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This video is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Our sole motivation in making this film was our love for aviation and DCS World. We do not endorse racial, religious or any other type of hatred. This video contains swearing and is recommended to those 18 or older. We hope you never see war yourself and have a pleasant watch! WINGS OF BROTHERHOOD VIRTUAL PILOT COMMUNITY AVIABK.RU Russian Aerospace Forces Airbase Khmeimim ATC here! Oleg, hey! Is that your crew hauling that Hercules over here? Uh, yeah. Volodya's flying it. ETA 40 minutes. Well, listen. Our very friendly neighbors have sent their F-16s to intercept. Whoa. What's he carrying? Not a clue. Medium-range humanitarian aid and all that shit. Scramble an alert crew and cover him. Great start to the fucking day... Alright, roger. Get to it. Alert crew, scramble immediately! I need satellite data, pronto! 252, you're cleared for startup. Taxi to one seven, left when ready. One seven, left, copy. 272, starting. 252, taxiing. 272, starting taxi. Latakia, 252. Lined up and ready for takeoff. 252, you're cleared for takeoff. Once you're airborne, set course 270 for intercept. Copy, set course 270. 272, mil power. Brakes off! AB. Topol, 252. We're on course, altitude two thousand. Topol to 252. Climb to five. Okay, people, listen up. There's an unmarked aircraft with our crew 120 clicks ahead. Unknown cargo. A flight of two F-16s took off to intercept. Make your presence felt and cover our guy. Do not push it. We hope they scurry off. 252, roger. Climbing to five thousand. Oh, and keep your radar off. Silent entry. These guys do like to pick fights. Copy. Uh-oh. Would you look at that... Hello, you two. Yeah, right. Topol, this is 227. Intercepted by two F-16s. They’re being belligerent. 227. Keep it cool, Volodya. Cover inbound. Don't change course! Wasn't planning to. 227, roger. Hurry up, fellas! Hello there! Move over! 227, you on this channel? Yes, yes. I copy. You're right on cue. I've had it with them. We'll handle it. - Got a lock on the other one, Kolya? - Affirmative! This here thing is ours, mister! Topol, 252. Tackling the situation. 252, Topol. Confirm visual on the satellite feed. Kindly get the fuck out, bud. It's like a Wild West out here. What do we do with them? Damned if I know. Guess we push them off. The hell? Missile incoming, pop flares, pop flares! Here we fucking go! Missile trashed! The fuck are they doing?! Topol, 252, engaged defensive! Will you quit spinning?! Topol to 252. Hold your fire! 252, roger! Kolya, I’ve locked on to mine! How you holding up? Good tone, can engage. Kitty, kitty, kitty. Talk to us, Oleg! We won't be spinning here forever! Wait, goddammit. We're on it! We're going head on! Just tail him and wait! I'm on him like glue. Doing fine! 252, you're cleared hot! Make it clean, though. We don’t want this to get too messy. Green light, Kolya, fuck him up! Roger, engaging! Missile away! Got him, got him! Kostya, you okay? Lighting 'im up! He's down! Topol, this is 252. Both targets down. I can see two chutes. 252, Topol. Copy! Return course 90. 252 to 227. Welcome to our friendly little airbase. Open the trunk for inspection. That I can. Needed to air it out anyway. Hey, Kolya. Come check this out. Whoa. Have a safe landing, 227! Thanks, people! I kinda thought that was it. We live one more day, Volodya. WINGS OF BROTHERHOOD VIRTUAL PILOT COMMUNITY MODS USED: DCS SUPER HERCULES MOD BY ANUBIS MUSIC USED: PROJECT 12 MUSIC SLIPKNOT - BEFORE I FORGET FEVERKIN - OCTOBER Translated by: Nikolay Yelesin Edited by: Nikolay Yershov Proofread by: Saendbeard
Views: 4,509,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviabk, су 27, авиация, herkulesmod, dcs world, авиасимулятор
Id: you-Pyujnao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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