is free of cost the registration that opens it has the charges of rupees thousand for after enrollment you fill up the assignments fill the assignments on time and you register registration is rupees thousand there is a waiver for scst category you uh also and also for the ews economically weaker sexual students you register for the exam you download a whole ticket you go to the exam center and give the proctored examination nptel examinations happen in person there will not be any online uh remote examination that will be happening you need to go to the center and sit and give the examination and based upon the passing criteria you will earn an e-certificate so if i'll tell you what courses you have been having four week eight week and 12 week depending upon the course you have chosen you will be having assignments over there so these courses are widely divided into engineering management humanities it won't restrict you from choosing if an engineering student wants to opt for a personality development course that is coming in a humanities you are free to do that nobody is stopping you from that you explore the list of the courses that are present and you can choose the course as per your interest so this is how uh the typical examination works for the certification so the this semester one set of courses has been closed so registrations are still on so if you want to give the examination please register and fill up your details very carefully so the noc that began uh the nash this nptel online certification began with three courses in march 2014 so from that time till january 2021 uh we we we are having uh 1.24 crores enrollment and 11.24 lakh exam which is trish so this count is has increased because already uh this data will be revised in the coming sessions so uh the current enrollment count is uh a lot more than 16 lakh and the exam registrations have also grown so this is how you can see this and in bitter program has grown with the with the support of all the sbocs and all the learners who who take this nptel uh uh why shall we i think uh why shall i leave there can you hear me yes yes okay i'm so sorry for this technical glitch i'll just be sharing my screen [Music] okay oh i'm so sorry for this technically let's that happened yeah so i was on this uh certification criteria i'm coming back to this uh meanwhile if you have any query please start posting your questions in the youtube chat window and these are answered by my colleagues very shortly i'm going to take some youtube questions as well in between this these slides so i'll be explaining you this first so if you have chosen a course of four weeks so in the four weeks course we take best three assignments so that means you have a leverage to if you have not performed good in one assignment don't worry about that so best three are counted for the eight weeks course best six assignments are taken into account so that means uh best six out of eight so that means your score will be calculated out of six hundred so for the 12 weeks course best eight assignments are taken out of twelve so uh for these are the denominators what you can say is 800 600 and 300. now you need to obtain a score that makes you pass in these assignments at least so 40 is the passing criteria for the assignments and similarly for your final examination as well so out of the score that you have taken 25 will be taken for the final calculation and the proctored examination that you give at the end of a semester in person profit examination 75 percent of that those marks will be taken into account that means your average assignment score need to be greater than equal to 10 out of 25 and your final examination score needs to be greater than equal to 30 out of 75 and your final total tally should be greater than equal to 40. so this is how a passing criteria is now if you obtain less than 40 marks i'm so sorry no certificate will be given from the nptel side if you get 40 to 59 a successful completion of a course will be given to you if your marks are greater than equal to 60 elite certification is given if your marks fall in a category of 75 to 89 percent elite plus silver certificate whatever silver is embossed on that certificate it's a stamp embossed over there and if your marks are greater than equal to ninety percent you will be given elite plus gold certificate gold certificate again a gold hologram will be there it's it's embossed in the certificate so this is how a certificate that the certificates are provided these will be e-certificates on based on your final exams so perform well in the assignments because those marks will also be taken for the final exam calculation now uh there are questions like uh for the 12 weeks course like we consider eight best assignments if you have missed one or two but your score is good in the other don't get disheartened and don't drop the idea of giving the examination you calculate yourself and see whether you are passing that minimum barrier of uh getting a simon score or not if you are you have passed in that you can definitely sit for the final examination but but these are uh these are uh these are the assignment scores that are taken into account like eight six and three uh these have to be adhered by you and this is how the scoring and the certification or criteria works for the equity now this is a typical certificate model like you can say this is elite with gold uh elite is mentioned on the top nptel logo along with your photograph that you have filled while registering for that examination a gold medal is embossed on that certificate your name comes the course that you have taken comes your online assignment marks will be coming over here out of what you have obtained uh the proctor examination marks that you have obtained will be mentioned along with the consolidated score and also how many candidates have certified in this course will be mentioned on your certificate too this will have a signature of a chairman of cce along with mentioning of a course duration and the year that you have opted this course in with the signature of a nptel coordinator with the institute's name that offering that particular course now the institute's logo and uh the institute for example if it's offered by slogo will be mentioned and the name will be written it's having your role number and you can validate and check the scores at nptel dot ac dot in slash oc so noc website is there uh we release our semester information beforehand so for the coming years as well we have mentioned the semesters and see the courses are running in the coming runs also so this is how the front side of the certificate model looks like on the back side your roll number to which is this given these barcodes and this is uh e-verifiable you can scan this qr code since july 2017 we have opted for this qr scanning uh any spoc they are having any doubt the student has produced a certificate and if you want to validate whether that certificate is is right or wrong you can scan the qr code so uh and the on the back side also there are credits recommendation i'll tell you about that um if it's a four weeks course we recommend one credit for that see these are the credit recommendations by the nptel side any university any academic council has a an upper hand to choose or what recommendations they want to adopt like if they want to add one for uh giving the uh credit transfer they can definitely do that what we recommend for the four weeks course we recommend one credit for eight weeks course we recommend two credits so you can see it's a two credit that means this is an example of an eight weeks course and three credits for the twin week so your if you want if your credit transfer is there in your university or your college you need to contact your university authorities and ask them uh what is the credit guidelines that they mention that they follow for their credit evaluation so all our certificates are having this uh credit recommendation and as well as they are verifiable uh now the nptel online certification summary i would like to take you through a few stats from march 2014 uh till the previous semester we had 22 exams run for the now also we had one examination as that has already happened previous sunday so the coming on 22nd also we are having one uh the date for the examination two sets two uh sessions will be there uh since the april examinations got postponed so without taking that uh 22 exams has happened so more than 2469 courses have been completed so like you see how we started in 2014 till what we have reached in 2021 so 5.5 were there earlier so this semester also more than 500 courses were offered so in this year typically a thousand plus courses were offered by the nptel so department wise courses are there you can see the segregation the aerospace is there architecture biology civil computer science design humanities management a lot of courses are there to choose from even law and management mathematics there is a wide variety of domains that are touched so you can choose the course that is to be done by you whether due to credit transfer or of out of your interest you can definitely uh see from the course list that is up so these are the segregation by the institute wise offering so you can see uh the parent eight institutions that are involved in the nptel and the other institutions also that offer courses not just by the iits and triple i t's uh we have courses in collaboration with iiscr mohali pune uh bhopal indram and others and we do have a collaboration with kth raw institute of technology sweden in the berlin that offer courses for us and also texas and a m university and strasbourg business school so we have collaborations out of india too for co-operating courses for the nptel [Music] now for the duration of the courses likewise you can see on your screen you can see uh the 12 weeks course that had run since march 2014 until july 2020 there were 116 courses and so 394 for four weeks 959 for eight weeks so for the jan april session that uh happened in the previous session we had 292 12 weeks uh 161 8 weeks and 52 or four weeks courses uh the number of courses are more for 12 and 8 weeks because of the credit transfer a lot of colleges opt for eight weeks and 12 weeks courses and ask your students for enroll for that uh but still a four weeks courses are there if you want to uh see which courses uh if you want to see how this online platform works and if you're not um we'll be able to have a commitment of 12 weeks you can start slowly by taking four weeks course and this is how you can build and see how you can manage your time and do the eight and twelve weeks courses so definitely uh there is a lot of rise in the eight and twelve weeks courses so these are the stats uh in 2014 we had 3033 exam registrations and in 2000 and 2020 2020 we had more than five life registrations and because it was hit by a crowd so it got declined uh so eight eight nine eight hundred and ten courses were offered uh against three courses that were offered in 2014 so this count is uh increasing and for the the this session also more than 500 courses for july december uh are also available for the learners to learn in which set one has been closed but says set two is still open so the exam attendance uh people used to have a view that uh since it's an it's an uh iit's examination because these are offered by the iits so the examinations how will examination happen or whether we should give or not but we were very happy to see the enthusiasm of our learners we we were we were able to see the learners across all age groups we we saw a women coming from a good age group of 80 plus giving the examination she used to learn she used to explore more there are other learners which were retired and more than 65 plus and giving the examination sitting in the centers so this provides motivation to provide a more a good number of courses for our learners to give them opportunity to learn because learning should never stop so we were very happy to see the attendance in this uh this time also when we were having uh the examination on sunday we were able to see a good percentage of the learners coming to the exam center and giving the examination so typically last year the attendance percentage stayed 88 so we are hoping this to rise in the this coming year too so the past percentage it's 75 percent it's it's greater than uh the other competitors i wouldn't call them a competitors actually the other providers of the books courses so against the notion that they used to have how tough the examinations will be see if you are doing your assignments yourself you will be able to do the final examinations so these these assignments are very thoroughly made by the professors so the questions are set by the professors so a lot of uh background work happens to provide you a course so uh why not do it with fair meanings so try to learn more and on what type of assignments that you're filling on a similar pattern the final examinations are set so this is a typical past person dates of the nptel examination for the telling you the top 20 enrollment and registration uh for which subjects that have been in the top from jan december 2020 to last year so enhancing soft skills and personality development this is a very important course i would say be it in any domain so cognitive skills are required by your employer if you whether you are in the teaching field whether you are in a industry whether you are in a corporate side or even in an mnc you need to understand these are the skill sets which which should be a part of your daily routine too so you interact with people you interact with new people you you have a team work to do you need to deliver team project so what skills you need to inculcate in yourself like if you are working in a team you should know what are the usps of your each team member so it will happen if you are a team player so these uh these these courses which are not typically they are in the curriculum of an engineering i would say being an engineer myself i know that this is this is important because when the recruiter comes to recruit you they they can just see your technical degrees in front of themselves but how you will present yourself and how will you we will present your idea they can this can make and break your interview so they will be judging you on that day of an interview only and after that what technical skills you have acquired you need that to carry on your job so but but to crack that interview you need to have that confidence you need to have that those skills what type of questions are asked and what type of answers are required by them so these come through this and then there are machine learning python these are the courses which are very popular because uh the machine learning the python the ai uh these are these are the courses of uh this upcoming sessions so if if you have not studied it during your education like it was not there when we were doing engineering but now it's there so you can do it through moocs platform so a lot of learners are opting for this and um similarly for this registrations count also you can see these were leading the charts so these are these are the typical courses which i can see a lot of computer science courses because programming is there in every field be it mechanical be it an engineering student in electronics or electrical so everything is programmed now everything is automated now so you need to have a knowledge of some of the other programming language how you can program that thing and uh these platforms provide you that opportunity to learn if it's not there in the curriculum so top 20 exam cities uh hyderabad is there the cities of thailand ghana tamil nadu karnataka west bengal delhi bihar desjardins i can definitely not see punjab into this but i'm expecting it to see in the coming sessions like uh professor gurpreet has mentioned that a lot of students have opted for the nptel now because of the blended learning so we are hoping to see your state also coming into this topic to the exam cities so this is the nptel domain stars learners and local chapters this is the second segment that i'll be discussing but before that i would like to take few questions that might be coming in the youtube um can you allow calculator in the exam form you don't need a calculator in the examination hall in the portal where you are giving the examination uh in that itself there is an inbuilt calculator that you can use it's meant it's present in the software itself [Music] this has no age limitations no there is no age limitations you can learn at any age group is it only for the students no this is open for every learner be it a student be it homemaker be employed be it a faculty any any person can learn registrations are up they're having questions we're having a question like uh registration when are they going to start the registration for examinations are up for the set one also enrollment has closed for set one but form filling is up so if you have enrolled for a course you can definitely fill the exam registration form because by this time uh you have already already done three assignments so you know the length and depth of the course whether you will be able to carry ahead for 12 or eight weeks or if it's a four weeks course so you can fill up the examination for that um see exam pattern will be based on the assignments what type of assignments you are doing so similar pattern is followed in the final examination is it a pen paper based online examination mcq or descriptive question okay um see we have uh examination pattern is based uh as per the course instructors requirement like uh these are proctored examination you need to go sit in the examination center fill it on the computer there are certain courses which require pen and paper like for some certain humanities courses so for that a pen and paper examination set but the learners are very less for that particular course i would mention we we have students giving examination in sri lanka too we have students giving examination in andaman and ecuador so where there are uh situations uh were there when when there were no computers because internet connection was halted in srinagar we still took examinations because learners wanted us to learners wanted from there to give the examination we arranged pen and paper examination for those learners so pen and paper examinations are totally on the discretion of a course instructor and uh otherwise uh for all the courses we are having all linux applications and on an examination will be having questions as per your assignment what i mean by that if there's a if you have opted for a course of a python you might be having questions of programming you have if you have opted course of some writing like feminist writing on some so any any course that requires some essay type answers a similar pattern will be there in the final examination uh yeah okay minimum criteria i have answered most of the questions so i think yeah for the placement level yes uh for the placement also we do have some initiatives and for the placements also uh for the placements i would say when you when you sit for your placements you are there with your other students as well if i take an example of a computer science what additionally you have done will give you an edge so what additional certifications that you have obtained along with not just getting a certificate you need to get a knowledge of that certificate too so you the the that your interviewer will definitely ask you uh what you have done while doing this course so or how you have implemented this so this this these questions uh will be answered by you if you have genuinely done that through your skill set only so i'll be discussing uh in a few slides about the domains and all you will get more knowledge about this okay uh yeah i'll be taking now uh my slides ahead so we'll be discussing about the entire domain so typically what is input in domain certification what are domains i would like to first illustrate i'll be taking an example of computer science first see for a computer science you have a degree of computer science and engineering over there you have a segregation for either you're interested in programming core programming or computing systems or artificial intelligence or you want some to go ahead in data science so these can be your specialization if i talk about electronics engineering electronics and communication to forms one whether you are interested in doing something in vlsi or whether you are interested in doing something in wireless communication so these are the specializations so nowadays the recruiters seek students to be specialized in a particular field so for that specialization domains play a huge role we used to have queries like we have done a course in this semester what course next should we choose to obtain so that we can reach a level where we can call ourselves specialized in this particular field so for that the senate members and the complete academic team segregated courses into domains why this is important because it helps you for your technical competitions it gives you a better career perspective if you aspire to go in in a in a job which requires you to have a knowledge of data science so we have that to mean for you you can opt the courses starting from a core beginner level to the advanced all have been segregated that complete list has been sorted out for you now what are these these are the certification in the specific area of disciplines now how this is done see the domain certification works differently you need to complete a set of core and elective courses similar to the way how you obtain your degree you need to you you have some core courses you have elected forces in a similar pattern you have four elective courses for the nptel as well now the passing criteria is there you need to obtain more than equal to 60 marks uh over there and you need to complete your course uh these complete courses within three years right now we have a lot of domain scholars with us uh i'll tell you uh as i go by the slide giving examples that how this has benefited students across the base so if you want to explore domain you go to the slash slash blue main or you can go to the nptel dot ac dot in on the first page itself at the right hand side the image is coming nptel domain certification there are around 51 of the two domains in 12 disciplines you click over there you will be redirected to this website itself like for the aerospace engineering we have a domain certification in flight mechanics so if an aerospace student is interested to obtain a specialization flight mechanics he or she can definitely opt for this domain certification then for the biotech bioscience similarly we have four domains to offer for the chemical engineering for the civil engineering if somebody is interested in getting structural analysis uh specialization they can opt for this domain for the faculty disciplines also uh like for the faculty members who have just started their career we have a faculty domain of fundamentals for them this includes uh the courses that will help them in the in their career in teaching we have a faculty domain for the advanced level too for the experienced faculty members they can opt for this for the humanities and social sciences we have again english studies and psychology if they want a specialization in this for the management also if somebody is interested in doing marketing or if somebody is interested in operations only they can go for this there might be some management students who wants to do managerial economics so they can opt for this domain and do the certifications that come under that criteria for the mathematics too then for the computer science we have ai we have domains of data science we have domain a foundation of computing systems we have programming for them similarly for the electrical mechanical and metallurgy this is how a domain certificate model looks like your name will be there along with your discipline that you have opted with the signatures of both nptel coordinator and the chairman your roll number and the consolidated marks sheet of all the courses that you have done as per the list will be there and all are e-verifiable your scores can be verified scanning this qr code now this these are the domain scholars i was talking about our first domain scholar came from arunachal pradesh he was not from a very renowned college or the college that called good recruiters to come in their site and uh on site and take students with them so he came from a mechanical engineering background he is very much interested in doing something in computer science because he wanted to enter into a field of mechatronics so what he did is he he obtained the ai certification he did all the courses that came under artificial intelligence he obtained that domain certification so you can go and see pamela is a student who he came for us in our workshops also he got himself introduced and told us that he has done it through the nptel portal starting from the second year onwards because he had a mindset i want to do something in a combination of computer science and mechanics so how this platform has helped in him in building a career and he is now placed in some org in a good organization because of the certifications that he has done and also the skills that that has been acquired through this so here you can see uh these this is the 59 uh domain scholars that have done uh for the flight nutanix two students have obtained and one others this is the category of people who are not employed not neither student or a faculty member coming in uh either they are not doing anything uh these are the other categories so you can see from the data science stat itself six faculty members have obtained for this so this this helps you to learn alongside you doing your job you can definitely opt for the these courses and learn from here so 34 faculty members have obtained the domain scholar certification eight our students seven are employed nine are the other so total 58 are there that are listed on our portal itself you go and click on that you will redirect it to this domain scholar page so one code 91 people 99 our learners were just left for one course and two courses are yet to be completed by 389 people to in order to obtain a domain scholars so around you can say more than 400 students are just one or two certificates away from getting this uh uh domain scholar certificate so might be when this examination of 22nd uh august happens so we will be getting more than 400 domain scholars with us so the tally will reach more than 500 so this is how the nptel domain scholars are uh taking this these courses then uh to felicitate our learners we have categorized our learners into domain scholars superstar learners input evangelists motivated learners enthusiasts discipline stars believers these are the distinguishments with that we provide from our ends these are superstars are like those who have obtained those who have done multiple courses and have been uh you know four or five of them those who have uh the now there are there's a category we have people who have with who are with us in every semester so we have given them this a separate category of designation as motivated learners or enthusiasts so you can see a lot of people across disciplines have opted for continuous learning and they are learning from the individual platform so if i tell you a role wise enrollment and registration so a lot of students a lot of faculty member enroll for this and also they register so our registration percentage is definitely higher as compared to moves so other providers so uh during covet this definitely got hit but uh we see uh we we are hoping this year on what it will get back to the pace and the more and more people will definitely go for the nptel certifications so we have with us multiple course takers like i told you six examinations happen in a particular semester so in a year 12 examinations happen so last year we had 12 exam takers so eight were there who were giving the examination so one exam taker i mean uh 13 lakh uh students have one lakh or 39 377 have given one uh examinations so this is a tally that tells you that people are not just restricting themselves toward one course they are taking multiple courses and they are learning at their own pace for this so to tell you about the multiple exam taker so there's a student from uh saint xavier's college of arts science and commerce that has taken 12 courses so we have students from the neighbor kolkata we have faculty members from hyderabad there were students who have taken again students and faculty members so it's moocs these nptel moocs are popular amongst lot of faculty members too so they are giving 12 examination level examination and this makes us so proud so you can check uh these multiple course exam takers to go to the dot and website and explore and see uh these uh these are the motivation that you can uh see from or faculty members can uh just navigate this website and share this website amongst their students and see how these these people have obtained the certification and there are multiple report stickers too so this is a registration and present count so our present percentage is good and registration are also good alongside the enrollments so uh there is an exam taker with us who has taken 47 examinations so that means that person is giving examination in every course run across 22 course runs that has happened till now so there is a person and he is a scientist at drdo uh uh pkpi davinesh this sir is a drdo group nature scientist so he has given 47 nptel examination similarly we have 32 exam taker he's a faculty member we have 31 these are employed faculty members so it's it's it's very popular amongst faculty the employed category and these students too so now when i come to the uh statistics of a gender we see a little bit disparity in that so 58 are males who are giving the nptel examination and 42 percent are females so we hope in this year the statistics will improve at least it will come equal so these uh examinations uh can be given by uh i mean anybody uh we have exam centers across india so see the exam centers that is near to your place where you are studying or where you are living so please come to the exam center and give the examination so fill up the registration forms and carefully choose your exam city that would uh mention this thing now for the reason of taking the exam in a certification examination uh more than 65 percent have told us in the giant december that this is due to the credit transfer so as per the guidelines uh given by the uh honorable ugc i'll just show you the guidelines the gadget notification that came up in march 2021 that higher education institutions may allow up to 40 of the total courses being offered in a particular program in a semester through online credits course through swamp hotel so because of this guideline a lot of colleges have approached us and this credit transfer has been adopted by them and this this is very important for this blended learning um and the curriculum refinement see uh these these blended learning and this this uh inculcation of grid transfer helps you to learn at what pace the industry is changing uh see the curriculums that changes in the university changes after some years but the advancement happens yearly so the online courses have this privilege to update themselves they update new lectures and in this way you can fill up this gap in your education if you feel in your skill set if you feel the skill set has not been taught my curriculum it will not come in my degree you can obtain it through the uh swim uh platform so the crit transfer are also adopted by the iot's at madras attitude bombay have approved a credit transfer for students taking nptel online courses also for the iit kanpur this is this matter is under the senate and they are surely going to approve in the coming semester so iit kharagpur has implemented it for the working professionals who are doing phd program they need to obtain the credits through this nptel program so this is how iit has also adopted this nptel and not just the other universities now this is uh the part of the swim and the local chapter what chattanooga university is with us uh i'll take few more questions along with this okay yeah a lot of questions are being answered by my colleagues over there is therefore yeah these are books courses that are what we are discussing right now okay so uh the program that started uh with the vision to reach to the masses uh get the quality content for each masses in 2015 march 2015 we started this concept of local chapter local chapter is an interface between the nptel and the academic community of the colleges universities institutions these uh and today we are a family of more than four thousand plus lcs so chandigarh university has also uh having a journey with us since 2019 if i'm not wrong in october 19. so they are also having a lot of students enroll under their local chapter so what lc is local chapter is this is an interface we have a single point of contact when we contact uh what information that we need to disperse to them so becoming a local chapter does not require any separate building does not require a separate workforce does not require a separate membership fees or any any membership fees or any billboards or any minimum member just requirement is a request letter from the head of institution your principal your director your chairman anybody a head of institution on their letterhead that you want to set up a local chapter with the nptel and nominate a person as a single point of contact that person can be a faculty member dean or anybody and giving the contact details and send a request to the end peddle upon us receiving a request oh and verifying the details as for the directors of details that they have provided we send the acknowledgement back and the local chapter is established in that particular university or college or category institution so being an lc has its own advantage local chapters do have advantage as compared to the colleges which are not the local chapters they can assess uh they can ask for the individual content which are archived have run before because there are certain places which does not have a good internet connection we have places in uh some places in lakshmi islands we have places some places where where the remote tribal areas the colleges are definitely there but they do not have a good internet connection but they want their students to learn the nvidia content so they can request uh the data copying from the nptel site so copying happens free of cost there is a procedure for that you can't you contact us and we will guide you about that so those nptel content can be run in your library or in your computer through land program so this is one of the advantages and the rest i'm going to discuss in the coming slides so right likewise i told we have a family of more than four thousand plus local chapters with us so maharashtra leading with eight thirty four uh local chapters and uh tamil nadu pradesh uh andhra pradesh karnataka and punjab is having 77 local chapters and amongst this uh two comes in top hundred and five are the active lcs so this is uh you can see from here our reach is ban india across all states we we do have a local chapter in lakshmi lakshmi island and demonic bar island as well and so we have we are spread uh amongst all the states and we are very proud and happy of the spocs the efforts that they do for us there is that there is a certain role that spoc plays they disperse the information that we send to them so they constantly receive mails from our site whatever updations are happening what are the deadlines that are coming up there their role definitely comes more as compared to the other faculty members they need to they need to motivate their faculty members they need to motivate their students to learn through this platform or or what are the benefits that they'll get after learning from the platform and uh they they are they are definitely our helping hand and we are very proud of them so not just in india we have expanded our wings outside india too so we have around 24 local chapters abroad we have our local chapters in ghana sudan costa rica mali congo zambia and other countries you can see on your screen we have our learners in abroad too so the lcs are from in the other countries too also i will talk about in the coming slides we have taken the examinations outside india as well uh for them so we have we are definitely expanding our horizons so this nptel uh which is an indian project will definitely go become a global uh in a global it will come in a global scenario in the coming uh semesters we are we are hoping for that so the participation as you can see the this is a registration and now what is the fraction that local chapter contribution is there when your college is an lc being an spoc you have an access to a database like you can monitor what students have taken what courses they have taken and how they are progressing in that so we know when we have a deadline with on us or when we are under a supervised learning we do perform good so an spoc supervises whether the students are filling up the assignments on time or not he or she can make mentors that i'll be discussing in the coming slides so students will be given some local help by the teachers over there so they will monitor whether the students are filling up the assignment but they are registering for the examination so this this concept of the learning which which we would we won't we don't uh just put it blindly on students okay they will learn as but when their time comes but we need to put some check on them too so elsie's uh the spoc i can see how many students have enrolled what type of registrations have happened whether they have filled the assignments or not what are their marks and because of the career transfer uh this this is very important for them to keep a tab whether they are scoring good or not whether they'll be able to pass the examination so give them constant reminders so these this is uh they're definitely lc fraction of uh from the local chapters we do get a good participation of the students giving the final examination so 75 percent uh contribution has been the last year from the lcs for giving the examinations [Music] so now you can see the top ten states uh tamilnadu pradesh maharashtra pradesh karnataka telangana kerala [Music] in these we have a good uh number of participation uh from for the final examination and we are hoping uh to this job in the coming semesters so for this uh you can see uh how many local chapters have stayed active um there is a certain rating criteria every course run we give a rating this is not a college rating this is our rating from the nptel side based upon the performance of your learners and by the learners i mean the faculty members of your college who have given examinations and also the students of your college or staff members whosoever have given the uh the examinations from your local chapter based upon their performance we rate your colleges they rate the local chapters there is a triple a category double a single a and then there is a criteria of being an active local chart for being an active local chapter the basic uh reading criteria it is at least 25 candidates candidates students faculty anybody candidates should be present for the examination that means they should have filth examination and sitting in their in proctored examination board and 13 should have obtained a certificate 13 of them must be getting more than 40 marks so by this way the active local chapter rating is provided for the colleges now i was talking about the top uh the the top hundred local chapters rating so the top 10 are given triple a next 40 are given double a next 50 are given a ratings so the rating criteria what formula is chosen for giving the criteria and how it is calculated everything is mentioned on the nptel website it's transparent completely transparent you can calculate for your institute if you feel uh so top 100 lcs had 72 engineering institutes 11 of them were universities 8 of them were arts and science colleges and nine of them were others so here on your screen you can see the triple a rated uh colleges they are from tamil nadu telangana pradesh karnataka delhi uh kerala so these these also uh have performed well and obtained the triple a ratings so apart from these uh top 100 uh these uh aaa double and a we have introduced a special categories to felicitate the efforts taken by the spocs to get their local chapters ahead we have introduced a category of top a new local chapter in this you have you can see uh if a local chapter has performed in the very first goal this has come in in tripoli rating so we we give them this uh category of being inside top 100 and also outside top hundred out by being outside top 100 the college will be an active local chapter and it's coming outside top 100 so 100 is completed in triple a double and e based upon the local chapter based upon the faculty performance so number of faculties who are giving the examinations um based upon that also we give this uh recognition to the lcs so there is again inside top hundred and outside top and right now based upon the uh improvement in the rating rating point what i mean by that whether they were in double double a and have reached aaa or were they in a and reach the upper criteria these are also given this category on the base of the improvement in the rating points both inside and outside now based upon the improvement in the certificate count like now more students have filled up the uh registrations and might they might not have obtained that uh triple a or double a but they have certainly have improvement in the certificate count so these are coming under inside top 100 and these are coming on the outside top 100 so next there are top arts and science colleges we do used to receive this uh feedback from our arts and science colleges that it's very tough for us to compete with the answering institutions so we categorized them into a separate category of being top arts and science colleges so these are top eight inside top 100 and these are three who have done very good being an active local chapters and are coming in the outside top 100 factory so now this special category is of lc star by lc star what i mean by that since we are running the exams from last four years we are giving the lc performance readings so every semester we used to provide this local chapter ratings we used to have a felicitation ceremony in which a plaque and uh mementos were given to the faculty member to the spocs who are coming under these rating criteria and we used to have it in the four zones the north south east and west zone uh uh where all the exposes of that particular zone used to meet with a small award ceremony used to happen but because of this pandemic it after feb 2020 it could not happen but uh hopingly it will happen in the coming uh semesters now the colleges who have retained their performance consistently in these uh eight uh runs these eight runs of the ratings we recognize them as local chapter stars so the criteria was the colleges must have come in top 100 lc rating b triple a double n a in at least seven of the consecutive lc reading tables so in front of you you can see uh these colleges have are our lc stars and we have retained their rating in consecutive seven uh lc rating tables and we are very proud of each college whether it's active or non-active we are proud of all so now the question comes how can faculty member help students choose the right course see your role play your role comes it's indispensable you you can guide your students to align your institute policy like if you're having some credits transfer to be done if you want your students to choose a particular courses only as per your institution policy you can give them that list you can choose the number of courses that they can opt from you can give a choice whether they can do some core course or they can do some elective course you can definitely guide them whether the difficulty level is adequate for that year of a student for example if a course requires a mathematical prerequisite that is to be done a second-year student is choosing a third semester student is taking up a course that is to be done in the fifth semester because some prerequisite has to be studied in the third semester you can definitely guide them about arithmetic mathematical difficulty that they might face while doing that course you can tell them about the depth of the course that will be there or the breadth required to obtain this while doing this course they need to have some prior knowledge so this is how a faculty member can guide the students to choose a right course for them now uh comes a concept of a mentoring you see uh for the local chapters the faculty members who are enrolling for a course you fill your profession while enrollment as a faculty when you fill yourself as a faculty over there the spoc the single point of contact like uh dr gurpreet is there for this chandigarh university in from their login id they can make you a mentor what is a mentor mentor is an immediate help it's a local guide that is there for your students see live sessions happen but it happens after the course run but you are present as an immediate help to your students from your college so while mentoring them you will be able to monitor whether they have fill up their assignments whether they are doing it on time what scores that they have obtained you can mentor them so this is a mentoring of a student not just this based upon their performance in the final examination you will also get a mentorship certificate so you can alert them about the due dates you can take their doubt sessions uh while uh la in the labs labs or not you can help them in completing their assignments you can form a whatsapp group and discuss about it this is a suggestion that we also used to follow back in our teaching day so this is a suggestion that might be of our help so based upon their performance a mentor will also get mentorship certified so how it is mentorship certificate can be obtained is you need to score more than 10 membership points this formula is also present on our website so these in the brackets the 40 to 17 59 these are the marks that your mentor will be these mentees will be getting so first of all you need to enroll yourself as a faculty member your spoc will choose you as a mentor now ask your students to select yourself from their login as a mentor they will be your mentees we call students your mentees and you will be the mentor giving them the mentorship now based upon your students performance you will be given uh points and you at least if one mentee obtain a certificate and your points are more than ten you will be getting a mentorship certificate and it will definitely add in your resume now uh for some tips if you if you want to explore some new course has been given to you for teaching in a particular semester you can definitely take a help from the nptel all the lectures are present the videos are present you can see from the examples if you want to go for the examination uh choose the exam it's a suggestion you choose the course that you have already taught because in case you missed some assignments you are not able to go through the video lectures you will still be able to do the assignments if you have already taught that course you have a prior knowledge of that pose and then sit for the examination and give the examination along with your students it's a next level of motivation that student gets when they see their faculty members sitting along with them and giving the examination look for the courses that fall under a domain definitely look for those courses which are falling under faculty domain or some relevant subject domain and you can definitely register for the examination i will also mention uh the benefit if a faculty gives the examination we have an mou with aicte this mou happened in 2018 july there's an mou with the aict for nptel course recognizing them as fdp the faculty development program ug elective and advanced courses are approved as ftp courses the list is there on the website you just need to go and see the course page introduction page that i opened in the beginning of my presentation at the bottom right side there was written as this course is aicte approved ftp course this means if a faculty member enrolled for this course register for this course he or she will be able to obtain a separate certificate apart from passing that course as fdp so teaching community knows the importance of the ftp so while while doing a course while learning from that course you will get an additional certificate of ftp by giving a rupees 100 the separate link will come and you need to pass that examination passing criteria is same for everybody you need to write an examination you need to pass that examination and you will be getting a separate certificate so for faculty member you can see you will get a passing certificate if you become a mentor you will get a mentorship certificate if your mentees perform good and also nftp certificate so three certificates are there if the faculty member choose the course very carefully so this is how aicte nptel ftp certificate looks like uh you have the logo of nptel and aicte your photograph that you have uploaded while registering the examination the name uh course name that you have opted along with your consolidated marks it has nptel coordinators professor andrew tangaraja signature and also the aicte the advisor's signature uh your roll number and this is also verifiable so within the semester without taking leaves you will be able to earn ftp certificates so you are learning new course and you are implementing it while filling the assignments too so this is how the criteria works so for a four weeks uh course if you choose a four weeks course this is equivalent to half week of ftp a one week ftp if you choose an eight weeks course it is full uh ftp of one week if you choose 12 weeks course this is equivalent to one and a half week of ftp so by the semester end when you fill up your uh the forms you will you can be able to write that you have obtained an ftp along with the learnings that you have done uh as a learner too from the nptel for that course so this is the count uh you can see the faculty members who have applied for the ftp and who have availed this ftp option so you need to pass there are a lot of faculty members who could not score more than 40 so you need to definitely pass for that examination to obtain a certificate of the ftp and the link separate link opens fees is same rupees thousand and a hundred rupees link come for getting an aicte approved ftp uh certificate which is also an e certificate now uh for the spocs since they are very uh building blocks for us and they are they are helping us in every manner to make this this nptel project reach the students so we we uh we extend our hand we extend our helping handler support in the form of helping them and attending the conferences so the the conferences which are happening in uh iit's triple i t's nips csir iasers and t40 conferences of the other institutions they can apply for a conference support this this links act gets activated every first 10 days of a month in their spoc dashboard if they are presenting a paper uh you need to upload your documents the documents and upon the approval uh the amount for your registration and travel right now these are going on in online mode also so will be dispersed and with the capping of 25k so this is uh the support that we provide to the spoc in 2019 we received around 47 applications in which eight were approved because uh keep in mind while applying these conferences that are mentioned on the website should fall under that category so these were uh this much much amount was dispersed and in 2020 32 applications were received and 15 were approved but a lot got cancelled due to profit a lot of the conferences got cancelled or happened virtually so you you spocs can this is for the spoc if you want to go become a technical presenter if you're presenting a paper uh in the conferences that are listed on the website must be happening on those places in within india you can definitely apply for the conference support now talking about the other initiatives that nptel has taken for the learners like i told you we have our learners bro in outside india too so we have set up our examination centers in uae and sri lanka in abu dhabi abu dhabi shah jahan columbus so we are we have we have done some remote online proctoring for them and separate certificates are given to them uh because of because they have given the examination that board so we are looking for uh more centers uh outside india and in the coming slide i'll be telling you about this see we have 278 learners outside india who are taking the nptel examinations so we have them in uae amman qatar usa also nepal kuwait australia germany bangladesh saudi singapore south korea indonesia tanzania and others so we are we are setting up some exam partners we are in talks with some exam partners in outside india as well and we are soon going to set up some exam exam centers outside india too [Music] now about the lab workshops uh with the triple i uh with the iiscrs for the basic sciences we used to have lab workshops in which a set of students used to come to the iit and do a set of experiments and after the performing that experiments with the professor they used to give some in-person certificate examination those lab certificate examination and give the examination so in 2019 sometime workshops happened in iscr's and triple i tdm uh design thinking workshop happened at chennai spoken german and ai certification exam this happened at iitm in 2020 uh more than 30 workshops were planned but it got uh postponed due to the covet scenario and in 2021 five workshops have been finalized for them so these workshops uh help them to give some view of how the iit scenario works so students used to come in in person and use the laboratory facilities of the iit and do the experimentation and you can see these are the physics chemistry and biology the basic sciences uh lab certification courses that have been taken place in the uh 2019 and 20 uh before the pandemic hit so this was the list for that now for the internship of toppers uh see for the every course there comes a toppers list who have topped the course uh based upon the slot availability of the course instructor we provide internship opportunity to the toppers uh toppers will be contacted by the site in case uh the slots are available with the faculty members so in 2018 also um in summer and winter 13 and 27 students have completed the internships and in 2019 39 and 16 have completed the internships uh these are completely based upon the availability of slots with the professors so in this the students used to come in campus stay in campus and uh do that uh internship with the professors and their research scholars and work upon that and uh upon successful completion of this internship they used to get a certificate along with some stipend uh that is pre-decided so in 2021 uh 65 faculty members have said yes to provide their slots and 40 plus students have been selected uh till now for doing the internships now very important we have nptel industry associate program via this program uh industry has partnership with us and we upskill and reskill their workforce so they choose some courses you know they ask their their their workforce to do those nptel courses for rescaling themselves then uh recruitment has happened through nptel as well i'll be showing in the coming slides the a lot of nptel stars are toppers uh who are from nook and cranny of india could not get that opportunity of getting an in-campus placement because companies didn't turn out there in their camp was used to write to us so we were having industry partnership so we help them to arrange an interview with them and they have been given placements in the companies the industries also offer internship programs for them i'll be discussing in the coming slides they co-offer courses we have co-offered nptel has co-offered courses with class academy with ibm with google with texas so they co offer courses along with the nptel for the learners to teach what is currently going on in the industries then uh they are generous enough to provide a corporate social responsibility fund through this fund we are able to provide a fee waiver and um fever to economically weaker section students and uh this is how because because of this limited csr funds we are able to uh cater to the students by completely seeing whether they are eligible for getting a fee waiver or not so this is how uh this in the nba industry associate program works i'm just showing you our nia partners here you can see i have highlighted the big names that you might have heard so we have a lot of industry partners with us we have edison we have drdo we have both psus and private sector come big companies who are in bitter industry associates we have drdo's we have ultra tech we have glass academy we have healthy we have ibm we have enforcers mahindra and mahindra nlc power grid qualcomm tech mahindra bajaj autos and many others deja's network we have a lot of industries of various domains who who are our industry associate partners now uh to make our students like i said native skills are very important so when you sit for the interview uh you you need to get some practice before that whether you will be answering at that moment whether you will be able to answer those questions knowledgeably or wisely or not so this requires some practice so we have we started this soft skill type 1 training uh with our nptel certificate certified candidates who are nptel stars who are toppers and local chapters students of tier 2 and tier 3 towns because in tier one towns good companies definitely come so we want to provide that employment opportunity to the students who do not have us access to good companies coming to the colleges so through this we started taking their employability test around 11 000 candidates have given the employability test out of them then we arranged a call with a group of 10 students we started taking uh those group sessions group discussion sessions and 1610 were shortlisted after that so 737 gave one-to-one mock interviews and for these mock interviews our nptel industry associate the people from industries help us they take the mock interviews of uh these shortlisted candidates and then there they they used to happen a spoken english test in which 32 this was a pilot run that the stats are present with pilot run and 52 were able to give the spoken english test so you can see how the streamline happened so uh this is this is where the soft skill courses that are there in the nptel plays a role if you start doing it uh so the feedbacks were given to the students what problems uh they were having our input industry associates used to tell us that which particular students so one to one after one to one interaction complete list of what you need to improve or wherever you're good at and what more focus you should put on so every feedback is given to the students and it has definitely helped them in their uh placements i'll be sharing feedbacks also in the soft skills uh training type two uh this is uh typically designed for 2021 and it's currently going on too a 20-yard training module has been uh formed in which two hours per day for 10 days training will be given so 20 infidel star per batch is selected some pre-training and pre-training and post-training assessment will be done to see whether improvement has happened post-training employment the assessment test will be taken online sessions on communication skills writing skills resume building interpersonal skills importance of social networking in context to job search you need to be socially active nowadays social network course is also there so you need to be socially active on linkedin not to search for the job of your dream if you want to connect with more people and how that opportunity can be explored so these are to be learned these these skills are to be learned so these are taught in this along with some takeaway assignments every day there must be some takeaway assignment for you to fill minimum attendance percentage of 80 percent has to be maintained so it's not like what your college gives after the lunch break there used to be some skill set classes of soft skills which students used to just entertain me come and go this here you have to maintain 80 attendance and then eligibility passing certificate will be given so training of uh batch per month has already started so it's currently going on and soon uh by this year end we'll be able to share the results of this uh type 2 training as well but uh i'll i i'll just put emphasis on this if your college is providing you soft skill training please take benefit out of it please go and attend it with punctuality it's for you it's not for your colleagues they are they have established their careers the teacher has already done what education he or she wants to acquire it's you who has to go out in the market and attain a job so those skill set classes those soft skill classes or whatever they arrange for you apart from the academics is for your betterment so please don't take it for granted so they are within your college you are there when teachers are looking after you when you get graduated from your college nobody will be there to give a supervision so please acknowledge this fact and don't take this thing for granted and start doing if you have not paid attention till now start doing from this semester itself whether you are in fifth semester in seventh or sixth so please start doing it now the impact of soft skill training here you can see uh you might not be able to see because it's very tiny you can go to the nptel website the feedbacks of candidates who have been placed in various companies after getting a soft skill training from us uh have written their feedback and we are more than happy to help our learners so we just don't leave them uh just with a certificate certificate we are helping them to reach where they want to reach so here you can see the performance in the placements though this number is not big i totally agree but but these are the numbers of the candidates who who are from that uh i mean cities and those uh nooks and corners of the countries where they did not get a good opportunity to get employed they did they don't have access to some campus placements so these are the stats of those toppers who are not who were not able to speak earlier they were not able to communicate earlier see communication is important no matter how much technically sound you are until unless you are able to communicate your idea with your boss or with the interviewer how will they understand what is there in your mind so for that the words that you choose the tone that you choose whether you are a team player or not whether you'll be able to perform well in team or whether you are able to perform solo better so these all skill set is required for getting employment along with your technical skills because that's how you're going to perform so the nptel has provided an opportunity to 64 candidates in various industries here you can see in infosys capgemini and others a system engineer specialist 57 students have been selected after that rigorous training of soft skill type one and four have been given a software developer and the others are also so under this you can see the list of the companies who are training our students in soft skills so the soft skill training that is happening is not happening from the r and middle side it's happening from the industry side so we have industry partnership we have students we just bridge that gap so we have top but we have stars we have learners who have obtained so good certification we have uh domain scholars so this is the opportunity that we provide so we have tcs cab jimmy and many big names with us who are doing this uh trainings for us then there is a special lecture series that happened in uh that started in april 2020 uh and a lot of good topics are discussed and big shots of good companies uh vps of ibm google uh cab i uh have uh given the lectures have shared their views shared their experiences have talked about what is currently going on in the industries i've given a career guidance towards technology and other general topics so these these special lecture series are there on the youtube uh channel of us you can these were live streams the one our session is live streamed and now it's archived also and it's still going on you can see and uh these are free of cost available to the public and take a benefit out of it so giving you a glimpse like we had uh getting into ielts ips by or ips challenger a lecture we had then we had social network versus a real network by the director of hr of captioning we then we have attack tax landscape in india so we had topics of various domains not just restricted to engineering or career guidance generalized topics too and i met some medical topics too is law topics also so you just explore for yourself you can see uh the eminent speakers from uh the various backgrounds have come and spoken and shared their experiences so this is how the sessions page of a youtube will be like you go to the uh our youtube handle and you will be able to see this so uh next time i'll be talking about the translation initiative too like we do understand not all of our students have come uh from that english background so they are able to understand english completely they might be facing some problem so for that an initiative of uh translating the english content into the vernacular language started so currently eight languages have been uh are doing around for the courses like bengali gujarati marathi tamil and telugu so a lot of course uh content of about 760 7650 hours have been translated so 6000 plus is currently going on into the regional languages so in case you you're feeling a difficulty in understanding the transcripts in english you can please download in vernacular language so for example that i gave earlier also a joy of computing using python this is present in hindi as well and similarly for the other books that you can see on your screen whether it's power electronics or cost accounting or working capital management and others so you click on the book you will be able to download all the pdfs of the transcripts have been translated into hindi language or other languages whichever language you that you uh want to learn from so these are present you can explore over there so this is giving you a brief detail of uh what are the translation that has happened so currently also uh this this program this translation contents are going on and soon you'll be able to get more lectures translated through this uh for the feedback on the nptel uh you can see the nptel stars this website is there uh you can explore this uh you can you can go to our youtube handle it's nptel hrd rfp handle is in google home uh we are active on instagram as well and giving you the updates uh it's uh at the rate swim underscore nptel you can go and get yourself updated uh this is our july october timeline of this semester uh the this uh this is set one is closed on ninth of august but you can register without giving a late fee till 16th of august for a four and eight week and for 12 weeks course it's september 13. and uh there is again there is uh some uh late fee and this late fee is why because when the deadline comes lot of students in lags for example if if the the course the registration is three lakh on a night prior the deadline when the deadline is at last it reaches five or six lakhs so immediately three lakh students pump in so because we have a habit of losing every time so this late fee has been introduced so that you just fill up the examination on time so prefer before applying before the deadline comes you fill up your examination 1000 rupees fees instead of 1500 and uh for the next week for the next set of course runs that is set to uh the deadline is 23rd of august so please see some courses some 60 plus courses are still available 70 courses are still available uh with us which are open for enrollment you see if courses are there of your interest and fill up them and please adhere to the deadlines so this is the presentation from my site uh i'll be taking few more questions from the youtube and also if uh sir is having some questions from his site he can definitely ask and we're very thankful to chandigarh university for inviting us and spreading this awareness amongst their students also and we're hoping to see chandigarh university in the coming lc ratings table too yeah i'll be sure stop sharing my screen and i'll be taking some questions yeah ppt is there pc ppt's are everything is mentioned on our portal uh if you want i'll share my screen just a second the link has been shared in the chat box also yes i'll just share my screen [Music] see when you when you just go to the [Music] yeah when you go to the you go to the resources tab under the documents all the ppt all the presentations that anybody requires is there this the certificate templates are there that you can see over here the complete list of brochures are also there along with the help videos if you are facing any trouble in enrolling a nptel course you click on the help video if in english in the different languages it's mentioned so everything is present over there you just need to click and explore so this is a humble request from my site least right now after the session start exploring the website so everything is mentioned so i'll be stopped sharing my screen and handing this to dr gurpreet singh yeah so thank you man learning beyond their own you know branch specifically the interdisciplinary approach which has been mentioned to you by your good self and faculty you know i still remember you know a few years back when you need to go for uh fdp programs there is a very process you have to follow you know quite difficult at times because most of the fdps the faculty induction programs to hrdc followed by your short-term courses by national institute of technical teacher training and research all these were uh sometimes were you know clashing with the academic calendar of the institutes but uh the neptune has given this privilege most of the courses are approved as aict fdps and through this session i would like to uh you know motivate and request faculty members to take up one course per session and you will see that you will develop a habit of this thing it will become your part of life if i talk about myself i i do one course in one session i also have exam on 22nd so this this habit has uh your learning uh at your own pace uh is is very good habit and uh i have seen the students also know uh if i go my chapter enrollments uh with effect from january 2020 onwards this session has been a very uh good session i have somewhere around 5500 students on record who have gone through who have enrolled for the first first set of programs so uh even the students are now coming up they have realized uh how this is important and beyond their you know courses offered in their program they can also go for courses which which will be helpful in their you know future also for example we have german we have french courses also then we have courses you know at time in the undergraduate program you are doing you need to be looking for writing research papers so we have academic writing course also available so these are the courses which enhance you know student intellectual capital plus what is required by the industry is the another aspect the soft skills part although uh university do cater for this thing but the course which is offered by through this platform i think a student get a time to do at its own pace try to understand grasp you know and the freedom of learning anytime anywhere is actually very beneficial you are coming out of your stereotype timetable environment and at your own time you are learning i think this is something very good and i assure you that in the coming years also you will see that we will be among the you know right now we are active chapters uh uh in one of the five active chapter out of 77 in punjab but i will assure you that our students will be toppers in most of the courses which we have enrolled and you will see a good number of registrations in the coursing courses as well as students who have registered in the courses going for the neptal certification and we have also uh you know started a credit transfer also and this time our computer science engineering department has taken a good lead followed by other engineering departments and uh you know this uh 40 percent which ugc has authorized empowered uh institutions to go for uh you know this thing i think this will certainly help the student community in large uh 40 hours of engagement weekly they have now they can take up courses in a blended learning form through iit through nptel so this will save their time also and in fact they can realize that number of hard times uh you know doing something uh productive and putting themselves to the research part which is actually which is very important when we are undergraduate research leads to innovation also so i think it's a very i will welcome this step by ugc and uh thank you iit madras iit kanto for accepting my request for this awareness session and i assure you that in the years to come you will see good number of students getting this certification and which will also bring our country uh into global uh you know level wherein as it is i've seen one statistic that we in the moocs we are the largest number of consumers so i think your platform we will take you to the next level and we'll ensure that all goals all objectives we're going to achieve with you thank you from my side all the learners and iit madras and iit khan thank you thank you sir thank you ashley for this uh wonderful session um the live stream thank you all the viewers and thank you sir thank you thank you thank you thank you all thank you
Channel: nptelhrd
Views: 8,449
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Id: T4VD-Ip3kwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 18sec (7998 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.