Notion From Scratch - Build Your Weekly Planner Live

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but anyway so here we have two cameras see how you have the weekly planner from scratch and as always as I say kind of the purpose of the system is as follows it's designed to be simple and clear to use I don't want to have to have loads of setup and tweaking and things I've got to change and stuff it going wrong and all that nonsense I don't have time for that I'm nice and quick and easy to use the second important thing is I need to be able to update it fast I need to be able to record my tasks or even just things in my head fast quick clear simple that way if I get pulled away by my family I can very easily come back without having to worry about it okay so for those who haven't used motion before welcome to notion that notion is an app that it works the way you want to you can create your own workflows and systems which is a posh word for basically making easier to do so let's start off the first thing I need to do is I need to create a couple of databases so think about a database similar to like a Google sheet or a spreadsheet that's really really simple so I'm going to do that here you can create different types of tables depending on how big you want them you can either create them in line we can create them full-page so an inline database is in line on top of this first page it's inside of this page and don't get hat up or whether it's inline or not I'll just create table now and for me I like them on the full page because it just gives me that big full view it's really a table full page I'm going to call this one the weekly planner that's what we're building okay so we have the name so I'm gonna rename this the week because this is a wiki I'm going to change each of these properties to be what I want them to be so I need to see what the date is so date beginning and I'll go through each of these as we as we build out and then I want to have a main focus so and be able to put down a main focus there okay so I want to do that let's just bring up the church think case again we have a main focus now this will come in a little bit more use a little bit later on but we'll see there and for now I think that's it so this is kind of the basic view of how it's going to look now we're going to go inside and create a cell or a page inside of this the inside of this database so sign up here I've created this week and let's say it is for the 18th to date 18th to the 24th so this is next week of where are we may we go may 18th to the 24th 2220 okay great new on that as you can come in here and click open so this is all of the planning within this date here okay so come out one here this is the planner this is where you see everything and then inside of here you've got kind of this structure okay so now I'm in here I want to think what do i what I want inside of this week what do I need to look at every week what do i benefit from having well spoilers I already know we're going to create heading here by using the hash tag signs one is for a heading one two is for a heading two three is for a heading three can go up to three and four those familiar with markup it's the same thing so I want to be able to take all the things inside my head at the beginning of the week and just dump them so I can see them all so we'll call us the weekly resets and any other week I want to reset my brain I want to start from scratch and know exactly what I'm trying to do so I'm gonna call it the weekly reset now I could create another table here and I'm actually going to create another database however I don't like databases I don't like seeing things as kind of just lists and lists and lists and if I'm gonna be having like 30 or 40 things that I want to do this week it's gonna suck to have them as a long list really it does so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a board so this is kind of like a Kanban board and I'm gonna put this one in line for now and I'm gonna name it the week you the weekly reset okay I mean to meet these cards for now and so here you've got the different types of statuses you got no status not started in progress incomplete this is kind of cool but not what I want to do for their weekly reset because when I'm starting my week from scratch I'm not going to be like putting them in in progress bars and places like that that's no good to me so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rename this one and I'm gonna call this Monday oh man I'm gonna take this and turn it into the days of the week instead Tuesday Wednesday we're going to open up a card here just quickly to speed up the process doping this up it changes from status to day so you have Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and weekend for speed we're just gonna get rid of this property here because we don't need it for now okay I'm gonna keep it like that for now witness back over here and so here you have your weekly reset now this is so squished up so I'm going to come up here so you got to see as much as you possibly can I can't to the top right here style and I'm gonna make it full width like so I'm also going to bring the properties and I'm gonna make the card size just a little bit smaller so I can see everything here in one place okay that's my weekly reset so that's where I can just list so at the beginning of the week I'm gonna be like a shoot youtube video create contact Bank complete client work all the things in my head that I want to kind of do and then Y can be able to do here is move it across two different days of the week and this is just a really really really really ridiculously fast way of planning your week okay so we've got our plan here but if I suddenly have like hundreds of things I don't know where to start so how will I know where my focus is I need to create a focus what is my number-one focus for this week and that's really important to have some form of focus so I'm gonna create a little bit up here called the weekly focus okay and here I'm gonna list out the top three things that I want to do okay and so we're gonna come in here now I'm gonna use a block called a call-out block which is kind of one of my favorite blocks so call-out block it's designed to make the writing standout so this is something that I want to be looking at every single day so I used a shortcut here to duplicate it really quickly so I just clicked on here and then use the shortcut ctrl or command D I know people don't like shortcuts but I promise you start using your shortcuts inside of notion and it's amazing what you can do here we are I've created my top three priorities like say so as you can see I've created a little I should you I'm gonna bring that in a bit more so created some simple columns now that's really easy to do so in motion everything is built up by blocks every single thing you build whether it be a database whether it be a page whether it be text it's all one or a horizontal rule which catches me out so much and delete that because I'm gonna free again each each one is a block and on the free notion account you have up to a thousand blocks for free which isn't really cool so what I've done here is I've created some columns and so each of these blocks what I've done is I've clips and dragged them you can see here these six little dots there means you can grab hold of the bot blocks and move them around however you like just create another one there so it's just get rid of that okay so now let's style this to be a little bit more interesting because the eye is really really creepy so it's come in here and we have the ability to have emojis and everybody loves a bit of a good emoji so these are weekly focuses things I need to do so let's have I'm not gonna find glass magnifying glass flying glass yes perfect so gonna have a magnifying glass I can't say magnifying glass today I really cannot right there we go so tell you the other ones because all those are gonna have to keep clicking through let's make it easy I'm just gonna duplicate here ctrl D again ctrl D again that duplicates this block now I'm going to take a little six ring thing drag this this way and that's going to create another column I'm gonna do the same here and create a third column and it's this way you can see the little blue line there creates a third column there so that's three columns there and I'm gonna resize these as I see fit like so cool so one of the top three things I got to focus on next week for me it is get into a good one of the big things that you want to work on this week so I want to do a free on webinar on getting started with motion it's an example parents mTOR down here I also want to set up notion planner kids reward planner in thing I want to do and what else release one new YouTube yeah this is just an example you can put anything in here and the reason why I make this my weekly focus is it means that when I'm looking at the hundreds of things like you know script YouTube video take out the trash all the things that are in my head that I need to get done I can just list it Oh remove from my system I don't know send update email to newsletter and the idea is is that everything could just be dumped here the power of notion is getting out of your head and into a place where you can see what you're doing and that is the power of this weekly planner and the weekly reset so let's just move these around and then you will take these from the node a and dump them wherever you want and just spread this out they say now this looks kind of nice and tidy and if only it was only one thing a time that I'd have to do um but let's imagine we have like 15 20 30 things that I have to get done and it will fill this up really fast I won't do that here have a very account showing a minute well let's say for example that I have something that I'm doing every single week I don't want to have to create keep creating this whole thing over and over again so let's say we're at the end of the week now I want to do next week's plan so I'm gonna do the dates I don't as you know okay so you got May 25th to 31st this month it's gone so fast 20 20 okay cool so let's open this page oh I've gotta create the whole thing again so there's two edging do this you can come in here select it all copy it paste it and then you're gonna have to tweak everything can move things around and and remake everything but this sucks let's be honest you're not gonna do it you've got more important things to do then copy paste and then restructure and move everything around over and over again well I can't be bothered to do that so I'm gonna delete that and I'm gonna press this little button here called create a template now this is kind of cool and by kind of cool I mean really really cool some shame create template now this is the template within my weekly planner so this template means that's exactly what it says in a tin it's a template it's something that's repeatable over and over and over again so whether I'm doing this in six months time or a year's time I've got to come back and do it again and that's what this template is so that's first of all open this template as a whole page so I can see everything and I'm gonna paste in what I did before you here and I'm gonna get rid of all of the edition stuff because I don't do most of these that won't do every week I'm not gonna move to fill with again like sec and then i'm gonna tweak this so it looks the same sets can move this back over so once again i'm grabbing this block here dragging it over weekly focus grow this block driving traveling dragging it over dropping it here drag it over drop it here i'm gonna move this one cuz it's not gone underneath here so let's just put that there there we go this is my weekly focus or weekly planning dashboard you can call it whatever you want to do it i normally just put new week because i'm simple quite lazy okay so i'm gonna remove this copy of because it doesn't need to be like that so here we are we're now have a template that we can repeat every single week so instead of having to copy and paste every single week i can literally create a new week name it 25th May 25th - can't do math they fast 9 to 20 if you want to put 20 20 I'll show you a few optimizations on that in a minute because of course I am I'm gonna open this up here and instead of having to do it all over again I can just click new week and straightaway everything I created before is already there but wait there's even more so if you can create a template every week and you have things you do every week why don't you just put it inside the template I like your thinking let's go do that now so coming back out of here I'm going to come down here so there's another place you can get the template click down this little blue button here new week there are three little dots here and click Edit template so every week I teach a very small selection of students how to play guitar and so let's put that in there ready so I don't have to worry about it so teach student 1 duplicate that one and then teach student 2 now most of the time I teach them on the same days unless something goes wrong so I'll bring them over to the down when we teach them which is a Tuesday that means now every single week I create will have this student teach student on the Tuesday I will always see this on there and it is beautiful so what I was doing every week so for one of my clients I go through her account I go through our Facebook group and add it into her notion account so hi Laura here's what I do so I'm doing import posts from where to chewed to notion I can't and I like to do that every Monday so I'm gonna drag that on here put that in there and so now if we go back to our weekly planner you come in here we delete all this for now I can now click new week and as if by a magic already I know what I'm doing one on on Monday I'm importing posts from where titude to my notion account to her an ocean account and I'm gonna Tuesday I'm teaching my students ok so straight away you can see how quickly you can create this so inside of your templates now you can actually start populating things you do every week because unfortunately notion does not have recurring events kind of sucks but this is a great workaround for now okay so moving on we're going to come back out now so this is our weekly planner now we had these now as I said before I hate and I repeat hate databases so I'm gonna turn it into a different view let's take this date Ernest make it look more visually appealing shall we because this is not inspiring I do not want to look at this and I do not want to look at it like at all it just sucks so don't create another view and click up here out of you and I'm a very visual person I don't like the gallery I'm gonna turn this into a gallery so here we go and I have a gallery for each week and I'm going to get rid of this table view because I don't want to see a table view I hate tables oh yeah so and then it's out of here I can actually see my weekly focus is straight away now whatever you put inside of here by default comes up here but let's say you don't want to be looking at text all the time I want to make it look a bit more pretty a bit more visual a bit more nicer to look at which I do I cut to these properties and this edits the view for this particular database so you come in here properties cards preview page cover and that's gone blank would be do lovely now we're going to come inside of this week and as we've had some nice I'm gonna turn down the volume just encase there we go tape except I just have a lot in that so inside of here now I'm going to create a little cover to make it look a bit more visual so I'm gonna come in here and it's a beautiful sunshine so I'm going to use unsplash here sunny day original as anything I know but here we go so that's gonna you chose cover so actually okay and if we jump back onto jump back out to the weekly planner you'll see a nice visual image there and it looks lovely I like you anyway now you can do the same inside of here open it up open his page add a cover change the cover go over to unsplash and I'm doing a webinar so I'm going to put webinar how exciting there we go there we are and so at a glance I can see that this week was nice and sunny not exactly the most useful thing in the world but me and then here you can see that I'm doing a webinar okay let's move one step further now so you got some more properties up at the top here so we've got a date beginning and main focus now I wonder whether we can make that a little bit more useful so first of all date beginning let's actually make that useful so we start in the beginning on the 18th so we're going to click 18th this is a date property now up to you you can either have it being just the day that it starts or you can have dates where you have the entire week to do that you come down here and you put an end date select that and then you can have it ending on the 24th for example and this shows all the dates there and that's how we're going to have that they're beautiful so far so that's nice and now we have the dates come in here and do the same thing here dates 25th and date 31st so now let's make it so we can see what these dates are I've got them written up here but it's useful to see them both of them isn't it then come up here now we can show the properties we want to see so I'm going to come up here properties show the dates like so so by default I just name them the days of the week because it's easier and I'm kind of lazy and don't want to have to think about creating my weekly planner but you can name this or whatever you want if you have a main focus for the week for example you know getting started webinar then you could put that there instead I just prefer to you the dates because I'm kind of lazy so let's have a look on how we can use this information a bit better so we had this full page it's it's great and all but still yeah do some more with it do you think so I'm come out here now I'll open this little sidebar up here and I'm actually going to create a little workspace here so the workspace is public whereas the proper whereas the private is exactly what it says in the tin can its own it's yours you can't give it to anyone I was to can't share it with anyone else but we'll go through your kind of sharing on another live stream because that's a whole nother kettle of fish so I had a crab a little work space for a page here and I'm going to call this resources and I'm going to take this weekly planner database which is a nice big database now it's a full page database which I created right at the beginning and I'm gonna move it now there's two ways you can do that you can drag and drop here like so OOP and it's there inside of here see we could come and we can clean like this in a minute don't go in here a weekly planner and that's here let me in visual how pretty but let's say that you want to add more than just your week on there because most people do you know laughter video so to do that let's say we create like a little home page like a little control room as it will you won't think I've already created a name for this so click here gonna add a page so page is very similar to what you would create in Google Docs or whatever software that you make create pages in and you can add sub pages within pages you can add databases within pages we'll go through there in a minute so each time you create something it is straightway a page the page can contain lots of things or it can just contain a database like with a weekly planner yeah okay it'll be a little controlling and so this is where I were where I want to come when I want to well do things so let's start that off shall we what I want to do what I want to see well it would be useful to be able to see my weekly routine what I'm doing this week so that's a good thing so I could come in here take this weekly power planner and move it out on resources and bring it into the control room but perhaps I only want to see what's happening this week and only this week so let's see if we can copy this into the control room you can that's using something called a relational database or a linked database not a relational that one's coming soon it could have linked database so we're gonna take this I'm gonna link it on to the control room here do that I'm gonna come in here we're gonna click share shares anyone else I'm gonna copy the page link and then we're to come into our control room like so no credible title here weekly with you yeah you review for now just for cool and then we're gonna click paste control V and you see here there's two things you got the dismissed dismiss and you got create a link to pet database this is really cool and one of the most powerful features of notion if you learn this and one more thing it's amazing what you can do so remember that weekly review I love how I'm pointing at the screen you can't see well you can see me pointing at you but you can't see what I'm pointing at this here is a link off on another page in notion so create linked database so now you can see all of this information that is currently stored on this resources page instead of had the big big big one is now showing up here but it looks a bit different well that's because the views are separate depending when you link it in the views can be changed and twisted and changed them and created different views depending on what you're doing how you want it to be viewed so um let's close the little sidebar now and once again I don't like tables yeah and I'm now going to turn it into gallery turned to a gallery again because I like galleries so now we've got the two days of this week that I've the two that I've done two weeks that I've done okay I'm gonna rename its planner that's we're gonna come in here take this button here just as before and we're gonna edit the properties so first of all we're gonna have the preview being the page cover again because I put all that work in choosing a page cover and I want to see it again and we're also going to have the dates to see what the date is it's useful now if you want to you can hide the name if you want to hide that if you are just using the same information twice you can hide the name if you want to I don't bother because it's bigger okay so how's that now it's a bit big for me so I'm going to come in here and I'm going to change these little cards so imagine these cards like little postage stamp Erb post-it notes which you can have all the information inside and a massive never like ending post-it now it's pretty cool so I'm gonna go into the properties again and we're going to go to small and that way it just makes it a little bit more manageable when I'm in the control room this control room the purpose of this control room is to make it as quick and as simple to find out what I need to do without having to worry about having everything in there at moment that doesn't really matter but as we grow out our our system as we add more things in there like meetings and projects that I'm working on and logistical stuff I want to be out of come in here and just focus on what's important and that's the point of the control room so let's so if the control room is all about being as focused as possible and only seeing exactly what we need add exactly the right time why have we got another week added on and and if we're gonna be adding like another week like 1st 7th so June 1st to 7th this is very quickly going to get quite overwhelming especially if we have like going online three or four you may want to see a month in advance but sometimes you just need to focus on the one day so to do that we're gonna come in here I'm gonna create a filter and we're gonna filter this down to view the week the day that is within the next week so that means you've set the date is within the next week and that way we only see the weeks that is upcoming the next week so it will show the 18th like so so that's that and then that filters that down now that makes it kind of cool because we can do lots of different things with these filters and and and do so many more advanced things if you wanted to now we've got a new view here so I want to kind of remove this extra view that we've created and you can delete this untitled view here because I name them really well you see and I'm going to delete this with the three dots press delete remove now this only removes the view from here each kind of time you like link this database they have their own views and you can create multiple different views depending on what you want to see so let's say for example I want to see the next month's worth I'd be able to see that from the same control room so that's it the two ways of doing this we could literally embed again by pasting the link creating another view gallery Akos we loves the galleries actually you know let's share another view let's say you wanted to see a list of your next couple of weeks at a glance so let's do that this time so we're out of you and we're gonna have a list so now we have all of the of this week which is fine for now but we may want to make this a bit easier so and also I've noticed that they're not in date order that's a bit of a pain in the backside so let's do that coming over here three dots we're now going to sort click the sort add a sort and then we're going to put dates or something so now we have eighteenth 25th and then June 1st had all those dates there now if you don't want to see the dates you can come in here and we can edit these properties remove the day okay well I want to see them because it wouldn't make no sense to not have them there excellent so that's that there and now we need to only see what's coming up I don't want to see like duplicate the same week cuz that would be unhelpful so I'm gonna see property is no we're gonna add a filter now so three dots filter add a filter dates is after one week from now so as us a weekly planner every week it will it will vanish and show minute week so now I only now have the 25th to the 31st and the first I have that different view that's one way of doing it that's what we're doing it um but there's a better way or a more succinct way if you want to see this separate out you can see it separated like so but a suit another way now we're gonna add a view to the same kind of database link this link database so I'm gonna do out of you I'm gonna do a list we're gonna wrap we're going to name this view next week I don't know not very good name I know sorry ah this creates a list for me beautiful so I've come down here created a list you can click whichever one you want you can then edit that view so you want to see it as a table see it's a table see there's another gallery if you want to we can see there's a list and they have a next week view no that's change this one now now that we've created a new view we can edit the original view click this button here and we're going to call this this week and so now we have the ability to switch between the same date or the same information with multiple views now I now need to fix this filter so to do that we're gonna come in here filter their same filter I'm over here filter add a filter Bates is or not after one week from now and now we need to edit this again and who thinks around a little bit it's gonna come over here three dots again we're going to sort this again have it a nice sort here too so it looks good go from week change dates and ascending again so we've now got May 25th to the May 31st let me have June 1st to June 7th and that's already for you and sets up already for you to have tons of fun again but I don't like that so I'm now going to change this from a list into a gallery because I love the gallery now once again you can set up however you want it to look by just popping into the properties pop in the properties I just like that you change it from page content to pitch cover and have it like that it's not a page cover cool so if you're here live with me now which is unlikely because I decided to go live at the last second but I well um let me know what questions you might have or you can let me know in the comments below because that's really helpful and then I can create more streams where I share an idea and just help you get started set up in the ocean because that's my plan the idea behind every system I create is pretty simple it's to create a system fast and friction-free so that you can go back to spending time with your family your friends or just sitting playing Animal Crossing which is probably what I'm gonna do pretty soon so we've got a credit our weekly planner here and I can't find my mouse he's found my mouse back again so what else could we add to this weekly planner hmm let's say we're working on some projects so something that has a deadline so maybe it's client projects or a meeting about meetings everyone has a meeting nearly every week so you could create something for meetings so let's do that sorry first of all and I get to full width because I just like looking at it full width I don't know why I just do so yeah let's look at that full width coming in here I'm a now gonna create a meetings meetings gonna bring this out now I I could create this from within my control room just by using the forward slash table or however database you want to put it as you could do that that works um I would suggest that a more powerful way is to put it back in that page we created earlier in the resources page you can come in here and get another full page and we're gonna have it as a table again because I like table when I don't I do have you have this table because it's easier to look at the reason why you put it in the resources rather than actually inside of the control room um is because being able to easily access and change things and bug-fix it's better if you have it all within one space so I have this in my resources little section you can have it in like a data folder but resources because it's resourceful and it's helpful that's what I call it you call it whatever you like you can call it Fred if you like now resources sis much more helpful so I got to come in here and you name my table I'm gonna call it meetings so what do I need to see in a meeting what do I need to do what do I need to have so I obviously need to have meeting topic can I have a meeting topic and then we need to have who it's with now for now we're gonna put that as a text and then let's have a date so take over meeting and that's some explore a couple of these little columns now so each of these columns is a different property so these are different kind of things you attach to each of the information inside of here each kind of like cell so that's had a couple of columns and we'll go through some of the things you had add we've got a text column which is very simple it's just what it says on the tin its text then we have a number column so this can be like currency percent dollars pounds yes for the UK there is pounds we still exist and then we have a select which is being able to choose from a certain list so it's kind of like a drop-down list and you choose one item for that that's kind of perfect for things like when you're getting started like a progress so it's not started it's in progress it's finished it's good one then you have kind of like a multi-select so that's for what you can use for things like tags and you want to be able to filter by tags so you can use the multi select then date we've already done date it's very self-explanatory see it's just adding an actual date with options to format them so if you're in the UK accept them as a UK and then you US and you can set it to relative time and everything it's just pretty cool they knew what person so if you have like a group of people or people as part of your team you can set it as a person so the person who needs to look at this you're going to sign it to someone files and media oops it files and media and my mouse is moving files the media is where you can upload files and media pretty self-explanatory so that means you can link a file a PDF an audio file and image form of media you can attach to this entry checkbox nice simple true/false is this thing active is it done perfect for when you've completed to Do's then below here we have a URL so if you want to link to a page you can do that email perfect for when you example here in a meeting the email of the personal speaking to so let's actually add that one in while we're here so we're going to call this person's email Aspray the worst explanation ever though their email come here and then you have a formatting of what their email is hello this is my email calm beautiful study that actual right there then you can come in here and you can just click this and then you can actually send them an email itself just checking to see everything is actually working perfectly cuz just don't want to disappear sounds an email so um I can't think of a better thing and then you could have we're gonna have a link now so let's say weird as I'm doing this we are still in lockdown so having the URL for your zoom link will be really useful to zoom link there and then you can also have just a text format with a zoom password as an example there we are so and then you can resize these as you like a bit date there besides them to make it as easy as possible to access cetera et cetera I know okay so you have these meetings now what's happen is that so all we want from a meeting so if we're doing a video meeting let's create a template for the video meeting so as before it's a new template we're creating here so we're going to have a video call and because it makes it easier to view because I can see us having lots and lots of meetings is in here as you kind of have more meetings it'd be good to see things at a glance so let's add a little icon here and we're going to set this as video so inside of here we'll create our template so we're now inside the meetings template it's gonna come in here open us up first of all we want to put video so like yeah let's do kind of video meeting of cool recording that's a better way isn't it cool recording done here so that was a heading again like I said before I've created the heading to do the heading it's just as many hash signs pound signs sharps in musical that you like I have to and you can change them at any time see if you want three four two two big you can do that simple things that's closest it's a cool recording so as part of notion one of the blocks is a video block so you can actually embed videos now that can be embedded from a YouTube or it can be embedded like directly uploaded if you have the paid personal account you can have unlimited amount of information stored there so let's do videos so to open up a block and to create a new block you've got the commands so to do that it's the forward slash and we're gonna embed a video here so you're get a video embed from YouTube so here you can either embed a link or you can upload a link I'm just gonna leave it like that if you're on a free account you can only upload up to five megabytes if you have a paid account this is just a free test account here you can have a big so that's that we're not gonna embed anything now because it's just the template and then we're going to have a little section to better write notes so 2x once again two sharps and you're done and now we're going to introduce another kind of text formatting as you've got the ability to have bullet points which are beautiful and really good for notes so to do that you put the - and you just put a space you can also if I'm not mistaken do I swear as was yesterday yeah you can do a star if you can add a star space that works as well but I'd like to use the - because it's fast and simple and then um if you want to be able to add multiple bullets but you don't want to write anything if you press ENTER now you would have seen just min ago it disappears so what I do is I put the first one and it says list and then I use that ctrl D shortcut that I had earlier which duplicates so ctrl or command if you're a Mac D do it again D D do that if you like or not I just like to make it look as pretty as possible okay and then we're gonna come down here and we're gonna introduce one more thing next steps the another meeting to make it worthwhile you want to have the next steps on a track to see whether what happens if I'm told to do something in my meeting with a client or let me do something I can add these in as my next steps and I'll show you how cool that's gonna be when you relate it to your weekly routine this is wicked so start off with its can be just creating quick notes I'm gonna create some to do chocolate to do Tiki tikis to do ticki ticki ticki ticki it's a professional language here okay so to do that you've got the two square brackets you do the left one open and then close it turns into her to do same thing again duplicate duplicate and they have your own little meeting template now you can add anything you want here if you have kind of your personal zoom link which you use all the time you can have that there zoom us forward slash lots of lovely numbers do not click that I don't know what happens with that it probably wouldn't even works there's too many done was you can set your password and there we go so inside of here you have now everything you need but there's a few things we could do it's actually a load of things we can do but we won't go too far so now we have these kind of meetings now what I'd like to be able to do ooh stop it okay so I have my calls here wouldn't it be really wicked so I'm gonna create very cool now oh yeah that nice okay and now I have the ability to embed recording afterwards make some notes and do next steps and I can actually share this with anyone who have meetings with them they can rewatch the recording if you have a paid stream account or upload it or whatever you want to do you can have you can watch this and look at it look back at it and make notes afterwards so that means you don't necessarily have to be in the moment of the meeting and start typing all the time should you can tell I have a really loud keyboard so let's make this even better now so this is kind of cool wouldn't it be nice just put a meeting with with Jim Bob I can't I love that wouldn't it be great though if instead of the date we could link it in with here so I have a meeting coming up and I want to put it inside of here this is where things kind of get a bit cool now so we're gonna add another property and we're gonna look at meetings meetings this week now of course I could come in here and just put meeting with Jim Bob like so then I have to remember and and I just don't have the time or the patience I want to be able to collect things together and then then I have to come in here and go down and look at you know linking together with all the other meetings and things like that and also another way I could do is I could come in here and create another section I could embed the meeting tracker inside of this weekly planner so we're gonna come in here just gonna come in here go into meetings share copy page link now that's really quite slow and a bit annoying so let's do it a bit quicker this time this is going to be my meeting tracker listen we use forward slash I'm gonna type in linked and this is gonna do the exact same thing as what I've just done except it's it's just a little bit faster so we make rate linked database and we can come in here and we're going to find the right database so we're gonna look for meetings type meetings and there it is meetings resources and so now we've done the same thing is what we've done up here except this time it's down here and once again we have it in the icky horrible that view I'm Andy and I come in here I'm gonna turn it in to I'm gonna use a gallery again because I was like calories but this time I I don't need to see everything and I might want to keep it quite small so here's a little thing to make it like a little pill size go into properties again and we're gonna go card size small and page content as none this means I just see the meeting now this is probably not very useful so I want to see what the date is as well so gonna come in here properties and I'm going to show the date which cleverly I didn't put the date in so it's gonna quickly burn a date in I'm gonna say this is next week there's a reason why in a minute and now we can see this meeting so at that point in the day so we come in here Oh lovely beginning of the week oh I hope you have the wrong day but it's the 25th ok so brilliant I have a meeting with Jim Bob today it's the 25th today I've come in I've set up my weekly reset and I've done all that and that's all brilliant and come in here and I can get ready for that however you're not gonna just have one meeting in here really you're gonna probably have as you build your system it's gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger become more and more of a pain in the ass to manage so wouldn't it be great if we could link the meetings into the week that we're working on it and with notion you can do that with something called a with one of these little functions here called a relation we're going to link together and create a relation between the weekly planner and the meetings come in here we're gonna select a database so it's just come back in to come I can hear what we're name that so we're gonna put gonna come in here we're actually it's already been created silly it on so gonna have no tax meetings this week to put meetings I'm going to change this from a text property to something called a relation property and this kind of gives the ability of connecting the two together so we're gonna do that now so a relation am I going to select the database we're going to search for meeting I'm going to create a relation and so right now doesn't look like nothing's changed but if we come down here and click here you'll see that this thing this little things come back has popped up on this little meeting with Jim Bob and it says related to we clean and plan out meetings now I'm gonna rename this to a more handy a thing called week a week planner and now what I'm going to do as this is on the 25th I'm gonna link this up here to the 25th like so and now I'm going to use the control or command if you want to mac left bracket I'm gonna move backwards so I can come here and now you'll see meeting with Jim Bob has been pulled in to this database so this means if at the beginning of the week which is what what I do at the beginning of the week I look at my Google Calendar come in here and just type out in the meeting so got meeting with Craig call update call with Dora and because it literates meeting with Mars I Mars and so now all of a sudden I can see all of these meetings that I have during the week and they're all filtered up here I can just see them at a glance and as I scroll down here I can see all of these meetings have now populated here now that's cool and all but if I go back to let's say the getting started webinar that this week I'm going to say meeting today meeting with Fred a meeting and we're gonna say this but this meeting is today tomorrow because who doesn't work sometimes ok have a meeting tomorrow now if we go back to our control room here and then back into this one you'll notice that this meeting is down here now now that's not very useful I don't want to see all of the meetings I have I just want to see the meetings that I have with on this week on the May 25th to the 31st so you can probably guess what we're gonna do here we're gonna create another filter I'm gonna come in here filter out a filter and then we're gonna set the week planner to this one the 25th took 31st and that will now have it so that only the meetings on the 25th are attached here so we have Craig's meeting here because it was planned on the 25th of the 31st that's where it's gonna be and you'll notice that none are the other events are there I'm just going to get rid of this other one always good to clean up your systems as you build them please take it from experience now okay this is pretty cool but let's say I forgot like I have here to edit the date and add them in now I don't always want to just keep going I open it up add the day well it's this one 25th time and I say you know this takes a lot of time so here's a little shortcut if you hover over one of your little cubes or squares whatever I call it entries right click Edit property date and now you can assign a date depending on how you want it to be added the May 27th and then here date and I were on the 28th here is he busy person so now we have dates for everything will it be great if you could view this like a calendar you can come in here out of you calendar and turn it into kind of you here we go now once again we have all of our all of our meetings listed out which isn't very helpful so let's fix that and I come in here three dots I'm gonna add that filter again add a filter week planner contains the 25th to the 31st and so now we will only see our meetings for this week and that's it I'll be able to balance it around now as of the time of this livestream you cannot officially link out to your Google Calendar but when the API is released which I which notion are working on as I've said and you'll be able to do stuff like this in the future but for now it's a great way of just being able to see things in different views and so using these views you can see your information in a way that works best for you so I personally like this for you whatever you you want it to be you can have it wherever you you want it to be that's your meeting tracker so here we are we've linked our meetings together with our week and every single week we have that meeting so we make quite a few changes now to our template and our system and making it a bit more optimized for ourselves so let's optimize this and make this even better because I'm all for making things better we're gonna copy this we're gonna come back out to our weekly planner I'm gonna edit our template that we made originally this new week I'm gonna add it in here pull this out and I shouldn't see now all the meetings are here that property has been added to the whole entire database not just one thing when you add a property it is added everywhere so your properties are designed to be things you want to see everywhere and then everything inside of it is kind of more specific you're gonna come in here and now we're gonna paste this meetings thing in me tracker knob no problem here is the filters are filtered to the 25th but I don't really want it to filter - just the 25th I'd love it if you could automatically filter every single week you create it thanks to a very new update you now can so come in here filter and week planner contains we're gonna click on here and we're going to sell it to new week which is the name of the template okay so the name of the template here is new week let's head to the name of the template and I'm a filter new week and this means that whenever you create a new week it will set a filter based on that week that you've created sounds very complicated but I assure you it's not so let's go back into the twenty-fifth again and we're gonna just come in here I may never delete the whole lot cuz I am mad not really I'm now going to click new week again and now you will see automatically if we click this filter button again you can see it says contains May 25th to the 31st 2020 and that's because the thing we just did was link it directly when we took the template off it goes pre-populated with the correct date thrilling exciting probably not but I love it so well it's we add there's too many things so that's how you add the meetings and inside of here you can create as many different templates as you like and each template can be related to whatever you want it to be so let's come back in here look at our weekly reset we've hit the end of the week now what a fast week that was and we're kind of done for the week but all of these things are still here and that's not making us feel great is it so we're going to come back into here and we're going to add a new property and this property is done nice and simple and already I mention the checkbox it's time to bring that in checkbox and so we're going to also make it so that you can see the checkbox because they need to tick it off and ever you like to come up here three dots properties and then we're now I'm going to show the done so here you go in the properties it means you can view certain properties at a time we're gonna turn on done which is pretty cool I'm not done now how we're done we're not really so I'm done my import for this week trying to click done oh well that's done no it's nobody's happen it's not changed I want it to disappear so we're now going to create a filter and come over here filter add a filter when something is done when done is true we'll go on that that's not very helpful because yeah so when done is unpicked show it otherwise it's hidden so now as we come in here I've completed this done could beat this done ah fantastic I can sit and play Animal Crossing for the rest of my day I've got all my tasks done this week and combining this with our multiple views you can then create any type of list so let's say we want to list all of our done things we don't need to see what day they were done etc etc we just need it to be just showing the done stuff I come in here and I've created a little list here three dots properties we'll probably do with a day actually do that I'm gonna come in here add a filter add a filter go down to done is ticked like so properties and yeah well we'll have the day there as well so you can see what what things use on the day but if you don't want to see that it's very simple to change properties remove that I just have this list of done tasks like so like so and I see nothing and then if you want to celebrate and have a bit of a party and see all the things you've done you can have these as you're done tasks and listed as so so there we go that is the weekly planner I'm going to come back in here weekly planner and the control room ah it's not yet not done yet not quite and to here a minute where's pitch covers just the pages I'm loading the covers anyway so one thing to be aware of with your templates if you haven't already presets an image it will overwrite that image it will remove the cover so let's have our cover back on again we're just gonna stick with these nice not colored covers now just because it's quicker there we go I don't know what that is all about what it's gonna work so now we're gonna bring in our meetings again now I do want to see all of my meetings now which be really helpful so let's go back into linked I want to go meetings and we pull in all of our meetings which is fine for now cuz we're in our control room and I want to see all my meetings so it'd be really useful actually to see it in a gallery gallery sorry in a calendar so let's switch to the calendar view like so and I'm gonna see all the meetings I've gotten to see let's just get rid of this first fuse we don't need it yeah and now we can see all of our kind of meetings in a still of you now this is very big and can get quite overwhelming I kind of want to be able to see this but only when I want to see it so there's two ways of doing that one is to click here three dots and you can use this turn into page now this page will be a linked database of a linked database bit complicated but bear with me so this is a view of the original database which is here don't worry about it just know that this is a custom page with the custom view but that involves another click and I don't like other clicks I like to make it as quick and is easy and as effortless as possible for me to do it so here's what I do just turn that back in line penduline I'm gonna come down here and click here and I'm going to add a toggle to a quick way to create a toggle is to use the mall and silent I think it's more than I always get these two mixed up but the arrow going that way and then click space and then title it out holy meetings like so and then I come in here I open up my toggle and anything inside of here when I close this up will disappear so I drag this up here drag and drop you can see the little blue highlight around the outside drag and drop let it go then quite literally I could do this whoop so now I don't have to see that and in fact I could just get rid of this completely and just have and that's how you would create a meeting little toggle view so you can have this toggle view on everything you can get absolutely toggle nuts um I do so this is kind of the basic outline of the control room still looks a bit plain but obviously you can embed lots of other things like images you can embed videos you can have quotes there are lots of things you can do you can make this control room your own so let me show you my control room up here very very simple very very minimalistic very easy to use this is my control room actually and don't use this one I call my my home base I mean the process of transferring over to control room but yeah this is one more thing that I've added into mine so I have my unique virtues things that I love to do and then I have Universal virtues of gratitude hope tests curiosity in love these are the things that I want to bring into my life every single day and below that I have my big fries these are the three things that I want to do or as much as I can I want to build my community I want to fast launch a ton of stuff in 12 weeks and I should not change this and I want to always be creating something new and then here you can see that my weekly dashboard is actually here we can a glance like so I can open this up and I have a few other things embedded in mine which is kind of cool and exciting so first of all I have my week beginning as I had before I have my main focus and I have the cause I have this week and I also kind of because I'm a bit of a nerd I have something called a roll up which takes one of these relational databases and square root of them together now they can either roll it up with certain different properties or views so you can roll up the name if you just want to count how many there are and then you can set it as count all and this is really useful if you want to just see at a quick glance how many calls you have from your front page it's yeah then here have a little quick glance formula I am not covering formulas in this one cuz there's a little bit advanced and then here when I'm done and finished with what I what I'm doing if I don't need to look at this I just click this archive please button and then on my dashboard it doesn't appear anymore I don't have to look back at it ever then here I have a working on and this links to another database it's a relational database two projects that I'm working on so projects is kind of things that you're working on that have a fixed deadline and have an outcome and so that's what I have all my projects on so when I'm doing a video or doing a workshop to someone or doing something with them and I have a project for them but we'll cover projects in another live stream and then as you saw in my virtues one of my biggest virtues is my love of learning and I love to learn and so I actually have a whole template and database dedicated to online learning so as you can tell I have just launched a YouTube channel and I'm currently taking about this 30 days to a better YouTube channel by video creators that's really good and below that I have my books so these are books that I'm reading that I've read this week I haven't actually been reading this week no fix that and then I have as similar to the template we have the weekly focus things that I want to do this week and I've done most of these actually and then I have my weekly brainstorm now I have a few extra little templates inside of here things that I do client work I teach a call or a project I'm working on and this is just more templates with a little visual little symbol there to help you so that's how I do that and then I have my active project list so the project list is just a big database with relations but together and these are the things that I'm working on this week which I assign at the beginning of the week on working on or if I start doing them I thought and then once again I have calls with all the people I have calls with tracking and filtered down based on what the week is and I have other projects that I kind of in my periphery things I want to be working on but I haven't done yet on me they're all here this is kind of a more advanced version of the weekly dashboard so that's it for this livestream thank you for sticking with me the whole time it was awesome to kind of share with you how you can build from scratch and I will be creating a kind of summarized version of this I will be editing this pretty much immediately after I finished press the stop stop a little bit up so streaming button and I will be about a Miss if you want to learn more about the templates I created in this one you can look in the links below as a couple of links I'm actually going to be releasing this template to fall use an advanced version of this template and that can be which has all the connections already pre-done for use you don't have to do any of the work and so you can just concentrate on building your business and living your life so thank you very much for joining me today whether you join me live or whether you joined me in the replay on the Streamy thing I don't know the term but thank you very much if you have any questions please please please leave it in the comments below and if you enjoyed this I'm going to be doing more of these over time as well as some shorter easier to digest videos please subscribe it be meaning a lot I'd love to get to 100 subscribers it's really helpful and then I can name it something other than a shepherd a little bit lower but anyway thank you very much for joining me today and I hope you enjoyed it any questions below and I'll speak to you soon take care bye bye
Channel: Simplicity Specialist
Views: 955
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7wS6L2Mv69Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 42sec (5082 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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