Now You See Me Official Trailer #2 (2013) - Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman Movie HD

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Come in close. Because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you. Ladies and gentlemen, for our final trick, we are going to rob a bank. On the count of three, you will be teleported through space and time to your bank in Paris. One, two, three. Everyone in this room was a victim of hard times. Some of you lost your homes, your cars. and so tonight, we're going to return some of that money back to you. Thank you, everyone! We are the four Horsemen, and good night! Your bank was the distraction. While they set up the real trick. I was a 140 million dollar distraction? Who doesn't love a good magic trick? FBI! Hands where I can see 'em. I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you say magicians robbed a bank? You are going to be playing it correctly. And you have, what we like to call in the business, nothing up your sleeve. Because if you did, it means that you and the FBI and your friends at Interpol actually believe in magic. I'm gonna nail you-- First rule of magic: Always be the smartest guy in the room. One, two, three, and... You wanna know how they did it? Say the magic word. A year ago, these guys were a bunch of street magicians. Now they're pulling off amazing robberies and not keeping a cent for themselves. You do realize this is a game? Played out on a global scale. Vegas was just the start. This trick was designed a long time ago. We are dealing with something far bigger than us. We're all here for the same reason. We cannot quit now. Expose them now and destroy them. Whatever is about to follow... whatever this grand trick is... is really going to amaze. Look closely. Because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see.
Channel: Rotten Tomatoes Trailers
Views: 13,012,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morgan freeman, thriller movie, louis letterrier, dave franco, isla fisher, woody harrelson, jesse eisenberg, michael caine, Common, dcoscarelli, movieclips, movie clips, movieclipstrailers, new trailers, trailers HD, hd, trailers, movieclipsDOTcom, the social network, now you see me trailer, magic heist, now you see me movie, new now you see me, trailer 2, magic, magician, vegas, stolen, thief, bank, trick, money
Id: KzJNYYkkhzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2013
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