Nothing That Falls Into This Canal Gets Out Alive!

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oh yep fish on yes yes where am I oh here we go by investors who are engaging the future price of a stock for all things money visit that's the lowest that's gonna be this entire time just making sure it's completely full before we go out oh my God so we're headed to Florida Fort Lauderdale to be specific it is 4 a.m Monday morning hopefully we'll get there actually it'll probably be like 1am Tuesday morning and this whole thing is going to be out of the car so you guys can see we got all of our supplies back there so it's going to be a really intense week but first it's gonna be a really intense drive we gotta keep going foreign rest it is uh 7 25. and uh yeah my watch is an hour behind because we crossed the time zone so 6 25 Texas time 7 25 Jacksonville Florida time I was asleep hit the road again and uh we'll be in uh we'll be in our fishing location by sunrise ah finally made it this is the spot this is the place over here may not be able to see it because the light just kind of catches the tree around me it doesn't go straight back out but there's the lake I gotta collect myself for a minute luckily Sunrise is another 30 minutes at least so I have I have a moment to rest for just a second but we're finally here after 20 two hours of driving so I've made these they're all just cardboard cutouts but they match the fit of my windows and I've got them spray painted black so basically they just block the windows so people can't peer in the car there we go they just kind of pop in there they're not the most perfect fit but uh I mean they're gonna make it super inconvenient so you're trying to peer into my car you're gonna be seen trying to do it if somebody really wants to break into your car they're probably gonna be able to do it but don't make it easy for them you can buy these but they're like a hundred dollars for a set and they weren't gonna get here on time so I figured just spend a couple of dollars on uh cardboard and make them you know for this trip it'll work just fine I think oh yeah that's if you want to peer through there you're gonna have to work for it and considering that building over there is a police station I don't think anyone's gonna try too hard probably take the mosquito spraying sunscreen out real quick there we go you might need those probably will need those got a full load of stuff here but doing a bit more of a adventure than normal foreign we are almost almost fell out of the kayak right there at the bank because the the bow is still on the bank oh that would have been incredibly embarrassing all right we're good we could be fishing in these rushes all these rushes right here we could hit these uh but I'm gonna come back through here and I'll hit them then get after some of the snakes in here pedal kayak could be way easier in here but I ain't got one it's probably a pretty good investment for future videos pedal kayak oh oh look at that look at that it's a grass carp I think swimming right there just saw his his uh tail fin really big carp yep there he is look at that big grass carp there now these Snakehead man when they go for a bait they go for a bait you just see this massive wake I think I'm too close to the bank I think I'm too close to the bank for these fish to attack comfortably let's move out a little bit closer to the center and throw towards the bank so I'm not sitting right up on top of these fish you gotta remember still very much a beginner with Snakehead you know still gonna be very very easy to uh spook fish but I want to throw as close to the bank as I can it's where they seem to be hiding is uh right up in the bank yeah like that right there got a lot of weed in there but still might get a nah yep fish on oh fish off fish off fish off oh that was a snakehead though damn pretty sure that was a good snakehead oh are we on did I just miss a fish I just totally missed a snake oh my God hang on I was focusing on adjusting my reel and I just heard a splash and it dawned on me that it was a snake head I totally wasn't looking I know you probably have a good view on the camera screen but my eyes were else yeah there we go oh it's a bass I was just I was just talking about you just talking about you nice fish just talking about you that might have been the same one they'll hit obviously bass don't have a problem hitting the same lure twice after a miss all right feels good to have a fish down foreign man there's one right there Oh Come For It come on come on yeah fish on fish on all right Snakehead in the boat Snakehead in the boat in my brain this was all going to take place on the land this little bit here that we're doing that way in reality though oh you got a waste right there right there right there right there right there oh that was one that was when I saw him saw that one fish on I don't think that's the snakehead though oh no what do we got oh it's a bass it's just a bass a nice fish but you know I can catch those anywhere I came a long way to catch very specific fish let's have another go from here though yes yes get it get it he's coming he's coming after it oh man I don't know if you guys saw it I I could see it coming all the way damn God it just gets the heart going you know I don't know if I'll get that same fish oh I didn't oh no it's another Bass oh man oh ah this is not what I'm fishing for just saw one up there oh that might have been one but I'm pretty sure I just saw one up there on the left yes yes yes grab it grab it grab it oh he didn't go for it he chased it he chased it he just didn't grab it man oh damn and off I'll get one of them I swear foreign I saw was further down that way [Music] yes yes fish on oh man come on I cannot believe this I can't get the net undone come on we're using that this time okay got him that's what these fish do beautiful fish all right I love it we're gonna keep this one we're gonna cook it up for dinner ice chest with ice and now an ice chest with fish real quick guys let me show you why I've been able to do this entire trip it's because of this unit right here this portable charging station by all powers now this model is the AP ss005 this unit comes with a number of fantastic features you can charge practically any device you own on this thing really fantastic stuff but the best part is these these solar panels This is what I've been using the entire trip the solar panels can charge the power station so not only do you have a power station when you need it the most but when the power station runs out of power you can actually use the sun to charge up your power station so you're never truly out of power when you have one of these things it's really really neat solar panels in general are just super super cool and exciting to have so these are a lot of fun to play around with and they work good too this is what I've been using to charge my GoPro batteries this entire time I'm out here because I've gone through so many fishing films I keep draining all the batteries to my GoPro so this is how I've been recharging them throughout this trip now if you don't want to put your solar panels on the front of your car they give you these these carabiners you can actually hang your solar panels you could use trees you could use a draw line that you string up yourself you could even use the side of your car if the sun is coming in at an angle one of the coolest features is that you can actually monitor all the staff hats and power levels of your device through your your mobile device so you actually connect on an app it all powers to app and you can actually see all these things in real time even if you're you know not looking directly at your device or separated from your device by you know five to ten meters for whatever reason all right that's enough product talk for now let's get back to fishing fish that's a fish look at him look at him ah and he's off I honestly don't mind so much that if they come off boat side and I'll tell you why if you net them they will twist like a a light speed crocodile just death rolling so I actually don't mind if they come off outside um the reason being that uh if you get them in a net they'll twist up the net horrendously with the hook so rather than pulling him in the boat trying to unhook them getting them back out if we just get them both side we can see them real well and they throw the hook I'm not gonna cry about it so really fun it's really it's the hit it's the hit that uh is the best part when you see that wake building up behind your lure oh that's gold metal cast right there was a good one yes yes yes yeah yes William putting things back in the car now it's uh it's hard to keep everything organized as you go as you catch fish as you make food uh you know putting everything back in its proper place the way you packed it it gets hard and it's easy to not want to but it makes all the difference in the world uh not only for when you need it again you know right where to go for all your stuff but uh definitely for a peace of mind as well I mean there really is something to uh there really is something to be said for being well organized and uh what that does for your mental process it's it's a huge boost being clean getting clean which is going to be the next step after I put all the stuff away is changing clothes washing my hair all that stuff well I've got something like five separate videos filmed over the course of the last couple of days in addition to the one that you're watching so I had this issue where I could tell I was getting dehydrated and I was starting to hurt and um I just kind of started shaking a lot so my sister texted me she's got like a masters um she's working on her Masters and like um Sports Medicine and she's like you need electrolytes like just as simple as that so I ended up getting some proper proper food um not a huge fan of Chick-fil-A generally speaking but I was as fast it was easy and what I really wanted the lemonade that they have I've this is I'm working on my second one right now and I feel loads better already but I'm in this parking lot just chilling out for a minute and look there's all these Ibis out here and uh there's some storics too I saw a massive historic a moment ago sitting on the fence I'm gonna try to see if I can give one of these Ibis a french fry oh look at you where am I [Music] all right spinning rods ready we're next to a freeway but as is often the case with the videos I do right next to that freeway is an amazing canal loaded with fish there that's what I'm gonna throw down there I'll slam Shady saltwater plastic with just a weedless weedless hook on it somebody's SketchBook which is another one that's really good I don't see a wait I'm assuming that's the artists I don't know why your sketchbook's down here in the canal but you're damn good look at that that's good stuff wherever you are you're talented keep at it yep fish on yes yes finally oh these guys man all right let's get them unhooked I'm not keeping this one where's my bag there it is wow look at this guy look at that look at that tail these guys are insane all right let's get him back watch him go it's so cool to watch him in the water there he is oh I have been fishing all day today and uh just nothing I've seen a few Snakehead follow the bait I've been trying to shoot tilapia I've been trying to catch peacock bass just nothing happening well it feels great to get a fish all right let's get our battery swapped out and keep going run wow what the hell is this I don't gosh oh he's going out and he's going out he jumped what is that what have I hooked he's big what did I hook
Channel: WILD LIFE
Views: 147,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish, fishing, snakehead fishing, kayak fishing, fishing in a kayak, fishing for snakehead, topwater fishing, fishing with frogs, bass fishing, fishing for bass, florida fishing, car camping, van camping, camping in a car, van life, shark fishing, sharks, dock monster, dock fishing, stealth camping
Id: i34oO0gHBpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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