Now that's what I call a freight hub! Transport Fever 2 Tour

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hello friends i'm colonel failure and this is transport fever 2 on a map titled edinburgh it's not edinburgh though it's it's a random gen map with tweaks uh i believe and it might look a little familiar to you because uh six months ago i did a a tour of a map that had been sent to me by a player called john well don't worry john's come back again and uh he said i built a new one i gotta go oh no have you and it goes oh yeah oh would you do a would you do a map tour and i went well the last one was amazing so uh yeah all right yeah go on fire right over and uh and i'll i'll i'll get that going for you there so that's what we're doing we're doing another map tour everybody and you're going to want to make yourself comfortable now as with the last one this is entirely british in theme uh and obviously we're we're working with no costs going on here but as before uh it is it is quite a profitable number um but where is the last one the the main focal point i had was uh on a a passenger station in this one there is a goods line on here that is or rather a goods uh hub that is that is something else uh and don't don't worry we will be looking at that presently but as you can see there's there's a few lines um i mean not uh not not a vast number uh but but a good few lines going on there uh and as we look at the uh look at the old budget it's it's doing about 70 million a year all right okay that's all right that's nice it's largely okay um and that's i'm not smashing right okay so here we are and uh we'll we'll zoom out a little bit as before i have i have turned off everything other than town names uh because we're already struggling to get the kind of frame rate that would be uh that would be ideal but you can see that we've got and every city is is properly well built up and and a lot of them have got extra attention to detail paid to them so if we uh swing over to gateshead for example uh you'll see that uh obviously we've got our our freight station here but then that's been detailed and uh and it just looks great um you've got your passenger freight integration going on and uh and john's jolly fond and i have to say so am i uh of this uh this footbridge design uh that's going on here i imagine it's integrated with the mod that there are all the mods uh going on i mean this this um uh southeastern uh network southeast whatever flipping south east station design it is is really really not oh i should have turned auto save off sorry i'll be done in a moment it's only saving a gargantuan amount of information it will be fine um to give you some example of of just how busy this map is it did take 20 minutes to load uh the first time out and i had to do some texture based business going on in there as well but it took a took a fair shake now there's no planes on this map or at least none that i've come across and i don't think i don't think there are and uh and this time around the only shipping going on is out here at this oil rig which is which is rather splendid um going on yeah i think i might i might need an oil oil rig on my next play through um and it's it's proper busy as well so uh each ship coming in it waits till it's full and then and it pushes off again with a full load uh little little tanker barges and who who doesn't love a little tanker barge well if you don't like a little tank a budget can have his way um then then frankly you're doing it wrong uh so okay well let's follow this route uh helicopter look it doesn't go anywhere it just sits there looking great uh so the tankers all head out over in this direction and uh and upon arrival uh we get we get deposited onto uh onto trains and you can tell that this is a uh an oil refining kind of a setup that we've got going on here because it's properly detailed out with tanks all over the place and you know what it might be the same asset used repeatedly but it really does look the business it it totally looks the part the other thing that i'm going i you know what i need some of these is is little dudes little dudes just hanging around duding dude duding stuff uh so where are we we are in uh uh sulcum uh crude oil terminal uh we'll jump on board the next train to level we could go and jump on that one but we'd miss we'd miss half the show so so we'll wait for the next one to go uh which is this one okay pile on hold on give me a give me the camera there we go oh in cab oh that's tasteful very nice yeah that'll do not that's a little bit more frightening uh but uh no that's uh that's all good we'll we'll sit just outside the cab uh because then we'll be able to we'll be able to see what's what now obviously because we're we're a uk-based map going on here uh then we're we're going to be on the left most of the time uh but if i've done my research properly and i'm not wholly convinced i have but i've i've got a i've got a moderate level of uh of expectation that we've done this probably uh we will sorry i just want to get the camera on the other side um uh we will be heading for the uh the main freight uh hub that this map has and it's here's something else now uh as it was with the uh with the most impressive uh passenger station we had the i hate getting hit by trains um oh just would you this is i i don't know why people ask me to do map tours you know it's i mean i'm somewhat accident prone this is maybe a little bit bad you know what you could do i could just follow it along like this why don't you just follow along like this it's probably safer there you go we've got a red light here um what was i talking about oh yeah no sir yeah so as it was with the the passenger look at we did last time rounds uh the most impressive thing about the map is the number of services running into and out of each station it really does make for i mean just a magnificent amount of impact to see the amount of trains flying around now uh one of the uh one of the reasons why i suspect we've got uh no costs turned on is because otherwise your your ability to uh to continue to build at this kind of pace is going to be hampered because the running cost on this stuff is high however the majority of these trains are running with a uh with a full cargo every time that they uh they set off anywhere look at the number of trees you know why my frame rate's gone to hell just the trees the trees are the things doing it now cut all the trees down and uh and save that extra five frames a second for more trains this just a personal opinion you understand but i'm right obviously um yeah this is nice and i'm liking the the limited progress uh speed that we've got going on as well uh and the the reason i reference the the quantity of services that are running is because all too often you'll build a section of track like this and it will sit empty for ages and right now in the background you can see a train coming immediately um yeah the dream is that you've got uh you've got track that is constantly populated well that's my dream anyway i don't know what your dream is your dream may vary but uh uh but you want to have if you've got a beefy amount of track you want a beefy number of trains uh running up and down that track okay it's the tr it's the trees the each one of these trees is the same as plunking down a uh what not uh if you were to cut all the trees down and replace it with water ah see then the landscape would still look like it got the business going on uh but it would be uh be a little bit quicker in my humble opinion but i mean you know i didn't build this so so i'm entitled to whatever humble opinion i feel like uh right where are we now we're at uh this is sulcum all right so we're we're hauling it along quite nicely uh that is a good platform there but we're not stopping no reason to stop i i don't know if that's operational i would imagine it is uh oh there's one missing mod uh this uh this bridge style we couldn't find it when it came time to do the review we couldn't find the mod anywhere so the mod's been removed which is why it looks a little bit odd um but that's that's the only one that that misfired as mods for you you know expect the unexpected uh they're great when they're brand new and operational but then the mod maker goes nah i said i've had enough now i'm off and you kind of go well now hold on wait wait no wait hold on don't come back i need that to work no i'll take it off the workshop as well because that won't frustrate anybody because it wasn't very good and i wasn't very pleased with it you're going to go no wait no bring it back never mind i i digress as is so often the case uh well there's there's that bridge again actually it's used in a surprising number of places uh it's clearly a is it a pillarless number or is it simply a case that because the the uh the mod itself isn't present neither are its pillars but then if you're thinking about you know attention to detail we've got perimeter fencing along this entire route on both sides that's you know that's proper dedication that is because it's a it's a pretty thankless task and an awful lot of the time you're going to be viewing in a a zoomed out kind of position and honestly if it had if it hadn't got fences would you really notice you might not notice but you know you know that you hadn't done it properly right here we are coming up on this absolute roddy masterpiece of a uh of a freight hub and uh i'm not exaggerating it is absolutely belting in fact this might not even be here it's whatever it is this is pretty belting too all right i'm standing by belting as a review uh i'll let you know if it's the one that i was thinking of it's not you know it's not no this is just the oil refinery no really what gives it away oh i don't know maybe 450 tanks sat over there and uh an unholy number of buses for some reason here at whitby um no i'm not sure this isn't it you know i think maybe it's like no it's not it isn't it's this isn't it this is just the oil refinery it's magnificent now this is uh this is absolutely top notch and uh and obviously because we're dropping off here uh we will have just made a reasonable chunk of change in the uh in the process but the uh but the attention that's been paid to it has largely been in selling that this is a legitimate uh you know operating megabucks proper continental size uh the industrial facility and uh as much as the base game is is absolutely dandy um this is what an oil refinery looks like this is the the scale of your of your oil refinery business um the one in in the game might work perfectly fine but it doesn't to me say yeah i'm a proper big deal of an oil refinery me uh so here we go we're in whitby then ah no the actual big big fella is uh is just outside edinburgh should we go see it now yeah yeah i don't know i mean this isn't a this is not a clickbaity video if you you've written greatest freight hub ever or similar which is probably what i've written in there somewhere um then uh you know let's let's show that off i think we've done enough exposition now that we can go and see the big dog uh hold on the big dog is down here now it's just a freight interchange right there's there's nothing too uh too complex about it until you notice just how much stuff is coming in and out of it um so we've got uh we've got two trains on the way out seriously turn auto save off turn it off otherwise it's just gonna get in the way of your narrative all the time and and you're gonna get people thumbsing down the video going well it was great up until auto save it came in for the sixth time and we just got to hang around all right i'll fix it hang on as i was saying uh the impressive thing i mean look we've got one two trains leaving now uh you've got a passenger train running down the bottom there there's another freight train that's just left uh we're incoming we've got uh we've got one here and we've got another one there coming in now here's one that's leaving there's another one that's leaving there are always freight services either arriving or leaving or a combination of the two um well arriving and leaving at the same time oh yeah most definitely uh right let's uh let's zoom in and uh and soak up some of the uh some of the action uh these cranes are all pretty dinky uh the fact that they're that you know that they're in constant motion you know it sells that it sells that there's work going on here but the amount of freight being stored here is not insignificant uh it's largely construction materials and food if memory serves me correctly uh let's turn the uh turn the old icons on uh right what we've got here you've got uh tall tools fuel food con mats uh machines same deal going on everywhere uh but i mean we we're talking some some solid solidly good numbers here uh yeah i mean there's probably what five six hundred bits to pick up there and obviously these these services that are coming in some of them are going to be dropping off like that one just did uh whereas others are picking up and the frequency of service is such that uh that they're it's it's pretty much always topped up but how many how many terminals we're looking at here i got one two three four is that five yeah it's five terminals five freight terminals operating operating out of a single hub uh and then as you move towards the exit you've got fully dressed uh kind of uh shunting yards you know side tracks going on there uh which just you know they really sell that just how busy it is uh making full use of the engine shed design as well to to sell that that's yeah it's just a nice touch uh then you've got a good uh kind of waterfall uh junction coming in uh you're sending one out over the top and that's that's one of the things that that john does very nicely in his designs is these are thought out track plans they're not just kind of smashed in as the crow flies go the quickest way possible he is integrating track wherever wherever it's possible to do so uh with the uh with the other services in the area so this line coming over the top here this is a passenger line uh i don't i i clocked one coming out of the trees because i rode i rode on this one earlier on i went like i'm not i'm looking for for fun stuff to uh uh to get my teeth into on this oh there you go here comes one now there you go so i said that's a super voyager unless i'm mistaken which i probably am i'll be honest my my knowledge is rudimentary uh but then you've got enough of those going on as well that uh you know it sells how busy it is you know freight train going in there you've got another one coming in over the top just this is the stuff that makes me jolly happy indeed and uh well and you should be too if you're not jolly happy then don't clap your hands um right no okay look so we'll we'll continue follow this line down the way uh there's a bit more what do we got going on here uh so there's con mats going on there and that's modded as well to use different uh different style combat wagons which is kind of cool uh you are obviously the return service to go get the next load um but that's what i mean so you've got the the far end terminal here from the from the hub that works its way out onto the line before swerving back out over here uh and that's food processing okay all right that's nice uh the passenger running alongside the freight service here that is just that's good stuff and because they're all sharing the line means you've got a bit of queuing going on which means that more often than not when a train passes through a junction you're going to get another one immediately pass through the junction after it which helps keep that busy level up right where are we in now this is fairum okay so this is the uh this is the food processing hub by the looks of it i don't know if you call it a hub so much as just this is where the food processing magic occurs and that's coming off pretty nicely now where's the food actually coming from so if we think if we think raw food rather than the rather than the prepared version where are we where are we getting that presumably it's coming from over here and then heading in on this line uh you look like a suspicious looking dude there hold on hold on what are you and where have you come from and state your business all right this is lumber it is yep it is lumber and to be fair there are there are a good number of trees going on here this is a save game that will bring pretty much any computer to its knees uh i've got i've got a a lot of spec in my computer and uh frankly it is it's going to make it stop i can't know will not make it stop i would i want it to continue running all right so these are the sawmills not a phenomenal amount of lumber coming in but we do have a drop off of 220 about to arrive so let's see how that actually distributes uh so you've got three lumber lines heading outwards uh and then a whole bunch of it no really fine you know what how are we looking at here sas four that's another three so that's seven that's eight but it looks of it no it's seven you counted that one twice so you got seven inbound uh lumber lines that's interesting well yeah obviously only even if you were only running one train per line it would mean that there would be a constant influx of uh of lumber coming in now you'll see it you know it's zipping in it's zipping straight back out again to be shipped i'm just kind of curious as to what level of throughput we're getting here now wait till fall will take you only so far you've got to be able to build up the demands in order to make it uh make it function afterwards but it's it's already i mean it's it's ticking along quite nicely just not that quick okay all right that's right just just curious uh and then you've got another depot going on over here or rather another another station this is freight to oxford so this is taking the end goods out to oxford this presumably is oxford look um and that will be coming from the from the hub itself because it was storing both uh tools and machines which is what oxford desires uh let's keep working along the line here out to hailsworth because now we're in the you know this is the oh i'm i'm gonna bet money this was the last station that was developed right because the city itself not much to speak of is a little more than a little more than a town but even then we've got a properly built up station going on uh i'm not sure about the the integration of passenger services there i think it might be a case of you're walking oh no hold on there you go there's your there's your passenger service uh for uh for commuting around that's coming on there uh we've got freight coming in here too presumably we've got both freight and passenger well it certainly looks that way yeah this is obviously a freight uh freight setup although is that just a truck stop it's just a truck stop oh cool okay all right no that's nice um yeah i know it's it's great but even then you've still got the construction materials planned here as well so using the uh the editing functions to set up so that each town has an associated business will mean that uh that not only are you taking uh passengers in between each town uh but you're also uh you've also got freight services going there as well which makes for a much more dynamic and interesting kind of track layout uh otherwise you end up you know just shoving all your freight in one direction um and this is quarrying quite clearly a a dab of quarrying going on here very nice okay yeah that's that's nifty all right okay what else have we got look at all this look we got this huge map with nothing in this bit at all uh now i wonder if john's going to build any more here but i suspect probably not given the uh given how the uh the the frame rate is it's verging on the not so much frame rate anymore no it's like one frame to to rule them all skyscrapers for the skyscraper people that's that's all nice and then you've got your standard bit of station action and a bit of uh a bit of freight by truck although no that's that's a definite freightline right we're going to pile on here we'll uh we'll watch it leave first because obviously on this on this class 47 uh which is uh which is bringing i don't know one of those mark ones no there must be like that mug threes you don't know you're saying things to make it sound like you know what you're talking about yeah i know it comes with a job uh right there you go yeah yeah yeah yes right if that starts to accelerate now we will get a lovely bit of camera action here if as long as i maintain my track adequately ignore the bridge the bridge is a light don't worry about that there you go yeah see bit of just ah arguably too many trees i think too many trees is maybe a running theme on this one but you know what it doesn't make the landscape look nice uh yeah that's that's that's quite pleasing um right we're gonna hop on and see where this takes us well we can look up where it's it's taking us into edinburgh so let's take some into the into the main passenger station uh we'll undoubtedly uh see some friends along the way what are we carrying 127 of 198 passengers so when i said that you know this is probably another profitable line that we're running here it probably is a profitable line there's the uh the partner service going the other way smashing uh proper signal box is going on at every complicated junction because that's that's pretty authentic um uh the signal selection is it's all on point and it just makes you go i see this is this is what happens when you put your back into it when you actually put the effort in you can come up with something that's that's pretty impressive to look at and this is pretty impressive to look at uh but i mean the real question is how many hours do you think into it and uh uh and what's the level of detail that you find acceptable as one who uh who recently dabbled in a little bit of uh just a bit of extra detail to kind of sell what i was doing i get it i mean i totally get you know making it look as appealing as possible that's that's something i can fully relate to but where do you draw the line because you've got to do it somewhere otherwise you'll never get to see it in motion and surely that is the payoff at the end of the tunnel saying that we're in a tunnel at the moment yeah but even so you want no payoff then uh heavens to betsy i i don't really know where i was going with that i'll be completely honest with you but it's all good nonetheless so theoretically we should be on the approach to edinburgh as we come out of this tunnel but we'll just have to see what happens but no prizes forgetting what he's train yes very good you are you are both bold wise and clever at the same time uh right there's a bit of a bit of nice view going on here i'd half expected to see the city well i'll take you as far as as edinburgh and then you can make your own way from there get an uber or something uh a bit of rogue tree smash uh or not another bit of rogue tree now you see no no that's it no ruined it's all ruined these these rogue trees have made it so that i'm completely unable to enjoy this map at all um although that said it is rather good so i might let it off the hook on that front yeah this i believe is going to be the edinburgh freight interchange i know is it yeah i reckon well it will be if there are another couple coming up but uh but given the bridge that we've got going on here and i'm pretty certain that that is the freight interchange going on so we've got a bridge here you've got another one there but that looks like a road bridge you've got other services coming in from that direction uh meanwhile underneath you've got freight services going on is that one that one must be the road this top deck yeah i could see a car uh but it's all using the same bridging material throughout is also a good way to kind of sell that it's uh that it is a a wholly thought out kind of build edible has got some buildings well yeah what were you expecting no i mean look at that look at the size of those flip pin that's your central business district and no mistake uh and all the passenger stations are on the periphery presumably so that it makes the the kind of goods distribution bit uh seeing all the sweeter well there you go we're coming into edinburgh thanks again to john uh for for getting in touch and and asking me to do a sponsored video here to to show you off his latest handiwork it is it's terrific stuff um and it's it's kind of given me an idea of what i want to do next not in terms of of what i'm building but the the nature by which it is built i've got i've had an idea and i already had an idea for me next series but there you go i've been colonel failure uh thank you very much for tuning in today uh i'm pretty certain john will be in the comments below to ask answer any questions that you've got uh there is a mod collection available on the steam workshop called edinburgh yes which is spelled edinburgh uh for those of you who uh for whom uh british english is not your starting point i should call it english english really shouldn't i never mind um we are we are more than one minor country we are several minor countries who operate together i'll catch up with you very soon thank you very much for watching cheerio well there you go i'll tell you something john delivers doesn't he doesn't he deliver dying i said in the bombastic intro yeah you're allowed to feel a little bit inadequate that's uh that's a perfectly human thing to feel uh but that is nice what uh what a great route and frankly the looking at inspiring builds like that it's what i mean is what i try to do from time to time is is build something to inspire you find people to go off and have a brain wave and go i'm nicking that idea but i'm going to do it better great well in this case i'm nicking a couple of ideas from here and probably doing it worse but hey whatever genuinely genuine doesn't matter so a big thanks to john for sending this my way and and for sponsoring this video brilliant stuff absolutely brilliant um anyway yeah i know i'm wearing all the clobber yeah i'm wearing all the clobber because for a limited time only friends this is kind of a commercial bit right okay you can leave if you if you want or you can you can stick around and wait what i'm going to say what am i going to say well what i'm going to say friends is that for a limited time only the colonel failure bulldozer edition baseball cap is available for sale uh over on kernel failure dot com which will redirect you over to the fresh merch dot something or other um and it's it's only available for a finite time when they're all gone they're all gone that's it it's over um so if you if you fancy one of these uh well you could wear it that way around and look like a dude um or you can you know you can go strictly business uh which is in keeping with the brand um speaking of which the polo shirt is available ah yeah comes in uh comes in a multitude of colors gray or black yeah there's multitude that's that's multitude in uh in many many cultures from around the world particularly this one um yeah so there you go get yourself over there if you fancy a bit of you know a bit of swag i mean obviously look i mean wearing both and it makes it look like you're a pit crew at best i mean at worst it makes it look like you work in a fast food establishment that caters to bulldozer drivers but what the heck and it's all it's all good um so that's that's my pitch all right it's it's a relatively inexpensive price depending on your definition of relatively inexpensive of course um and it's available for a finite time colonel link inscription obviously so you can you can find it there as well uh knock yourselves out get your wallet out go on go on get on with it go on just come go buy something or don't i i i hate doing this anyway look if i don't do it nobody knows you see and nobody nobody bothers even looking there's other things other things are available too i can't say that they're any more desirable than what you're seeing now but frankly if you don't desire this then i i can't help you no anyway there you go uh a fresh series of transport fever 2 will be commencing on this channel fairly soon um i say fairly soon i think i've spelled it out a little bit more over in the old scrolly text bit so if you were paying too much attention to me and you haven't read that go back and read that and you'll you'll get some long-winded story about what isn't isn't happening um good right anyway i'm done with you for today thank you very much for your attention you may not go about your business
Channel: Colonel Failure
Views: 63,434
Rating: 4.9541063 out of 5
Keywords: colonel failure, transport fever 2 colonel failure, transport fever 2, transport fever 2 freight hub, freight hub, amazing freight hub, freight hub design, transport fever 2 tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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