Nothing Phone (2) 開箱實測!Glyph燈條全功能解析!效能測試|相機實拍|續航表現|充電速度|系統特色|胡少
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Channel: 胡少HuShao
Views: 4,388
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Keywords: Nothing Phone2, Nothing, Phone2, Glyph燈條, 發光的手機, 獨特的手機, 3C, 開箱, 實測, 胡少, HUSHAO, nothing phone災情, nothing phone 2評價, nothing phone 2台灣, nothing phone 2台灣上市, nothing phone 2價格, nothing phone 2災情, nothing phone 2規格, nothing phone 2實測, nothing phone 2
Id: TYyY1thW1xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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