Notorious video of Police Sergeant and Passenger

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all right so I'm recording you guys just to make sure that Americans go what is that whoo no no what's that I'm not answering any questions you're saying it doesn't live here all right hey that you guys keep coming for people that don't live here bro you need to tell those people that what they're doing is illegal because this is starting to become harass me hey I'm telling you guys this is the third time you guys come here for somebody don't live here anyway Louie names and badge numbers you see Hart what's your [ __ ] name and badge number what is it yeah keep your [ __ ] up stupid I'm Sergeant romesha the Big Show Police Department a reason I pulled you over do you have tinted windows it's early the reason why you have tinted windows came with the car I see your driver's license registration insurance please [Music] don't say stuff you know you're be nice trash I don't you [ __ ] don't play fair you know that [ __ ] drivers registration proof of insurance ma'am please let me do my job your [ __ ] fool you know [ __ ] you [ __ ] you this is uncool the game you're [ __ ] playing another [ __ ] game that you're playing wait to the posters [ __ ] driver's license man please [Music] [Music] would you help them out Lewis James are you doing man you know every [ __ ] David believes [ __ ] bootlicker [ __ ] mind your [ __ ] business these [ __ ] are harassing me you guys are mad because I record you guys every day because I hold you guys accountable for the [ __ ] so mistakes that you guys me because Bakersfield California is dead he is [ __ ] County for police justified feelings okay that's why I have to do this not afraid you guys do we're already dead five hundred years for the [ __ ] we can remember you're the rescue mission right you guys are doing right now any minutes why don't you do your jobs like see my daughter's performance aren't you a [ __ ] man aren't you a [ __ ] man bro [Music] hey this is what they tell you to do or you do just you did this on your own hey that's not the only way to make money homie I promise you dad retaliation Hey I record you guys everyday I'm not afraid of you guys this is the only way you guys can get back at me don't be like that guy [ __ ] up what you're doing bro you know it okay I see something wrong I see something wrong I see something wrong and I go you got all this is my really so you pull everybody does it do you record everybody that you does I do your liar bro you don't record everybody with your phone do you have to that's one difference between you and me - it has two windows oh yeah it has ten windows thank you but do you record it okay I answered your [ __ ] question don't get me [ __ ] I'll be waiting for you guys hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now let me explain to you guys how this night unfolded I've been recording police in Bakersfield California for about three years now I go about my day if I see police pull somebody over I jump out as fast as possible in a safe area and then I get out my phone or my camera and then I start recording police there was a incident that had happened I somebody reached out to me and says there's a bunch of police at the hospital you ought to go check out what's going on so I did I went out there and I started recording police and the incident that was happening at the hospital and all the officers that were there there started calling me by my name and I figured oh [ __ ] I guess they know who I am already you know what can I do you know I tried to stay incognito as long as possible but these cops these there was an officer a chief a sergeant excuse me a sergeant in Shafter and Lopez sergeant Lopez from Shafter I recorded him he knew who I was from the past I know his some of his family members whatnot and so I'm guessing that this guy called the other sergeant Ramirez and they kind of told each other who I was and when I was out there recording at the hospital they all started calling me by my name and my cover was blown oh well I guess they figured to put a perimeter out and see where I was going after I left the hospital and they pulled us over did my vehicle have tinted windows yes do I have an excuse for that no do police officers have tinted windows on their personal cars yes are they hypocrites if they pull you over and give you a ticket for tinted windows but they have tinted windows on their cars yes they're [ __ ] hypocrites so now here we are they pull us over and I want you guys to understand something the police had already been to my house three times before this looking for people that don't live there is that do I have a troll probably could it be an officer's family member that's trolling me probably do I know who it is no I don't but nevertheless when you have so many calls for one house that is false call every time how many times are officers going to allow this to happen and continue to you know bully you and knowing that some of these people don't live at that house they just kept bullying me and this is where we're at so I started recording police about three years ago in Bakersfield California I live in the deadliest County for police justified killings I thought it was important if my kids are gonna grow up here which they plan to I wanted to make this a safer place for my kids and your kids if you live here in this area so that's why we are where we're at today I want Bakersfield Kern County to be a better safer place not just for my kids but also Ramirez his kids and his grandkids well how would Ramirez feel if an officer shot and killed one of his kids for or grandkids for pulling out a phone he wouldn't like it if these officers sergeants Chief of Police all these people would have been listening to me from a long time ago I've been talking about qualified immunity a long time ago and I want to say something before I let you guys go we have some of the Democrats talking about qualified immunity but they haven't been talking about it only up until now only until the havoc has hit the streets oh you have Ramirez the people are angry at police it's not my fault man and you're probably saying it's not your fault right you're just doing your job but you got to understand something Ramirez when I do something wrong I am how countable that's why I don't break the law anymore when you guys do something wrong you guys have things that back you up you guys have your blue line Brotherhood you guys have qualified immunity internal investigations you guys have the unions that back you up and when you guys lose your job for messing up somewhere these unions will help you guys get hired somewhere else this needs to stop that is the problem the problem is not black and white the problem is the blue line the problem is you guys have been allowed to continue to do this like I said in the video bullying should not be allowed by you guys you guys drop your badge and go home find another job there's plenty of jobs out there that you can do that you don't have to violate people's rights and use intimidation tactics or retaliation and that's all I got to say thank you guys all for enjoying the video I'll see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: San Joaquin News Network
Views: 243,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notorious, police sergeant, first amendment, audit the audit, america, educational video, usa, number 1
Id: MMc7Lo-tDXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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