Nothing Else Matters by Metallica - Danish Guitar Performance - Soren Madsen
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Keywords: Nothing Else Matters, Metallica, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Sรธren Bรธdker Madsen, soren madsen,, danish guitar performance, acoustic fingerstyle guitar, classical guitar, spanish guitar, metallica guitar cover, nothing else matters guitar cover, metal cover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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The grace of his playing was unexpected, very nice.
I imagine this being played in a Westworld scene during a killing spree.
Can someone who knows something about classical guitar music tell me if this is a composition comparable with other famous classical pieces? Or if it's just a good song that sounds decent when arranged for classical guitar? do Battery!
If I were ever sent to medieval times in a time machine I would pick up a guitar and blow their minds with this song. I would be a bard god.
As a guitar player, I'm marveling over the right hand use. It's so deceptively complex what's going on there. The left hand is barely on the screen 1/3rd the time because . . . that right hand! My favorite guitarist all time frequently gives the same advice when asked about playing guitar:
- Use hearing protection! Tinnitus sucks!
- Master your right hand technique. The left hand will catch up.
I realize now after playing for so long that I'm leaving so much nuance OUT of my performance by just using one consistent type of strumming for everything.
watch lars send him a S&D
I was hoping he would have incorporated the guitar solo into that; that would be tricky given the high notes though.
Now do classical gas.