Note Toolbar Gives Your Obsidian Notes Custom Toolbars

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good morning um my name is Cameron today let's talk about note toolbar note toolbar is a obsidian plugin that lets you put toolbars on top of your notes I just became aware of it it's only got under 900 views or downloads installs so as you can see we've got a little toolbar that pops up it uh sticks to the top right underneath the properties of the note if you have any and it seems like you know it's kind of flexible you can also do call in the middle of a note and so I'm I've got installed on the uh sandbox uh uh Vault that I've got and um I'm just going to dig in and see how easy it is to use see if it's uh interesting useful any of that this plugin is by Chris gurnie by the way the GitHub page obviously has um a lot of uh links to examples and stuff like that so here we are in the settings for the note toolbar uh very plain we've got what property name do you want to use for the um the yaml uh front matter key that will um automatically add a Toolbar to a notes Here we can map um different folders We have to different toolbars so we don't have any toolbars yet so let's go ahead and make a toolbar the best toolbar Styles border empty space items sticky mobile Styles okay so you can have it appear differently in Mobile in a way that I guess you can choose right align items left and line items sticky not sticky float left versus um the desktop okay we got the label we got tool tip ooh you can give it a tool tip a custom tool tip I like that quite a lot um URI command file hide on mobile right on desktop um so each toolbar you could have um a mobile and a desktop version of them either entirely like um a set of like everything that's on desktop can be hidden on mobile and vice versa or you can have some buttons that appear on both uh that's very useful so let's just make some buttons that link to uh files that we have uh in the vault path to file okay with extension boom add another one what's this plus here select icon all right does this uh give me any does this give me uh start type in plugins make I can't see it so I'm going have to I guess I'll have to uh like flip through here and pick something uh images formatting images this one's in formatting images. MD right there we go icon picture and picture Okay default applies to all unless overridden so border evenly space items sticky sounds good let's do a folder mapping first let's toss this on um format so anything in the formatting thing oh we already saw right down here right down here I saw that move so it's automatically like right away liy split there we go start here how to use images that's pretty nice now start here because that's not in the same folder does not have that um does not have that toolbar which makes complete sense and images of course was where we were let's go to another formatting note that I'll have it right here how to use so let's go to start let's go to the properties note toolbar the best toolbar boom oh right away look at that boom how you use IM just start here so even though start here is outside of that folder that we mapped to the plugin we can easily just have it use it as well so that's very cool and then of course I'm sure if we go to Source mode oh it's got it right up there um so even Source mode has it but yeah so there's no there's nothing in the um the note here so this isn't going to mess with the actual using in the top toolbar like the automatic mapping stuff and this won't do it the call outs obviously will leave some sort of U markdown in your folder or in your file that um you know wouldn't apply to places outside of obsidian if you're editing it in um tyor or vs code or whatever um that's just going to be call outs so command so let's do a command one let's do another one this is pretty interesting I think oh I didn't even check the tool tips let's uh we'll try the tool tips Hogle toggle toggle can we toggle light or dark mode okay so maybe we can't it's unfortunate all right let's use light mode all right let's give this uh a shot so we got start here how to use images these will just link to notes toggle light mode oh amazing toggle dark um oh wait toggle light light dark I don't know what I'm doing right now but let's keep it it's cool this is so silly but it's fun right it's fun so like obviously this is kind of like a little decadent a little little unnecessary right but it's fun I like that um if there was if we could do one switch that toggled I would like that but you know whatever it's fine but I do kind of like the idea of doing because a lot of people like to do like dashboards and like kind of um Advanced extravagant homepages and stuff like that that kind of um aggregate information from a whole bunch of different areas of the maybe it pulls in like API like task data from some app they use or whatever people really like to go like um you know overboard I would say but hey if they're having fun no judgment right but people love that I could see you doing you know a toolbar that's only on that top uh that dashboard page of yours that has all these sort of like settings that you like to mess with that you can just click on off whatever and just you know it's like it like takes those settings that you know you kind of like to mess with a little and um puts them into that dashboard for you um let's hover let's hover this is where we start all right all right good good good so super simple to use and not only is it super simple but I think this is something that can probably be very useful for people so let's get rid of the uh evenly spaced items let's all right as expected very simple um let's get rid of that top and bottom border see if we like it see if we like it I like it it's fine um I definitely prefer it with the Border just the kind of Separation maybe but I don't know let's um okay let's let's change this one to a command all right so now we've got start here we've got insert template now toggo light Target toggo dark light dark this is going to be uh I think this is going to be a very nice one boom then you just pick whichever template you have so I've got a couple templates pick that boom boom all it adds salutations and woi going to be a template that's going to be very invaluable to me going forward so let's go to uh one of the lists um insert template boom insert template warning warning warning all right think that um the folder mappings on the property to add tool Wars there pretty damn cool pretty damn cool generate toolbar call out containing your bookmarks example okay so I had assumed that the not that the call outs would be um you know a call out that has the name of a predefined toolbar in there that does not seem to be the case okay so it's like a full flag multi-line call out that takes an unordered list an unnumbered list and turns it into a call out and you can even just not even have a link there again like the call outs are going to kind of add you know some CR to your uh your actual markdown there again just use your judgment on what you're comfortable with as far as that goes but um let's uh let's play around okay so we got plugins Vault oh and we got the we got the the hover card now I saw one I saw this one that had data view in there okay so I have just gone through copied the uh data view call out thing from the GitHub and I've put it in the note here so if I click this there's nothing to show this uses file. start I assume that that's still the terminology even though the starring files has long gone now and it's just bookmarks so I'm just going to go through I'm going to bookmark a couple things there you go oh you just had to do a little refresh freshy let's bookmark that bad boy yeah there you go see so now we've got that one daily note I added these are all just bookmarked notes all right there we go and so you can use the same list of uh styles from this drop down you can put that same exact uh stuff in here on the call out so if we go um I I have to try sticky and see if you can sticky one of the inline ones that seems a little interesting right so this one go even and I just added comma borders and boom we got the borders there um I wonder if we can sticky it so that uh an a data view call out would be at the top of uh the note let's close it and just reopen it that has to uh might need uh might need to be restarted no oh it does oh so if you do a sticky to an inline one this is cool useful I don't know yet but it's cool so we've got the main toolbar that uh is here because of the property and that's sticky and so we can see that as we scroll that continues to stay on top now coming down to the next the inline the call out one The dww Bookmark that I have also told to be sticky you can't I just pointed out with my finger but let me use the mouse that I'm also told to be sticky through the uh Styles there but obviously that's not going to be sticky we got this guy up here but look at what happens it replaces the sticky header from the property value there so this is very cool I mean I I know a lot of people don't really like long notes but like let's say you've got a um a you know a single note that goes over a whole bunch of different um you know like aspects of like a game right like a tabletop RPG or something and you can have each little section have its own unique toolbar as you scroll through so like um it could be like links to relevant like um say it's like covers like combat right well as you scroll down and you get to part that explains like how certain enemies work or whatever you can have that tool bar replace the top one now youve got links automatically that will go towards um relevant notes in the vault um stuff like that right um and as you scroll down and move on to different aspects of combat right you're not talking about monsters anymore now you're reading about how weapons work well now you've got links up there that go to different weapon uh things in your Vault and all that like I don't know there's cool stuff you can do and um I'm hoping that people out there smarter than me will uh will do that so that's pretty cool I think this is a great plugin especially with um data view I think that the um the possibilities are endless the world is your oyster and all of that note toolbar Chris gurny get it on GitHub get it on the community plugins uh installation uh page in your uh local obsidian Vault all right see you e
Channel: Animal Cracker Studios
Views: 2,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Obsidian, Software, Note taking, Plugin
Id: JA8RP6PrexQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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