Not So Joyful - A Week In The Life

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hey everybody Welcome to the next weekly Vlog today is a very special day it is n's birthday so in a little while we'll be heading over to n's for a birthday party I'm really looking forward to it I'm going to be making some baked beans to take with us granddad's making um like burgers and hot dogs and stuff like that so uh we're just kind of getting started on our day and Hannah's finished up her breakfast she had a scrambled egg with the leftover fajita stuff like steak and and U Peppers delicious I had an egg and some biscuit and some delicious coffee and Jessica's in her room Jessica ate earlier she had left over biscuit and gravy and now she's been texting and stuff like that so I'm heading to my room I've got a whole video to edit before I start cooking which I need to start cooking around 10:00 what time is it 8:49 8:49 I gotta go get busy D hey dlan I'm gonna go start the beans hey everybody it's 12:19 I'm on my way to nany and grandads are having a party for Nan's birthday I left everybody at home so I could go a little early to help out Hannah's going to be bringing the the baked beans that I made and the poodles are coming so we're going to have a big time just don't to I could remember which one I how is Nan's cake good n's birthday cake oh yeah it's Monday morning I've been doing some organization trying to get started with my week kind of in a gloomy mood to be honest with you um trying to ignore that and just keep on keeping on what all are we going to get up to today I'm not sure I think Jessica's looking forward to running some errands with Marlo the poodles are catching up on some sleep we had fun at nones yesterday the poodles uh were invited and they went and uh we all had a really fun time but they're tired from all the excitement and then um it was a big birthday for Nani she turned 80 so um that was exciting to celebrate that with her I don't think we have any really big plans this week we'll just have to watch and see what unfolds going from here it is 5:54 this is my second clip of the day I spent my entire day in my room working I only left my room today for breakfast and lunch and otherwise I stayed in my room with my door closed and my heater on it was cozy quiet warm I could focus and concentrate and I call that a winner of a day so now Miss Hannah and I are out running an errand last night was sleep overnight and Jessica is not sleeping quite as well and um so we didn't go to sleep right away and I'm looking forward to going to bed tonight anyway off we go it's Tuesday the last day of January oh no no oh the okay it's not the last day it's the next the last day of January and I'm sitting here with Hannah and we're just having our breakfast to get our day going delicious we made some homemade bacon and egg biscuits we had leftover biscuits um I hear Marlo and Jess have a plan to run errands today and later today Jess and I are going to go do some cooking at Nathan's she's looking forward to going and checking on Dana Dan's been coughing I got to go check on [Music] her going what you doing crazy P I wanted to show him that there was nothing on The Mantel and then while I had him he was like here what is happening a huge dirty garbage oh my gosh I have a special request yes ma'am I would request that you and Marlo today put away your Christmas tree decorations it's time has to be done before February why just a rule what it's just a rule what the heck is happen what are you doing hey what are you getting ready to do go out to lunch what out to lunch don't worry about it Hannah it's none of your business oh my gosh none of your business I can't believe that two things I have one of the rules is that I I do have to work tonight okay what's the other rule well the other rule is that Nathan doesn't have to work late at night yeah cuz he's retired right right okay right right mhm mhm all right well are you sure it's none of my business it's really not blast it s so if she does it again I'll let you know okay let you know look look no look no no look at it I'm not looking guess what J what I'm not going to look at it yes you are yes you are my business yes you are yes you are it's your business so I'm not going to look at [Laughter] it look no look at this mess Hanah I don't want to don't look at look at this mess oh my God gosh it's already garbage it is garage all right you girls have fun thanks Hannah you're welcome H and I are having lunch and look what we made we made some homemade nachos tortilla chips shredded cheddar shaded mozzarella little bit of grilled onions that I had left over little bit of tomato and these field peas that Hannah and Jessica are so fond of they add an excellent flavor because it's like Smokey delicious like so good I have two biscuits and two potatoes oh my gosh what did Nathan find at Aldi look what he found oh my gosh look at the you see this go just like McDonald's yeah see thiso see this I've never had this I need to get some of these like this you sure do happy yes I am you two all right how many were I was I going to have I think you're going to have two also okay you are then who else is going to have some no what about Dana yeah she's GNA have half a one mhm should we just cook one more for bonus yeah just yeah maybe I'll try one I think you should you think I should okay I really think you need put that on there so there we go okay so everything's good I want to buy some of these kind because I've never had these freaking things at home with this are they your favorite they are my brand new kind called oh my gosh that's called hash brown patties they're brand new they're like C them as you go one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 how many are you eating two making extra for a reason how many was that there there's some left there 12 13 14 15 I think that's all well good grief did you say you're making more for a reason yeah just for extras are you helping Aunt Dana I am she's still coughing oh my gosh you're getting her some water I am she's been sick with bad bad bad a bad case of bronchitis and that's what I'm having to study about okay yep y all right big breakast looks like like you have you want a spoon or a fork a spoon excuse me all right Jess just got back home from her outing with Granddad and she's got a few things to open Jess let me read you this note first okay Jess I hope you enjoy your waterproof cards I got you a sleep shirt because it looks like you pretty if it doesn't fit there's a receipt to exchange it God bless good one your joy much love from Kim what is it a shirt I don't know oh a sleep shirt she says oh you're right you're right water proof cards waterproof cards the shirt and the cards are from Kim what kind of waterproof are these oh black the black gold ones that you like waterproof let me see y those are waterproof yep they are they sure are yeah these are sure waterproof they sure are they sure are well that is a cute sleep shirt I love that that is so cute Jess we'll wash it and let you wear it okay what would you like to say to Kim thank you Kim I like it I appreciate that yeah hey everybody guess what it's already Friday I've done a very poor job of making video clips this week I've been pretty open with people um over the years about my long-term relationship with depression and I don't even know if I'm having an issue with depression I definitely am having some sadness and um but anyway that seasonal effect of disorder too though yeah so um I've been semi caving and um just not having my camera out quite as much but I'm out of the house today with Hannah we are about to just run a couple of basic errands um paying taxes and stuff like that and then we're going to go by the winery where we I don't know if you saw our video um it's on do stuff go places where we went on a winery tour a and um anyway we're going to go by they're they're releasing a new wine today called cotton candy is that right I think that's what she said it called something like that so we're gonna go do a little taste test of that and see if we want to get a bottle and maybe grab some lunch while we're out we did not do a caring for the caregiver Wednesday um Sunday was Nan's birthday and we we all went out to her house for her birthday and then the next day she woke up sick and she's been very sick this week although she's feeling some better today but she um hasn't been able to eat much and she's lost some weight this week so we sure hope she hurries and gets better soon but she just didn't really feel like out yeah she wasn't up for a Wednesday outing tomorrow is a really big day and uh somebody has a birthday tomorrow it's me so we're going to be doing some fun stuff tomorrow and uh making a dessert and some apps and hanging out and having fun here's their little miniature Vineyard they have a real Vineyard somewhere else but they've got some some vs here they do a up pick here whenever the they're ready ready and so we've got to we've got to keep an eye on that and do that yeah all right let me tell you what I got us here we got two bottles of this cotton candy wine that's brand new came out today brand new today it has a Musky D base it has cotton candy grapes and blueberry blueberries um it was sweet but not too sweet so was delicious and we'll probably have some of that for birthday tomorrow and this is some five pepper jelly it's just some hot pepper jelly that we'll have over some cream cheese tomorrow for the birthday what you GI uh chicken peran sliders they've got balsamic and basil on them and I got some um Margarita flatbread I don't think we talked about um our lunch we are finished and on our way home but our lunch was delicious so good mine was the best flatbread that I've ever had and um Hannah really enjoyed her sliders delish so another good experience at Jonathan's I think we're going to come out today and and put up the hammock and um just try to let nature do its thing in terms of mental health and feeling better it has been an interesting week for me in terms of I've been feeling very down um it happens sometimes it's just it's just life it's just life and when I'm feeling particularly sad or low and I feel like you know I don't feel like I have anything to share like I don't like we like to share our joyful life and it's not that we don't want to share the times that are not joyful I just don't feel like picking up the camera during those times I don't feel like um I don't know it's just much more difficult to do that during those times and I think um I'm okay with talking about it and mentioning that I'm going through that but it didn't necessarily mean I feel like picking up the camera and doing stuff about it during those times if that makes any sense at all coming up next week we're going to have a different kind of week therefore next next Vlog will be very different Bad Daddy's going on a trip so he will be gone out of the house for a few days so that'll be different and um we'll see what we get up to and today is Hannah's birthday so we're going to be having a just a kind of a birthday day and we started our day off with pancakes and Hannah's got some friends coming over we're going to play some games we're going to do some painting for fun um have snack kind of foods stuff like that so that's going to be a fun time and I'll put that on next week's Vlog so next week's Vlog will be full of activity of of different things going on if you follow us or if you don't follow us on our other platforms we do have a page on Facebook and on the Facebook page I post I usually post a video of the morning where we're in the kitchen and Jessica's helping make her breakfast and I usually post a video of the even evening which is often uh whatever I'm cooking for dinner or uh some new recipe we've tried and the reason why we post a lot of food videos on Facebook is because um when we're not in the kitchen we're usually working and so when we're in the kitchen it's a good opportunity for us to pick up the camera we're in the kitchen a pretty good bit since we all work from home and we're home a lot so that's why there's a lot of food stuff on Facebook and we're also on Instagram if you want to follow us there we do Post there uh three or four times a week we try to put something there and then um also here on YouTube we do some community board posts and also post some shorts throughout the week we appreciate yall watching and hanging out with us and we'll see you next week
Channel: Sharing A Joyful Life
Views: 14,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: week in the life, a week in the life, week in my life, week in our life, autism family, autistic, depression, sadness
Id: h4jjaIhTvZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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