Notion Databases In Obsidian - It's FINALLY Here!

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today i'll be going over having notion type databases in obsidian if you love everything about obsidian but just can't go without databases the community has a solution with a plugin created by raphael called the database folder plugin i've been keeping an eye on this plugin ever since it came out in april but it never felt stable enough for me to make a video on it but now it finally is there is one requirement for this video however and that is that you have a basic understanding of yaml if you don't make sure to watch my yaml video before watching this one alright so as always here we are at our mastering of city vault and let's first go over the requirements and there's three things we need to do the first is that we need to have the database folder plugin installed so if you don't you come here to settings community plugins browse and just type database folder install and then enable and we're going to leave everything as default we also need to have the dataview plugin installed as this plugin uses dataview search engine so if you come here you can see that mines are installed right here and lastly we need a folder because as the plugin name suggests it'll be tied to a folder so i'm going to create an empty folder here and i'm going to title it database folder to turn the folder into a database all we need to do is right-click the folder and click new database folder and now we have our database and as you can see we have no entries and that's because the folder is empty you can build everything from scratch just as you would in notion or you can use this on a folder that already has notes so i'm going to go ahead and turn our books folder into a database folder i did a previous video on seamlessly adding books and they're metadata to obsidian and we added them all to a books folder that lives right here so if we turn this folder into a database folder you can see that we now have all of our books right here and if we click on any of these books you can see that we have a bunch of yaml headers for each of them and we can add columns for each of these yaml headers so i can come back here to our database and i can click on the plus sign and now we have an option select an existing column to add and when i come here to the drop down list you can see that it's a list of all the yaml headers in our notes so i can just add the column for say rating then press the little icon and when i exit out of it we now have a ratings column i can then press for another one and come here to select the existing column and let's do author click here and now we have rating and author you can also adjust the columns just like you would in notion and the very cool thing about this plugin is that if you add something here that isn't in the yaml header for these notes the plugin will do it for you so if i come here and add a new column and i make it an empty column and i name it something like let's say recommended by and let's also get rid of this because it's not doing anything there and let's say that the book 1984 was recommended to me by a coworker once i press enter and i go into the 1984 file you can see that we now have a yaml header for that column name so recommended by with the co-worker input that we put in there so for over here ego is the enemy we can say that was recommended to me let's say by a friend so that when i press on the file we can see that we have a recommended by yaml header with friend as input so as you can see we now have something very similar to notion and let's actually add a new column and i'm going to do it for pages and i'm gonna add it and just like notion you can add filters over here so i can do add filter and let's do it for pages and let's say that i want them to be over 300 so i'm going to press 300 i'm going to exit out of this and then i can toggle on the filters over here and now we have these three books that are over 300 pages and just like notion you can also combine filters so over here i can choose add filter and let's say author and let's say that i want it to be equals to stephen king so when i come out of this you can see that we have book called misery which is over 300 pages so let's come over here and delete these filters and just like notion you can also have different types of property so over here property type you can have all these options here just like notions so for instance select so let's say that i have this let's call it read again question mark and i can do something like yes no and maybe so now once you're going over your database you can just press this and now you have an easy way to add a bunch of different results and just like notion you also have a search bar at the top that you can use if you know exactly what you're looking for so just type it in and it'll automatically give it to you you also don't need to create databases based solely on folders so if we come back here into our database folder we have an empty database but if i come here to database settings you can see that the first option we're given is select the source of database over here we have current folder and that's why the database is empty but you can also choose something like tags so in here i can choose tag and let's say that i want for books so in this case once i exit out of this you can see that we have all of our books just like the one over here on the books folder and this is really useful if you prioritize tags over folders so you don't necessarily have to have a folder for books you can just have a database folder and then have a bunch of different databases inside this folder that have you know one for books one for movies etc there's a bunch of options you can have with this plugin and this has some advantages over just using dataview tables as you can edit your notes directly on the database table while still preserving some of the automated benefits of dataview so to illustrate this example i'm going to add a new book to our vault via the book search plugin which i've previously made a video on so i'm going to go command palette book search create a new book note and let's say i'm going to add the girl on the train i'm gonna press enter go on the train and as you can see it was just added to our books folder which means if we come here to our database it was also added here automatically you can also place multiple databases inside the same folder like i said in the beginning of this video i've been keeping an eye on this plugin ever since it came out back in april this year and i think rafael is doing a great job and improving on it very quickly at the time of filming this plugin has around 8 000 downloads but i can easily see this plugin make its way to the top five most style noted very soon the roadmap for this plugin is also really exciting and you can read more about it via the link in the description i also placed the link there to buy rafaela coffee for his efforts on creating a great plugin for all of us to use thanks for our fail for your work and thanks to all of you for watching have a great one bye
Channel: FromSergio
Views: 80,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion database in obsidian, notion type database in obsidian, obsidian notion databasse, notion like database in obsidian, notion in obsidian, moving from notion to obsidian, database folder plugin, database folder plugin obsidian, obsidian app, obsidian free course, obsidian tutorial, obsidian migrating from notion, notion vs obsidian
Id: 9oaEOFPxT9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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